Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Fasting for Haiti July 2024

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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We are continuing to fast for the nation of Haiti to be delivered from the violence, hunger, the curse of witch craft and suffering.

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome back to Freedom by Faith Ministries. This is Pamela Noel. And today we're going to continue. We are going to remain consistent and continue our 12 month bath for the country of Haiti, for the nation of Haiti. And today we're going to talk about Ezra. We're going to look at specific stories in scripture. We're fasting really was the main changing point that changed the situation from bad to good. So we're going to look at that. There's a lot of people wonder what's the point of fasting, how is that going to change the nation? Where we're going to, I'm going to show you, my agenda is to teach people that God is consistent, he's faithful, he doesn't change, right? So if God who is a never changing God is perfect, 'cause you cannot change perfection, 'cause then he goes from perfection to imperfection, right? So God was perfect back in the Old Testament days. And this is the way he was. And we're going to look at, you know, whatever the things that God can do today that we can look back and see that's what he did then and it's going to do it again today. So that's when my experience with God, when I follow Godly principles in my life, the outcome is the same as it was in the Bible. For example, Daniel was taken to the lines then because of these commitments to God and everything that happened to Daniel, I've seen it in my life, right? So Daniel was put in the lines in where his colleagues, where his colleagues were killed by the lines, right? Ahab wanted to murder Mordecai and basically put him on his pole and that happened to him and instead, right? Jehoshaphat, we spoke about him. Three giant armies came against King Jehoshaphat in Israel and Judah and it's the three giant armies who were annihilated, right? Every enemy that came against David were destroyed. Every time the Israelites in the wilderness came against Moses that killed them, right? For every time a child of God is being challenged by an enemy, God destroys that enemy, right? When I go to Haiti, I've done many series on that when gangs break out in that region, as soon as I enter that area, all the gangs flee, right? So God is not new, there's nothing new about God, like he's the same, right? But if you wanna understand who God is and how things work in this world, you have to look at how God operated in the past, in a similar situation. That's how you learn who God is and that's where faith comes from, right? You have to know this is how God operates in certain situations and I can be confident in the outcome of this situation because of what he's done before. So that's the purpose of what I'm doing is to show the sovereignty that God doesn't change and things will work out the same way now as it had in the past because he doesn't change. He cannot change what's already perfect, right? So today we're going to look at fasting in the life of Ezra and I think I've mentioned him before, we're going to look at that today. So heaven father, we thank you for today, we thank you God for what you're doing today and what you've done in the past. Thank you for who you are that you're perfect or sovereign, you're faithful to your words. We thank you God that we know with confidence because of who you are and how you have been in the past that Haiti will be delivered. That is a promise that I will take to the grave that you have a promise to turn the nation of Haiti around. So we thank you for that. And if you don't know that there has been police force from Kenya that has entered and launched, I think it was sometime last June, if I'm not mistaken, we're now in the middle of July, it was late June or early July. So there's relatively peace in Haiti right now but the countries in shambles, hospitals are destroyed. So it's important to know that God is working on the country. Our prayers are being answered. And so this should be an encouragement to us that God is working and is very exciting. And so obviously Haiti's not worth, it should be but it's like they say one wasn't built in a day. I think that is the same, I'm not sure. But we're not gonna see the country turn around within one day, obviously. So it's gonna take time. But the fact that the gangs are at bay for right now at least, there's relative quietness in the streets because of the Kenya police force that has been, that has entered the country. So we're gonna see how things are going to develop but we're not going to give up. We're basically a little bit more than halfway in our fasting for the year. It's now July, so seven months in. So we're gonna see but we're not gonna give up even after this year, I'm gonna continue actually but we're gonna say 12 months but we're going to continue for the few people that have joined me in this journey. I thank you for that. So we're going to start with James, James for six and he gives grace generously as the scripture say God opposes the proud but he gives grace to the humble. So I've mentioned this before that we believe that God gives grace because he's God, right? No, God gives grace to people who are humble. He doesn't give grace to people 'cause he's God and he just gives grace or will and nearly, right? So you must show yourself to be humble first, right? So we want grace for the nation of Haiti and we're going to see why fasting produces grace. Why does God give grace for a person who's fasting, right? So we're gonna see, we don't understand God but that's the way God operates. He gives grace to people who are humble. So if you want grace from God, you must be humble, right? And one way to exercise humility is to say no to food which is very painful to the body. You're saying no to yourself because you want to see God's hand in a situation like in this situation, the grace that we're asking for is for the nation of Haiti turned around but we have to humble ourselves as a nation first. So let's look at Psalm 35 verse 13. Psalm 35 verse 13 says, this is David talking yet when they were ill, I agreed for them. I denied myself by fasting for them. So denied myself in a other version, I believe it's in the New Kings James version, it says I humbled myself with fasting or I humbled my soul with fasting. So fasting produces humility, right? You have to have an attitude of humility but fasting is one way to get there. You're saying no to yourself, you could eat, right? It's not that let's say you're poor, you know, if you're unfortunate and you're homeless, you don't have food, you can't call that fasting but you can't eat it because you don't have access to food. That's not fasting. Fasting is you are able to eat, you have access to food but you're making a conscious decision to say no, I'm not going to eat even though my body requires my body needs or wants food, you're saying no to yourself. That's fasting because you want God to answer a dire situation that, you know, only he can turn that situation around and you're saying, I'm going to harm my own flesh for God to answer me. So that's what fasting produces. It's fasting produces humility which is a prerequisite for grace and mercy. So we're going to look at second, final four, seven. Verse 14 says, then if my people were called by my name, which we are called by the name of Jesus for Christians, right? If my people were called by my name, we'll humble themselves and seek my faith and pray and seek my faith and turn from their wicked ways. I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and restore their land. Okay? So it's important to know that for God to restore a nation requires that the nation humbles themselves. Okay? He's talking to the children of Israel, right? He says, if my people, he's not saying if the gangs will repent because they belong to Satan, we know that. They practice witchcraft, basically, right? So he's not talking to the evil corrupt politicians because we give a lot of the blame for the nation of hate and his problems and the bad politics and the government. And it's that people of God who are responsible for why the nation of hate and suffering, we don't like that, it's the truth, right? God doesn't address politicians. He doesn't address the evil, the wicked people who do evil against a nation. He's talking to the people of God who has done wrong. Okay? So for God to give grace for a nation, it requires that people of God to repent to humble themselves, that God will heal the entire land. And if you remember, when God was talking to Abraham, and I did this and I talked about this in previous videos, that God is talking to Abraham and telling him, I want to destroy Solomon because of their sin. And Abraham said something interesting. He said, what if you found 40 to 50, I think it was 50, he thought it was 50 and 45 and 40, people were living righteously. Would you not save the entire nation, the entire land for the sake of the righteous, right? And God couldn't find 50 people, he couldn't find 45, he couldn't find 40, he couldn't find 30, he couldn't find 20, he couldn't even find 10. But the point is that God was willing to save the entire nation who was under wickedness, witchcraft and doing all kinds of evil, demonic things against God, but if God could find 10 righteous people that are living according to his will, he was willing to not destroy the whole land of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of those 10, and he couldn't find 10. But the point is that God is willing to not destroy an entire nation for the sake of a few righteous people, right? That is what God is looking for. - Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. - So he's staying here. Then if my people were called by my name and Christians were called by the name of Jesus, he's talking to us, not the gangs, not the politicians, not the government, us, he's talking to us believers, what humbled himself, right? And we saw in the book of Psalm 35, I think it was, David said, I humbled myself with fasting. I denied myself, right? So fasting is one way to humble yourself. And if the nation of Israel would humble itself, pray. Unbelievers don't pray. So guys talking to his people seek my faith and turn away from their wicked ways. He's talking to believers. I will hear from heaven, I will forgive your sins and then I will restore your land. So our sins as a nation must be forgiven as we humble ourselves before God, before God restores the land of Haiti. It's not just pray and then go and practice witchcraft and voodoo. God doesn't operate that way. He does not listen to the prayers of the unrighteous. We've talked about that before, right? The prayers of the righteous as they else much and produce this wonderful result, the prayers of the righteous, right? For he's saying to humble yourself, my people humble themselves, pray, seek my faith and turn away from wickedness. Then our sins as a nation of Haiti will be forgiven and then God will restore the land of Haiti. Right? I'm putting Haiti in here. This is not about Haiti obviously, but God is the same in every nation. He's talking about Israel, but this applies to all nations that we must as a nation of Haiti, okay? People of God in general turn away from wickedness. For God to hear our prayers, right? So that implies that he cannot hear the prayers of the wicked. Okay? Turn away from your wicked ways. Then he says, "I will hear from heaven." And then I will forgive your sins and then I will restore your land, right? So let's go backwards. What is the criteria that God is waiting for before he can restore the land of Haiti? Number one, he says, "I will restore your land." Before that it says, "I will forgive your sins." Watch that means our sins have to be forgiven. Before that he will hear from heaven, right? And how will God hear from heaven? When we, right before that, he says, "When you turn away from your wicked ways, which is witchcraft in Haiti, you must hear from witchcraft a billion pride, stubbornness like the Israelites were, okay? In the wilderness, God cannot take them into the promised land because of the witchcraft, rebellion, pride, stubbornness, which is the character of the Haitian people. I know that because I'm Haitian, I can say that the conflict is that that's who we are as a people. We don't wanna talk about that, but it's the truth, okay? So the same way God was dealing with Israel because of their stubbornness, pride, witchcraft, okay? He could not take them to a promised land of milk and honey because of their sins, of their wickedness, right? So God will hear from heaven when we turn away from our wicked ways before that when we are seeking his face, before that praying, before that humbling ourselves. To do the steps that we have to take for God to restore our nation, we're gonna go from the top to the bottom. We have to practice humility, pray, seek the face of God, turn away from wickedness, then God will hear us, then he will forgive our sins and then the nation of Haiti will be restored. That's the criteria that God follows. We cannot change God, okay? We have to change because we're not perfect. He's perfect. We don't expect God to just heal us because he's God. No, God has requirements before seeing a nation restored, which requires humility, prayer, seeking his face, turning away from witchcraft, okay? Then God will hear us, then he will forgive us, then he will restore the land of Haiti. That's the way God operates. And we must submit to that if we want God to restore our nation, okay? The last one we're gonna look at an example of what fasting produced. So I try to read a story where it's one thing to say, okay, let's fast, but to actually see a story where fasting made a difference is really important. So we talked about Ezra. So we're gonna look at him against today. We're going to be looking at Ezra 8. Basically, Ezra was charged to take a journey with a group of people and their families to Jerusalem with a lot of jewelry, gold, lots of precious, how do I say gems, I should say? But in any event, that area that he was going to travel through, there's a lot of violence in that area. And so he prayed and fasted, and we're gonna see what happened. Well, he said in verse 21, there and there by the Hava canal, I give orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before God, right? 'Cause fasting shows an act of humility. We pray that it would give us say journey, which is grace, and to protect us. Our children are goods as we travel. I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way. After all, we have told the king, our God's hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him. We fasted and earnestly prayed to our God that our God would take care of us and he heard our prayer. He heard our prayer. And then it goes on to talk about the types of silver and gold that he had, 24 tons of silver, 2,500 pounds of silver articles, 7,500 pounds of gold, 20 gold bowls equal in value, 1,000 gold coins. So those are the things that he brought with him, to find articles of polished bronze as precious as gold. He said in 28, and I said to these priests, you and these treasures have been set apart as holy to the Lord. This silver and gold is a volunteer offering to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, 29. Guard these treasures well until you present them to the leading priests and the Levites and the leaders of Israel who will wave them at the store room of the Lord's temple in Jerusalem. So basically he was given a task to bring these precious gold silver gems to the temple of God in Jerusalem. And his journey was a very scary one, I guess, 'cause he had a reason to be concerned that his journey could not go well because of the potential for robbers or violent people to come against and attack him and his team. But his response was instead of asking for soldiers to protect them under a journey, they prayed a fast for God's protection. So he had more faith in God's protection than having the king send for him soldiers to guide them along that journey so that they don't get harmed because of all the precious metals they were carrying with them. And so that's my prayer for that hate is not relying. And I'm very grateful that we have the Kenya police force in the nation to take down, to at least provide some level of safety. But at the end of the day, safety, grace and protection is in the hands of God. If you don't know, also President Trump or former President Trump was shot at yesterday, actually. And I don't know when this is gonna be aired, but today is July 14th and this happened yesterday, July 13th, 2024. And God's hand is all over that. If you don't believe that, that's too bad. But God's hand is all over that man. And the fact that this man, this 20 year old man shot at President Trump several times and only one bullet graces right ear, that is very supernatural, okay? And it's interesting to see that he was the one who was killed. And that's what I mean. When a person who walks with God, enemies come against you, whatever they try to do against you, happens to the person coming against you. So he woke up that day thinking he was going to kill Mr. Trump and he was killed, right? Seems to happen to Daniel. They try to put Daniel, they put Daniel in the lines then to kill him and his colleagues were killed by the same line, right? But God is the same. This is evident that God is the same. Whatever you, whatever, and I think what David will say, whatever my enemies set traps for my feet, they fall on them. And I mentioned earlier, Heyman tried to kill Mordecai, it happened to him actually, right? So the same God who did that, when they come against Moses, they were killed. People come against Daniel, they were killed. People come against Hey, Mordecai, Heyman was killed. You come against Joseph act, the armies against Joseph act were killed, right? But if we follow the principles of God, the outcome of the story is gonna end the same way. If you welcome against my job and they lost their job, that happened to me several times, right? People come against me, something happens to them, right? And so God is very consistent God. He doesn't change, he's not going to change a perfect God. Our job is to learn his ways and to humble ourselves to the ways of God so that we can see the outcome as it has already been written in the word of God. We thank you Heavenly Father for today's teaching. We ask you Holy Spirit to help us to understand you to know the word of God and to live according to your will so that your will be done in our nations in this world. So we're praying for powerful revival, not just in the country of Haiti, but also all over the world that people will come to know that you are real and that you are present or sovereign, you're perfect, you're holy, you're righteous, you're powerful. There's nothing too difficult for you Lord. So we're asking you Holy Spirit to fill people with your Holy Spirit now. There's still people all over the world with your spirit so that we can know who you are and walk in perfect on the path that you have laid out for us. So today we're lifting up the country of Haiti, we thank you guys for the Kenyan police force that has been deployed in the nation of Haiti. We're asking you to bless them and to give them the wisdom and the understanding to carry out the task to get that nation, the nation of Haiti out of bondage to violence, suffering, poverty, witchcraft and all the things that are going on in Haiti that we know it is not your will. So we're asking you Holy Spirit to help us fill us the people of God, the people of Haiti with your spirit so that we can have the strength to stand firmly against all the evil, demonic attacks of the enemy. You said when you humble yourself before the Lord is this a devil into a fully only humility can the devil flee out of Haiti? And that is our agenda to see the nation be rid of all the demonic principalities who govern the territories of Haiti Lord. We're asking you to give us wisdom to finally see the nation turn around for better. So I thank you again for joining me and I encourage you to continue to fast with me 'cause this is gonna take lots of believers that come together to see that nation be delivered. So I thank you again and I hope to see you again next time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Are you ready to step into your calling and destroy fear, worry, doubt and anxiety in our victory, God's glory. Author Pamela Noel describes the stop and do nothing else principle that was used by some of the most powerful people in scripture, including David, Moses, Peter and Daniel. This you can't help yourself book reveals that success in every area of your life lies in one name. - Our victory, God's glory, was written to support Haiti's elite medical team, a Haitian American owned not-for-profit organization that provides healthcare services to the poor in Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this book will help support our efforts. The ultimate goal is to build a hospital and provide much needed medical care services, currently unavailable to those with limited access to quality healthcare. Available at Amazon, your local bookstore, or at