Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Aug. 8th FULL SHOW

Thursday's full show!

1h 42m
Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

the show and I'm going to be a to Thursday August eight kind of getting over my jet lag and weird island time that I was on but I feel pretty good today fired up really fired up on a on a Thursday I'm would say that is a bald rindle a.k.a. Adam Kluge I should done the other way Adam Kluge a.k.a. bald rindle because Paulie is out today and Adam is here hi Adam good morning guys how are you if I'm allowed to be in youtube chat that's all um I'm that's up for debate I have a petition out we're gonna we're gonna discuss that after the show you know because the management around here starting to become started to become stars a little bit and that's you never it's management's like umpires you never want to know who the management is you don't want to know the management's name right if great umpire who's that guy that son of a gun is always right I don't know his name he's great but we'll talk about it it's at least we got a few hours to discuss it's good to have here I'm gonna come back to you in a minute Ben Higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well good morning to you good morning grab my Bubba's burger she gave me yesterday you look great and brought back from Hawaii for me thank you very much I I still laughed when Hannah picked it out and she said I like this for Ben and I said okay why she said well look at the colors it's iri and I said but he's not iri and you didn't go to Jamaica yeah exactly went to Hawaii like if it had floral stuff on it or if you had gone to Jamaica on your trip and you brought this back I would have gone okay that makes perfect sense but I still appreciate it and I'm wearing it and it looks good on you it does it looks really good on you it's a good good good it's a good series of colors for you I do think holy smokes alright clugger alright number one I'm looking at you on the feed he's on his phone right now I need you to be if you're gonna be here I need you to be engaged and active he's tired you're up you're up to the show that's what I was gonna ask about so he I want him to be engaged in a member if you're gonna be in the chat be be a member of the show today be a be a third leg if you will I was just checking to make sure the audio was properly sounds good everything sounds good you've got it all clocked in I want to know though because I did not go last night I want to know how the Foo Fighters before we get into this game by the way that my my blood pressure just came down from last night's game it was an excruciating watch we've got a couple hours to cover it and and I want to get into every every nook and cranny of that game last night that win by the way the win that the potteries were able to eat out and it was that was a rough one but clover you went to the Foo Fighters last night at Petco Park that was your first time seeing Dave Grohl and Pat Sameer and Nate Mendel I don't know who's drumming for him now who else is in there I don't remember his name but I think they said he used to be in the nine inch nails it's it's not it's nine inch nails but it's it's I know it I know something Josh Josh Fries Josh Fries he's incredible incredible drum I mean Taylor Alkins was a G he was such a such a terrible loss but Josh Fries what a pickup what a pickup he was so they played Petco Park last night what time did you get to the show I'm allowed to talk right I don't want to become a star I got there around 8 20 oh so you miss the hives oh yeah I was only going for Foo Fighters I a little birdie told me that they weren't going on until nine o'clock I said really nine o'clock I thought it was eight thirty eight thirties exactly what I said I was at my house and I'm waiting for the Padres game to end it just kept going and there's the injury and then there's the pitching it just kept going so I got in the car finally and I left and I got in there about I when I was parking I heard the crowd going crazy go our Foo Fighters also you listened on the radio 97 3 the fan home of the San Diego Padres on the drive down no I watched the whole game and watch the whole game yeah I didn't leave from up north until after the final out so you get to Petco Park and nothing worse you get out of your car here I'm sprinting into the stadium but it was worth it to win what a win hundred percent and they crushed it didn't they last night they were great I saw the set list few too many new songs for my liking but but the old songs that they did play were really good really good the hits were great that was my one criticism is that there was definitely a part of the of the concert where they kind of lost the crowd I felt like and it was like they've been playing a little too long of the slower low it's tough you know like they need to bring it back with something big here in a minute here yeah it's tough it's tough so the Apollo he was there he texted me a video he said he was on cloud 9 he'd never seen him he loves them I was happy for him but they weren't he wasn't in the suite with that yeah how was the suite it was it's a different viewing experience for concert you just so you all of the management Michael was the only one from management there clients I think there's a handful handful clients yeah a lot of people from corporate are in town there are a lot of people from corporate in there where are they why are they here radio boot camp oh for Odyssey oh they're going are you sending any you're not sending anyone no oh yes surprise you guys are going after the show forget it so radio bootcamp for those of you that don't know is a two-day event now I've been to it once I've never gone it's a thing that they do where it's a conference essential yeah it's a radio conference now it's most it's mostly run it costs a lot of money right to get into this baseball winner meetings yeah different panels yeah yes and discussions about rarely are there any trades made yeah radio bootcamp hey when you guys do more of the roses how do you do it right so it's a lot of that I went to one in New Orleans I got hammered the first night and barely went to any events if you can imagine and it was a total waste of time and money to send me and and our crew and I never went back again now we're a pretty successful show in San Diego anybody called to ask if we would come down or do anything someone from corporate reached out to see if I wanted to attend and it's working to me was not you don't need to like get on say we're not asking like speak or you know be on any paneling just to attend he goes it's more so for music stations I go I think I'm gonna pass it's a hard pass yeah so they do that well woods is implying by the way Adam if you couldn't tell is that he feels like he should be asked to share his wisdom and successes with the greater audience of radio professionals in town you don't want to let you don't need me advice from me you don't need I'm not having accomplished anything do we do we know of advice of mine I don't know what I'm talking about I am I'm happy I heard what our beloved boomera size and had to say that's true mm-hmm that is true but so that's going on that's going on now here in San Diego it is weird though what would be if we hosted a panel like what would be the the panel topic in discussion like what what's that we do that we could in part wisdom onto other shows it's not something you can teach really no there you go I would say it would be something of the effect of yeah how do you how do you take a show from scratch with players who don't really know each other and make it work from the beginning because that's the one thing I think we've done pretty I like better than most is taking two guys who met for an hour at a bar and let's put a radio show together based on that well not only put a radio show together but let's ascend to the highest of the of the mountain how do you do how do you guys do that you guys don't want to hear from us though you're fine there's plenty of people across the street and get down there do their stick and and that's fine I if I was forced to go to radio bootcamp today I I would be I'd be livid right now we have a short show and then imagine getting out of here and having to go down there and listen to you know somebody from Minneapolis tell you why his bit works in the morning I just have no desire anymore but I do love this job and I love this station and I love that bald rindle is in here this morning he is a little bit tired so I'm gonna make sure he stays on the on the ball this morning but listen let's we can get right into that game last night we we've chopped it up for 10 minutes that game was excruciating in every sense and it was also incredible because they got the win holy smokes Benny where do you start I that's what I was wondering where you start so I I write like notes on every game every night and usually there's like six or seven things that I you know right about each game I have literally 26 lines about the game last night and I have no idea I guess Jackson Merrill is the first place to start Jackson Merrill continues to amaze and not just because he's doing it is a 21 year old rookie playing out of position for any player for for any player to come up in the clutch situations like all right Jackson we need a homerun here in the ninth inning got it go do your thing and for it to happen multiple times anyone can run into it you know one time great good swing yeah you really got a hold of that one now he's done it three times ninth inning tying or go ahead homerun this season only 21 year old whatever to do that I think he's he's got the most in baseball this year yeah so I mean that's that's just astounding he's somebody tweeted last night I loved it I would give you credit I can't remember who it was they said Jackson Merrill was born to play ball with his voice that's it I mean that's what he lives to do he is the definition of baseball guy Joe baseball there he is you're looking at him out there in center field for the San Diego Padres and in his bombs last night that guy didn't I didn't run into either of those that guy hit two tanks out last eight hundred and fifty three feet come on of two tanks and we sat in here maybe two months ago and said well hopefully one day the power comes for Jackson Merrill doesn't look like it's going to come now we get this point just keep doing what you're doing taking the pitches you're giving taking them the other way which by the way he still does he still does that he hasn't lost a step Ben his AB his quality of it that has not suffered one Iota since he started hitting more homeruns not at all I mean he still takes that outside pitch through the five five hole he still pulls his hand gets his hand serve and rips a ball down the right field line the kid is unbelievable and I do have a I do have a mile I'd say it's a fairly warm take spicy take about Jackson Merrill do you want it now or do you want to tease oh no just do it now we got a short show okay don't don't make us wait I did see a lot of consternation last night about the rookie of the year the impending rookie of the year award that will be handed out at the end of the year to the best rookie in the National League and it popped in my head and I went ooh people are gonna be mad at me for saying this but my take is this Jackson Merrill doesn't care about winning a rookie of the year and neither should we we really shouldn't care and in fact I'll go you one step further you don't want him to win it him not winning it may be the best thing for his career it may be because what other person's gonna get fueled now somewhere deep in the cockles of his heart what do you like to win that award yes you know what else he wants to win he wants to win in the playoffs he wants to win a world series ring that's what he wants to win I don't and this is from his mouth he doesn't care about player of the week he doesn't care about individual achievements I'm I'm not telling you guys what to be upset about I'm telling you that if he doesn't win rookie of the year I really don't care because what you're looking at is a 100% team guy he is as team oriented as anybody I've ever seen I don't think it's lip service I don't think it's the image that he wants to portray because I have seen other prospects come up and they've been referred to as baseball rats it's got just cares about baseball show me though once you get to the big leagues and you start getting big checks and you start traveling you know first-class and first class hotels and show me that you are still all you care about his baseball all you care about is getting to the ballpark early hanging with the guys and have you know going out and playing a hard game great quote and you it sometimes drops off a little bit and this is where understandably of course it's human nature you reach the top of the mountain what do you do and this you know you relax just a little bit this is why I fail as a sports radio host because I know I'm supposed to get on here this morning and Paul Skeens is this and and Jackson Merrill he clears him by a mile blah blah blah I don't really I'm not gonna get myself worked up in a tizzy about an individual award when when the guy that is up for the award doesn't really care he does not really care if he wanted would he be excited of course of course he would be excited but he's certainly not going to he's not campaigning for it and I'm certain I'm positive that on the list of things that are important to him it's probably at the bottom so this is a personal I'm not gonna get upset if Paul Skeens or anybody else wins it I really won't I promise you I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get upset I love this kid I love everything about him my kids love this kid they try to emulate him that's what I that's what I care about he is such a good baseball player and seemingly an even better human being and all that guy wants to do is win for his team and I just admire that so so much I was thinking the same thing Dominic in the chat I don't know that it's the exact opposite of paddock but I remember the vibe yes paddock against Peter Lonzo and it was like such a big thing already in may like who's who's the rookie of the month and you know who's gonna win the award and you don't get that vibe with Jackson Merrill it's about the next game and just going out and having fun and playing hard baseball and coming through for his team and it's really fun to watch I you know I said something I don't even know if I believe it I feel like if Paul Skeens won the rookie of the year and Jackson Merrill got quote unquote snubbed right I don't know that it would motivate me I don't actually I know that I said it out loud because the one thing I was gonna push back I don't think he cares I really don't either way it's not like he's gonna be like I don't think winning it's gonna damage him I don't know at all either no no no really is he's going to be unaffected whatever happens and you wait for that you know they always say well they're big league players they're gonna adjust to him and then he's gonna make his adjustment then a while now I mean they've had a chance to make their adjustments to Jackson Merrill he's been a step ahead of them yeah all the way through the season he's I mean all the way and listen this is not this is not I don't think this is hyperbole at all he is absolutely his attitude has one thousand percent changed the course of this season and it is one thousand percent rubbed off on the veterans of this team period it just has you can see it you can see it in Zander you can see it in Manny you can see it in all of these guys so I I'm very impressed by that young man Jackson Merrill was a guest on Friday and winning Chris last week and they asked him if it was going to hear oh yeah I hear yeah no it's it's oral series or nothing to me I don't I don't really have any other goals in this game besides winning so you know I was saying a word is cool but it's it's really nothing compared to winning a world series you know I would love to do both that'd be awesome but yeah that's it and I really believe that that's how he feels he's not he's not saying it because it makes a good quote he's not saying it because that's what the fans want to hear or what he's supposed to say he's saying that because that's truly what he believes and how he approaches the game I love it I love everything about a man that's a good place to start a great place to time out we're pretty much going to be all Padres Pirates weird into our show I'll set the menu at sea what about Brandon are you guys no probably not Jim Harbaugh no don't think we're going to get there today even don't do this is going to be last night's game yeah we're doing don't do this for our favorite baseball team yeah we're just going to do it all from last night's game there are so many things to get to and again we got a short show leading into early Padres baseball today so we'll set the of a tasting menu the the prefix coming up next after Kelly's traffic Ben and Woods and Baldr idle Adam Klug on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan now Adam you can't just play and return songs and bands that you sat in the company suite to see the night before that's not how it works here on the Ben & Woods program did they play this song no they didn't play that one they didn't play that song terrible come on guys they know that they played the sky as a neighborhood though didn't they maybe yeah you got some p-break can I get sure the sky is a night ball all right i'm gonna hit the head a couple years ago the chili peppers came to pet go yeah they did not play under the bridge now i have such a problem with that i really really have a problem i was gonna play your hits man you got to play though i went to hauling outs they didn't play kisses on my list i mean it was like the most disappointing experience of my lifetime it's such a bummer when it happens man and like if you heard under the bridge on the radio you probably changed the station because you've heard it a billion times uh but yeah you got to play your hits guys the sky of Mabel oh David David all right here's what we've got coming up today it's mostly as i said pot raise talk we will play some real or fake on a throwback Thursday at 7 10 if you want to try to qualify for our trip to Las Vegas can't wait to hear all the jesse's highlights though in our pot raise wrap up in the next segment don't do this is just gonna be more on last night's game because there were plenty of don't and do do this moments yeah we can squeeze in there at 7 20 so that's in an hour so do we have to save these things we gotta talk about yeah be a professional and hold a couple of things in the chamber all right for don't do this and then Enos Saris is gonna be with us a little early since we got the short show today so uh super polished yet to be named smart baseball weekly segment with Enos Saris brought to you by 7 mile casino uh comes up at 7 35 we'll talk more about last night's game and the pendant races pot raise now by the way oh my god three games behind the Los Angeles Dodgers in the national league west still though they actually lost half a game to the diamondbacks yesterday those who are so insanely hot they won two games over the cleveland guardians and they are also three games back they're both two games up on the Braves is the one two teams in the wild card race uh that that looks like it's going to be a fairly intense intense race for the playoffs the last month and a half of the season so we'll talk to Eno and then we get to eight o'clock and we're getting you ready for the game we've got Sami's eco water so-called pre-game show i believe 8 35 is that correct out in this morning and then 9 35 Jesse Bob Scanlon with the first pitch as the pot raise go for the sweep their fifth win in a row if i think they're at four now uh if they won 14 of 16 is that correct now yeah and uh go for 15 out of 17 today and it's same nuts what is going on but before we get to the pot raise wrap up we we mentioned janks and meryl i thought that was where number one we had to start number two Adrienne Moore at home and what he did in the bottom of the 10th inning in unimaginably difficult circumstances to come in there after you've spent your top relievers everyone else has been used essentially that's available last night and to put him in that situation after Tanner Scott had walked three guys in a row forced in a run and then morihone spikes the first pitch so it's nine it's nine eight and at that point even the most optimistic of pot raise fans even the one who's been convinced that this team is different than the other teams you see how this one's not going to end well right and it just because of the come you know because of the three runs you scored in the top of the 10th boy you felt good going in there with Tanner Scott coming in benny sure you probably should have saved Adrienne Moore at home for do do this uh in our very special edition today earning his first save in the big leagues and my god what a way to do it man right into right into the fire uh last night for Adrienne Moore at home that zero room for area none gets the ground ball for the tag play at home plate well done defensively by the pot raise gets the strikeout twice really on Connor Joe he did not check his swing the first time but they gave it to him and then got him the second time great breaking ball down by the toward the back foot swung right over it and then gets the ground ball to Hassan Kim who by the way gets an extra nod as well for coming in play and hurt because the pot raise were down to literally no one at the end of the game left and that will be a big topic when we discuss the umpires and i'll probably come and don't do this and what happened in that game last night if you didn't follow after the game was over you like turned it off when the game was over and you go well that was a crazy one you don't even know the half of it of what happened in the ninth inning with Mike shilt and the pitching change why Robert Suarez came out of the game after six pitches he was respected as anybody in that bullpen what is going on we got an explanation from Mike shilt that is going to blow your mind that i mean i did not have any idea that it took place in the game last night saying absolutely no idea and of course we would be remiss if we did not kiss the roach the rally roach oh here you go i want tongue on that Betty oh god i love the rally roach uh and i i am also to be uh somebody led me to believe on twitter last night that one of the pirates broadcasters actually said this we've not been able to find the audio but he said these podrays are like cockroaches they do not go away and i somebody tweeted it they heard it they were listening the broadcast that is fantastic and bodes well so let's get into it that's coming up next we get all of jesse's highlights and our podrays wrap up when we return i'm not going to miss it hopefully you don't either but it was on sandy it goes number one sports station 97 3 the fan fun to be a podray fan right now i mean fun is is certainly the right word but did that feel fun last night not really holy crap food i did not feel a lot worse to be a pirates fan yeah that was i mean kind of their season it really is it was a 500 massive series if they want to get back into it this was their chance the podrays gave them every opportunity four unearned runs and we'll talk about the mistakes in the game but the pirates had every chance twice three times to win that game once twice thrice to win that game last night and they could not figure out a way to make it happen against the podrays who continue to roll since the all-star break we've got all the highlights from jesse and bob last night the thrills the chills uh they're coming up with our podrays wrap up right after this check of traffic on 97 3 the fan i love winning man i love winning you know what i'm saying it's like better than losing oh my god i'm so stiff miss any of the podrays when they man in woods didn't what approved we've got you covered with all of the highlights i like it with the podrays with yeah yeah it's the podrays wrap up presented by hamul casino with rilling slots and tables in all the best rewards hamul casino has all the fun you're looking for hamul casino fun above all else yeah give me a due damage due damage last night's game since this one of the years straight away center field of deep michael a tailor is back he's gonna watch this one gonna go into the topi area and straight away center field and jackson meryl with his 14th home run of the season it's two to one first pitch to agassioka said in the air to deep center field tailors back he's at the wall this one gonna go three run home run kylee gashi yoga and with that swing the podrays will take their first lead of the night it's four to three oh yeah one two ripped into right field that's down at a base hit he plays the hot fires home a chatter on his way the throw in the tag not in time RBI single jackson meryl his third hit of the game and man he's stolen base as help put the podrays back in front it's five to four he the pitch is swung online into center field and they said he's escorted to tie it they is right behind him and the buck goes off back in front the country to two run single and they lead at six to five on down by one swings at the first pitch sends it in the air deep to right center field Taylor is back this one gonna go jackson meryl second homer of the night has tied it six six here in the ninth nobody out one one line in a left field that is a base hit for zander bow guards a rise rounding third he'll score Kim gonna hustle into third base as the throw comes into second and RBI single for zander bow guards and the podrays are back in front it's 76 pitch on the way ground all swings it's a ground ball to the left side Kim has got it the throw the first is in time and the ball game is over a wild one in western p.a. as the podrays hold on for a nine eight victory in 10 with more healing um more than earning his first career majorly saved um what a tremendous job and clearly a tough spot um just do I mean just can't say enough about the job it did coming in in that situation and being able to keep it right there and bring it home force podrays with the nine eight win over the Pittsburgh Pirates in 10 innings and and by the way they've got to play again here in a couple of hours I think three hours from now they will be underway man gonna be a little bit short-handed in that game pitching wise uh obviously you know Robert Taurus should still be available uh some of the guys like Jason Adam didn't pitch yesterday because he pitched a lot he should be available I mean they'll they'll have like three or four guys but I assume so I'm looking at the that they're going to be a bit piecing it together today so I got total pitches Benny for the last three and the last five so brian hoeing 45 pitches in the last three astrata 38 tanner scott 36 mamora hoeing 29 adam 26 alec Jacob 22 yuki matsui 21 and Robert Suarez six this this yeah it's going to be a tall order today brian hoeing did not throw yesterday neither did Jason madam three and two-thirds the day before I don't know that he's available either today so it's uh you know Matt suey adam Suarez would be great if you get six out of that suey through 21 last night Jacob through 22 more at home through 13 tanner scott I mean again these are those last three numbers the the guy that's in the red is is hoeing astrata's in the orange uh the the tan more hoeing and adam and the beige 22 and 21 for Jacob and Matt suey Suarez the is the most well-rested receiver uh uh reliever with only six pitches in the last four days five days so a little bit of pressure on randy Vasquez yeah it's a lot of bit of pressure to get deep into the game I I wouldn't be shocked if they you know called someone up you know bring back a Logan Gillespie or something you know just in case they need it a long guy but I'm not sure if they'd send down in that situation jacob you could send back down I guess and and just taxi him up and up and back but we can talk about that a little bit later there's just so much more to get into from last night's game that that I want to talk about start with michael king's performance after 10 days off uh dealing with the the comebacker and the injured calf the sore calf I thought he was not bad he certainly you know that first inning did not help having to throw 30 pitches given up a couple of runs not that he gave up any hard contact he struck out the first two guys look like gonna cruise through the first inning and then all of a sudden we'll talk about it and don't do this Bryce johnson's play out in right field at the I thought it changed and then your entire complexion of the you know check swing by rowdy or les will he may he's will he may he's hey style like oops totally down the line and and you know again and all of a sudden you find yourself down to nothing and your pitcher who hasn't been on the mount for a while is he's already his pitch count is climbing so you're kind of buying the eight ball right at the start jacob marell gets that one back you heard the the home run call by Jesse to the topiary he dotted the eye in pirates on the the shrubs out there with his longest home run of his career four hundred forty two feet I mean not only is there power though the power that we said oh yeah in like three or four years we've got some power hellish raw power there's prodigious power inside of jackson marell already is the 21 year old that that kid gets off his a swing as much as anybody in baseball honestly he really does i mean he gets off his a swing so much that it's it's actually it's it's baffling how much he's able to do it the uh... our friend tom yannus on twitter said hey if uh they win this game i'm gonna spring for the the premium twitter so i can post this ten-minute video of every jackson marell hit and i didn't have time to watch it last night but i did anyway it's sexy just seeing jackson marell and where all of his i mean everywhere all over the field from foul line to foul line line drives bleaters doubles home runs everywhere the hits that he has had this year he just puts good swing after good swing after good swing on the ball it is really fantastic to watch and then i call hagashyoka who has done something i mean i don't know that it gets enough attention his forteenth home run of the season which they put the graphic up on the sipadre's t_d broadcast he has more home runs as a catcher than any other catcher in baseball one more than will smith now smith has fifteen but two of them was designated hitter so fourteen home runs as a catcher leads all of baseball and he's done it still literally playing less than half of the season because he wasn't the starter for most of the year is in a giant slump when he was early in the season but his home run per at bat ratio he is squarely second in baseball right between erin judge and shohayo time yeah great right there one two three it is judge hagashyoka o tami the guys who have produced the most home runs per at bat this year how is that even possible i i have no idea and i have no idea we you know he's hit ten home runs i think in every every season he's been in the big leagues and you thought hey we got his ten and man that sure came a lot quicker than we all thought but uh... when he put them back up last night man that the elation that i felt for him what a great great dude a very easy guy to to root for didn't have the best game defensively uh... but he certainly wasn't alone in that you know the potteries really kicked it around last night they really did and like we said man they gave the pirates every chance to win that game last night the pirates they also fought really hard last night it was a you know look you take you take some of the mess out of the game last night i think you enjoy playing in a game like that i really do i think it's it keeps you in it the entire time uh... but to watch this team the intestinal fortitude the stubbornness is what i tweeted last night stubbornly would not lose that game last night i i'm out of superlatives for it man it's crazy so king ends up going five gives up uh... four runs three of them earned the one you know the McCutcheon home run he gotta hold that one that's fine you know it's one swing struck out seven the honor and run came on a many michado air but he got that run back in the uh... the go ahead run there in the top of the six or the fifth inning i think in field single and then what a savvy stolen base by many michado who doesn't go often but when he picks his spots they're usually important and it was an o2 count on jackson maryland knows all right inning may be over jackson gets a lot of singles can i get myself into scoring position you know just like they're not thinking about many michado stealing a base and he stole it rather easily with heads up and then off on the the crack of the bat on a on what was going to be a pretty close play but made him make a play they could not do any scores from second base on jackson maryland's go ahead single there to get them back into the lead at that moment that was uh that was a pretty big moment of the game and i just kind of shows you the kind of player that many michado is yeah the baseball IQ and and like you said he picks his spots pretty smartly when he when he goes um and it's a pretty good base stealer when he's you know when he decides to go he's not something you want him doing all the time uh but yeah man was able to score on that a huge huge moment in the game one of a does huge moments last night for the boys then in the sixth inning scary moment as jerks in pro-far gets drilled kind of in the side of the knee with a 95 mile an hour fastball i think it was one of three times the pottery's batters were hit in that game last night by pirates pitchers who were a little all over the map uh jerks and looked like he was in in a lot of pain he wasn't a lot of pain yeah tried to stay in ran to second on the on the next play on the single and like hobbled into second and then they took him out uh for pinch runner has son kim mike chill did say after the game that imaging was negative which is a positive means it no no break show now that's still just reason for cautious optimism as they can't always see everything because uh you know like swelling and inflammation on on something like that but hopefully it's no more than just a nasty bruise and uh jerks and won't have to miss time i don't know have we haven't seen a lineup yet no it should be won out fairly soon i would imagine we'll find out if if jerkson's going to be given a day off here or not my best guess is is that you probably have to do it and and you're going to put you're going to put a tyler way out there you're going to put parole which you've already had to be doing yeah you know it's kim ready to go back on a full-time basis that's forced into the game there i assume that uh shill would have loved not to have to use how has son kim but they needed him at the end of that game once profar got hurt so there was that moment in the sixth inning and then uh jeremya strata has uh had some stumbles lately and uh you know had another one in the sixth inning was did not helped by his uh catcher kalagashiyoka who did not stop us a strikeout he struck out three guys should have been out of the inning but one of them got away passed ball led to two guys on he was actually one strike away from a four strikeout inning yep would have given him seven strikeouts in the last two last two days two days uh but mccutchen comes through again guys the thorn in the side and the the pirates go back ahead on two hunter and runs there against jeremya strata in the bottom of the sixth that sets up the dramatic finish uh you know the chance for the pot raise on the top of the eighth they get two on in the corners on a probably got the benefit of a bad call on loise arise not getting hit by a pig i swear i saw a finger jiggle i did i i'm not being a homer here and people are like oh that was all that i'm like bro what but i also feel his fingers have been coming off jiggling a lot just on everything though the way he's been hurt i still feel like if for all this Chapman dots you on the hand you'd be a little more in pain but maybe he's built different i don't know i thought considering how much pain he's been in the fact that he has not like dead that made me think that he actually didn't get hit on that one they took advantage got runners at first and third but Zander Bogart strikes out and then and that was that was just on a little 102 i think yeah and the main of a shot it gets two pitches which by the way two of the eight fastest pitches ever recorded in the history of baseball to mainly Machado including the fastest ever called strike three yeah history of baseball at 105 miles an hour on the inside corner who wasn't said oh he's got a swing at that yeah hey you got a swing at that pitch you got to go for like you can't see that pitch that's insane 105 miles an hour on the corner so i tweet last night manny is so washed somebody said uh you try to hit 105 and this guy actually said on this app i have before i'm not saying it's the easiest thing in the world but in that situation you had a pitch down the middle and the other one in the strike zone with a runner on third you have to swing to give your your team a chance and i i wrote i quote tweeted and said on what planet have you ever hit 105 mile an hour pitch uh then it's not this one and then uh i didn't even write it down but you got to give and mike shilt did credit to uh alla jacob for keeping it a one-run game in the bottom of the a huge inning or there would not have been a chance to tie it up and then jackson marrow we talked about already with the tying home run i don't know i mean obviously you don't face the same guy so rolled as chaplain comes in the eight fun david bednar i'm going everyone's looking they're chopped if i'm an all-star closer but after 105 it's like please bring in your all-star closer because i'd rather face that than what i just saw up there i'm like thank goodness i'm facing your all-star closer and not a rolled as chaplain right now bro i don't know what it is it baseball is the most overthinky game in the world now chaplain has certainly blown saves and he's certainly blown big saves bednar had a really rough start to the season but if i've got a guy that is locating at 105 that pitch to manny and again people i i saw it because i knew i would uh what is he smiling there bro chaplain grin from ear to ear he did not know he could throw 105 on the inside black like he did so he had to laugh man he had to laugh i thought it was a pretty cool moment to be honest i hated it in the moment but it was uh it was nuts and we haven't even gotten to the craziness in the bottom of the ninth or the tenth inning yet which is why we're just going to keep this rolling also play a little reel or fake in our next segment we have a uh a manager out of a job take one guess whoa i did not see this all coming up next year a 97-3 the fan all right so when you told me who did get fired makes a little sense in my mind the city of chicago is uh rejoicing today i think Craig council that's crazy Craig council remains the cubs manager but Pedro Grafalle is out today uh they have let Pedro Grafalle go after a just horrendous horrendous season team is commencing a search for new manager immediately does not expect a full-time replacement to be announced until after the season as we all recognize our team's performance the season's been disappointing on many levels despite the on-field struggles and lack of success we appreciate the effort professionalism Pedro and the staff brought to the ballpark every day these two seasons have been very challenging the results were not there changes necessary as we look to our future and the development of a new energy around the team from Chicago White Sox general manager Chris gets what Chris wants Chris gets if i'm um okay this makes sense to me people are going why why even bother it's not like you're trying to turn anything around at this point just now you've seen the you've seen the but you've seen the it has happened Rob Thompson's a great example you fire Joe Girardi yeah but that season was still salvageable obviously they went on to the world series but i mean this one is not like you said there it's a new energy if they if you have somebody they clearly i think have somebody in mind where they they say maybe go audition yeah yeah kind of an audition a month and a half yeah but i mean that's more info how do you it's it's their their horrendous but why not do it you know in the in that long losing streak they just won a game two days ago now they lost again last night but i don't think you've saddled even an interim manager with a record losing streak like you have to let Griffall see that one to its end see that one and and then once you win you don't fire a guy right after a win so then now you're waiting for the next day else to make i think my guess is is that Chris gets about a week ago said okay we got to make a change but i'm not i'm not firing him and putting an interim manager in the situation where you now have to deal with an historic losing streak so i'm gonna wait until they win and i'm not going to do it when they win but then when they lose i'm going to do it after that so honestly it makes a lot of sense if you're going to make that change now make aussie gm the interim gm that would or the interim manager that would be a lot of fun that would be something else he crushes that team on the post-game show it's hysterical fans would love that yeah they would the entertainment value is the only thing that would be left for for that season would be what is aussie gonna do today yeah yeah here's you they won't do that he's good copy is what he is i mean to cover him he's he's good copy for for people to cover aussie gee it but yeah man i mean he's he's he is one of those guys though that is so anti modern baseball like he he loath's modern baseball but you never know uh what will work with the team and what won't so we're gonna get into the weird bottom of the ninth inning and if you didn't stay all the way through the post-game show and like follow the drama on twitter and to find out what actually happened and the umpires role in it all we'll get to that coming up and don't do this uh we do need a contestant for real or fake though if you want to call in right now chance to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas 833 28093 833 28093 i don't put you on hold get to our game in just a couple of minutes i want to get to the other pod raise news of the day from before the game now and that is the plan for this weekend in miami for the uh for the pitching rotation so mike shilton named randy Vasquez as his starter for today now waited a few days to do it this is as unsurprising as any move as it is randy Vasquez's turn in the rotation and this is just sticking with what you've been doing by going with randy Vasquez he then said that dylan sees will pitch this weekend in miami possibly on sunday but he left the door open to to potentially throwing him on a different day but it also seemed to be indicated that joe musgrove who they had already announced will return this weekend in miami now maybe pushed back to monday uh and pitch against the pirates at pet co park in the first game of the homestand and while they haven't named any official starters for the weekend my thinking woods and tell me if you agree is they'll just remain then on on track with martin perez on friday tomorrow okay and then matt walter in on saturday dylan sees on his regular rest even though he only pitched an inning just wait until sunday to throw dylan sees and then joe musgrove will slide in on monday with hopefully you know dylan sees having gone deep into the game on sunday to have a good bullpen behind joe musgrove who still expected to be limited to about sixty five pitches around four innings yeah that's i mean it's a decent strategy um i you know joe pitching at home you know joe pitching at home means he's got to get the first three outs right so if you're on the road maybe you can stake him to a three for you know three four run leader whatever but it it it's six of one half dozen the other i really don't care either way as long as he's back and effective um again i i think they have probably they've probably racked their brains over the best way to do this and again betting i think it's all dependent right every everything changes there's nothing set in stone you can't have it that way in baseball really unless you have all five starters just healthy and ready to go and and very few teams have that and i don't know how much strategy is going into we can talk to my shield about it tomorrow what he's willing to reveal but uh not getting guys a second look at the same picture when you play a team yeah one of these bounce back series where you play them twice in a span of a week a week do you want to try to get a different guy now they only saw dylan c's for an inning yeah one inning but um you know joe musgrove obviously they haven't seen right and then after joe if you stay on turn uh it would be going back to what would it be going back to uh not michael king yet who pitched um who pitched two days ago was who who pitched before dylan caldry walter and so do you be going back to king i guess yeah yeah so i guess they'll get c king twice either way we got a lineup out and i'm good news i am shocked as i've ever been but uh you got luisa ryas leading off playing uh first base jerks and pro-fari in the lineup so the x-rays not only were negative but he feels fine enough that they have put him into the lineup batting second today you got crony even as dh the amount left field yeah left field crony uh playing second manny at third zander bo guards will be your dh today jackson maryll in center and uh peralta in right huss on kim back at short and kalehigashyoka uh we'll catch randy vasquez today okay so uh that is excellent news the jerks and pro-far who probably lobbied strenuously to be back in the lineup today uh will be there after getting plenty of treatment i'm sure last night in this morning i'm sure he's got a nasty black and blue on it but uh he's been dealing with you know knee issues and that's tendinitis all season all season and that probably old hat for him that ball when it hit his knee and careened like 25 feet away i i mean that had to hurt so bad so so the way he tossed his helmet not so much not at these not mad at the pictures angry but just in that pain you're mad at the pain yeah yeah hundred percent and then he went down and like he tried to get up and you know that he's like get down you know stay down give yourself a second here and insisted on staying in the game but then uh when you know mike shall saw him trying to run to second base and having trouble slowing up and at second they i mean that's an important run out there and and he pulled him for the the pinch runner and huss on kim uh who then stayed into the game which was a big factor by the way in what happened in the bottom of the ninth inning and we're gonna get to that uh coming up and don't do this in our next segment so stay tuned some very interesting happenings uh late in that game that you might not be aware of right now though we got full phone lines everybody wants to play real or fake in a throwback thursday adam if you would please some are here for the compelling sports talk with bennon woods then you can go plow through another donut it's time for real or fake on 97-3 the fan tell the people what they'll win today i will plan for the uh two nights day at resorts world los vegas and two tickets to carry underwood if you can get four out of seven correct you will go into our grand prize drawing carry underwood reflection at resorts world theater it's a residency from august 14th to october 26 tickets are on sale now at rw los i'm just going to go completely at random let's go line six william is this william yeah this um all right you are contesting today on real or fake uh you know the rules um i will review it's a very simple game i will give you the category all you have to do is decide whether it's real or fake if you get four right and you need to get woods' help uh we will put you into the drawing for the grand prize yeah all right woods you ready yes all right so we've been focused on the pond raise obviously apparently they are still getting ready for a new nfl season this year no longer there is actually a full slate of pre-season games this weekend so what a better time to get caught up on the current state of the game today on real or fake i'll give you a name you just tell me if they are a real current head coach of an nfl team or if it's a fake in this case team usa olympic medalist okay at the games in paris couldn't be easier right william nfl head coach real olympic medalist fake all right adam you got the buzzes and the dings ready all right round number one nfl head coach real or fake brian calahan real or fake william oh calahan brian calahan i'll say fake he's gonna say fake adam brian calahan is the coach of any idea what no tennessee tyson's new coach of the titan with this year that's all right you're still in the game let's go to round number two tom char tom char real or fake william you can ask woods for help i don't know how much he knows about the opinions of the coaches yeah would you have any idea i sure do i did i did a public event with tom char when i worked at 94-9 he was about 12 years old and he was a skateboarder and came in we did like an interview and uh yeah he is an olympic gold medalist as of yesterday so he's gonna say fake william would you like to agree yes all right and it is yeah that's correct i would have stunned you if i said no he's the coach of the uh the panthers he is not all right so that's one correct all right let's go to round number three mike mcdonald mike mcdonald's real or fake william mike mcdonald's real mmm i know there is a mcdonald uh what is he uh yeah he's the head coach of the miami dolphin no he's sorry mike mcdonald wait no that's mike mc daniel all right i can change i it's not officially that mike mc daniel mike mcdonald's is it mike mcdonald is a an olympian i don't know okay i'll say fault is that he's the head coach of the c lc of course he is mike mc daniel is a coach of the miami dolphins he really threw me for a mike mcdonald and you can't have a mike mc daniel and a mike mcdonald that's there's rules in play here he's also a great back of the server all right let's go to round number four let's try sam kendrick's real or fake head coach in the nfl william that's got to be fake it's got to be fake got to be yeah fake fake and that is correct he's a silver metalist in the pole vault all right you got two right you know no oh that's he's french this is an american all right that guy round number five let's try brady elison brady elison head coach in the nfl real or fake william i'm gonna say fake you can say fake are he's confident silver metalist in archery congratulations that's three i watched him one more correct and you get it all right round six grant fisher real or fake nfl head coach grant fisher i don't sound familiar for football so woods what do you think boy i think it does sound familiar for sounds like a head football coach to me this is a tough your decision william say fake to your decision yeah the fisher used to be a head coach as long as i could go but um i'm gonna i don't know what words to say real i don't even know what what's decided but i said you know what he said doesn't matter you said real that your answer's locked in it is okay he's a bronze metalist in 10,000 meters that's how you got one more oh i think you guys can get this okay round seven for all the marbles jonathan gannon jonathan gannon jonathan gannon real or fake come on william jonathan gannon what do you think what does that make this game easy i mean we got a good prize jonathan gannon i believe is a head football coach all right what says real william all right well let's go real that it is the coach of the arizona card knows and in a very tense game once again you have qualified william or grand prize drawing stand line adam sometime in the next few minutes we'll get to you and get your information so just be patient and thank you for playing today's game at real or fake all right uh this hour on benah woods is brought to you by who's it brought to you by woods i'll tell you it's a california coast credit union get 9.5 percent APR rate on a five-month certificate for a limited time at calco's credit union as they celebrate 95 years in the community five hundred dollar minimum balance restrictions apply issued insured by n c u a visit calco c u dot org slash celebrate all right don't do this is coming up next we're sticking with the pod raise on this one and what happened in last night's game the good and the bad coming up next year on ninety seven three the fan after traffic don't do this don't don't do this listen if i'm if i'm something something bad i mean tell me i'm a bad boy you know just tell me i'm a bad boy why just why i get the argument you don't have to explain it to me i'm not a moron let me tell you why i am a dumbest it's time for don't do this don't do this on ninety seven three the fan i don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in serrano valley where polyhood an amazing experience yesterday yesterday had the bulgogi taco he said it was life-changingly good uh you can check out the craft taco yourself by going to the craft taco dot com take a look at those happy hour specials great for a thursday or a friday at the craft taco dot com woodsy why don't you um start our don't do this special pod raise pirates addition today and the thing that really um in my opinion at least i thought the dive by brice johnson in the first inning after michael king had had a nice start striking on the first two guys he saw guy hits a kind of a bleeder well i don't know the exit below on it it was a yeah it was like 80 it was he's running in for it and again man you're wanting to make a play and but you it's risk reward in that scenario you can then have a guy you know if it gets past you you're gonna have a guy in scoring position kind of feleff it gets to third all the way to third rowdy teles comes up hits a check swing dribbler uh down the line it's one nothing just like that and again you let that ball fall in front of you i thought michael king started to spiral a little bit in the first inning ended up throwing 30 pitches man play it back it's the first inning let it bounce nobody's gonna call you out for a lack of effort uh because you really weren't that close to that baseball and once you dive your pot committed he was not able to knock it down you see that sometimes a guy dives and is able to kind of knock it down and keep it in front of him keep the guy to first base and i thought that that could have that changed the trajectory of the first inning yeah i mean now he could have still gotten out of the inning you know got a check swing from teles that was unlucky uh then i think a walk and then a double date maybe they would have scored two runs anyway even if he had been at first that guy would have eventually come around to score however i think you're right and that he it changed the trajectory of the inning i'm also thinking you're right that yes you when you get to play is you know infrequently is bright yeah so you want to do something special you want to show you're hustling hey by the way that one wasn't even that hard of a call that one's you always let that one fall with two outs and nobody on yeah just let that one drop don't let him get to second and certainly don't let him get to third it was a sloppy game though man he had a throwing error uh zander had that big error there were four unearned runs scored quite frankly the pod race did not deserve to win that game no they didn't and they won it anyway yep and you know a credit to bress johnson where credits do the night before he's playing right field slick sloppy wet field uh dylan sees i think it was the first batter of the game bress johnson made a spectacular catch running over to the line and for the first out of the game i mean the guy barreled it and bress johnson made a great play last night was one of those maybe you just let it fall in front of you you know keep him to keep him keep him in first base and maybe the inning goes a little bit differently all right uh the second don't do this goes i guess i'll give it to the unpiring crew for what happened in the ninth inning and we didn't even know at the time how involved it got but remember pod rays are now tied at six after jackson maryll's home run and mike shilt brings in Robert Suarez the well-rested Robert Suarez but you're figuring all right i mean you need to get through this inning then you need to score in the top of the 10 and then you still need to close it out yeah you have tanner scotty pitched you pitched the day before but i'm guessing you're wanting more than three outs from Robert Suarez here if possible so how is it that he only ended up throwing six pitches in that inning it was it started out first pitch was a single up the middle the second pitch was the error by zander bo guards that put runners at first and second could have been a double play you know could have changed the course of everything the third pitch was a sacrifice bunt by yasmani grandal that moved the runners to second and third the fourth pitch was ball one and then they decided to intentionally walk who was at the batter that they whoever they said kabrian hey kabrian hey yeah to load the bases so Robert Suarez has thrown four pitches at this point the bases are loaded with one out the winning run is a third base for the Pittsburgh Pirates and bay comes up there's center g one bay comes up now he's a uh he's a lefty it's a righty lefty matchup but tanner scot i don't think they were planning on pulling him in from the bullpen i don't even think he was warming up yet because they've only been he'd only thrown again five pitches at this point then the umpires rule a pitch clock violation on robert Suarez with a zero zero count and this do don't do this moment because the replays were clearly there when the clock hit eight that's when the batter is required to be in the box and not only that but engaged like looking and ready for the pitch from the picture bay wasn't even he had like one foot in the box with looking down wasn't even close he wasn't ready until about three seconds left on the clock and then it hit zero and the umpires charge robert Suarez with a pitch clock violation which was incredibly unfair and i'm not even sure what the umpires were thinking in that situation that shouldn't be ball one in that situation so now what happens Manny Machado quickly goes that guy wasn't ready yeah you know i'm the batter was not ready and the umpires then get together mike shilt though comes out and they had just sent rubin navel out to the mound to talk about the g uh g one bay at bat you know give them the scouting report whatever how we're going to attack this guy so then mike shilt comes out and he wants to make sure that Manny and none of his players get ejected because he doesn't have any more position players left if Manny gets tossed arguing he's got to put matt waldren in it third base i mean literally it would probably have been matt waldren or i i don't know i mean martin perez i i don't know who would be the best choice to go into play or you move a guy around and put one of them in the outfield or something like joe musgrove had to yeah i have absolutely no idea he's out of position player so he's just trying to make sure he's arguing first of all with the umpires and he's also telling guys hey calm down so unbeknownst to all of us until after the game the umpires said hey when you went out and talked to your players you were out of the dugout that counts as a mound vis which is insane which is now the second mound visit of the inning which means according to baseball rules you have to take out robert swaras however in the other rule like we saw last week at day roberts when you go twice to the same guy you can't make that change right there so he has to finish off the at bat against bay and then you have to take him out of the gate correct so it was not mike shilton tension necessarily to take out robert swaras who went through another two pitches sorry the tag out at home plate the force out at home plate yep and then he had to go to tanner scott immediately out of the bullpen because the uh the umpires had said you have to take out robert swaras in that situation all sparked of course by the umpires initial mistake on the pitch clock violation which never should have happened to begin with well i saw a great tweet last night from our friend laura that said hey you know the the pitch clock is supposed to speed up the game and that slowed the game down for ten minutes you know and here's robert swaras out there trying to stay loose and and then darrick shilton comes out etc etc and holy smokes it was a total total cluster and i i don't know i mean our pitch clocks did they reset them late sometimes i have no idea i'm sure they do uh but it was it was an s show man it absolutely was was crazy and again to get out of that jam i thought was was pretty spectacular by tanner scott now he had to go sit and wait as the pottery scored three runs uh after he had pitched the day before as well so i mean this is not the plan it's not the plan no it's and sometimes you have to any stuff you know did it work out okay because it was lefty lefty match up and he got o'neill cruise yes but it was not his intention it was completely unintended consequences that tanner scott ended up in that game because there's no way i was so surprised i'm going there's no way you're only throwing your officer closer for six pitches right and you like you're you're playing match-ups here i thought it was a little bit odd too uh but now yeah you find that you come to find out when he came out of the dugouts talk to his players he was actually charged with a mound visit isn't it stunning that in six pitches robert's were both low to the bases and got two outs yeah it's banana six pitches yes bananas that is one of the crazier innings that we've seen in the pottery's managed to get through it and of course end up winning the game in the 10th which brings me to my do-do this moment dd mega do-do it's okay Adam never you're ready that's all right um Dave Grohl on the mind and we talked a little bit dd mega do-do about a drink more at home uh getting the job done amazingly in the bottom of the 10th and he after the rally in the top of the 10th nice jobs and her bow guards uh but oh don't do this to the score too didn't give jacks and maryll a sacrifice fly in the top of the 10th inning i mean there was a whole discussion about blocking the plate i i didn't think there was a blocking the plate necessarily coming he had his hand in front of the plate right zander ran through it i think smartly that knocked the right through it that was fine but that was not an easy play i mean he had to make a perfect throw a perfect catch and a perfect tag to get zander bow guards and yeah he should have probably been out but that's not that's just a sacrifice fly that's not it's not an error on the catcher in that situation so i would think that they could look at that and change that ruling but in the bottom of the 10th Adrienne mori hone escapes after the three walks by tanner scott gets out of the inning gets the final ground ball to short and then they throw it over to first Donovan Solano i don't know how you're even thinking of this in that in that game in that craziness but you could see it on the tv broadcast immediately runs over to Adrienne mori hone hands on the ball like points at it like hold on to this this is your first career first big league save this is special and Adrienne kind of looking like oh yeah oh thanks like Donovan Solano had the presence of mine to go don't lose this thing this is uh hold on to this this is for you and getting us out of that jam what an incredible first save for Adrienne mori hone like you got to think for Adrienne mori hone bro it should get easier for you after that one if that one was your first one holy smokes they don't all they're not all gonna be like that you know you may never have another one like that seriously that was absolutely insane that the potteries won that game that's don't and do do this for a thursday that was don't do this with bennon woods on 97 three the fan three you know sarah says some thoughts on that game we're gonna do a little early smart baseball with our uh our game coming up sammy's already getting ready for the a pre-game show he had an amazing stat that he tweeted out this morning that i was unaware of sarah at all coming up with you then it was the 97 three the fan he's kind enough he's gonna join us an hour earlier because we got an early baseball game today that we do we're going to a pre-game show in less than an hour here as the potteries go for a sweep of the pirates uh remember when we had you know on from the winter meetings or at least he didn't realize he was on he sprinted sprinted over he was out of breath he was out of breath and then thought we weren't live yeah that was one of my favorites that was it that was such a great because are we all oh yeah it's just a great appearance and i think we may have uh we may get another one like that today he's got an intro adam yes so we'll get to that right after a check of traffic here at 97 three the fan it's time for the super polish just to be named smart baseball weekly segment with you know harris sarah's son of a bitch brought to you by seven mile casino just seven minutes from the ball park by the beg in chula vista here's you know sarah's with bennen woods on 97 three the fair story to my sources he knows been up like since four this morning he's on his sixth coffee getting ready just for this appearance with us here on bennen woods you know thanks for uh forgetting up and joining us today i am nothing i am about two minutes away hahahaha are you you heard i heard adam call you again oh oh oh i'm up i'm up i'm up i'm up it's saturday isn't it now you're still in are you still in vacation mode where did you go on your vacation uh we went up to Seattle it was really fun but yeah what's what's going on is it's the end of summer so it's the last couple of days that i can sleep in past seven so i can't imagine what it's like to sleep in past seven but i did my heart no i know my heart does go out to you i have two kids and we're in that weird gray area before school starts and so they're home and they're insane and i totally totally get it i'm happy to be here with you uh this morning you know and uh man i i wanted to talk about quickly the pitch from our oldest chapman last night the 104.7 mile an hour sinker i i can't remember how old he is but he's been in the leaving 36 years old and still gassing up guys all paint uh on Manny Machado last night one of them one more impressive pitches i think i've ever seen in my whole life oh my god i mean it's basically a front door thinker you know because it's coming back to the zone uh and it's you know Chapman's wild so Manny's just gonna stare at that you know and it makes sense you know you're going to take something 105 that looks like it's going to hit you so and uh man and i mean it was a great it was a great at that just generally because you could tell you know Manny's found him off and he you can see he's late i mean of course he's late of course but he's you know it seems like maybe he's getting closer to time and i'm up because you can sometimes still you know time up even the big gaseous gas but then one thing that Chapman has done is is add the sinker over time he used to just only be forcing gas and he doesn't have great command so the sinker isn't usually a great pitch for him because he can't can't command it that well but that was like the perfect pitch perfect that it was just it was you know and and after he'd been battling just to watch that that one be like oh god and it was such a great look between them too that was awesome yeah great moment yeah respect Chapman is uh is uh is uh is gloating basically yeah but uh but Manny can't say anything except for you know wow i think he said damn i think he goes damn you know you know we talked to you about a month ago you wrote about like the with the upper limits of what a human being may be able to throw at some point what now how does it roll this Chapman he you know percentage wise compared to even the hardest throwing relievers 105 is that's a good take up you know another extra percent or so that he's getting that even some of the other crazy hard throwers are getting well didn't you tell us that every pitch they throw they become less effective i mean my god that was the most effective pitch i think i've ever seen yeah yeah i mean he is i think an anomaly um if you just look at the hardest pitches thrown in the pitch tracking era in baseball he's got like the first 10 spots um and you know there's other guys like Ben Joyce who's who's gotten close you know he's throwing 104 plus or whatever there's other guys but he's got the first spot he's the king and and what's even crazier about it is he's doing this at his age i mean to continue doing that is is really an anomaly but in terms of like if you were going to build a pitcher that you know uh could throw that hard you might build a role this Chapman because one of the things that's really correlated with with velocity is the ability to um put a lot of force into the ground and uh i don't know if you've noticed but he's a bit of a quadzilla himself yeah got down just massive hot size and um you know he's he's also a big guy you know i was talking to mason miller who was also thrown 103 or so and mason miller was like yeah if you wanted to have someone throw even harder than us you'd have to have someone even bigger than us so you know i didn't put it in a story but it'd be interesting to have somebody like a Giannis you know and Giannis was out there and tried to play baseball and looked terrible so you had a Giannis that played baseball his whole life yeah you might have you might have a chance yeah he's one of the worst baseball players i think i've ever seen in my whole life yeah it was pretty bad and and really gives baseball i think a good name you know tuganino seris from the athletic here on bed and woods uh this morning i hope this isn't too convoluted but it's it's i don't watch enough teams closely enough to know how their manager uses their bullpen and what i mean is mike shilt will sometimes stretch a guy over a cup you know in the getting out here and then he'll come out and and pitch the first two batters then they'll make a change i don't watch enough other teams closely you saw tanner scott last night he had we got one out big out was kind of forced into action then they went with him again uh to give him uh not a clean inning because it was the extra inning how much of an effect does this have on relievers or is it something that we fans just go oh you can't do that man you can't keep making multiple changes per inning i know it it it wrinkles some of our fan base from time to time when shilty does it but do you see it with other teams and have you talked to pictures about it so this is this making too many changes or too few or just like mid like having a guy in coming in the middle of an inning and then taking him out in the middle of the next inning so having to sit down sit down yep get back up and you may be still be getting three outs but they're not three straight outs in the game and we do see that a bit you know you're trying to get better matchups maybe right uh whatever i think this is the probably the biggest source of feel uh in in in managing in the game um because there's i mean there's certain things you could say analytically like um there's a really good reliever named jennier cano uh in in baltimore um who's got him just a nasty sinker and a nasty change-up but he doesn't strike guys out a lot and he does have a slightly higher walk rate so he's like a little bit better to to bring in the game when you've got a guy on first or second you know uh particularly if you've got a guy on first because he's going to get a ground ball and you know he could get a he could get a double play and get you out of there um and uh but if you put him in the beginning of an inning like the ninth he might walk a guy give up a single because of the strikeout rates on a high and create a situation out nothing um and so there are certain strategies with guys where you know if they're a high walk rate high strikeout rate guy you might want to give them a clean inning because they might put a guy on that's Chapman you know you give Chapman clean innings because he might put a guy on but he's going to strike three guys out you know and um and and there's also a mindset you know Trevor May is on rates and barrels with us now and he's a former reliever um and he talks about how certain guys will when it gets to three one will just be like next guy you know like yeah don't even i'm not even bother i'm not going to give in it's a little bit like what you saw with like now like give in i'm not going to throw down the middle i'm going to just keep doing what i do and if you get out first i'm gonna try strike out the next guy you know so those different mindsets either guys who will battle maybe the guys who are battle are guys who put in the middle of the inning because you can't give up a walk dude you know so if you're going to get the three one i'd rather you sort of battle back in and you can't give up another base runner you know who do you put on with the bases loaded not the guy who says next guy right so it's somebody that's going to attack the zone and yeah yeah try to try to get a strike out there it it makes sense it makes sense to me i it's just i i can't sit on question bullpen management very much anymore because it's just so impossibly hard every manager wants you're starter to go five or six and then to have your seventh come out for clean inning and your eighth inning guy and then your closer and of course yeah there's games that go that way but last night last night in a bunch of games this year have not gone that way i think you know by all accounts i think she'll start a pretty good job with it uh but i i just wanted to know if like yeah it's picture dependent and i like what you said um you know when you talked about how how guys certain guys will battle and certain guys won't well there's also uh what makes it hard to play along is that there's um you know certain matchups that we we can't even really sort of realize unless we're playing along like really heavily which is you know maybe a guy has uh you know is loves to live high in the zone as a pitcher um and he's about to come up against Marcello Zuna who you know demolishes high fastballs you know and uh and maybe you know a guy has a power slider instead of a sweeper and uh the power slider is actually a little bit it's more platoon neutral so you can throw a power slider to lefties and righties but you don't want to throw a sweeper uh to an offensive-handed hitter so you know if your guy has more of a sweeper he's Taylor Rogers you know sometimes you don't want to put him in against righties you know and so on and so forth so you know there's a lot of like sort of pitch shape and how it interacts with the hitter but last night i'd say like you know i might be uh and i'm i don't i'm not living and dying with every every game um so i understand that people don't want to do this but i might give my shilts of grace because he has like a completely new bullpen on some level he's kind of learning the tendencies and in the last part is some guys um are fine with getting warm a couple times before they get in um other guys you know i've got them hot i either got to use now or i got to bring them for the game you know so um i wouldn't be surprised if Morihan was was an interesting guy that way because um he's you know a former starter uh he's had the injury concerns um i'm not i'm not suggesting i know this i'm just saying like there may be if you get Morihan warm you use them you know um so there's there's just different uh different ways that a manager has to feel his way through a bullpen last thing you know on the next couple of days either sunday probably monday now uh joe musgrove's expected to come back what will we look for there to see if joe is joe because you've told us before that you can you can identify pretty quickly based on velocity and movement if if a pitcher is truly himself or if he's not himself when he's on the mound well i haven't really seen uh the best joe velocity since uh since mexico city last year and um and i just i wonder if it's not back but you know my stuff number um likes them anyway so i guess what i'm seeing it was something i'm going to say is that if he doesn't have the velocity what is this fastball strategy um you know i talked to a hitting coach recently that said that they have their he has their hitters fit slider against joe musgrove so that's it that's problematic because um as a fastball declines joe probably wants to go to the slider in counselor he needs a he needs a strike yeah um so then i would say did he have another pitch he can go to can he land you know the curve for strikes or is there something he can go to that's not the forcing fastball and not the slider uh because uh that is our you know starting to fit slider on him interesting that's uh really interesting stuff and it feels like and i'm going to get into this woods in our next segment but it feels like the potters are really close here and if they could get one your back musgrover darvis pitching close to what they you know have in their careers that they could really be a force here at the end of the season in october ceases ceases you're dominant i mean i know i know sometimes the command isn't there and he doesn't he doesn't do it every single night but he is dominant when especially when he's on so he could he could he can stop any offense in baseball in the post-season you once you get there you can stop any offense uh king is pretty pretty dang good when he's on too right so you know if you say i'm probably gonna win the sea start and i'm probably going to be in the king start yeah nice starting to feel good about any series because then you just need to win some coin flips you know in the other games and darvis you know if he comes back and feels froggy you know it feels better um you know then then maybe it's maybe maybe he's the guy who can do some games too so i i think they're looking really good love it you know appreciate uh thank you for waking up early back to sleep yeah you can go back to sleep now thanks you know uh our smart baseball segment brought to you by seven moccasino and if you want the uh the rosy outlook this stat sammy tweeted it came from the itty this morning even blew my optimistic brain having for you when we come back here on 97-3 the fan all right my friends when we are normally halfway home but you only get just a little bit more of us uh today and i know uh some of you are excited about that some of you are probably disappointed i'm i'm actually today is one of those days i could have done the next two hours standing on my head with such a ton of stuff to talk about from last night's game and uh what a win for the San Diego Padres last night you want us to run a new free game no absolutely no sammy could use the help he's had a lot to do the last couple of days he had a two-hour 40-minute rain delay which created like a you know 11-hour 11-hour day on Tuesday and then yesterday he had a really long extra inning 10 inning game i mean he would love two hours 10 minutes a nice you know 4-1 Padres win something get out of here by noon or something yeah something ridiculous with the rest of his day today so i'm i'm crossing my fingers for something good for sammy i love this tweet by the way tier one george said rolling out of bed you know sarah's knows more about baseball than i ever will it's not fantastic he's so i loved what he said all of us that's true of all of us george no doubt there's no doubt about it he knows great so i told you i had a stat for you that even optimistic bend was like really wow and this was from this morning's uh ut newsletter so if you uh if you take out and i know you can't i'll give you this bit take out for just the first month of the season okay podrays had many much out it was still hurt and you had the korea trip whatever you know shilts getting used to his new team starting april 30th best record on all of baseball the san diego podrays great 49 and 34 since april 30th that's uh slightly better than the 50 and 35 arizona diamondbacks and slightly better than the 49 and 35 philadelphia fillies and the 50 and 36 houston astros and the 49 and 36 new york achy so i mean talk about you know get better as the season goes on literally first month yeah they were uh they were six games under 500 at that point i believe was it uh was their low point and since then 15 games above 500 and the best record in all of baseball who's played the best now it's easy to pick any end point and go oh yeah if you look over the last two weeks potteries have been the best team in baseball if you start on that June 20th or july 20th arizona diamondback whatever you can do that but the longer you go the more significant it is and when you say okay over the last now three and a half months the podrays are the best team in baseball you kind of have to acknowledge that they are a serious world series contender at this point yeah no doubt i mean and it's still so weird because they're still fighting for their lives essentially you know every single game because arizona refuses to lose as well they you know like you said they just took two yesterday from the guardians josh bell by the way they picked him up for nothing zero i mean if christian walker hadn't gotten hurt that day would they have even picked up josh bell correct no hurt the next day after the trade deadline it would have been too late yeah and that's that's nuts how well that has worked out yeah do josh bell would be you know scratching it out for some some other team that needed a backup first basement and he's been he's been ridiculous and they have been pesky and uh i had them left for dead after the world series improbable world series run last year um i had them picked to finish you know third or fourth or whatever i just the hangover was was too real for me and they have figured out a way to turn it on when it matters most and this is going to be nasty down the stretch it takes a lot to go right obviously to win a world series so much so that we've never done it here and there's a lot that could still go wrong but at this point knowing that they've played this well now for an extended period of time and potzilla in the chat says they pass the i-test ban it's not even a question they do now what else needs to go right well like i said i feel like you need to get at least joe or you or both of them back to give us two but then there's tatice as well have you guys let yourself dream on yes a refreshed from whatever you darvish is going through right now a refreshed and remotivated you darvish a like refreshed and so mad that he's missing out on this franando tatice jr yeah man i i it's it's like it's like a fantasy of mine to see that those guys come in and say all right you know you guys have carried us let us carry the the load for a while and i let myself dream on it every day but i i you know i there's nothing i can do about it right now i'm just i'm just hoping and praying it's interesting that you mentioned franando tatice missing out on it because he was remember he missed out on the nlc as well so he wants in on this a hundred percent man hundred percent and i i i know that they're going to be smart with him you know and i know that he's probably chomping at the bit right now champing at the bit as we learned stupidly that that's actually the right phrase champing at the bit he's champing right now to get back um but yeah of course i let myself dream on that every single day i i Bryce johnson's fine but give me franando tatice jr in right field for the rest of the year hitting in the two hole or whatever um i just i just don't know we don't know what's going on with you people are saying you will not pitch again you don't know that you just don't know it i i hope that that's not the case but you know having him refreshed and ready to come back would be pretty amazing you know at some point it becomes untenable i mean he's gonna still have to build up if he comes back and the longer he's out there or you know kind of rehab starts he's going to need to get into form and if you don't come back by you know the middle of september to get back into form do you really want his first start to be game three of a wild card series or what there's anybody that that i'd feel okay doing it it'd be it'd be him sure yeah i mean i'd rather have him back than not back obviously yeah of course but there's a lot of questions but my my point is and i i see there's still skepticism um in the chat like Alex it hates let's not get ahead of ourselves world series contenders is a bit much i i don't think it is i'm not saying they're favorites i'm not saying they're going to win the world series but when you look at every other team that has played well this season including the fillies the Yankees the Orioles the Dodgers you know for certainly a good chunk of the early part of the season none of those teams is clearly head and shoulders better than the Padres anymore the Phillies look like they were early the Yankees maybe but not anymore they haven't played well the last few both of those teams have had their struggles and the Padres have gotten better Padres have clearly gotten better and they still have room to get better with players now the Dodgers could get better again if they get um okay that's back and they get some of their pitchers healthy i'd certainly expect them to be a little bit better but the Padres are in a better place right now clearly as their record over the last three months shows the Padres are a better place than all of those teams at this point they've had less flaws they've had less struggles even with a handful of five-game losing streaks they've had less struggles than all these other teams and it shows it in the record the simple win-loss record will tell you that the Padres have played the best baseball of any team since April 30th can't really argue against it because they have the best record they played a pretty tough schedule over that period as well that makes them in my mind a legitimate world series contender maybe the most legitimate we've seen at this point in a season for the San Diego Padres in a long time you know and and i i keep i you know i said it before the break man remember how they were grinding so hard to stay 500 the energy expended to stay 500 was staggering and i thought they're gonna run out of gas and the the shine is gonna rub off on some of these guys at some point and what what you've seen is a real incredible ability to move on to the next game the next play whatever it may be Santa Bogart's is a perfect example out there if you're a parent and you've got kids i'm in my kid six years old and he loves baseball more than anything in the world but his body language is the body language of a six-year-old when he swings and misses or he boots a ball its head down very upset tears wanting to quit and i showed him that play last night from zander who boots a double play ball in the ninth inning you know that would have completely set your team up and what does he do he comes back and he makes the next play then he comes back and he gets the go-ahead hit this team and it's not just zander man he's had the ability to do it pro far has done it time and time again he did it yesterday his fourth era of the season on the throw and he came back and hustled his way around to a run it's just one inning later it's just they just have this really good ability this season to say so what so what i booted it so what i'm gonna get the next i'm gonna get this tough i out at home i'm gonna make the next play i'm gonna steal the next bag whatever it may be and last season they kept going what's next what's next yeah what's what's what's gonna go wrong what else is gonna happen to us and and you know again i we credited jackson meryl for a lot of the attitude change which is crazy for a 21-year-old rookie but i i think you point to that and say his energy has absolutely boosted this team and he's rubbed off on a lot of these dudes and i think it's really a special special team to watch right now and i just you know i hope they keep the train rolling man because this has been a lot of fun baseball coverage in ninety seven three the fan is presented by t-mobile switch to t-mobile you can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus at and t and verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at t-mobile dot com slash switch uh yesterday um pot raise continuing to just kind of keep pace we mentioned the diamondbacks swept the double header from the guardian so they actually gained a half a game and moved into a tie with the pot raise still have the tiebreaker uh the Mets beat the Rockies they had to go ahead to run single by francisco lindor in the ninth inning to win that one five to three at coars field the one team that continues to struggle is unfortunately adam's braves lost again to the milwaukee brewers uh fourth straight loss and they are now almost out of a playoffs but the Mets are right behind them just a half game for that third wildcard spot uh they have given up the most ground since the all-star break it's uh it's definitely and it's not their fault i mean the injuries that they've had would disable and cripple most teams with what they've had to go through but i mean i don't see them necessarily turning it around either even adam's giving me the and i don't know if this is the the year for the brave so that gives the Mets an opportunity keeps teams like the giants and cardinals alive the uh the giants got a win last night blake snell in his first start since his no-hitter uh certainly wasn't going deep but he went six innings four hits three earned runs eight strikeouts and the giants beat the nationals uh they're at 500 but that's that's not that far out still from the third wildcard spot so uh you know just keeping an eye on what's going cardinals won again they're three games above 500 they're definitely still in it uh they beat the race five to two they've won three in a row i believe so uh you know keeping an eye on it but the Padres are now two games up on the braves tied with the diamondbacks for that first wild card spot cadre's diamondbacks just mirror images of each other right now mirror images and that dodger game last night we haven't even gotten into that oh that was uh that was exciting the uh three home run performance by kyle schwarver including a lead-off shot to start the game a very um interesting situation with umpires that led to dave robert's ejection in the sixth inning there was a tag play i was i was a bonter i think it was a bond in front of home play they tried with the runner at third yeah i thought it was a really good play and it was a nice tag but the umpire called defensive interference for blocking the bag even though he was like running up to make the catch and like running just completely right down to make the tag plays also back there at the same time back pedaling kind of to the bag and he was coming forward he was coming forward as the runner was meeting him at the same spot and they both got there at the same time caught in his head he ran kind of to the spot and then backpedaled into the bag but his foot was right in the way and it blocked uh alic boom and they called it defensive uh interference and dave roberts came out and i think it was who's the who's the third base umpire wendelstat was yeah he gave him the hand hunter wollestad was going with the hand don't come out don't come out and he came out so they threw him out of the game joe kelly dave actually had a point on that one it should have been the potteries i would have been mad too like what are you supposed to do right you're the third baseman they're throwing you the ball you got to go catch it and then you reach down and tag a guy he didn't stand there with his foot in front of the bag to block anyone they got there at the same time and you do a great job now uh but that was critical because the fillies went on to a five-run inning with a three-run homer by schwarver with two outs in that of who never would have gotten up joe kelly and then there was also some uh some interesting stuff um so castiano's got hits yeah um who the hell was pitching grove uh let's see it was messy at the start of the sixth and then maybe he was grove earlier in the game and he goes up high and tight to castiano's and castiano's i thought i didn't think he looked at the guy he goes that's a big miss he goes that's a big effing miss like that he wasn't he that's nick castiano's i think in a nutshell but he's like bro that's a huge miss that you just had like you want to throw in you miss pretty badly and he's just kind of letting the kid know i think he's a rookie i think it's grove and he says i it's a big miss but and he walks the first Matty strum north Dakota Strong comes out and just dots Gavin Lux right in like the the shoulder and Lux turns kind of hits him in the back and Lux looks at him he goes what the f was that and strums just staring at him with his long crazy hair and his crazy eyes right it was uh it was listen pure filly's fan you're pretty happy this morning it makes me wonder if i mean we've asked this question before and we haven't really seen it will there be anything today with the Padres in the Pirates three hit batsman Padres got hit yesterday yep and Alec Jacob did get somebody and it was about a 82 hour you know nothing but i don't know you know you know i love mud but if i had a dollar for every time he said well that's the last thing you want to do in that situation is like the guy and put him on base he's a pitcher he never wants anyone on base right at some point though there's got to be a moment where your guy gets hit and whether it's intentional or not you got to stand up and say enough is enough and i wonder is today after everything that's happened the last two days will we see some fireworks in this third game of the series we will talk about it our final segment get you ready for Sammy's pre-game show get your match up today what woods had it earlier what's left in the Padres bullpen after these last two days not a lot to get through this game and get the Padres to Miami for the weekend we'll get to all of it coming up next after traffic here on 97-3 the fan final segment of Ben & Woods on a Thursday you heard that right what am i going to do with all this free time today organize your closets i've got two little ones at home that i'm sure are just ready to play all day long so that's what i'm going to be doing this hour at 97-3 the fan is brought to you by the farmers dog from a healthier way to more energy when you switch your dog's food to the farmers dog the effects can feel magical what sorcery is this none at all it's just real food made for the health of dogs get 50 percent off your first box at the farmers dog dot com slash radio i'll definitely be listening to Sammy's eco water so cal pre-game show yes just for the the recap last night i think you'll probably chat with Bob Scanlon today about the game last night and get some more thoughts on that um you know if you missed what Mike Schild had to say after the game last night about the the ninth inning and the forced pitching change of Robert Suarez the aftermath of that is going to have an impact on today's game obviously because Randy Vasquez is on the mound and a good start for Randy Vasquez is probably six innings six you know if you can get six innings you know a couple of runs for Randy Vasquez i'll sign up for that right now that still leaves three innings to cover in the best of scenarios who are covering those three innings today would see our cover who who will be covering those three innings i'm going to give you uh Jason Adam through 26 pitches on Tuesday didn't throw it all yesterday uh Robert Suarez only through six pitches yesterday and uh Brian hoeing but he threw 45 on Tuesday i don't know i mean it's it's dry to 22 Tanner Scott 18 i think he threw one strike in the whole time he uh two strikes out of those 18 uh he can take the ball again today i'm sure he's ready to get back out there and have a bounce back outing Ben after only 18 pitches Kip Schumacher told you guys and me as well that uh he wants to go every day if he can um yeah but i i think they'll be fine if Vasquez can give him any if he can give him five six innings i think will be in good shape offense he's got a score uh off of uh who is it Luis Ortiz Luis Ortiz so he's had a pretty good year uh as well that he's a converted reliever for the pirates i'm gonna look it up right hander he's had uh pretty decent numbers he's got a three-something e ri his last start was not good i think he gave up six to the diamond banks of course they've been they've been beating up on everybody but as have the pot phrase so you know maybe soft and dump a little bit potteries we'll have most of their regulars in there if you missed it Samuel had the lineup the jerks and pro far is playing even after taking that crazy shot to the knee yesterday and coming out of the game he's batting second and hot son Kim is banking the starting lineup today after dealing with the triceps soreness and was not in the lineup the last two days ended up pinch running and then playing and even making the final out good throw across the diamonds so uh look like he was he was okay so he's back in the lineup as well Samuel have that full lineup for the pod race and the pirates coming up on the uh the pregame show coming up as well so yeah Adam and Torres and you know someone's gonna have to go a little bit extra today as well yeah well i mean one thing you've seen this team do consistently as we just talked about is is guys step up and you know again i think last year if we're talking about this game today and had we won the first two games of this series ban i think i would have said last year yeah this is definitely an L it it's it trends that way just because of the the pitching i think but this team continues to prove a lot of us wrong on a daily basis i was just struck by an out-of-the-box idea that like shilt could do and and maybe he's been sitting on this but you could go with Randy Vasquez backed up by Martine Perez yeah you could without anyone pitching on on you know short rest and see if you can get most of the game of those two guys and then save your bullpen and go with Joe Musgrove as you were planning in one of the games this weekend you could bring cease back any of the days you wanted friday saturday or sunday have joe pitch with hopefully a more rested bullpen after that in miami but he is martine perez is there and has had four days of rest if you wanted to pitch him in this game today and was effective and you could go a little righty lefty with Vasquez and perez as a one-two punch today no one has suggested that has not been reported anywhere but it's certainly within the realm of pace ball possibility and the rules would allow that if uh if mike shilt wanted to do that in this game i'm not didn't hear anything but i don't know i mean you're next you're next your next day off i would imagine of course you're gonna have to activate joe at some point you could send Vasquez or someone down after the game today and bring up another reliever for the weekend to give you an extra bullpen arm in fact i'd be surprised if they didn't do that but they can't do it yet because they need Vasquez just throwing it out there is um you know things go not well for Vasquez and he only goes for they got an off an off day next thursday it's the only one in twenty span of like 28 days gnarly man just gnarly but you got to get there first and you got uh you know seven games before then you know and then again i i'd love i'd love if they were able to just complete the sweep today if the offense showed up and and picked up you know again knowing the bullpen is probably a little bit tax the offense comes out and scores a bunch of runs and um look nothing this team does will surprise me nothing so um i'm i'm holding out hope that we can uh get a sweep but the foot on the throats today hopefully the guys are are ready to go hopefully pro far feeling healthy i mean i'm a big credit to him for being in the lineup today at all um but i hope he's he's good to go and quite frankly the way the uh the playoff chases are going you lose more ground when you lose than you gain ground when you correct yeah it's like treading water yeah with the way the diamond backs and some of the other teams have been playing well they got the fillies today so hopefully the fillies can can build a little bit off of their win last night in in la big big win call swab or three bombs so yeah build on that momentum and go out and take care of uh the diamond backs force please filly i've never said a bad word about you filly ever all right and that uh brings us to the conclusion of a shortened edition of ben and woods on a thursday morning thank you to adam clue who uh baldrinder does a lot of work around here and we'll be back tomorrow for the friday edition of the program i think we're gonna have italian paul on monday he's standing by as well as your uh studio engineer with sam leavitt eco water so cal free game show coming up next for what's he i'm ben have a great rest of your thursday enjoy the game right here on 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