Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Goodbye Phones And Zodiac Signs

Halfway through the show and the fun continues! We shared some weird stories and debated giving up our phones! We talked about zodiac signs and powerful singers too! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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of your phone for a month. What if you had some money in two? Well, would you? Could you give up your smart phone for a month for $10,000? That's what yogurt company singing wants to know. So it's looking for 10 people to undergo a digital detox. The company will send them a lockbox for their smart phone for a month and send them a lockbox for their smart phone to give up your smartphone for a month for $10,000. That's what yogurt company singing wants to know. So you can apply by submitting an essay on the company's website. Well, that changes everything. They give you a flip phone to use for the month and said. Siki says the goal of the contest is to help people start new healthy habits in the new year. So you can apply by submitting an essay on the company's website. Well, that changes everything. They give you a flip phone to use for emergencies for emergencies. You know, you need to be contacted by your family. I would love to be here. I would take the 10 grand. Take my phone. Yes. That you have a phone you can honestly text and call, which is all you need. Right. Something in touch with people I need to get in touch with. That's all I care about. Well, you can still go home and use your laptop. You know, your desktop, your iPad, right? Well, obviously I think they know work. A lot of us need technology to work. So you know, okay, I think this would be very hard for me to do. Honestly, to be honest, I mean, I would do it. I mean, I've been in places with no phones before, but I'm addicted to my phone. Okay. I am too. As are you. I am too. As are probably you and as are probably you. Makes me want to do it. You know, I know. But I think that's why I want to do it. Which is why they're having it. You know, it's a detox to kind of step away. The first thing I do when I wake up is I look at my phone. The last thing I do before I go to bed, I look at my phone. God, I do that too. You're addicted to your phone. I'm not addicted. I swear I could do it. But I think we submit Lisa and Winnie. I want to do it. See who does it? It wins. Is it a yogurt company? Yeah. What's their connection to not having social media? You'll eat more yogurt? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think this is probably a marketing question. Somebody came up in the marketing meeting. They said they believe in the power of living a simpler life with fewer distractions. One of the biggest distractions in our lives today is our phone. That's why we're challenging people to give up the smartphone for a month. Can you use someone else's phone if you need it? Well, they're giving you a phone to contact. So it's really just saying you're giving up social platforms for a month because that's what you do it off of. So how do we submit Lisa and Winnie? We get the right asset. I'll write an essay right now. Okay. You have to write an essay, Liz. Okay. This would be an interesting in-house competition to see who lasts longer. Yeah, you write an essay and then, like it says in the clip there, you get $10,000, a lock box to lock up your phone, a flip phone so you can still make calls. You get a prepaid SIM card for the month. Oh, that's cool. And a three-month supply of Ziggy. That's what I was hoping for. There you go. You get some yogurt, too. Three months. Great. It goes bad in a week, but you still have a three month supply. Maybe you could, well, I don't know if you can freeze yogurt, but yeah, no, this is a big thing. I think about this all the time in, about the phones and what, you know, now it is. I mean, I'm on my phone all day long. I have my notifications silenced, but I'm on. I'm on social media, whether I'm looking to see if I get texts from people. You know what I mean? Well, that's one of the real issues. You always wonder could you do it? You know what I mean? If you were presented it. I think it's just habit now. You constantly are picking up your phone and looking at it, picking it up and looking at it, even when there's nothing on it. Yeah. Even if I want to watch, I was like, yes, I was watching a movie and I just kept picking up my phone in the middle of the movie and not paying heads in the movie. And for what to check Instagram again? Yeah. Or to see if someone's writing me back after I texted them, like stupid. I watch my kids at dinner. They constantly are looking at their phone. I'm like, can you put the phone down and just finish dinner? It's crazy. You want, you want how bad it was for me? You know, on iPhones that you have your screen, you can set your screen time report each week. So every Sunday it alerts you to what your screen shot was, average per day. I had to shut it off. The notification. So I was averaging about four hours a day. Oh, that's nothing. I average like 10. Oh, no. Oh, you're really. I do. I thought four hours. Well, I mean, one, we all say I have no life, right? I go home. I live alone. Like, so I'm on my phone, whatever. I do a lot of social media for the show for, you know, the station. So I'm doing that type of stuff. But for you too, these are like I don't mean anything bad, but these are like your invisible friends. Well, then I have my real friends that like are at work, you know, from nine to five. We text or, you know, whatever. One of my friends, she works from home. So we'll be on the phone, even then I'll be on the phone on speakerphone with her and then I'll be looking on everything else. You know what I have? I have an idea for you. Why don't you join my book club and you can. There you go. You know, there's still time. By the way, Justin, Lisa brings up the book club within five minutes of the announcement. It was almost sold out. Oh, people are afraid of this thing. I am calling about the book club and I went to go sign up and I didn't get an email. But the worst part is I had to pull over so I could sign up and accidentally pull into a bike lane. And so I got a ticket. Now I have a ticket for parking in the bike lane and I can't get an email for the book club. Oh my God. Yeah. It's season two. Really buddy. Yeah. It is. Yeah. There we go. The season premiere. Yeah. So I am. So I've taken some steps. You know, I deleted Snapchat as a social media. Good. Facebook. I don't like because it's just my mom on there. Yeah. And then I have Instagram and I have Twitter X, which I use. But like Winnie said, I justify it through work. Yeah. I'm all, which I am. You know, if I'm on, I'm looking for stories. Yeah. I'm screenshotting. I'm taking notes for the show. Read DM from listeners. Yeah. Yeah. All of that. Yeah. You know, but recently I went to my son's wrestling practice and he had a tough practice. Wrestling is really hard. You know, he's doing well. But he had like, you know, he got hurt a little bit. So he was a little upset. And when we got home, he said to my wife, he said, he was like, I don't want to go back. You know, and dad just on his phone the whole practice. Oh God. Oh, yeah. Oh God. Oh God. Oh, which is really bothersome for me. Now mind you, I'm not going to justify that because I do look at my phone obviously when they're standing around. Yeah. I am attentive. I'm not just on the whole time, but it really hurt me when he said that. He noticed though. He noticed. He noticed that at least one time he looked over and dad was on his phone. There's a joke in my house where if the kids are want something really bad, they ask me when I'm on my phone doing a work thing and because I'll just look up and not listen to them and say, yeah, that sounds great. Kiss 108 seems a little weird to me. Oh my God. It's time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy with a villi and Lisa in the morning. So this one is so incredible. A mom was jogging in the UConn, her name's Vanessa. She's 24 years old and she almost got mauled to death by an eight foot grizzly bear. But her hair clip saved her when it got caught in the jaw of the bear and it ran off. When the bear had taken me down with my head in its mouth, my first thought was just kind of protect your vitals. So I went straight into the fetal position, saving graces from Walmart. She was wearing a plastic hair clip like this one which broke in the bear's mouth. She believes that stunned the bear and it let her go. She still got a broken arm, punctured wounds, claw marks all the way down her back and had to spend 10 days in the hospital. Well, she did the right thing as far as getting into the fetal position. Totally. Thank you. Yeah. Cover everything. Stay still. Yeah. Cover all the organs as best you can. All the animals are rising up as you say. Well, how clear can I make every day? Animals rising up. In fact, I'm going to go one step further. Creatures of all kinds are rising up. For instance, in Texas, heavy rains around Houston, bringing out foot long poisonous hammerhead flatworms that regenerate if you cut them in half. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Apparently, this is not a joke. This is not a joke. You have to freeze them if you catch them. These slugs can grow up to a foot long and can emit a toxin if you pick a foot long. Just think about that. Look and can irritate your skin. The toxin could also make your pet sick if they try to eat one of these slugs. Now, the rain we're going to see this week will flush the worms out of the burrows in the ground, putting you and your kids and your pets at risk. But you can use this rain to your advantage. If you find these things, put some gloves on, maybe use a stick and put it in a bag with salt and or vinegar and you're going to want to go ahead and put it in your freezer overnight. What you don't want to do is just put it in the trash can or worse, but if you try to get it in your freezer, you'll regenerate. So if you chop it into two pieces, you just make two worms, et cetera, et cetera. Rising. How do they die? Apparently, you put them in the freezer with salt and vinegar. I'm not picking up slugs and bring them into my home and then putting them into my freezer-wise food. Then you risk them regenerating. Fine. Outside. By the way, there's worms every time you're in the wilderness. Yeah. I just take them out with my pole skimmer, the mice and the dead. Are you going to tell this story? And then I just throw them in the neighbor's yard. You don't like your neighbor. You know the one he hates? Mice, everything. The sour post. Yeah. Yeah. She like waves at my son, you know, gives him the dismissive hand gesture. Yeah. All those dead mice and frogs. When he save us from this, this actually is not that way. It's National Chili Dog Day. It's a celebrate an Instagram music. I can't say it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's coming down in three, two, one. An Instagram magician. No. So an Instagram physician. All right. All right. Raise hold on on. Ready? Let me help her. All right. Coming down in three, two, one, two, four, one. So it's a cross between a magician and a magician. I'm a musician. An Instagram musician. No. What kind of magic does he do? He does a song to Jack and Diana about the Chili Dog. I don't know. He's a musician. I can't say it right now. Wow. This is going to be. This is going to be the number one moment. Oh, yeah. Can I try it one more time? Today is National Chili Dog Day. Yeah. And a musician on Instagram. And I'm going to say it's National Chili Dog Day. Yeah. And a musician on Instagram. Oh, show off media. Has made a song. ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ ♪ Suckin' on a chili dog ♪ - My favorite part of that is that Billy was surprised that his kids weren't surprised, they were getting divorced. - Okay, you know what? You know what? - Stop it. - I could see it coming. - Yeah. - They're like, "Mom, Dad, what took you so long?" - Okay, Winnie, stop. - It's kids one of ways. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. - Hey everybody, good morning. Welcome back to the show, Justin here. So if you're watching the Olympics, how about this list that Lisa found has to do with the Olympics and also your Zodiac sign? - Justin, you are a Virgo. - I am, I even have the tattoo on my arm. - Oh boy. - The most regrettable tattoo you've ever seen in your life, but that's neither. - I really like that you have that actually. Nothing appeals to a Virgo quite like archery, okay? - Archery. - Archery. This sport requires focus, mental toughness, and precision. And as an earth sign, Justin, who loves perfection, it truly ticks all of your boxes. - Okay, precision. So this is archery? - Yes. - Like bow and arrow? - Yes. - Oh, you're up there in New Hampshire. You could easily have a bow and arrow. I think a lot of people do, right? - Easy. I mean, I like to think I can stay focused. - Yes, I thought this was perfect for you. - Yeah, okay. I'm on board now with this. - Yeah. - I was there to get some dinner for family. - Okay. - The other one, which is actually extremely spot on is Billy's. - Oh. - Capricorn. Nothing screams Olympics quite like a grueling triathlon. And that's right up your alley, Billy, as a gritty, hardworking Capricorn. - Okay. What are the odds of actually run to triathlons? - I was going to say that. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This really makes sense. - It's freakish. Okay. The one that doesn't make sense is Winnie. - Yeah. Well, nothing about Winnie. - No. Again, I don't even know what this is. - I can't even. - So Winnie is a Sagittarian at her birthdays on December 1st. While the rest of Team USA is in the Olympic, actually, this does actually make perfect sense. While the rest of Team USA is in the Olympic Village in Paris, France, the surfers are out on a cruise ship in Tahiti, which is home to some of the biggest waves in the world. And it's everything you could ever want as an adventurous Sagittarius. - I mean, I'd much rather be in Tahiti than Paris. - Right. - So I'll go with it. - Well, you are adventurous. You go on vacations by yourself. - Right. - Oh, yeah. - I've got to put myself in many bad situations due to my curiosity. - Yeah. - So you're on the boat into Tahiti? - Yeah. - I don't know if you're going to be doing much surfing. - I don't know. - I don't see you're on a surfboard. - No. - I'd like to watch the surfers. I'm sure they look good. - Unless you're strapped to the surfboard, possibly. - And then I'm a Leo. So this is my month right now. It's the fire sign and it's ruled by the sun. And it says that I will be living for all things track and field, especially the heart pounding 200 meter sprints and the sweat inducing relays. And I have to say, this is spot on because I love running outside and I like running when it's super hot. - Oh, yeah. - So it makes sense. - That does make sense. - Yeah. Lisa will call me. She's about to go for a 10 mile run and it's 96 degrees out. - What is producer Riley? I'm trying to-- - She is a March-- - She's a Pisces. - She's a Pisces. Both my parents are Pisces. - Right March-- - That's right. - Pisces is the ultimate signage. - Yeah. - Pisces, you should watch the Olympic sport that focus on people working together. Producer Riley, like Beach Volleyball. - Oh, that sounds like-- I can see Harry. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wow. - I like this. This made sense. - We all suddenly make sense. I'm going to start getting into this astrological stuff. - All the Capricorn stuff? - Yeah, it seems to make sense and the predictions are true. - Wow. Who knew? - The Capricorn's like nervous wrecks that just-- - Then there's that. I didn't mention that in Lisa's "No, No." - She did it. It said you were a hard-working and gritty and we're going with that. - Okay. - Can you tell me what July is? So it would be July-- - Cancer. - She got your-- wife's a cancer. - Yeah, cancer. - You want me to read that? Okay. Oh, cancers are on the lookout for meaningful stories this year, like how 22-year-old tennis player Coco Gough is making her Olympic debut. - Well, that didn't really go well. - Yeah. - I mean, she was in and out. Okay, it was a long time ago. - Yeah. As an emotional water sign, cancer, consider inviting friends to watch with you so you can cheer together. - Are you inquiring about your wife, Jen? - I am, but I'm actually more concerned about the Gemini. - Your daughter? - 'Cause my daughter-- - Do you want us to go through every sign in your life? - Excuse me, do you have something else that you need to talk about? - No, no, it's fine. Let's keep going. Just at least just go through it. - No, it's fine. We'll talk about you, surfer girl. - Yeah, that makes no sense. - From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Hey, guys. Welcome back to Billy and Music Show, final hour. And this list that I just found,, came up with it. They polled a bunch of people of the top female singers of all time. Let's focus on the top 10. Should we go 10 to one or one to 10? Yes, Lisa? - Yeah, 10 to one. - 10 to one. Okay, biggest female voices. These were voted on by thousands of people on Coming in at number 10, Aretha Franklin. - I mean, she's a beautiful-- I mean, iconic. - Powerful. Yeah, iconic. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. Okay, Billy. - Okay, well, it's hard to judge until you hear the other nine. - I know, you're right. You're right. Are you all right? All right, coming in at number nine, Stevie Nick's Fleetwood Match. - I'm a big fan of hers. - You would have full rap. - Yeah. - Oh. - Oh. - You need a sound. - Iconic. - Yeah, it's not like power. - It's just unique. - It's just unique. - And she's a legend. - Yeah, yeah. - She's an absolute legend. - Yep. - Okay. - Coming in at number eight is Winnie's favorite artist of all time. Lady Guy. - Oh, my God. ♪ When they cut us ♪ - No. - Wineing. - Wineing. - No, no. I think she has a better voice than they gave her credit for. - So you... Okay, so you... - Yeah, maybe she should've made the top five. - Do you hear her sing and love me on Rose? - She sings... Oh, sorry, go ahead, Lisa. - I think number eight is exactly where she should be. - Oh. - Can we hold that until we get to the top five? - Okay, okay. - Okay, let's go to it. Number seven. Dolly Parton. - Mm-hmm. - Just an iconic artist. - Iconic. - Iconic. - Yeah. - Yeah. ♪ Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene ♪ - Yeah. - Wouldn't be in my talk to you. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay. - I... - This is a little controversy. - Shh. - Again, I like where she is on the list. - Okay. All right. We'll keep going here. Number six on the most powerful voices. Alicia Keys. - Oh. ♪ Let me move on ♪ ♪ Let me move on ♪ ♪ Let me move on ♪ ♪ Let me move on ♪ - I see Winnie's making her face. - Okay. I don't dislike her. I just don't... I mean, I think she's a good, you know, artist, but I don't understand. I don't see her next to, like, Aretha Franklin. - So you think she should have been out of the top 10? - Yeah, I wouldn't have been in the top 10. I maybe top 20. - I don't think she should be higher. - Okay. Well, the controversy begins now. Number five of the most powerful women's voices, Adele. - Oh. I mean, her voice is incredible. - Adele. ♪ They're starting in my heart ♪ - I think she definitely belongs in the top. - She does. After I saw her in Vegas recently, the effortlessness of her singing is just next level. It doesn't even look what she's trying. - I think number five is where she belongs, right, Lise? - I think so. Yeah. I think so. I think her voice is, like, very powerful. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. I agree. - I see Billie Kosta is making her face. - I love Kelly Clarkson. I love Kelly Okey. - Yeah? - Okay, you know I do. - The quality of her voice better than Adele, better than Alicia Keys. - Yeah. - An argument could be made there. - Well, I also think it's her range is crazy. There's not a song she can do. And, like, whether it's rap, whatever. - Recently, she's really proven herself in that way. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Her range is insane. - Every day. All right, here we go. Top three coming in at number three of the most powerful female voices, Mariah Carey. - Oh, yeah. Definitely. - Oh, yeah. - Let's see the motion! - I think everyone agrees with that one. - Absolutely. - She belongs in the top three. - Absolutely. - The whistle tone? Not many people can do the whistle tone. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Wow. - Oh. - That's insane. So, I'm really-- - I don't think she can do that anymore. - Probably not. - No. - She struggled a little bit. - But she did it. - She did it. - She did it. - Yeah. - She did it. Okay, coming in at number two of the most powerful female voices, Celine Dion. ♪ There's nothing I feel ♪ - Yeah, yeah, incredibly. - Yeah, absolutely. - Yep. - And that leaves number one. - Whitney. - Whitney. - And guess is, yes, Whitney Houston. ♪ And I will ♪ ♪ We'll always love each other ♪ - So. - I have to say, I think the list, the top 10 were pretty accurate. - I think top three was on point. - The only person that I think is missing off the list is Ariana Grande. - Yeah, she's 100%. Ariana Grande came in at number 16. She wanna know some names that beat out Ariana Grande? - Yeah, pink. - Oh. - Christina Aguilera. - I think Christina Aguilera has a really powerful list. - She does have the pipes. - Yeah. - Every time I think about Ariana Grande, I think about her White House performance. - Right. - Where she covered-- - Oh my God. - Whitney Houston. - Give it to me, please. - That was one of the greatest moments. So you gotta, I gotta set the scene, right, Billy? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So she gets invited to the White House, Barack Obama's president. She gets brought into this little room in the, oh, I don't know what room it was in the White House, but she gets brought in and she's performing right in front of Barack and Michelle. - Yeah. - And she does Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing." ♪ I have nothing ♪ ♪ Nothing ♪ ♪ Don't make me ♪ ♪ Don't make me ♪ - Come on. - Come on. - My God. - I think-- - Amazing. - Oh my God. - Okay, what do you think? - I get chills. - It's a better voice. Ariana or Kelly Clarkson? - Ariana Grande, okay? - This is what I'm thinking. If we're thinking about age, she's younger compared to all these other women. - Right. - So maybe it's just, she hasn't had a, I hate to say a long enough clover. - She hasn't proven herself. - In a way, even though we know she's a voice of like the millennial. - Mm-hmm, she is. - But think about who was voting. I mean, so maybe on when he used to in "Orita," these people were probably like in their 40s. - You see, you know? - I would put Ariana in the top 10, a head of Dolly Parton and Kelly Clarkson. And again, I love Kelly Clarkson. - I agree with you there. I agree with you. I would put Ariana in the top 10. - I would put Ari in where Kelly was. I would leave Dolly exactly where-- - Well, the thing is, Dolly, it's not only iconic songwriter, businesswoman. - We're talking about song-- - I know, I'm just saying what I think about that, I just feel like she deserves credit. - But it said, is the list the most powerful voices? - Yes. - And meaning power. - Oh, power. - Then she would not be-- - But does that mean like within the sound quality or power in message? - Oh, oh. - I'm reading it as their voice. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, it's not about their life, their earnings, anything else, it's their voice. - Yeah, yeah. So I think we agree with the list for the most part. - For the most part. - It's a pretty good list. I will say it's one of the better lists I've seen where it actually, I agree. - Me too. - There needs to be a spot for Ariana in the top 10. - Yeah. - Take out Alicia Keys, honestly. - I agree. Anyway, has the complete list. There's so many more on here. And as always, leave you at the get on the talkback mic and let us know, do you agree with the list or not? And we'll cover it in the wrap up, which is coming up next. I'm gonna kiss one away, good morning, everybody. - It's too far away. And we're back with Villy and Lisa in the morning. - What's up, everybody? Villy and Lisa show Justin here. And this next story is very scary. In Boston and around the country, the drugging of drinks in bars and restaurants is at epidemic levels, right, Lisa? - It is. And there's actually a Facebook group called Booze in Boston. And it has a list of over 70 bars, clubs and restaurants right now in the area where clients beverages have allegedly been roofied. And they're telling people to never take a drink from anyone else other than the bartender, always watch your drink and always have a friends in tow or a friend's number, just in case nothing does happen. - And it's important for this to come out. It never crosses your mind. You're very casual at bars and restaurants, right? You don't think about things like that. - But it does happen. It actually happened to my husband once in a different state. He still to this day thinks it happened to him because he could hardly get off the chair. He could hardly walk. He had one drink and when he was talking to me that night, he was saying such crazy things. - Who do you think was trying to drug your-- - I have absolutely no idea because the drink did come from the bartender. Again, this was in a different state. But in this particular thing in Boston, they're saying never accept a drink from somebody who says, "Hey, let me buy you a drink" or, you know, 'cause that's when it can happen. - I can't believe this is still happening. - Yeah. - This has been happening in the past. It's just awful. It's awful. - I'm gonna have a good time and some, but I'm gonna say the word, you know, put something in your drink, like, what? - And they're saying? - Yeah, but again, it doesn't cross your mind when you're hanging out talking with friends or you're out on a double day. Your drink is on the bar and you turn away. You never, I guess we have to think about it now. - And you wouldn't know because a lot of them, I mean, there's different things that they use, but one of them is there's no taste to what they use so that they can just, you know, put some drops of it. It's a liquid. - Yeah, it's odorless, colorless. - Yes, you don't know. - Right. - Wow. - Yeah. - Pan-epidemic levels, they say. - Mm, it's scary. It's really scary. - Yeah, I've never been with somebody who's... - Well, Boston Police is saying if you are one of your friends, if you ever had any symptoms to report it to them, they wanna hear about it. - Wow. God, I wonder if there were certain bars or certain restaurants where it seems to be happening. - Well, we talked about this a couple of years ago. Remember, it was the bartenders that was part in it. - Yes. - That were drugging the drink, so it's-- - Can I ask you why? Are they just like having fun doing it? Like, what's the point? - Well, it's for date rape. - No, but I-- - If you were the bartender. - If you were the bartender. - If you were the bartender, why would you do that to a customer? - And your question. - I went to somewhere for brunch and selfie, and I had like a brunch drink, and I feel, I don't know for sure, but I felt drunk off of a drink, and I had to go home and go to sleep, and it was like noon. Like, that doesn't happen. Like, I'm not that much of a lightweight-- - Well, there was also the brunch that we were at in the north end prior to ching the ball, where you were so-- - Oh, my was not drunk, and it wasn't me that spilled the drink all over you. - You literally fell on top of a tower of champagne. - Okay, all right, all right, all right. - All right. - Oh, is that what you ruined, Lisa? It's very accurate. - I didn't, I can't understand that. - Oh, you dramatic, it was not me, it was somebody else, and I like very much, I'm not gonna take it on the bridge. - Swung around. (laughing) - I will die on that hill. - That's the whole tower. - I will die on that hill, it wasn't me, but back to the topic at hand. - Yeah, exactly. - I think it's going back that it's in the bottle, right? Which is a problem, because even if it's coming straight from the bar, it's like, oh, well, someone brought me a drink, and I hand to me from the bar, if it's in the bottle, it doesn't matter. - Well, that's scary, because you could be rendered like, I mean, let's say you're not even with friends, you went out for a drink or something, and now you're rendered basically useless, and you don't know what's going on, but you still have to drive your car home. But I'm shocked to hear that it's at that high a level. - I don't know. - Epidemic proportions, right in Boston? - Man, there's creepy people everywhere, man. The world's a scary place, so you have to do what you gotta do to be safe, take precautions, you know? - Oh, I'm definitely gonna be thinking about it all the time. Who the hell wants to receive me? - Ask for one of those paper coasters that a lot of bars have, you know, at the bar, and just put it over your drink. - Yeah. - You're right? - I mean, you really, if you never leave your drink, like, you never leave, like, if you get through the bathroom, you bring it with you in the bathroom. - But I feel like when you're out with a group of friends, you kind of just don't make it out like you said, you kind of get a little sloppy, and you kind of put it on the bar. - Oh, I-- - And then turn away and talk to somebody. - I don't know, I've always thought about it. Maybe, I don't know, maybe, I don't know. I've always never thought to put my drink down. I feel like that's a 101. - See, it's never crossed my mind not to put my drink down. - Right, yeah, well, maybe it's not always for a day rape, either, that could be a thing. - So, they drug the kids to get money. My son actually was roofied last year, and they sold $40,000 plus his identity. He had an apple phone, and it's been horrible trying to get his identity back. He ended up at 2 a.m. at a gas station, so we were in Boston. No money, and it was just a horrifying experience as a mother. So, all you kids out there, be careful. - Oh my God, that's a serious one. - I don't want to be a jotus, but how does he have $40,000 accessible that quickly? - Well, they probably had his ATM card. - No, but I'm saying, well, that's not a lot of money for a kid, I don't know what old he is, 20-something. - I don't know. - More on his identity, they took his identity. - Yeah, that's a nightmare. - Yeah, you don't want that. - Wow, it's almost impossible. - They would never try to stay on my identity. They're like, what, you got like 200 bucks, your name? I'm like, no, I just didn't want to try. - It's Q1A, and we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. - So let me ask you a question, and be honest, do you like your neighbors? It's Justin here, Billy and Lisa's show, and yeah, the neighbor topic is a hot one every time we talk about it, and it all started by this crazy neighbor story that happened up in Maine, right, Lisa? - So you had two neighbors living next door to each other. The one neighbor wanted a better ocean view, so three years ago, this one neighbor hired a company to come and apply a herbicide to trees that were on the neighbor's yard. In essence, to kill them, they were two oak trees to give the neighbor a better ocean view over time, like, oh, sorry, your trees died, your loss. Now I get to see the ocean, well, they figured it out. The one neighbor figured it out, and now it is costing the neighbor who put the stuff on the trees, $1.7 million. - Yes, good. - Because they polluted the beach. You're not allowed to have this type of spray. - Yeah. - It's not supposed to be used in this type of environment. - And she poisoned the trees. - And she poisoned the trees to kill them. - What a bitch. - Yeah, it's monstrous. - This is next level crazy. - It should be in general. - All for a bit of view. - Right. - Yeah. - Just so we should get a better view. - Right. - Wow. - Those beautiful oak trees. - I know. - Not to mention the wildlife in the area that may have been affected in the bad way. - Correct, and the beach is now-- - Oh my God, wow. - Yeah, wow. - And in the company that put the herbicides there, they should be in trouble too. - Absolutely, absolutely. - Absolutely in trouble. - That's crazy. - They should be shut down as a company, and then so. - Wow, God. - It's gonna have a long lasting effect on the environment. - This is like so sinister too, right? - It really is. - They're such a dumb reason too. - Yeah. - You just want a better view. - If you want to, they go buy a beach house. You want a better view of the beach. - Well, technically they do have it, but they just wanted to see more ocean. - Yeah, wow, and, and if they did this, what else have they done? - Exactly. - Over the years, right? - If you want else-- - If you want else, are they capable of? - Yeah, if you want to go that far for this, I mean, that can't be the first crazy thing they've ever done. - Right. - It's just awful. - So who would they pay the money to, is it homeowner or this town? - Both, actually. - Oh, okay, yeah. - Yeah. - If there's a missing cat, they took it. Missing dog, they killed it. - Yeah, any missing animal, they took it. - Magic. - Yeah, but again, this begs the question of, you know, the crazy neighbors. - Oh, yeah. - Everybody has a story of this. Lisa, remember Tim had an issue with the neighbor? - Oh, yeah, so we've got a couple of neighbors who we adore and love, but there is one a couple of years ago was doing some construction work. Yeah, and my husband had some words. - Yeah, there was an encounter between talk back Tim. - Right. - And the neighbor. - Did it almost get physical? - Yeah, yeah, that's supposedly my husband was like, okay, the response that he got back was not the response that he thought he was gonna get. - Okay, serious question. - Yeah. - Who would've won? - Yeah, that was mine too. - I was the size difference there with your husband. - I think they were both about the same size, but it was just we, you know, can you please just sort of clean this up? And then the guy was like, I'm actually gonna make it worse. That's what he said to my husband. - Is he still your neighbor? - He is. - Oh, but I wouldn't give it to him rolling it around in the driveway. - He did clean it up. It was like a lot of construction stuff, but yeah, but I don't think my husband couldn't believe like the response that he got back. - Have you ever spoken to this neighbor again? - I haven't. - Yeah. - Yeah, but not because I haven't wanted to, it's just I haven't seen this person. - Oh, if there's like a meet the neighbors, get together at somebody's house, he's not a part of it, this neighbor. - I don't, I don't know. I don't think so. - Okay. - Yeah, I mean, - Justin, you've got one? - Yeah, I got a crazy neighbor. We just don't talk. She leaves me alone, I leave her alone, it's fine. She doesn't even look in our direction. She does do one thing that bothers me, and that's my son, you know, he's seven years old. And he told me that every time he's riding his bike by her, when she's out walking, she does this like dismissive gesture with her hand, like shoe. - Seven year old. - Yeah. And he doesn't say anything to her, he just like looks at her, you know? - Wow. - So, yeah, it's not easy having bad neighbors, especially when they make your life such a living hell that you feel like you have to move. - Yeah. - Which is the case, it happens a lot. - Well, that's why they always say fences make good neighbors. (laughing) - Yeah, we have a fence up. - My father comes over to fix my lawnmower with me while I'm in work. My crazy neighbor goes over and bothers him, and says, "Hey, stop spraying that, it's very toxic." Meanwhile, it's sada fluid. And then I get home that following day, and she's all like funny how he wasn't spraying that when you were home, while we had trying to kill us. What? (laughing) - The sada fluid, the sada fluid. (laughing) - Crazy. - My old neighbor used to get upset when my kids would be outside playing in the yard, and biking, and playing baseball, and laughing. Did not like the loud laughing. The happiness, it was too loud for her. She would complain to us. So I don't know who's that person that doesn't love hearing children have fun in play. So we soon proved, bye Felicia. - Yeah. (laughing) - Bye now. - Bye now. - So when his kids would play in the playground in the neighborhood, and if the ball went in the yard, they would keep the ball. - Like the sand never, never forgot it. When I saw the movie Sandlot for the first time, I said, "Oh my God, Duke and I have the same situation." The woman would keep the ball and throw it in her trash. Game over. - Oh, that's awful. - It's not like we had multiple balls. We didn't have any money. - Right. - We were on this tour by one of those pimple balls. And she'd throw it away. - I think sometimes you don't know what people are going through. I understand that. So some people, they've had tough lives. They're miserable for whatever reason. Maybe they're lonely. - Right. - But there's no reason to take it out on other people. - Yeah. - You know that you've had them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'm trying to remember if I've had a recent bad, bad neighbor. - Hmm. Well, you live on your boat a lot. So any boat, any boat neighbors? - Oh, yeah. He's got stuff. He's got stories. - Oh, yeah. He wants it. - I'm not showing stories from the water. - No. - Okay. - You've got other stories. - It's close quarters. (laughing) That was a busy show today. A lot of great topics. The most powerful singer is one. Really good. A lot of chatter about that. Catch the full show podcast. Search Billy and Lisa in the morning on the iHeartRadio app. And don't forget 310 this afternoon. The 21 Pilots Ticket Tag continues. Another name will be called live on the air with the beat bros in Gianna. If that's you, you'll have 15 minutes to call back and potentially see 21 Pilots in Boston and Las Vegas. Anyway, all the details are on the Kiss 108 Instagram, the pin post. My name is Cave, it's coming up next.