Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

Sammy Guevara Returns To Action; Ultimate X Qualifiers | ROH & TNA 8/8/2024 Show Review & Results

2h 21m
Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Kate (@MissKatefabe) and SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) review tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel (@JoelPearl) and Cresta (@CrestaTheeStarr) bring you tonight’s TNA post show:

Ring Of Honor:

-Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. “The Infantry” Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean for the ROH Tag Team Titles

-Tony Nese vs. Tomohiro Ishii

-Taya Valkyrie vs. Hyan

-Johnny TV vs. Fuego Del Sol

-Darian Bengston vs. Robbie Eagles

-“The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum vs. Stephen Barrett and Wolf Brown

-Rachael Ellering in action

TNA Impact:

-Jordynne Grace’s open challenge for the Knockouts Championship

-Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham

-Joe Hendry vs. Wolfgang

-Mike Bayley vs. Trent Seven vs. Jake Something in a qualifying match for the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence

-Zachary Wentz vs. KC Navarro vs. a mystery person in a qualifying match for the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence

-The System open the show

-Josh Alexander speaks

-The fallout from the PCO and Steph De Lander wedding

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But yet, in those super chats, if there's anything that you want to talk about, my mouse is a little funky, so pulling them up is going to be interesting, but we're going to make it work. We're going to make it work. But we were talking right before we went on air. It's really a breath of fresh air when all they have to do is try a little bit with this promotion, because the talent is so outstanding, my goodness, when they get a chance to showcase like they did tonight, got some longer match times than we were getting in the past. That was hot there for ROH, like really, really, really good stuff. I am excited because right now I'm excited about ROH. I'm not excited about the Athena storyline. I'm not excited about what they might do, where they could go. I'm excited because it feels like they flipped a Switch SP3, and I'm digging that, so hopefully you guys are too. Get in those super chats. If there's anything you want to talk about, please leave a thumbs up on this video as well. We'll remind you, there's never been a better time to subscribe to The contract news about Penta and Phanix went up there. The drama about MJF and Britt Baker. There were a lot of updates on the drama outside of the ring that went up there. I'm going to try and get the scoop about what's going on with these tigers behind SP3's head. My goodness. I am intimidated, a pile driver finisher saying, "What up, Fletch lights?" No Kyle Fletcher tonight, but a really... He's moving on. He's onto bigger and better things. Seems like he's moving on based on yesterday's Dynamite, but he did some really impressive work at his TV title range. So good for him, but head over to and subscribe. I'm going to try and get in that Discord more. We do have a Discord where you can talk to normal people. Lifehack, get banned on Twitter and join threads as well. It's like if Twitter were normal. It's great. I love it. I'm never leaving. I'm so glad to be banned on Twitter right now. It's the best. Yeah. I heard this from third parties that my co-host here got banned from Twitter for being too honorable. Well, it's true. I shook hands. You know what I mean? But I got more DMs that were like, "Are you locked out because you didn't tweet about Robbie Eagles at all?" I got like four or five of those and I was like, "I'm a TMD Kate. That's what we do here." But... I did the tweet for you. I was like, "I saw..." TMD case is going to be happy. The happiest, the happiest that Gory special made is such a nasty, nasty... Is it the Gory special or the Ron Miller special? Ron Miller special. The Ron Miller special. I always flip them up in my head. Shame on me for that. That was a great match. Ishii, showing up was fun. We got so much great wrestling to talk about. So get in those super chats, but SP3, do you share the same enthusiasm I do? It feels like we're both kind of in this cautiously optimistic boat of, "This is great. Are they going to actually sustain it after these tapings?" Oh. That's my only worry. That's the only thing I'm like, "Oh my God." Why can't August stay forever, because I know they're only here until all in, but it's going so well, like tape the whole rest of the year while you're in. Staying that these crowds love it, too. These crowds are incredible. Yeah. The crowds have been great. You got fresh talent coming in, like Robby Eagles and Tomahira Ishii. We had some follow-up from last week's show, which we never really have. It takes like a month, usually, to have a follow-up from something that happened a week prior, but you get Sammy, who made his return at the end of last week's show. We kick off the show with his official Ring of Honor in Ring Day View. You had the infantry backstage segment with Undisputed Kingdom. They followed that up with the title match this week. The only problem, I will give the overall show a score of, it would be seven and a half. Like last week's show, I gave a seven and a half, too. I would give this show a seven and a half, but it gets dropped down to the six and a half because you know what they didn't follow up on. We had no beef, no white, fresh, wonderful beef, no down 1.6.5 on tape. There was a sincere lack of beef on the show, but there was also a sincere lack of anti-Henry on the show. So maybe we're just getting better at rotating our talent a little bit, but I feel like even as a vegan beef should be everywhere. You know what I mean? Should be beef. We didn't get any maximum male model. I mean MXM, come on. No MXM either, but some good movement in the tag division and you know what, if it means a better talent rotation, if we're getting alternate weeks so that people can have matches of length, I'm in on that because we did have a tag title defense, which is something that we just used to never forget. So happy about that, but let's get into this episode. We get welcomes by Ian and Caprice before throwing to the opening match and right off the bat, I did want to mention we sing their praises most weeks. They are excellent. They are even better when they actually have something to be talking about. Like they are so, so good at kind of piecing things together on a product that feels directionless as ROH often has. We didn't even get a big Josh reference today and I still just get so blown away by what Ian and Caprice are able to bring to the product and when there is clarity in the product, it's just up on a whole other level. This was a little bit longer episode. It felt like it flew and so much of that is just the incredible work that the two of them do. So kudos to them always, but do you feel like it's elevated now that they actually have stories to talk about? Yeah, yeah, you can really start to like appreciate them for someone who would probably just be watching a Ring of Honor episode. They not to keep you like up to date on everything going on. If you missed something, they'll let you know why this match is happening and pretty much they gave like a good explanation for every match on this show and where it was going or where people are trying to put themselves in position for Ian and Caprice. The best commentary team in the entire Tony Converse, as I call it, they are the best team. Nigel still the best combo. I call it the Converse. I love it. I love that. Beautiful. But Nigel still my gosh, I'm trying to get some Nigel points. He's still the best commentator in the Converse, but the best commentary team is Ian and Caprice. Keep digging yourself out of the hole you're in like the digging of clams that Brian Davidson does. But I will say my favorite, I think my favorite call may be ever under the AEW umbrella was the Bullet Club Gold versus FTR almost an hour match that was Ian and Nigel. There was just sometimes magic just happens with combinations and that was unreal to me. That call is like, if you ever want to be an aspiring commentator, like everybody should be listening to that call. It was so brilliant from beginning to end at no point did you feel like, because we didn't know that match was almost going to go an hour when it happened and it just seamlessly started going by and then you were like, hey, this is going going on for a bit. But like the two of them on the soundtrack of that, my God, every indie commentator should listen to it. Every TV commentator should listen to it. It's brilliant. Ian, Ian and Caprice are the current best commentary team in the Converse. The best commentary team in the Converse, but the best, maybe the best commentary team of all time by top five would be Ian and Nigel. Yes, I agree with you. That was their whole run when Kevin Kelly went to G1 and Ian was on collision. They brought collision up. They elevated collision. That was part of the best run of collision episodes was Ian and Nigel together. He would just at all time team that I'm just still confused on why we could, Ian, let's the work. We could have Ian on Ring of Honor and have him on collision too. It's fine. We don't need to, you know, overwork Tony and Shabani, Tony's funny been doing this, but God damn, all my life, like 15, even before he was alive, like he been doing it too long. Like let Ian get some burn. I love that. I think part of I've been told is that with a lot of our wage tapings, I don't know if it's still the same way with collision now, but they'll do the commentary in post because these episodes get spliced together anyway. So Ian actually gets to be like home with his family and not have to travel. He's only a man. He can be bought throughout millions of dollars at him. I'm sure he'll resign from the school board. Just buy him off. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy whose soul is for sale, but no, every man has a price I've been told. So, but let's get into this episode. We've got Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara defeating the dark order here and what was a hell of a return. I felt like for Sammy Guevara, nit pick off the top, Dustin Rose just won the trio's titles. Why is he tacking with Sammy? We had the explanation for why his trio's partners left on the pay-per-view, but we don't have an explanation whether or not here tonight. But commentary here doing a nice job of saying, you know, dark order is a serious tag team to be taken serious for that the tag titles eventually, but this is more personal. And I felt like the story of them saying like we've been underrated, we've been overlooked, and the kind of, it feels inherent to ROH of, I feel like ROH stories have always been at their best when the stories are mostly about what's in the ring. It's very fun to have our don't castles ready, granted stuff, but like the heart of ROH has felt like stories of me and I've been losing a lot, I have to change who I am a little bit, right? Like things like that. So it was nice to have that kind of heart of ROH appear with this heel turn from them, but this was always going to be Sammy Guevara's to win. He wins with the GTH, but I loved that he did the Lisex God's pose, but he didn't spin a Rooney before that. I thought that was a nice shout out to Booker T. Dustin trying to do that was also hilarious, and I thought this match was great. There was a ton of punishment that Dustin took, which set up a nice babyface comeback for Sammy. The only thing that made me nervous was that 630, he kind of landed on his feet, but not totally. I was like, "Don't pull out your ankles and your return. What are we doing?" But I had a lot of fun with this opener, SP3. What did you think? Yeah, I thought it was a decent little opener here. Really a showcase for Sammy Guevara who had the string in his step. My only nitpick is that graphic, the graphic for the match up with Sammy with a man bun and sticking his tongue out. I was like, "Nothing screams, not a babyface, more than your tongue out and a man bun." I'm just saying, brother, we've got to switch that up. You've got to put Sammy in your mouth, you've got to let the hair flow. You've got some long hair now, and you've got your hair in that man bun. What are you doing? Just show off the long hair. You've got long hair for the first time in the world, let's show it off. But other than that, I really did enjoy Dustin's work and his selling of the knee because, man, this crowd in Arlington loved this man. When he sells that knee for the first time and he dropped to his knees, the whole crowd did a hush silence. He was really hurt. I was like, they are jib, you always could burn, but this man's well-being. I was like, he's obviously selling guys. We're only like a minute into the match. Well, he is not on the younger side of things, so you never know, but as Reynolds, a professional, as always. You would have thought that he fell over for his life alert the way people had their hush silence. They were like, "Are you okay? Are you okay, papa? Are you okay, papa?" Oh, my gosh. That throws me back so hard to those commercials. I fell and I can't get up. We're aging ourselves a little bit here, but I'll take it. I'll take it. I'm all about aging myself. See, I got a little salt in my beard and I'm all about aging myself, but yeah, Sammy looked really good. I think he was moving too fast because that Spanish fly, he landed John Silver right on his dog. He went right on his dog. I was like, there was no hiding that, but in the end, he looked good hitting the GTH for the win. Good stuff. Good stuff from Sammy looking good in his return and him and Dustin, I'm okay with them being a tag team and Dustin being the ROH six-man tag team champions because I feel like you can tell a good story where Dustin said he's looking for more. So he already has the six-man tag team titles. He knows that Marshall and Ross are a tag team themselves. He says, I want more. You guys can go for more. You guys go for the tag team titles, but I'm going to go for the tag team titles with Sammy and you can lead to maybe those two teams facing off where we have the ROH six-man champions going against each other to get a shot at the ROH tag team title. So I see that they can build towards that. I see a vision for the future. Dustin, you get one. Okay. So it's come in here and monopolize all the titles. I still think the money is in Sammy Guevara versus Atlanta's Jr. for that TV title. I just think that would be a fantastic matchup. But a pilot driver finisher saying what I was thinking about too is that they are both AEW originals and on ROH like I feel like that should be kind of part of the story here. This is something that continues if this was just Sammy's return match. That's totally fine. But some good stuff in here. We also had Uno with a chair spot that looked really nasty. The camera angle on that was perfect. John Selver with just his suplexes are great and that bridging suplex you through in here was fantastic. Alex Reynolds really, really, really underrated. And it's nice to see that this got some tie, but got some breathing room. They had space to tell a story in this and they told a complete one. He is being really weird in the chat and thinks I can't just go, "Oops, fan user." Drop that band hammer like boom. So I think people think that Sean is going to get mad at me or if I do or something. And he is like just so much worse and so much not not worse. He just doesn't give up. So I don't know why they still Santi's last name is their last name. But real weird. Real weird people in the chat. Weird. Come hang out in the Fightful Select discord. There won't be that there. But we've got business to talk about SB3, okay. We have a minion empowerment meeting and there are some harsh consequences for losing your title as we found out. Athena has a private meeting with Billie and she's frustrated because Stark's lost her title and she revokes her MIT diploma and basically not even puts her on probation. Minion in training once again. She gets full on demoted here, okay. And then Queen Amenata and Red Velvet roll up. It's a private meeting. She says the door is closed, okay. And she said, "I don't know. I loved Queen Amenata being like, "I don't know." But I think said probably not, very natural with these, but they call out Athena's actions. I'm sorry, call out whatever actions you want. Athena was fighting with one frickin' leg, but she might have had some assistance and they want. I didn't see anything. I didn't see it. That's just what I've heard. It's a nasty rumor, but people are just always trying to take down our forever champ. So, is what it is, I guess. But Billie Stark's having to pay for her crimes of losing the title. In the process, Athena mentions that Lexi was like right there for her. So, some really good stuff there and they set up a tag match for later in the night. What did you think of the setup and then we will talk about the match that closed the show here? I thought the setup was really well done and it surprised me because when was the last time we got like a segment to set up the main event of the night on a ROH TV show? I know! It was like, this felt like an episodic wrestling TV show. I was very much surprised. I was like, wait, we're doing angles for later. I literally had someone when I had doubts that this match was happening on the night. So, what was arguing with me in my comments, like, no, I don't think it's happening tonight. I was like, they literally said it. You're like, I don't know, I probably haven't had the stavings, but it's going to go next week. I was like, no, I literally shared the tweet with her. I was like, what are you even watching? I saw that. Why? I think I heard what they said. They said it tonight. Athena also retweeted it, which is what told me that it was probably accurate. I was like, I think she probably knows if her match is on, but this is so good. I think it's setting up for a Billy Stark's heel turn on Athena, and she kind of even says in this promo, like, I don't want to be made, but you're right, like, as great as the content was, it was almost just the act of a segment setting up the main events and the main event feeling like something made of it worthy, right? We've said so many times that the editing of these has felt that of order sometimes. Clean, simple, beautiful, sorry, Billy, we said this, we said this when they said their tape and I was like, we hope they do this tag team match up and we got it done. We booked it for, you know, Tony, we appreciate you for watching. I hope you drop the thumbs up like everyone else and show your support to what we do here. We're, you know, I expect my check in the mail or Lisa DM just a Lisa DM be like, thanks for that idea. That's all I want. I don't need to check. I don't need to check. Just DM me. Tell me and just be like, I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. You know, you know, you know, you got any other ideas for next week? I was like, I got you, I got you, I got you, I got you to big T. Okay. But like this, let's touch tips and manifest Beth Phoenix versus Athena, Ben. I think that's how manifesting works because every time we touch tips on an episode, this does they do manifest something. We do manifest something. So we're getting Beth and Phoenix versus Athena. Hell yeah. Come on. How great would that be? It would be incredible. But I like, I like the storytelling with Billy. Billy's really kind of showing her growth. Like before we were talking about when she was, you know, as bring of honor, women's TV champion, she was showing that confidence, showing a different side of herself as a heel. And now that we are slowly approaching her, finally kind of breaking free from the minion and training, you see the kind of, she's showing, she's telling a whole story with her facial expression. Yes. While Athena is like breaking her down, telling her she's had her diploma in bulk, that she's now a minion in training. You see that the cracks are showing like she's, she's showing that she is getting upset with what Athena is saying. She doesn't want to listen to her anymore, but she's still on board because Athena has done so much for her. And it's also the, the overall change that we're seeing of her coming out with a matching gear to Athena with the purple hair like Athena, like it's great stuff. It's great story without saying words. So good. Me, Norma said tornado warning at the me castle got to go. Well, thank you so much for even sending in a chat, but way more importantly, stay safe out there. Please, please, please, please. We always appreciate your support. You're always so kind to us. And I just hope that your power doesn't go out so that your refrigerated meats don't spoil over there. But Louisville saying support for the forever champ and minion overlord. She really is the best. They're so, I was a big fan of, oh my God, I'm, I'm sorry. How great is our chat? Someone want to touch tips? Louisville. A shock also getting it on the act. I love it. I love it. So, so much. Me, Norma's was like, before I ever responded to the state of emergency, we got to be touching tips. I love it. I absolutely love it. I love those guys too, but it was such a fan of Ember Moon and her character work came across so different and NXT, but was always very prevalent, but it was, it was like dark and cool and whatever. This version of her, we have seen everything. We have seen dominant heel champion. We have seen comedic. We have seen the baby face stuff that she did with Nyla Rose. We've seen her sneaking out of things with Queen Amanada. Like she has showcased just the fullest extent of the law, what her abilities are. But it's, it's never fallen flat. There's never been a chapter in this that has felt like, eh, like other than some weird booking around the first time she faced Billy. So I'm, I'm all in on that, but let's talk about this match. Now it was our main event. You do have your ROH women's forever world champion Athena with Lexi Nair, a Deputy Queen Amanada and your TV champion and Billy Starks, obviously, but Lexi Nair is being vital to this whole picture with the demoted. I love that you just did what Lexi Nair did on the intro where she was like, I'm their opponents, Billy Starks and you're a minion. We know what we're doing over here. Okay. We're professionals. We know what to do when someone's demoted. They become an afterthought, but they defeat Queen Amanada and your now champion, Red Velvet. And we had Amanada and Athena at a tug of war for the mic, which was really, really nice and Starks striking velvet with the world title before getting the win in this MIT standing tall as the broadcast goes off. So I like this. I like that Billy got demoted and she's working her way back up because at some point she is going to get frustrated and at some point she's going to turn on Athena and that will be a sad day for minions. But really good storytelling in our main event. Queen Amanada is great Red Velvet and we say all the time just how far along she's come. This was a blast. All four of these women can go and some really strong story in this. What do you think of our main event? Really good matchup. I thought it was just great storytelling being told throughout the match. Like I said, with the clothes and attire with Billy Starks matching up with Athena, you also had Queen Amanada and Red Velvet matching up Red Velvet had new music as well. Not the original. Staring up. Staring up. Staring up. Staring up. I have mixed feelings because I love that, but this matches the character more I feel like. So that's good, but I also just sometimes you just got to stir it up, you know? I do I do agree with you there, but I like I like this whole, you know, storytelling that they have. I like the fact that they did this tag team matchup now because you know, we were asking why they didn't do the tag team matchup ahead of death before dishonor with the fact that there was champions on both sides. It made the outcome a little bit more unpredictable than it would have been before death before dishonor where the baby faces were challenging the heels and the matchup and it made more sense for the baby face to win if they did this matchup before the pay-per-view doing it after the pay-per-view with Red Velvet as the woman's TV champion and made it more you know, unpredictable. I could have seen Queen Amanada getting the win here to get another shot at the ROH women's world title or even Red Velvet setting up a champion versus champion matchup. But I like the story telling with Athena tried to cheat, but she got caught by Queen Amanada because she was expecting it and Billy once again, learning that you have to learn from North forever champion, you have to learn from her and find different ways to get the win. So I'm asking from a microphone and she said, give me the title, gets the title, blast the Red Velvet in the head with it to pick up the victory. So she's learning and we need Billy to go on a little streak now to try to earn her way back into graduation as a minion and get back into the good races of Athena, only for Athena to still be her mess and not really wanting to acknowledge all the work that Billy has done, which is takes Billy further and further into her breaking point where she finally snaps and turns against Athena. So it's good storytelling. You can see where it's going and I think that we're going to do a slow burn as we head. I think we're doing one year in the making, probably at final battle by the end of the year. We're getting Billy and Athena again there. I think that's very possible. This from Louisville just, we'd have it on is great. She should find a new brand and get some business elsewhere, let our champion be. I agree. We've got a forever champion around. Okay. So go, go fulfill your potential somewhere else because it just, it ain't happening on this brand, but this was a super fun mean event. Go to collision. We love that for you. We love colliders. So I'm sure Nigel will have a crush on you just like he does Mariah Mae, but we do move along in this episode. Guys, get in your super chats if there's anything you want to talk about. It's so nice to want to talk about so much of this. Like there's, there's really so much development and it feels like they flipped a switch, just like a little bit of effort is all it took. But you've got Tyya Valkyrie defeating Hyen who we love around these parts. She's excellent. We've seen her in ROH before. We've seen her on a W before we've seen her in New Japan strong, doing some excellent work. I believe she's been in CML to doing really impressive stuff. Rev first. She's been everywhere. I think Rev pro. But I, I was so glad to see her show up because I think she's great and Tyya Valkyrie man. She tweeted something the other day. Someone had commented on what we've noticed here, which is that her conditioning is improved and it's showing up in the ring and she tweeted something about like amazing things happen when you take care of your mental health and it's such like that's where that game starts. Right? Like my goodness. But boy does she look great and she always looks great. But like her gear today with the cutouts along like the cutouts going long instead of across my goodness like she always has the charisma of a star and she's always looked excellent. But like it, it's really, really showing up and it shows up so much in the ring. I loved the limb work that we got in this, which is not like always the house that she goes to. But I'm a techer sicko. So you know, I loved that. But she went with this. Should I have pain? Let's go girls. I'm here for that. Very nice to see high end here. She didn't get in some offense. Johnny TV at ringside, another great piece of commentary in Rick Abani saying, you know, she's a valuable manager to Johnny TV and this good in the ring and he likened it to it's like when I catch her becomes a manager because your mind is so good for it. And I was like, God, he's good at all of it. What an excellent, excellent pull instead of like she wears many hats. He's like drawing that connective tissue is just really a work from him. But this was so much fun and this is like everything I wanted for Tya Valkyrie. I wanted her to come here, look like a star, feel like a star. She just looks so, so, so comfortable in there these past couple months. And it brings me so much joy because I just want the best for her, but this is super fun and Johnny at ringside. What a goof. What a goofball. I love that we have the Starship pain and the Shania pain like with the two of them. It's just fantastic, but your thoughts on this, I was happy to see high end get some reps here too. Yeah, I was happy to see high end here. I would love for her to get more opportunity, more reps on a ring of honor TV, maybe even surprises get a victory or two that would be fun as well. But yeah, I was very impressed with Tya Valkyrie, like watching this matchup just mainly made me think like, why can't she be anything other than a, you know, a jumper to the stars when she's on AEW tell I feel like she only appears on AEW to lose to someone who's higher higher up on the food chain when I would just love for her to pick up some wind. So then when someone higher up on the food chain beats her, it means more. I said I've heard just showing up randomly to lose the timeless Tony storm or showing up randomly on collision to lose to a Thunder Rosa. It feels like they could have done more. 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But the whole combination of her and Deanna before we even did the match-up with Thunder Roses. Yeah. I want more of Taya Valkyrie on AEW because I feel like she's earned it through her great work as a manager and in the ring in Ring of Honor. Or just have her get some picky pickin' up wins on Ring of Honor TV and get a shot at Athena because I feel like it's something that they tease for so long but never pull the trigger on or go back to the whole rivalry she seemingly was building with Queen Mama Nada that was never followed up on. Do something with her and just want to see more. Those drop tournament stories break my heart for reasons like this, but I loved her saying Taya Valkyrie is TV, right? Like her going after Red Velvet I think could also be something very fun because I think you could call back that story with Queen Mama Nada as well since they are a duo on that side. So good stuff there. And you've got her in this world as well guys. Yeah. Taya Valkyrie. TV. She said hi-end was a TV ready today which is ridiculous. She looked great out there but very, very fun. Very, very fun. We moved to this backstage with Melissa Santos and man, I love that they brought her in because she just like a glove took to this. It feels like they had now made like Renee the Wednesday Night Gal Lexi's obviously doing this character work but she does a lot of collision stuff and Melissa Santos maybe being the ROH gal. We talked about this before but like that clarity is just kind of nice to have around. She's interviewing Maria Canellis Bennett who looks great we wish her only the happiest and healthiest of thoughts who's back there with Griff Garrison and they're interrupted by Sir Pensico and Angelico they changed the pronunciation of his name so so am I just like back and forth. You never know what I'm going to get. It's like pack and pack. You never know what I'm going to say. But Sir Pensico says he wants another match for his mask and Garrison says he accepts but the stakes here are that Angelico has to be bandit ringside and Sir Pensico loses his mask forever if he loses like that's it that's the ballgame neither of them are masks then. But the challenge is accepted. Great to see Maria back. She just feels so synonymous with the brand for me at this point and this is good like we're seeing stakes emerge on matches that let's be real a month and a half ago would have been throw away matches right it would have been like we have this talent and this talent go do a thing and I like that while Cole Carter is out there doing something with Griff Garrison I'm still with whoever had said in the chat on death before dishonor he's got that long flowing hair MXM I in him up would be like a fun angle no matter which way they played it but how are you feeling about this ultimate mask blow off that we're getting here. I like the fact they're adding states to this match up but damn how long has this story been going on. I'm like seriously I want to know what's been going on longer Jericho versus hook or San Prentico and had Helico versus Maria's boy I don't know which story has been going on longer I feel like they all started around the same time in like March and we're here in August and they're still going on like are we in the lucha mask vortex is that what's happening right now. As time has have I lost the constructs of time and like I don't know what's going on like how there is a difference Tony God I just want to let you know since you do watch the show we appreciate you what yes of course but there is a difference between long term story telling and telling a story too long I tell this I try to tell this to Paula Beck all the time because he's a big he's he's the biggest culprit of telling stories were a long time. So funny you said that because a couple weeks ago I mentioned multiple times there's a difference between long term storytelling and dragged out still storytelling and I think both brands could do a better job of it. WWE certainly but like the irony that hook is actually caught in the Jericho vortex and hasn't moved on from that story is unreal to me this kind of feels like they started paying attention and we're like okay let's blow this thing off so we can move on that's what I'm hoping is like let's put a frickin bow on this because they probably didn't realize that had been going on that long but also the co-carder injury of course to like who knows but we move on from Maria to her husband's mean tag team your tag team champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett who get a win over the infantry here in what I thought was a fantastic match there's a low blow and a Hail Mary at the end of this that puts Sean Dean away but this was a blast I thought everybody got a chance to shine in this Mike Bennett doing the salute into a middle finger and does doing the whoa at them I just really really great work Carly Bravo in the beginning of this got to show out a lot like there's so many things with the infantry and I've said this before but I think it actually showed up more with Carly Bravo than even Sean Dean today would you do fundamentals extraordinarily well they're not like ordinary at all like they are they are just great wrestling moves and he even like because he's so charismatic there was almost like even a tip that he was going to do the arm drag because he just has such cool movement about him in the ring but it was awesome like it wasn't it wasn't so early the opponent would have been able to see it coming and adjust but it was like that it was just an arm drag with some extra swag on it and I love when people can adopt basic moves and make them their own Sean Dean did that with the elbow drop right we saw like the highest elbow drop standing elbow drop I think in those Florida tapings and here there were just these little things that I'm like that's that's how Carly Bravo does his thing like in the ring and I love that but man I thought this was way more fun than I had any right to be I was kind of bummed that this wasn't the main event until we saw what ended up being the main event obviously but I feel like they need to move on from contentorship into another story now because it feels like they've been stiffed around the undisputed kingdom for a while and they can move on but I this this was awesome like I had a blast with this one what did you think of our tag championship match here this was the very entertaining match up here I totally agree with you the infantry really stood out and you know Carly Bravo I've been saying it for weeks now how much I enjoy his work just his charisma he shows it all throughout the matches I thought Sean Dean was really well he worked one of his better matches here as well he was really good with you know playing off of Carly Bravo in this match up but a lot of that I do put on the undisputed kingdom they're just so good and making their opponents look like world beaters and looking like the their opponents can beat them at any moment and then just stealing it from right from under them at the end and just the low blow it protects the infantry in the in the follow up of this so I like that as well but I do agree with you after this match up we need the infantry to kind of have a change because they kind of teased that in their promo last week that they were getting annoyed with the fact that top flight was getting off the attention and then they skipped right to the line and got a world tag team title shot they come up short here and now that should increase their frustration with the fact that top light could be on their way up the ladder and could jump over them now that they've lost a second time to the undisputed kingdom and they should be the last obstacle that top flight has to get through before they get a title shot at under the kingdom where I think that top flight is the future ring of honor world tag team champions but this is what I was talking about you get an enjoyable match up and you see what the what's in the future as well because of the last two weeks feeling connected to each other because it feels like episodic television once again it's almost like what people are given a story and time to develop a match they can show out and I think that's what we got a lot in general but definitely from the infantry side of thing my kingdom for Trisha Doris singles match I don't know what the hell we're doing with her like or not doing with her and when I say I don't know I genuinely don't I don't know she's injured I don't know what the deal is but she has become like the infantry's valet or some shit and I don't get it she's one of the best women's wrestlers in the world if she's healthy her ass should be in that ring I'm sorry I want to see her bridging suplex people I want to see her doing splits I want to see my Larry at Tubman's I want to see it all for the love of God get this woman on my television and you know who I actually want her to face Rachel Elring who defeats Brooke havoc here and a really fun match she hits that black hole slam and this was really fun I feel like we got to see way more of Rachel Elring's personality she was just chatting away in there against Brooke havoc who had a really nice showing trained out of the nightmare factory she's done some really good work on the independence I've seen some of her stuff really fun spot in this where Elring puts her in the ropes like laying down and she's like what the hell and she was like I'll put you in the ropes like a lady whenever I want or something like that I was like oh awesome like this is so much fun there's a little bit more fire from Rachel Elring so explosive noticeable size advantage in this that she used so well throughout this match really really loved some of the reversals that we got over like for something that didn't really have a story behind it we didn't get the story of Rachel Elring is just too big too strong too powerful for Brooke havoc in this but this was really really fun like I had a way more fun watching this than I expected a part of it was just like the chit chat that was happening in the ring I loved it because we know what Rachel can do move wise but the the jaw jockeying the shit talking is what I'm here for SB 3 what did you think of this women's match I thought it was great I agree with you Rachel Elring showed a lot more of her personality between this match up and the post-match interview with Melissa Santos I think she did really well at that as well but I was really impressed with Brooke havoc here like the one moment where she looked like she was gonna do the snap mayor over the back of Rachel Elring but she just did like a roll through over her and the drop cake that was a nice sequence right there I was like I was kind of impressed with her at first I thought she was Demi XO because of the tire very similar very similar to her but once I was like okay that's not her I was like oh I'm actually impressed with her what's her doing and then Brooke havoc I'm like all right it kind of has blared them for it's hair too so it was like my eye on you you got some potential you got a nice look to you and you're moving very well in the ring and on you know in the end she sold very well for Rachel Elring to pick up the victory but I was I love the fact that once again we're doing stuff that we didn't regularly do usually on a ring of honor episode like three weeks ago they would just be this little squash match and that's the last we would see of Rachel Elring on the show but they followed it up instantly a few segments later with the post-match interview with Melissa Santos where Harley Cameron came in and was just like this makes all the sense of the world Harley Cameron who picked up both victory that we're still confused about against our very own Christian girl and she comes in and she starts a rivalry she's like oh you're just like a little kid and she's making weird noises Harley Cameron is just weirdly Kerasmav that's the best description it's just weirdly Kerasmav she does things that normal people should not be doing but it's just always charismatic and I want to know what she's gonna do next so I like the the just the position between the two characters of Harley Cameron and the genuinely happy gold lucky Rachel Elring yeah Harley Cameron is like if a cartoon character was trying to be dead serious or something like she's she's cartoonish and the way that she goes about things but she's just like a little she's just a little wacky in the best way like I find her very very entertaining I'm sports entertained as Kressa would say by this but really really good stuff really really good stuff hey a lot more of you are watching now than at the beginning of the show so a couple reminders for a few things one if you could leave a thumbs up on this video it really helps all of our streams but no stream more than this we're trying to get sponsors on board we're trying to keep this little this little show moving it's got four hosts it's an expensive one so the more people that watch it the better for us so please leave a thumbs up on this video we'll also remind you to subscribe to the MJF and Brit Baker T went up earlier tons of contract news way beyond Penta and Fan X there are a lot more coming that you guys think are going to be surprised by I think are going to be surprised by but that Warner Deal also I think probably coming coming to terms sooner than later lots of stuff on to keep an eye out the chat saying give it a thumbs up and also touch tips we are all about touching tips in the chat we love that I was I tune into the MXM stream when I can and at the end of the last one Mason said that it was FTR's idea to touch tips at the end of their match and I was like that's beautiful I was like FTR people want to say that they're like two old school and kurmajani they're here touching tips people okay I love that they've they've sizzered what more do you want from these guys but good good good stuff wonderful wonderful I love that I love FTR the baby faces that I never knew I needed weirdos in the chat this is what I love is like this guy saying go do something else fun with your whole life revolves around wrestling I get paid bitch okay and I love this shit so no respectfully I will and out of all the shows I do this one is at 10 o'clock so this is the easy breeziest one and now that this promotion is on track pretty excited to be reviewing this ROH show so you guys are here thousands of you are watching I can see the numbers going up so that nerd I like that he tells us to get a life but he's in a wrestling chat and he's he's named after one of the worst people on the planet especially in 2024 I'm gonna venture to say that P Diddy was also Jennifer Santiz app I'm gonna I'm gonna say the likelihood is like a hundred and ten percent that that nerd created a second burner to come in and talk shit and say that we don't have lives but I can admit that I'm one that guy yeah needs a therapist I've been a nerd but I have a missus you know sleeping in my bed right now yeah you you've got children and that proves it protects at some point yeah more than we can say for that guy but Shane Taylor promotions got Shane Taylor in your ROH Pure champion Lee Moriarty calling out action and ready and top flight in this with Moriarty offering a title match to and ready feels unearned which is frustrating to me but like I'm kind of having some forgiveness around this because it's like it feels they're like they're like okay we're trying now but I love Shane Taylor just doing what he does best my god saying that like they have not been stepping up basically and that they're just here for fun and they're gonna have to watch their stuff and protect their necks and then they do this to feed their families like Shane Taylor has that Eddie Kingston thing about him where it's just like all of a sudden it's life or death so I'm gonna be a bill of goods like like I was just like oh my god this is supposed to be a regular promo shade you didn't have to roast these dots he went hard it's like actually it's ready you be one of the greatest stars in this what a greatest superstar is a professional wrestling history first year but what have you done to send nothing it's like you know what valid point that is like top flight you guys are one of the most talented to you but whatever y'all done nothing with it like I was like alright I'll take more offense to that because I like Dante I like Darius don't get it they've been injured a bunch like hold on you were injured they've been injured they've been both of them they got it for Darius got injured came back on the car accident that put him out for another year they get back Dante shatters his ankle in one of the ugliest spots I've ever seen I always kind of have mixed feelings about when talent calls out what's actually shitty booking but if anybody can do it it's Shane Taylor and it felt a little like Ric Flair and Carlito but probably without as much real life intensity behind it but it had that kind of kick in the ass thing which I which I liked yeah I believe everything he says I believe yeah you just do right like you just do TMD K we're gonna talk about Robbie Eagle shortly I'm so excited SP three company oh I like that one thank you so much the hour is new theme is from 2017 by a group called dance with the dead youngest men alive we've got licensed music tubular totally tubular very happy to see Erica Lee also reoccurring on this she's a fantastic talent here out of the northeast but we have the outrunners with her defeating Stephen Wolf and Baron Brown with the recall which was very very nice our favorite job every jobbers even getting wins here I love that for them Stephen Wolf like looks like a force to be reckoned with as just bear brown but Stephen Wolf I was like damn I was like he's gonna eat these guys for breakfast but the outrunners sneak in the win in here they're just so much fun they're so much fun in an episode with a lot of kind of like wrestling wrestling we don't have Dalton Castle kicking around right now right like things like that Johnny TV is is in the ring but it's against Fuego so it's not like not the huge Johnny TV antics were used to very fun to have these guys kind of in the ring but I had fun with this I have fun with this what did you think I was happy for the outrunners I was like oh man out runs out runs out you're getting wins all right I'll see y'all right favorite jobbers you're getting some wins I actually know y'all finisher now it's like it's like fascinating I'm watching rig of water where you learn all these people that are usually jobbers have finishing moves that's cool too and Rico was a pretty good a pretty good move I was excited for them Erica Lee picking up one of the outrunners at the end and hugging him that was a nice moment as well so I want to see what they do to kind of follow up with this whether it's going to be an actual outrunners rivalry like they did before with the infantry it should be interesting to see how they can integrate the outrunners with out Dalton Castle or anyone else for them to play off of just them as a tag team back feuding with another tag team or eventually having a match up that you know up some purpose that leads to something maybe even I'll take the outrunners versus MXM I'll be honest all day all day are you kidding those guys against MXM Mason mad at the rig with those guys all day Paul Lee's but I mean they weren't even on the show and the chat was touching tips today that's how powerful the MXM collection is so some good stuff here but I really thought that they were going to be the the team to lose their way to a title shot like lose their way up but you want to give the outrunners a win here I'm not mad about it but as my favorite guess what what Brabby Eagles in action on my ROH TV I was so excited these are all my favorite things man even though I got the gory special in the rod Miller special mixed up my apologies getting my TMDK finishers all in a mess but a couple things about Robbie Eagles one outstanding new Japan talent your current soul of PWA champion as well and a match against tuckman who you know PWA let me tell you he's no Robbie Eagles all right he doesn't even like the velocities he doesn't know shit all right hear me tuckman but Robbie Eagles fantastic in the junior heavyweight division of new Japan really really just an unbelievable talent I loved what Capri said because he called out my favorite thing about Robbie which is that he has this incredible technical base but he is fast he is high-flying and that's just such a rare combination and wrestling when you get the nicknames the sniper of the skies and the grim or the limb reaper those are two of the coldest nicknames ever and they belong to the same guy like oh I love it for Robbie but this made me so happy I think Robbie is great this that kind of feels like it came after the fact a little bit and that he should have had a shot against Wheeler Yuda for that ROH pure title that's what got set up on the new Japan side but if he's gonna stick around for a little bit in America him working his way to a pure title shot I think would be super super fun but I loved that we got kind of the he's very much played the asshole teacher role a little bit we don't see a lot of heel Robbie but this run has been great because he's very easy to cheer for realistically because he is so fun in the ring but this heel runs been really really cool and he's kind of been like the veteran who flexes on everybody and even though it's not his own students in Australia that story still I thought came across really nicely with Darian Bankston here Robbie does win with the Ron Miller special he was like calling for it and the crowd wasn't into it and he sat there for a minute and made the crowd get into it and ultimately they it allowed Bankston to get out of it the first time which I thought was good but he puts him away with it this match was super super fun I feel like all of what Robbie Eagles does super well worked really well with Bankston who I was also very impressed by like he had a really good showing in this and they put together some really fun sequences so very happy to see TMDK on my screen very happy to hear Robbie there and also the rest of TMDK getting shout out to new Japan Tag Champion Shane Hayston Mikey Nichols, Zach Saber Jr. Let's get our Ichiban suite over here let's get Fujita on our OH please let's see it versus Atlanta Jr. let's go unfortunately for Fujita he ran into Shingle Takagi who injured his AC joint during the G1 tour shout out to Zach Saber Jr. who was the first man to advance to the final I mean to the playoffs of the G1 climax earlier today and one of the best matches of the tournament against Gabe Kidd oh my god this was it gave me soul I was hit much was hit my chance because Dave Kidd is that guy that I was rooting for Gabe Kidd I'm sorry I'm sorry about Techers but I love you real but I gotta say okay first of all that match was fantastic second of all Zach Saber Jr. got a good match of Jake Lee at a great one out of evil he should win every title that's ever existed she's ever had that I've seen out of evil and so long suck at Jeremy Lambert that is exactly what should have happened with evil great as much of all time what a match evil match is short because we saw it earlier today with him and she go it just turns into a whole bunch of shenanigans if it's longer than 90 seconds so yes I can't do it I can't do it the shenanigans anymore this was my favorite evil match in literally years it was brilliant I love the way it was agent said I love the way it was put together I love the story that he did everything he did it with the powder he did it and then the bell rings he tries to pin a one two one two one two one two and then Zach knows about one two three I was like perfect evil match I agree everything I've ever heard Robbie here he's always one of the best like he's so fast in the ring and I love how he sets up the Ron Miller special with the 450 to the legs I don't think there's anyone else oh so good to flash to the legs and every time he hits it whether it be in the best of super juniors or in the in the tag team division with Fujita who I felt like they should have won the IWGP junior heavyweight tag team titles because I absolutely love them working with each other I thought they should have beat the war dogs a couple of months ago so he'll have to wait till the war comes back to get that goal but I think they should be next in line for that but as long as Robbie's here yes give me Robbie in the peer division I will be a happy man Tony Khan give me Lee Moriarty and Robbie Eagles give them 15 minutes and they will deliver gold whether it be on our way CV or if Robbie's going to be here longer you want to do it at a pay-per-view that is totally fine you can do it on an episode of collision so more people would watch it I don't care whatever you want to do give me Robbie versus Lee Moriarty I would love love that combo the chat saying like this was a match of the year in Canada I agree 19 seconds I'm not going to play a blue shoe ad but I'm tempted to I will say you probably can't say is actually Virginia finishing move name in 19 seconds like that's what's amazing is like this match was probably longer that's why he won the way he did was commentary would have just you would have just had Walker Stewart trying to spit it out as fast as he could in the match would have been over before he could even say it but very very happy that Robbie was here really fun match really fun match and you're right that 450 on the legs I think a lot of people don't do it because if you fuck it up that's really bad so I'm glad that it is that that feels like a dangerous maneuver I'll put it that way so in the trusted hand of Robbie Eagles also just say I've talked to a lot of people from the Australian wrestling scene and within I mean strangers to me before I talk to them and I would say within three minutes everyone of them just wanted to talk about Robbie and say glowing things like just what he's given back to the Australian scene his choice to stay there Madison Eagles also incredible but it it it um it says a lot to me that when I talked to three different strangers his name came up every single time with people in different parts of Australia and they all just wanted to talk about him like with shitty dungrins on their faces they were all so happy so happy to get to talk to me about Robbie Eagles so good stuff there and then you mentioned Shinko Takagi running into a brick wall there poor Fujita you got Ishii also just a like walking refrigerator much like Takagi is meeting Tony Nice with the shear drop brain buster I think it's so fun that like we've gotten Ishii is not doing the G1 so he's just hanging out here is cool to me like I love that he's like the weirdo in the conglomeration I think this is all so much fun I really liked what we got in this match I thought Tony Nice was a fun dance partner for him got Mark Sterling saying he was trying to get the results of the last match thrown out so that they were still undefeated good stuff here but Ishii picking up the W keeping the conglomeration strong what were your thoughts on this one I love Ishii Ishii maybe in my top five greatest new Japan wrestlers ever because he just I've said it before I say it again he sells like he's a video game boss where it tastes like four hits for him to show any type of damage and then he just hopes up finish stronger fighting spirit and then just you know lined you up and stuff we didn't get that Ishii in this match up this was a more shorter compact match up but Tony Nice is always good and he's always smooth in the ring and he made for a good match up with Ishii and that vertical drop main buster always looks good so shout out to Ishii and I said this on Twitter I'll say it here I want Ishii to stay in the conglomeration even when he goes back to new Japan because who wants to be in chaos anymore I'm sorry no no one's in chaos who cares about chaos Okada left and chaos has been so nondescript I'd rather him just stay in the conglomeration and we could have Mark Brisco send promos to new Japan for Ishii you said the quiet part out loud but I will remind you of somebody the most important person in chaos and that is Sue trans mom no the most important person in chaos as of now in the G1 because the G and G1 stands for go-to go-to is back the most wholesome father in Japan I don't know if you saw that with him but having his kids oh my god everybody was crying everybody's got their babies man everybody's got their kids I was like I'm moving from the perennial bridesmaid of new Japan progressive he lost so many IWGP world title matches he really did make it to the doll I want to see him make it to the final so the G1 now feel like you're kind of not doing great by Sue but we will uh she second she's a close second to go-to now founding member according to but look at this chat it's so cool hearing the enthusiasm back in your voice about this program again it's nice to feel this way I've been waiting for it for months of that year so hopefully it sticks around I hope it lasts past these taping that's the only thing that makes me nervous but Hedren Moore saying vascularity at minion four thousand and something and the queen and queen of the kitchen just a good ROH show it it takes so little to fix this product that it makes it more maddening when they choose not to honestly like I'm so excited about it but at the same time I'm like where the hell has this been it's not rocket science man tell stories have people win and they admit to heaven belts look it ain't that hard but we get Melissa Santos with Rachel Alvering after her win saying that it was hard being home injured and it helped her reflect and get better saying that ROH felt like home which it's Rachel Alvering of honor people but that's what we have Harley interrupting praising Alvering but telling her to drop the act uh Harley Cameron we talked about it is just what a fantastic little weirdo she is but commentary did a nice job in that match too of saying you know recalling the Layla Hirsch relationship and saying that these are two tough SOBs these gals because both of them had uh joints popping out and they popped them back into place in their matches which I loved that piece of commentary I thought that was such a nice uh connecting of dots that maybe normally wouldn't have been connected so some really really good stuff there we already talked about our main event so we are moving on so what's our last match to discuss get in those super chats if there's anything else you want to talk about we got Rob Wilkins and Kresta coming up with your TNA impact post show there was an crazy ass wedding last week there's probably fallout from that that exhibition is heating up so much going on so stay tuned for that we always appreciate Rob stepping it he's let's take a Rob Wilkins moment I'm not just doing this because it's backstage because this is true that dude is like one of the most versatile people that we have here at Fightful he steps in on any show whenever we need him he does so much behind the scenes that you guys don't even know about always there if I'm like um I'm caught in a rainstorm and I need someone to pull audio he's like I got you like just just one of the most reliable people that we have and you're gonna get to hear his thoughts on TNA uh TNA impact proper but stay tuned for that and tune into Rob and Maggie as well great stuff they're the best they are the best around other than Friday afternoon is Rob and Maggie just want to let y'all know other than the Jeff Jarrett perversion you're all pervs you're all Jeff Jarrett pervs but we got Johnny TV don't do that to Jeff to uncle Jeff uncle Jeff bro come on did you see the stroke yesterday and how bad it was he does one nine minute interview with emotional appeal and they're like we got we're calling for him and hang man at Wembley knock it off hey he has some audacity grabbing up that maniac hangman in that in that digital exclusive what was he thinking what were you thinking uncle Jeff bro you don't grab this angry man who's just talking about swerve like he's a ghost he won't call him by his name my god grab him what are we doing no it was crazy and that match was before it got started hit Brian Danielson with a guitar I never saw that before huh and then they did like some stuff by the concession stand how new and different I haven't seen that 900 times from Jeff Jarrett before Johnny TV with tie of alcary looking good what I have ringside getting the win over Fuego del Sol I'm so glad that they called him back to these tapings uh for at least while he's while they're there in Texas like very happy that he's getting utilized I don't know if he's gonna stick around past them kind of want them never to leave Texas at this point but uh we got a win with the starship pain just this is this match in the last one like ishi versus uh niece didn't really have any stakes but people want to see ishi right this match didn't really have stakes but you can do the math of okay they're keeping Johnny TV strong right and tie also one so it doesn't feel so superfluous when you are getting the rhythms of different stories you can kind of start to plot where people go you need matches like this just to keep people looking strong and feeling like they're in contentorship now that we know people aren't in contentorship for things if their story is going on it makes it much more palatable not a ton to write home about in this but but a perfectly fine match this was great um he I love that they did this personality switch with him and Tyia because they were doing this kind of stuff in lucha undergrad I feel like this is a wheelhouse people didn't really know that either of them had so they tapped into it really fun just really really fun stopping him if we go put on a decent little match here uh what did you get it? I thought it was Johnny like best singles match up where like I think I said it before on this show that uh he focuses too much on his character and doesn't show me enough as far as his like in-ring work and I thought he did that here like the little moon salts uh samoan drop before the starship yes no one does that no one will do that and this is what makes Johnny TV the person I'm like I want to see more of this in-ring stuff you're so innovative in the ring you're so creative I want to see that more and I thought we saw it here love viego uh who did he crotches uh Johnny and then does this uh curb stop to his back on he's on the ropes go getting crushed I was like oh man they worked really well with one another but viego needs to learn stop calling for the tornado DDT I thought you learned this lesson when you first mirror like two three years ago on like the first episode of rampage you call for the tornado DDT you never hit it you never hit it when you call for it just hit it stop calling for it stop letting them know what you're about to do and he he doesn't learn his lesson and that's why he lost here but Johnny TV looked good viego looked good so good match here that's me through I went back to the gym to the day today for the first time in a couple weeks and I felt amazing and I was like someday I'm gonna remember this lesson like that I feel great and uh that's viego with the DDT he's like he's gonna call for it get his ass kicked it'd be like someday someday I'm gonna remember so relatable relatable I can't call for it that's right that's right but let's bring on Rob Wilkins and the beautiful wonderful incredible Cresta who uh always lights up everybody's days but especially mine because she sends me the funniest shit on instagram in the whole world I got honestly I'm a top tier meaner I have no one thing is that's really hello everybody how was ring of honor? Cresta they're trying like they're putting effort into it's quite good we love a good trying moment we support people try exactly they're they didn't just pull matches from a hat there's like stories and stuff it's it's pretty great I gotta be honest I'm I'm thrilled about that but how was tna a show happened it happened okay that's better than the alternative it would be hard to do a post show about a show that didn't happen that would be terrible I hate to sound like Joel Pearl this time I know I was like I was like you're usually the one that's positive you gave us the Joel Pearl I know him being absent it's like he's still here I think Cresta was just like summoning him because it's like there's no Joel here and so she was like what we're just gonna do a show without someone trying to be bitter not bitter era but nice and then Krista was like it was a show it happened Rob what did you tell me tell me when we're telling lies here the show happened did it not I mean that's true there were wrestlers angles happened Kurt angles I mean if you consider Josh Alexander Canadian Kurt Angled and yes okay okay not about that there you go not mad about that Rob what did you think of tna impact especially as someone who doesn't review it live usually and stuff what did you think of what we got tonight you know I believe in joe joe Henry that I do know I also hear he said his name yeah but I I also enjoyed seeing Jonathan Gresham Octa was curved Squidward yeah not a sign of Squidward tonight which is crazy because they've been building up Squidward Gresham for weeks and he was like hey guys I'm Jonathan Gresham tonight like yeah so it was very interesting he had a he had a very like weird facial expression like before his match which was very like intriguing to me um so I thought that was pretty pretty telling good match with casheeda I mean it was short but it was still pretty good so yeah of course who would have thought like I would never complain about a casheeda and from Angled Gresham match I didn't see me complain about that so yeah I mean because it was me either and she was like it was a show that happened just for consistency sake it's kind of weird that we're doing these things with Gresham where he's this and then he's not and then he's this and then he's not and I understand why people who like Jonathan Gresham me get frustrated why can't you book this really good wrestler what's with these stop starts it's just incredibly flush I thought we had something going on with the spitting in people's hands and then tonight he was like hey guys the hell is this I'm trying to get sports invested stop it now trying to get sports invested it sounds very abyss in Joseph Park yeah yeah well we will get out of here and let you talk all about this show that happened we appreciate you guys for tuning in stay tuned in for this dynamic duo we appreciate you guys watch it leave a thumbs up on this video as well we're out of here bye bye guys uh it's just me and you rob i've been waiting how are you rob before we start this off proper i'm doing good how are you it's we're we're back together again because Joel is um Joel's busy he says he has a cold but you know it's kind of weird that his brother from another mother scott demore announced he's uh bringing back a indie so maybe he's working on that I don't know I'm just throwing it out there so the conspiracy did is Joel Pearl sick or is he running an angle drop your comments below ladies yeah you ready to get this started Rob let's let's do it all right because I know Joel likes it when we do the thing for the audio so three two ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to your tna post show it is august a 2024 I'm cress the star and this time we are joined by the beautiful illustrious funny but always punctual Rob Wilkins everyone give it up to the hi Rob how did you like tna well let's thank you for that introduction I enjoyed it so um I enjoyed it and I'm very happy to be here thanks for having me and I'm excited to talk some tna I don't I don't get to do this often so I'm always excited when I get to do a show with you and if you guys want to talk tna with us don't forget to send in your super chats if you're watching with us live on the youtube send us your humper chats you go to humper you put your donation amount your question we get to keep a little bit more and it keeps the lights on it keeps me and Rob here gainfully employed and if you want to be more gainfully employed or sports knowledgeable go ahead and subscribe to fight full select the best five bucks in the business we got action rasa apps grabsity and you know maybe if you ask enough nicely I'll do an ama with cressa who knows nothing about nothing um we had a show a tna show this evening that was very middle of the road for me and you know that I am peace love and tranquility and I love all tna what did you think about the show tonight you know it like on a reading scale I'd probably give it like a six out of ten I I like the matches the show started with um you know it started with moose and yeah you know I'm just kind of like with these guys you know like just I'm don't get me wrong I like brian Myers and and the crew it's just it's one of those things where I I'm like let's let's just let's just go let's move on come on you guys you're not gonna beat Nick Nemeth again man come on get get off my TV like Rob said we do open up the show with JDC and the system cutting a promo I mean it was stuffed before it was stuffed in land I talk about I'm on my honey with PCO and that was the running vignette of the night so that's our through line we had the like I said the system in ring and Lish saying the system is not failing and the crowd was like boo psych your mic this was a standard system promo not mad at it but I do agree with you Rob it's like what are we doing here you're gonna you're gonna beat up Nick Nemeth and lose again in your teen USA outfits you like what's happening here um they did say that the most dominant faction which when you had all the gold I agree I don't agree here um Wu saying you'll never be the face of the franchise Nick Nemeth was crazy to me so I'm like Wu you're not even the face of the franchise yeah I was like man come on you know he's they put that title on Nick Nemeth again pretty late I thought that was kind of weird how they went with him I was I was hoping that in a way I was kind of hoping they were gonna go go back to Josh Alexander but and don't get me wrong Nick Nemeth you can't go wrong with him putting that title on him it does add some uh relevancy uh with him holding it it might get more people to tune in I'm not sure like with that but I don't know I wouldn't put them as a top faction maybe maybe obviously in TNA obviously they might be but I still like yeah um you know I've kind of just like shrug my shoulders with it you know like Eddie Edwards I think the guy's awesome I always like the guy but it's just Brian Myers same thing I just I don't like them together I prefer each one of those guys separate I don't know if I'm in the minority there or what but I just prefer those guys like in singles I just do I don't think you're necessarily in the minority but this is something that Joel and I speak about like every time the system comes out these are a group of guys that are solid steady workers but also very easy to hate so you do not feel bad when they lose um someone in chat said the faction is delusional and that's exactly what they are they're very easy to hate so when they had all the gold had a string goal hold it's like you guys suck I need you to lose now that you're doing their job really well sorry I didn't get you off that now you're right they're they're too good at what they're doing then but now we're at the second point of where do we pivot to you know what I mean if we're going to have them be there and I don't mind because I think that the system serves a great heal faction point but what do we do now at this point it was funny when they had all the gold and they were being jerks but now they don't so I don't understand I'm always of the mind of are we ramping up the violence so they get what they want because crank cranky Frankie Kazarian I'm gonna talk home cranky Kazarian cranky Kazarian has more a little bit more pull than the than the um the system does right now so we'll see and also JDC being there like an associate and Masha's like I yeah ah you know like when you were saying that like where do they go from there I was thinking like man maybe maybe this would be a good bit maybe this would be a good crew for the family um in NXT you know the you know I'm thinking maybe that would be a good option or even no quarter catch crew yeah um that's honestly I think would be great you get those guys working with some younger talent I'd be okay with that I think that'd be actually really good for them I think it'd be good for both factions yeah I think it'll give someone especially like an Eddie Edwards a refresher because I think Eddie Edwards is solid in the ring I just think his character kind of like with Moose but Moose has a propensity for violence gets a little stale so I think them with a no quarter quetch who's really gonna push Eddie to be like no I gotta be this American wolf against me I wouldn't be bad at that I absolutely wouldn't be bad at that next we get a vignette well it's Jonathan Gresham backstage with g backstairs Jesus Christ it's late y'all we have done progression next backstage with Gia Miller now I don't know if you've been watching will why did I call you well Wilkins so you're close ladies and gentlemen I swear to god I'm professional Rob I don't know if you've been watching but for the past two three months Jonathan Gresham has been doing like it was a joke about the Squidward but he was literally Squidward giving you Cthulhu spitting in people's mouths and giving them the itch quite literally so for him to come out during this interview and just be like hey guys it's me Jonathan Gresham and Gia Miller's like yeah what what and he was like yeah I was out sick for a couple of weeks I saw you got an initial what's happening here what is transpiring here um because she does come out and because she and Gresham's like hey let me shake your hand and because she was like nah that's not wrong with you you and that boy ain't right that boy ain't right um he he had that reaction well you know what it was is he had that reaction like the way his eyes were like it was like that I'm sure it was very similar to the time that Jordan Grace gave him her phone number because he had those kind of eyes like what are going on like it's happening like he was just like he was in the zone and he couldn't believe what was happening it was just like looking into the like he was looking into the soul I guess I don't know something was weird something was off but I know like it was it was just odd but I liked it because it was different and you know the thing I'll say is more Jonathan Gresham on my tv the happier album because I love that guy he's so damn good at what he does and you know again he's on my tv so I'm not gonna ever complain and the thing is is you're right we haven't seen him in a while so it's it's good to see him back and seeing him in this normal state I'm not upset about it it's just what are those things where and if you don't mind I'll skip ahead to the Kushida versus Jonathan Gresham match because I miss most of it because I have to go to the restroom really bad but I'm tired of this stop start booking pushing of Jonathan Gresham and I can understand when people complain like what are we doing with Gresham and I am someone who's new into wrestling who had to go back and watch Gresham and Ring of Honor and it seems like to me that was the last time and the only time he was booked in a way where he looks strong this man's got the meat and potatoes in the ring he's a great talker I kind of don't understand what is happening here and maybe that's my ignorance I'm willing to be sports ignorant to be sports entertained you know what I mean I just wish that they would stay consistent we were doing something and I understand that Gresham I think was injured at emergence no emergency is the one coming up I can't remember what the last one was guys forgive me I'm the worst type of slammer victory yes so they didn't have the the match then but it's like so he got a bump on his head and now he's not the octopus is he split personality I don't know I'm willing to let it play out because I like Jonathan Russian I don't like him losing to Kushida later on and again I was like why is Gresham normal I'm sports confused it was a bit of catch wrestling again I missed half of this match but Kushida does pick up the win with a submission in a hoverboard lock and I was like I don't know if this was the right call what did you think about the match the match was fine I mean it was short but the other thing too is believe it or not this is Kushida's first singles win since July of 2023 I mean he did win a triple threat match not too long ago but the fact that this was his first singles win in tna in over a year that was a little criminal yeah I was like what so I thought that was odd so I mean I will take the fact that he did win his last match it was a triple threat match against Ace Austin and Mike Bailey so I mean I guess that's that's something but again his first singles victory in over a year on in tna I mean don't get me wrong you so I was just surprised more than anything I wouldn't have if you would have told me to bet straight up who was gonna win that match I would have and not knowing any of the spoilers I would have said 99 out of 100 times Johnathan Gresham was gonna win I would think I'd say that but so it was a shocker yeah I don't again I don't know what we're doing here with Gresham so when I hear people say what are you all doing with Gresham in this moment I'm inclined to agree after that promo and yes guys we skipped ahead we covered the Gresham match we do get a video package or like a vignette they haven't announcedbound for glory they show a car it looks really cool I don't know what I was expecting I thought they were gonna announce a wrestler as we find out later on in the evening it's aboutbound for glory when they're gonna have it and when tickets go on sale next we have Santino backstage with speedball saying that speedball has a very special announcement and at emergence we will have an ultimate ex-match there will be three-way qualifiers anyone from any company can join these three-way qualifiers and speedball Mike Bailey will also be joining in on the qualifiers because he feels if he's not good enough to compete or win at the tryout level you guys should have the best of the VEX S division so they are doing three-way qualifiers for the ultimate ex-match for the ex division title that will be at emergence that was a lot what do you think of this segment do you have any thoughts or notes well first off I did misspeak because she does had two victories since or he's he's had a couple singles victory so I don't know where I messed up with my notes but yeah that's good so thanks cage match uh so because I was just like looking I'm like I swear that man wrestled uh Alan Angel is not too long ago and sure enough he did so um yeah anyways but as far as well first off the the the promo I just I don't it didn't do anything for me did it was there anything that stood out for you with it I mean the promo itself it was it was very cut and dry again I default back to are we doing split personalities are we doing like Mick Foley dude love situation I'm gonna let it play out I like Grussian I think he's fantastic I am just like oh wait we're not talking about Grussian anymore I'm so sorry we're talking about the ultimate ex oh my god guys okay no no I I think it's a great idea to have these matches like that I was a little worried when speedball was like if I don't qualify I don't deserve to be in here I'm like speedball you can get screwed there are people who hate you stop I think it's a great idea I like the notion that I want the best of the best of the best I'm like there's no way speedballs not in this match so I like it as long as we keep bringing in people you know from all over like they say I think it's a great idea which leads us into our next thing which is the ultimate ex first ultimate ex qualifier Trent seven versus Jake something versus people Mike Bailey again with the stipulation if Mike Bailey loses he will link with his title and a new champ will be a crown that emerges regardless this match was exactly what it needed to be and I won't lie to you Rob I thought speedball might not even make it Jake something and Trent seven in and a match by itself is a tall order this match was everything it needed to be speedball gets the win with the ultimate bit with the ultimate weapon on um let me look at my notes on Jake something I have to call out the spot where Jake something gives Trent seven a power bomb with speedball on his back choking him out Jake something is fantastic and I want him to do more than eating pins messing around with dinner Trent seven is amazing I know everyone can't win but this match I felt was everything it needed to be to build up an ex division match I'm excited for the ex division match if these are just the contenders you know what I mean what did you think about this match Rob oh this match was great and you know this was a if you were to put this like match I know it was an ultimate ex qualifier so I mean take that out of consideration this was a in my opinion a paper of equality like Matt yeah it could have been a a pay-per-view quality match like if it was given more time because all three of these guys were studs in the ring we already know that um the match was good Mike Bailey it is the champ and he proved it Mike Bailey is fantastic and I noticed in chat somebody asked if it was his last year in contract and I believe I believe it is so I mean I'm not the scoops guy that's a song question yeah I'm pretty sure it is I'm pretty sure it's like up either this year or early next year like it's up soon I believe I will say that any any locker room honestly from how highly speedball is regarded would be lucky to have him and he's one of those guys where it's like I would keep him in my company in any capacity because he's so good he's so good yeah and you know the he he got the win with the uh open my weapon you know so I just love that so he and he got the pinfall so overall it was good I know no complaints here yeah and it was our first of the two qualifier matches that we had this evening followed up by this we had a recap of exposure that showed Tasha Steels cheating Giselle Shaw out her boots to get the win which leads into a promo from Steels who goes over her accolades she's the greatest to beat the greatest pardon me and then Shaw shows up and says listen you're a cheater you're a snake and if you really want to battle let's do it again to which Santino I don't always like we we we we next week you guys do we have two extra reps I guess I guess straight forward you have anything to add no you hit it right I'm headed straight forward let's just nothing much more to add there um I'm intrigued with the matchup I think I I hope it the well you know the thing is is where do they go from here after like you know like where where is this headed I think it's heading especially for Steels not Steels I'm sorry Shaw towards a knockouts run because Gail Kim has been in her corner towards a knockouts championship run and I could absolutely sing her with all the work that Giselle Shaw has put in going over on Grace I feel like TNA is putting a lot of faith in Shaw who's improved immensely her day new mall that knee is nasty so I could see it but conversely what are we doing with Steels who's kind of been floundering in the mid card if there if you could call it that I think Steels needs something and I would be real with you I wouldn't even be mad to have Steels in an ultimate X match you know what I mean just what the spice I would like Grace was I would love to have Steels in some situation like that because she what she lacks in power she's a crafty wrestler and she would find a way to win you know what I mean yeah and and that's a thing like why I was I was I was like wondering where they're going because Tasha Steels I think she's fantastic and that's why with and don't be wrong I think Giselle Shaw is great too but I just was kind of like where are they going with us are they gonna push Giselle like finally like are they going towards a possible title reign or with as much as they've been promoting like Jordan Grace with these with these with these title matches these oh what's the word I'm looking for here the open challenges yeah thank you open challenges I I really like open challenges I think it adds intrigue to it and they're just making her look better and even Tom Phillips he he made a point of that tonight like or maybe it was uh one of one of the two said it tonight on commentary that that the match like it could be a little bit harder they were making it make sense because she wasn't prepared for her opponent which was Rosemary and that would I mean I'm skipping ahead here but I like what they're doing with Jordan Grace and I kind of want this title reign to last longer for her so we'll see but I also like Tasha Steels a lot so I think they should maybe run run the ball with her but that's me yeah no I I don't I don't think it's Tasha Steels time quite as yet I think she needs to be built up just a touch more I think that the way they've been building up Shaw she would be the next in line to challenge after Grace is done with this Ash by elegance shenanigans you know what I mean um if we skip ahead to the Jordan Grace versus Rosemary it was an open challenge match as we spoke about it um Rosemary had a knife I like Rosemary with this short haircut she looks creepy and deranged in the in the best way like intimidation plus 10 I don't want to wrestle her like she has the intimidation factor that I do not want to wrestle Rosemary it'd be a cold day in hell there was a nice innovative neckbreaker submission pin on the outside of the the apron that Rosemary had Jordan Grace in but Jordan Grace eventually gets um no there was no finish in this there was a stalling superplex off the second rope and then here comes Ash by elegance and George Eismann to come down Eismann distracts the ref Ash has a pink kendo stick and causes a DQ which honestly doesn't make any sense I kind of get it you could have rolled out of the ring before the ref saw you I don't understand but Ash has been screwing over Grace and um Eismann has been getting terrorized by Rosemary I was very sports confused by the end of this match because I don't think a DQ here was necessary I understand we're building Rosemary she's building back up and we don't want your champion to get pinned but for all of that I I want something to give with Ash for all of that I would have rather her come down there and just cause a DQ straight up and just beat the hell out of everybody I would have rather her do that instead of this there is a mean streak that they're trying to push with her but I never feel like we get we get it halfway and it's like oh oh oh like doing this with a knife and trying not to cut your fingers and she's always never cutting her fingers and maybe you need to get your fingers cut maybe I need maybe I need to see you get your fingers cut what did you think about the Jordan Grace versus Rosemary match and the finish Rob well the yeah the the finish was it's like come on like is this what we're doing as far as the match A um if I get the name wrong AO AYO production says in chat and they're right this was the first time they've ever had a singles match like in TNA now granted uh yeah I know that's crazy but that's in that's in TNA they did have an independent match when uh where uh when Rosemary was wrestling as uh Courtney rush rush yeah so but still I mean the gears that they've been there that's the first singles match that's absolutely crazy I kind of wanted them to go the distance you know that that's the thing it could we don't get me wrong I like Ash by elegance you know like I I mean for what it is I I like her I have always liked Dan Brook I think she's I think she's great I know a lot of people feel different about that but I don't like the storyline with her yeah that's my thing it's like I am of the mind that no wrestler is quote unquote bad or whatever it is you were just one gimmick one storyline from people changing your mind there was a time that I did not like FTR and now I'm an FTR stand and all it took was a promo all it took was a promo I feel like if because I like to give pause if I'm gonna give you a country I want to give you constructive criticism I think if we lean into Ash being a menace and then be like I'm too pretty to be a menace I could get behind it however in this iteration the storyline and what we're giving the only one getting over is Iceman yeah and they scaled him back and he's still the most interesting thing about that group that's it that's a good point yeah so I mean we're gonna we're gonna get this match eventually with Jordan Grace and and Ash so I guess if it's going somewhere but I I know one thing I would like to see another match between Jordan Grace and Rosemary and I'd like to go to go the distance I mean I agree with that I mean it does have to be a paper of U match but give him a 10 to 12 minute match on on TNA let's go at this point to make it a cage match and add ash by elegance since you want to be nosy I said you want to be nosy ash you want to do a little wrestle you want to do a little wrestle you want to stop title shots let ash by elegance be at a hardcore match with Rosemary I don't like that because I don't like blood but I also would be like that's what you get for being nosy that's what you get for causing DQ's because while grace be like this is gross but I'm Jordan Grace at this point Ash needs to learn a lesson yeah yeah it's I mean again AO makes him make some good good comments he says late in Jordan Grace has praised ash in their slam ever stream match which is it was fine it was good but yeah she could grow without being in the title picture I think going with her being a just a just a pain in the butt for everybody would be the way to go I would mind her being an extreme noonset like I'm thinking almost borderline iconic like just just like in your acrylic yo ash go away and I think she has I think with the character and the way she's presented now if you go down that way it would make so much she just pause all right so I think I deserve a match like yo ash go away I would be sports entertained yeah yeah just yeah I mean I know what you're I know what you're saying exactly and for the people I want them to take that out of contact we're saying like keep her on tv but it's like one of those things where she's crazy we yeah we gotta do something about her I mean that's that's what we're coming from and I would agree 100% with you it's it I'm trying to think of somebody that's a good example of that that's kind of been like that in a way at the end of WWE with her resume when she was like hi guys I got a resume like but instead of Billy K just being a honky-tonky again we know ash by elegance has a mean streak so it's like guys I'm here I'm ash I understand that you may not like me but I'm here when they don't like it just causes a DQ so you're like yo go ash bro I think she would be a great nuisance here like alicia edwards level of a nuisance here and I can't imagine wish and ash together oh my god oh wow that would be I mean I don't don't give her I'm not even it would have potential to be iconic like I mean I I'm not saying that's a heat magnet I'm here but it would be like heat wise they could just they they couldn't get the it would be to the point where eventually they would probably be you'd probably be comedic at where they'd actually get the crowd over more than anything I would hate them and then be like you know what they're so good all right yeah that's that's exactly what happened they just need somebody to yell out like hey Kayla they need they're hey like hey jia or something like that yeah hey jia guys we did skip over the ABC video package or the the promo that they did backstage where they were like we were the last impact champions before they rebranded now we were the first tna tag team champions after they rebranded and we want to know who's the next team to get beat my baby comes in and says hey guys I'm not here to know I don't want no beef however the last time I wrestled to both of you I personally got better so I would be my honor and a privilege if you guys enter the ultimate ex match and he said just think about it and he missed soft and they're like you know I wouldn't be in a double champ I feel like this still waters the seeds of are the ABC gonna break up will they won't they and I don't mind Trey Miguel and Wentz in singles competition what did you think about this video package and do you think the rascals should enter the ultimate ex-qualifiers oh hell yeah put them in there put them in there let's go but the thing is is would you have would you have somebody cost them the match in the in the West Lee costly yeah would you have them do that I think that'd be very interesting uh wow that that's a good point I didn't think about that until like right now because that would be very good to have all three of them at odds you know so and I'm not even mad when we talk about just the ABC when you think about the rascals and what not ABC could get in there Wesley could screw the ABC the rascals could be like what are you doing Wesley could screw the rasc like there's so many things and I'm not even thinking I'm not even putting into into into consideration the WWE full crossover no quarter catch crew is beefing with the rascals or word beefing with the rascals I'm mad that they're just like now we're beefing with T&A yeah Joe Hendry said I want to stay around and NXT a little bit longer so I don't think the partnership is done but as far as our tag team division is concerned I don't watch NXT so please take what I'm saying with a grain of salt ladies and gentlemen don't cook me but the word on the street is that the NXT tag team division is it could use a little sprucent that being said one thing T&A is really good at is their ex division and their tag division so I wouldn't mind Wentz or no quarter catch screwing someone like ABC the rascals getting involved and now we've got in my hardest of hearts award games NXT it ain't takeover because I don't know where y'all go to an earth motor city machine gun so because I want it and that's for me that is for Kresta that's for me oh man you know that uh that go this is a whole different thing but that jiff or gift whatever people want to call it it's from Brooklyn nine nine where the captain goes like hot damn you know that yes that's exactly what I feel like right now like there you go bring it so like that's not a bad idea man now I'm just kind of like all right I see what you're cooking here and I like it a tag team wargames or even like since we've got this NXT I would not mind an ultimate ex with the tag teams or just like have some NXT people in there now I don't know about this oba femi fella and I don't think it'd be him but that's a large man yeah he's that guy they're gonna if ww does it right man they can they can they can push not to do the camera gramps thing but that guy can go to the moon I mean he and when I think to the moon he can throw somebody to the moon is what I meant but bro yeah jeez man I that guy that's a whole different conversation and I know people have their dream matches already with him they've already been doing it but I there's a lot of different people I'd love to see him wrestle in tna - oh yeah I'm holding out for oba femi versus moose and with all due respect to moose because I think moose is a fantastic heel he's a large man but if moose lets oba femi squash him you will put over femi over huge because moose to me is Randy Orton a tna this is not he won't do this who burned out your fucking house does that moose old dude yeah yeah and he's yeah I could see that too that's unfortunate like note to sell don't get on that guy's bad side not at all I really feel like if you replace Randy Orton with moose in every one of those things with Randy Orton in front of Abigail's house I could see moose doing this damn moose burned out someone's house literally probably I don't remember it but it moves and and Randy Orton they remind me like of that guy in or steebu shimi's character in Billy Madison where Adam Sandler calls him says like I'm sorry for everything and then at the end like bushimi hangs up the phone and then he looks at his list and crosses him off that's how I look at those guys I if I had beef with them I would want to squash it I'd be like I'm sorry you know that those are the two guys that I feel like that for because they're gonna take it too far yeah no I don't need that we did have another but before the Jordan Grace Roseberry match we did have another video package from Stuff the Lander she's in the hotel waiting for her husband PCO and it's going straight to voicemail in this moment I wrote 20 bucks Matt Cardona beats up PCO I would have won $20 put it like spoiler alert I would have won $20 we do get about for glory announced I'm sorry do you have any notes on that one well I would say that I'm like hey you know what they're keeping it real because that seems like normal like the wife's calling the husband oh voicemail so that seems that seems normal to me but uh but yeah you know yeah we know Matt Cardona was gonna be behind this one way or another he was gonna there was gonna be shenanigans as we like to call it and uh I just didn't know what way they were gonna do it I didn't know if we were gonna get like Cardona like being room service with a fake mustache I didn't know what we were gonna get but uh yeah it was it was it is what it is on this I it's strange but it's it's kind of like a good strange because I'm getting a kick out of it Joel had to warm me up to be on the side of okay all right I'll be with the staff the lander with the PCO situation we do get the bound for glory announcement is going to be Detroit October 26 they do say that pre-sale tickets will go on sale for ultimate insiders and then general admission I didn't write down any notes because I am a Jobroni next we have Josh Alexander I put Josh Alexander addresses his enemies just need to make that okay yeah but I can make a little uh make a little uh photograph or a Photoshop of that because that's pretty much what it was that's that's exactly what it was and that's why I was like yo he saw his Canadian Kurt Angle on the one hand not the you people promo you guys did this I was mad and now you are over here to my I believe in your history you are believing in me yeah I mean you should have just gone full mean lord and hit the nickname that this should have been me but then Josh Alexander now I never I am not a wrestler I'm just a Jobroni who likes wrestling and will talk about it forever but when Josh Alexander says and I quote y'all believe in Joe Hendry he's a mean he's not even a real wrestler he can't even lace my boots bro there are a few things that I know in wrestling that you don't say to another guy lace into boots curtain jerken transitional champion and he said two of those things in this promo yeah Josh Alexander was cooking and I am someone who's been watching not for that long but to see Josh Alexander get booed is gnarly because we love Josh Alexander and TNA why how much hate do you have to inspire by people to get than the boo you Josh Alexander now you want to know something that that okay so this is Rob Wilkins fantasy booking here I'm here for it you give you give me a Josh Alexander title victory here like right I mean granted he just Nick just won the title you know but could you imagine just hear me out and this again this is fantasy land that if Ethan Page helped him win that title how crazy would that be two massive egos yeah and I mean granted I know things aren't the same from what they've said in interviews but that would be pretty damn cool in my opinion to have the north kind of be the champs of two different organizations I think it'd be badass so that's me but I did like this promo my thing is I've always been like I've always been a heel guy so I like the heels because I mean I remember like all my friends were like hokehoke in this hokehoke in that I would pretend to be awesome yeah but I'm like that guy has some money what's wrong with you you know like like that guy could buy my GI Joe toys that I want so that's what I looked at so I mean yeah take your vitamin C your purse but hell no give me the GI Joe I give me the just give me the vehicles that's what I need but also a good heel will make a face scene even more faceier because it's cool to root for someone like John Cena but can you really root for John Cena if he doesn't have like a big evil like a Randy Orton birded out as yeah true and yeah it's it's crazy and I granted I know I went into fantasy land there with that booking but Josh Alexander I like I want to see where this goes Josh Alexander being an asshole is going to be good stuff it has potential to be good stuff so let's go let's see where it goes because I want to see it yeah like one thing that commentary always put over when he was faced control your temper Josh because when you get too mad you snap and then things don't go your way now he doesn't have to and seeing Josh Alexander wrestle mad when he was a face versus seeing Josh Alexander have to wrestle mad when he's a heel I don't want to quote Kurt Angle but it's given I'm just a sexy Kurt sexy Kurt angle hurt like he's really about to like I'm just a sexy job sexy Josh on top of your head and I've got nothing around with that we'll workshop it we'll workshop it yeah but this is fantastic stuff Nemeth does come out because he does call Nemeth a transitional champion which rude and Nemeth was going to say something and it just hit him that's how you get him out there that's how you note any wrestlers that that's how you get if you need somebody out there that's what you do you call him a transitional champion that'll bring him out yep that'll bring him out another thing I've heard and again I'm not a wrestler so please feel free to buy cressus shut the hell up transitional wrestler and you're a car knee piece of shit they'll come up with however who do you call a car to be shit yeah who do you call the transitional champion I had this championship for three whole days screw you can you imagine if you somebody goes come out here you car knee piece of shit you are a transitional champion like get them both in like two sentences my god you can't even lace my boot you curtain oh yeah my god that would be like an ultimate like oh damn like that this is not a work this you know now we actually have to fit you gotta say all the awful things back to back to back and if you say it too many times Jeff Jarrah comes out okay you're like damn we might have a Montreal screwgrap situation here let's see what we got you guys but actually fist fight backstage it's like let's not say it was a problem what you mean but I couldn't lace your boots put your boots on right now see if I'll lace somebody go and get their ass knocked out in the bay in the dressing room I am waiting for someone to cut the Nemeth promo it should have been me and at this point I thought Alexander was gonna say that there's probably it should have been me screw Joe Henry screw never should have been me the only thing that would have been better is that Taco Bell commercial would have gone through right then like last night on time is it the undertaker at Taco Bell did you see that last night I did not oh that was I feel like good it's so funny like I edited it like for the AJ Styles debut at Royal Rumble where Rowan Range is just waiting for him and then all of a sudden they go to the Taco Bell commercial so yeah like that's pretty much how it felt we do after this promo um I have to laugh because Frankie Kazeria is so unserious right now after this promo Nemeth says that I'll beat you up Josh Alexander we could fight next week I don't care then we get Santino backstage saying hey I'll make this official Josh out of Sandro versus uh the Nemeth next week and here comes Kazeria like ain't no way boy how are we giving Josh Alexander another title shot I'm like Kazeria what have you won I'm like Kazeria get out of here remember I was talking about get out of here earlier with Ash this is what I'm talking about actually some dude what Kazeria is doing because Kazeria is being the worst like you were talking about the news at all he's like hey I'm the king this little piece of plastic doesn't make you a king pal I'm like yo Kazerian I'm sports entertainment you are you should join the system because you're really delusional my guy um look story short um Santino says bro you gotta win something first before you want to talk about being in something or the other and then Kazerian says well I'm gonna be in this match I'm being this match one way or another so I'm expecting a DQ finish with Josh Alexander versus the Nemeth I'm expecting that what did you gather from this um Rob that's exactly how I felt like I'm like you need to do something man why do you want to be in this title I mean granted I know you want to be in the title match but you need to deserve to be in there they need that's the biggest thing you need to you need to be deserving and I see your point like what you said it's it's funny like it's like dude what have you done lately for me that's you just complain yeah like come on like I mean it it yeah it just one of those things and it kind of gave me that vibe too like for it's like well you just gave the ending away to me is what it did yeah so I'm not bad at it because I was like cuz there is like your uncle who's like bro I don't want to see your mixtape your 50 I live yeah after that we got a second ultimate ex-qualifier match which means Zachary once with Trey Miguel Casey Navarro who honestly such a good talent and Dante Jen from NXT this match fantastic high fly but it was a short match we get a UFO cutter on Casey Navarro after um for from Pete sorry not Pete once that's uh that's somebody else we get a UFO cutter on Casey Navarro for Zachary once went and I was like they gonna let Dante Chen get the pin after he got a nice pop coming out so I'm not mad at it but this match was was standard it was standard I the only thing I have to say was a nice DDT neckbreaker on Chen from once after an Irish whip from Casey Navarro do you have anything to add Rob oh I was I was happy to see Dante Chen um it's the first time he's been on a match with either one of those guys um and it's the first time Zachary once his wrestled Casey Navarro in almost six years to the to the day in CCW so oh wow I was like wow that's pretty cool and and the fact that Casey Navarro's getting work is always good I like seeing him on like he's so good uh very good so I uh I liked it it was eager right it was a very quick match but the right guy won yeah um and that's that's really all I could say I was glad to see both I liked seeing all three competitors in this match and I hope they bring uh Navarro back again and I like seeing Dante Dante on my tv too he's he is essential like it's there so I just hope uh we see it even more in NXT so even if it's on level up just give me some uh give them some more reps let's go yeah I agree I think within the next five years probably even sooner Casey Navarro is going to be signed somewhere because he's too good to have just I have floating in the indies no shit like yeah ring it I honestly thought like it it and I know this isn't awr I really thought he would have been perfect for the new ring of honor system I really do but hey if he gets signed somewhere else more power to him yeah get your money he needs to be signed though yesterday in my opinion agreed he's so good he's got a great look the gear is together he's he's really good we get our final step the lander video package she's like he said he's underway and she opens the door and who is it always ready Matt Cardona Matt Cardona is like Steph what the hell are you doing here and Steph is like what the hell are you doing here I'm on my honeymoon go away Matt Cardona says bro we got money to make what are you doing Steph slams a door on him it's like get out where the hell is pco cut to Matt Cardona is like yo that's my property that was a crazy line crazy and he stepped over it now my my thing I would say this stuff if you want Matt Cardona out of your way it's very simple you just buy some action figures and just give them to them and he'll go play with them and you're good he'll he'll stay out of your way that's all you got to do get him that gift card to ringside collectibles just he'll he'll just leave you alone just that's all you got to do just give him that that gift card you can pre-order his toys or his action figures like I have my bread heart figures on pre-order stuff like that you know I get it but that's what you do that's how you get them that's how you just get on to step aside just move over there you don't have to be too far but I need to just stay the hell out of my business but she's trying to say with that gift card like or action figure she buys them off Amazon whatever but that's how you do it that's that's the key to get rid of Matt Cardona I'm telling you right now folks that's how you do it or money or money yes you're gonna be like he's proven if he broke it breaks anything he's still gonna go work I got to give him that yeah no he's somebody who's like listen my mouth still works because I'm a yeah yeah my mind's out the gutter okay he's like did some part of me still work because I'm a yeah you know the thing is then let's say he got his jaw broken or something they had to like so shut for six weeks that you know that man be doing sign language or something like just to be able to about it he's like yeah you got and I cannot believe you would do this even though my jaw is wired shut I'm going to beat you all right now that's what I meant to say wired so shut I don't know if I was wrong with me the wired shut yeah that's that's what would happen exactly and I can see yeah damn that that's good he he's so good like even with what he does in GCW I absolutely love and I this is I didn't that my property thing goes I like damn you know what but overall like I I laugh whenever I see PCO and and the thing is because I like the guy because he's been around for so long and I just I just think this whole marriage thing is rather it wouldn't have been on my wrestling bingo card you know ever like for this to happen so I think it's kind of for what it is it's something outside of the ring and they're doing what they can and hey it's been entertaining so for me you know maybe we're looking at this wrong maybe when Matt Cardona was like you have my property people talking about the digital media championship maybe we're looking at this wrong because PCO is a champ champ wait yeah no he took it off at AJ not AJ Styles he took it off at AJ Francis I don't know I I'm just I'm trying to make it better I'm trying to make it better I'm trying to do it like my property oh I don't like I don't hold you he's one of those people who is I can see bully Ray saying that moose saying that Randy like Randy Orton is my barometer man have I ever told you but you brought the name up so I'm gonna go ahead and do this have you ever heard the my Dudley Boy's joke no I would like to be sports and trees yes tell me your Dudley Boy joke so you know those two have known each other forever yes they they first met when they worked at McDonald's do you know what uh Diva said uh to uh Bubba about the fries Tessa Fries I was also gonna say of course they've known each other forever their brothers get it together Rob yeah Tessa Fries that's when I told Sean get the table get the sliders get the sauce when I told Sean that joke he kicked me off the off a show once so here we go was I'm not sure no oh I said it again here but that look that gave you was no it wasn't even that look it was it was more yeah never mind it it was more like more like I'm not mad I'm disappointed yeah I mean it was it's a bad joke Rob but I love oh I know it's bad that's why I love to tell it it's awful ladies and gentlemen we are heading down the homestretch we are at our last match go ahead and get your hump for chat your super chat said if you haven't it's the best way to get your comment or question read on air and again it also supports us don't forget to subscribe to fight fightful select the best five dollars in the business we've got contract updates we've got summer slam stuff we got all the things you want to know and again you're gonna get it aggregated from other places come on over to one two three four five all right we are at the last match it is Joe Hendry versus Wolfgang from NXT and as always the pop for one Joseph R Hendry is really hot high hot loud I love Joe Hendry Joe Hendry said we used to be in Scotland trying to make a name for ourselves and then there's a tummy kick and then the fighting issues it was a good match I think especially with what me and y'all have been talking about that a lot of people have said what Josh Alexander says about Joe Hendry he's a meme a flash in the pan he's someone who's going to be here today gone tomorrow one moment here we mute so we don't burp in the mic um but I think when you put him against people like Wolfgang eventually Josh Alexander because Alexander and Hendry are going to clash we're going to put that he's not just a meme lord there's legitimacy and he's a good wrestler I understand it's easy to get swept in the this guy is funny and he's great like tonight he had a good stalling um suplex on um on Wolfgang there was a stalling suplex not I'm sorry there was a huge Vader bomb on Joe Hendry from Wolfgang and eventually you get the standing ovation from Hendry and Wolfgang is a big dude for the win it's one of those things where it's like you you can't say that Joe Hendry is a joke still and you can only say that if you're not watching his matches I get it you hear the song can you please get fucked that's great but every good wrestler has a gift a gab and a gift a jab I can't believe I quote it and so I'm worried I don't care I like him I don't care I don't care I know before you cook me I know okay I like I like the tag just like it's funny it's like but it's like I don't see how you can say that about Joe Hendry and I also appreciate TNA making this man as legit as possible do I think we could have hot shotted him to the title sure that being said you do have people like Memphis Alexander something Maclin they're very top heavy also also also as of late a lot of wrestling companies across the board have a bad habit of striking while the iron is hot the last thing I would want to do because watching Joe Hendry debut read debut in TNA till now the last thing I would want y'all to do is build this man up and then he leave so I I would want Joe Hendry to at least get a world title run and not no two seconds and then Josh Alexander hits him with I'll make your ink or I need to see like give me at least three months and I'll be happy because at this point like him or lump him this is very Matt Cardona digital not digital online internet champion I wasn't watching wrestling at that time but it gives me the very same vibes you're not gonna deny me for too much longer and I have the meat and potatoes like both of them do so what do I don't don't do it to you now your days will be done but and I don't know that many numbers what did you think of this bathrobe that reaction that Joe got was it just gets louder and louder so that a that stands out for me the other thing too is you again I agree completely what you say said because the thing is is why TNA needs to look into this is there's there's a lot of different reasons I always like looking into the business side of this business Joe Henry is like one of the top sellers for pro wrestling T's like in which means impact like merchandise I mean there's a reason why you you go this route now I agree I know why they probably didn't want to put that title on him like right now um maybe you want to build him in NXT a little bit longer let them let them use him some more and get his name up there and bring the view bring more viewers possibly I think it's working just based off the views that they had for slammerversary I think it's definitely working so I I think it's a matter of time like you said it's just a matter of time so you just got to keep believing is what we got to do I'm gonna keep believe it yeah and like Ayo says TNA wants to do their own build and I think that's true to effect for sure but I think you have to do it sooner than later I'm going to say something that I thought I would never say because I I'm very grateful to TNA and all that it has exposed me to in wrestling that being said don't do a TNA thing and wait too long don't don't like I thoroughly enjoy people like the rascals ABC Jordan Grace and Joe Hendry and I think TNA is a fantastic promotion something that is necessary and needed that being said those same talents would be fantastic any and everywhere and I would be going out of my way to keep these people nothing against the older people like moves cuz they're in an even more city machine guns to an extent and I don't know what they are but I want them back baby I miss you yeah that being said too it's still like I want to keep these people who are names that are synonymous with TNA these people can put on great matches deliver great promos in my mind rent free Jordan Grace told stuff to land there I beat you I beat your boyfriend and I beat his wife whoo that's fantastic and I love having those characters on TNA I just don't want while I do want I want everyone to make money let me say that I want everyone to make money but I think it'd be foolish to let those in particular talents slip you by especially with someone like W like what you got good you got any more AJ Styles some over Joe's over there with what you got going on over there yeah well you got back there it's we got in the back let's see this yeah you know yeah and I think that TNA is a great place where I think of Naomi for example and even Ash by elegance if you feel WW or whatever it is don't think you got the meat and potatoes and you know you're that person TNA is a great place to test your metal be better wrestle a different style do something different and there's no to me there's nothing to hide in TNA you cannot hide in TNA you've got to wrestle what we stop all the we'll stop and never had to most of them sorry never had to hide yeah he was good since 205 live that man oh well no that's what I'm saying it's just he we've known he's been so good and that's a thing like he even went out to TNA and he proved it and I know everybody and their mother says he's going to a w but I'm just saying hypothetically if I'm w the b and I see what he did in TNA I'm at least making a call like hey look we messed up you know it's like a relationship I'd be like yeah I messed up yeah I know I want you back and you're all I ever wanted I mean it might not go good for them for them but hey it's worth a shot but so that's all I'm saying yeah never in this business you definitely never say never because we saw that November when some guy named Phil Brooks walked out in Chicago so huh I was about to say the same example I wasn't watching wrestling when one Christian mingle punk said I would never come back to this chicken shit company the Federation and I saw him come back after people cheered and chanted him and then he said I'm the yo I won't get into detail but CM punk was tweeting some wild stuff over the pandemic and now you're back in the Fed I'm not mad get your money I'm not mad I'm just saying never say never never say never because people like TNA is going to die and in 20 years TNA is going to be the only professional wrestling promotion make that money that's the one thing I would always tell a wrestler make that money because you know it's you don't know how much how long this will bring life will last for you so you got to make that money so go do it and that's a good example for everyone go make your money because you don't know how long his life is gonna last you and then we're done that's the end of our show Rob where can the people find you on the social medias and the internet so they want to be like Rob I love your takes guys you can find me at Rob Wilkins on X I'm also on instagram and threads at Fightful Rob you can catch me tomorrow on Fightful Overbooks coexisting with Rob and Maggie we are going to review Summer Slam we're going to talk about Ryan Danielson and Jeff Jarrett I'm going to try to get Maggie going again like I usually do by bringing up Jeff Jarrett so that's pretty much planned tomorrow three o'clock eastern on Fightful Overbooked so I also forgot to add that AO production was like wait a second because I looked at the red thing there was a backstage fight with Mike Santana in the system yep I mean unfortunately I wish it was more to it but shout out to Mike Santana having a million people hold him back and like four security guards holding back all the systems Mike Santana should beat up moves Mike Santana is going to get jumped before he beats up moves not mad at it but I want Steve Maclin to be his backup they had I mean they they had some good single match but that tag team match they had too was good so both of these guys feel like I don't want to be in a tag team no but they've got great chemistry it's like yeah damn it yeah just they don't have to be in a tag team long they don't even have to tag they just have each other back hell honestly I feel bad for the both of them because the chemistry was great they both was like we're not going to tag team it was like but why not yeah sorry guys this is like you you are I'm sorry you're good at tag team wrestling I'll never suggest and I'll never say anything again ladies and gentlemen you can find me on the internet anywhere you can tag crest the star on instagram twitter is crest the D star twitch and tick tock everywhere else is crest the star twitter is the only one where it's like crest the D star because Elon Musk got me I'm live here every Thursdays and uh Saturdays for the T&A post show most of the time with Joel so we have the lovely Rob like we do tonight and on Saturdays I have the collision post show with the radiant and wicked sometimes Sean Ross set if you need more cresting your life every Wednesday you can find me over on tick tock and twitch going over AEW dynamite I think we got everything Rob do we get everything Rob so I think so I think we got everything who chat will let us know for sure but I I think we got it all I think we did too I'm gonna end it like Joel does all right ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and friends beyond the binary this has been the T&A post show I'm crest the star that's Rob will skin will skins Wilkins we're signing out because my brain got two brain cells left in their fight in over fifth place have a good night y'all bye bye now edge street if you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your hvac system goes down it can turn up the heat literally but don't sweat it Granger has you covered Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations including warehouse hvac maintenance and even better they offer access to experts and fast delivery so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool call 1-800-Granger click Granger dot com or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done