Fox & Father

Fox & Father | Episode #022

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08 Aug 2024
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I am so so blown away by how, you know, like we spoke all the way through the pandemic and stuff about inflection points and how things are going to bring us to a new, something's happening. I really think all bets are off now. It just, the whole thing seems so utterly ludicrous and insane. When I was listening for the key phrases, he kept saying things about football hooligans. I don't know why that kept coming up. The far right, it's almost as if he's blaming everything on the far right. He said these far right groups. I was like, "Where are these good? I want to join one. Where are they? I can't find them." They see us on the right as the problem for addressing the problem. Addressing the problem is the problem. Whereas we're like, "No, the problem is the problem." Hello and welcome to an extremely hot, extremely hot and remote version, episode even of Fox and the Father with me, the Fox and him. The Father. Boy, what a week. I mean, I don't. What a week. But let's start. Before we go on to that, we need to start with some the usual, which is how you do. I'm good. I'm good. I'm at the Lotus Eaters studio right now, hence my common sense crusade background. It's really, really hot in there because the aircon is not working. It's hot outside because the weather's rubbish. It's like rainy, but muggy, but hot. It's near England, but I'm good, other than the country falling to pot around us. How about you? I am so blown away by how we spoke all the way through the pandemic and stuff about inflection points and how things are bringing us to a new, something's happening. I really think all bets are off now. Just the whole thing seems so utterly ludicrous and insane to me. But first, I wanted to ask you a few questions because I'm feeling very ranty and I don't really want to rant. I'd rather hear what you've got to say hence the reason for our friendship and conversations. So do you watch Kistama's press comrades? Yes, I did. What was it in relation to and what did you make of it? Well, I don't think he gave, he tried to give across confidence. He tried to give across the message that everything's under control. He's in charge. I don't think that came through. When I was listening for the key phrases, he kept saying things about football hooligans. I don't know why that kept coming up. The far right, it's almost as if he's blaming everything on the far. He said these far-right groups. I was like, where are these? I want to join one. Where are they? I can't find them. It's like the mainstream media kept blaming the EDL, the English Defense League for the riots that were kicking off. The English Defense League haven't been around for over a decade. They're complicit, the bubble. He kept talking about the police, but didn't promise any extra police. He talked about facial recognition, so all the thugs have to do is wear a balaclava and then they're sort of the good to go. He talked about protecting mosques more, which showed that he's not recognizing what the real problem is, and he wants to waste more money on the problem. I think it's going to be a war against disinformation from their perspective. They seem to think that in order to control the narrative, they have to oppress any opposition. I think the left or the liberals, whatever you want to call them, they see us on the right as the problem for addressing the problem. Addressing the problem is the problem, whereas we're like, no, the problem is the problem. That we're not on the same level yet. There's a problem. This seems to be such a massive problem that we've got. I can't remember the last time a prime minister came out after a bunch of police, brutally beat the crap out of people again, and did a press conference and blamed and victim blamed. I'm so shocked by how much Kiyastana hates this country. I mean, you know that socialists hate the country. They load it, so you get that. But to be so open and brazen, well, in other countries, they hate the working class, they hate ordinary common folk. People like themselves, they love that Andrew Marklek, remember, it's been played a lot this week because it remember just before the election was like, oh, no, we're going to have the grown-ups in charge and all this. People are going to start speaking how we speak is what he said or something like that. They're going to talk how we talk. Yeah, he is linked to elite. This is the issue right here. But they're not the people. You just have to go out onto the street and to conflate what is essentially, and I tried to say it's like, the story is the massacre of three young girls and the attempted massacre a dozen more. And that's the story. And somehow it's now about the far right. It's like, do we ever get that over any other attack by any other? Do you have to be in the United Kingdom? Do you have to be an oppressed minority group to be represented? Is that the only way you can get representation in this country? It's deflection and projection. So they will do anything to avoid talking about the perpetrator or perpetrators. In any of these incidents, not just the awful killing of Elsie Alice and BB, but just perpetrators in general, to avoid us, what they think they think was spark a race war. So instead of talking about the perpetrator, they'll talk about the far right. They'll talk about loose affiliations like the EDL or all the talk about the victims even. So when they're done talking, when they're done going over, oh, it's Tommy Robinson's fault or Ryan's Fox's fault, they'll eventually get to, let's talk about the families of these poor girls, which of course we do need to address, but they'll go on and about those two subjects for so long that they'll never actually get round to talking about, well, actually, where was he from? What was his motivation? Why did he want to kill those young girls? Who was he? We'll never know because they will never let us know. And I can't believe they're trying this so brazenly to turn around and to release a photo of the guy as a child, as an innocent child. I mean, the level of horrible, vile, evil, I mean, it's just evil. To go here's a bit to a child, he can't have done anything wrong. It's a child. Why are you going to do that? Because he doesn't look very Welsh, does he? So if you had to find some way of kind of aligning us with him in sympathy, but it's not just him, is it? There were the Leeds riots before that, there were the White Chappell riots, we had the soldier being stabbed in Kent, we had the Manchester Airport incident, which even people on our side were on, you know, flipping on both sides of the argument, we had the chemical attack in Bath, we've had the machete fights down South End since the issue in Southport, and of course, we're still being invaded every single day with Dick Robertinho's. So it's lawless. I've come to the conclusion that it is kind of over now, unless people stand, because we are being invaded. That's happening. We don't know who is invading us, other than the fact that they're young men in overwhelmingly young, military-age men. As you will now know much more than I, Christendom has a history of resisting Islam. The entire point of Christendom was to, well, not the entire point, the entire point is much deeper, but one of the purposes of Christendom was to come together to reject Islam. That's what Christendom is for, and we've got the people that are in charge of our country in all of the top positions defending Islam against Christendom. That means you have, as a nation, you have surrendered, and it's over. There's no one political is going to deal with this. There is no, Nigel Farage is not going to say what everyone is thinking, because he's on the big table, he's on the grown-ups table now. These people are not going to say, we are facing an existential crisis. I think J.D. Vance is absolutely right. Britain is going to be the first Islamic state with a full apocalypse capable nuclear arsenal. Do you think I'm being hyperbolic? No, I see it. I see it happening right before our eyes. The first three crusades were about defending the West, defending Europe from an Islamic caliphate, from an Islamic invasion, an invasion of warmongroom pedophiles, barbaric people who want to destroy our way of life because they hate us. That was what the crusades were, and they've been painted in history as something else. But we don't have a crusade anymore, because we don't have people willing to defend what is the West, what is Europe, or even the United States. We don't have people willing to say, "This is good," because it's centered on objectively good values, on Christian values, and now it's this plurality of all values that are the same, all ideas, religions, all cultures are the same. Why would you protect one over the other? Why would you give anyone precedent over the other? Once you've reached that plurality, there's nothing to fight for, because there's no one to fight. What do we do? It's more insidious than that. It's not only all values are equal, it's minority values are equal. That's where you end up with the LGBTQ LNOP stuff, which is you end up protecting the values and the rights of people with the most degraded and vile sense themselves. You have people that man beating up a woman in a little limb, boxing, and that's considered normal. That's a good sport. I think I'm becoming a fundamentalist Christian. They sound about time. I'm just like, there is no human defense. This is no political defense. This is only a spiritual defense. It exists. These people, but I have Marjid Nawaz. I knew he was trying to do this. I'll just let me tell you the story in it. Go understand the story. Marjid Nawaz, I said we need to remove Islam from Great Britain completely. I think we do, actually, and that's not to say we remove Muslims. That's not, I'm not saying remove Muslims, because if you're a Muslim and you can totally get along with the Western values and you can go, look, we have free speech and we don't have sexual underage children, and we don't have Sharia law, and we don't have blasphemy laws, and if you're a secular Muslim, fine. You're not going to impose your values, that's fine, that's the individual. Islam itself is so utterly odd with what it is to be an actual open Western democracy that I think you can only remove Islam. You don't want to remove Muslims, so Marjid, doing his usual Marjid, he used to be, I used to respect that dude, which I find amazing. I used to respect him, I used to think you're an interesting and fascinating guy, but I don't respect him at all anymore. He's turned around and he's tried to, he said, when are you free to me? And I said, well, I'll meet you at two o'clock today. But I couldn't, in the end, I was actually a bit worried. I was like, hang on, he's chosen the place, he always has a posse with him, and I felt, I don't feel safe in London, and I don't think any, anyone should feel safe in London, especially seeing as how the police treat British people in London. And I thought, you know what, we've got to talk, so can we do it a bit near in my offices? And he was like, nope, not at all. And then he started saying things like, this isn't an acting gig, this isn't grandstanding. I was like, well, you should have a discussion, but like, should we record our discussion, like an interview and talk about the differences? And he was like, no, it's not an acting gig, you need to understand, I need to have a, and I'm like, oh, you don't understand Marjid, I'm turning up for a conversation, you're turning up to give me a lecture. And this is the problem with Mohammedans, which I'm now going to call them, they think they are the good guys, they're not the good guys. And that's not to say that Christians are the good guys, you know, that Christ is the good guy, I mean, he's not a guy, but you know what I'm saying, it's not part of, it's not in the human being, we're all fallen people, Christian, Muslim, everybody. But this idea that Marjid Noah thinks he can turn around to me and lecture me and bully and coerce me into doing things, because he thinks that, you know, I in some way owe him anything other than a conversation where I can talk to him about, what's your position on Sharia law? What's your position on free speech? What's your position on homophobia? What's your position on child sexual abuse? What's your position on grooming gangs? What's your position on radical Islamic terrorism? What is your position on all these things, Marjid? Or do we just have to feel sorry for you? And there is no conversing with Islam, there is only submission to Islam. This is why they don't even call it converting, they call it reverting. You submit to Islam or you die, that is their way of life, unfortunately. Here in the West, they don't kill us most of the time, but they still expect us to submit, otherwise we are anathema, we are dead to them, even if we're not dead literally. And so yeah, of course he wants to lecture, of course they all do want to lecture, because you are speaking out against the horrors that are Islam. And if you sit down with one of them, would they answer the question of, well, do you support the idea that the founder of your faith was a 50-something-year-old man married to a six-year-old and who consummated that marriage at nine years old? Do you think that's appropriate? Or do you see something wrong with that? I doubt they would be willing to answer that question in good faith. No, they wouldn't, because you can't, because the odds, the values are so odd. It's like, well, he's a deity, he can do what he wants. No, Muhammad's not even a deity, Muhammad's just a prophet in their eyes. So why was he able to break the moral code of the land? Because they don't adhere to our morality. They don't adhere to the Christianity of what's good and bad. They have their own idea of what's good and bad. And this is why we have to resist with everything we can. You've seen that I'm trying to buy this island, right? So there was the Muhammadan extremist who said, I want to buy this island of Scotland. I want to make a military base for young, military-aged men. I want to build an Islamic caliphate where everyone's welcome to come. It doesn't matter if your visa come and live here, and we'll create extremists out of you. And we'll take over. This will be a sharia in this place. Like what? And thankfully, the owner said, no, we're not going to sell to you, but now we're going to buy instead. But Christians are going to buy it less. We have to stand up and do something other than just tweeting about stuff. If we want to protect our land or homeland, we have to do something. I agree with you. But for the first session, the first part of that is to speak, because the first part is to say, is to be able to lose their jobs over this stuff. They'll lose their jobs over that. I lost my job. You lost your job just being loyal. But ultimately, they were looking to get rid of you because you actually have some values. But the first step is to speak. And the second step is to make your life a better life. So for me, that involved leaving to where I am, to move to England, where I live now. I live in England. Everything about where I live is English. And I understand all of it. It makes sense. People have manners, they're polite. They don't. And what KISS Summer has done is he's waged war on 40 million people. He did last night is waged war on 40 million people. So I'm sort of in the very rare times that I'm the very emotional, as you know, is to go some sit back and watch what happens as he demonizes his entire country and calls them far-right extremists and tries to impose restrictions on protest on the people that are going, we are appalled that this multicultural experiment and, you know, that, like you say, this, this, it's actually this, it's a pernicious evil universalism. Yeah, it's about. The thing is, this is going to get worse, right? So the riots that have been going on in the protest, they have started to turn violent already. And people like me, you, Tommy Robinson have been saying, look, protest, be angry, but don't get violent. But we can only do that for so long. And eventually, people will stop listening to us because they are so angry and no one's helping them. And the government is actually against them and blaming them. It's like something's going to switch and the whole country is going to be suffering for it. So what, so from a spiritual perspective, yeah, which is the point of all of our conversations, I think, from a spiritual perspective, what is your, what is your view? What is, how do you, how do you know people? Well, how do you lead them? What do you, what do you do? So people are angry right now and there's nothing wrong with being angry, but it's going to be righteous indignation, righteous anger. And we have to direct that to the right approach. And that might mean, well, I don't know what that means yet, but it certainly doesn't mean fighting on our streets. It does certainly doesn't mean being violent towards each other. It means we've got to find a way to let the politicians, the elite, the mainstream media, let them know that we are not the problem. We are addressing the problem, whether that's grooming gangs or mass immigration, doesn't matter what the issue is. We are trying to highlight something that's being done to us. And I was highlighting it does not make us the problem. We are not the ones to be silenced. You know, a lot of Keir Stormer speech was about asking for more censorship online to squash disinformation. What they mean by disinformation is information that they can't control and all they do not like. And we've got to force it out there. So I suppose we can keep using our platforms to spread the truth as much as we can. But people who don't have platforms are going to find a way to speak truth. As you're saying, speak truth to power without being violent though. And I don't know how long we can hold it back. Well, we can manage that by doing what we have been doing when we did on June 1st, when we did on July 27th, organize well and make it a festival atmosphere. But I think that this movement that we are part of is now going to become, it's going to go into its millions pretty quickly, I think, with the lack of representation. It was interesting yesterday when I'm meant to be in Ireland at the moment, I'm on a business trip. And as you know, my dear PA books, the flight for exactly a month today. So I'm trying to go through the game. It doesn't work. So yeah, well, that's because you're not flying until next month. Oh, no. Oh, I messed up. I'm going to go on tomorrow. So it's fine. But I went back through and I got stopped by this elderly, not elderly. She was sort of my age a bit older. Bulgarian woman. And she was as often you meet people. She was tearful. And she said to me, I'm going home. I came to Britain because I wanted a better life. And Britain is now a worse place to live than Bulgaria. So sad. And I just thought, my lord. And she said, also, she wanted me to extend my heart out to you. She said, thank you guys for speaking out. Because without the voice, without a collective voicing, this is wrong. This is absolutely on a fundamental level wrong. We're not even going to have the beginnings of a movement. But I think my my interesting tells me sit back and watch now, because Keir Starmer has just told everyone that they're far extremist, who object to murder on any level. Do you remember Hungerford, Dunblain? These things were in Huntley. These things were once every five years, and we would have a national crisis of meaning about what these things then are once a day. That's what multiculturalism has done to our country. Once a day, murders, sword fights, stabbing killings of children, and the media's refusal and the authority to refusal to name this dude, bearing in mind that John Venables and the other guy from Jamie Bulger were right there on the newspaper, solidly, to name this dude, just created speculation. People need some spiritual well-being right now. I suppose the easy answer to that is go to church, find a church with solid teaching that's not woke and go regularly and spend time in prayer, spend time in silence with our Lord, because we're all going to need it. It's no good having all this pent-up aggression because it will find negative ways of being released. So make a habit, I will say, occurring in the church. This is something that everyone could do. And also, that will prevent the things being sold off to mosques and flats in the first place, if we're using them again. We've got to turn back to our Christian values and we can't just decide to have Christian values. We have to live these Christian values and to live them, we have to be taught them and to be taught them, we have to go to church and we have to be with each other in Christ. So that's important. So for those people that would be curious about going to church and trying to find some personal relief from, as you say, this sort of growing sense of resentment and anger, people didn't want to go to church or people wanted to pray or people wanted to find a connection. Where would they begin? So everyone in this country lives in a parish. So everyone has a parish church. Usually there's a church in the church and a Roman Catholic church, but quite often there's also some kind of evangelical, charismatic thing. There's always a church, doesn't matter where you live in the country. So just go to your local, and if you see a rainbow flag, turn away and go to the next one. I would probably say if you see a female lady vicar, turn away and go to the next one. But find one where you can actually speak with the priest or the pastor, spend some time with them and say, look, I need some direction. We can't be expected to know what to do straight away or to know how to build a prayer life or to build a relationship with Jesus. And that means speaking to people who do. This is why we have leaders. This is why we have pastors, shepherds, to say, well, maybe start with doing morning prayer every day. The first thing you do when you wake up, thank the Lord for another day or the end of the day, think about all the mistakes you've made, repent of them and go to sleep in the thought that you'll try and do better tomorrow. But also thank the Lord for the day and hope that you will rise again tomorrow. And so just building positive prayer habits, it's amazing how quickly it changes the way you think for the whole of the rest of the day, therefore the whole of the rest of your life. If the first thing you do in the morning is grab your smartphone and check Twitter straight away. You've got the barrage of negativity. Whereas if the first thing you do is crush yourself as they thank you, Lord, for another day, like it sets you up in a different mentality. I'm also coming around to your view, which is about women priests because isn't it amazing that the very people that talk about how important it is that we have women priests will allow women to get beaten up by men in a boxing ring. Like, I don't understand how that level of cognitive dissonance cannot erupt. I just don't know. So I think obviously, you know, you, one needs to sermon and prayer. I think that's really important. I agree with you. Don't grab your smartphone first in the morning, which we're all guilty of. All of us are guilty of it. I mean, you probably aren't as guilty as I am. But it's, I feel like we're reaching really very desperate times. I really do. Yeah. I feel this week has felt to me like there's no coming back. Like, magic. I kept saying to him, I'll meet you. Can I zoom you? Because I've got time, I can zoom you, or I'll meet you any other day. No, no. Like, it's almost like all of the bridges are now shut and Kia Starmer has waged war on the people of Britain. And so, you know, the way we can control it is probably by sitting back and watching and organizing another celebration of our values, which we can control, you know, because we can. But to watch these police punching people restrained in their face and see the protests across London. Sorry, go. No, I mean, you can hear the police officers saying to each other, just pick anyone out, get anyone like the targeting people on purpose to make a point. I don't know if that's been sent down from above. If it's political or if it's just the way they're feeling because they're so used to being afraid and they're running away and their cars being turned over, the police are being terrorized. So when they get their opportunity to stand up, they do. I think it's like it's that they've been bullied. Essentially, the police is a mob, but that mob has been bullied. So they're trying to be bullied the next mob down. Essentially, that's it's playground tactics that we're seeing here. The Mohammedans and the immigrant communities attacked the police and terrorized them. And now the police are doing the same to the indigenous people of this country. Yeah, it is. There's a revenge tactic. I've got a guy who has been working, who does some stuff. I don't want to go into too much detail because I don't want to out him. Anyway, he no longer works for the police pedophile unit. And he was quite far up in the mat, police's pedophile unit. And they took to Theresa May, they said there are 50,000 at least people that we could charge and would be convicted tomorrow of child sex expenses. We could commit them tomorrow. Right. And Theresa May said, well, you can't do that because the entire justice system would fall apart. So it's interesting to know, and this is Theresa May would acknowledge this, and this is on the public record. There are 50,000 child sex offenders walking around this country, scot free, abusing children as we speak. The second thing is absolutely sick and the system no longer works. What does it actually mean fall apart? And what could it be any worse than it is right now? Imagine. Imagine. And I also wanted to talk about seditious gas thermal ash, as well, at some point. But imagine that you suddenly got 50,000 child sex offenders to prosecute. You couldn't. The criminal justice system couldn't cope with it. So they just have to go well, build capacity, make it cope. This is important, man. It really is important. I mean, where does this, there's no point speculating about the motives of this guy. I suppose it is worth pointing out that it with these people are a Taylor Swift thing. She's very associated with Western decadence, and they were all working class white kids. I would say that that in some way would have been a motivating factor. Who knows how he was radicalized. But talking about the criminal justice system, yesterday, Christian concern announced that the court repeal had said, had made a judgment on the fact that it was for seditious gas thermal ash to not be given treatment that she asked in the world's most fundamental aspect, which is the right to life, to say she wanted to die while trying to live. They've overturned the secretive and appalling judicial system. So I sit there and go, this girl was murdered by the state, murdered by the state. And there, or I start to think the state is a satanic organ of human, you know, decrepitude and, and, and violence. And I don't, I know it all sounds hyperbolic, but it just feels like this girl wanted to live, when she died or not, was, was up to the Lord. It wasn't up to someone, an agent's manager, or some secretive family court of protection. And what her family was put through as well. So everywhere I look, I still see the stale rottenness of decrepitude. And I can't talk. It is, it's really dark. We're living in dark times. I think people's eyes only just being opened. We talked about this on my common sense crusade today that the strategic thermonesh stories is always, I find it difficult to talk about because it really, it strikes me right through the heart that we've had a 19 year old girl that wanted to fight to live. She had opportunities. You know, there were options available in Canada, in North America, of experimental treatments. And the state said, no, you will not have that because we have decided you are actively dying and then gave her psychiatric tests to see she was compassionate as found. She was too, psychiatrist said, no, she's fine. She's an adult. She can think for herself. If she wants to fight to live, let her fight for live. Yet the circuit surgical medical doctors said no, she's delusional because she's not taking on board our advice. And the court finds in faith with the surgical team rather than the psychiatric team and says, not only are you not allowed to go for an experimental treatment, not only are you not allowed to ask people to crowdfund for you, when people aren't even allowed to mention your name publicly, they put a gagging order and said people aren't even allowed to pray for you by name. That's how you know this is dark. It's wicked. The state, the NHS, the judicial system, they're all supposed to be here to protect people. The whole point of the state is to protect us as in protect our borders, and we have a safety net with our welfare state that if you can't afford health care, then the state provides it for you. It's not supposed to say no, we deem you unfit for treatment you are going to die. Right, we deem you unfit for life, for life. That's what I'm so but everywhere I look at every organ and system, I can't, I see maggots on rotting flesh, everywhere I look. So I have, you know, even in really what I thought, you know, I suppose the pandemic brought out a lot of this originally, which was people you really thought you knew you didn't know at all, because they would totally accept the total state control over your life and all of that sort of stuff. But it seems now to have morphed into almost every aspect of life. And I try and check and balance myself and go, right, are you just a bit too into all of this? And are you a bit too? But actually, I think now I'm just very, very awake to it. And the minute I see it, you can't unsee it. So there's a pattern building up Lawrence. I mean, Sadiq's show is just one among many. There was a baby who had a life threatening illness and the family wanted to take the baby to Rome. And the Vatican said, we will fly your baby out because we have a treatment, we'll fly her out, we'll pay for the whole thing. And the NHS and the courts said, no, again, but this could be happening every day. If the courts are putting a secret gagging orders on families, they're not allowed to speak about this publicly, who knows how many people the state is killing? It's demonic. I mean, you know, I've had a long running situation with the anonymous ban and the material of family court. And it's absolutely vile and disgusting. Are we, is it our duty to call out this evil where we see it? And are we, do you think that is Britain at war with its, with the state? Are we, are we, are we, you know, we all think they're thinking that America's going to go into civil war when orange man bad, you know, because he's so evil. And when they talk about protecting our democracy, which is our communism, actually, is what they're trying to protect. Are we, and he said, our moral duty and obligation for the sake of our children, future children and grandchildren, is it our duty to go to war with these people? And when I say war, I don't mean violent war. And I don't mean hurting people. And I don't mean that. But I mean, is it worth waging a spiritual war on this vile and collective, collectivism, which should protect only the elite? The state is not just at war with us. It's at war with itself, because it doesn't know who it is anymore, what it is anymore. I was talking to Aaron Edwards earlier, he's a former professor at Clifton College. He got sacked for quoting the Bible on Twitter. And the court should have filed in his favor because he was a Christian, a Christian teacher in a evangelical, evangelical college. Anyway, they didn't file it, find in his favor. And he said, because the judiciary is no longer Christian, it's no longer using Christian justice. And I thought that's actually right. And it reminded me of your case, because it should have been clear cut when they said, well, you can't call someone a pedophile, that's defamatory. And then the court should have said, well, you can't also call someone a racist, that's equally defamatory. It's the same, they're exactly the same thing. All of you should have been guilty, or all of you should have been let off to have one side ruled on the other side, not didn't make any sense. But it's because the court is no longer acting in logic, reason, or Christianity. It's acting in this modern world of grasping values from left, right, and center, and replacing what was objective, what's subjective. And we can't work in a world that's subjective. I agree. The thing I love about God and Christianity is it demands something you can never really live up to. But it demands you try to, every single day, you try to espouse, you know, to live that life. And that is a wonderful and noble thing. The thing that I dislike about communism, and I really, really know about Islam, is it doesn't demand anything of you except sacrifice. So you, if you, like, there was one of the eyes of his speeches, he was like, oh, he was a great martyr, he martyred his children, he martyred his wives, he martyred everyone. And it's like, it's so he's going to see Allah. I'm like, well, what could, has that done anybody? God is love. That is what God is to me. God is love. So even when you're angry and furious like I am now, it's like, you've got to think about how to put some love into this situation. God is not murder. God is not the murder of others to justify your own, to prove to your God that you're a better, you're a more wonderful person. And that is why, across the West, there is the only religion that they want to destroy. You and I have spoken about this before, it's the one true religion. And I think we need to be more fundamental in that faith. I don't think I'm good at it, because, you know, I'm not a scholar, I'm not over some of these deeply theological, I mean, I read the Bible. But it's not even that it's how we're formed, right, as individuals, and we're formed, all of us of this generation are formed in like a modern setting. So we're not given the Christian values in their fullest sense, we're given a luke warmness from from the get go. So we have to work backwards to discover the truth. And this is the problem for for my generation, my parents generation, and the generation underneath us as well, in the a hundred years ago, and then all the way to the beginning of this country, people have had the truth given to them. And until this until the boomer generation, and then from the boomers onwards, it's been well, you can take this truth, or you can take another truth, like there are priority of truth, the world is full of truths, discover discover your inner truth, your truth, my truth. It's like, we've let people down while the boomer generation has let people down by not giving them the fullness of the faith, the fullness of Christian values, and saying this is the truth. And this is why we in Britain adhere to it, because Christianity is true, it's good, it's beautiful. Other people don't yet know the truth, but we want to give it to them, rather than say other people have this truth, let's take their truth too. We've flipped it all upside down, so it's not your fault. No, I know, I don't think it's ultimately, I don't really think it's anyone's fault, except that we do not defend the values that others gave their lives for. And therefore, I think, you know, there was a reason, and you know, your revisionist historians will turn around and go, yeah, well, they sent all the working class people off to die on the Somme or in World War II, but there must have been a collective sense of national identity that required for each Englishman to do his duty. And now, Winston Churchill at the front of those working class men, and then we had leaders that weren't noble and believed in fighting the good fight for the right cause for the right reason. He was willing to march into battle. I don't think Kistana would be marching into battle with the infantrymen. No, I don't think Kistana would, I think Kistana, as I've said before, I think Kistana is an English Joe Biden. I think he's a radical, radical leftist, and I think he's a radical socialist. And I think that if we've seen the, you know, sort of nigh on, how many stabbings have there been since he took charge, 50 nearly? I don't know, but we had riots all over the shop. Why did machete has become a normal weapon for an Englishman to carry? Well, if you go, when I worked in Africa, you could buy a fangar for, like, they're able to buy them everywhere. But these are sort of people having sword fights in the streets, literally on our stuff. And we're not allowed to criticize this because these are, but what the, the logicality of it all is what does mine are, because surely you are a minority group. Therefore, you should be able to speak loudly about this. And the world should give you, Calvin Robertson, a mixed race man, a bigger platform, because you are part of a minority group. You're a mixed race man, you know, but you get that treatment because you are a mixed race man who doesn't think like they think. So, it's, it's a, the idea of socialism, the idea of what we're, we're about the journey we have been embarking on as a country, and we're going to continue to embark on as a country is a race to the bottom, where we have to operate the most deviant, vile humans in the world. And our national institutions were built on it. Look at you, Edwards, look at the leading guilty to this stuff. Look at Jimmy Seville, look at the Ralph Harris, look at the long list of people, the establishment of protecting who are deviant child sex offenders, look at them. And they were protected by the establishment. And yet we, who had literally just putting our hands up and going, guys, can we have a conversation about this? Because we, we, we genuinely are worried about the direction our country is going. We've seen daily sword fights, we've got masters of children, we've got terrorists incidents, and we are the enemy somehow. I don't, I don't understand that. I find that really, you know, my sort of autistic logical brain drives me mad about that sort of thing. Yeah, it's either that they are complicit in all of this wickedness and they want it to happen, or they're incompetent to, they don't know how to stop it. So that's why they pick on us as the easiest, easy target. Because again, we're highlighting the problem, the real problems, they can't address the real problems, because either they want them to happen, or they don't know how to stop them. I'm trying to think of something positive that's happened, this vehicle, a good story that we can address. And I can't think of anything. It's been one of those weeks. The reason, I think the reason people want to listen to us to talk is because we're happy to talk about it. And I think that the point is that, you know, these are difficult conversations that for a lot of reasons, people don't want to have, you know, I understand the reasons why people don't want to stand up and I understand the reasons why people just despair at standing up. Yeah, I think it's important that. Did you see that video that went viral, Ariel Fodder, which, hey, hey, white people for Kamala, white women for Kamala, you know, they smile while they're talking, I can't stand it. These are the problem, actually. So not even our politicians, not even the people with the machete's on the streets. The people who are the problem are these middle class liberal white women who've enabled them and encouraged them and and let open the door to let the barbarian in, all in the sake of inclusivity and being emotive. And they are worse than the WEF, the WHO, the UN, the EU and all the big quangos. They're worse than the Mohammedans and the Jews put together. It is the white middle class liberal women who have destroyed Western society. Feminism has been our downfall. And I think a lot of it comes from that Frankfurt school. I think a lot of it comes from Marxism. And unfortunately, the universal suffrage and putting liberal women on platforms has been the downfall of our society. And it's contributed to the repressive tolerance. And I think that people like you and let me, you know, for the last 20 old episodes of this more, we have talked and I've tried to sort of drag you in another direction and test you and where you're at. I'm now like, I just, I cannot get out of the out of the problem of going, you feminism has bought workism into this world. It's bought in victimhood as well. Because, you know, weak women are very good at playing victims. They frequently do. You know, they are the exact thing they accuse you of. So it's always weak women that are feminists. It's never strong women. I mean, the first way feminists, you know, doing bindles and that's a lot. The lesbian feminists, I'm more into and more interested by because they even that's the start, that's the start of the end. If we look at who these liberals are, 50% of them are on antidepressants or have some kind of mental illness at this point. So half pushing on a majority of them have missed something wrong with them. So that's not that they are actually a fault. That's us. That's men being a fault by enabling liberal women to take over society in the name of feminism, this name of egalitarianism or equality or whatever we call it. It's just they know men are the leaders, men are the brain, women are the hearts. It takes two, we complement each other, but men are the leaders of our society instead of saying that we've taken a backseat, let the women get on with it and the men have become more effeminate. The women have become too masculine and now having mental health issues and all everything else crumbles. I find that my own relationship now. Now that I'm having a relationship with an actual woman, she is a woman. She operates like woman and it makes her life so much easier. Oh, it's 20 past five, man. You and I have them. We've spread enough hate speech. Well, next week, I hope that we're back in the studio together to see each other face to face. And so what I know you were looking for some hope. So what? Yeah. How should we finish it? How do we? I've got a prayer. I've got a prayer for the. I love it. Almighty Father, receive into the arms of thy mercy all innocent victims and by thy great might frustrate the designs of evil men and establish thy rule of justice, love, and peace through Jesus Christ, thy son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Ever one God, world without end. Amen. Amen. Amen, Calv. That was hopeful. I love you and I will speak to you next week. I hope I'll see you before and we're heading to the, we're heading to the beautiful place soon. So Lord, because we're not dying. And I mean, who needs to go through it? I'm like sat in here. I'm like, when I walked into it and oh, it's lovely windows. It's so light. And now I'm, now I'm working out what greenhouse is like. That's crazy. But love you too, brother. I'll see you soon. Thank you all for watching. God bless. God bless. (upbeat music)