Twin Terrors Macabre Manor of Mead Metal and Mayhem

Episode 339: Cask ale (Seamus' Celtic adventures part 2)

Welcome back to the Manor and welcome to more of James' adventures in Scotland and Ireland.  This time, he goes into cask ales! Not just the ones he had, but what they are and why they're so beautiful.  So pour yourself a pint, even if it's sadly not cask, and enjoy! Next week's episode is on the 60th anniversary of G.I. Joe. Get in touch with us at Podbean: Or on Facebook: Or on twitter: @Terrors_Manor On Instagram: @macabremanormeadmetalmayhem You can also find our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and I Heart Radio; pretty much wherever fine (and our) podcasts are aired. Image courtesy of: James

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Welcome back to the Manor and welcome to more of James' adventures in Scotland and Ireland.  This time, he goes into cask ales! Not just the ones he had, but what they are and why they're so beautiful.  So pour yourself a pint, even if it's sadly not cask, and enjoy!

Next week's episode is on the 60th anniversary of G.I. Joe.

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Or on twitter: @Terrors_Manor

On Instagram: @macabremanormeadmetalmayhem

You can also find our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and I Heart Radio; pretty much wherever fine (and our) podcasts are aired.

Image courtesy of: James

Welcome to the modern welcome back to the twin terrors macabre manner of me metal and mayhem I'm Jody and I'm shameless and I'm James both of us are one or two or three pints into our cups right now yeah so rather than wow I was gonna really confiscate several words in there between me and her belittle it's no spunarisms let's just say rather than continue being us welcome back to episode two of what I'm calling I went to Ireland and Scotland and I have things to talk about but I'm gonna make it into an actual episode with other things cool and this one we'll get into here in a second and Jody already knows what it is I'm going to ask him what is he drinking that matches up with this I am having a viscous chocolatey roasty old engine oil black ale oh we've talked about how the sweet angelic angels having pillow fights on our tongues as we drink it I think specifically that was you that was specifically me but you know I don't want to necessarily take credit I like I like being able to do things so other people can't take credit I went to the bar and Scarlett Wayne started making their own pizza and today they started for the first time they actually have robots like little Johnny 5 type R2 D2 things that bring the pizza out they mapped it out and they have these they can the robot bring the fucking pizza to your table that's cool it is and I was the first one to have it done and Zach the new guy so I've never mentioned his name behind the bar very cool so I got the first one I'm like I don't care I don't want the credit I just don't want anybody else to say they first it's not a big deal whoo I was the first one whoo nope I just want to be sitting there with somebody's like I was the first one I'm like nah fucker anyway yeah that's not about right yep that's right in my alley don't necessarily need credit but fuck everybody else but yeah that that was me oh and I would feel more sad about you having the old engine oil except I think somewhere in my notes I mentioned that something anyway I'll get to that so that's not what I'm having but if I were to tell you I'm having a beer from Scotland that I rarely really have because it's hard to find and kind of slightly pricey for bottle would you have a would you have a guess first thing that comes to mind in that case would be McEwen's who that's a good guess that's not what I have but that is also a fucking good guess cuz I love McEwen's yeah no hi I've actually had this particular brewery you can find two of their styles in the states kind of if you search for I'm not having the Jacobite oh Tracor house but I'm having the Tuar house ale ale for minute no barrels handmade ale brewed in the ancient brew house of the oldest inhabited house in Scotland okay okay I actually I actually had some of that not too long ago yeah I think I've had this one and the Jacobite in my fridge I think they've been in there a couple years just waiting for a reason to drink them and I thought you know what this is a fucking good reason yeah oh it's okay okay nice little okey little smoky but but it's not hard to jokey so of course my wife and I went Ireland and Scotland I had this on my list of things to possibly do but you can't do everything the timing wasn't gonna work the distance wasn't gonna work I would have loved to have gone to square house but case of raw you can't always do everything right but I can say we did have an episode on square house wide a while back so yeah I'm going to look up when it was and have it by the end of the episode but for now I shall drink my drink for referencing an older episode oh okay I will too hmm fucking old engine oil okay this episode is cask ails yes we have mentioned caskales before but I thought since I got to go over there I got to have let's just say several to underestimate a little bit innocent whistling occurs I thought I'd do a little episode on caskales so I looked up several websites several places a lot of what I'm going to talk about I want to give credit to beer writer Ben McFarland from the UK I did actually look him up to see where he's from I just know he writes for beer and associated things across the pond and he says caskale is without the exception written's finest ever invention that's not opinion that's fact it's better than penicillin better than the internet other than penicillin damn you massage parlors I don't disagree I am kidding but anyway are you though I'm still saying caskales better I'm not saying the penicillin thing's not necessary by the way to warehouse episode 113 from August 14th 2020 okay yeah we talk about the beer talk about the actual inhabitant place and its history yeah yeah caskale also known as cask conditioned beer or real ale is beer that undergoes secondary fermentation in the barrel and brewers of caskale don't interfere with it they don't filter it don't pasteurize it they put that fresh white beer straight to the barrel where still an unfinished form and containing lots of lovely fruity residual yeast remains alive and kicking until it lands in your glass nice oh it's so good oh yeah caskale matures and ripens in the barrel live east not only keeps nibbling away at the sugars turning them into alcohols and creating a soft carbonation rounds off the rough flavors rough edges that brings a greater depth of flavor cool yeah do not disagree with that we'll get to that in a second I'll keep going on the behind the scenes okay yeah this tends to happen in the pub seller with the quality of your pint depends on how well the public's after it there is an art to it and the seller men the publicans all of them they do their best to make sure everything is spotless it's sort of the right temperature sport through pristine pipes regularly because if you let it sit long enough the pipes also get beef out yeah it's just used by a hand it's poured by a hand operated hydraulic pump being drawn up from the seller into the glass so it's never flat should be effervescent little purple in the palette and and again I'm gonna give credit to Ben some of this is his yeah I do give credit words do but I love that trickle on the palate as a wonderful little well I just dropped every word in English language I had that happen today yeah anyway I wish I had a lovely foamy white head and it's it doesn't mean keg beer's bad that's the opposite that's what we typically have in the states is keg beer yeah it's it's just not and these are not my notes it's just not that smooth creaminess of cascales and yeah and I get it I'm gonna talk more about the temperature and everything and I get why a lot of Americans want holder beer but I like cask it cascales are good yeah it's a served by gravity as mentioned without the use of carbon dioxide pressure it's unpasteurized and filtered naturally condition mention that typically it's a hand pumped from couple different types of vessels which is the furkin which is a wooden bucket made of oak staves and a little hoop or a keg you know but but it's not it's still considered caskale because of how it's stored and poured right I'm not gonna get into the sizes of those sizes of those because it's not a big deal but I will say that caskales are typically served at cellar temperatures which are 10 to 14 degrees Celsius because you know British yeah what are you gonna do but I've got some Fahrenheit here for American listeners in a moment okay but they're best enjoyed so some people say they're best enjoyed in winter months where you've not go you don't have any place to go and everything and I disagree I think they're good year-round and and here's my note here my notes on Fahrenheit caskales are best served at cellar temperature which means 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit typical beers are served from 38 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit so hmm augers are served colder than ales strung the beers are served warmer than weaker beers and darker beers served warmer than lighter beers but we all know in the States probably not worrying about the temperature too much and they're just serving everything at that fucking cold-ass motherfucking 38 degrees that every fucking American bar serves things at yeah okay I'm being mean every shitty sports bar you go to a brew pub I mean they it's hard to keep things at different temperatures but they they do a little bit better yeah I mean I did see a little note that said chords light for example said to taste best in the low 40s there's oh you so you've been to Twin Peaks restaurant right yeah yeah we got one here in Huntsville yeah I've not been we have a couple in Indiana and as I drive by one because one's by the beer store I really like to go to it actually advertises them serving like having 31 degree beer yes yeah they yeah I can't really say that I'm on to that if I'm going if I'm going to Twin Peaks it's not for the beer right it's for the food yeah yeah the food sure yeah I I wouldn't mind going what was the there there was a Scottish one for what tilted kill yeah it's basically the same thing yeah and as Hooters like it's a Hooters type of thing right yeah pretty much yeah except Hooters has the orange shorts to kill had short short killed skirts and Twin Peaks has like a lumber Jill lumberjack type of thing yeah but I will say this that there's been a few times I've been in there where the waitresses were wearing more like lingerie well okay I don't want a 31 degree beer but if I ordered one I could sit there with my in which is what I do if I go someplace in the beers too cold I will hold the pint glass in my hands until it warms up yeah sure I I guess I could check it out just to see how good the food is you know to be honest told to kill had some good food yeah yeah and I only got to go that one time but yeah it was it was good yeah I went only a few times the food was good the service ended up being great I don't know why it all went under doesn't matter yeah but I even like Hooters Buffalo sauce like their chicken sandwich and their curly cries aren't bad like is it gonna be gourmet no but it's good for that type of chain restaurant yeah so anyway and Twin Peaks I bet you're fine I should actually try your food I hate that you advertise 31 degree beer because it's bullshit that's cold but when you drink an American macrologger like bud and floors and Miller and you don't want it warm because it's not great beer yeah so so I get it but okay I'm gonna move on unless you have things to add not about that no all right so Cascale should be served from 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit which is at the very top end and even higher than normal beers that you would get at places uh-huh guys I'll talk about that here in a second but the beer engine should always be kept under pressure so it won't spoil keeps the beer fresh you want to go through the tap slowly prevents unwanted foam from being released into the glass so you just pour it slow and steady and I'll say when I went over so our first night was in Northern Ireland where I did have a couple of Guinness so my first Guinness wasn't at any place I mentioned in the Guinness episode but when I got to Northern Ireland we did stop at a little country pub for my first pint of Guinness and it was still magical nice but we went over to Scotland and when I talk about the foods I'll mention haggis when we get there but when we stopped had some haggis my first beer was a Cascale and that warm creaminess was fucking phenomenal fantastic now was that was was that because you did have old engine oil on cask I did and I'm pretty sure I have that note here some place okay but that wasn't the no no that that wasn't even remotely the first okay um no no that was the first one you mentioned when you were texting or not texting um posting stuff on Facebook oh could have been because yeah yeah you know you have to make choices no no uh La Clamonde was the first place at a Cascale but then we were out Isle of Sky for two nights where I had a shut ton of Cascale before we went to Inverness which is on Loch Ness yeah I had even more Cascale before I had the old engine oil on cask I don't know how much I'll talk about this in a future episode but I know I mentioned it to Jody where I got on the app that shall not be named when I got back to the States and it only let you go back so far I couldn't even see all of the places I'd been for my stats and the stats still said I like I had like sixty eight sixty like the high sixties I think you may remember when I told you sixty some new beers and that in Ireland I had mostly Guinness so yeah I had so many new beers between caskales and oh god I had but they do half oh here you go I probably won't talk about this so miles will do it now in the UK they are okay with half pints they will serve you a pint but you can ask for a half because they're okay with an eight or ten ounce pour so I had a shit out of half high caskales yeah that's that's nice actually because that that gives you a chance to try more things without being shit-based yeah so you can enjoy yeah so Inverness for example so it wasn't the first place in Scotland but when we got there when we went in the first we went on a Loch Ness tour that'll be a different episode because I want to talk about Loch Ness Nessie part two yeah yeah we've done an episode on that because we've done this yeah in fact I can tell you oh really can I not show up I know found it June 19 2020 episode 105 cryptids part two Nessie so four years later yeah here so I'll talk about that but we had to we got into early we had to wait around for the tour so we went to a couple places one was black friars oh well here I've got that known a second but the next one I went to is called the Phoenix where I tried three different caskales but I got hats cool oh so good where was I okay it's gonna gonna go with my notes now some some of these may be a little well we'll see so my next note says of course I've had caskales here in the States uh-huh in fact I've got a note here about Piper's pub I just saw so we'll get to that here in a second we can both talk about but I do mention some gorgeous ones but it does seem though that the best ones are those of lower gravity which means lower ABV okay although I dearly love to try a barley wine in a cask would be full would be but that that's my my thing and my note is oh oh my god I must have been writing this as I was drinking because I'm like and may have it's more of the style when you write things they sound better read in your head than they do read out loud yeah like I can read talking all the time but if I was to read talking out loud I'd be like oh Jesus yeah anyway um let's say may have it's more of the style with multi-or-being better than for example a triple IPA hmm but I don't know and to be honest though whether it's from technique or just that it was over there the lower ABV caskales I did have in Scotland where typically more phenomenal than the ones I had here because the average in the missile actually did the math on I didn't give an exact but I said the average was around four percent okay so so when I had a half pint those half pints are only four percent half pints so if I had three or four of those that's really no different than having a pint of a double IPA that almost every American brewery makes yeah so yeah I could have one or two of those and still be good to go okay yeah let's see my next note is the highest rated was the world's end bidder at the world's end pub in Edinburgh okay so good I've mentioned a podcast about moon underwater we kind of did a take off on that on one of our episodes they've mentioned the dog does bar in Edinburgh and I tried to go there but we drove around I saw it but if I'm parking within like a half a mile there there was another pub I want to go to that's not coming to me off hand I don't have to note here but they actually the road that our GPS told us to take was blocked off and no matter how we tried to go around it kept telling us to go back there sort of like fuck it yeah but in Edinburgh that was the one place the pub I went to but it was phenomenal I gave it five stars on the app that shot I'll be named nice oh so good but but honestly except for some of the the nonny like out of Schwartz beer on cast that was good but it was one of my lower ones but most of them were 4.5 to 4.75 okay here's my note of note one was old engine oil yeah which I mentioned that one specifically to Jodi I sent him a picture because he's been bragging about the old engine oil he had on tap and I'm not saying a wife had it on cast actually old engine oil I think would be good either way that is a beer that is not really cast ready it was great I'm glad I had it but but but I'm gonna call it a draw in the fact that you had it from a cake because it was good but it wasn't that creamy caskail that I had at a lot of the places okay another one I had that I just want to mention because of who it is was not great as a caskail because it's an American style but it was where to go well neck oil by Beavertown brewing which is a brewing company started by Logan plant son of Led Zeppelin's rubber plant nice so I knew about that I heard about it I knew who he was so we got to black dryers and and up on Loch Ness yeah and I saw him like whoa whoa there Jack he's like good for you baby I was excited it was literally the only place I found it so I'm glad I got to try it yeah but but I'll say on all of sky I love sky brewing had several on cast that I got to try or me brewing on Loch Ness I mean they're not on Loch Ness but they were well represented in Loch Ness area all of those were just fucking phenomenal cool I bet I've had some good ones so Jody and I both been to Broad Ripple brew pub in Indianapolis yeah yeah good stuff there yep good stuff they always have a couple cask usually an ESB a porter sometimes Scottish shell but the owner brewer is English I did not know that oh yeah yeah yeah so it's that whole English pub vibe is because he's from England I know his son Alec who we Alec heavy the the scott shell they brew his named after his son Alec okay yeah but Alec and his wife own Mayfair Mayfair pub Mayfair something in Indianapolis they open up their own little place that's a restaurant that it has awesome food but they serve Broad Ripple brew pub ails including cask okay and some other beers and they're great but yeah I got to know Alec pretty well that's how I found out so yeah but but that's my one of my points because I also now mentioned Piper's pub in Pittsburg a Scottish pub that we've been to yes yeah but their caskales are typically because they're the owners or whatever know that culture okay so and you've been to McNivans in Indianapolis before it closed sure oh that's where we went with our friend from my school Don oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well yeah it's easy for me to remember I've been there several times before we closed but they would have a caskale and they would generally have some good ones but they would also have a lot of local ones from Sun King which was like a seven percent IPA and stuff and those those just aren't as good to me on cask okay but you know I still got it on cask so who might have bitch oh yeah that's a it's kind of the caskill things but I tell you that oh man they just oh okay I don't know if this come up in a future when I don't have this note but I thought about it earlier my god I should say it now the the one place we stayed at that my wife liked the least was though a place called the crown which was close to the ferry when we I'll talk about that in another episode but ended up being my favorite because it's the old British English Scottish thing of I we walk in and the bottom floor is a pub nice oh yeah and I walk in and they're there we have a luggage they look at us they say hello hey well you know and I say hi we have a reservation where do we check in and she's like right here she has the computer she pulls it up she gets a key not a key card a key nice and she takes us up this winding stairs to the next floor and we have a room above the pub we get settled Jackie's tired she wants to relax I go down with my well I'm reading two towers at the time still I am you know I haven't quite finished it go down and oh my god this is the quintessential they had Cascale they had these gorgeous beams of wood and just oh I had a couple Cascale there went up to sleep I drank at the pub and then I walked up a flight of stairs and slept at the pub oh that's awesome it's like a D&D adventure oh my god I didn't even think about that you just blew my mind hole sure you're not wrong I mean all this time I'm thinking about these books I've read and I'm like oh this and this and the culture and this and this you're not wrong damn well now that's hopefully what I dream about tonight so okay as we record it has it's a Thursday we came back a Thursday like literally about two weeks ago almost exactly at this point within an hour or so we got back home from our trip and I have not had one night where I've not dreamt about being over there a couple of them had nightmares because well we talked about this before we recorded early didn't we because our subconscious don't always like us but yeah oh Cascale and buyers and beams and so anyway I'm going to end with my last note of which what I choose Cascale nearly every time even if it means staying sober due to lower gravity which is not a bad thing even here in the States if I'm at home of course I'll suck down two or three barley wines to get kind of tanked and fall asleep you know and my bed or my on the couch or my chair whatever right but when I'm out doing things I do have several beers and I might get tipsy because that's what happens I would rather have lower ABV beers and you know for the same number of pints and just be more sober and have more fun yeah but that is what I have on Cascales in general what they are what I've had oh world's in bitter oh baby anyway my good sir I'm gonna put the pint in my face do you have anything you'd like to add or just talk about in general to go with this well okay so we're gonna say we can end but we had mentioned in the Guinness episode Piper's pub letting us go check out their Cascale setup yeah yeah so we did really follow up on that no which which I don't really have much it's just neat going down to the basement seeing how they store it where the pipes come in but there's little room they have that was separate from the cakes oh god that was a little room if I remember right the room might be overselling it the cask closet perfect I don't think we because I think there was like another room for one person of course there were I mean there was stuff in there there were there were casks and other things in there but yeah I don't think I we didn't we kind of had to stand did we actually go in I might I mean it's been fucking years but my memory is we kind of put her head in yeah yeah yeah we we just kind of looked from out in the hallway but yeah that was wicked cool that they let us check that out I don't even remember why I just know we're both talking to the guy and he's like yeah come on and check it out because I don't remember I don't remember getting one and but you did and that may have been what started the conversation I could have been as I was writing my article for the the Morgantown newspaper to maybe we went up there and I did my thing no no I call them I call them separately no that yeah we just were hanging out and they're like yeah check it out yeah yeah because we I mean the main reason we went was we were hoping they were gonna have the Guinness 250 because that that was the year it came out oh that Guinness 250 and the Cascale and yeah I'm pretty sure Piper's Pub was the first place I had a Cascale because a home brewing friend of mine Mike down in the Morgantown area talked about it and so I found out I'm like oh yeah I gotta try this yeah I don't like I said I don't remember if I had a Cascale when we were there because I might have been trying to pace myself a little bit more I thought you did but I have yeah cuz we probably had because we probably did the Guinness and then we that's my memory but again that was quite a while that's 15 years ago if it was 2009 that was 15 years ago yeah that's that's a bit of time see I can math go you okay on that note James thinks about math and gets an erection only half okay maybe three quarters excuse me as I whipped this out nobody wants to see that it's like your religion it's all fun and loyalty put in somebody's face I'm good if you go but if you have more I just don't we said we talk about it but it was just really neat yeah no that's yeah I'm like you man I was like that was so so long ago I don't I remember going I remember having the Guinness I remember having the Scotch eggs oh yeah that was the first time I'd ever tried Scotch eggs oh they were good okay anyway between math the Scotch eggs shepherd pie and Cascale I do have a full erection okay on that notes yeah write us write us review us I'm good now but now I'm sleepy okay I am good but do you have anything else no I do not okay in that case we hope you've enjoyed our episode on Cascale and and shepherds pie erections but I am warehouse James I am old engine oil Joey and we will Cascavon to middle our rule at you later the macabre manners brought to you by the twin terrors all rights reserved stay tuned for some fun outfits I'm back I don't know if you are I am she said okay it sure fall you're the one who got me hooked on a rumpel stiltskin no diamond you know tomato tomato potato I just hope it's all that you keep lubricated with okay