Jesse Kelly Show

Propaganda Campaigns...Cori Bush...Communists

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08 Aug 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun. On a Wednesday, it's Monday. You have done it. Quit shaking your head, Chris. It's an amazing day. We've crested the peak of the week. And now it's all downhill from here. Here's what we have on tap for tonight. No playing guests, no calls, no nothing. It's going to be you. And it's going to be me. We're going to talk about the web of lies, the system of lies. So many of our fellow Americans live in. I have a couple great examples of that right off the bat. Americans are slowly waking up to it. We will discuss it, though. Spying, the chai comms are spying on us everywhere. We'll talk about that. Corey Bush lost her primary. You know I have things to say there. Americans are running up credit card debt. JD Vance has been an amazing boost to the Trump campaign. The kind of hair is dome and walls are running, all that. And so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to actually begin here about the system of lies, the world of lies people live in. It is really, really, really ugly. Once you see it, but once you see it, you're glad you saw it. So here's a headline to kind of go along with what we're talking about headline. This is from the Washington Times. Americans aren't buying the official version of the Trump shooting. Now that doesn't mean they've figured it out. I haven't figured it out. You haven't figured it out. We're trying to figure out what happened. Was this a lone gunman? Was this an ammunition state? Was it a group of gunmen? Was it America's FBI CIA? I don't know. I don't have any idea. We're still gathering information. There's a lot of things from that day that look really bad. I don't know what's real. You don't know what's real. The American people don't know what's real, but for one of the first times in my life, the American people don't trust what they're told from authorities. So people are waking up to the fact they live in a world of lies and you should understand this and I need to always understand this. We can fall prey to that world of lies. There are extreme examples. Extreme examples probably wouldn't work on you, but it will work on every Democrat in your life and norm in your life. An extreme example is like this. This is Fox News, Greg Gutfeld, who I really like is really sharp. Jessica Tarlov is on there and I want you to listen to this exchange. Listen to this. You are living in a delusion right now. That never was said. Do the research. No one ever said injecting bleach. Look it up. It's been debunked. That's just like the fine. No, I realize they all talked over each other and that makes it difficult to hear, but did you hear when she was informed? She said, Hey, Trump told everyone to inject bleach and then she was informed by her colleagues. That's a hoax. That's completely debunked. It's on camera. Did you hear her surprise? Oh, the norm, the norm and most definitely the American Democrat live in a world of make believe. We are surrounded by people who live in a world of make believe and really one of our main jobs is waking up those who want to be woken up and those who can be woken up. As I have said before, if you don't seek out right wing news sources, I'm not telling you you have to be a Republican or a libertarian. I'm not even telling you you have to be an anti-communist like me or a conservative or whatever you call yourself. I'm not telling you you have to leave the left if you're on the left and go to the right. You can stay a ridiculous demon your whole life. If you want to, that's your business, but I am telling you unless you seek out right wing news sources, you live in a world entirely of make believe because that world has been constructed for you because the evil people who run the United States of America want you to live in a world of lies because the truth about who they are and what they want and what they're doing is so horrific. They understand they have to spend every minute of every day building a world of lies and they know a huge percentage of the American people will stay within that world. And the reason I use the word actively how you have to actively seek out right wing news sources is this, the traditional institutions have all been taken over by the dirty communists. So you can't be passive about how you get the news. You can't just get home at night long work day. This is what's happening in the world. Hey, turn on ABC for a few minutes. That person doesn't have to be a card carrying Democrat. It can be a norm. It could be an independent, a Republican. But if that's how you get the news, hey, just grab the New York Times. Let's see what the headlines are. If you don't leave the traditional ways people have gotten information, you are insane. And I don't mean that to be insulting. You're clinically insane. You believe a lot of things that are not real at all. Now, I want to talk about how they construct that world and how it influences all of us and how you and I need to be careful about it. So maybe you've seen recently, you probably have, Dom's poll number is going up. Why? How? How is it possible that this woman is getting more popular? Good evening. Good evening, good evening. Good evening, everyone. Good evening, good evening. Oh, gosh, it gives me the reallys. How is that possible? Well, remember how I said these people are purposeful about building this wall of lies, this world of lies all around you. I want you to listen to a couple of things. Actually, I want to give them credit for it, even though they didn't do it for the right reasons. CBS News started interviewing people about the paid campaigns, Harris and walls are running communists do this all the time, paid campaigns. They create groups. The groups in turn write large checks to people with a platform. Therefore, you use your platform to pretend as if someone's popular. And if enough people pretend someone is popular, eventually that person can become popular. Dom's poll numbers right now probably are accurate as insane as that may be. Here's a little bit of this. Kind of coaching. Do you give influencers acting on behalf of the Harris campaign, talking points, resources, base language? Well, Flaherty says the Harris, just I'm going to pause this a few times. So this is the Harris campaign. They hand out talking points. They hand out, quote, resources. They hand out everything to now, who do they hand it out to? I mean, I need to explain this in ways that especially older folks may have a harder time understanding, especially me, because you know how much I hate technology. Social media is a huge way they do this. Maybe you're not on social media. And if you're not good, don't get on there. I'm not encouraging you to do so, but you do need to understand it's huge. The Facebook, the Instagram, the Twitters, the TikToks, these things are enormous. And they're how so many people get and share information. Well, you find popular people on there. Let's let's use me for an example. What Chris, I had to use somebody who's super popular and important. Shut up. Anyway, let's let's use me actually. Let's make this simple on Twitter. It's one of very few social media sites I have and I'm active on on Twitter. I have, I don't know how many do I have something like 700,000 people follow me. Is that right? Oh, more than that? Oh, wow. That's awesome. But there are a lot of people who follow me on Twitter. Let's say I was a filthy communist or maybe just kind of a norm, but needed some money. I had no principles, dome. They send a campaign person into my office. Hey, Jesse, we have a bunch of talking points here. We love it. If you put out a two minute video talking about how much you love dome and walls and these people are super awesome. And if you could maybe say some things, maybe call JD Vance weird and call Trump a racist and, and look, we're going to pay you for your troubles, Jesse. We'll pay you well, thousands of dollars for your troubles. All it'll be is a little video, throw it up on your Twitter page. Now I agree to do that. Where does that go from here? I'm going to explain this in a moment. We have to understand how these people work and how the system of lies can become a reality for so many people. Before we do that, here's a lie. The lie is that you have to have a dirty commie company as your cell phone company. That's a lie. People believe people don't like Verizon. Understandably, it's a horrible company. They don't like T mobile. They don't like AT&T, but they think to themselves, well, what else am I going to do? Or if they find out about something like peer talk, they say to themselves, well, I can't, I can't switch. I need this phone. I need it for my job. I can't be dropping calls. I need to get ahold of my kids. I can't drop calls. I need the service. I have to do it. Peer talks on the same network. The same 5G network is one of the big guys. My service, I switched from T-Mobile to Peer Talk. My service got better. I used to not be able to make phone calls in my living room. Now I can switch to Peer Talk. You'll pay way less and you'll pay a company that shares and promotes your values. Don't buy the lie that you have to have Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile. And yes, I'm aware that rhymed, Chris. I did that on purpose. Don't buy the lie. I'm going to use that a lot now because it annoys Chris. Dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly, switch to peer talk. We'll be back. This is the Jesse Kelly show, and that's really on you, Chris, for ordering the chicken cheese steak over the regular cheese steak. I know it looked good, but the, and I'm not even against chicken cheese steaks. Who would get a chicken cheese steak over a regular beef cheese steak? That's on you. What? Don't blame this on me. I said get the regular, anyway, it's the Jesse Kelly show. You can email the show Jesse at back to what we were talking about about the world of lies that we can all fall into norm, norm, they ever truly no chance until we wake them up. Democrats, communists, I mean, they want to live in that world, but I'm going to go back and I'm going to talk about this. I just described what it would look like. And this takes place all the time. If you have a large social media account, like I was talking about me, let's say I had no principles. I was a norm or a dirty commie. I needed the money, whatever it is, although I do kind of need the money anyway. And let's say dome and walls came to my studio and they said, Hey, Jesse, here's, here's five grand. What we want you to do is we, we want you to put up a two minute video, talk about all these things. They would hand me some talking points, talk about how great dome is JD Vance is weird, Trump's a racist. And then I put that video out for my 700,000 followers or however many they are, not the bragging kind of a big deal. What Chris, but I put it out to 700,000 followers. And here's what happens and I believe me, this gets confusing for me, but we need to understand how big this can get. If I put out a video like that, it's not uncommon at all. If I say something, either interesting or controversial or funny or something like that on social media, it is not uncommon for something I say on there to get a million impressions, a million. Now that's me. I'm one guy and I'm not even some really huge deal. I understand. I have a big platform. Now I get that, but there are people with much bigger platforms than I. That's me, one guy, a million people. It's possible that a million people from me, one guy can see my video now. What if there are 10 of me, 20 of me and people with bigger platforms? As I said, many, many, many people have bigger platforms. For a certain amount of money, you can get your message in front of tens of millions of people and those tens of millions of people can and oftentimes will take your message and share it themselves. Oftentimes not even knowing A, they're being lied to because I was paid to put the message out there and B, they don't realize they're part of the propaganda campaign and now from little old me, 700,000 followers on social media on Twitter, one video out there, it might affect the votes of 500,000 a million people across the United States of America. I'm going to play two different clips for you showing you how this works and it's going to help explain why Harris's poll numbers are good. What kind of coaching do you give influencers acting on behalf of the Harris campaign? Talking points, resources, base language. While Flaherty says the Harris campaign does not pay influencers directly, CBS News found a constellation of other Democratic political organizations that do. In May, future forward, the super PAC supporting Harris hosted panels like Gaming the Algorithm and how advocacy can benefit your business. You see, even if the checks don't come directly from the Harris walls campaign, there are all kinds of organizations attached, shell corporations, think of them that way, attached that the Harris walls campaign that will find people like me, pay people like me and use people like me. I should probably put in a disclaimer here, I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever accepted money to post anything on social media. So all the stupid, inappropriate things I say there, that's really just me. Anyway, back to this. They go on. Last month, Sunday says she was hired by Protect Our Care, a progressive advocacy group that relies on anonymous donors. She made a video warning about Trump's second term agenda. They almost help you script it, right? Right, definitely. She takes their talking points and puts them into her own voice, saying she always discloses when she's being paid. That's your rate. So a video just for a creator in my size and average can go from $3,000 to $10,000 depending and upwards. The reason I played all this stuff that got, I know it got a little wonky and it got a little nerdy, but I'm trying to explain how the lies can spread and how the lies can become reality for so many people. Propaganda campaigns are nothing new. I know you know that. They were running propaganda campaigns before electricity. This is something as old as human, the human existence, propaganda campaigns. But now the way it works with the existence of television and more importantly, with the existence of social media, these propaganda campaigns, you can buy poll numbers. You can buy good pub. You can buy bad pub for people you don't like. And this stuff is happening all the time all around us and it can happen to you too. Remember this. It can happen to me. It doesn't have to be political. You can, you can log into your Facebook account and see a great advertisement about someone you follow on there and he's talking about how much he loves to eat beef and you don't realize that the National Association of beef cows, I don't even know if that's a thing, paid that guy five grand to put it out there soon. You're buying a steak for dinner. Just want you to be aware. That's what's around us. All right. Corey Bush lost her primary. We're going to talk about some Bush in a moment before we talk that. Let's talk about rough greens, your dog, Fred, I got to shoot you straight here. Fred isn't doing that well. You see, the boys are visiting my in-laws, the boys are visiting their grandparents and Fred does not do well if the boys aren't there. And one of the main reasons is Fred understands no matter how many times I yell and scream, the boys will slip him food underneath the table. And now that honey hole has disappeared while the boys are gone. But thankfully, Fred is still getting nutrition that doesn't involve French fries. He gets it from rough greens because we pour rough greens, the natural nutritional supplement on his food. There's no nutrition in his dog food. He might as well feed him French fries. But when you pour rough greens on your dog's food, your dog will be healthier. You'll see physical differences in your dog and your dog will live longer. So go start. Get a free jumpstart trial bag and start. You'll see differences in your puppy. or call 83333mydog. Corey Bush next. It is the Jesse Kelly show. And before we get to the Corey Bush loss in the primary, I wanted to just do one final word on this, the campaign that dome is running and the campaign of lies they build around people and how they use social media. Nicole Wallace is a horrible apparatchic. She's been a comedy piece of trash for a long time and she's wrong about generally everything. But I'm not so sure she's wrong about this. She is running a flawless campaign. She has not made one single mistake and I think Democrats like to say, but she will. She might not. Okay, obviously she's embarrassing and all that's embarrassing. I'm not so sure she's wrong though. If you have a candidate like dome. If you have this candidate, Donald Trump who stood on a debate stage in front of 70 million Americans and refuse to condemn white supremacists, there must be an immediate ceasefire. Defund the police, the issue. The best thing you can do is hide her and use your gigantic Democrat campaign war chest to pay for a propaganda campaign to make her look good. She might be actually running an outstanding campaign. When you look at it that way, Trump Trump does good with people. Trump does speech as well. Rally's well. He's one of the more talented retail politicians I've ever seen in my life. When I say retail politician, I mean, Trump walking in a pizza shop. Trump flying to East Palestine, Ohio, to hand out bottles of water. That's retail politics, baby, and Trump does that so well. So if Trump was in hiding, which he's not, that would be dumb when you have a candidate that can do that like Trump, you put him out there, you get him out there. Honestly, the worst thing for Trump is if you hid him and just let him post on social media because he'd say something dumb, you don't want him doing that. You want him with the people and the rallies because that's where he really thrives and he does so well. But with Dome, you want to hide Dome under your desk. You want Dome hidden out of sight, out of mind, run a propaganda campaign to make her look really good. Maybe she is running one. All right. So that brings me to Corey Bush. Corey Bush is well, she's kind of an insane person. Your pastor. Yes. You write about healing through faith. At one point, you came across a woman with quote, several visible tumors on her torso. Tell me what happened? So at that time, I along with a group of friends, we would go out on the street and just meet with people and pray with people and offer them food. And this lady came to us and she had these tumors. I mean, she wanted us to like fill them. And I just remember I put my hand on her and my hand just began to move. And the lumps that were there were no longer there. And she was so happy and she went on about her day and I never saw her again. So you think the tumor has disappeared? I do. I do. And this woman was unholy. That's Corey Bush. And I want to give credit to Michael for putting together this little montage of Corey Bush who just lost lost her campaign. Republicans have used the special counsel's report to further their longstanding efforts to reelect the former white supremacist and chief Donald Trump. I can only imagine the number of my constituents who are unknowingly being poisoned by their gas stove in the state that it is without this proposed rule being in effect. Police killings of unarmed black people are responsible for more than 50 million additional days of four mental health days per year. Do you support the president? What does that mean? So you're saying that 40 you're saying that okay, all right. All right. So she's a nut. And she lost her primary yesterday and she got pasted in her primary yesterday. She got a more established establishment Democrat challenger and they ran her out of office. Of course, she took it about as well as you'd expect pulling me away. Remember my position as Congresswoman? All you did was take some of the strings off because then I don't have to know some strings that I have attached to as much as I love my job. But all they did was radicalize me and so now they feel free and pack. I'm coming to tear your kingdom down. Okay. Obviously she's not a big fan of Chris and his people. So what happened? You already know what happened. We've talked about it many times before, but we have a bunch of new listeners, which is unbelievable. So allow me to explain this once again very, very clearly and very, very briefly. There are two different kinds of communists, two different divisions, if you will, and they are separate divisions. There are elite communist scum and there are street communist scum. The elite communist scum, that's your Democrat politicians, your Democrat CEOs, college professors, the people in high society, they make all the money, they have all the power, they vacation in Barbados, they stake, they fly on Lear jets and they're the people who make the decisions that run the world. Those are the elite communists. But they need help, you see, because they need their opponents beaten, murdered and intimidated. That's where the street communist scum come in. These are the climate change nutters, the black lives matters of the world, the antifos of the world, all the animals you see in the streets covering themselves in blood. The LGBTQ weirdos with the pink feather boas, those are the street communists scum. They have a job to do. Their job is to murder and pillage and vandalize and assault and intimidate the elite communist scum. They need them doing that. And so they provide the street communists legal protection. I don't have to point any more examples. You've seen it a million times where some pro life forgets 20 years in prison. You fire bomb an NYPD cop car. You're out in 15 months back on the street protesting. Why? The streets are given legal protection from the elites, but here's the deal. The streets who are true believers, the elites are not, they don't care, but the streets are true believers. They all want to be elites. You don't want to be on the street corner screaming and yelling, covering yourself and Cal poop or whatever these weird people do. You don't want to be that you want to be important. You want to be rich. You want a better house, a better car, a better food. You're ambitious. You want to be on a private jet one day, you're ambitious like anyone else. So occasionally the streets will make the transition into being part of the elites. You get elected to Congress and they're allowed and oftentimes encouraged to do so. Yes, leave your filthy street communist ways and come be a member of Congress. Come be a CEO, come be a college professor, come join us in the ranks of the elite. The elites are happy to welcome you in there unless unless you create problems for them. You see the elites are the ones with the true power. The elites are the ones who will always in the end have all the power. The streets always think they will. They never do. They never do. The elites hold the power. The elites are the system. And you as a street animal, you're not allowed to go create problems for the elites. So when the street animals get there, they can go one of two ways. You saw AOC, AOC got there. She was a street animal, a radical nut job. She decided she wanted to stick around. So she's out there giving speeches with Joe Biden towing the party line for the most part, pretending to be a radical, but not creating really any problems for the Democrats. But then you have people like Jamal Bowman, Corey Bush, Rashida Tlaib will be part of this. She's not gone yet, but they'll primary her out. They can't help themselves. They are too barbaric. They are too the street ways are too ingrained in them. Jamal Bowman, as a member of Congress, yanked a fire alarm to stop a vote he didn't like. They just couldn't cook the barbarian out of him. So what did they do? They primary them. And now back to the street. You go, Jamal, back to the street. You go, Corey Rashida Tlaib is going to join you next. You're not allowed to stay an elite if you create problems for them. And Corey Bush did. And now, bye bye. She's gone. Let's do some emails. Shall we? Hey, Oracle. I'm a 52 year old carpenter from Minnesota. I am just finishing my third month of chalk vitality stack with lit powder in the mornings. In the last two weeks, I have felt better than I have in years. The stuff works. I just wanted to let you know here in Minnesota, we affectionately referred to the governor as Tim John Walls. Hey, when I tell you about chalk, natural herbal supplements from chalk, a male vitality stack or a female vitality stack or chocolate powder or something like that. I don't need you to take my word for it. Take it for three months. And if you don't feel better, just like this guy has, if you don't feel better than you have in years, I want you to do me a favor and cancel your subscription. I don't want you to take it anymore. I don't want you to pay for it anymore. You are going to feel like a new person in three months. Once you start getting some real testosterone in you, once you get your levels exactly where they need to be, you don't even realize how bad you feel now compared to how good you're about to feel. C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse that gets you a huge discount on subscriptions. Go enjoy. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Do not forget to email the show love, hate death threats. Back Dr. Jesse questions for Friday, email us Jesse at Jesse Kelly also download a podcast to the show. If you miss a single second, you'll die. I heart spotify iTunes and leave all kinds of great ratings and talk about how handsome I am and stuff like that. It does my ego so, so well, and you know how much I struggle with that. Dear Jesse, you said Tuesday that a Kamala Harris wins in November. That would be a clarifying moment. I agree with that, but I see it as a different sort of clarification. If the election is on the up and up and Harris wins, I see it as a clarification that a majority of voters have swallowed the commies stupid pills. If we've come to that, it's turn out the lights the party's over for the USA or to paraphrase Sir Edward and gray Edward Gray on the evil World War one, the lamps will be going out all over America and we will not see them lit again in our lifetimes and he says his name is John. Okay. Let's talk about this first, whether the election and look, I, I'm very confident. I feel like we're going to win, but I don't know that I'm not making that call. We can lose. I feel like we're going to win, but let's say we do lose. Maybe it's on the up and up and we lost. Maybe they pull a bunch of dirty cheating stuff and we lost that way, but if we, I mean, if we lose to these people, good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. Then that will be painful, but revealing and there has been a decades long effort to dumb down and demoralize the American citizen and might I add, replace the American citizen with foreigners who don't have the loyalty to the country. There's, there's been a decades long effort by Democrats and low T Republicans like Mitch McConnell and James Langford decades long, trying to get the country to the point where it doesn't matter who they run and it doesn't matter who we run. We can't win national elections and I don't know if we're at that point and you don't know either. We can look at the last election and suspect or at least be worried, uh, oh, whatever if we're already there, but I don't know that things come in cycles and phases. Maybe maybe we're there. Maybe we're not there. Maybe we're almost there. Maybe we're years away from being there, but that has been the whole purpose of the culture war. The communists have thought forever now. This is where all this agree with this guy on this point. Turn out the lights. The party's over for the USA. He says, no, no, let me, let me explain. If we do get to that tipping point where we can't win national elections and maybe we're there. Maybe they cheat too much. Maybe the populations too stupid now, maybe maybe we are there just because the 50 state experiment of the United States of America, just because it may have gotten to the point where it's tipped over and it can't really be put back again. That doesn't mean all this is gone and it's over and it's time to give up. That does not mean that at all. This is why I have encouraged you so many times to stop putting your faith in this politician or that politician or this election or that election and start becoming an activist and taking back your community, your community, the future. No matter what happens in the country is community. It is local. Take back your school board. Take back your city. Take back your county. Get on the county board of supervisors. Get on your state legislature, state house, state Senate. The future will be states and communities and not only is that something you can do now. It is a long term project and it's a winnable project. Your school board is full of dirty communists because no good people have ever went against them. These people get their little fiefdoms on the city council and the parks department and the school board and the county board of supervisors and these filthy dirty communists exist there and use their power for evil because they are never challenged by good, normal Americans. And if we can steal ourselves and choose to become activists and take back our community, then it's not as if it doesn't matter what happens to America. Of course that matters. It matters a lot, but no matter what, no matter what, if you take back your community, even if you were in a blue state, let's say you could just take back your tiny town or your county or whatever part of your blue state you're in. If you take back your community, then no matter what happens to the United States as a whole, you and your children will be better off in the end than they would have been beforehand. We have got to stop putting our faith in one election, one candidate and one this and one that it is not the United States of Trump. It is not the United States of 2024. It is the it is not. Yes, we want Trump to win the White House and that'll sure make things easier and it helps slow this stuff down and yeah, all that stuff is true, but our future will not be determined by the presidential election coming this November. Our future will be determined by you and me taking back our communities and from there from the hinterland from the hinterlands there once we conquer them, then we start to spread and spread and spread and we might just end up saving this whole thing anyway. We will not save this country from Washington DC. It's not humanly possible, but you can save your community and from there maybe your country. All is not lost. No matter what happens in November, all is not lost. All right.