The Impulse Show

EP 96 | Bark River Picks

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] >> This is how legends are made. [MUSIC] >> This is how legends are made. [MUSIC] >> Three, two, one. >> And we are live, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. I'm Tiddly Bean. And with me as always sitting there, shortlist with a sick Johnny Holter tattoo on his chest. We have Jeffrey Keiber. >> Yes, Johnny H for the double this weekend. >> Johnny H, all ready, all ready, all ready, all ready. >> What cost? >> Yeah, yeah, you've got nine races. >> [LAUGH] >> I mean- >> No. >> Prolight. >> Okay, I can- >> Yeah, I get on board. >> I mean, I know we're going to do our picks later, but Johnny just needs to do one class. >> One class now? >> Yeah, okay. >> Or like, for me, it's like the pro two's not there, the pro four's not there. They finally got the pro light figured out. >> I feel- >> And I feel like they're just wasting, not wasting, but I feel like they're wasting time and money on the other two trucks right now. When he could put his sole focus on prolight, and I get it, he may be going out of the class after this year. And I know Mike Bananhooval, building him on new pro two. >> There you go. >> And I get all that, but at the end of the day, it's just like, sooner or later you're going to have to start putting focus somewhere. And start really grinding out what you guys want to do. >> Yeah. >> I feel like the other two classes are hindering him from other stuff. >> I'd be okay with him in pro two cuz it's those drives similar. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> And he's going to be in that class. >> Yeah, and he's going to be in that class. >> Yeah, but when you're chasing bugs and everything in the other, well, in all three trucks, essentially, then it's just like, all right, guys, like. >> Yeah, well, hold on, I'll finish that. >> Yeah. >> And then a lot of people. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, I'm sorry, I was in on this one too. >> Yeah, I agree. I mean, I don't agree. I say get rid of the pro four for now, and then pro two pro light. >> Yeah, cuz I mean, look at how much, obviously, we didn't shoot for the grieves at Lina, but look at how much that took off our plate easier. So if you're taking a third of the work away, I mean, you're hoping that then that energy or whatever can be put towards a pro light, or the pro two. >> Yeah, can you imagine cuz it's just what I think he said, it's just him and the buddy during the week fixing all this. >> Yeah. >> So imagine if you take just one vehicle away for those two. >> Yeah, I don't know. >> Like I said, I mean, I get it, like your sponsors want to be happy and they may be wanting you to run all two classes. But at the end of the day is like, is it efficient? >> Yeah, run the two. Get the pro four ready for Crandon. >> Yeah, yeah, I agree. Yeah, I think the occasional like, I guess. >> Cuz I didn't know that the pro four was Keegan's old pro four. >> Well, I didn't know that either. >> Yeah, like looking at it, I was like, okay, all right. >> Well, I mean, you know, maybe it's one of those two, like you said, is whenever the pro four is ready, then you then you race it. >> Yeah. >> You know, kind of thing, or you know yourself all about it. >> Yeah, I'll fall crandon bill. Yeah, like if it's ready for erx, like cuz if I were to choose. Those are the races I would go to is like kind of like an RJ, like a brand in an erx, like a bark river and then fall crandon, you know what I mean? Cuz in those cider tracks, it's like, okay, like, do you really need to be out there with the pro four, unless you're actually a part of the class, probably not. You know, those other tracks are fun tracks and you can kind of then, you know, make it justifiable with how much I say there's a little more forgiveness on those tracks. >> Yeah. And I don't want to say anything that he can't drive or anything, but it's just like, is it hindering from his driving? >> I'll tell you what he can do, can't play more combat saves fucking life. >> Yeah. >> Say that right now. >> If he listens to this, he's gonna. >> Did you guys will pop on him? >> No, not yet. >> No, I was in a little bit pain last night, so. >> I love a good chance too, but I might tonight. >> He texted me at like 1230. >> Yeah. >> He's like, last night he texted me a little earlier, he was like big man, but I was like, no, dude, I'm good. >> Yeah, I've been shitting my guts out since last night. >> It's like 12. >> 12. >> 12. >> Well, I had that stomachache. >> Oh, yeah, yeah. >> It hasn't gotten away at all, so I'm just, I don't know what's wrong with me. >> Yeah, that's, that's what happened yesterday with us on a Monday. >> Yeah. >> We did nine dogs, nine beers, and nine innings. >> Eight and a half innings. >> Eight and a half innings, yeah, I mean, so should we, well, let's, let's, let's take a step back. >> We'll just say we did it. >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> We, we attempted it. >> Yep. >> We attempted it. >> Yes. >> We went for it. >> Yeah, we went for it. >> Yes. >> CJ showed up. >> Yep. >> CJ did show up. >> And speaking of showing up. >> Not many people. >> Yeah. >> Should we just do the talk about the hot dog thing? >> Yeah. >> Yeah, we're still on. >> Yeah, yeah. >> Might as well. >> No, dude. Here's the thing, when we brought it up, when we brought the 999 challenge, like we brought it up. >> Mm-hm. >> People were gun hole on it. >> Yep. >> Like, dude, when are you doing it? When are you doing it? >> We'll be there. >> We got by us. >> Yeah, we'll be there. And I was like, all right, hey, man. So I was trying to figure out a date. And unfortunately, man, I don't know what to tell you, but that series, whatever type of baseball it is, they end their season ends basically this week and next week is like playoffs. >> Yeah, I think they got, he said what, six more games? >> Yep. >> Yeah. And at the time when we brought it up, I think it was what, like end of June, maybe? So it's like, okay, now you're trying to pick dates in July, and none of them are really kind of like matching up or even look ideal for our schedule. >> Yep. >> And I was like, okay, well, let's go just near the end. And I saw August, and it was like one of the last Monday games in a 635, otherwise other games are away, or it was like an afternoon Sunday game. >> Mm-hm. >> And I was like, okay, well, this is what we can go with. This is probably our best option. And I said it. I was like, hey, man, August 5th. >> Yeah. >> 635. >> Yep. >> You know what I mean? >> Oh, no. >> You've been posting our seats. >> I've posted our seats, man. Like what section we're going to be in, what row, what seats, and only one showed up. >> Yep. >> One. >> One person showed up. >> One. >> Crazy Joe. >> Crazy Joe. >> Yes. >> Supported us. >> Yeah. >> Supported us. >> You even attempted it with us for a little bit. >> Yep. >> Homeboy got four dogs then. >> Yep. >> And two drinks. >> Yep. >> So good for him. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> And those dogs. >> Or not. >> But so I mean, I mean, again, you got, you know, guys like Jacob Blemke. >> Yep. >> Just guess where he was, Monday night. >> Down the road. >> Dairy down the road. >> Right down the road. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> You know, right down the road at Stadium View. >> Mm-hm. >> Lied to me to my face. Oh, I'll do it. I could get off work. I could make it happen. >> Yep. >> Lied to me. >> Yep. >> And then he got Corey Holcher. I was like, hey, big man, like, come do this with me. And then he was messaging me last night and he was like, oh, well, you didn't tell me what day it was. Like, I don't know how much more I could have. >> Yep, yep. >> Shared the information. >> Exactly. >> Day time. >> Your seats even. >> Yep. >> So he wasn't there. >> And know who I'm disappointed at. He lied to us. He was drunk a little bit, maybe. But Joey. >> Joey Moss. >> Joey Moss. >> Yeah. >> He said he was going to be there. >> Yep. >> He threw a maybe. I was like, hey, you know what maybe means in our culture. >> Yeah. >> No, it was not happening. >> Yeah. >> No. And then he was like, no, and never might, I'll be there then he said. >> Yep. >> Not there. >> Not there. >> Yeah. >> Just a typical white. >> Yeah. >> A bunch of whites. >> Mm-hmm. >> CJ's the only one trustworthy. >> Yes. >> Mm-hmm. He's crazy. >> Joe. >> Into that brotherhood. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> But no, it was fun though. >> Dude, it was a lot of fun. >> It was a lot of fun. And you know, I was raining and everything too, but we made the best of it. >> We should go to more of those just to hang out. >> Just to hang out. >> And support. >> Yeah. >> To chat and with the players. >> Yeah. >> The players even knew about the challenge. >> Yeah. That was a lot of fun. >> Yeah. >> You know us. We made some noise out there. >> Yeah. [ Laughter ] >> Maybe knowing what we were doing. >> Yeah. >> It helped too because there was the warm up mound. It was like right in front of our seats. >> Yeah. >> Like right in front of us. >> Yep. >> And now we got there. And I don't know if it was before we walked in the gate or not. But I think I told Lyle, I was like, the only thing I'm worried about in this entire challenge are the size of the dogs. I was like, because when I shared that picture, Lyle brought it up to me too. He's like, "Yo, those are the size of the dogs." He's like, "We might be in trouble." >> Yeah. >> And I went back and looked at the picture and I was like, "Holy shit." And I was like, "Those got to be the brat." >> Yeah. [ Laughter ] >> Like, "No way you're giving away fucking dogs that big." >> Yeah. >> You know what I mean? >> Yeah. >> And then we were trying to scout out dogs too because we were trying to get as close to 635 as possible. And now we got up, got the dogs and opened it and I was like, "Oh my God." [ Laughter ] >> This was a fucking nine-brought challenge after that. >> Yes. >> It was a goddamn troll finger roll. But the plus side -- or the plus side of it was it was free hot dog night. Free hot dog night, man. And one of the inks, it was like half-price drinks too. >> So that helped you. >> So that helped you. >> So that helped tremendously. >> So we spent a lot of money doing this thing. >> No. Didn't spend a lot of money. >> No, man. It was really cool to kind of get it together. Oh, that's what I was going to say was I didn't know how many people work at 635 on a Monday. >> Mm-hmm. >> You know what I mean? I'm thinking 90% of people that I probably talked to or said that they'd go or like, "Oh, I got to work." I'm like, "Damn, man. What jobs are you guys working?" [ Laughter ] >> You know what I mean? Like, damn. >> Yeah. >> Switch it up. >> [ Laughs ] >> 635 on a Monday, man. 90% of people were like working. >> Why? Who was working? >> I mean, I don't want to sell everyone out. [ Laughter ] >> But those were the two big names that I wanted to say. It was Corey kind of, you know, broke my heart and, you know, blemky. >> Yeah. >> I mean, blemky being blemky. >> The unicorn. >> The unicorn himself. >> Yeah. >> You know, you got to give Chum some shit because, you know, he's right down the road. Literally stating view. >> Yes. >> Right down the road. >> It's like, with the unicorn, though, it's just like, he did it once and it's like, did you really believe it? >> Yeah. >> And then it never happens again. >> Yeah. So that's the thing. Do you believe in blemky? >> No. >> Mm. >> I think it's a consensus. >> No, right now. >> Yeah. >> So if he was like -- >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> He didn't show up for us. >> No. >> We didn't show up for him. >> Yeah. >> Watch his races. >> Yup. >> Yup. >> Yup. >> Gave him an opportunity to have free content media. >> Yeah. >> We threw it out there for him. >> An opportunity. You said if you beat Ben hiding, you'll get free media. >> Yup. >> Couldn't get it done. >> Yup. >> So we're trying to be there for him. >> And here's the thing. >> I even felt bad for him and I floated him a clip. >> Mm-hm. >> Hasn't posted it yet. >> Damn. >> Really? >> Hasn't posted it yet. >> At least not that I know of. You better look -- >> Yup. >> At the time of this recording on a Tuesday. >> At 2.43. >> 2.43. >> P.M. >> Hasn't been posted yet. >> Let's see here. >> No. >> No. >> Nope. >> Nope. >> Hasn't posted it yet. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Floted him a free clip. >> Yup. >> Yeah. >> All right. >> He rated everything. >> Even little T fucking posted her video. >> Little TT threw it out. >> Yup. >> Yup. >> You know, JQ threw his stuff up. >> Yeah. >> Ryan B. >> Ryan B throws his up. >> Damn. >> Damn. >> See? This is the blem key that we all -- no. This is the blem key that we deal with. >> Mm-hm. >> So this is where -- listen. Our frustrations got to go somewhere right now. Let's check a blem. >> Yeah. [ Laughter ] >> Now -- because here's the thing, too, is when we release this, I'm going to get a message and he's going, "Hey, you bitch." [ Laughter ] >> But no, so no, that was fun, though. >> It was fun. >> We recorded it. >> Yup. >> All on our phones. >> Mm-hm. >> Hopefully have some out sooner than later. >> Let's get today or tomorrow. I'm going to just -- like I said, I got -- got reels, got clips, got client stuff, but want to get started on it for sure, want to have it up by tomorrow. >> Yeah, so no, no. You guys will know the -- just stay tuned. >> Yeah, the results of it. >> It's fun. >> It was definitely a roller coaster. >> Yes, it was. >> Where it started out, you know, like whatever, and then it got to heights. >> Yeah. >> And it was cool by the end that some of the players, like, knew -- >> Yeah. >> -- knew of the -- >> Even the staff. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, the staff. >> But when I tell you it was a struggle, it was a struggle. >> Yes. >> You know what I mean? >> Yes. >> I woke up this morning at 5.30 in the morning out of a dead sleep, bro. A dead sleep. I woke up kind of in a panic. I didn't know what was happening. I thought my insides were kind of like -- you know, like when a black hole opens up and it's just fucking -- [laughter] >> Dude, I felt this, like, pit in my stomach immediately. My eyes shot open. I was like, "Oh, my God." And I had to roll out of bed and get to the toilet as soon as I sat down and go over. >> Five o'clock in the morning. >> Dude, it was like five pounds of hot dog. >> Oh, man. It's going to make me gag. [laughter] >> I don't even want to eat another hot dog for a while. >> Dude, you know, so here's the -- I'm going to a movie tonight, and I usually get a hot dog in popcorn and -- >> You just get into popcorn tonight? >> I might just get, like, a medium popcorn, brother. >> I don't like -- >> I can't. >> I'm blaming you. >> What movies are you? >> Well, I'm going to the -- I do the sinister Sundays. >> Yeah, what -- >> I want to see three movies. I want to see Trap. >> Yeah. >> I want to see Twisters, and I want to see Deadpool. And what's funny is I'm actually going to Deadpool tomorrow with Joey Moss. >> Dude, really? >> I actually might go see Trap tonight, because I want to see a movie. Come with me. >> No. >> The movie you've seen tonight. >> I can't remember what sinister Sunday movie it is. It's probably not even that scary, Jeffrey. >> Nope. >> Nope. >> No. >> See, this is -- >> This is what I mean. >> See how dramatic he is? >> Dramatic. >> I don't even get mistaken. >> I don't even want to welcome mine. >> Hey, hey, hey, you can't see me. >> Hey. >> I'm just letting you know. >> See how he gets? >> Fuck. >> Jeez. >> It's like you know he -- >> You're going to Joey Moss tomorrow? >> Yeah. >> We're going to see Wolverine. 7 p.m. >> Deadpool. >> Yeah, Deadpool. What does he? >> Wolverine? >> Up here? >> Yeah. >> What are you doing tomorrow? >> Tonight? >> Tomorrow. >> See? What are you doing tomorrow? >> Oh, I'm going up north to go grab the pit bikes for this weekend. Go help me. >> Oh, I American Psycho tonight. It's a good movie. >> It's a really good movie. >> It is a good movie. >> It's all trapped. >> Like the -- >> Yeah. >> I know, dude, I want to go see it somewhere. >> You know what we should do? >> No. >> You know what we should do? >> No. >> Kate won't allow you to do it. >> She didn't want to go see it anyway. >> Yeah, that's what I want. >> She want to see trapped? >> No, really. >> She thinks that it gives away the movie already by knowing who is the bad guy. >> I guarantee there's some ain't with the thing in my nose. >> Why wouldn't they do that? >> I'm not sure. >> Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nope. >> And then last Friday, golf update, okay, listen up, all you chumps, all you want to be fucking shit talkers? >> Yes. Thank you. >> And you know, we have the right to shit talkers. >> Exactly. >> Because we got the big check. >> You know what the check says? >> Breaking rights. >> Yeah. >> For a year. >> A year. >> A year. >> We got it done. >> We got it done. >> When none of you guys could. >> And guess what score we got it done with? >> Negative eight. >> Negative eight. >> Negative eight under. >> Yep. >> So we rolled in to Autumn Ridge last Friday. >> Mm-hmm. >> And we had four great golfers. >> Yep. >> And we ended hot, hot, hot. >> Yep. >> And we came in with a score of seven under, we're like, okay, like obviously a score like this, we wouldn't win that tournament up north. So I was like, man, I was like, you know, seven under, maybe something got like a nine and a ten, like maybe, maybe we podium, you know, not really expecting to win this thing. >> No. >> And dude, there were what? Four or five teams? >> No, two for sure, two for sure, maybe that were better than us. The winning team, you're ready, 15 under. >> Damn. >> You play 18 holes, dog. How the hell are you 15 under? >> Damn. >> And here's thing, they want to offer. They won it last year as well. And supposedly came in 15 under. So for all you fuckers that think that we cheated last year, calm golf down at that golf tournament. >> And then go cry to them about eight under seven under seven under seven under right on par seven right on the thing is to if we would hit our lip out birdies, we would have been right around probably 13 for probably about 13. >> Well, we had seven our homeboy has seven lip out like like dude, like literally half the balls in the hole. >> Yeah. >> I couldn't believe it. I think by what the fourth or fifth one I was thrown shit. >> Yeah. I was throwing shit for him, it was brutal on just some of that stuff again. It was hot, but beautiful golf course, actually easy golf course, a lot of years and I thought yeah. But beautiful, it was just, I don't know, hottest fuck was a hot weekend. Yeah. Yeah. But definitely I didn't even stay for any of the prizes just got out there doing these guys were like, they're like, yeah, as soon as we got done eating, I fucking I was, I like guys, I'm leaving. Like, you know, stay friendly. I'm like, fuck this man. I'm over it. Hot dude. It was beyond hot, but breaking rights, breaking rights for a year a year and all you and all you fuckers trying to bring in ringers and everything bring it bring it bring it bring it bring it bring it. We want all of it. I mean, I've golfed once this year guys getting beat by you guys are getting beat by that. Yeah, I got seven times. I'm gonna go. Yeah. I didn't golf much. I'm probably went to the driving range more than I golfed. I'm picking it up after bark. Oh, damn. I've golfed so much. What about our, uh, our things? No, I golf twice then or league. Yeah. That's what I'm counting. I rarely go. Well, we're golfing February. It's catvert. Well, I'm talking like, I'm talking like the summer and yeah, I kind of like the summer, like when golfing's really hot at your party, I think that's the only thing I call March bachelor party. Yep. You got to count those two days. Do you guys at all anywhere? No solo. No. Mark's bachelor party is the last time I golfed. It'll be time. I golfed. I feel like there's another one. I feel like there is to me. I'll just say two times either way, either way we did we golf twice, but anyway, Friday and then anyways, I'm picking it up because even after his podcast, I try to get some of my stuff done. I'm going to drive range. I said, forget about it. Forget about. We're winning. Yeah, we're winning. We're going back to back. Bring the winners. Hey, we come in with like negative two. Yeah. That boy is really choked out when the point is we're winning something. Yeah. What we learned from our, the era of our ways last year, because we kind of were like, what are we doing? Mm hmm. Kind of thing. And then once we figured out what we wanted to do and get a game plan going, then we, then we started crushing ass texting, man. Yeah, I know. Same thing with me. Oh, yeah. I just opened it and closed. Oh, it just goes. Okay. I said, not today. Okay. Who kept? Yeah. Anyway, it's like all dude. Yeah. Anyway. And then Saturday went golfing again, hot, dumb, hung over. And then Saturday night went out, had a good time. Did you noise? I did. I did. Actually it was. Mr. Germanic over here. Oh, so this was something I was like, I feel like I'm going to have to talk with my your therapist about, was just kind of like the, we went out and glows inside of our insights. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we, the bar that we were at Alex, like, hey, we should go to this one bar. It's like an actual club. Like I was like, okay, like how far is it? He's like, oh, it's like a half mile away. Like, like we'll walk there. I was like, okay. Like, normally I'm not a big fan. He's like, if I'm, if I'm in clothes that I'm going out in, I don't want to just sit and sweat in it. You know what I mean? I just want to sit and sweat and stuff that I go out with. Yeah. So I was like, sure. Like we'll go. So we walked, got down there, like a half hour walk. We roll up and the guy goes $20 cover charge a person and we're like, no, like hell no. Yeah. This is Milwaukee buddy. You know what I mean? This is definitely not a sought after area. So we're like, well, what are we going to do? We're going to go home. Something's like should we go strip club? So then the strip club was like, point four miles away and they're like, oh, should we walk there? I'm like, it is fucking 80 degrees. I'm like, I sucked it up to get here and I'm and I'm glistening right now and I'm like, can we please like, just take a fucking, I was like, I'll take a bird scooter there. Yep. And they're like, well, no, no, like, well, we'll, we'll, we'll take it over there. I was like, okay, thank you. Appreciate it. So anyways, by the time we get there, they're, they're walking for, you know, 50 minutes. You know what I mean? It's because it's already like, it's past midnight. Okay. It's past midnight. And what time do bars close? Two. Okay. Two, three. So fact, though, you know, I'm no, I'm no, I'm no math assistant here, but we're maybe not away from Barclays. Did anybody put up a fight when you brought up the whole? No. I ain't too bad. So is our group consensus? Yep. So we got in. And we got there and we get out and we're about ready to walk in and the guy goes, hold up, your boy can't come in. I'm like, why? He goes, he's got athletic shorts on. And I look at him. I'm like, yeah. And I was like, Oh, because we didn't plan on going. I didn't even think twice about it. Like, right? Like if we go out, like whatever, and you wear athletic shorts, like doesn't bother me any, like whatever. And we were like, okay, well, that's fine. Friend of ours tried to get us in, but I was like, they're not going to let us in. Like homeboys got athletic shorts on. Like if you're a girl, if you're a worker there, you see a dude in athletic shorts. You know, so there's a lot that could be happening. So we're like, all right, well, now we're trying to figure out, like, all right, well, let's go. Are we going to go stay on water? Should go to Brady? And they were just kind of digging around back and forth. And we must have been there for 10, 15 minutes, you know, again, they're just trying to decide what to do. Like, I take talk, man, like what are we doing here? It's approaching like one o'clock. Yeah. It's like that night that we went and filmed in Aurora with Chaz, and we went out that night. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's this is what it reminds me of. So, and then I was, and then, so then they looked at me like, what do you want to do? I'm like, can we just please go somewhere? Go somewhere. Can we do something, please, otherwise, like we like, I was like, what time do we leave that first bar? Brothers. And they're like, Oh, well, you're like midnight. I'm like, and what time is it now? It's like one. I'm like, we just wasted an hour. We half of our time is gone. But the thing of it then is like, if you didn't, then why even, you know, I, so that's what's frustrating for me. I can't hear where you're coming from. That's what's frustrating for me. So eventually we made our way to Brady Street and then like, yeah, and guess what time then the last call bar close was two one thirty five one thirty five. Oh, man, I see where you get from because like you want to maximize our time out together because we're going out. We're here to have fun. We're here to go out and hang out. And unfortunately, there's a time constraint on when we can no longer be out. So it's like, let's let's have fun then, otherwise then why then why go here? I get what you said. Thank you. Yeah. I'm glad you get. I understand where you come from. I do. Every group need someone like you. Thank you. You do not. I do. No, you don't. It's because it's him that if we that just makes me laugh because you know how he gets worked up. It doesn't, it doesn't match his aura as attitude the way he is. No aura, bro. He had negative, but it doesn't match that. That's true. Awesome. Like if someone was going to hang out with Tito and he does that, they're going to be like, who the fuck is this guy? Yeah. You know what I mean? And then that's what's funny for me because I'm like, what the fuck like this guy's all about living life like no planes and then he gets like that and it's like, oh, yeah, it's trying to, but you're trying to maximize the fun you're trying to, then I just want to make fun of them. Like damn, that's alcoholism. And yeah, right? Yeah. He goes, yeah. Yeah. I guess a little bit. Keegan. What Keegan say that in the group chat because of the note you left Alex. Oh, yeah. Sign of alcoholism. Oh, because I said, I said I was all shaky. Yeah. Yeah. I'll shake you when I woke up. I was like, Oh, that's why you know, so I think that's something I'm going to, I'm going to bring up to her and what your alcoholism. I get, I get where you that I get while you're like that. But also, Jeff, it's like you wouldn't expect that from you. No, so like I said, that's where I find the funding and I just call them dramatic. Because I think, I think if there's like a generalized plan of what we're doing, because again, if we would have just stayed at that bar, so we went to a bar called brothers and then we went to like a bar on the corner and it's like in the same vicinity, like I wouldn't care what we've done. If we went to three different bars, but at this, at this point, you're leaving that, that main bar area where there are all the bars on our water street to go a half mile away, and there's no other bars around them. It's a club. So you're vacating an area that could be, you know, the rest of the night and you're taking a risk on that. And then now you're going to strip club, which again, I'm down for. And then, and then, you know, the shorts thing, I wasn't even mad about the shorts thing. I was like, Okay, well, then what's the next plan? Like, what do we, what are we doing then? Yeah, I'm, I'm with Alex and those guys are like, yeah, yeah, I'm already like on their survivors, yeah, yeah, we'll figure it out. We'll be somewhere. I was at night when we showed up in Indianapolis, but that's what you, that's where the front group needs some of like him where it gets the, yeah, because for me, I was like, Oh, whatever we do is going to be funny either way. Yeah. If it was like 11 p.m., I'd give two shits less because it's like, we still got three hours left. Yeah. You know what I mean? But we're on. We're running on. All right, boys. Yeah. We just added to it all. Yeah. So I get what you're saying. Thank you. I appreciate you. But let's see. Don't say yeah. Let's see what you said. Yeah. I, I, well, she's probably, you're seeing her democracy tonight, she's going to side with me. How bad? I'm curious to see where she says I, I'm curious to see where I'm afraid of what she says. Yes. I'll say she can be like, well, Tina's got to enjoy the moment with your friends instead of, instead of stressing out about these little things, enjoy the moment of us standing on the street. Exactly. And there we go. Oh, we got a walk a half a mile. Oh my God. We're going to all die today. What are you just saying? Was it not hot this weekend? Yes. And check. Yeah. So you think it just does stop being hot at nighttime? Yes. No, it did not. It did not. Oh, it does not. It did not. Oh my God. We go check the almanac right now. Check. Check, check, check, check. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good story. Hot weather's gone. No. The hot weather is gone. Yep. It rained a little bit last night. We got to wear sweatshirts to the baseball game. Yes. I was actually cold at. I was so comfortable. Mm-hmm. That was good. Because I was saying, I was like, can you imagine last night, let's say last night was like this weekend's weather. No way. I don't even think I would want to even go to a game. I don't know. I mean, I probably would have just. Because it involved drinking. Yes. Yes. Yeah. And throw up some dogs. Put it. Oh, shit. And then. And then so this weekend, Bark River. Yes. 70s. Yeah. Wonderful weather. I think what's the warmest is supposed to be? 75. Oh, look. 75. 76. Yeah. Either way. Not bad at all. Either way. Not bad at a nice break from ERX. Dirt City was a little warm. 74. 74 is the highest. Yep. It's going to be Thursday. It's going to rain a little bit. When we get there. That day is 69, 68 and 74. Yes. Next three days. I'm so stoked. Yeah. We're in sweat. I'm high end. We're in sweat tonight. I'm wearing pants. I'm wearing pants. And everything. It's going to be so nice. Yeah. It's going to be nice and cool. It's going to be nice not having a pound water every 30 minutes. Yes. Yeah. I definitely stay hydrated, but at save time dehydrated during those weekends. I drink a lot of water, but then I crave like a soda. Yeah. You know, oh, that was something I was going to that that reminds me is that, you know, obviously this year we've had, you know, our fair share of clients, you know, we've kind of got a routine down of like what we're doing. I feel like we haven't really gotten a chance to, you know, visit too many pit areas and check out their food. Because it's like whenever we're rolling through, it's either just before lunch or just after lunch. Yeah. So that's, that's probably the only, you know, my big ass is like, the Nat Lina, I'm trying to get you to get tacos. No. And then, and then I guess we'll do it again and we'll do it again. What are you talking about? Food and everything yet, opportunity. And then he was like, and we're driving home. I'm like, where do you want to go? He's like, Taco Bell. I was like, I was like, those tacos look good. No, because I knew that if we, if, if Lyla sat down and ate, we'd be there another hour. Yes. I was with him on that one. I was having a conversation. So like it's different for Jeffrey. He could sit here and talk because he doesn't have the obligations that we have right now. Yeah. I was like, we do, I hope you guys that night stuff. We do have videos to get out and then we had Brian asking and other people asking us like, we just got to get out of here. Yeah. We get out of here. We just got to get out of here. As much as we like hanging around, I was like, we got to leave. It would be, even just, even if we had just one full day, just going around and bullshit would be fucking awesome. Yeah. It would be nice. Yeah. No, and then zero obligation. That's funny. That's funny that you guys even say that too. If the opportunity doesn't rise, we'll come back next year. You know, I was like, and I don't know if I should even say this, but I'll say it anyways. Knowing it has nothing to do with just us was just like, I want to shoot for three teams or one team. Yeah. And just create the most badass epic content that we can do like actual behind the scenes pit. Yes. You know, I look at like Trey Gibbs and stuff. I look at Andrew Carlson stuff and these guys only have one media guy working for them or Trey has multiple, but and then and then Kitzman does an awesome job doing what he does. But if we could just work with one and create a nice like throughout the day content. Yeah. Dude. Be baller. So like, hypothetically, let's say like, you know, Ryan beat, let's say it's Ryan beat. So he's got, you know, different classes of things. So it's not just focused on one, one race guy, but it's like a tent. It's like an environment. Yes. Like a true team thing where then, you know, Ryan can support, you know, Carson Parish and then, you know, white Miller or Christopher Parish, where then you have that dynamic of like mentor and like guys, and it is like a cool, you said dynamic or atmosphere where you're capturing all of that underneath that tent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you've been just me switching the photos and it's still just as hard as doing video. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? And what do you, what do you, what do you have? It's like 3000 or 4000. Oh, yeah. I think that one weekend I was like at six, but I was, it was like such good racing. I was just snapping over and I was at your ex when I had six thousand photos. Yeah. I was just like, Oh my God. I wasn't even looking through the peak hole anymore. Yeah, it's over there somewhere and that's how I got no scope. Yeah. That's how I got, that's how I got the suite, uh, uh, Ricky deep portal, because I was like 360s out there. Yeah. All right. Check this. No, no. Yeah. So no, um, so like just preparing for next year, because I have been talking to, uh, drivers and everything. Yeah. And they've been asking us, uh, pricing and everything and I'm like, but what can you afford? That's the biggest thing. Yeah. You know, I don't want to take a big chunk out of ours, because even if it's, you know, even if it's just Ben, if we just hang out with Ben all day, you know what I mean? And, and do him, he's such a good, funny character and, and I'm, and he'd be down for anything for content. Yeah. He has that Gen Z style and everything and there's got all the riz. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then, and everyone just, and Christine, Christine, Christine, Christine, my RV. Yeah. Yeah. My wife's team. Right. You give up baby mama's name. Right. That comes up. Hey, man. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. But no, so that's what, um, I've been trying to work for two for us. Yeah. And, and, and, you know, just hopefully get some dope ass content. Yeah. I had this, I have this conversation with the media guys when we're out there shooting. I was like, it's like a blessing to curse. It's awesome to have this many clients, but then it's hard to be creative enough for all those clients. Be separately created for every single one. It's like, if someone, and I get it from your point of view, because you have those bad assets. So let's say that you create one bad asset for, let's just say Corey winner. Yeah. And then I'll, I'll send it Ryan's like, Hey, well, how come I didn't get one? Yeah. And then it's like, well, right. Or Corey. Yeah. And that's why he up and that's kind of why you haven't seen a whole lot from us this year like that. It's just like one or two here and there. Yeah. It's just like, Oh my, like, what do you do? Like glass, your Keegan was able to get all those because Keegan was our main one. We were able to do different things with them. Yep. Because I'm now we're spread out thin, it's like, I feel bad because it starts to become like everybody else's stuff. Like there's no, there is separators, but some of this stuff is just like, all right, just going through the motions and then you got to get creative with every single one. Like I said, it's good. It's a good problem to have. Yeah. Yeah. But no, I just want to be more optimal and be able to get more creative. Good word. Those have those. Yeah. I didn't get a website or anything. That's my word of the day. Yeah. Dude, you made me double take and I was like, well, that's a really good word. Yeah. So, no, it's just one of those things where I've been thinking and obviously always looking for the future and where we want to go and how we're going to do certain stuff and everything and. Yeah. So, you know, just to where we can have fun and still make a little money on the business end. Yeah. And you know, I am excited. It's not like I'm not excited for each race weekend, but yeah, no, I'm super excited for the race weekend. I feel like after Lena and dirt city, you know, or you know, Lena dirt city is that, you know, I feel like things are on the, like you said, on the, on the up on the positiveness of things. Yeah. I mean, kind of got things situated and figured out. Yes. For now, it's like, okay, well, yeah, now we can go without a sense of like, you know, like, like do we want to do this through, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now it's like I'm excited to go. Yes. Yes. Exactly. And, you know, working with Bark River and, you know, providing them the stuff that we, you know, I've done Jeffrey's edits and stuff is, is fun. It's great. And yeah, man, I'm looking forward to it is to three days of racing three, three days of racing are the pros only getting like the practice qualifying thing. Like it's just one go. I think so. I think it's just, I think it's like every 10 minutes, I think it's like practice. This is practice slash qualifying. Yeah. So sure. It's like one time I'm on the track. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Qualifying three laps you get what you get, you know, and then get back. And I don't think they're doing podium for sportsmen. Sportsmen are just going right through it after him. Yeah. So this is what's going to be a tough weekend. I wonder how this is going to be different for, I guess that's too different. I was going to say for a buddy JQ, because normally he gets like a fresh track. He's going to get the track after the pros have been on it, but they're going to, I'm obviously doing some stuff, but yeah, it's going to be the holes are going to be there. It's not going to be a true, yeah, like on touch track. Yeah. This is going to, like those holes are, can always come up right away. Yeah. I know he's going to end up listening to this, but I think it was Ben Berger. I was like, yeah, man, like JQ's first time in Park River, he's like, man, it's probably the worst place to go without practice. I was like, so I'm not sure how to approach this weekend, you know what I mean? It's like there's a spotter stand up. I think what he features the bleachers, but I think what JQ needs to do, either way is just latch on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't lose them. Stay right there. Get out of your comfort zone, whether that's in 10th place or second from last or wherever he may be, but just sit there and latch on and rate. Yes. Leach it up. Yeah. Yes, sir. Learn. Learn. Don't look at your speedometer. Don't look at where you're at. Don't feel it. Go out there and do it. I, uh, and whenever I'm not, whenever, but when he rolled it each time, do you know how hard it is to not click the button, the spotter thing and be like, Oh shit. Fuck. Yeah. Because it's like, you want to, I don't know why, but there's like a need for him to like comment on it. Yeah. Comment on it and be like, Oh shit buddy, I think you can get away with it because you guys got that friendship, but yeah, where you can do that. If it was any other person on the spot or doing it, it was like, shut the fuck up. Cause I realized I did it at ERS when he hit the berm and like, cause my hand was already on it. And I just clicked it and I was like, Oh shit. And then he put it back. Oh fuck. Yeah. Go. Oh it's so good. So no, it, it'll be interesting, uh, on, on how bark river goes. Yeah. We tend to see go off. Um, probably two. No, dude. I think the schedule is like 10. Oh, is it? He goes off. Oh shit. They're starting off earlier. Yeah. It's got to be a seven. Right? That they start. Some like that. Um, they're starting. A buddy's go out there, whatever the boarder is schedule, had to release it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, no, it's going to be cool though. We got two billboards or we got a billboard and then the same signage that we had last year. I'm excited for the bill. Did you see it? Have they shown you the billboard yet? No. No, we just decided I got a, we know that I got approved for sure. I'll prove. I'm curious to see what that was. Yeah. Which is crazy. That bark river had our approve it. But a champ or a fraud has to approve the billboard. Do this? Yeah. I'm going to say, did they? Yeah. They say, okay. Well, hopefully they find it comedic and fun. All right. Here we go. Pro buggy. 10 a.m. Oh, okay. So 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. is practice qualifying. Oh damn. So they're just cruising through the cruise and through them. So one, two, three, four, five, seven. So every 10 minutes, 10 a.m., 10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 30, 10, 40, 10, 50. What is that? 11 a.m. They're not even going to groom the track, then. I don't, yeah. They're just going to. Well, then I'm assuming they're going to do one and then there's a lap and then one qualifying lap and then get off. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, and then after pro four, then it's a break till noon where then they're going to groom the track. Okay. And then yeah. So sportsman side by side 12. Oh, all right. So what time does a ceremony opening for? It doesn't even say opening ceremonies, but the last, so obviously we have the first and last sportsman, uh, three 55 for pro am side by side, have a cruising and then you've got a 35 minute break where the pro buggy is back out there at four 30. Okay. I wonder if they're going to do podiums for pro. Oh, oh, I don't know. I just know they're not going to do podiums for sportsman. Okay. It's going to be interesting or they do a quick podium because I mean these times are kind of kind of fast, you know, which, which also sucks too, because bark river kind of like crayon. It just needs to be groomed before every race. Yeah. If you let it go too long, it's yeah, then it creates havoc, havoc, havoc, havoc. These havoc works too. Yeah. Right. It creates some interesting racing. I'm curious to see how it's going to be because if you see, they're going to, if they're going to try to push through it that quick, there's going to be minimal grooming. I think it's going to be probably more water than anything. Yeah, which is going to make it slick. Yeah. Even with that, they should just, uh, if anything, they should just, uh, keep a greater in the back section and then keep some in the front. And then no matter what, they should groom at least cemetery turn. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's going to get pushed. Yeah. Way out there by the time. Yeah. I think they just need to groom that after every race. I agree. Just because the front, because the front section is so tight that I don't know if grooming needs to happen. Yeah. The speed isn't going to be quite there. Yes. Exactly. Pick off all of that. Yeah. But no, I think, uh, yeah, we just been busy with bark river overall, we just been busy with bark river. Yeah. We cut that. We cut that, uh, cut the commercial or the hype video with your amazing, um, with your amazing writing and voice over. Yep. And then, uh, and then we've been doing the race driven stuff with the even better writing. Yeah. No, no, no, no. I was on one that day. Yeah. No. Race driven was, no, race driven was the, was the, oh, and then bark river was actually him. It was actually me. The one that I just did for bark river racing race driven is had some help had some help. Oh, see, I thought it was opposite. Oh, no. No, no. So I thought you did the race driven team itself, your help came up to the word duper. Cause they were like, Oh, then I just, I did some things to it. And I was like, okay, like I could see cause some of the big words that used for the bark river at it. I'll just say, all right. Like I could see AI doing that. Oh, no, no. I actually wrote that. Oh. Yeah. All natural because on it, cause on the way back, that's what I'm thinking of. Cause that's. Oh, no, no, bark river, the track. Yeah. The track. Yeah. Yeah. He's all him. Race driven has some help. Well, race driven. He just took it from the commercial. So I wrote word for word with the commercial was their first one. And then I was like, okay, what can I do different, but keeping in the same realm of things? And then that's where I looked for some help. And then I just rearranged a few things, but otherwise the bark river, the height track went. Yeah. That was all me. Oh, oh, I got that. Yeah. You got it mixed up. Flip off what you're thinking. So mixed up. So it's like what you're thinking. Okay. Anyways, we've been super busy. Yes. We have them. For the last two week or last month. And again, it then it I'd better feel bad for our clients is because we have been so busy. Yeah. Yeah. Other shit going on. Yeah. And then plus coupled with like, you know, us just having stuff through on weekends, you know what I mean? Just just life stuff, you know, again, at the end of the day, it's, yeah, this is just our, our realm, our world of things and, you know, friends or, you know, unfortunately at bachelor parties that, you know, our, our look or view upon maybe is like, all right, just going on. Like the same time, man, like if a buddy's getting married, or again, like next weekend after bark river. Yep. Technically it's a bachelor party, but a lot of the guys don't drink. I mean, maybe called beer is going to be consumed by a few others. Still a bachelor party. Yeah. But it's still like a bachelor party, but it's not going to be like a traditional wild crazy jump in the river kind of bachelor party. We're just fucking around. It's like an actual spend time with your buddies kind of thing. Yeah. That's just what summer. Yeah. That's what summer is the whole day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nope. It's just super busy. The foot race, I think there's 11 spots left because I think we had a few people sign up. So, um, again, it's Saturday, so Saturday, so even, even into the weekend, even on like Friday, Saturday, if I've still got spots available, you know, we'll, we'll send them. But otherwise, you know, some, some first round buys, I'm going to release more stuff. But for those of you that are out there, sign the fuck up here's the thing to even though it's a team event, you can solo it. Oh, okay. Because so it's going to be $500, obviously. So if you're the teammate, you have to split that $500, you know, $250, $250 or if you're feeling it and you want to solo it and win that $500 yourself, you certainly can. But here's what we were thinking for, for the, for the foot race. Yep. I think that we keep the start the same rock, paper, scissors, three second head start. Yep. Once you get down there, you got to chug your half a beer, flip cup it. And once that's done, your partner chugs the half a beer, flip cups it, and then has to run back around to the finish. So if you're doing it solo yourself, obviously you run down there, chug, flip, chug, flip, and then go. Yep. So if you're going to solo it yourself, really you're drinking a beer or race. And there's five races, I think, to get to the podium. So at the end of the day, worst case here, if you solo it, you're drinking five beers. Yeah. And you got a flip cup twice. Yes. Well, yeah, twice a race. Twice a race. Yeah. 10 flip cups, five beers, and you do five runs. Yep. That's the rules. That's the rules. And again, you can't touch the rocks. Otherwise, de-cued. Yeah. I know short cuts all the way around the rocks. Yeah. All the way around. All the way around. No soda pops this year. And that's where then I really started to think about that more is people are home, not a big beer guy. It's like, well, you're signing out for it. I'm sorry, man. It's like, okay, do we make an exception for Celsius then? Nope. You know, because they're of the same carbonated consistency, because I don't think I can say yes to twist the teas, because those are going to be so smooth and easy to get down. I don't think you can do it. You have to do something like a bushlight, you know, the lightest of beers at that point. And I don't, yeah. And I don't think you can do Celsius, unfortunately. I think you just got to suck it up and do- Like I said, it's half a beer. Half a beer. Yeah. And if you win it all as a team, it's two and a half beers. Yep. I mean, that's why you chug it. Yep. We're up there for taste. Yeah, exactly. I did get a lot of messages to help out people like, whoa, what beer are you using? I was like, probably just like bushlight or something. Okay. None of that IPA shit. Yeah. Right. I hated that last year. Dude. So many people hated it, man. I think we, what do we use IPA for the finals, right? Or something like that? I think the whole thing. We did it for the Lina footrace we did for the, yeah, yep, yep, yep. But I think for the finals, we did it for, yeah, Bob Barker, but so, nope, we have a, we have a trophy coming. I got the trophy graphic sent to me over the weekend and approved it. And I was like, oh, these kind of look the same. What's the difference? And obviously, you know, from the first graphic, you know, we had it was like 20, 22, like bracket champion. Yep. And then the 23 one had like duct tape over it. Yep. And she said 23. This year is got another piece of duct tape over the 23 in a different way. And it says 24. So they just like stacked on top of each other. And I was like, I fucking love that. I'm like, that's perfect. That's everything that is impulse. Yeah. Yeah. All janky. Yeah. Yeah. So I think if we, you know, we continue to do it next year, I think that's just the theme. Then you just put another piece of duct tape over it in 20 and 25, yep, down, down. But is that, is that okay for like the footrace rules, you know, because then we keep it kind of the same again. We still have the team aspect of it because again, there are obviously a lot of people signed up. I think we're at 40 50 people, you know, that have signed up and originally all in need was 32 and we'll extend it to teams. I mean, it's fine with me. Yep. Even fans. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've had fans or I've had somebody like, Oh, hey, like, I couldn't find a partner. And I'm like, what if you want to solo it, you can solo it and they're like, okay, come me back in. Yeah. So, and here's the thing is like, we haven't even really asked like any of the pro drivers or like any of their pits or anything else like that. So, you know what I mean? I'm sure we can guilt trip them into joining somebody, some of you, even Michelle, the, the marketing director of, of Bark River is, oh, yeah, she can do it. It's jumping in. Yes. I remember you guys saying, so that's awesome. Dude, Jordan is in. Yep. The, the drone, drone pilot for the season. Maybe we'll get a team Mickey and Caleb. Oh, is, is Caleb going to be there? Yeah. Yeah. He should be. We should text him and just like, Hey, fucker. Yeah. You want to race? Yeah. You want to race? You finally want to win? Yeah. It's be able to be fun. It's going to be fun. Yeah. Yes. But those are the rules. Those are the rules. Yup. Rules are rules. Yup. And as the rules. And I think I might have a track map from last year. Oh. Oh. So we'll, uh, we'll put that out there so that it can be seen. I, I think I'm pretty sure I have one from last year. Yeah. It'll be perfect. We'll put the rules on there or just say the rules like, Hey man, this is what it is. Yup. So yeah, that's, that's, that's the foot race Saturday night, 8 p.m. at the finish line. Yup. But so Friday, Saturday, Sunday, you've got races boys. Yes. Yes. And it is pick time pick. So not only are we doing just like, Hey, is even, is even a sweet possible. Can anybody truly sweep this weekend? See jiggers. Well, one person can. I think. Yeah. I was going to be my pick. So let's, uh, let's start it out, man. Pro buggy. Are you going by days? Okay. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see. So pro buggy, pro buggy. So are we picking Friday, Saturday and Sunday? Yeah. Yeah, winners. Yep. We think it's going to be three guys. I think it's going to be two. I think it's going to be one. The question is, is Zachary draft game coming back? Yeah. Is he? I think he is. I'm certain he is. I forgot about that. But he's not my pick. So I know. He's, uh, so disappointed. Um, you know, I feel like Lorenzo, he struggles on the long tracks on the long tracks. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with you. You struggle at your ex. Mm hmm. struggle like crandon. Uh, no drafting. No drafting's out. No drafting for bark river. Yeah. We'll be there for fuck dang. We were going to pick them too. Yep. Fuck. That wasn't bad. Just letting us down. She's scared. Disappointing. Scared. So scared. You're so scared. Mm hmm. No. Ah. Let's see. You know, I gotta go with my boy, Davey for one day. I'm with that one. Yep. I'm going to go with Davey. Yup. Cole. Cole. Cole will be there. Cole will be there. Fuck. Seven off. Baby. You know what? He's going to be there for the rest of your life. That's what I told him. Fuck. I agree. All right. I'm going nowhere. I'm going to go with Jordan. Jordan. Yup. Jordan Bernal. And, um, my wild pick. Kid and mender. Oh. We're going to go with the chain and mender. Really. Ooh. I like that. I'll go the first two, but my other pick would be Billy Booth. I'm Davey Mason. Billy Booth. Jordan. Ooh. Okay. I like that. Man. You're big. I think this class will have three different winners this weekend. I don't think anybody's repeating. Yeah. I for sure. I think Davey's winning. No. Birdie told me that, uh, what's the face that's coming back to? Oh, then there's a down. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thank you. God. Pressure is gay. Really. No, I'm just kidding. Oh, this guy. How'd you know this? This feels like one of those. I remember his day. Oh, Michael Meister. He goes, I remember his day. Yeah. But I like Meister so long. That's right. Meister. I forgot your name. You punk. Such a such a bummer. It's like an NFL player is retiring in the prime. Yup. Like just because like, yeah, they're basement flooded. Yeah. Because I'm married. Yeah. See? This is what we're about here at impulse media. Mm hmm. Chase your dreams. Yup. Don't get married. All right. Yeah. He's always going to be there for him. Oh. Chase dreams. Don't taste tail. Yeah. Ooh. Every goal. Because when you chase dreams, hopefully you get recognized for it. Yup. But if not, then go chase. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The guy had one bad year and he fucking quits. You know what? You know what? I'm with you. I'm with you on this line. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm going to. Exactly. I'm going to. We better Billy Booth. I'm on the Billy Booth train. Give us some shirts. Billy Booth? Yes. Three X and a large. Because I was leaver is this. I was going to pick Lorenzo Bonacci. Mm hmm. No. And I'm put my dice back on Billy Booth because this past week or the past race, what do you get? Two seconds, right? Yup. He was there. That's the reason why I'm picking him. Momentum. Mm hmm. He's my third law. He's my second law. Whatever law. Heartbreak, kid. Eat. Object in motion stays in motion. That's Billy Booth. I'm not after the first, Lena. Oh, that was a long time ago. Long time ago, man. Run around. I'm just letting go. I'm just letting you guys know. Let it go. I go by statistics and statistically he's got two seconds last time. Yeah. Yeah. Billy Booth. Big old. Let down this. Mm hmm. Damn. Nope. So who's your third picky? I'm a third-minute. Yeah. Yeah. But I like Chadin. I'm not saying I don't like Billy Booth, but yeah. Chadin. Chadin. And then our next class would be obviously, oh, I thought it was stock. No pros back. I'm going. Actually, I'm going to go with white Miller one day. Okay. Way out of left field. Not left up field, but I think he's definitely proven himself. I'm the short track. I see no, I'm due the longer track and not too good, but according to RBM's crew, he looked really good. I think if it was just the two-day weekend, I don't think I would pick white Miller, but because I think it's a three-day weekend. Yeah. I'm on board with you on. Yeah. I think you get, I think a Sunday. But here's the thing then, which one of the other three doesn't get a win? Doesn't. Doesn't get a win. Because if white Miller's, for saying white Miller's going to get a dub, that means the other top three guys, one of them is not going to get a one. Well, you always got to count Nick Viser in. Yeah. So Nick Viser is a pick for me. Yeah. Same. I'm with him. You know, he kind of got his shit together. Finally. Finally. God. Yep. Made me look dumb. Yes. Only win it once. Yes. He's got his stuff back together, giving that, you know, progress and getting his truck back to where he likes it. And I think he's going to be a force to be reckoned with. And the third day, I think, again, I think it's going to be through different windows because that class is always. Interchanging. Interchanging. Yeah. And I'm going to go with my boy B.D. Thanks. That's good pick. I'm going with two Viser's. Oh. One Miller. One Miller. Yeah. I will also go with you, Jeffrey. Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You look at me in the eyes. Yes. All right. I think here's the thing. I love, I love Dylan Parsons, man. I do too. But I feel like he's going to end up putting himself in a mistake. And I feel like Chris is going to be there to capitalize on it. Who's Dylan Parsons, a spotter need to calm that fucker down. Who would be a spotter? I don't know, but whoever is spotter is, you know, he need to calm the Hulk down in that truck. Yeah. Yeah. Because when he gets out, he's, you know, a changed man, he's back to Bruce Banner. But when he's in that, is in that truck, yeah, everyone knows in the truck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So man, yeah, sorry, Dylan, I got to break your heart on this one, but go with the V.D. Because when he wins, everybody wins, yes, I need more air fresher. Yes. I need about three more minutes. Yeah. I'll take you. Yeah. I'm certain. Try my truck around. Prostock CJ. No light. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No pro stock. I think I'm still on it. I'm going to go the Yamaha boys. I don't think CJ gets a win. So you're going to Owen and Buddha or Owen, or Owen and old man, old man's in trouble. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Ornn and Buddha. Ain't bad. Ain't bad. I'm going to go with the sweep. I'm going with the sweep just because I've watched see they just do it too many times to them. Like I said, in our last podcast, I told you what CJ starts where on the Yamaha and they're on a long track. Yeah. And I think that's where not only where they're going to pull away, but like you still got a thing with those long tracks is the belts. Yeah. You know, and especially in that cemetery corner, like watching cosmetic and watching hiding in that back cemetery corner, they don't let off and and they had a semi good track, not blue groove, very nice track. So you could only imagine when that track is blue group, how fast that belt's rotating and how fast that's warming up because I mean, that was a problem. But it's, it's a problem every year. Yeah. Once the, once the UTV started to really, you know, and you see what, can you see it with cosmetic right now? That's as big as pro even though it's a 20. I think it's a 2019 ride that cosmetic has. He's having major belt, belt issues, warming issues. So I'm not going to say that's not going to happen to CJ, but the power, power to rate ratio and those Yamaha's Owen and Jeb, the young guns of the class. I want to go to CJ, but then I don't know what the third one is going to be. I don't know if it's going to be Jeb or Owen, what about, uh, Truett Colin? Come on. I'm just saying he's got, yeah, two Ls in his name. So we need one by one. Let's show us so we can get rid of those Ls. All it needs two wins. Then he's coin. Yeah. He's money. Yeah. Yeah. And what was, what was controversial too, is that CJ Antruid pass at Lena. Yeah. CJ, um, you know, you know, he definitely made a aggressive pass, but I don't think two aggressive were it was a pass at the end of the day. Yep. And I just think that maybe it started a little bit. Think so. You don't even rattle them a little bit. Yeah. Didn't expect him to put the move on that early. Yeah. Yes. Well, you know, didn't you, he broke down on what Sunday, right? Cause then, yeah, Sunday's when they, they joked around with, uh, Joey Moss saying he's the one who cost them, uh, cause Joey Moss took con Truett's vehicle up to staging. But throw off that weight, but no, um, but no, I think Colin, he's going to be my surprise pick. Like just putting him right there, podiums or like a win. Ah, if something happens to the Yamaha guys, I think Truett would be there. I guess I wouldn't be surprised. I think it would be a good four way battle. How about that? I think, I think I could see Colin taking second for sure. Yeah. So it'll be the Yamaha boys versus the Polaris boys. Yep. You know, Colin's really showing that he can run up there. So yeah, I'm going to go. Yeah. I'm going to go to CJ one, Jeb. Damn. I'll CJ. Damn. I'll CJ. Yeah. I'm a hot boys. All weekend. Okay. Now sponsored by Yama. Breaking news, Lyle and, you know, we're now sponsored by Yama. Yama. Get your adventure here. Here's today. Yeah. Here's today. Power sports one. Yeah. It's in Wisconsin. Yeah. I weigh 41. Yeah. You want to be a winner? Yeah. One was operating hours are eight pro light, pro light, pro light. I think it's going to be a two and a one. I think Trey Gibbs is going to win two of the days. Oh, Johnny Holter. Another day. Again, I think three different winners. I just can't go with that. Just because Trey is just smoking on one. I think three different winners. I think it's going to go Trey Carson Johnny. It's pretty much what I was going to go with. Yeah. I think all three of them have like, we just got pissed off Carson enough to seem special followers. Tell them. I know he is an angry man. He is angry, but he's also chill, which is weird. He's very chill. Yeah. He's like, you piss them off. It goes boom. Yeah. Whenever I go talk to him, he's like, what's up, man? Yeah. I was going. Yeah. Same thing. I was like, how's your race? He's like, man, I was fucking pissed. Then Johnny, Johnny H, yep. And then I don't know again, like I said, we better, we better play Mortal Kombat with him. So he gets away right now, but again, though, with Carson Brown in the background. So come on. You pick with your heart a lot. No, they figured out his, his friend though, and they put a new motor in his, like race guy or they put a new motor in his pro light. So they got all the mechanical things figured out. I think Carson Brown, gonna, gonna step up this weekend. I want to, I want to, I want to hope for it and believe it. I hope so. But the young man just, I know, I know, just shy. I mean, pro light is a, is a tough class, especially with trade games, to crack that top threes. The thing of it is, is we, we all know Carson Brown can go for it. Yeah. You know what I mean? He's, there's no question there. Yep. It's about the finesse, I guess, of it, of getting that truck down, you know, to get himself in a position. Yeah. And I'm wondering if it's a, maybe is it a power, power thing, because you see Christopher Parrish and Wyatt Miller are, I mean, are in spec and they seem to have a good handle on it. And I'm wondering if just Carson Brown's struggling to try to figure it out, not saying like he's, I know I lean on, lean on, they have some bum, but lean on, they had motor issues all weekend. Yeah. You know, then, like I said, they replaced the motor in the off week here and hopefully, hopefully they could get it, he could get it done. Yep. Like he's there. He's there. He's a rookie. Yeah. Like he said, not a kid of this class and in a tough, and a tough class too, as far as pro legos, it is, but so if Trey Gibbs loses on Friday, we gotta, we gotta get some stickers made up. Oh, yeah. Hold to put on his, uh, truck. Yes. There's got to be Friday. Could it be any of those days? Yeah. But I'm just saying, though. I'd say that's gotta be ready. Yeah. I'm going to give you a sponsor, yes, slapping on free or free or free or we're going to be paying them. And I have a nice little dinner at them to see. Hey, you're going to hear me again. No. Yeah. Uh, pro side by side, turbo stopped by unlimited open and a, and a beer, and a beer, uh, rush, rush, pro side by side. Yes, we've seen shot this weekend. We are shooting this class. Yes. With ketamine creations. Oh, no, no, not ketamine anymore. Peak by peak peak productions by peak. Nope. Wait, it's called by peak. Nope. Or is it peak productions peak productions? Maybe you should, maybe you should change it. Maybe you should change the by, uh, his Instagram handles by peak is info when you click on it as peak production. Oh, okay. Oh, so it's at, by peak also when he, when he tags people, it's like, Oh, who was your shot by his? By peak. Oh, okay. All right. All right. Cause I was like, by peak. I was like, like bypass peak with peak going straight to the top peak productions, but with a peak production with Jordan also, and Jordan Jordan, Jordan, air, air, Jordan, but yes, the sky demon, you know, I just skied. A Diablo, a Diablo, a Diablo Gomez, three different winners. Yes. Nope. No. Fuego. You know, two winners for me. What? Yeah. I think it's going to be brother. We've got seven people that we're covering. You're only saying two are going to win. Yeah. Buzz is going to be a battle. Yeah. I'm going with to the death. Yep. To the death. Jesus Christ. The Diablo is going to capture. I want to see blood. Go for blood. Chaney. I'm going with one day. Yeah. I'm going to go with with your heart, bro. Nope. Nope. Mm. I'm ported by you. He said he figured it out. I know, but yeah, are you reporting a false info? No, I'm just here. It's false. I'll change my. No, no, no. He says he's figuring it out. Okay. Chaney. This is statistically you pig Carson Brown. Yeah. He's my dark horse. Pick. I'm just setting him there. He's there. He's like my insurance. Yeah. Exactly. He's my insurance. Got it. Yeah. Hope we don't need it. But yeah, nice to have. Honestly, we should all do an insurance pick. Yes, we should. But he's going to start from the ending up. No, no, no, no, no. He's my insurance pick. Go ahead. Chaney. A.C. Mm-hmm. And then I'll go with Owen. Ooh. Ooh. No. That's three different winners. All right. All right. I like that. I'm going to go. I think it's going to be super interesting. I'm going to go young guns. All of them? All of them. They're all young. Kanan Baker. Oh, God. Jebboodle. Damn. Owen Veneff. Damn. That's good. All right. I'd like that. Go on the young guns. That's good. That's good. Insurance pick is dog. Yeah, insurance pick is Rodney. Yeah. Yeah. I can really enter the spectrum. I'm going to go. A.C. Yep. Dose. Dose. Dose. Dose. The janitor. Mm-hmm. Andrew the custodian. Yes. We've been it up. And then hot rod. Nice. I could. I just know what you say about those. Yamaha's. Yamaha's. Dude, that's where I'm on board. That's straight through. Yeah. Yeah. I'm hot. So if you guys know. Yeah. That's much way of a summer's hot. But you know what's hotter? Those belts on the players? Yeah. So go get your Yamaha. Yeah. Direct drive. Yeah. Yeah. You know why it's called power sports one. They earn that number one. Yeah. We are number one. Yeah. They are. We are. Yeah. We are. Yeah. We are. We are. We are. Yeah. We are. Oh man. Wow. I didn't. We're covering seven, seven people. Oh man. The funny thing is too. You know who didn't get picked? CJ. CJ. And he's five points down. He's the reason why. He's a 49 point lead. Is this because he's always figuring he's figuring it out still and I think he's still getting me out the podium. Yeah. Figuring it out. Yes. Yes. He's not going to lose a lot. He might even gain some points. Yeah. He could come out of this point either but doesn't mean he's got to win. Yeah. Yeah. A.C. I just think he's. A.C. And who? Who did you pick? Oh right in Hot Rod. Yes. Yes. A.C. But the thing is it's going to be a battle. Yes it will. All three dates. Yeah. Yes. Right. I think yeah. I think the top seven again. Just. Mashed together. Mm hmm. I think it's going to be very exciting. And I'm I'm really excited to film it. I think just to kind of get back in that like rush style of shooting and filming because when we did it for Lena, it felt good not having to like focus on what to work with as far as like shots go. Mm hmm. You know what I mean? Because like when we film, we film for an Instagram. Yeah. So it's like, okay, if we punch in like how much of this are we going to get? If we keep it a medium shot or a wide shot, you know what I mean, we're trying to focus on our guy. Can't get him. If he's getting passed by somebody or you know, whatever it may be or they're in the way with this we can shoot any anything and everything where the action is I'm punching into care. I didn't care because you wonder why we're using all of it. Yeah, everything, every single pixel of it. I'm going to be on a trailer everything, shooting everything, everything, but yeah, so slow more, fast, slow regular mode with that being said, cool, much a low rumble class. Oh, who is going to be my Royal Rumble pick? You know, I heard the Royal Rumble is coming to Minneapolis. It is a spank. Is it? Is it heard? That'd be cool. Oh, no, I thought I was going to the little one, uh, Target Center? Yeah, the Target Center. No way. No way they would go small. The rumble's been stadiums for a couple of years now. Sure. Mm hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm. You guys. Well, anyways, what'd you bring up for a rumble? Why'd you think of WWE pro two? Yeah. He goes. Yeah. Like I got that. Yeah. You ever watch, uh, well, I'm so sorry, Scott Pilgrim, I'm so fucking stupid. You ever watch Scott Pilgrim? Yeah. Yeah. When he's explaining to the janitor, he's like, why would the janitor come so he's like, because she's cleans and his clothes on the weekends. Yes. One day. Yeah. She cleans. Yeah. Uh, three days, also three. No. Yeah. Three different winners. Nope. Yeah, three different winners. Maybe. I don't know. This one's, uh, Corey's not showing up, right? No. No. I feel so stupid. I'm so excited. He worked to me. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, where are you going with? Oh, man. KK. Oh, you think Keegan's getting that dumb KK RB or you think in Keegan or climbing? I thought climbing when he said that. No. Climbing's a bum. It's calling mom. We should. But no, KK RB and MT. Okay. Okay. I'm going R G. Okay. RB. All right. MT. Oh, all right. All right. Is that two? Nope. That's all three. RB G RG. Oh, okay. Yeah. My bad. MT. I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I'm where I'm struggling at is I'm, I'm going to either go too Mickey or too Ryan and I don't know which one yet. I'm going to go. I'm going to go to Mickey one Ryan. That's pretty good. I got it because Mickey was my pick at the beginning of the season. So I'm trying to pick with my head where then I think Mickey's going to get a dub. I think Ryan's, I think he's going to go a win again on Friday and then I think Ryan's going to get a win on. I think Ricky G's going to win on Friday and then I think Ryan has Mickey's number. I think I think Ryan's and Mickey's head right now. Fuck. Saying that immediately was changed to my mind to go to one. I hate to say that, but I think I'm not going to say Mickey doesn't do well under pressure. But he's definitely trying to figure out something. Here's the thing. I think you have a point. I think right now it you can argue what you just said is that Ryan has Mickey's number as of right now and until Mickey changes that, I think you're right. I think that I'm going to go to Ryan one, Mickey, and it all depends on the starting position though to you. Look at that. Because Mickey started in the back all both days at Leena who'd started his life. Yeah, man. But you watch that episode. Yeah. And still he's getting the shitty end of these jobs. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like it's because he shaves his beard clean. That's why he's staying rugged as you stay rugged. You drive rugged. Yes. Oh, God damn it. The silos. Mm-hmm. But no, rugged. Rugged. Ooh. Rugged. Ooh. Rugged. Nasty. Non-sponsored. Non-sponsored. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm going to stick with my picks. I think entireers play a big factor at this track. Yeah. As you can see, Mickey does not have the best tire presence at times. What's crazy though is the Mac that Maxis is what saved him a few years ago. And in Rush II, because he was going out of flats, both him and Doug, and they both finished on the podium. Oh, yes. And so that's what's crazy. I mean, again, a lot changes in a year or two, but. Yeah. So yeah, I'm going to stick with my picks, but I think as far as points goes, Ryan extends his points lead, which will be one of the firsts, because even though he had like a good quote, unquote, good park river last year, the two before that were abysmal. Yeah. We came in with the lead and left without the lead. Yeah. Like out of it. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, let's not let's give up. Yeah. But that second turn is going to be crazy. What's along the house, the house, during that turn, right before the double. So when they do the start of the race into the impulse media, skein, and then they. They're going to be turning looking at our billboard. Could you imagine if we got a shot of somebody like doing that by our bill, you see the billboard in the background, how phenomenal would that be the best advertising ever? I think we were just like, Hey, we'll give you this clip. But no, yeah, like you said that second, that's where it's going to happen. I can, I can, yeah, I can see either, I hate to say, but our boy Ricky getting dirty in that corner. Anybody really games are going to be played in that corner. I bet the thing with Ricky, like it's, it's one of those where, but I think it's like what's what's too rough in that corner. I think if you're moving somebody, that's fine. But if you're like bashing somebody or I think because I'm surprised that there's no one that takes that insight and just like runs away off the track pretty much. I think the hell you start to venture more than you're almost crashing somebody than at that point. Yeah. That's what I mean. When do you, where do the officials find it too rough to where it's like, let's say it's Ricky and Mickey, yeah, Mickey runs outside and Ricky G, like who he always is decides to cut inside, but tries to cut him off and neither of them are going to lift, but end up pushing Mickey outside. Yeah. So it's like, yeah, like at that type of scenario and it'd be like, does Ricky get black flag for it? I think in that case, you would have to, I would call a black flag. And I think the only reason why is because of what happened last race and nothing like we got to call this one. I agree. I agree. Now if it's like Sikowski, putting a move on, you know, like Ryan beat or something like that. And it's a good move. You're like, all right. Like Ryan, here's your chance. Can you, can you get him back? Can you get your position back? No. Okay. Well, Zakowski made a move to climb and do that to Keegan couple of years ago. Jared. Jared got black flag. And even, oh no, Jared got had a give position. Yeah. Just before the comp yellow, so then Jared started behind Keegan again, which I think we all agreed that it shouldn't happen because I thought I thought it was a good pass. I didn't think anything egregious happened. I thought Jared made a good pass on Keegan and he just left the door open. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. I like your pick though with Keegan because it seems like at the end of the year is when he powers up. And he tested. Yeah. He tested some Saturday. He never does. He never tests and then he told me Fox wanted to test some suspension. So you said testing some suspension and then they figured out what was wrong with the steering. He didn't know this, been struggling with the steering all season. Yeah. He's mentioned it. Yeah. He said that he was just like, it was felt like just rough and then found out that it was a steering rack issue. Yeah. So once they put the new steering rack in and then it was funny because he went out there and did three laps. Came off the track. Nothing but smiles. And he goes, damn, he was like, that was fun. He was like, well, see that's from me when he, he's like, I ain't even making this turn. I'm just going straight. Yeah. Like when I mentioned that, like on that first day, because when I was that tall day, I could just see him like fucking fighting it. And that's why I thought it was power searing. And then it was like, Oh, no, I had powers like, well, fuck man, you lost it. We're driving like a leak somewhere, lots of touch brother. My guy. Yeah. And then he tested some gearing changes to not only for a bark river, but also for Brandon. So and he likes bark river. Yeah. That's a good pick. I forgot about that. You were trying to see he has just here's the thing though, you know me. I want to win every race. I want to win Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So I got more. He's like, so I'm sick of him. Yeah. I mean, that's obviously what I want. Like as a friend, but I'm picking with my head. He's my insurance pick. Yeah. Yes. Yes. There's my insurance. He's my insurance pick. He's my insurance pick. I don't have any insurance breaks for pro two. No, you only get one. You only get one. All right. Cool. Pro four. Pro four. What was your insurance pick again? Carson Brown. Carson Brown. For like sick, sick insurance. Hey, all of a sudden he makes us look dumb. Yeah. He's on three days. Wow. Damn. Yeah. He comes up about that. Yeah. Give me my award. Yeah. I'm giving you an award. So pro four just survival who's who's going to survive? I think it's going to be two CJs. One Jimmy. Mm. I'm going to go CJ Jimmy Adrian. He's not a bad pick because he won here last year and now he's just now he's just winning on the reg. I'm going to go. He's going to come here. CJ Jimmy and the beautiful man himself. No way. Man. What's the way? Who's the beautiful man actually? Are we thinking of the same beautiful man? Everything about the same beautiful man? Only one in that class. So do I. There's only one. Really out a win a dub a first dub. You made fun of me for picking him in a class that he struggles with how many struggles he doesn't dominate last year. Nope. He's a past champion. Thank you. Thank you. Lyle. Thank you. But they got this truck figured out. Yeah. Now that I saw Lina he's pushing every corner. What do you mean? He's throwing and then he would finally go home boy got passed by Kane and Baker and an automatic. Mm hmm. Would you pick three different winners? Yeah. CJ Jimmy. And you picked three different winners? Casey. Yep. Casey. Casey. Beautiful Casey. Yeah. Beautiful. Both of them. Very beautiful. Yes. Yeah. It's sexy. Yeah. We're still talking about same Casey. Yes. We are. I hope so. Are you one Casey? That's beautiful. Who are you? Who are you talking about? Are we talking about Casey or Casey CB? Talking about Casey. Well, you're like, Oh, Casey, I thought it was about Casey. No, Casey. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Your last. Yeah. We got lost again. We're lost. Yeah. And all this hot dog in my fucking body, bro. I'm cash. Oh, I'll cash on her. Oh, brother. Brother. You know what I mean? No cap. No cap. Oh, Riz. Bro. Straight gas. Homie. Ora. Yeah. What else? What else? Those are our picks. Those are our picks. All right. Good. Yeah. Like I said, I think bark river is going to be a bark river. Did he text you? No message. Yep. What do you say? He said, Hey, he goes. What's up, brother? He goes miss you. Come on. It's like bro. Oh, yeah. This weekend will be fun. It's an awesome track. One of my favorites between that and ERX is how we say it. Yeah, it definitely has a sentimental feeling for me, you know what I mean? I think for me, every time I've gone there, I've, I've enjoyed it, you know, like with ERX, again, I love ERX, man, for what I've been there so many times for snow cross for off road racing, for nitro cross. I love it. I'm used to it. Comfortable there, but every time that I've gone to bark river so far, it has been nothing but joy for me there. Yeah. I mean, it's obviously the place where I got finally got my vest, you know what I mean? And then we camped out. We have our little gummy tradition and just each time that we've been there, it's always been nothing but great. Yep. Yes. And even like last year, like in like the hotel room stuff, man, it felt, it felt cool. Yeah. A little like spoiled. Yeah. And you know, to have the stakes and just the track itself, like I said, it's even though it rained, but I don't know, man, I just really enjoy being there. And I think that's why like I'm really looking forward to going back there because I've had nothing but great experiences and I'm hoping that it continues. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. It's going to be fun. I fucking love it there. I mean, I don't know, man, I'm fully excited that we get to shoot rush. Yep. Yes. Rosh is back. Rosh is back. No, I'm going to be busy, but it's going to be fun. Yes. It's going to be very hectic, especially for me. I hate doing interviews, but I'll get it done. You just want to go with you? No, I got it. I mean, he could go with you. I can take care of. Yeah. You can do B-roll. Oh, I got it. He just could do your shit. I'll go with you. I mean, the man up and do my job. Yeah. But we also won't get in with you. We're in with you. They're good. Right. Well, my computer couldn't handle 6K. Oh, OK. I mean, it did. All right. I did. I did, but it did. All right. But they were good. They were good. Thank you. Thank you. They were pretty good. Are they? Yeah, the answers were solid. Yes. See? OK. I'm going to use some of them for the actual episode. I just feel it. Oh, that's why Owen's interview guy cut-shot. It was. I didn't get bakers on there. I don't know if the interview baker. I got two CJs. Oh, I don't know if you got one. Oh, fuck. I never was baker. I didn't get baker. No, that's funny. Because then when I transferred all the files, it was 525 gigabytes. Damn. And then that card's only 512 or no, 550. Yeah. So my bad. Yeah. So there's two CJs. So 6K. Definitely not an option. Yeah. Yeah. My bad. Mr. Baker. My fault. Then we got an interview bootle. I got an interview bootle. Now that he showed up. All right. What do you say? Where's mine? Where's my interview? We weren't in it till the last weekend. Yeah. Now we got seven people. Then we got to focus on. Yeah. But 4K from now on. Yeah. We'll play around with how we're going to shoot. Structure this episode. Yes. Yeah. We got, we got kids when we got peak productions helping us this weekend. Yeah. And we got the LD upload in the sky. The upload. The wind spawn. Yeah. It's going to be nice out. It's going to be beautiful out. Okay. Let's just enjoy the weekend. Yeah. JC on our side too. We got both. JC. Hey, should we attend another? I didn't mind that. I know. You didn't like that? I didn't mind it, but. Oh, yeah. You went to service for me. Yeah. You went to service for me. I mean, you guys can go. I have to go every week to make up for services. No, I just said it was fun. It was good. It was good. It was good to see people there, you know, kind of throughout that morning with some positivity. Really deep though. Yeah. Sure it is. Didn't seem like it was like, I felt like I could. I was weird. It was like God was talking to me. I mean, he was. Yeah. He was. He's like, sometimes you got to let things go and I'm like, damn, you're right. He just came over. I'll tell you what stuck with me though. I was. Was it if God brings to it, he'll bring you through it. I was like, Oh, fuck. Amen. It's a game. Mark. Yeah. Got me high. I'm ready to go. Well, ready to convert. I'm burning. I'm burning. See you. I'm burning. Yeah. I was like, man, brother preach, man. Now I get that. Yep. Yep. Yep. It was good though. Yeah. Yeah. I just do a little something different. And again, like we're, we're traditional like Native Americans, you know, we have our own, you know, beliefs and spiritual, you know, followings and stuff like that. So to actually go and like kind of be a part of that's the other, you know, religious affiliations to support people. Yeah. It's cool. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. It's cool to support and be there. So you might see us again. Yeah. So might see us again. I mean, we'll see how bad. Bad. Bad we are. Yeah. Friday, if we're down bad, then we're sorry. Yeah. Yeah. You know, we need to go. Yeah. We need Mark. Yeah. Yeah. I love Mark too, man. That was what was great about. Um, gave us a hug. Mark is awesome. Yeah. Dude, which I was really surprised about. Those are the best part about rush was being back there doing the lifestyle stuff was just like back there talking to Mark and, and what we should do for know what we should do is make them up for like when he's back there. While he's back there. Yeah. If he doesn't mind, that'd be cool. Yeah. We do that for the lifestyle shots then anything. Maybe I'll for rush. Maybe I'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We'll get my best back back there. But hey, I just need us to be in the pits or in the staging. Even even though in staging like the first year, I didn't have a vest. I think you're okay. And staging. I think you're okay in staging. No. I mean, people are going to get to wear pants though. He might. Yeah. Because you don't have a vest. We'll see. Yeah. We'll see what happens. We'll figure it out. We're doing it for rush. Yeah. We'll figure it out. We're doing it for rush. Working for Mark River. Yeah. Working for Mark River. Yeah. I'm sticking back there. Yeah. Hey, hey, we're, we're, we're, we're makin up the man of God. Yeah. Yeah. I think we can make an exception. Yeah. I think God is okay with it. Yeah. Yeah. Amen. God's a race thing. Yeah. As long as you don't, don't interview with him on. No, no, no, he's just going to be up there and be like, Hey, man, like, I don't even know what he says. I don't either. I don't find out. I'm sure it's a powerful. Yes, it is. What if I was just like, I can. What if it cuts out? What if it starts? Oh, it gets all static. Yeah. What if he's like talking shit. Yeah. He's like, man, that didn't sound like any working, bro. Yeah. He's a brother. I've been here all day. Let me tell you. Yeah. And so I lay name work. You're gonna have three kids. God is what you're going to have doing. I've led a Rick G act as firm today. You know what I mean? Take him out, but don't make sure he's not hurt. Amen. Thanks Mark. Yeah. Oh, I told me the door was going to open. Take it, Rick. Yeah. Maybe maybe that's what we need before we go out there. Him to talk to us. Yeah. Just we sit there and we huddle around. We'll be working with a guy that does it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, maybe that's what we do too. Like, hey, man, say prayer for us. You probably would. Who's that? Oh, peak production productions himself. Oh, yeah. You know, we should do just give my uncle Rob out there, but hey, man, you know, I need a real real prayer. We don't. We don't got we just go to Raz. We'll go get one. So to me. Oh, yeah. No, what do we get? A Hannibal Indian. Yes. A prayer. I don't know. I don't know. They don't practice that. What if we got a Hannibal Indian? He's like, hey, man, you say prayer for us. He's like, all right. Comes up. He's like, dear Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah. Stop it. Oh, get your fucking hands off me. We're going to help. Yeah. We better stop. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to view us different. Yeah. Yeah. But no, overall, good. It's been a good week. Oh, yeah. Next gen had their things this past weekend. Oh, yeah. Yes. That was fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good for her. Good for her though. Yeah. She wanted to get the, I don't know if it's supposed to be released or what, but you know, she'll make it a debut at Crandon. Yeah. Nope. She said that she bought a class 11. I mean, she's back in PRI. Yeah. That was KOH. KOH around that. Oh, yeah. Because they were out there to grab it. Yeah. They didn't. Yeah. Really we didn't get to see them. Yeah. So because Chris is too cool for us. Yeah. Yeah. For usual. But yeah. No. So next gen that was cool. Again, it's awesome scene. Not only Cole, but Keegan also out there giving kids tips and everything. And it's always fun to see Nash and and de bleh, do their thing out there and de bleh and teach these kids around the track, I mean, this is crazy. I don't know. I guess I don't realize how much a spotter like how much you got to listen to the spotter. You got one. Trust you. Well, she asked. So we got one right next to one. Yes. Brother, brother. I wouldn't even ask me. Yeah. I think that's why JQ is doing. I can not the greatest. I can only give you my experience. I don't think I can give any advice because I honestly, I do take a lot of advice from Robert Nash because he's he's the one kind of telling me how I have to talk to JQ or essentially kind of not, not, not manage them around the track. Yeah. But develop that, that language and that understanding of like a spotter racer kind of thing because we're both. Yeah. Obviously new at it. And, and I'm, I'm one who's always ready to be like, Hey man, like, you know, I told JQ at any point, if I'm obviously not getting the job done and not comfortable, I'm doing a terrible job where you can trust me or, or understand it anymore. Like I'll gladly step aside and let someone else because I mean, I'm, you know, no, no experience spotters. Yeah. My first time too. Um, so I was like at any point, if anybody else wants to step in, by all means, you know, they're going to be more experienced than me. So, um, you know, haven't, haven't gotten the boot yet. So, but in the meantime, it's like, I might as well take advice from Robert then and go about the best way to, you know, try to get JQ motivated or push around the track or, you know, any kind of advice that I can give them. Yeah. He said them classes. You just see a lot from those guys. Yeah. Yeah. Well, like I said, you see how they, how they talk to them, but then you see how animated they are like just spotting itself and the drivers aren't even looking at them, but they're, their hands are moving and how they're like, how they vision them going through the corner. When I was cool too, it was like, uh, it was just me and Bob sitting out on the corner and I was like, dude, I think he needs to be pushing a little bit more because you think I'm like, yeah, I was like, he just going out too wide and took my advice and goes, oh, okay. He was like, see, next, uh, get another set of eyes on and I was like, oh sweet. I was like, I helped out a little bit. Yeah. Robert Nash is such a humble dude to, you know what I mean, where I'm very helpful, very knowledgeable, you know, the sport of the, the deep interactions of like everything that happens and even like the small details, he was, he was talking to somebody about, um, when you come off the jump, he like they'll, they'll work the pedal because he says, when you come off the jump and you get off the gas, the tires will slow down on the rotation so that when you land, you need to try to get on it, you're already behind so that when you're up in the air, he goes, he goes, uh, the people that are masters that he said is Keegan, uh, kaladook and someone else, so when they get in the air, he's like, they're not doing it to try to like, yeah, sound cool and like look like a dick like they do what, what, what, keep the wheels going sit when they land and they're on it and they're gone. So it's like little details like that are, are what's crazy. Yeah. Uh, about like racing, like you wouldn't even think twice about or even know about. Yeah. So no, but it was cool. Like it's a nice little hot Saturday, um, you know, they provided food, uh, cut or Keegan and cold spoke, um, even Amanda spoke on, uh, race around the band, um, everything. It was just a cool, again, another cool event. I don't know at, at first, I thought I was going to go board with it because I was already there. Yeah. Once and then again, I was just like, Oh, you know, set of new kids, new drivers, you know, new attitude. It was just funny. It was, it was cool. You know, especially to see the parents interacting and, and even them learning too. So did it, uh, did it fly by kind of like, because like you said, cause you kind of knew what to expect, but did it, did it drag on as much as you thought it would with, with knowing like what to expect? Uh, I think the, the heat a little bit, okay, made it drag on because obviously I'm just a photographer. I'm just standing there. Yeah. You know, so and you're seeing, you know, and no offense to the drivers or the classes, you know, a bunch of 170s, you know, just a bunch of little kids. Yeah. But at the end of the day, you know, I'm just trying to be there, be grateful for the opportunity I have, not only as rooster hub covering it, but just being able to, to see the progress in the kids. So I said, colon, ash, you know, did an amazing job. And, you know, again, I think they're having one more class again. I don't want to because last time I got the info around, but I'm like, man, having no more classes. But hopefully they have one more at the end of the year. Yeah. Even, even though it's, you know, one race left, but still like, yeah, important. Yeah. Exactly. So I think if they get one more at the end of the year, great sign up. It's so worth it. Like just the knowledge I even consume and just as a, a standby, you know, just a pedestrian pretty much. And I just learned so much from that, you know, and even just me, I know what to look for when I'm looking through the lens now and everything and, and like I said, I'm such an emotional shooter that that's what I, that's why I shoot with like, like my experience and I never been in a truck, but it's just like, okay, now I know, like you said, the gas pedal things. Yeah. Okay. Now maybe I could capture that. Yeah. And, and, you know, like you said, is to Robert Nash, absolutely incredible, you know, probably the driving force behind, you know, next Jan, the guy, you know, I mean, yes. So a lot, a lot of Robert Nash. Yes. No, no. So thanks to those guys. And, uh, yeah, let's, uh, keep supporting them and, and, uh, the futures and great hands. Yeah. If you guys want to, again, you know, we'll, we'll, I'm sure we'll come out with some information more about, you know, next Jan and, and you'll potentially their next class. Mm hmm. You know, if they can do one more before fall credit, because again, obviously an important weekend. Yeah. But, you know, get ahold of Robert Nash. He's the, the main force behind a D guy, you know, just him though, just him, no one else, no one else out there and next Jan. And I guess, uh, like even what I would like to see more of is like more pro guys showing up. Yeah. Because in theory, it's like if you're struggling out there, you know, you get a full day and yeah, you're only testing two corners or whatever, but you're getting a full day to get down that corner. Yeah. And you get some track time at the end of the day too. And, and like you said, even like, um, what, what I'm trying to compare it to is you ever watch a, that movie, Hardball? Yes. Right. With counter-reaves and the kids. Yep. And it's obviously Little League and, you know, they're talking about playing baseball and he's like, you want to see real baseball? He's kind of piss at him and then he takes them to a Cubs game and they see Sammy Sosa. Yeah. And it's their first time seeing like actual pros play. Yeah. And seeing how it's supposed to be done. Mm hmm. That's the same thing where these kids are only consuming what's in front of them. But if they see a pro or even a pro like talk to them about the corner and what to do. Yeah. Yeah. That is huge. Yeah. And that was one thing that I mentioned to Cole. Cause Cole was like, Oh, he called Mamer's good. Cole Mamer. Mr. Dave Blair. No, no. I love your call. But one thing, uh, doing with Cole Mamer was, I was like, Oh dude, like he had a cool idea, but I was, Oh well, go ask, uh, you know, one of the two to hop on the mic and tell him he's, Oh no, that's not my place. And I'm like, I'm pretty sure they won't have a big deal. Yeah. Yeah. Cole Mamer talking to a kid. Mm hmm. Yeah. You know. And so like at the end of the day, little, little things that can be, um, not structured, but just put in my, my little input. Yeah. I think would be cool. Cole Dabler and, uh, Robert Nash, man, that's, that's so cool to them. Like I said, to do it and, um, I don't know, man. I, I, I don't even, I, I don't know how to feel about this, but I know that when they asked to do it on the podcast back, like PRI, I'm like, yeah, why wouldn't I do it? Like, of course. First of all, you two are my friends and second of all, it's a great program. And then, you know, they still, they still thank us at the end of the day for that. Like, dude, yeah, I think of some, some asshole can you imagine? I was like, no, it's not important. Yeah. What do you mean the future of the sport? No. Like wild man, like of course, dude, it's, it's, it's a great program, dude. It's, it's so, and it's, it's so cool to see it thriving too. Yes. Exactly. You know what I mean? And, and it, and as long as it continues going forward, man, I think there's definitely good hopes for it. And another thing at Bark River, Haley Shanley is doing something too. Yes. I think it's part of the next gen program, right? Nope. Has nothing to do with it? Nope. It's called tech gen. Yeah. No, I don't think it's part of next gen, but I think it's just a class that about social media, marketing, marketing strategies, and anyone can attend and Haley will be there to a win is it? Oh, it's hosted by race around demand and next gen. Oh, race around demand. Next gen. It is Saturday. Saturday. Let me see. Let me see. It's coaching. It would be the ninth. When's the ninth Saturday? Sunday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Nope. Saturday. At VDE. All right. Yup. Friday. 730 PM. Yup. We'll be there. Chris Vanenelzen's pit. The VDE pit. Also, Dave Vanenelzen's pit is what let's let's not count that guy up. Yup. Oh man, Vanenelzen. You know, who's actually an old man who's a pretty good driver? Ben Berger. Or Ben Berger's dad. Sorry. Sorry. Say what? I don't know. You made no sense. Yeah. Ben Berger's dad. You get lost today, brother. Yeah. You know what? I'm just gonna be down. All right, man. This has been a... That's good. I'll wrap this thing up. No, I think, you know, for I think going forward, um, Jeffrey and I were talking about this of just kind of like then, um, like, what, what, what guests do you want to hear from? Yes. You know what I mean? What, what guests do you want to know? No, no more about it. Yeah. Maybe we've been Haley Shanley on. Maybe we want to hear. Yeah. First perspective. It's been a hot minute as we've had her on. Yeah. So, you know, do we bring in more camp officials? Maybe Carl, maybe Ryan, Alex, okay, Alex, what? Fuck Alex, man. What are we going to get from Alex other than... You Karen. Yeah. Yeah. That's the best. Yeah. But not only that, but then maybe some, again, we talk about it, but outside potential marking people. Yeah. Vision wheel. Yeah. Todd Robinson. Yep. I need some more. Oh, I need some more. I need some more. I should probably text him. Yeah. Amen. Yeah. Even like having Corey Winter on as far as race class goes, you know, like just these little... Yeah. They would be a good one. You know, we should bring on. I think you know who we should be. We should. Kind of tire or even what? Maxis. Rosie. Rosie. Rosie would be hilarious. Rosie was the podcast dude insane on here. She makes me feel like... Let us know if you guys like want something like that, like the insight of how to go about maybe potential sponsorships. Yeah. Even like reaching out to these companies. Yes. Yeah. And then, well, and then I think that's maybe we can have this off, off Mike, but then, you know, how many episodes do we go past the race season then as far as like that goes? Because then obviously, you know, the podcast, this, the impulse show will kind of take start taking a step back and then we'll move into the off-season show. But normally in October or normally the month of September, we take like off for like... Okay. So if we're going to already talk about that, I think maybe a week, maybe two weeks after Labor Day. So middle of September and then we don't come back until October sometime. Yeah. Okay. PRI December? Or is that December? Yeah. Okay. Alright. Well, we should come back after, yeah, the second week of October, if you come back, like for an episode. End of October. So, well, here's the thing too, we ask CJ, when is the off-season show pick up? Yeah. Who knows? And we're going to do the off-season show. Yeah. We did a pick up last year. Oh, then that's going to be exciting for the off-season show. I think that's when we start doing video stuff. Yeah. Start recording. Yeah. Pretty cool. Oh, because he wants to die at his house. Oh, he's always. Oh, he's always. He... Yes. No more at... No more C-section. No more C-section. That's such a terrible fucking game. Yeah. But yeah, you know, right around the two hour mark. Yeah. Hopefully, people have gotten enough on their drive to Park River. I know it's a little bit further away. I mean, Jesus is probably what about the time for us? Yeah. Hour four to five. So, yeah. I mean, Green Bay area. You know, hopefully you're rolling into Park River. It's not too late. But, yep, I am stoked for this weekend. We are super excited and again, thank you guys so much for tuning in and listening. You know, all the kind words and everything else that comes with it, you know, every episode, we appreciate it and, you know, we love doing it and, you know, until we're being the sample show and we'll be back next week, next week, next week. Bye. Love you. Bye. Love you. This is How Legends Are Made. This is How Legends Are Made. This is How Legends Are Made. This is How Legends Are Made. (upbeat music)