Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

7 Powerful Results of Fasting

7 Powerful Results of Fasting - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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7 Powerful Results of Fasting - Morning Prayer

(air whooshing) - Hello, this is Adnan McSoo, the founder of Vision Television Network. Greetings to you from Canada right now. I am so pumped up, Pastor Sean Pinder is having a conference August 13 to 15. It's gonna be a three nights of miracle experiencing the extraordinary power of God. I'm telling you, if you need a miracle, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, this is the place to be. If you're working on that day, make sure schedule your vacation time on that day. So you can come soak in the blessings, the power, the anointing of God in that place. I'm telling you, it's gonna be a phenomenal myself. My family's gonna be there and we're gonna have a phenomenal time at this three night gathering of believers, non-believers are welcome. Anybody I'm telling you, you can bring to the conference, they might come empty handed, but they're not going to leave empty handed. Their life is gonna be changed. And I'm telling you, to Pastor Sean, when he puts the conferences like that, you can't take it lightly. You know why? Because these conferences, you're gonna get an impartation, you're gonna get a blessings and miracles, healing, deliverance in your life. And these are just only a few words that I wanna say, but there's many more great high expectations. Come with that great high expectations because great things gonna happen in this conference. And make sure you go on Facebook, Sean, Pinder, or YouTube. Find out more about this conference because I'm telling you, you cannot miss it. If you got a vacation on these dates, maybe reschedule your vacation on a later date, but make sure you attend this conference. Thank you very much. God bless you. ♪ An awesome God ♪ ♪ Come on church, how great thou art ♪ ♪ You are God ♪ ♪ And mighty I am miracles ♪ ♪ We stand in awe ♪ ♪ Of your holy name ♪ ♪ Tell them Lord, Lord we bow ♪ ♪ And worship you ♪ ♪ Sing it awesome God ♪ ♪ Awesome God ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are God ♪ ♪ And mighty I am miracles ♪ ♪ We stand in awe ♪ ♪ Of your holy name ♪ ♪ Lord we bow ♪ ♪ And worship you ♪ Come on and sing it with me. ♪ Awesome God ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ ♪ You are God ♪ ♪ And mighty I am miracles ♪ ♪ We stand in awe ♪ ♪ Of your holy name ♪ ♪ And Lord we bow ♪ ♪ And worship you ♪ ♪ He's the king of kings ♪ ♪ Lord of law ♪ Sing it with me. ♪ King of kings ♪ ♪ Lord of law ♪ ♪ Everlasting king ♪ ♪ Saviour and demon ♪ ♪ Soon coming king ♪ ♪ King of kings ♪ ♪ Lord of law ♪ ♪ Everlasting king ♪ ♪ Saviour and demon ♪ ♪ King of kings ♪ King of kings, Lord of lords, everlasting king. Savior, redeemer, soon come and king. King of kings, Lord of lords. Savior, redeemer, he's awesome. He is awesome. Come on. He's awesome. My God is awesome. He's awesome. Awesome, God. How great thou art. Thank you, Jesus. You are God. And by T.R., your miracles we stand in awe of your holy name. Thank you, Master. Lord, we bow and worship you. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, me and Pastor Amy, we join our faith, which are wonderful people here on this morning, minister to them, encourage them, strengthen them, give them victory. God, you are on our side. The battle that we are facing, it's not ours. It belongs to the Lord. I pray that the Word of God that we share with your people on this morning would help them. It was minister to them. It would bring clear instructions into their lives on what they need to do. The next steps they need to take. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray, somebody say, amen. On this morning, I want to share with you, as we talk about, you're never alone. I want to talk about seven powerful results of fasting. Fasting is not one of the most popular topics in the church, because fasting has to do with self-denial. Fasting has to do with subduing the flesh. Jesus had a whole lot to say about fasting. Fasting deals with self-denial. Jesus said, "If a man wants to follow me and be my disciple, he must first deny himself. Take up his cross daily and follow me." Wow. Jesus said, "You've got to take up your cross daily. You've got to deny the flesh and some area in your life daily. Of course, we can't fast. Of course, we can't fast. Every day, amen. You may be able to pull off a partial fast on a daily basis. But self-denial is important in the kingdom of God. In the kingdom, the way up. If you want to be promoted and vindicated, you've got to humble yourself. If you want more, you need to give. Come on, somebody. That's the way it is in the kingdom of God. If you want to live, you've got to die to the flesh and you've got to die to self. The Lord help us Jesus. So I want to talk about seven powerful results of fasting. I want to take you right into the book of Isaiah 58 verse 6. Isaiah 58 verse 6 says, "Is not this the fast that I have chosen God set? Fasting is ordained by me. I'm the one who came up with fasting. This is a God idea, it's a God strategy to win and give you the victory and give you a breakthrough." He said, "Is not this the fast that I have chosen?" To loose the bands of wickedness. The first thing fasting does is it loose the bands of wickedness. That's a person who's in bondage to sin. It just seems like they can't get out of it. They've taken all the classes. They went to narcotics classes. They went to-- you know what I'm talking about. They went to the drug rehab. And they're still in bondage to that sin, that wickedness. It has a hold on them. And it just seems like they can't be set free well. I got good news for somebody. God says, "When you fast and loose the bands of wickedness, glory to God, my, my, my." It sets them free from that wickedness, from that sin, from that bondage, from that struggle. Are you hearing me? So the first thing it does is it sets the captives free. Remember Jesus, Luke 4, 18, he said the spirit of the Lord. God is on me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has set me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach recovery of sight to the blind, to opening of the prison door so those who are bound that set in the captives free. The second thing fasting does, he says, to undo the heavy burdens. Have you ever been burdened down with a situation and it just seems like there is no way out? It just seems like the burden that's on you, it just, it's weighing you down, it's sapping your joy, sapping your strength, your love for people, you don't even want to be around nobody. And you just oppress and depress, you just carry in a load. Are you hearing me? Well, guess what? He says, "When you fast and looses "or it unbinds a person that's carried heavy burdens, "the power of God will respond to that fast "and remove that demonic burden, that demonic oppression, "that demonic depression that's placed on somebody "and weighed down and God will restore their joy. "He will restore your joy, he will restore your peace, "or whoever you are praying for "and believing God for he will do it." Many times I'm in church and praying and then Holy Ghost would reveal to me sometimes, this person is carrying a burden, son, you need to pray for them. And trust me, when we pray for them, the Holy Ghost, you can, the whole atmosphere would shift. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) I feel the Holy Ghost right there. The whole atmosphere would shift around that person's mind, their spirit, their soul, that body. You can feel there's a breakthrough. You can feel something was removed. From off of them, those people, they would just weep under that anointing. And when that burden is lifted from off them, you can see the joy and the peace that comes into their face, into their countenance. That's the result of fasting. He unpines a person, he removes that demonic heavy burden. I'm talking to somebody this morning, you are just way down under the load of which you are dealing with. And you asking, you praying, what do I need to do? You need to fast. I heard someone say, if you fast, you'll last. If you pray, you'll stay. (dramatic music) There is something about fasting. Fasting is not twisting God's arm. Fasting is lining up with his word and his will so God can move in your life and on your behalf. When you fast, you are telling God, I surrender. I depend on you. I'm leaning on you. I'm looking to you. You know what the word says, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lay not to your own understanding. In all your ways, in all your ways, acknowledge Him. And he will direct your steps. The third thing fasting does, the third thing fasting does, he says, to let the oppressed go free. Did we in the book of Isaiah 58, 6 is not just a fast and I've chosen to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free. Who are the oppressed? Those who are crushed in spirit, something happened in their lives that devastated them. That left them in a bad state spiritually. They've just given up. They have thrown the towel in. They have just given up on life. They have absolutely given up on life. All hope is lost in their life. They said it's not worth it. I'm through. That's not what the Holy Ghost is telling me to tell you. He's telling me it ain't over until God says it's over. You got to do your part. Just obey Him. You may just be able to fast breakfast. And if you are under the doctors' orders, always so be your doctors' orders. Never jump up and fast and go do something that your doctor didn't tell you to do. In fact, consult your doctor if you're on medicine and you're dealing with stuff. Consult your doctor and ask him what kind of fast can you do? It's just wisdom. It's common sense. God gave us a, He gave us a brain to use. Amen? He gave us common sense. So listen to your doctor, but I'm just saying. When you fast, that person not so pressed. That person who was crushed in spirit bruised up from whatever took place in their lives. Whether it's a betrayal or their financial instincts went haywire and they lost. They suffered great losses financially, lose their home and having delivered family members. I'm here to tell you the Holy Ghost wants you to know when you fast. God will let you go free. He will take your broken heart and mend it together. I preached a message just a few weeks at Miracle Healing Center Church. Jesus, the heel of broken hearts. He said, "Disbrid of the Lord's army because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to bind the broken heart, to bind up the broken heart. That person who's crushed and bruised up from life, from divorce, from financial difficulty, from sickness, from death in the family, from betrayal." Guess what? God sets them free. And because when you fast, it just positions you to receive from God. When you fast, it unclutters your mind and your spirit and positions your spiritual heir to hear the voice of God. That's why Jesus said, "He didn't have ads to hear let him hear what the spirit of God is saying to the church." He's talking about your spiritual heirs, glory to God. And also he says that you break every yoke. The fought thing, fast thing does is it breaks every yoke, not some every, and the word break means to burst, to tear pot, means to destroy, to demolish. Have you ever been trying to get free of certain attitudes and certain sins and certain things in your life, certain bondages? You just seem like you are yoked up to this thing and you can't get out of it. I got good news for you. When you fast and pray to Holy Spirit would pray, you're free from that thing. I've been there, we had to fast and pray and seek God. I know, breakthrough came into my life, set me free, release me from my burden, release me from my crush heart, release me, glory to God. Got three more to go. The fifth thing that happens when you fast is, let me read what Jesus said. Jesus said in Matthew six, I'm gonna read verse 17 and 18, but thou, when thou fastest, a knight thy head and washed thy face, that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy father, which is in secret, and thy father which sees in secret, shall reward thee openly. I know you were thinking, Pastor Sean, you're talking with you and Eve alone. Why are you talking with the fasting? Well, because when you're fasting, he's right there with you. Your father who is in secret with you and who sees in secret, he's right there with you. What's he gonna do? The fifth thing, the fifth result of fasting is, God will reward you openly. He says, your father would she is in secret, shall reward thee openly. The word reward means to deliver. It means to pay off, to discharge what is due, to give back, to restore. Isn't that awesome? And he say, God's gonna reward you openly, openly means publicly. God's not gonna do it in secret. He's gonna do it for the whole world to see. He's gonna display his goodness towards you, his kindness, his love, his favor. Glory to God. Watch this. The sixth thing fasting does is it gives you power to cast out demons. Remember in Matthew 17, 18, 18 through 21? Watch this, 'cause the man brought his demons possessed son to the disciples of Christ and they couldn't help the boy. Verse 18 and Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him and the child was killed from that very hour. Then came his disciples to Jesus apart or privately and said, why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, because of your unbelief, for verily I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you. And then listen to what he says in verse 21, how be it this kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting. Jesus said to cast that devil out, you got to fast. There are some demons that will not move out of your way that will not come out of a person unless someone fast and take authority over that demon and drive him out through the power of the Holy Ghost and in the name of Jesus. He said, this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting, Lord of mercy. And we've cast many demons out of people. But why was it able to take place? Because we have to obey the word of God. No one's above the word. Jesus said this kind can only come out by prayer and fasting. Are you listening? Prayer and fasting cleanses you of unbelief. It just purges you of the doubt in that self and get all of that mess out of the way. And I'm telling you with prayer and fasting because you spend so much time with God and in the word, there's a spirit of faith that comes from that word. Lord have mercy and you are able to speak to the devil and he has to come out in the name of Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Watch this, the seven thing fasting does is your body will be healed quickly. Watch this, listen to Isaiah chapter 58 verse eight because he's still continuing with the benefits of fasting. He says, then show that light break forth as the morning and your help, thy in help shall spring forth. Speerly, glory to God. He said, when you fast, when you pray, when you spend time with God, God said it opens your heart, your mind, your spirit and your body to receive supernatural healing from the Lord Jesus Christ. Exodus 15, 26, he says, I am not, I was, I am the Lord that healed thee and there are many of you tuning into this broadcast. You are believing God for healing. You are believing God for miracle to take place in your body, whether it's cancer, whether it's blindness, whether it's deafness, dumbness, paralysis, Alzheimer's disease, lupus, Hodgkin's disease, heart disease, colon cancer, prostate cancer, cancer of the brain, cancer of the lungs, cancer of the blood, the bones, arthritis, diabetes. Are you listening to me? Something is going on and you need to be healed. Well, guess what? You need to turn your plate upside down fast as long as you can, whether it's a breakfast, lunch, dinner, one, two, three days and remember always consult with your doctor before you fast. But listen, the word clearly says, when you fast in praying, it opens the door for healing. No wonder after Jesus was done with his 40 day, 40 night fast, people will heal by the thousands, by the hundreds and by the thousands. Are you listening to me? And there are times you got to fast, you got to pray, you got to believe God, you got to press it and set that time aside so you can see people delivered, so you can see them heal, so you can see them set free. After our first 40 day, 40 night fast and 99, immediately after that fast, we begin to see people heal deaf-ass open, prayed for people who are blind in one eye or the other and God restore sight to the blind. Seeing the deaf and numb me at Kansas Hill, people would broken legs healed by the power of God, saw people get up out of a wheelchair, by the power of God, people got rid of their crutches from a broken leg and begin to walk. He is a healer, people who heal from heart disease, Kansas, tumors disobeyed out of people's bodies. Why? Because we obeyed God and he did the miracles. And for you personally, you believe in God for healing. Why don't you fast? Seek the face of God, prepare yourself. You know, this is the mistake many people make when they are coming. We're about to host three nights of miracles, August of 13, 14, and 15. We only three weeks away, seven p.m. nightly. But what you gotta realize when you come into a meeting like that, you need to prepare yourself, prepare your heart, prepare your mind, prepare your spirit, do some fasting, even if it's intermittent, intermittent fasting. Just do it, do what you can. Prepare yourself, paved the way for your miracle, paved the way for your healing, because he said, when you fast, your health should be restored speedily. In the name of Jesus Christ, me and Pastor Amy, we cover you, we cover you in the blood, we pray that God would give you the grace, we pray that the Holy Spirit would give you the grace and stir your heart and give you the strength to fast and turn your plate upside down, to spend time with God, to seek his face, because Jesus said, this kind, can only come up by prayer and fasting. We thank you, God, for ministering to your people today, in the name of Jesus, somebody say amen, to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel. Visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account at You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app. Amen, you can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry cell account, the ministry cell email address is info at You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is app shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do, text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a legal automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money all this out to shawnpinda ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano. The Lamb of God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is headed in your direction. You are getting ready to get a miracle. Shown, yes! Pastor Sean and Amy Pinder are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano, Texas. You found devil of sickness. Come out, come out, come out. This young lady had fibromyalgia, Pastor Sean. But what happened tonight? I got healed. Now there's no more pain. Don't run across that platform for me, Sid. Come on, somebody, come on, somebody, come on, somebody, come on, somebody. The dates, August 13 through 15. Doors will open at 6 p.m. night. The event will start at 7 p.m. nightly. Venue, the Plano Event Center, 200E Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas 75074. Join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience the extraordinary and witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. (upbeat music) Never forget me and my beautiful wife, Pastor Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you, our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. (logo whooshing) [BLANK_AUDIO]