FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The Jeff Poor Show - Hosted by Apryl Marie Fogel - August 7 2024

2h 3m
Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's The Jeff Pore Show. ♪ I don't think Hank done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ (upbeat music) - Hey, welcome to me, everyone. - April Marie here, Failing in for Jeff Pore, who is on a family adventure. So thrilled to be here this morning. I cheated over here, Dalton. I pulled up the cheat sheet for Sean's show, and so I was expecting his intro. But I wanted to make sure I had that text line and phone line for you, just in case anybody passing through once to text. It's 251-343-0106. Got a pretty good show lined up for you today. Of course, most eyes are on the presidential race. Kamala's a pick for VP, and all of his just wildly woke and liberal policies. Honestly, at this point, I think they're just messing with us. Like of all of the people you can choose, you choose the dude who believes in abortion up until the moment of birth. You choose the dude who wanted to put tampons in boys' bathrooms. You chose the dude who let the riots just burn down the town around him. It makes absolutely no sense. But we're gonna talk a little bit about that later with both our guests today. We've got Paul DiMarco calling in early this hour, and then Caroline Dobson calling in a little later in the program. I did tell her I wanted to talk national politics, but I also told her people that what I would really like to do is talk a little bit about as we go into the school year. There is so much happening. I know this as a mother. As we transition out of summertime and transition our kids back to school, so much we need to be aware of that we just, as parents, as a society, didn't have to watch out for. We didn't have to watch out for what books were in our kids' classrooms and what those books were teaching. We didn't have to worry about teachers undermining our kids. Very rarely, you would hear a conversation of an inappropriate relationship, but they seem to be more and more frequent, and they seem to be a lot of women teachers. There is so much to sending kids back to school that we just have to, as parents, neighbors, grandparents kind of wrap our head around for the safety of our kids, that I want to talk about that a little bit. And for those of you who don't know, I have three children. I've got one starting kindergarten. I've got a second grader, and I've got a sixth grader going into middle school. The first two are going to a private school and the third one is being homeschooled. I posted on Twitter that I would be homeschooling all three, or I was considering homeschooling all three. And the first text I got, I kid you not, the first text I got when I posted that was from Jeff Pore going, "What?" I'm really excited about homeschooling though. I worry about what girls, well, girls and boys specifically for different reasons, what they're experiencing once they hit that middle school level with the amount of anti-family, woke, liberal propaganda in their schools. And even in these schools where our cities and counties are more conservative, or we as community are more conservative, we're still seeing it snuck in and spoon fed to these young minds. And so I want to talk about that a little bit. So we've got those things, all of the things that Kamala has been ignoring, like the border crisis. There's been some really interesting primaries, including Corey Bush. You guys might know her as one of the squad members, getting, losing her primary last night. So I've got some clips of her losing her ever loving mind after she lost her election. So we'll play that and talk about that. And of course, or keep it an eye on the storm, which is just soaking, soaking places where it's just sitting over. So that is what is on the agenda today. What I've been most interested in is learning about this VP candidate. So I think it's one of those things where I pay attention to politics. I tend to pay attention more so to politics in the Southeast, because this is where I live, right? These are the rules that apply to me. When I'm looking at politics outside other states, I'll look at California every now and again, just to laugh and think about how much better off we are. I'll look at Florida just to look and be able to say, you know, we could be doing better. And when we get to electing our next governor, hopefully we will do better, right? Like we will, we know what to look for. We know what we don't need. The first term of Ivy, she was a steady hand, but she didn't do anything to push the envelope. The second term, second full term, she did. She went out there, Governor Kay Ivy, and she pushed through school choice, and she pushed through protecting girls in sports, and she pushed through things that our state badly needed, and I'm appreciative for that. Oh, buddy, am I? But I look at these other governors, Tim Walls, and I say, I don't really keep up with what he's done. And I think that's part of what Kamala's hoping, is that they can still pretend that they're gonna be somewhat moderate, although anybody who buys that at this point needs some oceanfront property in Arizona. But I think they're banking on people not knowing, but every time I see more information about this man, and it's been 24 hours now, it ain't good, it ain't good. He changed his mind. He went from an A-rating with the NRA to an F, and he did that on purpose, right? He did that to further his career as a Democrat, as a liberal. Never mind. (upbeat music) His position as an American, as a liberal, he did that. All right, we're gonna take a quick break when we come back, Paul DiMarco. (upbeat music) ♪ The last of me ♪ ♪ To treat you best ♪ ♪ Did know just what I had ♪ Well, good afternoon. April, Marie here. Please to be filling in for Jeff for the next few days. Bringing to the program with us, Paul DiMarco. Paul, are you there? Good morning. Hope you and your listeners are well today. We are doing great. It is a Wednesday, but it's feeling like a Monday over here. I've told Dalton before I got on the air that I- Three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, if you want. That I got, dropped my coffee on my stand, so there was that. There you go, Wednesday morning. It is a Wednesday feeling like a Monday. All right, well, I wanted to talk, first off, I appreciate you taking the time to come on with me. A lot going on in the world in politics today, ain't it? It's been like this this whole summer. Maybe it's been like this this whole year. We'll look at 2024 like we did at 2020. That's so wild. What do you think of this VP pick by Kamala Harris? Honestly, I didn't know much about Governor Walz, and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. The most important job of any elected official is public safety. You let a city burn. I mean, you can't, there's no, well, there's some gray area, no. He waited to call the National Guard 18 hours after all these riots started while there's everything going on in Minneapolis. And there's no, there's just no if-ends and buts about it. And crime is up in Minneapolis, like 20%. I know some folks that live up there. I mean, it has gotten so bad in Minnesota, and a lot of it is politics before he got there, but he's made it even worse. Yeah, I don't know what's up with these liberal mayors. They think they can come into an area, say they're gonna clean things up, not clean things up, because they go soft on, well, I don't wanna be tough on crime. I wanted to defund the police to start with, and oh, I don't wanna tick off my base, and they talk strong, but then they get there, and they just cave to all of the weirdness and wokeness. One of the things that this governor did was put feminine products in boys' bathrooms. And I feel like that is just such the, like, defining, you know, how did you define that character, that candidate? Well, I defined him by the fact he couldn't tell us what a woman was. Look, I was really concerned they were gonna pick the governor of Pennsylvania, and that would have completely taken Pennsylvania off the table as a swing state from Republicans. Minnesota was gonna go Democrat, but when they picked him, they basically looked at middle Americans that we've got Kamala Harris, far left, Senator from California, and now we've got this guy who's an about socialist. So they are completely paint, I guess their strategy is we're not worried about the middle, we're just gonna get as much of our base out as possible, the far left as possible to win this election. The good news is they didn't win last night when a member of the squad at Corey Bush, the congressman from St. Louis lost. So she was one more far left members of Congress, and now she lost. Oh, it was glorious. - Push back against this, and the Democrat saying this isn't the Democrat party of John F Kennedy, this is now the Bernie Sanders wing of the party has taken over, 'cause neither Kamala Harris or walls, the other walls represent the middle Americans. - No, these are, and it's really interesting looking at the tickets and seeing that, seeing that we have, on our side, Trump and JD Vance. When Trump picked JD Vance, it was almost initially right after the shooting, after the assassination attempt on President Trump's life, and I feel like we have stopped talking about it and we should continue. After the assassination on President Trump's life, the assassination attempt, he picked JD Vance. Now, this wasn't a Mike Pence choice, right? This wasn't a safe someone who's gonna, you know, give comfort to people, and we've seen some of those VP choices. The more, the Dick Cheney's, we've seen some of these just, we want them to not do anything. So JD Vance wasn't that, he is colorful, he speaks his mind, he believes some of the same things Trump does, he has, he, I think he's just a, that is a good fit, and I can see that because Trump people, I don't know how many, either you're gonna love Trump and vote for Trump or not, I don't know what the candidate swing there is. Whereas I look at this Democrat ticket and I say, okay, they did the same thing. They have Kamala, crazy, crazy leftist in her policies, and then they put on a guy who's equally as crazy, not a stapling force, and not a stabilizing force. And I just, I think they went the wrong way, they are banking on, you know, writing this, she is a minority female, would be the first minority female president, banking on writing, she's gonna be the first woman president to the, to the ballot boxes. - Yeah, and they're also trying to play him as, oh, he's just good old Midwesterner, he hunts, he fishes, he's just, he's a modern, and he is far from moderation as possible, actually encouraging what's going on at the border. So it's, it's, but here's the thing, it's the mainstream media is gonna just talk about how middle America, these two people are, when we know it's so far from that, and we've got to make sure the Republican Party, Trump campaign's gonna make sure folks understand what they've got to get that message out there, about what's really going on with the Democratic ticket. - No, I, that's absolutely right. I think that what we have to see is, we have to see that these policies, these absolutely just bonkers ideals that Kamala and walls share, that those are just talked about each and every day. And then we need to talk about what's really at risk, right? Of the issues that are out there, border control, immigration, it feels like day after day, after day, we're getting more information about incredibly violent criminals, who have been caught, released, caught, released and commit murder, murders and rapes and terrible, vicious crimes. I don't, I think the left wants to ignore that, and I don't think we should let them. - No, but you just got, there's so many people in the country you've got to reach, and that's why talk what radio is important. That's what, we need to have these debates. There needs to be a presidential debate. There needs to be a vice presidential debate. People need to really, there's no question, Kamala Harris has had a honeymoon. Joe Biden is off the ticket, and then the vice president of a picnic. The Democratic Convention is in two weeks, in Chicago. This is the reason, one of the reasons I didn't pick Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania, which would have been a really a great pick, because they were worried about what would happen in Chicago. All the riots that would have happened from the pro-Hamas crowd. - Oh yeah. - To tell me directly to see what happens in Chicago, you know there's still going to be protests, because it's just never left enough for those folks. - I've got a clip of that and it, where the Democrat talking heads are saying, you know, basically she couldn't at this point, put a Jewish candidate on the ballot with her. And you look at that. And the reality of this part of our nation, who does, people can have no opinion on Israel. But if you are standing with the crowd that wants to eradicate the people who live in Israel, if you are standing with the crowd of people who believe that Jewish people should be eliminated, or who support or celebrate the horrific acts of October 7th, then you are just on the wrong side of everything. And I'm looking at the Democrats say, we couldn't tick off these people. No, could you imagine if they got, if Republican pundits got on air and said we couldn't tick off the KKK, we couldn't tick off the worst of the worst on our side. And that's what they're doing. The Democrats are embracing these individuals who hate not just us, what we stand for, our freedom of religion. They hate and despise everything having to do with Israel and the Jewish people. - I've talked a few Democrats who themselves are surprised. You have the governor of Pennsylvania, a must-win state, a must-win state for the Democrats. And they had a candidate who was for school choice. So very pro-Israel, they couldn't do it. That just tells you how far this Democratic party has gone. But they're not going to admit it. They're never going to admit it. But we all know that's the real reason he didn't get picked. - It is absolutely frightening. And it just says a lot about where we are as a nation. It's so funny because in the political consultant brain, the brain that looks at polls and looks at cross-tabs and worries about how they're weighted, it's really important. And I don't feel like a lot of the talk show listeners here spend a lot of time on social media. But it's important to realize that our bubbles, our little bubbles that we create for ourselves, whether it be on Facebook, whether it be in group text with our friends, or our coworkers, on Twitter, whatever it is, those, we are sat in silos there. And so we have to open our eyes to not just what we're seeing and believe, but to what's going on outside of our little bubbles and silos. And so I love reading polling because it keeps me on my toes. I really do, I like to see what messaging is sticking. And in this race, we saw Kamala get a bump just based on the demographics, the boxes that she checks. And anybody who wants to call me a name for saying that, go ahead and do so. But the fact of the matter is there's been no secret about, she was hired because Biden promised to bring in a minority woman, a black woman specifically, and put her on his VP ticket. And so I look at what we have going on around us and people who are voting for that ticket are voting against Trump, they're voting for the monumental, elect a woman idea, and they're not voting for the betterment of our nation. Because there's no way you vote for that ticket, and you think, ah, this is what we need the next four years. There's no way you go to the grocery store, and you say, yep, I won exactly this, four more years of this, please. - Yeah, it was James Carrville, the Democrats said it's the economy stupid, so you don't even get to all the national security issues in the border and the crazy energy policies, you just look at what's gone on with inflation across the board that is the direct responses, directly due to the policies that this administration, which includes Kamala Harris voted for, that led to the food prices and gas prices and everything out there. All this overregulation that has led to the price increases. So she owns it, she completely owns it, so if folks go to the polls in November, they got to put it on the first page. - Yep, we will be right back. You are listening to April Murray on the Jeff Porchow called a Marco joining us. Ooh, Marco. ♪ That's right I focus Spanish for it ♪ ♪ Into mobile my hometown ♪ ♪ It's the team ♪ ♪ That's right, that's right, that's right, that's right ♪ ♪ That's right, that's right, that's right ♪ ♪ Sitting here at the floor ♪ ♪ I'm about to open up a big old can of good time ♪ ♪ Unwild, I'm falling out of love in the same night ♪ ♪ Can't say I gotta hold out of cares ♪ ♪ I'm in the red neck of red in the air ♪ - Right, right, right. - I'm getting crazy, I'm getting crazy, I'm getting crazy. - Okay, well, good, uh, good morning. - I'm so used to, I'm, I'm so used to being on Sean's show now. Now I'm back to saying good afternoon when it's good morning. I am here with Paul DeMarco, bringing him back on the line. Hey, Paul. - Hey, I'm back. - Good to have you today. We're talking about a little bit of everything. I got to some of the text line text to the listener who thinks I should consider doing audio books. - Well, look into that. I have a friend who does voiceovers, actually have several friends that do voiceovers. I'm a talk show host without a show at this point. I've tried to do a coup and get a show on Dale station. There's nothing here. So what I do is instead, I just every time one of the guys leaves town, Sean or Jeff or Dale, I just fill in for them. So I'm an under-- - You got a show today, so you're here. - I am an under employed radio host. So I'll be here today, tomorrow, and Monday. Friday, I was scheduled to come, but the guys helped me out. Scott Butram will be here instead so that I can go to my kids back to school bash. So-- - There you go. - Yeah, yeah. I can't miss the beginning of school year, all the things that come along with that. Well, I wanted to talk to you a little bit, Paul. I'm looking at a story here from this morning. The Mobile Mayor, honoring Olympic swimmer Paige Madden. The three time Olympic medal winner from Mobile, she is one. Three swimming events for Team USA in Paris, two silver medals swimming in the four lap, 200 meter freestyle relay and a bronze and the 800 meter freelay. And first off, heck yeah, for her. Let's get our girls, not just our girls, but I'll say, let's get our girls. Let's encourage them. Let's help them pursue their talents in their dreams and their goals. And this is what I want from the Olympics. There was a video that came out early on in the Olympics of a young girl who had a player wave at her and the response was just so heartwarming. This little girl screaming like she had seen Taylor Swift, but it was an Olympic athlete she had seen. And she was so proud and so happy to be there. And when I think Olympics, that's what I remember. I remember watching the, and I, you know, not big sports person. If you guys see me, not my thing, but I love watching gymnastics. I'd love watching, you know, some one-off sports here and there, maybe the high jump shot put. This year I was interested in this, the, some of the shooting stuff 'cause we all know, have seen that guy by now. But I look at this and this year, it feels different. It feels like the Olympics has been tarnished. Paul, did you get that coming out of everything from the torch runs? They had individuals of every woke shape and size represented during the torch run. And then that opening ceremony. - You know, after the opening ceremony, I just lost interest. I mean, I'm like you, congratulations to the athletes. They've worked so hard. A good friend of mine, Jennifer Chandler, up here in Birmingham. Wanna go metal and diving and, you know, just the Olympics is something you, that you look forward to, I guess every two years, winter and summer, but this, what's happened in Paris has really given that entity a black eye. But let's just go beyond that. Not only is the Olympics, but kind of looking where we are in society now. You, people that were offended at this depiction of the Last Supper. And look, there's no question it was now. I mean, that, oh, it was some sort of Greek now. Look, they've admitted that's what it was. So that's off the table now. But people were offended that Christians were offended. Meanwhile, if you use the wrong pronoun, somebody wants to throw you in jail. So this whole, oh, you gotta be tolerant. When no one was tired that folks were offended about terrible depiction of Last Supper. And that, to me, is much of a story about the Olympics, as the Olympics itself right now, about where we are in society. - So I had this conversation recently with, I'm trying to deciding whether or not, I'm not gonna say it, but with somebody, a person of authority to me. And we were discussing DEI. And they were concerned that views that I express publicly, very clearly, a man is a man. No child was born in the wrong body. You know, DEI, teaching white privilege and all that nonsense is just that nonsense. They were concerned that my beliefs were going to, somehow I'm friends on someone else's beliefs. And what I said is, you pride yourself on diversity. And that has to include diversity of thought and diversity of religious beliefs and diversity of all these other things. So frequently, the left wants to shout diversity, diversity, we need all these different voices heard, but not you Christians, but not you happily married families, but not you healthy children, but not you doctors who specialize in, you know, the body and biology. You guys, shut up and sit down, hide away, maybe go to an island somewhere. And what we have seen during the Olympics, specifically with the first program was awful. And then the world, we living in a world where people are cheering on men, beating up women in just horrific circumstances. That being allowed or tolerated is horrible. And then the response to it equally as horrific. - Well, look, I follow JK Rowling. - I do too, I love her. - And let me tell you, you know, who JK is, Rowling is, she's the prolific author of Harry Potter. If you don't know who Harry Potter is, ask any kid under 12 years old, be a tax against her for simply defending women. - Oh, yeah. - That is for someone of her mission is to, you know what? Over here in Scotland, in England, where everything has just gotten so backwards, I'm gonna stand up for women and be threat against her. The has been just incredible against one of the most famous authors in the world. - Talented, yes. And so if you don't aren't-- - And proud of you. - And if you aren't familiar with JK Rowling and her advocacy, it's more than the tweets. I want you to go back and read her early essays because she does a very, very insightful essay about the need to, and this is where the term TERFs came in and got really well used, that she came in and said, look, if you, as a grown man, you wanna address a certain way, what ifs, always been a fan of the LGBTQ. That was her thing, right? And then she said, however, you do not belong in women's spaces, you do not belong in women's sports, you do not belong in either those two, or you can't require me to use your preferred name and pronouns and all of that stuff. And this became a really big sticking point for her and she probably lost, you know, goodness, who knows how much she lost in royalties and potential fans because of this, and yet she stuck to her guns because that's what we are being forced, and you know what, I don't mind being forced, my hand's being forced and I have to tell the truth, bring it on, and that's what she did. What's happening in the Olympics with these men, very clearly men, you look at them, you know their man, them competing against women with all of the physical advantages that they have is wrong. - And the attacks on the female boxer from Italy who got her face punched in, maybe potentially a broken nose, and she withdrew and she said, no, I'm not gonna do this. And she got attacked for implying that, you know, this other boxer should not have been in the ring with her. And so if you look who could end up winning the gold and silver, and it's not gonna be this boxer from Italy who trained, and I just, it's a really terrible situation. And yet they're attacking her, and the Olympic Committee is not standing up for her. - Yeah. - That's why. - They're afraid. - They will have to deal with the Olympics, right? Or the Olympic Committee. - Yeah. - But you know what, Joe Biden said it's spectacular. - Yes. - What do you wanna say? I think it's gonna be, the Olympics will be, you know, like I think it felt like the city's got, winter Olympics coming up, Los Angeles got some Olympic. I mean, is it gonna be more of the same? - It will likely be more of the same. Paul DeMarco, tell our listeners where they can find you. - They can find me on your publication, Alabama today, or @Paul_DeMarco on Twitter. - All right. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. I really appreciate it. We're gonna hit a break, and when we come back, we'll continue on this conversation and go to the, instead of saying the text line, I said the troll line. That was quite the slip. And go to the troll line. Stay on hold tight for that. ♪ I fly a starship ♪ ♪ Across the universe divide ♪ ♪ And when I reach the other side ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ What was the thought inside my head ♪ - Well, good morning, everyone. If you were just tuning in, you've got April, Marie Fogle here. I'll be here today and tomorrow. And the guys, let me play with the schedule a little bit. And I will be here again on Monday. So glad to be here. Love my time with you. If you've got the text line open, I've got the text line number saved. You can shoot me a message there. I've been getting kind once this morning, except for the troll and I just trolled on past him. So there you go. We had an interesting upset last night. I say we, we the nation. Thank goodness. It's with great sadness. That's why I wasn't an actress 'cause I can't even pretend to be sad. It is with great excitement. If you haven't heard, squad member, Corey Bush has lost her primary. And then she goes on to lose her ever-loving mind. So we're gonna listen to a clip from her election night speech. - As much as I love my job. (audience laughing) But all they did was radicalize me and so now they're being free. (audience cheering) (audience cheering) - Okay, Corey Bush ousted. And in doing so, she says they radicalized me. She also goes on to say in that clip that she is coming after APEC. That she is, that she has, she has a mission. She, quite frankly, her message was a little startling if you get the opportunity to watch the full clip do so because she is, she goes a little wild. She follows up that all they did was radicalize me. So now they need to be afraid by saying, they about to see, these are her words, by the way, they about to see this other Corey, this other side. APEC, I'm coming to tear your kingdom down. I'm gonna say that again. I'm coming to tear your kingdom down. Could they be more clear? Could people who hate Israel, people who hate Jewish people, who hate the Jewish state? Could they be more clear than to say, I'm coming to tear your kingdom down? It's frightening, really. She is, what she needs to do is she needs to not be allowed back at the Capitol. I know they're not gonna do it, but something's not right here. Something, this was a threat. We don't need her anymore radicalized than she already was. I don't know if you guys have been following the squad over the years, if there's an anti-American position you can take on a vote, on a bill, on a issue. The these squad members have done it. If there's a way to villainize the people of our great nation they have done it. The left plays by rules in their own head that we are the enemy. We, anybody who disagrees with them. We, those of us who support Israel, those of us who support families and Christianity and knowing right and wrong, I care. I didn't want to let this moment go. So that was her speech last night. This is Cory Bush, so glad to see her go. But in case you needed a refresher of one of the brighter things she said, we've got a clip of that too. - Cenage. - So you're saying that 40, you're saying that they're paying their fair share is what you're saying. - No, I'm asking what percentage is a fair share. Their fair share, the same, if I'm paying, if a third of my money is going to taxes, then I think a third of their money should be going. - It does. - Well, it does. - I'm trying to understand because you realize the effective tax rate on the poor is less than it is on the rich, right? - Okay, so first of all, I'm not the poor. I'm very close to their line, but I'm not the poor. - Okay, so the effective tax rate on the middle class is less than it is on the rich, correct? What fair share would you like to change? - I think that for every interview, anybody associated with the squad, any interview they do, there should be someone there asking basic American history facts, basic forms of government facts, and maybe get an understanding of their sense of economics or the tax structure, because repeatedly, what we see, and I say the squad, and unfortunately, for women, it has been women, right? It's been the AOCs, it's been her, it's Cori Bush, it's been others. They're not playing with the full deck. There's something very wild going on here. By the way, Cori Bush is the second squad member to lose their primary. Jamal Bowman at a New York was also defeated in June, and so I think we are starting to see, even in their own districts, people waking up to the fact that what they wanted, what they thought they wanted, they thought they wanted woke, liberal, loud mouths, but that's not what they wanted. Not to this level, not with this level of immaturity and inaction, so I think that's just wild. All right, so I'm back on the text line, let me look at the text line here for just a minute. It says, "I think you might take another look "at the Olympic boxer. "I have learned that the boxer with the XY chromosome, "has female genitalia and always lived as a female." Okay, so the two boxers, there are two boxers, one of them very clearly, well, first off, both of them have masculine traits that show that they went through a male puberty. Their chromosomes don't lie, no matter what, no matter how they were raised, okay? If a doctor looked at somebody, they had an abnormality, a deformity, if you will, and these medical conditions have been talked about for weeks now, that doesn't change the reality of the puberty they go through and the advantages that they have. One of the things that the left has said repeatedly is, "Oh, you're so mean." Well, guess what, I'd rather be mean for considered mean, for protecting women, from men who want to punch them in the face. And let's not kid ourselves, that's what happened in that first fight that only lasted seconds. That woman was punched in the face and she said, "I was hit the hardest I've ever been hit before." Why? Because the individual standing in the ring was with her was a man. And you know what, we live in a society where we have to learn that gender presentation is on a spectrum, right? I was a tomboy for a phase, I had short hair, I wore baggy clothes, you know, I went to my little angsty period. This individual wears men's clothes. Very, very rarely has this individual worn female clothes as a child. And what, again, if the family had come out and talked about this, we would know more details. But this individual, clearly the doctors looked, he asked me now. Something went right and they said he was a girl, but he wasn't. And we all know that now. All right, sorry, that was a tangent I got off on and lost frick time. You're gonna have to wait for the rest of this in the next hour. Stay tuned. ♪ Just flitter and shine ♪ ♪ The child has said a love ♪ ♪ Lost the one thing but you couldn't back ♪ ♪ That it never was ♪ (upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ - Well, good morning, everyone. Jeff Poor is on the trip of a lifetime with his son. I'm following him on pictures, digitally stalking him, I suppose some would say. But it's quite precious. Yesterday, he went to the, he went to the, gosh, what is it called? The place in Atlanta with a hamburger joint. And that is incredibly overrated. Anyway, I'm pulling the pictures up with the son. And I told him that it was essentially child abuse if he didn't get his child a hat from it. So they went, they're just driving. Driving Father Sundays, I love it. It's very sweet. As summer comes to a close, a lot of us are who have children, are both sad to see them go a little excited to get some quiet. Now I say that if you miss it at the beginning of the show, I've got three kids, one going into kindergarten, one going in the second grade. Those are my two boys, and those will be going to a regular to a private school. Going to regular to school, I suppose. And my daughter, who's going to sixth grade, she's going to be homeschooled. And so we have her in a co-op. And I'm just over here preparing for that, which by the way, you know a teacher, hug a teacher. The beginning of the school year, get them a gift. Remind your children to treat them with respect, because all the totally, there's a lot of work that goes into this. In a perfect world, I may end up homeschooling all three next year. It depends on work, but I absolutely am very excited about this year. All right, so we hope that Jeff Port is having a wonderful family little vacation. So I wanted to switch gears back to the vice president pick. I've got a couple clips here about that, and I wanted to go to the talking heads, talking about Kamala's pick. - And I think ultimately, Shapiro, I think fit is important. But you know, I also think that when you look at the principle of do no harm, maybe they did say in a state like Minnesota, do we want to, those 100,000 uncommitted voters who came out about the Gaza war, do we want to antagonize those voters? Those are all parts of the questions as well. So, but I just say, - Tim Walz also spoke conciliatory towards those people. He said, look, that uncommitted vote is significant and those people should be heard. So having that kind of response, I think, is probably more of an open door to the parts of the party that have been very frustrated with the Democrats. But just to one point on the Gaza war, Shapiro has the same position on Israel that Governor Walz, that Senator Kelly has. He's actually been more critical of Netanyahu than the other two, but he is Jewish. - And also the face of the crackdown on the protests, right? He spoke very vehemently about those campus protests as being anti-Semitic. - Not all of them, the ones that were anti-Semitic. - He criticized as being anti-Semitic. - He was out front on the issue. So, I'm wondering if that's the kind of thing that, again, for the activist wing of the party. - Absolutely. - They thought it was a slap in the face. - Yeah, but I think. - Wow. Wow. Wrap your head around that one. And there's so much there, as the kids say, to unpack that it makes my head hurt. Did they just admit that part of the reason they didn't pick Shapiro is because he cracked down on the protesters who, and the woman, the man tried to clarify, but you can't really walk that one back. No more than you can walk back the, well, he's Jewish. They are trying to say, without saying the truth, that they do not, that they do not want this, they do not want to upset the Hamas wing of their party. Think about that, the Hamas wing of the Democrat party, these young Americans who have been indoctrinated at their schools, and you can't tell me that's not what it is. There aren't a lot of families out there sitting around the dinner table going, yeah, we want Israel wiped off the map. But there are radical liberal teachers that across the K through 12 system, and especially in the colleges that are out there encouraging this. And now we've got a Democrat party saying, saying out loud while we don't want to alienate those people. We've got pundits saying out loud, well, all things being equal, the problem we have is he was Jewish. What? That was what he had going against him. I really, I never thought I'd live this day. I'm gonna be honest, we are a nation that embraces religion, religious freedom, we are. And I've had this conversation actually, whenever this conversation comes to mind, I think back to a show I was on in Montgomery, where the host and I got into a conversation about religious freedoms for faiths that are not Christianity or Judaism. And my perspective is this. If a, we welcome all religions, what we cannot welcome into our nation are extremist from any religion that is going to say they want to kill us. Seems pretty common sense, right? I'm a fan of the kids at these protests. If there are people here on visas and they're out there supporting what happened on October 7th. I'm supportive of deporting them. All right, we're gonna continue conversation about the vice president pick after this break. ♪ Before ♪ ♪ How pretty on a dime ♪ ♪ The soul ♪ ♪ Hand me my hand ♪ ♪ Excuse me man ♪ ♪ But where's the door ♪ ♪ From Carolina down to Georgia ♪ ♪ Smell the Tasman and Magnolia ♪ ♪ Sleep is sweet home ♪ ♪ Alabama ♪ ♪ Roll tight ♪ ♪ Roll ♪ ♪ Money ♪ Welcome, Marie. April, Marie here. Filling in for Jeff Port and thank you to the listeners who said the varsity that yes, that is where he went. We had the varsity, two people say the varsity and the one person said the varsity stinks. They said another word, but I'm gonna go with stinks. My experience there have been there once, went there with a group of fifth graders and it was awful. The lines took forever. The food was meh, it was loud. I'm sure there's something like institutional about it, but I don't think I'll go back. I don't think it's, it wasn't my jam as the kids say. We actually went there, we went to the varsity, we went to the aquarium, which by the way, if you have not been to the Georgia Aquarium, love it. It was really fantastic. I could have stayed there all day. The kids I was with were not as entertained, but I went with my fifth grade class last year and then on a separate day, 'cause I like to take the children on one on one dates. I took my son over for an overnight and he and I went twice and it's just fantastic. There's so much to see. The dolphin show was a must and then we went to a world of coke and I was meh, not as impressed as that. All right, so no, we're not just talking about my life today. Although I could, you know, go ahead and pop some questions over in the text line and I'll see what I can answer over there. One person asked, who were the people screaming in the background for the last clip I played of those CNN analysts going a little off script? They were actually at a Harris walls speaking at their first rally. So there was someone in the background, I can't tell who, like warming up the crowd and they were speaking over them. So that's what that noise was and you can go see that video. Here are the crazy things that they say. Slap in the face to the activist wing of the party. By the way, the wing of the party that's cheering on, hostage keeping, rapes, murders, complete terror, that's not an activist wing, that's a terrorist wing. And the left embracing their terrorist wing publicly and recognizing that they need them on their side to win the election says, "All you need to know." I always preference any conversation about Donald Trump with this, which is, "I'm not a Trump fan. "I'm gonna vote for him, I want 100% vote for him, "but I'm not a Trump fan." And every time I see more in the last couple of weeks, I never thought somebody could make me, like get up in the morning on election day and run to vote for Trump. I won't get up on election day, but be excited to vote for Trump. But this ticket, this Kamala Walls ticket, this Harris Walls ticket, it has done just that. It has made me want to rush out on election day and vote against them because they will undermine everything that makes our country great, including our safety. And you cannot embrace the terrorist arm of the party without undermining our safety. You can't ignore what's been going on at the border for the entirety of the Biden-Harris administration without undermining our security. By the way, I'll give a sneak preview for those who were listening earlier, we've got Caroline Dobson calling on a little later about the present VP tick as well as going back to school. And then next, we've got J Town calling tomorrow and we've got Sheriff Mark Liam. If you guys aren't familiar with him, look him up, he's incredible. He is a border sheriff in Arizona. He ran for US Senate, lost to Kerry Lake, but is a phenomenal guy. He's going to be on talking on Monday with me, talking border security and what he's seeing. He's actually, I wanted him to come on today, but he's at the border right now. The issues we have to talk about during this election cycle, they're going to want to make this that the whole Kamala is going to be the first black woman. And if you say anything about her, if you say anything about her cackling, her terrible answers, her inability to articulate a plan, her inability to do an interview, you say anything like that, you are a racist and sexist booger. That's what you are. But what we need to be talking about is border security. What's happening down there and how is it impacting our safety, our resources, the veterans who can't get care, the students who aren't unsafe in their schools, the levels of crime in cities. We got to start talking about getting out the vote. We can talk in our little circles, I said earlier, we talk in our little silos, whether it be on Twitter or whether it be on Facebook, maybe a group text. But we need to make sure people have a plan to get out and vote that they know what they're going to do. I'm a big election day voter. But let me tell you, a thing that has hosed us, did I say that, a thing that has hosed us as Republicans over the years has been this idea that mail-in voting shouldn't be done. Because there are people who can't get out of bed, there are people who are ill, there are people who are traveling. And if you, the only way you can foreshore vote is vote by mail, then do it. Legally, do it. Because we don't play the game as we want the rules to be. We play the game as the rules are. And right now, you can vote by mail if you meet certain criteria in the state of Alabama. You got friends and family in swing states, and those states have early voting and mail-in voting and voting from the top of an apple tree. Go ahead and tell your friends and family to vote, however they can. There's no time for pride in this election, 'cause you know what pride gets us in this election? Oh, I'm no wait until election day, and then something comes and you can't. What that gets us is that gets us one vote closer to a Harris-Walls ticket. And I don't know about you, but every time I go to the grocery store, I am reminded that I cannot take, I cannot take another four years at this. Just absolutely not able to do it. Do you guys know how many snacks my three kids ate this summer? Do you know what grocery prices are like? Even feeding them cheese sticks and bananas and apples. Good Lord. All right, we've got another clip about this VP pick. I'm gonna play for you and we'll start with that. Possibly. Maybe not. (audience applauding) - Hope woke up like many of you did five weeks ago and Dad said, "Dad, you're the only person "I know who's an elected office. "You need to stop what's happening with this. "I'll take my kick in the butt for the NRA. "I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt, "and I gave the money back, "and I'll tell you what I have been doing. "I've been voting for common sense legislation "that protects the Second Amendment, "but we can do background checks. "We can do CDC research. "We can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry "among states, and we can make sure "that those weapons of war that I carried in war "is the only place where those weapons are at." (audience applauding) - All right, all right, for those of you who know me, you know I am a two issue voter. Used to be a one issue, single issue voter. Used to be to a Second Amendment all the way. NRA girl, the ribbon through. And then I have evolved, and now I have evolved, and I'm two-A, and I protect the kids. That means protect them from the womb to protect them until they are old enough to get, leave the house, leave the little nest, right? Listening to this clip. So an interesting fact that I discovered is that walls used to have an A-rating with the NRA. And then he went left, as they do, to appease the masses. And here's the thing. When he went left, he went nuts. One of the things he said specifically was getting rid of reciprocity of states. I am going to bet that the overwhelming majority of you know what a big problem this is, but if you don't, the ability to get in my car and drive down to Florida, drive up to Tennessee, drive to Virginia, drive out of Atlanta to see the aquarium, and lawfully carry my firearm with me. Because I have a permit, that's important. This whole, oh, when you cross, you have to put it in the trunk and take the bullets out and separate it, or you may not be able to have it in the state at all, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's insane. The idea that he would limit the one's lawful way to travel around the country is wrong. A number of individuals travel across state lines for work routinely, absolutely routinely. And so I just want to say, you guys, this guy is a danger to our Second Amendment rights. You're going to see, and I saw it yesterday, you're going to see pictures of him out there hunting. And by the way, good on him. I love the idea of a Democrat out there talking about hunting, because this isn't a bad thing. A lot of people have come to say, you know, the PETA types, oh, you can't hunt. I really learned the last year about conservation and the importance of hunting. But Harris, their campaign started selling a camouflage hat yesterday. Why? Because they think you are going to fall for it. They do. They know I'm not going to. But they think you might. They think you might see a camouflage hat in a candidate who's out there hunting and think, man, they're not that far off. They got to support the Second Amendment. And truth be told, they're lying. I don't want to take weapons of war that I used him more. Well, guess what? He never went to war. And this has been an issue for this man repeatedly, that he quit. All right, we're going to talk about this a little bit more. After the next break, we're going to go to a break. (upbeat music) Stay tuned. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ I got so drinking money ♪ ♪ To lock your door broke ♪ ♪ People said it was useless ♪ ♪ And people love the blues ♪ ♪ Those girls as slow as the finest pick up ♪ ♪ To ever play the blues ♪ ♪ I saw the light ♪ ♪ I saw the light ♪ ♪ No more darkness ♪ ♪ No more night ♪ ♪ Now I'm so happy ♪ ♪ No sorrow inside ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ ♪ I saw the light ♪ Oh, the play in music between Jeff Poor, the differences between Jeff Poor's playing music in mine is pretty stark. I'm gonna have to see if I can bribe Dalton with like a Venmo for a case of beer or something to do something about this play in music. Lord, have mercy. You, if you were just tuning in, if you were the individual who just sent a text saying, stop lying, weird, subpar, unknown, squeaky voiced MA. The weird, subpar, unknown, squeaky voiced person is April Marie Fogle. And if you haven't met me yet, if you're not following me on Twitter, you can find me there and on Facebook at APRYL, M-A-R-I-E. The good news about those outlets if you follow me there to troll me, you don't have to hear my voice, which is amazing because I managed to get two texts, one saying they love my voice and one saying it's squeaky. So I got nothing. The trolling is fun. I told Jeff, I texted Jeff during that commercial break and told him that James, the sad troll is missing him and he said to tell them I miss them too. So just in case you're curious, Jeff is already having the sads, okay? One of our listeners, Pat, love you, Pat, for this. Pat was speaking to my point about we play by the rules, we have not the rules we want in terms of election day. So we just have to make sure that we vote and if you possibly can't do it on election day, you darn sure better figure out a way to get a mail-in ballot in. If you got friends and family in states that do apps and do early voting, ain't nothing wrong with getting that in early. He said he drove from New Orleans back to Mobile, got here at 6.30 to vote in the most recent runoff, nothing more important and that is absolutely correct. I'll tell you a story. So my son, my youngest son who's going into kindergarten was born on November 7th. November 6th was election day. On November, the Friday before that Tuesday, I went to the doctor from, I'm older, I was an older mom, so I had to go in and do these little tests every week and they said that things were a little high, not like emergency high, but a little high and they wanted to have me to have the baby a little earlier and so this is Friday afternoon and she said, can you have the baby on Monday? And I said, oh, she said on Tuesday and I said, I probably do Tuesday. I just got to vote first, I got to vote before I come in. And she said, okay, so we had the baby on Wednesday. I kid you not, so I have this image and by the way, I am so absurdly patriotic that my children and I all wear matching t-shirts for election day. Yes, we do. I'm actually in the process of ordering the ones we're gonna wear this year. I'm gonna get them from moms for liberty in case you're looking for election day attire. But I have this great image of me waddling like to the polls on election day and then the next day, very next day I gave birth and I wouldn't change it. I want my children to understand that we have the right to vote and it is a responsibility. I can't tell you how many times I've been so like over an election cycle and thank you guys for the compliments. Wow, you know how to make a girl's morning. I can't tell you how many times I've gone through an election cycle following it as closely as we have to in this business and then just been exhausted. Physically, mentally exhausted. I hate seeing good people torn down in the name of politics and so, but you show up on election day. You show up and not just that. You do everything you can to get your friends out to vote. So there's my little soap box. I'm gonna, I'm gonna hop on off of that for now and go back to an earlier subject, but thank you, Pat, for taking the time, doing everything you can to get out there. We really should. Jerry from Fort Morgan says, Jeff's music is one of his best qualities. You know, his music is good. It's just, it's not, I need something a little quicker. I need some 80s or 90s country. I need a little, like, yeah. John Hill, thanks for the message and squirrel, thank you. All right, you know, squirrel brought up TikTok and that was on my list of things to talk about today. This idea of banning TikTok and it is, it's back again, we've got, we've got Alabama members weighing in on, it was actually Attorney General, Steve Marshall weighing in on changing TikTok's ownership. I have to tell you, if you are on TikTok right now, cut it out. I don't care what they tell you, that ain't safe. Somewhere, somewhere has your information. It is not safe to be on TikTok right now. Also, there's no reason for growing up to have TikTok. I struggle with Twitter. I went, I was off of Twitter for seven years. But TikTok is a threat to your privacy and your security and it freaks me out and that's all I'm gonna say about that clearly, I'm not gonna be getting a contract for lobbying for TikTok anytime soon. But the Attorney General, Steve Marshall, has signed a letter and again, threatening a ban calling, calling TikTok a threat to national security. Now, this is just yesterday. He joined a coalition of 21 Attorney Generals asking the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to uphold the national TikTok divest or ban legislation saying it is a threat to national security and consumer privacy as the company collects user data that is then accessible for foreign adversary. Tell you what, you are just turning your phone into a weapon against you. Stop doing it. There's, you know, every now and again on the radio, the mom and me comes out, that's the mom and me, okay? Yes, yes, no more TikTok. All right, I wanted to talk a little bit about, we got a message earlier, we've been talking off and on and we're gonna talk more off and on for the rest of the show about Kamala's pick for VP. One of the things that has come up several times is this idea of his stolen valor. So we heard him say, in that video clip we played before that he used the weapons of war, by the way, before I get to Tim Wal's thoughts on gun control. My Second Amendment rights. Your Second Amendment rights should not ever have anything to do with some yo-yo's idea of what looks scary, of what they deem unnecessary. Could you imagine living in a world in which people on, well, I guess we are seeing it to some very creepy extent, where people on the left were trying to take away the First Amendment rights of individuals based on their preferences? Well, I don't like that genre of music. So you can't have it, I don't wanna hear it. My firearm, well, I don't understand why you have it. You don't need it. Well, you don't have to understand why I have it, just like I don't have to understand why you say stupid things. You don't have to like how the number of firearms I have, you don't have to, and by the way, I do have firearms, plural. You do not wanna come to my house unannounced. We live in a society where this idea of, "Oh, the gun looks scary to me, we must take it away." That is nonsense and we have to push back each and every time they say it. So back to Tim Walls, he left the National, so we heard him talking about the weapons of war and the weapons he used them were. He left the National Guard Battalion and this is a quote, "Slithered out the door before their Iraq deployment." Veterans have accused him of embellishing his military career and abandoning his National Guard Battalion, highlighting how the vice president pick for the Democrats never served in combat and retired from service ahead of his units, 2005 deployment to Iraq. The man lied, and not by the way, not just the lie that we saw yesterday. He's been lying about this repeatedly for years. We don't need another liar in the White House. What the what? All right, we're gonna take a break. We'll come back with a final segment. I'll give you a little bit more information about his stolen valor and then we will move on to other topics of the day. And I believe it's at 11. We'll be joined by Caroline Dobson. Hold tight. You're listening to The Jeff Porchow, hosted by April Marie Fogle. (upbeat music) ♪ 'Cause it's midnight in my garden ♪ ♪ Just hear that with the wind ♪ ♪ And see the stars out of the world ♪ - I'm not sure who did that and loves me, but I love you too. ♪ Feel that now ♪ - Oh, good morning, everyone. Goodness, how did we get to here already? It's almost 11 o'clock, guys. This morning has flown by. And if we're just turning in, April Marie here filling in for Jeff Porch. I'll be here today, tomorrow. I was able to switch with Scott Butchman, so I'm going to my kids back to school fair on Friday and I will be here Monday. Now, I will tell you. - Okay, I'm gonna give you a warning. - Monday is the first day of school for my kids. So before I hop on air, I'm gonna be dropping them off at school. And there is a 50/50 chance at some point. You end up with a sappy mama speech because my youngest is going to kindergarten. So I prepare you now, just saying, don't tune out that day. It's gonna be a good day. I've got some great call-ins lined up. You're not gonna want to miss Sheriff Liam. If you haven't heard from him, he is phenomenal. Google him, Sheriff Mark Liam from Arizona. He's awesome, he ran for US Senate. He's gonna call in and talk to me about what's happening at the border. He's literally sitting at the, not sitting, standing at the border right now with a member of Congress. He does these border tours for members of Congress. I can joke about some of the things that we're gonna see on the Kamala presidential ticket, right? Like her love for Venn diagrams and her dancing and her cackling and her whatever, right? But there's really, really serious issues that our nation is having to address right now. I'm sorry, I said on air 11 and it's 11.30. We will be joined by Caroline Dobson at 11.30. But there are really important issues that we as a nation are facing. We, not to feed into those who think I'm extreme, but I am extremely worried. I am worried about the direction of our nation. I am worried about what happens if there's another four years of an administration like this that does everything they can to undermine the values that define our nation. From religious freedoms, to freedom to speech, to the second amendment, our ability to defend ourselves. If you look at what happens, one of the first things to happen in a country where the government is going to take away your rights, they take away your guns. We are looking at a ticket that poses one of the biggest threats to our second amendment that we've seen in my lifetime. Because they are openly celebrating their desire to do that. This is a ticket that's openly celebrating the fact that they are embracing these Hamas loving American hating youth, these voters, I say youth, but they come in all ages. There is a lot at stake. We are a nation that has been under attack. And in some ways, the attacks have been happening behind our backs. I joined moms for liberty several years ago. They were actually founded in my home county, a Brevard County, Florida. And I was aware, I was already speaking out Alabama and I live in Birmingham for those who didn't know. There was the school, the Magic City Acceptance Academy. You may have heard about it from Tim James's ad. I was adamantly opposed. I am adamantly opposed to that school being in existence. I am adamantly opposed to taking young children and indoctrinating them with the idea that they were born in the wrong body and all they need is a lifetime of a medication and surgeries. And then they will be fixed. They'll be cured, they'll be healed. They'll be all better. We as a country, this is what we're fighting. This is what we're up against. And then you look on the, who are we fighting for? We're fighting for the children to have an actual childhood. We're fighting for the Jewish people around our nation to feel safe in their homes, to feel safe walking down the street, to not feel safe, but be safe. We are, we have so many issues, the border and those coming into the country. No, I saw the other day some statistics about crime, dropping in nations where people are coming from. It's because they're bad guys are coming over here. They're bad guys are coming over here where they're dealing drugs and shooting people and raping people. And that's what we're, that is the crazy reality of what we're living it with. And that's the reality of what this election is about, by the way. I truly did not believe that anything could get me excited to get out the vote for Trump. And yet here I am looking at this ticket today, laying in bed, show prepping and reading about walls is bizarre history and thinking, oh my goodness, abortion toll birth. That's not an exaggeration, abortion toll birth. He signed a law that changed for the LGBTQ community, that changed and took accused pedophilia out of the state law. It is absolutely wild to me that we have a percentage of this nation who would want this ticket. It's just, it's insane. His support for LGBTQ rights, and by the way, I am not against LGBTQ rights. I, well, actually, LGBTQ has gone off the deep end. The TQ is no longer looking for equal protection and access. Now we've got people who want us to think how they tell us we have to think to call them words that have definitions and meanings. Oh, so frustrating to me. But I was reading up on walls last night, and I encourage each of you to, this is a radical person. Kamala, gosh, I don't know that she's principled enough to be as radical as this guy is. I think that she really, in this administration, has proven that she might say what she needs to say, but she's not out there doing anything, but she do for the border crisis. Nothing. And by the way, it's probably better that way, right? It's probably better. I will take a do-nothing Kamala than to do something, 'cause the Lord only knows what she'd actually do. But I am incredibly, incredibly pessimistic about the idea of four years of these two in the White House. It is frightening. Sleepy Joe Biden at least slept his way through half, and he still managed to mess up things. He still managed to mess up Afghanistan. He still managed to mess up our response into the terrorist attacks in Gaza. And I really feel like he was not there for Israel the way we needed him to be. He messed up in not taking a former stand against the protest happening on college campuses that made Jewish students and Jewish staff feel unsafe. I tell you what, all right. We're gonna, we're almost up to a break here, but I'm gonna tell you what we got going on the next, the final hour of today's show, and then coming up. So when we come back, we'll talk a little bit more about some local issues. I'll tell you guys about, just because (laughs) I love that, sorry, I'm getting a text line text here, but I'm gonna tell you a little bit about a story and series I've been working on for increasing public records laws at the municipality level. We're gonna talk a little bit more about some crime here in Alabama. Talk about education in school. And then like I said, we'll have Caroline Dobson on. You guys hang tight. You're listening to the Jeff Borcher with April Mime. ♪ First class on a flat ♪ ♪ From New York to Los Angeles ♪ ♪ Kind of making small talk ♪ ♪ Killing time, flirting with the fire tender ♪ - From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porcher. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ - Well, good morning, everyone. We have made it to the 11 o'clock hour, 11.06, actually. If you're just tuning in, you've got April Marie Fogel here. I do have the text line open. If you want to send me a message. It's great. I'm actually getting probably two to three compliments for every troll. Somebody literally just called me a Trump sub. I don't know if y'all, I'm gonna just assume this dude has no idea that I'm not a fan of Trump. But you know what I am a fan of? I'm a fan of a great country. I'm a fan of sanity, you know, acknowledging that grown men in dresses and makeups with beards should not be in the bathroom with my 11 year old daughter. I am a woman who cares that my children leave school and that children all around this nation leave school understanding enough to read and do math and be competitive in an economy where other nations' kids aren't having the problems we have because their teachers aren't talking to them about DEI nonsense. Oh, not a Trump fan. Certainly not a fan of anybody coming to my home. Just look for my firearms. This will very clearly get a boating accident. Oopsies. No, this is one of those things. You know what's at stake this election cycle? What's at stake this election cycle is life as we know it. I have said every cycle since I got involved in politics and it's been 20 years. I've said every cycle. Winner lose no one person. The way that our great founders made this nation with the checks and balances, no one president, no one 14 term administration can do something we can't undo. The Biden administration is pushing the envelope with that idea. We will eek by after four years of Biden. Eaking, barely eaking for many of us. Eek by with an economy. That's wild with an public education system that's failing us with all of the things, open border, pouring in people that we can not sustain in this nation. And then how do we get them out? Four years has been worse than I ever could have imagined. And I know for sure, as does anybody with eyes and a brain, that we can't do four more years. What they have done to undermine the rights of women and girls in the last four years. And then we have even more radical set of candidates on the Democrat side, no way. You can call me every name in the book. And trust me, I've been called every name in the book. I used to have my own radio show. Two years, if you can imagine two years of this, you guys get three days. If you can imagine, I am no longer, and neither should you be, by the way, afraid of what people call you. Think about the people calling us weird. The people calling us weird are the ones out there that can't tell the difference between a boy and a girl. The people out there calling us weird want to pretend that the border crisis isn't real. People out there calling us weird don't care whether or not children in public schools can read or not, can do basic math on grade level. But they do want those kids to be learning the DEI stuff. They do want those kids to know that they can pick their gender. We live in an upside down world, and in this world, the things that you and I should care about, the future of this nation as nonpartisan as that is, the future of this nation, those are the things that have me this election cycle, this morning fired up. And I'm more fired up right now than I have been under the Biden administration. The Biden administration sure that, you're gonna talk about some weirdos. They let some weirdos in. Remember the guy was stealing luggage? You know, the guy at the health department who thinks he's a woman, all the weird TikTokers. Earlier, I was talking about banning TikTokers. I'm all for banning TikTokers so long as we can just not have to see them again. Every time I see a TikToker was at the White House, I'm like, "Do I wanna look this guy up?" And then I do because I'm a radio person and I write off ads, and then I go, "Ah, I didn't need to know they existed." People who tell kids, "If your parents "don't accept you for who you are, you can be my family." Moms and dads, grandpas and grandpas. Can you imagine someone saying that to a child in your life? If they won't let you dye your hair pink, get a nose ring, and declare yourself the opposite gender, they hate you. That's what we're up against. So yeah, go ahead and complain. All right, sorry, I like answering the trolls, I do. I'm sorry, I know some of you are like, leave the trolls in line. Okay, don't feed the trolls. But I like to because the trolls eat nothing, but stupid all day, and every now and again, I feel like they need some truth. Okay, I was going on to something else. I had a whole topic over here planned. Okay, we got into a little bit of the new VP candidates, military record, or lack thereof. He's been called out for stolen valor, for misrepresenting that. Never a good thing, never a good idea. We're gonna hit a break here. When we come back, I'll get it together now that I have baited the trolls and have them texting us more. But I'll move it together, and we'll come back and talk about more hot topics. Oh yeah, I was gonna tell you guys what I'm working on and who, back in a second. ♪ Tell me to stay away from the train line ♪ ♪ She said that all the railroads men ♪ ♪ Just drink up your blood like wine ♪ ♪ Hey, I was content ♪ ♪ Content ♪ ♪ It wasn't too long ♪ ♪ Yeah, I was country ♪ ♪ From now on ♪ - Well, good morning, almost afternoon time here. You've got April Marie filling in for just four. Making sure my buttons are all pushed correctly. It's always great to be here, and I love getting this text on the text line, even from the trolls. The trolls make me laugh. The rest of you guys are so sweet, but the trolls are entertaining too. And sometimes I just like to feed the trolls, and I know you're not supposed to do it, but I do it anyway. It's a three hour show, guys. We're gonna be joined in 15 minutes by Caroline Dobson. But before then, I thought, I'm gonna take an opportunity to tell you guys about a series I've been working on. Now, the series is related to the city of Hoover, Alabama. For those of you not familiar, it's outside of Birmingham. And why does this matter? Well, it's kind of a statewide issue. I started researching into transparency around our municipalities. And my Hoover series started with what I thought was gonna be, I'd gotten a tip about some changes to the city's audit system, and the way the city records videos. And what they had done was in the past, they recorded videos of their council meetings and then put them online. And then one day, I feel like I'm telling my children a bedtime story, one day someone went to look at the videos and poof, they were all gone. Sure enough, there's someone, and I say someone because we still don't know who, someone at the city decided arbitrarily to just get rid of years' worth of YouTube's. So I've been on this mission, like a little night with a sword, a quest, if you will, to get answers. And what started as wanting to get answers about the city's audit turned into, trying to get answers about the YouTube videos. And then it was brought to my attention. The meeting minutes are incredibly vague. So instead of the meeting minutes, explaining what was going on in the municipality and meetings, they would be just, this resolution was brought up in these past and no discussion or whatever. So I have made this inadvertently, made this a really high priority for me. And I wanna encourage you guys to look into, now I started with the city of Hoover and will likely go to additional cities beyond Hoover, just to check out what's going on. And you know, it's really valuable. I've met people along the way in my series who study the history of, the intent and history of why things are done the way they are. So you go back to the YouTube, the mysterious YouTube's disappearing. It was a whim and nobody, there was no explanation. I'm not quite gonna let up, by the way, on trying to get an explanation. Because somebody, likely somebody who's gonna have to run for re-election, somebody made that choice. Somebody made that call to do that. And the voters need to know who, and they need to be able to ask them why. You know, I spend a lot of time talking about national politics, heck, I just spent two and a half hours talking about national politics. And during legislative session in the state of Alabama, I spend a lot of time talking about bills and what's coming up and talking to state lawmakers about the moving and jockeying around committees and all that stuff. But the fact of the matter is that what's going on locally, that's what you need to be paying attention to, in your city, in your town, in your county. What's happening and why? Who are the power players behind the scenes? You'll know some names, but then there will be names of people you've never heard of, the guy, two guys back, the guy standing behind the guy you know with a level of influence. What is that level of influence? Why does he have it? What is the elected official getting for that? This series that I started, and again, in actually today's story, I had a funny experience where I went to public comments at this week's city council meeting in Hoover and I spoke to the fact that I had asked the public information officer 80 days ago for answers to some questions, never got back to me. Then I realizing I was never getting it that way. I put in a public records request. That was 50 days ago, still no response. Why say still no response? The mayor actually did finally respond publicly to my inquiries at the city council meeting, but at any rate, I was accosted, it was fun. By the public information officer, and if you go to, that's Alabama today,, you'll see it's the first video there, don't make fun of me, I wasn't planning on being videoed that evening, but I wanna encourage you because this has been enlightening and even fun. Getting to understand what's happening around me. No one encouraged y'all to do that. Public records request, it's a great way to see what's going on behind the scenes in your city is to see something that interests you and then ask for public records related to it. Because it's, oftentimes we see the decision, but we don't know the decision making process. We don't know who had a hand in that. You can find out, state law allows us to find out the behind the scenes. So get that information, take that time. That's what I'm doing right now on this Hoover series, and it's just been, it's been eye-opening. So I thought I'd share that with you because I was up till one in the morning, finishing the story that I just mentioned that's up there about the PIO accosting me. She did not like my public comments. She's not a big fan of my public comments. And so you can visit that, see that up there. All right, we have gone over some serious issues today. I mentioned coming into the program that we were gonna talk about immigration, and I've got some clips and information that I wanted to share. Because I think it's important that we keep talking about what's happening at our border, and what comes of this, right? So I've got three headlines here from the last 24 hour. One, Pakistani man with ties to Iran charged in foiled assassination plot, potentially targeting Trump, DOJ says. A 46-year-old man was supposedly worked with a supposed hit man to try to kill a political figure. First off, I saw this headline maybe three times. You would think they would have talked more about this. This is absolutely wild. Now, we can only hope that the Secret Service has gotten their act together since the last assassination of Trump on Trump because by the grace of God, and I mean the actual grace of God, he turned his head to look at that screen, to look at that chart. And otherwise, we would be in a very, very different situation right now. This man traveled to New York City and worked with a hit man to carry out the assassinations. Late August or September, prosecutors said in a court complaint that the intended targets were high-ranking U.S. officials, potentially including Trump. These people, and I say these people, these people, let's say it again, people who hate our way of life, they hate what Trump stands for. And as Trump has said many a times, really, he's the target, but it's our vision for America that they hate. They do, they absolutely hate our vision for the country. Well, what is up to this? Town Halls got a report out nearly a hundred illegal immigrants on the terror watch list has been released into the U.S. under Biden Harris. What? Yeah, you're gonna be a hundred. Last week, a video was released of Kamala Harris speaking in California at a mosque, demanding Americans stop using the terms radical Islamic terrorist and illegal alien. Well, first off, that's what they are. We're not saying every Islamic is a terrorist, but there are in fact radical Islamic terrorist just as there are absolutely racist and bad conservatives or racist and bad fill in the blank of any person. Illegal aliens, that's exactly what they are. They are people who are in our nation illegally, someone in a nation they don't belong to as an alien. They are an illegal alien. Kamala wants to change the way we speak so that we can soften it. So if and when they try to get amnesty for people, they're just our neighbors. They're not illegal aliens anymore. And the bad ones, the bad ones aren't radical Islamic terrorist, no. She has been known to mock the idea that terrorists are trying to evade the border. Let's see, you are planning an attack on the United States of America. Where and how will you get here? Well, it's pretty safe to say that you can come across the border. How do we know? Because tens of thousands of people are doing it. Because millions have done it. Right now the Biden-Harris administration is trying to attack down hundreds of illegal immigrants who were brought into the country by an ISIS-linked human trafficking operation. Many are still unaccounted for. You guys, this is insanity. And if you think that a Harris administration is gonna prioritize finding people, I think you're wrong. I think the Harris administration is gonna prioritize legalizing those who came across the border illegally. Harris administration is gonna prioritize wokeness. All right, we're gonna take a break. When we come back, we're gonna talk about Caroline Dobson about the VP choice. Going back to school, starting soon. And other issues. Stay tuned for that. You're listening to the phone ring. ♪ It's where I drank my first beer ♪ ♪ It's where I found Jesus ♪ ♪ Where if my first car tore it all to pieces ♪ ♪ I learned the path to heaven ♪ ♪ There's full of sinners and believers ♪ ♪ I learned the happiness on her ♪ ♪ I ain't just a high achievers ♪ ♪ I learned the happiness on her ♪ ♪ My heroes have always been cowboy ♪ ♪ And they still are the same ♪ ♪ Sat in search of ♪ ♪ One step in my heart ♪ - Well, good. - Good morning. We still have that 30 minutes, so we get after you, and I suppose. Pulling a guest host, I don't even call it guest host Shenanigans, maybe. I went to close the window of the stories I had been talking about, and I closed the window that puts me in touch with the studio, and so good times, good times had by all. One of these days, I'm just gonna get down there and spend a couple of days on mobile, and then you guys can tell me all the best places to go to. I like good barbecue, I like good seafood. I'm sure you guys have recommendations, lots of them, so that would always be handy. All right, because of my little, my, because of my little technical difficulties there, I was not able to get my call on my next guest on, so we're gonna just keep, we're gonna wing it until we get her on the line, so just hang tight there. All right, if you're just tuning in, you've got April Marie here. I am slowly but surely, contrary to what Yaffi thinks, becoming everybody's favorite guest host. I, of course, had my own show in Montgomery, and then I did a bone-headed thing and gave it up, and now I am a floating roving host without a show, which is kind of lame, so I just steal other people's shows when they go on the red, so if you enjoy, or enjoying yourself today, you can, if you are enjoying yourself today, you can encourage Sean and Jeff to be here. And Jeff to go on more vacations and take more days off. All right, so we've talked a little bit about everything today, and I didn't mean for today to end up, and I know you guys probably, if you're a big talk radio junkie, you probably do listen to people who talk about national politics all day, but I didn't mean for two to be a whole day about the VP and Harris and how awful she is, but on the other hand, that's the greatest threat happening to our nation right now. The greatest threat is what would happen if we have four more years of this? I tell you what, every time I go grocery shopping, it's been a while, I mean, it's been a minute since I had to grocery shop in a way, which by the way, it's a very good habit to have, but incredibly frugally, thinking to myself, what am I gonna have leftovers, how can I meal plan, the trips have run into publics, and just the idea of getting out as quickly as possible has now been changed, and now we're doing Kroger Delivery, I don't know if you guys have that there, there's no actual Kroger here, so what we do Kroger Delivery. But yeah, we've started shopping around because prices in this economy, because of binomics have really just messed things up that much, and that's what we get more of if we vote for four more years of Harris. That plus worse, plus both of them actively wanting to come after our guns, both of them actively wanting to come after our kids, both of them ignoring and turning a blind eye to the border, if not worse, trying to grant amnesty to people here who are here illegally, mind-boggling. All right, I mentioned my local story. You can find that series, and it is a series. Man, I was trying to count the number of stories I've written there. You can find that series at, and some of them on, and you guys, I know how much you love because Jeff is the boss over there. Guess around here, Sean is the boss, but Jeff is the boss over there. All right, looking at today's news, looks like state Senator Grudger has been released from the hospital after his jet ski incident. I'm gonna keep praying for him. There is, God is good, and he had five fractured ribs, eight fractured vertebrae, which I don't know if you've ever fractured a vertebrae. Oddly, I have, it's a very painful and very dangerous situation. A collapsed lung, a punctured artery to his spleen. So, he was recently released to his home, and is still recovering, but that's a great news and update if you guys have been following that story because that is, that was just a tragic accident. There. So, someone says, don't shop at Publix. They're ridiculously expensive. I know, Chris, that they're ridiculously expensive, and I really can't shop there anymore. I mean, there's like one or two things that I'll go to pick up that I know I can get just there, but essentially, yeah, we're all Aldi and Kroger right now, and if you've got any better alternatives, let me know. The fact that we are having to, as a nation, that families are having to really, and I don't wanna say I didn't budge it before, but it was never to the point where it was a must. You must pay attention to every penny, and that, I think to myself, and I'm a fortunate one. There are families out there that budget to every penny, and they can't get where they're going at the end of the month, which is incredibly frightening. All right, some of the other stories we're seeing today, oof, sounds like Montgomery had quite the experience with their school board meeting. One speaker in particular used the in-word and other, my kids call them cuss-cusses. Other words, you should not have used throughout a district training. Why are, and here's, this is a, I see all the time, these schools who bring in people who speak, who have no business around educators, and no business telling educators to take what they're saying into the classroom. Most, the most common part of this is the DEI stuff. Some of the comments from this Montgomery training. What kind of crap was that at the system meeting this morning, the last speaker was a racist, talked about abortion, Trump, and white people. I would be ashamed of MPS. There should be an apology to everyone who works there. One person said what happened today with at the MPS convocation with the last speaker was embarrassing, hurtful, and it makes me wanna transfer to another school district that does not permit hate and division. DEI, in the state, we have done as much as we can, clearly not far enough, to get rid of it. And yet, it continues to rear its ugly head. It continues to show up in places in ways that it should not. This is one of them. You know, as, as gonna talk to Dobson about this, may have to reschedule her interview, but school is starting. Be aware, have situational awareness, you know? When you take a motorcycle class or a firearm class, two things they emphasize if you're riding a bicycle, situational awareness, pay attention to the little things. Take in as much information as you can. When you walk in to meet the teacher, look at the books on the shelves, look at the posters on the wall, and don't have so much pride that you're afraid to walk out, that you're afraid to say something. How many times have you seen on the lives of TikTok or online or somewhere, a picture of a teacher and you go, I wouldn't leave my kids with that person? Well, the fact of the matter is, people are too inclined to be polite. And in being polite, they put their kids or themselves in bad situations. There's two books, one of them's called The Gift of Fear, one of them's called Protecting the Gift, that are specifically aimed at one, The Gift of Fear, teaching women how to keep themselves safe, protecting the gift as parents and grandparents, caregivers, learning how to keep their kids safe, the kids around them safe. That includes from teachers. Be very, very aware of what's happening in the administration at your children's school. Be very aware of the books. Ask them routinely. This is the beginning of the school year. Don't let this be the school year that your child has everything you're teaching them at home undermined. If you're a grandparent listening to this, you're someone who sits next to someone at work who has kids, tell them they have to be involved. We can no longer trust. Man, I have teachers, I am 43 years old. I keep in touch with several of my high school teachers. I do, because teachers, they used to be, they were the mentors, they were the family, extended family, but not in a creepy way. These days teachers are very different. All right, we're gonna take a quick break. When we come back, we will wrap up today's show. Again, like I said, I'll be back again tomorrow. We'll have J Town and a couple other guests on, just got another guest confirmed for Monday. So today was a good day of just going over the issues and we'll bring in some extra people in the next couple days. Hold tight for the final second. ♪ I keep you my heart ♪ ♪ And I try to make you happy ♪ ♪ You gave me nothing in return ♪ ♪ You know it ain't so hard to say ♪ ♪ Would you please just go away ♪ ♪ I've thrown away the blues ♪ ♪ We're caught in a trap ♪ ♪ I can't walk out ♪ ♪ Because I love you too much, baby ♪ - Well, me and y'all did it. You survived your morning with me and I absolutely appreciate it so much. For those of you who turned in late, tuned in late, it's April Marie Fogle and you can find me on Facebook and Twitter at April Marie. That's A-P-R-Y-L-M-A-R-I-E. The Twitter is a page, not a person. But if you put in Facebook, backslash, April Marie, you're gonna find me. And I will, usually I didn't do it for this show, but I will, starting tonight, I'll three posts, you know, whom I guess they're gonna be and then the podcast and all that good stuff after. So you'll be able to find that there. I apparently struck a nerve talking about groceries and grocery prices. A lot of publics fans in the audience, and I'll say this, I'm a Florida girl and I know people who worked at Publix corporate and Publix would be my choice, hands down every time, if not just for the environment. If you've been through Chick-fil-A, and noticed that their employees are always just on top of things and happy and professional and awesome, Publix is the same way and I love that. You know, I go into Walmart and it is, every man for himself, it's a whole situation, lots of things are locked now, it's a mess. But it's funny, the people that are texting over here, we're shopping is a pleasure, absolutely. So yes, lots of good points there. So the trolls who wanted to call and talk, sorry, that's the way the cookie crumbled today. So throw in that out there. Tomorrow when we come back, we'll have Jay Town talking a little bit. He is a surrogate for, I know you guys have heard him before, but he used to be at the Trump administration and is a surrogate for the campaign, so we'll talk to him about what's going on with that. Probably talk a little bit more Olympics and a little bit more of what's going on with the fight against women athletes, and if you think there isn't an actual literal fight going on then I encourage you to look up the Olympic boxing matches, because sure enough, we saw multiple girls get beat by men while millions cheered it on. It is disgusting. I am a mother of two young boys and a daughter, and you don't even have to be a parent, but I see the world through their eyes. My kids are taking guitar. They're not really sports athletic types yet, but if my son were to play a sport, there are no ways, there's no way. I would ever, even if he said mommy, it would make me so very happy to compete against the girls, the answer is no. If my daughter was playing a sport and a young man joined her team, I don't care how he is dressed, it ain't happening. We need to stand up to the madness. We need to stand up for sanity. We need to do that in every way, in every place and situation that we can. Someone said if you see me on Walmart, it's because I had no other choice. I had no Walmart early in the morning, because there's not a crazy crowd there at the Walmart near me. It's usually on a day where I need to get like bananas and garbage bags and rabbit food, and I just don't feel like going five different places, and then whatever other miscellaneous thing I need for life. I try not to go to Walmart. I am still, well, I have broken it twice, the over one year since boycotting Target for all of their kids' LGBTQ stuff. I've only been to Target, I think twice, since then. Maybe three times, but I had gone almost a full year without going to Target, and I'll take the Walmart situation over the Target situation any day of the week when it comes to just putting your foot down and saying you're not getting my business anymore. All right, so tomorrow we're going to talk about, we're going to talk about, of course, whatever. We're going to talk about whatever trending news is since we've been on air. The number one trending story on the hill has become why Trump supporters are calling walls tampon Tim. I just want to say, way to go, whoever decided that. Sure enough, sure, but yes, he signed a bill that required schools to stock feminine products in boys' bathrooms. Come on. This election cycle is all about the left telling us, and by us, I mean saying people, that we're weird. And then they go off and they do things like put feminine products in the boys' bathrooms. They go off and insist they can't tell you who's a boy or girl. They go off and they want to stop using the term illegal alien. What in the world? Okay, I probably will not be calling him tampon Tim. I'm more interested in what he did and did not do during the riots, and maybe we'll talk a little bit about that tomorrow. And the weird thing his wife said while all of that was going on, you know, while their state burned, his wife left the windows open so she could smell the tires on fire. And she said it was a touched stone to what was going on. And I just -- I look at this and I say, "This isn't who I want in the White House. This isn't the first lady I want." Not that Jill has been the first lady I want. Oh, what? Jill still -- I still think Jill needs to be brought up on charges of elder abuse. There's no circumstances in which she has not been handling her husband. And then the question is, who's been handling her husband's job while she's been handling him with bribery of ice creams and beach trips and early nights? Absolutely ridiculous, I tell you. All right, tomorrow we will be back. I'll be back again. And then Friday I have a back-to-school event with my children, which should be lots of fun. Monday we will be here with Sheriff Mark Lamb from Arizona. He is a border sheriff, and he's going to talk to us about what they're seeing right there on the front lines and talk about the chances of Arizona going red again for President Trump, just the state of the races there and all of that good stuff. Until tomorrow, as I said earlier, you can find me on Twitter. I know it's X, but you know what I mean? At APRYL, M-A-R-I-E, on Facebook the same way the page. Leo says, "Warmard is wonderful. Where else can you buy beans, bullets, and band-aids at one location?" I don't know that I've bought bullets at Walmart. I don't think I have. I don't know why, but I just haven't. And so, put that as true. All right, I could read these comments all day. You guys prepare for tomorrow. I want to hear from you all day tomorrow. It's been fun. Again, April, Marie. You guys have a wonderful afternoon and stay out of trouble. [MUSIC PLAYING] ♪ This is where the cowboy rides away ♪ ♪ Oh, the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ This is where the cowboy rides away ♪ ♪ Oh, the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ Oh, the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ Oh, the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ This is where the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ This is where the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪ ♪ This is where the last and my's the hardest one to say ♪