FiredUp Network

Thursday, August 8: Girls Beer Sports Top Bat

Thursday, August 8: Girls Beer Sports Top Bat by FiredUp Network

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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[Music] Hello, welcome in episode 4, 34 of Girls of Year Sports, a conversation with girls about beer and sports and whatever else because it's our show and we do what we want. I'm Kerry coming to you from Fort Lewis Studios today. Timma Wright is Sarah! Hello! And no Lauren today. Tried to get Lee, but unfortunately she is out of town, I think, for work. So he's here again filling in, coming off the bench. It's Mr. Ojoyoy himself. Ojoyoy. It's John. Ojoyoy. Ojoyoy. Thanks. Thanks for coming on, as always. I appreciate it. Could you hear the music this time through these new headphones? Yes. Oh, okay. Well, I tried. I didn't hear it as loud though. Luckily, I was distracted by the mower. Yeah, it got across the street smelling and I'm not happy about it. Well, he's done with that section. Oh, well, that's good. I just can't hear him anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Just in time. Right. So welcome to August, everyone, I guess. You have all your pumpkin spice needs met yet? Um, I've seen them. I acknowledge them. I'm not, I'm not falling for it though. It's too, it's 90, 100 degrees outside. I can't drink pumpkins while it's this hot outside. Or I have back knee sweat. Yeah. I can't even, I can't do that. Back knee sweat. That's awesome. Kneebin sweat. Yeah. I can't drink pumpkin stuff. That's too hot. That's fair. Yeah. I can't drink pumpkin stuff. Period. It doesn't matter if it's hot or not. I noticed that they were pumpkin beers after the beer trap and wondered what your reaction would be. It was anger. I'm sure. It wasn't anger. It's just, it's sheer disappointment or indifference at this point. I don't know. It's not the beer's fault. It's the brewery's fault. Yeah. For releasing them this early. But the beer itself. No, I'm talking about you. Oh, that's not their fault. What do you mean? Why don't you drink pumpkin drinks? Well, I mean, there's that whole story behind that. But, you know. An unfortunate incident, that was not their fault. Well, they were not the party response. That's all I'm saying. What I am saying, I will say, and I've said this many times before, seasonality doesn't mean anything anymore. And that, that's what irritates me is it's there's no appreciation for time and it's, it's more than just the pumpkin spice and stuff. It's the, the cooler weather and the, there's a, it's all a part of that feeling. It's a mindset. It is. It's a way of life. It's not a costume. It's a way of life. It's a multi-layer experience that just because you're drinking something that's pumpkin-spiced doesn't mean it's going to make you have all the fields. But if it helps you knock yourself out, yeah, I'm not going to sweat on the 4th of July, drinking pumpkin stuff to convince myself that it's fall, but it's not hot out. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. Pumpkin stuff won't enter my mouth until it's at least the average high is 55 degrees. Oh, okay. The high. Yeah. Okay. Maybe 60 possibly. Oh, well. Yeah. But not, not in this heat. What about, how do you feel? Do you feel the same way about the Oktoberfest beers? No, because we're nearing Oktoberfest at least. It's a month away. And that's, that's a lighter refreshing drink. I feel like Oktoberfest are fun to drink in the summer because they're not heavy and spiced. That's true. Yeah. I think that's what the purpose serves is Oktoberfest. First, you got to Americans, you got to remember that it's not October. Yeah, it's a different. Which people get all tore up about that. Okay, T-B-E-R, right? Yeah, I mean, it's, it's not the month of October. Right. But once you realize it's in September, it's a lighter spice thing. So I think it's a transition into that fall feeling. I'd agree with that. That sort of harvesting celebration, starting that, that kind of wind down. So that's why it's a less heavily spiced option that takes you from the, what many people, just like people think you have to, can't drink stouts and the heat. I mean, well, Kyle would beg to do that. I don't have an issue with it. But it's so hot and muggy and gross that people think you should be drinking vloggers or ails or IPAs or that kind of thing. And even some of those are too. Can get you too much in this heat when it's this gross outside. Yeah. But it, Oktoberfest started that September time frame starts to get things get a little cooler, the days get a little shorter. I don't know, September around here is usually still in the 90s. Well, I'm not saying it's pleasant. Yeah, towards the end of the month, it starts getting that way. I mean, I feel like right here soon, it will be September and I will be stuck to my seat from sweat. But you know, by the end of the month, it will be better. So no, no to pumpkin spice, but yes, October fest. I'm here for that. And October fest, Marsons, Dunkles, that kind of thing, because they are a lighter, lighter style. They have some spice, but they are lighter. I agree with John. It's a good transitional beer. It is a good transitional beer. Yeah. It's a gateway beer. It is a gateway beer. A gateway to a cooler dog, hopefully. For sure. Yeah, but to some people out there, I guess it's already false. So congratulations. I mean, I can get down with like the Halloween decorations. We talked about summer wean a couple of episodes back. That's just my aesthetic, but the heady food and drink, I don't know. I could do it in the sea. I don't know. I saw yesterday, I saw Halloween themed shirts for sale. Yeah. Big pumpkins like orange, gaudy orange shirts with the pumpkin face on them. And there were, I forget one of them said, pumpkins, hello pumpkins or hello fall or something like that. But they're all short sleeve like you should not sell fall themed clothing that's not long sleeve. That doesn't make sense to me. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not really gonna argue with that because I kind of agree with that. Like if you have to think we should put this on a thin breathable fabric because it's hot outside and that's there's a flaw there's a flaw there's the plan. Yeah, because then what are you going to ultimately end up doing? You're going to put a jacket over top of it. You're going to put a flannel over top of it or you're going to like put a long sleeve shirt underneath it because that's still a thing. I don't care. That did not go out with the 90s. I'm still wearing long sleeve shirts underneath short sleeve shirts. Underneath short sleeve. Yes, personal fashion choice. Long sleeve shirts over top of shorts. No, underneath what you're wearing long sleeve shirts underneath a short sleeve shirt. Yeah, that's the that's a style. That was huge in the 90s and I'm still I'm still rocking it in a winter togs. I don't think I've ever seen you. Yes, you have. You just don't pay attention to my face. A long sleeve shirt of a different color. No, well, yeah, it complements. I do it all the time. Okay, so you look like you're wearing a t-shirt and arm sleeves of a different shirt. So there is there is there is there is no way in hell. There is no way we have been living this house for I don't even know how many years we have been to. Okay, what color are you talking about gray or black because when I go to work. So a black t-shirt with a black long sleeve shirt. No, I'm trying to explain this to you. I'm trying to I'm going to explain this to you. So when I go to work in the winter times on Fridays where we're allowed to wear our stuff the EKU brand and stuff and then you can wear jeans, right? No. Okay, I would never do that at work. No, UK stuff at work. But no, because in the winter time, I always have a long sleeve shirt underneath a short sleeve shirt, even a collard shirt. Like if I wear one of those polos, I'll put a lot. Yeah, you said t-shirt. Yeah, but I've done that before too. You just don't pay attention. Now I that a collard sleeve shirt like if you wear a the same colored undershirt, no, but it would be a it the the shirt usually it's a I have a black shirt, a black long sleeve shirt that's that I would wear underneath the maroon collard shirt. So it matches. Well, I'm saying that. Well, it's been marital moments with John and Kim. Right. This is why it's so much fun when he comes on the show. I don't I don't disagree that with you that that was the style in the 90s and that made me the style now for the children that wear giant clothing, but I don't wear giant clothing. I probably should wear bigger clothing, but I'm gonna have to I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to agree with John. You have to go long sleeve over the short sleeve because what if you get warm? You can just pull long sleeve one right off and those issues to get warm the other way around. You got to take two shirts off, got to put one back on embarrassing. I go to the bathroom. Then it's a trip to the bathroom. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. You're redressing again. You're dressing again the second time in the day. I'm all about a long sleeve over a short sleeve. I do that quite a bit. That's my work time when I'm at home. I mean, it's function. It's it's form. It's function. It gives you all the options. It's much more streamlined process. Well, maybe I like to dress and then dress again. That's all I'm saying. What if the pumpkins designs were on like a baseball tee, like a three quarter length shirt with that? Would that make everyone would make me very happy? I like a baseball tee too. Yeah. I like that quarter the three quarter sleeve. Yeah. Still kind of baggy, but also it covers the elbow. Yes. The upper lower arm. Yeah. I'm here. I'm here for it. I got a rolling stand shirt that I really like. That's a baseball shirt. Yeah. I have a motel hell shirt. Well, there you go. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you do. All right. Well, I guess thank you for coming to our fall fashion TED talk. I've never heard of a baseball shirt. What is that? Oh, my God. Do you know the rolling? I thought we were talking about baseball jerks. No, like the raglan with the sleeves that come to here. You know that American flag rolling stone shirt I have. The men wear these. Yeah. Well, I've never seen them. Here I will. A rolling stone shirt that you have. Yeah. You have many of those shirts. Well, but it's got the it's not a T shirt. No, it's a baseball shirt. It's considered a baseball shirt. It's not helping. He's seen them. Repeating the name of what you're defining in the definition does not help. Oh, no, I've seen that. Yeah. Now. Now I got that. What do you call them? I don't. I don't. I've never had any need to label them in my life, but yeah, I see what you're saying. Because they wear them under baseball. There. Well, it's a fashion choice. There we go. Anyway, well, again, thank you for coming to our fall fall fashion Ted Doc. Appreciate that. All right. Well, before we get to what we're drinking, I guess we kind of need to talk about and Sarah, your shirt right here. Are we still that? Because we need to talk about, I guess this this what happened to UK football. News dump on Friday. That's what I call it. It was basically a Friday news dump. Yeah, but yeah, I got a very strong worded email from our president. You did. I got it twice actually. It was sent again later in the afternoon for some really to email. It's the same content and it was also quoted all over the internet. So I think it's a private email. Yeah. So UK gets in trouble. They get two years probation, have to vacate that 10 and three season, which stinks. And then the swimming team got the swimming team also got in trouble for having extra practices or something. But that's that's not the problem with the swim team. And I'm not going to get into really what the problem with the swim team is because it's really bad. Boots and politics, if you'll hear that quarter till never, but you can find that out on your own. But the football situation, at least we didn't get any scholarship bans and we didn't get any postseason ban. So that's something, I guess. Yeah. And they're just level two sessions because they determined the coaches truly didn't know about it until it happened. And then when they found out about it, they did take. So that was when the the football athletes, I guess, athlete workers, student athlete workers were supposed to be working shifts at the hospital, but they were actually just being clocked in and not showing up or working or anything like that. Yeah, which is one of the very few ways you can actually get fired from the hospital is to fake your time for time fraud. Yeah, care for that one. So yeah, that was pretty bad. And the fact that they covered it up is not great. Yeah. Well, they themselves, not the coaches. What I thought was interesting is the fact that it used to be way back in the day. I mean, look at how mommy got that. What was it that institutional control thing? I mean, is that not a thing or not? No, and was used to not be an excuse. I think it's if you you know, and then you don't act on it. Oh, okay. Well, I think that I hate the NCAA anyway. And yes, I just said it. I do. I think they're a ridiculous organization who is trying to hold on to the last vest. The vestige is a power that is slowly slipping away from them. Who does like the NCAA? That's the better question. That is a good question. I don't know. Do you like the NCAA? Not a fan. See, no one here likes them. Yeah. But to me, it doesn't matter. Like none of it matters. Is it unfortunate? Absolutely. Now, I will go back and say the swimming, the issue that they were that they addressed in this particular finding was that they held extra practices that were unsanctioned. Too many practices during COVID that they should have done, which is a problem. And that's that's a problem with health and all that sort of thing. That's that is a problem. The other issues of the swimming thing are reprehensible. And that is a huge problem that is much more serious than any of this stuff. That piece aside, no show jobs is Tom Thift. And that's a problem. I don't care where you work, what you do or anything. That's Tom Thift. And they were stupid about it. Somebody turned in a Tom clock, a Tom sheet on a day when you were on television playing in a bowl game out of state. That was stupid. Yeah. You're not even smart about it. Yeah. But it, um, I don't, when it comes to, so I separate those two things, they're diametrically posed issues because to me, it's health and safety. Stealing is not good. If I have to go out on the limb and say that it's not good, you shouldn't have done it. You should have known better. There's not something I didn't know the rule that's stupid. You stole you shouldn't have done that. Yeah. Um, now that said, I would be fascinated to find out how, how this would be handled in other schools. Exactly. Because the NCAA, I don't know why. I think you have, whether, whether that's good or bad, you have two point extras running this place who are going to believe in these rules in this institution to the last dying moment of that institution, the NCAA. And they're going to abide by everything and be very happy and sleep well at night that they follow the rules. I don't think anybody else would have. I don't care that the games are vacated. I saw them. I saw them win. The record book will change. Okay. But in all honesty, I don't, I don't know why we even gave them any. Why did we respect their authority? I don't get what I get with. Here's the thing. Cause so basically, who was it? Tennessee told them to go pound sand. Right. Well, basically Tennessee was like, no, we, we, we're not going to do, do that. So Tennessee, they were, the issue was they were found for, they were, they were brought in front of the committee for infractions related to paying players, right, which not only is now legal, but was, for the Supreme Court, it was ruled a action that you should never have taken. It was an unfair practice that should never have been instituted and should never, they've never should have allowed to continue as long as it did. It was, it was deemed to be the violation of law by the Supreme Court, an actual entity in the world, not a member, not a club of a, the NCAA is a group of members who have agreed we're going to let these people organize us and kind of police everything so we don't have to do it ourselves. Well, it's a member, a member supported and a member derived, they have member derived authority that at some point you don't have to. Yeah. They have no, no, no arm. There's no repercussions. Well, in the, sort of the basketball. So, so I guess, so I guess stealing, going to a nose, not going, having a no show class is okay, right. You like North Carolina did? All there's no show classes, but a no show job. No, that's, that's definitely, that's different. And that, that honestly what you, what you have, what you've emphasized right there is the reason why I've not cared one thing about what the NCAA did after that time. When they came out and said, our job is to, and it, it's a, it's an argument that makes sense to me, but I don't care. You lost all validity in any power that you had in my mind. At that point, when you said, well, we can't determine the, the, um, veracity of an education, we, we can't do that. Except you, all your, all, except all your, uh, commercial say, our athletes go pro and so then student athletes go pro and something other than sports, right? Yeah. Which is fun. Like, I, I, I support the fact that you can't, you can't be in the business of, well, a degree from Baylor is not exactly, evaluating a degree from Baylor and a degree from Dartmouth. Like, you can't be in that job. That's not your job. It shouldn't be your job. But you can be in a position where if somebody is handed a degree for which they did not do anywhere, they didn't get an edge. And the bottom line is you shortchange that kid in education. You handed them a, an entire department, handed people degrees. They didn't educate them about anything. They didn't do anything. In my mind, we just talked about stealing money. You stole money. Yeah. Probably from the federal government portion of it from the federal government through the federal student loan system, which by the way, they're probably still on the hook for and paying back. And to me, that's much more egregious than then a notion, just some no show job. I mean, yeah. Yeah. I, it's academic fraud, which also should be taken seriously, but they didn't. And for that, I've never, I haven't cared about anything the NCAA said since. Yeah. So, I mean, it is what it is. I don't think it's, it's, I mean, it's a, it's a big deal. Obviously, we don't think it's like a huge deal. I think it's, you know, it came out and now let's move on. That's, that's how I'm looking at it. It doesn't seem like a whole bunch of people online or tour up about it. Yeah, just because we didn't get scholarships to, or we didn't get, you know, roster spots, scholarships, whatever you want to say taken away and we, we didn't get post-season ban. So yeah. I mean, and the, that's the best guy scenario. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It just vacate wins. Vacate. Yeah. Right. We know happened. Yeah. Because we were there. Yeah. We saw them. Either live or on television. Either way. Either way they happened. It's a bummer. Louisville's 2013 championship didn't happen, but the UK football was that problem. Is that exactly the problem is now that this, the worst part of the whole thing is you put me in bed with those people. That now that's their argument is I saw it. We won those games, Kenny won them games, all that crap. Now, like you, you saw the whole thing and now we're in the same boat and that stinks. I mean, they took their banner down finally. Does that mean we have to give the orange ball or the Tetris ball trophy back? Uh, no, I think he could to keep it. I think it really just has to do with the record books. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if they'll display it. Probably not. Like if you probably put it in a closet, it could just be in Stoops's office. Yeah. They could bring it to my house if they wanted to. I'd take it. I'd, yeah, sure. I'd display it. I'd put it up in the window. Why not? Yeah. Yeah. With the people that are in charge of that athletic program, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they take, if they remove some of the stuff that says that I maybe I'm wrong, but they've got banners they put up in the practice facility. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Stuff they put around the stadium. They've talked about the records of, of all that kind of stuff. And I, with him in charge, I would not be shocked at all if they removed that stuff. And they even start, they changed the way they described the number of seasons in a row. They've gone to ball games and yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't be shocked. Your house and texture or your city shop wouldn't shop me. There's a big UK brand of dump truck pulls up your yard and he's got that merch there. Excuse me. Excuse me. We're going to need that in 90 degree heat. You see a man with his top polo button. Fully engaged knocking on your door. Act like you're not home. Yeah. Throw your L's up and see if he leaves. Well, you know, I'd offer him, I'd offer him a beer, but, you know, it took all we had to get that in the stadium. Anyway, so it is what it is. It seems shocking at first, but then when I think that when you write kind of read it into, to, you know, what happened and then then the quote unquote punishment, it's, it's fine. It'll be, it's disappointing. It is. It's very disappointing. Because you don't, I mean, this university's not had problems with fraud with any sort of infractions. Since 80, 80, 80, 87, but like that was one of the huge days coming in here. How mommy was the, I think how mommy was the biggest one. Like, like, that's why he was, yeah, he was brought here and he cleaned it up and everything's been a slow, but steady, trudged to better. And it, that's been the whole thing. So it's disappointing certainly that that occurred, but yeah, there were a lot of people involved. And I think there were people at the hospital even that were terminated over. Yeah. Yeah. It was a deep thing when it came out. Yeah. Because I mean, you think about that somebody had to approve it. Somebody knew or should have known. Yeah. Well, you're supposed to approve time cards, but you can, you can still get paid with your time career and improve. Yeah. Yeah. And again, we're watching him on television, yet he's working on the third floor. Well, how does that happen? Well, I can tell you what we're working on. We're deep into this episode and we haven't got what we're drinking. So we should probably go ahead and do that. Working on some beers. I'm actually working on a sider. So mine's themed. This is an ace sider, a house of the dragon, dragon fruit, pomegranate, craft imperial siders. You're a fan of that show. I am. Tonight is the season finale of season two. Anyone's a house of the dragon fan out there. Welcome. I'm here. I'm here for you. I'm being excited to see if something exciting actually happens. It's been a slow burn. But this is a 8% craft sider. So I'll also see how that goes. All right. You know, somehow these weird fruits, sometimes they get lost in the shuffle. So we'll see if that is the case. Ace usually makes pretty good product. Yeah. Yeah. It's even got the HBO branding on the back. Right. You know, we can't can't can't go without it. Nope. Can't go without it. They own rights. They paid for that. Plenty. No, I'm serious. I do probably to use the logo and that's why when I sat down, I was surprised that it said the actual logo. I don't know anything about it, but I can tell you it has those weird stripes and the o's everywhere else. So I knew it was a branded product at the time and a three-headed dragon, which I find odd, but whatever. Because it's house of dragon. Right. But does the dragon have three heads and four feet or are there three dragons? Different dragons. There's there's a bunch of different dragons. There's different breeds of dragons. So is this but do any of them have three legs and four feet? I don't think so. Okay. So this is just an artist depiction of. Yes. I don't know why it's their sigil. I'm not that well versed in the book. It's the lower in the back story. I just watched the TV. My friends tell me, well, in the book, like one day I read the book, but right now I'm just a regular plea watching the show. Please don't tell me what you think is. Well, the book said this is going to happen. Well, the book and the TV show have not really matched up according to that. So I don't know what's going to happen and neither do they. Well, there you go. I guess we could already know because it leaked. Yeah. I've kept my eyes. Spoiler free. Spoiler free. I don't want to know anything about it. That's my new stance on movies too. I don't want to know anything about a movie. I'm going to watch a movie and I don't want anyone to shape my opinion. All right. Fair enough. I'm completely with you. So John, I picked you out something again in the in the sour factory. Yes, this is urban artifact again. Wrangle, a cherry vanilla Midwest fruit tart. Cherry cherry cherry, it says. Yes. I'm excited about that. It says that you should reward the curious. Oh, well, there you go. I'm rewarding you. Yeah. But I'm very interested to see. So the share in beer today, this is actually something that Lauren had as an individual beer, a couple of weeks ago on the show, but I had bought it to share. So we're doing that today. And that's the fat orange cat, jalapeno jack, no heat, jalapeno ale. So we'll all see how that goes because I know all three of us at this table were fans of the jalapeno kind of beers and we were fans of the nacho bait when that first came out. So we'll see about that. All right, the Stewart Rice Memorial house to glass. I've been watching a lot of the Olympics, obviously, because it's Paris and things. And and things. It's in Paris and the surrounding Paris region area, I guess. I'm sorry, but the that where they're doing the dressage on the grounds of the palace Versailles, that is super cool being you. Very cool, because you can see the palace in the background and then the horses doing its little dance and skipping thing. Yeah, we're in a little hat. I like it. I'm here for it. Anyway, the Stewart Rice Memorial house to glass is pretty excited because of the French swimmer, Leon Marshal, who has won a bunch of gold medals and broken Michael Phelps's records and couldn't have done that without the American University athletic system. I will just say that. I've noticed this. I don't know if anybody else has noticed this. Yes, all of the international athletic school. Yes, they do. A lot of them swim, especially the swimmers. A lot of them swim for SEC schools. He happened to swim for Arizona State because Arizona State had Michael Phelps's coach. But then, of course, as they buy everything, Texas bought him. And so now he's at Texas, the coaches. I think more Sean stayed at Arizona State. But yeah, huge deal for French swimming. Yeah. Very good. It's been fun to see. Yeah. His whole body length of head of everyone else in the pool. But again, I just find it so funny that even the track athletes and stuff like, oh, well, they run for such and such school in the United States. They swim for such and such school in the United States. It's just funny to see how many international athletes that are winning or doing well at the Olympics have gone to or currently go to universities and colleges in the U.S. Yeah. The silver medalist in the gymnastics also goes to school here from Brazil. I don't know where she goes, but I found it funny that some Spanish, one of the Spanish soccer players, women's soccer players, was going to Mississippi State. But now she goes to Southern Miss. You come all the way to America from Spain and you pick Mississippi. I can think of so many better soccer schools and just general all around places in Mississippi. It just seemed funny. Like, she got tired of Mississippi State. So she came on down to Southern Miss. And when I think of Southern Miss, I do think of the soccer team. Where does she compete now? Spain. She's playing for the Spanish team, national team. Yeah. It's not even closer to Spain. No. Certainly doesn't have the food to Spain, I'm sure. I can't imagine. I got nothing on that. Yeah, I thought that funny when I was looking at him yesterday. Yeah, that is funny. Again, that went to penalty kicks. Yeah. Good game. Yeah. So in the glass, actually, is Ryan Geisbruhring's 11th hour Imperial IPA. Let's see if I can read this. It's small. This Imperial IPA showed up just in time for our 11th birthday and it's loaded with a clock stopping amount of Alora, Mosaic, and Simco hops. Cryotech takes the profile up to 11. Haha. Unlocking, unlocking time-twisting tropical fruit aromas and ample notes of bright pineapple and sun-kissed melon all in good time. So there you go. 11th hour Imperial IPA from Ryan Geist. But yes, the Olympics, they are going on. I finally got through week one. We got one more week to go. I'll be sad when it's over. Yeah, me too. I'm not doing the thing where I put on like the whatever the thing is on Peacock. The gold zone. But yeah, I do catch myself every morning like getting up instead of watching YouTube on my YouTube TV. Watching. Yeah, watching the Olympics. Well, and I like the fact that it's on during the day because Paris is like five hours ahead. So it's on during the middle of the day. You can watch everything live if you want to. It's not like back in the day, John and I were talking about this last night. Back in the day, I'm talking like, let's just say 70s, 80s, I don't even say 90s. If the Olympics was being held somewhere in the, you know, a five, six hour, seven hour difference or whatever, like soul, career or whatever. You had to just wait until the nighttime broadcast. And then they told you and showed you what they wanted you to see. There was none of this 50 NBC channels showing everything and YouTube TV with multi view and gold zone and all this stuff. So, you know, viewing viewing the Olympics has come a long way, I think. I don't, I don't remember truthfully seen. I mean, the US didn't compete in 1980 in Moscow, but I don't remember seeing any footage of that. I mean, I think I would have remembered that. Yeah. But I think I would have remembered that. I don't. I also thought about this the other day, the in 84, when it was in L.A. And in Russia, Soviet Union boy cotted that one. Yeah. We boy cotted 80. They boy cotted 80. I remember vividly the opening ceremonies that were in the at night. But I don't, I don't know why they didn't put it on during the day because she would have the opportunity to wear enough channels. There weren't enough chance. Well, but what I'm saying is like, at that point, I don't remember it being on during the day. It was always at night time. But they, it's funny how much that that thought has changed because the Olympics were big, but weren't big enough to interrupt soap operas any afternoon. Right. Yeah. You can't interrupt soap opera. My God. I mean, you, you know, you got to watch days of our lives. You can't be watching Mary Lou Rhett and get get a perfect 10 on the floor exercise live, right? No, my God. I have to see what's going on with all so and so and who's it? I've got to see Marlena and Steph, Stefano. And Stefano, who's a deception? She was dropped on a bat of acid. And then she, and then she got possessed. She lived. She did because she got possessed. Well, that was a video. I had to watch the Olympics. I had to watch Mary Lou Rhett and write. Yeah, they don't, they weren't playing reruns back in the day. Now that's true. That's true. You had one shot at it. Yeah. But it, so then in 80 in South Korea, same thing was true then. We talked about this as well as 88. Yeah. Yeah, 1980. So then you saw, and even up into the 90s at Barcelona and then 96 in Atlanta, you saw what they showed you. What they wanted you to see. Exactly right. Yeah. And like you, like you never saw all the others. Well, and there was also no watch in other countries. You know what I'm saying? Like, like with their show and they're showing, you know, Spain versus who was it in the Columbia with the soccer, the women's soccer. Yeah. You would have never seen that. I was thinking about that yesterday too. Like how, how many times would we get the opportunity to like in America, like see other teams like play that aren't American? Because that seems like a wish thing. You wouldn't have. Yeah. Yeah. They just would have showed you all the turn of the century. And you know, like they may not even have shown you like, you know, the American women's rugby sevens team. I would have only been mainstream. I don't know why you have seen it. You would have seen them make history by winning bronze, right? Yeah, you would have never seen you probably would have you probably ever seen the women's you may have seen the women's cycling because the American just won a road race for women's cycling first time since 1984. But you may have seen that maybe you definitely want to see the women's rugby sevens. The only way you could have even found out about that if you were a fan of some of those other sports is to see the newspaper the next day. Mm hmm. Yeah. And we were talking about this too. That's how USA because then you'd had to found the paper, a printed version of the paper. Yep. From L.A. or from a major city that recapped it, obviously L.A. would be the one that would be the most or the most would be the Tom second thing. But then we talked about how USA today that was sort of their thing is they gave you it was a newspaper built around the whole country and they gave you a little smattering of all that stuff. And I remember they had they seemed to have a lot of Olympic coverage in it. But they didn't they wouldn't have gone in depth for like sports that you're talking about. Right. Yeah. And they probably wouldn't have sent that many people to where the Olympics were like today every single media outlet you could think of as people in Paris, you know. Yeah. Youtubers bloggers. Well and then like well you know you probably would have heard about the men's you know the men winning bronze in the team all around gymnastics or whatever. Oh yeah. It is. But but you would not have probably heard of Steve Pommel horse guy. Who had one job and did it and like help them win secure the bronze medal first team medal and since I don't even know when but long time. But that dude has now become like overnight internet everywhere. You know. Clark Kent. Yeah. I mean he saw Rubik's Cuban under 10 seconds and whatever else. He transforms into a superhuman. He takes his glasses off. Yeah. But like literally he made the team just for the pommel horse. He sat there for two hours and he had one job and he actually did it. Yeah. I mean a lot of pressure when you make the team for just one thing and then they're like well are you going to get up there and win your one thing or not? Because if you don't let me come back. That's right. They live in Paris. That's right. You live here now. Don't bother getting back on the bus. But I feel like you never would have heard that that story. Right. Not that in depth now. That would have been like oh an American one pommel horse. How cool. Yeah. So the way I think it's very interesting the way that even though you know obviously athletes training all that kind of stuff has changed over the years. But the way that we watch it has has vastly I would say improved. You know because again you're watching sports like you wouldn't have seen dressage. There's no way. Oh no. But it's expanded the opportunities for people. The interest that people have in those sports and even kids getting excited about them. Yeah. You've seen I mean before it would have been some weird kid that likes to do that. You might you'd look fine on somebody else. You definitely would have seen the men's and women's basketball like the the teams right. I'm not sure you would have seen well you wouldn't have seen the three on three because somehow we stink at basketball. I don't know how this has happened. John you've been really invested in this three on three thing. Well and it's three on three is a new sort of tournament. So I mean I knew what it was. I knew that it is existed. I've watched. I won't say I've watched much at all. Same thing is the other the other new summer basketball leagues and all that kind of stuff. I've seen them. I know what they are but I haven't paid attention and watched them much. In this situation I actually did and I found to me it's it's like drag racing basketball because it's ultra fast. It's 10 minute games. There's a 12 second shot clock. It's a three point. It's a half court game but not even half court truly. You just have to take the ball after made basket. You take the ball out to the beyond the three point line. But the 12 second shot clock as I understood it starts when the ball goes through the basket on a previous make. So then the ball has to be retrieved out to the three point line and a shot in 12 seconds. So I mean it it really is all it's pure offense but there's also some pretty good defense being played because it's there's no dicking around kind of wandering from end to end. You certainly know cherry. No jogging. But it's I think that's one of the biggest problems. I don't know how they got suban because they're both the men's and women's teams are awful. They were both awful. Yeah. It's 10 minute game. Yeah. But it's they were both oh and three. I watched them and they were horrid. One of the things I did find out though is the Serbian team that played the men's team. They play together professionally like that's their job and you could tell. Yeah. I knew what they were doing. So they had one job. They were a bunch of those dudes that didn't look like they'd ever seen a basketball before on America's side. People were like oh Jimmer for that or whatever. But he didn't do nothing. The Jimmer. Okay. He was decent in college 10 years ago. Whenever I hear his name I just think of them going it's the Jimmer. Yeah. Like you really have to I feel like you really have to have some some stamina and some card some serious cardio to do. It's a completely different game. It's a completely different game. There are no plays off. Yeah. There's no plays off. You have to be on defense the whole time. You can't just stand in the corner. You can. Well you can but everybody knows it. Yeah. They knew it. Like they they came out on three point shooters and it they were all over you. Like your strategy has to be a lot different I would imagine. Oh for sure. I think the biggest thing was the three Serbian who they played together for a living those dudes knew what the other were doing all the time. Yeah. And to me it goes back to fundamental basketball. Moving without the ball for example. Nobody in America does that. Nobody in the US does that period. College. NBA. Nobody. And you could see that even in the on the five on five squad in the Olympics for men. And to some degree the women. They don't move without the ball. These other European countries start with fundamentals. They move without the ball. These kids are much well better rounded when they come up and play. Even a couple of the interviews I've watched from other players who played in college and in the NBA talk about that. The European links are teaching these kids the way to play basketball correctly. Ball handling skills that all that stuff from the fundamentals up to moving without the ball. They come over here and they just kill these kids because they're used to standing there and create their own shot and pass it to you. And when you're when that stars in the AAU there's seven stars on a team and everybody gets to run and when you need a basket well now somebody else has turned to make a basket. Yeah. It's all offense. Yeah. And it's all it's all for entertainment purposes. It's not like actual like glory or like winning or actually knowing which don't we have a three on three basketball league in America. Yes. Does it does anyone watch it second of all. Are they any good? The fact that you're asking is not a positive song. And yeah. And the fact that they don't even like they didn't even try to get anyone that plays in it. Right. Well that that would be the logical thing. Like we're taking a three on three team to the Olympics. Why don't we get someone from the big three or whatever that right. Potentially the champion. Yeah. Yeah. Someone who's one. That makes sense. I mean that makes sense and also I wondered and I didn't do any background research on this. This is just me wondering out loud. If people were so upset that Caitlyn Clark didn't make the the women's the big team or whatever. Why didn't she why didn't she get on three on three. You know. I mean I was told that she was offered to go to the three on three that league you're talking about. Yeah. She was offered like a million dollars to play in the three on three like professional. Oh for the league. No. I'm talking about why the why she didn't get on the Olympics. Yeah. Well. I mean I think we have answers to both of these questions and it's because if you spur it's it's like the old AFL NFL thing. If you play for one you've spurned your chance at the other and because there's this blood feud of the two. The W is because they're it all goes back to money and whoever's back in them but the W is not going to be happy if you though go then and play for this three on three thing or vice versa and then you come back because you've glorified another. You made money for somebody else and not me. Yeah. That's my guess about money is when it all comes down to in reality. Oh yeah for sure. It's just it's just really interesting to me that we're that terrible. Yeah. I it but you know it is what it is. I don't I actually don't think we'll end up meddling either men's or women's in the three on three. Uh-huh. No. No. They had no points after three games period. That's pretty sad. No. And the women's team had Ryan Howard who played at UK and is good. Kaylee Van Lith who played Louisville and then went to LSU. She's good. Like you had shooters on that team and they look clueless. Yeah. Their first win was on a last second shot. They've they've lost because they got beat to 21. That's the goal. They've lost because the time ran out and they were behind. They've lost the game I watched for the women's team with those two that I just mentioned. Nine turnovers. Yeah. It's a 10 minute game. That's right. And you had nine turnovers. Yeah. I mean it's just like playing ball in your backyard. Right. Like in the driveway. Playgrounds. Which is what you should have been doing growing up when you were learning. So yeah I'm like you. I'm surprised that they're this bad. Like. You're playing horse. Just I clock your play. That's exactly right. You could literally pull up and shoot threes with every possession and not be as bad as you are now. They scored 13 points in one game. You could have scored 13 points in 10 minutes just but Jack and threes up and not even worry about a rebound. Yeah. You'll lose but you could have tried. It's ridiculous. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. That whole thing is weird. That that'll be the one where we definitely don't win any medals. Yeah. No. For sure. No. So speaking of medals. You know there's actually countries. And clearly the United States do pay out. Oh yeah. For medals. Yeah. So would you like to guess what the highest for a gold is. $25,000. Oh much higher. $250,000. Much higher. $250 million. Anyway. Hong Kong. If you win a gold medal for Hong Kong. $768,000. Wow. Yes. The United States if you win a gold medal. $38,000. Australia. You only get $13,000. Oh. Yeah. I'm surprised. I thought the US would be the cheapest because then they're the idea being that but look at all the sponsorships you get. Yeah. Germany's pretty cheap. $22,000. Their second lowest. The mark's not done well recently. Japan. $32,000. France. You only get $87,000. Only $87,000. Yeah. Singapore. $745,000 for a gold. I would be fascinated though by the like the idea that I think those are low numbers. I'm surprisingly low, shockingly low in some cases. I would be interested to find out how much money that some of those kids aren't breaking even. Mm-hmm. No way. You have to pay our own way to get there and pay for your own training. Yeah. Like most of these people they are professionals but not on the level of like an NBA player professional. If they're not making $250,000,000 in a contract. Right. Like they make what we make just work in regular jobs and a lot of them struggle to pay for things. Yeah. There's no way. It's for the love of. I mean that's one thing that is it's a bit hokey the way they say it but it is true for the love of the competition and the love of the sport. That's the only reason these people are doing this and they're losing a crap ton of money. Yeah. So then I mean if you could do that and go back to Brazil and or go back to France and compete for them I mean he didn't make that much money but if you could do that and go back to another country where they pay more. Mm-hmm. I'm actually surprised the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shout out to Kazakhstan and those crazy Kazakh girls that I live with. They were insane. $250,000 for gold medal. Nice. Yeah. Well but isn't that the most positive press Kazakhstan is going to get? Probably. In a while. Yeah. I mean if you think about it from the from the Department of Tourism. Yeah. That's a standpoint. That's true. We'll blow our whole budget on a gold medal every four years. Right. Do you think they pay that high though because there aren't a lot of people from those countries that weigh on gold medals? Oh no. That's good. I was watching men's I think men's all around maybe or men's something gymnastics yesterday and the winner was the gold medalist was from the Philippines and he was the first man or he was the first person ever men or women from the Philippines to win a gold medal. So and he you could tell he was like crying so hard they literally were like okay you know stop crying like get up because he cried for like 10 straight minutes but um so I bet I wonder if that's why places like Hong Kong versus China or like Kazakhstan or the ability. That's a good point. Yeah. So we're South Korea pay a lot of money because it's not often that people win in gold. Like they're not going to bring home 45 gold medals like America or France or Australia or whatever. This could have been 5,000 dollars. Yeah it's a good point. This could have been 5,000 dollars. Somebody agreed to 25 or 40 years ago that's been setting an account thinking well we're never paying this out and lo and behold it's like the the rollover slots and guess what I just want. That is it's like a yeah you're right like then instead of progressive slots is just sitting there right. Yeah. Some old man sitting in an office going what collection waking him up it's time to give him the big check. Oh oh sorry here oh the interest and that that gold medal I think was the first gold medal in gymnastics. I don't think it's the first ever gold medal. Oh okay. But I guess the first time anyone in gymnastics everyone a gold medal for the Philippines. Well that's like the lady who won the 100 meters yesterday from St. was it St. Lucia? St. Lucia. Yeah that's what their first Olympic medal ever. Her coach is the ex-UK coach. Florial. Oh really? Well there you go. See? Yeah. See I did not hear that but see there you go. There's a video there's a viral video of him like as he's watching her like when that he's getting tackled like literally tackled on the over on the side. So tie in tie in right back in to the athletic university system of the United States. That's all I'm saying. Yeah so um the US pays out 23 for silver and 15 for bronze thousand dollars. Slightly related because it's Olympics related. Have you guys been seeing those videos of everyone unboxing their like swag bags for or like they get like all these suitcases every country does of all their like US swag or their Canada swag or Australia swag? You sent me a video of them going through a room. That's what I've been doing all week is watching everyone up into other stuff. I do want to see that. I've not seen that. I've seen a box that like Texas gave for like Texas Olympians and they sent them some crap and then I saw this one dude who you went through the Olympic store and you got to pick stuff. Yeah and he's like oh yeah yeah yeah and then he took it all back and then he put it out in the room to see the whole thing and that was insane. Yeah some of the US players of one that I saw. I don't I think it was for swimming maybe but they got three full suitcases. They get the suitcase too full of like their gear but also all the stuff to wear around in the village and they were like this is super cool but I have to take this home and they have to pay to they have to pay to check all those bags because they didn't bring those bags they got them when they got to Paris. That's ridiculous yeah that's kind of ridiculous. Some of the teams got them before they see I'd be given away stuff and like doing exchanges with other countries. Some swimmers we're doing like the oh get ready with me for the Olympics or look what I'm taking what I got to take to the Olympics and they're doing it like their apartment or whatever but a lot of them are doing it in the village because the stuff got delivered to their village room and that I thought that was interesting too like that is even not cheap to check a bag and that check three bags that they weren't expecting to check you know even if you tried to ship it back that's going to be expensive as hell yeah you tell Nike you need to here's my dress this is what I've chosen here's my dress and it's back on your don't and they were and when they got it if they got it shipped to them at home they were told they had to bring every stitch of that clothing and all of the suitcases they had to bring it so then that's my question then if it's it was given to them so by rights once you it's given to them it's theirs to do what they want with it right so you would think that it's actually not really no they're giving it to them to wear while they're there yes they have to wear every single piece there's like a time where you have this outfit you wear it this time you have this outfit you wear it at this time you can wear these shirts whenever you want but you have to wear this shirt with these pants so you can these are your walk up sweat yeah outfit this is your metal outfit this is your interview outfit yeah see I would be you are a cutout doll paid for by Nike or whomever Ralph Lauren I think yeah there you go so that because he has paid a significant somebody paid a significant amount of money to be the official clothesier of the Paris Games for the United States team and we expect to see all those people see I want to trade around with other countries well you can once you're once you mark it off your schedule yeah I'm sure that once you're done like being on TV and that's what I was saying yeah once you're done it's yours to keep yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I just found it interesting that they were like yeah have all of this stuff for free but also find a way to take it back to America right you can't leave it here you have to take it you're sanctioned to wear all of it you have to take it wow um and in Canada the can the Canadian team is outfitted by Lulu Linen so you can imagine how much and they have like two suitcases full of stuff 98 percent of it see through I'm sure thousands of dollars because everything at Lulu Linen is at least one hundred and fifty dollars yeah um so yeah I've never thought about that but I bet you could find that stuff on eBay oh yeah from other countries for sure or even the US once it's over yeah yeah go online I've been singing them on Facebook reels it's just like my whole real section now it's just it'll be like uh see what team Australia's wearing or let's see what team USA tracks wearing let's see what team you nice USA swimming swears let's see what team China's wearing let's see what team Japan's wearing like Naomi Osaka was showing her Japan stuff uh-huh um yeah it's pretty interesting it's been like that's been my social media of the week is same oh let's see what they're wearing yeah well kind of speaking of swag and eBay eBay and metals in case you have noticed uh some of you may have if you've been watching some of the metal ceremonies you get the you know the contestants the athletes get their metals like right and they're standing up there but they're also holding these little oblong boxes yeah what is that I haven't seen I can tell you what is in that box in case you've been wondering it is actually the 2024 Olympic poster in addition in addition to getting your metal you get uh and I would say limited edition but probably not you probably go in the gift store and buy one I'm sure but this is just a free one yeah Sarah I'll show you this is what it looks like yeah I'm meant to look this up yeah so it's kind of cartoony so is it everyone get the same one yes so if you win like seven medals you got seven posters well you need seven posters well that's what I'm saying I would look for I would look on eBay they're six and just be like I would look on eBay because I'm sure they will end up there I can't imagine what you can take you keep the one you want and then you eBay the other six make something make a little bit of a change there yeah I don't know how much you can make from that but somebody would want one you could probably sell it but yeah so if you've been wondering that's what they're holding in their little hands there I have been wondering this is the lamest thing I was wondering so I finally took the time and looked it up and I was like this is that's dumb that is a dumb I was hoping it was like some decree from the French government about how awesome you are because you're on a note a metal note it's just some poster it's just it's just a poster yeah yeah that's what I like about the Olympics so like it only happens every four years and you're like oh my god we're seeing the height of athleticism and how cool and they start getting into these like minute details and you're like oh how lame yeah like how lame well it is it just me and maybe you can speak to this but I feel like that the colors that they're using for the Olympics like with the purple it reminds me of a 90s taco bell is that just me oh I feel like it's very much you know the iconic cup design from the 90s white yeah phone cup with the uh-huh teal and the purple and the pink is giving that vibe quite a bit which as someone who primarily was born in the 80s but they're growing up in the 90s but it's hard hit hard the bottom line is it's super 90s though right super 90s yeah I'm a 90s I'm a 90s right I felt like Taco Bell but but the cup thing yes I would agree with the cup it's completely that yeah and I'd not thought about it but it I don't know who made those I don't think it was Daisy but there used to be I don't just Daisy still make or probably is it Dixie Dixie they still make this little cups here yeah yeah oh in town I don't know there used to be oh did there there used to be a water tower that was shaped like a Dixie cup out there I don't know really I think okay maybe I drink anyway so what's your take on the poster John um I sent you the picture of it you did and I remember thinking it was very pastel it's very cartoony it's very pastel it's very here I don't like I don't think it's bad I just think it's a wash and pastel I do remember thinking and I'd see it again here like you turn the Eiffel Tower into one of those carnival rods that seems to spin and go up and down and I don't think that's a good plan well but I think they put the Eiffel Tower inside the track and field stadium that's not real and it looked like a carnival ride in the Kmart parking lot so I was not impressed yeah the man with the bigger here who did it seemed very happy but I was non-plussed um for the cups by the way in the Nandi's cup it's called the jazz design oh okay it's a company or it's it's credited to Gina Akis Akis Akis uh noticed at the sweetheart cup company in Springfield Missouri but that's been contested it may not have been that person um apparently that person supposedly stole the design from a of one Stephanie Miller and then Paris 2024 stole it from all the sweetheart cup company though okay so that's so great gotcha somebody didn't turn their notepad over in the 90s and yeah I know walk into the bathroom oh someone's got an idea oh where becomes that becomes the face of every late 80s early 90s child chair member forever real real quick uh and no news is the weird this week yeah that's okay it'll keep but uh real quick has anybody seen the breakdancing competitions yet I've not seen one single as it started I don't know it might not have started yet but I haven't seen them and I really want to see them yeah I'm curious um since it's a new thing yeah like I guess they're judged on form and difficult much like a gymnast maybe yeah like oh I'm sure yeah submit your uh your moves beforehand and then they judge well that looks like you know it's 6.4 difficulty and then uh no so I think what I heard is they don't know what music they're gonna get so it's not like so you know how the gymnast floor routines they pick their own music I think I had heard that the breakdancers don't know what music they're gonna get so they're gonna have to bust out like some improv moves right which I kind of like oh that it's different I'm here for this different so the women start on Friday the at 9th okay for their pre-qualifier oh so it's the second weekend the men start on Saturday the 10th okay and that's although that's quarter final number one I was told that you could see some of the pre-qualifying or at least the qualifying matches for the u.s online okay so there's a chance to see it but I did not know that you because I did wonder that like is this like a cheerleading routine are you prepared no I heard I heard it all freestyle I heard it's freestyle and they don't know what music they're gonna get well Snoop Dogg will tell us because he has told me everything thus far I think speaking of dressage going back to dressage did you see he dressed up in the full dressage gear yeah him and Martha Stewart went and watched dressage and they both dressed up in the full riding gear is that what they did for her i d third I guess yeah she celebrated her eighty third birthday she did yeah there's a stupid amount of slurries at the olympics this year yeah it's ridiculous I think they were all watching the women's all around gymnastics final two because they were like here's this person yeah right yeah they for sure were yeah it should have been at the women's rugby sevens bronze medal match that I just got mentioned this real quick because that match absolutely amazing basically a walk-off I caught a walk-off try because they were I was it there was like no time left she she gets she gets the the ball and just take runs it like 99 yards scores done all uh all burn versus Alabama famous iron ball the kick six yeah every year that was yeah I didn't realize it but she afterward that that score that tri actually tied the game so she did have to kick they had to kick I didn't realize it but she said afterwards she didn't realize that oh she thought that it wanted she didn't realize that they had to hit that it's probably lucky that she went right she she touched the ball down because to get a score or try you have to touch the ball but you know you played but um is lucky then that she put it right between the goal post there and the important part is wherever you touch the ball day yes that's where you kick that's the area the angle which you must kick the kick yeah so she put her on her situation she ran to the middle yeah thankfully due to training because had she just crossed the line touched it down in the corner anywhere yeah they realized you got to kick this from a god forsaken angle yeah yeah they went to one but yeah it was a it was a great win amazing match so yeah I was I watched it it was really good yeah she in particular is getting a lot of like publicity online which is cool yeah and then um I can't remember who it was but just they went gay like two days later gave the women's rugby program four million dollars oh yeah so that's really cool all right yeah so no news of the weird this week we'll get back to it next week but it is time for john's favorite game aptly named take it or leave it yeah thank you so uh we don't know Tyson foods right is in Arkansas leave it yeah leave that hey yeah you don't even know what i'm gonna say yeah yeah so they decided to uh make some uh Tyson chicken razorback nuggets and you can get those in walmarts across Arkansas and Missouri i'm sure you've all seen the picture of them i don't need to show you i haven't but i don't need to see the picture of it it looks like a little turd um yeah leave that screw Arkansas we're don't acknowledge Arkansas as a school we're state so they can keep their stupid dumbly shaped hog shaped chicken nuggets then one likes a hog here we're not calling the hogs then i find it hard to believe that our former coach is also calling the hogs and it's beneath him leave it oh i've already answered this leave it you first of all if you're selling chicken in the shape of a pig because you can't find pig to sell you know where the pig nuggets okay pig shaped chicken secondly i need some pig nuggets how all you have to grind how much chicken into that meal that you serve and claim it to be chicken pieces in order to press it into that thing roll it in whatever you call that breading and then schlep it off to sell it's disgusting they're only selling this in Arkansas right now who will be in Missouri Arkansas and Missouri why would the people of Missouri care i have no idea i don't live in Arkansas they're probably like thank god i don't live in Arkansas well that's just i am also like that these fools also though i mean the problem is people buy if you made it nationwide they'd buy because they've hooked a bunch of children on these donno nuggets again you'll make dinosaurs chicken shaped like dinosaurs yeah where's the dinosaur meat makes no sense to me where is it does kid this kid's gonna eat fried chicken okay it kids have been eating fried chicken for millennia i promise they'll eat fried chicken it doesn't have to be a goofy shape so i like the concept of the possibility to make college shaped chicken mascot nuggets i'm here for this concept okay all you're talking about is putting the sludge in another cookie cookie or just a sheet of sludge and just so what if what if they did what if they had k nugs or what if they had what if they had power k nugs why all three in a road also that's in Arkansas they're not for it in Kentucky one i'm just saying i i feel like i kind of hey i'm fencing this because of course i'm taking it i'm taking it for the concept so you want a big vandy nugget because i feel you want a big ve chicken nugget i want a big admiral head nugget is what i want there's be no definition on it anchor nugget anchor anchor down what these nuggets i'm here for the anchor nugget right i am totally here i'm here for a bulldog nugget i'm here for you wouldn't be able to see anything a long horn or a long horn nugget i wouldn't buy long when nugget if i had to i'd rather starve a long horn nugget would be brilliant i'm here for this concept of the collegiate nugget well you can take the long horn nugget and flip it upside down and do it right see oh now that maybe i'm back yeah i want to make a little ill nugget so we can flip it upside down that would be the ill snail so i'm leaving it for the Arkansas thing but i'm taking it for the concept of possibly uh nugget nugget it was like nugget pasta shapes that's fun pasta's pretty universal tossin is in the trader state of arkansas all right and we can't have that i think i don't know that i have they made uk pasta i've you got you have the patino pasta but that's just regular pasta with face on the box yeah but i think i have uk i'm sure you have you have a little plastic bag of it yeah it's they made them in very there was a boutique at the time and it's the correct logo right it well it's the slim logo because you you couldn't have big pastas in the the wider uk logo oh but the proper k yes yeah it's the proper k it's somewhere i have that it's a it's upstairs an archive yeah okay so i guess fall wedding season is coming and actually you could use this i feel like you could use this product for football season too if you wanted to smuggle something in still and not pay those stadium prices and it is the fireball garter so yes it's exactly what it sounds like sexy yeah it's a red garter and it holds one only one mini fireball shot type of thing yep um i'm gonna leave that for several reasons if you're gonna sneak it in you're gonna take more than one um which i already broken my own rule last year several times i took in one mini bottle in one pants pocket but i would be willing to do two or three since i found out it's very easy um second of all that requires you to wear a garter we already talked about how hot it is in the first several weeks of football and you gotta have a sweaty garter around your thigh no third of all no it's dumb i don't even like fireball so i'm just gonna leave it all around also it's twelve dollars that's too much you can make your own for cheaper right yeah you sure could yep that's let's get rid of that tradition that's a gross tradition fair enough all right fair enough john i'm a finist no leave it trash it leave it trash it whatever no it's i mean i get the point but you're just branding something that's unnecessary and repetitive i mean in a fireball i guess if you're wearing a skirt into the game that's the only place that you had to put it was way up your thigh on a garter fine well it's how you're gonna wear it under jeans how you're gonna wear a garter energy and so you can't it's impossible there are other ways people smuggle alcohol that are way worse than i got way better ways anyways yeah but they're they're many it's called socks just stuff in your socks and be done with it something you yeah they're not gonna put it on your pants pocket normally if you're a woman they won't no they better not i'll sue them yeah i'm leaving this this is this is stupid and you could make one you could make one cheaper on your own and you could make it with more little pouches too yeah like you do like a whole round thing of pouches it's like a it's like a bandolier but it's very big yeah exactly there you go there you go so yeah i'm leaving this for twelve dollars and that's what they should make is a bandolier of fireballs to put across your chest and especially in winter you'd never know put an under sweatshirt right having under your coat you probably could just go buy one and stick fireballs in it right yeah you could potentially okay so we're all familiar with top golf correct all right well there's something coming to austin texas it's going to be the first us location called bat box it's a top top golf style baseball simulator venue it's got hd screens in every cage sports bars and bartenders stadium light concession stands full game or home run derby mode you can play in completely take it would invest given an opportunity it will be gangbusters didn't you read there's already some in mexico uh yes the company says they already have um working models and they have the working operations in mexico um it's their design so that the bat each batting cage has that simulator you can pick the mode or whatever it's designed like a stadium area there's concessions um so it's designed to feel like there's a crowd around you and supporting and that sort of thing but it to me i'm i'm not going to participate i don't really care but the fact that you have another opportunity to go do that it's something entertaining and it i hear their food's good i don't know but i hear the food's good the one thing i would i would probably do top golf just for the entertainment factor because it's open air i think that that would i'd be a little happier with that but in winter i mean that's not gonna really go great because i don't i guess they have heaters but who wants to be out there in a parka hitting golf balls hitting golf balls or washing some i do that i wouldn't do that so this would be i think it'd be a very fun place to do that yeah i'll take it that sounds awesome just to go out and like a cool place it's not a batting cage just like do all kinds of batting and sounds like they got food and stuff and also i've still not been to top golf so if you guys want to go to top golf yeah i mean down to go i go uh yeah i'm taking this i don't like the name though i feel like they could have come out with a better name than bat box i get it batter's box that type of thing but like top ball would have been better um like top ball top bat top bat oh top bat oh now see i like that and their logo could have been like a baseball bat a little top hat on oh see i'm i'm here for top bat oh i like that a lot but yeah so and you know going to batting cages i'm afraid i'm gonna hit in the face of the ball right you know so if this is just a simulator where you're kind you know it's all there's no real balls flying at your face i'm here for that yeah yeah i also think like if you if you think about when you were in had a group of friends or whatever like in college or even now like if you decide we're going to go out and do something for the evening there's always people who are more excited about doing an activity than others like if you went bowling or if you went to a batting cage or you went to to just like a driving range or something there's going to be people like well i don't really want to do it but i'll go and see them or like spouses or that kind of thing this is something where there's entertainment there's always going to be entertainment around you even at top golf from what i understand people go there just to have dinner and drinks and watch people do that stuff it's it's people watching more so than than that necessarily somebody who's trying to go pro and needs to practice yeah i'm i'm i mean i think that's i'm here for it i'm trying to go pro i know it's something other other than sports i know yeah all right so we've we've established that snoop dog is at the olympics he's been all over the place right if you haven't seen that he's been all over the place been at gymnastics been just sawed she's been uh soccer he's been i mean he the dude has been everywhere and you know traditionally at the olympics and and people have done this going way way way way back people collect pins and they trade pins and pins are real big at the olympics and i'm talking about the kind that you wear not the kind yeah not the kind you write with right kind of you would put on a jacket or something like that pin not a pin yeah i say it's pin pin it's all pins anyway snoop dog has his own olympic pin have you seen this i think so yeah oh yeah it's it's him blowing blowing the olympic rings and smoke apparently this thing is super sought after you can't buy it he can he's only been giving him away to like you know but i guess my take your leaving on this or you take your leaving the fact that he has his own pin olympic pin i'm taking that that's awesome that's my dream to have my own pin like i love enamel pins i have a bunch of them i would love to have this one because that's hilarious him just blowing smoked greens in the shape of the olympic rings that that's really funny that's very on brand and as much as maybe he's become commercialized the past 10 to 15 20 years like that's actually i like that it's actually fun yeah it i would take it it astounds me that we're living in this world where he is on the television every day we're living in a simulation he is the face of the olympics he has his own pin he's that sports that depicts what he does or how he became how he's famous in some circles he's on videos on late night shows talking about horses crip walking in dressage like this is a dude who came out and on his albums said murder was the case that they gave him and went through the fact that he did it i mean like went through the whole sort of thing and i'm going like how did this not happen like it's just astounding to me that that's the world that we're in now so you're taking the pen or you're leaving the pen oh absolutely taking it but if now would you i guess i always think about that if you were given one of those bison oop at the olympics would you sell it on your bank no absolutely not no when would you sell it i would i guess you wouldn't sell it now but in 20 years would you sell it maybe but i think that's one of those things where it's it's it's so cool and that's one that you can go online and be like hey look what i got you ain't got one i got one you ain't got one yeah it's crazy to think that he has that somebody made those he because he has these own outfits too yeah like he has all these it's astounding to me yeah because because because because mike tureko he came on the south mike tureko um the other day and mike tureko had the nbc logo olympic jacket on and mike tureko's like yeah since you were this the last olympics we all finally had to get one and snoop's like yeah That's all played out and snoop's up there with some bath robe on with the Robestile smoking jacket with the logo on it and I was like that's um, it's unbelievable He's all like that that you know, there's jackets are played out. I got this. I'm almost a bralacy doesn't just whip out a joint Cuz at this point he snooped he doesn't know what he would say a word right. I'm totally taking this pin I think it's super cool, and I think it's super cool that it's like an exclusive thing People are gonna get but I tell you in terms of living in the simulation with the Olympics I mean come on slave a slave and guy fierry fierry fierry Whatever we're we're watching women's water polo together Paid for the water polo team to come over right, but it's insane to me that one That the mayor of flavor town and flavor Flav are watching American women's water. What what what is going on? He's wearing a waterproof clock. Yeah So he doesn't get a damage. It's insane Have we also thought about the fact that he's wearing a basketball jersey that says USA water polo? Yeah, because that's quite iron ironic. Yeah, but this yeah, this whole impute But that snoop pin is awesome and wears the helmet sometimes. Yeah, nice. Not normal This this whole Olympics is it's really it's really kind of been insane I'm gonna be sad to see it over as goofy as I think he is that when he walked through the house of the French and the US ambassador to France Saw this grand piano and asked if he could sit on play something that guy can play. Yeah, he was impressed Actually, it was very good for as goofy as he is and as a goofy as per he actually's got a lot He's got a lot of creativity and talent like for real I was so I mean, he's out there. He's out there trying to save red lobster He's out there supporting women's water polo. I think he he was at the rugby match the women's rugby match With the sevens or whatever. Yeah, so but this whole Olympics has just been insane Between some of the stuff that's happened like that that French dude losing a metal and pole vaulting If you haven't seen that video you should check that out There are ways John. I'm gonna ask you because you don't like this tale. It could confirm this There are ways to secure that right so that didn't happen. It would have been less likely for sure I'm just saying I feel like that there's shorts or there's there's Apparatuses that you can get away to hold that in there well and some people just show up and roll because like that Italian No, the where was he from the the shooting the dude Like dude That dude's awesome. He wasn't wearing the the equine blonders. He didn't have the sight glasses He had this attitude on his face that looked to me like they made him wear the shirt that said Yeah, and then when he won he got silver he didn't care No, but the best comment I saw is they're like people. That's a hitman. Okay. Yeah, that that's what that actually I think I read in our reality that he's a retired police officer Oh, and then speaking of Italy You said Italy and that I remember this the Italian gymnast who I think won bronze or something Who like is sponsored by Parmesan cheese? Like there are pictures Okay, whatever there are pictures of her on the internet hugging giant wheels of Parmesan I get to be an ambassador cheese. I love this I this that's it in IL deal right now. I'm telling you That's like one of the University of Wisconsin not have some sort of an IL deal with cheese I'm telling you cheese curds, but yeah, there's a bunch of pictures of her posing with these giant wheels of Parmesan Cuz she's an ambassador for Parmesan cheese. I love it. You've just spoken into existence One of the Arkansas players being covered in hog nuggets Sitting there are you serious? No, but that's what you you're just saying. That's what's gonna happen Somebody's gonna be there like making hog nugget angels To promote it hogs nugs Hogs all right. Well, that's gonna do it for this week's take it or leave it So Sarah, how was the house of the dragon cider? It was really good You get a lot of pomegranate again. I don't know what dragon food tastes like. I'm sure it was in there What it really tastes like though is like a red bull. Oh So it's quite sour Very like a sour like a sour spree or something like that Maybe a sour. What's the other kind of candy sweet tart? Yeah, sour sweet tart maybe But very energy drink tasting if you I can't tell inside alcohol in it You could have told me this was an energy drink and I would have been done the wiser But it was very good. So I feel like an energy drink. This would be up your alley. All right. There you go Yeah, I don't feel that 8% at all. It's probably dangerous John, what do you think your urban artifact was that rank? I thought it was very good. It looks good Although it described it as cherry vanilla. I didn't get a whole lot of vanilla When I did get It was very like it was a thicker A thicker sort of tart that I thought was very good. The flavor was good It but it did not bring like crazy cherry. Sometimes cherry you get sour or too sweet sickly sweet So you didn't get like a hit of vanilla, but it was very balanced And I thought it was very very good. One of the better ones that I've had take the truth interesting Yeah, I was happy that someone decided to reward the curious there you go You're welcome. Thank God. You're welcome. All right, so what did you all think of fat orange cats jalapeno jack? No heat jalapeno ale They deliver what I promised it tasted like an L And it tasted like someone took all the seeds out of a jalapeno and then they just rested the jalapeno ever so slightly in the beer You can smell the pepper not the not the heat just the actual pepper. Yeah, did you like it? Yeah? It's fun I mean, it wasn't lying. Yeah, that's good To me this gets the truth in advertising reward because it was exactly what it said. It is an ale There were jalapenos in it, but had no heat I was a little disappointed that it had no heat, but then again, it warned me So why would I be upset it told me literally on the can no heat? Yeah, I could have used a little kick I could have used a little kick too because it didn't it smelled hotter than it tasted, right? Yeah, that jalapeno nose off of it and then Little bit. Yeah, I went down the whole jalapeno route and I got no It smelled like a pepper, but then you got the flavor of a bill pepper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Yeah, not not yeah, not hot but pepper people that don't like that heat for whom the heat is too much This is perfect to give you that sort of it. It's kind of a refreshing Sort of flavor to an ale. Yeah. Yeah, I'm so good. I liked it All right, the Ryan guys brings 11th hour imperial IPA It was fine. I was glad it wasn't hazy because sometimes I get so tired drinking those haisies They're just they get too heavy This was it was a slow drinker because this was it was Not a heavy one, but it was an imperial so you got a lot of hops you got it You know it everything was definitely there. It was good though. I liked it. Yeah, I've rather enjoyed it You know also, I've rather enjoyed was recording hungry in Kentucky this past week. Mm-hmm. Yeah, we did one last week Yeah, it's I've been posting so you can Find that on Twitter Instagram at hungering ky Get some email hungering ky and then you can find that show and all the other ones Uh, wherever it is that you find podcast. I did get an email from the Google that they no longer have Google podcasts So this podcast is migrated to YouTube somehow, but just know if you say it on YouTube. There is no video I wonder if we're on I wonder if GBS is on YouTube You were on Google Play you are now on YouTube. I think we were I would have to look I have not checked that out, but I got several emails from them letting me know that are shutting down Google play music or whatever that Or give a good play podcast. Oh, whatever. Okay, so just so you know if you're looking for us on Google Play I'm sure you weren't but if you were we're now on YouTube music. There you go. There you go Well a hoy hoy. Thanks for setting in a hoy a hoy as always and a hoy to you dear listener Thank you for listening to us. You can find us on Twix at geralis for sports or on Instagram or on Facebook We are on Apple podcast or on spreaker where we are on the fired-up network Where everywhere good podcasts are free that Google Play thing just threw me off. Uh, anyway We will see you next week See ya Hi You (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]