What the Podcast?

Ep. 191 - What the Bloody Ear?!

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26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Man, aren't you guys sick of living through historical events? - I hate it. - Always. - What donut? - What donut did you choose over there? - Normal. - Normal? - Yeah, just a classic lace. - Classic. - Normal. - I feel that a donut choice says a lot about a person. - Yeah, it does. - I like a classic. - Yeah, maple bar myself. I used to be a die-hard maple bar. - Yeah. - But then I'd made the swish of crawlers 'cause they're so like fluffy. - What's that? - It's the one that's like a, it's in a circle, but it's like a spirally, it's like a twisty Cheeto, you know the one. - You know the one. - But it's in a ring. - Isn't it just glazed? - No, but it's-- - It's twisty. - But it's twisty and a circle. It's very, very fluffy. - Bare claw? - Yeah, probably, I mean, yeah, probably bare claw. I don't know if, I mean, I know bare claw has technically donuts. I guess, I'm sorry, I'm thinking apple fritter, but apple fritter doesn't really feel like a donut to me 'cause it's not like traditional, like, you know. - It's a little more fritter. - Like an area in the center, it's like really dense. Yeah, I would say if I have donuts every Sunday 'cause church, we have 'em. And I always go for like the thicker cake donuts because I'm just like, I haven't eaten anything all morning usually by that point. And I'd like, it's been like five hours since I got up and you're just crushing donut with coconut. - I just go for the most, I don't know, filling, I guess. - Yeah, well, we've got a pretty dense show for you today. So let's get right into it. Welcome back to What The Podcast. - I'm Ryan. - I'm John. - Together we are. - Ryan and John. - Kind of finding the raspy, low sexy voice today. - I thought you were just doing something new. - No, no, I had a couple of things going on this weekend, but we'll get to that. - Got it. - On the couch, as always, Cara Tafoya. - Yes. - And any of the Scoves Co-man is out, but we do have probably our most frequent reoccurring guest on this show. - Yeah, I was just saying about it. - I was just saying about it. - You're probably five out of four. - Wow. - So please welcome the lovely Michael The Pinning. - Michael The Pinning. (audience applauds) - Happy to be here. Thanks for having me. (audience applauds) Always good to have you, Michael. - Big week for you, man. - Big week. - Yeah, we've got some new music coming out from a young Michael Pinning. We've got a single dropping this Friday. - Yes, sir. - July 19th. - It's happening. - Title of Butterflies. - That's the one. Can you tell us a little bit about it? - I can, I'm really excited about this. This one, I made a trip out to Nashville to see my friend Levi last year, and we created some magic with a few songs, and this is one of those. And it's been, like, 10 months since we wrote that and finished it. - So I'm really excited to finally put it out. And it's just like a fun, summery pop tune about love and happy times. - You've been sitting on this one. You've been like-- - Yeah. - Oh, it's been a minute. - What makes this the right moment to release it? - I had some other stuff. It was like, I had all these songs that were finished. I think I had like two or three other ones that I was sitting on as well, and it was just like timing of everything. Like, when did we want this one? And what's the season like? How are people gonna receive it? And I felt like, I need a summer song, and this just felt right. - You know? - I love it, man. I have heard the song. I've even played in the Michael Pinning Band. - Do you have? - A few times. - And the Michael Pinning Band. - Yeah, you know, I-- - You are the Michael Pinning Band, or? - Well, well, unfortunately, I'm gonna be missing the release show, but-- - Yeah. - Not to put a damn product. I will say, this weekend, if you're free, July 19th, Friday. - Mm-hmm. - What time's the show at? - Six. - Door's open at five. Door's at five. - Show starts at 6.30. So there's plenty of time to get there after work. - And it's at Surge Coffee. - That's correct. - The Party Town's at it. - That's in Elka Hone on Main Street. S-U-R-J-E. - This is how they spell that one. - We've got a little single release show. - Mm-hmm, it's gonna be a blast. Seats are limited, so. - Oh, dang, get the tickets now. Get 'em while they're hot. We're gonna hear the new one Butterflies. We're gonna hear a couple other new ones. - We will, we'll hear one or two newer ones that aren't released yet. And then I've got a handful of the classics that we're gonna be playing. - Love the classics, John. - I love the classics. - Off the dome. Favorite Michael Penning songs. - You know, I was just thinking about it. The music maker song is pretty good. - Oh, that one's been, it's been a while. - It's been a while, but I, but also I like all of your stuff for the most part. Like, what you made in the COVID era too was so powerful. I thought a lot of that, what came out of that, like, season was really cool too, but. - Thank you. - Yeah, I think you're, you did this, you told us about it. And I think you actually were here on this podcast. You were doing like kind of this testing period where you were like trying stuff that was outside of your norm and then releasing it and just seeing how it was received from your friends, family, and audience. And then I think you really locked in in these next, in this next season, out of coming out of that, I think. But I could be-- - I would agree. - No, I would totally agree with that sense of it. 'Cause there has been a lot of like, throwing this big Eddie at the wall type of stuff. And I found some really cool, I don't know, it feels magical with these people I'm working with right now that it's like, oh, we finally found what sound I want it to be in. We're gonna keep going down that road. - This spaghetti is stuck now. - It's stuck, it's fully stuck. - It was al dente. - Yes. - But now it's sticking to the wall. - Truly. - Yeah. - I love going back, listening to some of Michael's first album. - Yeah. Did I try? No wait, that wasn't the third one. - That was the first one. - That was the first album. - Oh. - That was the first one. Personal favorite, room beneath the sheets. - Oh, that's everyone's favorite, I love that song. - Yeah, sexy, sexy. - Back in the day it was called The Monkey Song. - Mm-hmm, actually, wait, was that The Monkey Song? Or, why is it? - No, that was, these walls was The Monkey Song. Classic, just classic. - Love it. - You know, the working titles. - Come on. Jump in here. ♪ I'm not giving up ♪ ♪ I'm not giving up ♪ - Yes. - That one. - That was nice. - Oh, brush. - Can we get you on the vocals on the next turn? - No, I have work until like 10, 30 on Friday. - Oh, wow. - Sorry, ting. - Be at the world, we'll see. - Anyways, I'm really stoked for that show. - I'm gonna be there on Friday, so I'll be able to report. - Will you livestream it? - Thank you. - I'll report back, I can't commit to livestreaming it, but I will do my best. - Can you send me like, some short videos? - Oh, I understand, I'll send you short videos. - We'll definitely have some clips. We'll have some clips for sure. - Oh, I appreciate that. - Yeah, I don't know if like, we can livestream it, technically, just 'cause you're copyrighted, and you'll probably come after us if you like. - I probably will, yeah. My lawyers will contact your lawyers. - Crazy team, they got over there at it, yeah. - So, you're in this new magical season, where the pieces are just kind of coming together, writing new music, what sets this kind of Michael's season apart from previous iterations of the album? - Right, I'm prepared for today. - I'm really trying to do this thing where we do like a podcast, where we kind of ask you what you're doing. - Oh, we're recording this. - You know, interesting questions, maybe it's a little compelling thing. - I got you, I got some cuts. - I know, I know. - Okay, yeah, we should make some cuts. - Um, what's this apart? I would say they're... - And you can extend it to what sets this season apart, and like, the oncoming, like you're writing new music, like, what can you just, like, define that? - Yes. - Quantify it for us. - Yeah, I think with, like, as far as the sound of what I'm creating these days, it's very much like, moved from what I think it should sound like, to just what I'm having fun writing, and like, what I like, and if I like how it sounds, then that's what we're gonna do. And I'm not too worried about, like, the rules, or what's popular, or this, and that's been really freeing. And then, I would say, there's a little more honesty coming through this season, where it's like, there's one song in particular that's coming out in the end of August, and it came out of this, like, oh, I'm just gonna write a really honest, heartbreaking song. - Sure. - And then, but I still wrote the chorus this way, that I'm like, well, I don't wanna be like, too honest. - Yeah. - I don't wanna be too honest. It's like, that would be-- - Crazy. - Really sad. - Yeah. - And then, I showed it to my producer, Levi, and he was like, yeah, that chorus isn't hitting. Like, I was like, well, here's like the first draft when I was really, like, upset and sad and angry. And he's like, yeah, you're gonna say exactly that. - Oh, wow. - And I'm like, I'm scared to say that. - That's better. - No, that's really good. I'm like, okay. - Wow. - So, it's rough, but-- - Yeah. - And that's the one I've probably been the most nervous about releasing, like, I don't talk about it. - Sure. - 'Cause I'm like, I have to start promoting that in, like, four weeks, and I'm just terrified. (laughs) - Now, and you've been on your promotion game lately. I've been seeing your, what is this, day seven? - The day you'll be posting every day? - Today will be day seven. - On the day of this recording? - On the day of this recording. - By the time this comes out, it'll probably be like, three, nine, day 10. - Nine or 10. - I love it, man. - It's been, I hate self-promotion. And I feel like such a goober just being like, hey, look at me, but you gotta do it. - Listen to this song. - Yeah. - That I wrote, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There is an inherent that going on, very much. But it is, we have this conversation recently, like the people that are super successful in their own, like, you know, promotion and social media management, like, they're doing it unapologetically, and like, it's happening. It like, it works. - The only people that are annoying are the people who aren't good. - Well, I feel that people that aren't genuine, if you're posting and it's kind of like, not coming from the heart, I feel that people can tell that. And I can feel it coming from your heart. - Oh, wow. - Thank you. Thank you. - Thank you. - Yeah, I agree with that. I think, like, how I often think about that, like, success sometimes is tied to just, like, being the guy that talks about his stuff all the time. You know, like, like, when you start a business or you start a new project, like, you have to talk about it, you know, and when we, even when we started this show, like, four, almost four years ago, it was like, people, like, we just had, we, every, every, like, hang out we had and family and party, you know, it's like, we were just talking about, like, oh, yeah, we're doing this new thing. And I think that's just what kind of gets people to it. And then people do, like, kind of bear yourself. You have to, like, put your neck out for this thing. - It's so awkward. And I've said this too, that's the reason that I, like, I would love to do more, like, social content and more, like, YouTube stuff. But it's like, there's that inherent fear, like, I don't want to, I don't want to come off as, like, the guy who's, like, constantly pushing his stuff. But I also admire that in other people. So I don't know why there's a brain block. - Oh my gosh, yeah, so the same way. - Yeah, I see you doing it. I'm like, dude, it's awesome. Like, he's, well, one, you have good music. And that's a part of it, I think, too. But you're out there, like, posting every day. I'm like, dang, he is grinding. Like, I respect that, you know? - Totally. - And then, but then when it comes to, like, me thinking about doing it, I'm like, oh gosh, people are gonna think, like, I, you know, and that's none of that's true. It's your my own brain, but, you know. - And it's a big, like, liking something and, like, showing a part of you is, like, you know, it's naturally, what's the word I'm looking for? - Vulnerable. - Like, you're making yourself vulnerable. And so, it would be very easy for somebody to come along and be like, that's stupid, you're stupid. I don't agree with you, bad song. - Yeah, yeah. - You know, bad video. - Totally, yeah. - But, in hopes that, okay, while this little piece of my heart is going to connect with somebody else and audience, even if it's one person across the, you know, the webiverse. - The webiverse, yeah. - Yeah. - Reed, I love that. - That's the dream. - True. - So, how did this release party, like, come about? Like, I know you release songs, not, I mean, a little bit more infrequent lately, but you do release songs probably at least once a couple of months. Why a release party for this one? - So, I played a show with my friend Sierra at this coffee shop. They were, they're getting ready to release some music, so they previewed their entire EP and they invited me to be part of the band and then opened for them and it was super fun. So, I got to know the people at this coffee shop and they were like, yeah, we'd love to have you do your own thing here. And I was like, well, I've got a single coming out. Why don't we line it up around the same time, so. - Whoa, okay. - It's kind of all fell into place. - Connections, just a bit of happen now. - Absolutely, the heases are just coming into your ice. - You are, you are so right, Ryan. They are coming into place. - Oh, yeah. - Carrie, you got any questions for Ryan? I mean, for Michael over there. - Yeah, anything you want to ask, we just let it rip. - I'm looking at the coffee shop. - Oh, yeah. - It's pretty cool. - It's pretty cool. - It's pretty cool. - They're pretty new. - I've only seen like one other coffee shop on Main Street. - Yeah. - With weird spelling. - And I can't remember what it's called. - They do like really fun, like cocktail type coffee drinks where it's like, here's a coffee drink that's inspired by like an old fashioned and it's fantastic. So they really get into like. - Will they be serving coffee at this? - Uh-huh. - Coffee, cocktail? - It's really good. - Well, they'll have, there's no alcohol in their coffee. - Sure, yeah, sure. - But it's like, you know. - They're low. - I'm interested of a cocktail. - They're one of the greatest joys in life is trying a new coffee. - It's, I gotta say, they're great. - And it's, it makes me happy. - Yeah, but there will be a bar and food. - It's Armenian and Mexican-owned. - Mm-hmm. - Amazing. - And they're like a little art gallery too. - What? - Cara, that's like our people combined. - I know. - What's your, speaking of coffee, Michael, what's your current coffee order? - True. - I think we talked about this recently, didn't we? I mean us, but not Michael. - I think in real life we talked about. - Probably. - I never know where the podcast is. - I know. - And that's the hardest part. - I'm gonna say, oatmeal clate. - Oatmeal clate. - If there's any, yeah. Ice these days. - Yeah. - Summertime. - Summertime, of course. - Once we hit like November, it's, it'll probably go hot. - Yeah. - Well, yeah. - But then, you know, you never know. - I think I ordered a hot coffee. And it's always just a cappuccino, maybe twice a year. - Yeah. - I agree. - That's it. - No, it's always iced. - That's funny. I've been getting cappuccinos lately. - I'll get a cappuccino. I'll get a cappuccino after like 8 p.m. - Mm, yeah. - That is actually the perfect cappuccino. Late night diner is when I want a cappuccino. - Do you know when you're up? - For sure. - That's like a huge no-no. - Yeah. - What do you mean? - Anytime afternoon, if you're ordering a cappuccino, they immediately are like tourists, tourists. - Wait, wait, wait. What about like coffee? Can I get coffee afternoon? Those guys drink coffee all day long. - The European. - It's probably different, but it's cappuccinos. - It's pressed yes. - It's pressed so. Okay. - It's like a currant coffee order. - I don't really drink coffee. - What you drink? Do you want me to switch? - Macha, Macha, Macha. - Yeah, you worked at a coffee shop. Is that, have you never had much coffee? - I don't think you've ever really been into coffee. - No. - Oh really? - No, it's more of like a dessert or like a sweet treat. - Okay. - But I did get a coffee order a couple months ago that I created and it was from Starbucks. But it was a like two shot blonde latte with oat milk with a pump of macadamia nut syrup and strawberry cold foam. - That sounds fantastic. - It was. - What the coffee world is doing with the whole foam these days? - It's barbaric. - It's crazy. - It's absolutely insane. - My favorite drink though is if they do it right and if they have the right kind of syrup for it is the strawberry Macha. - I love it. - But it has to be like a strawberry puree. - Strawberry puree. - It can't be like fake strawberry. Listen, I feel that we're in a cold foam arms race right now. (laughing) - I love cold foam. - We're not gonna stop until the whole world is covered in cold foam. - At this time I knew we were in a weird season of cold foam is my brother-in-law Jake who watched the show. He's like a black coffee guy, right? Like hot black coffee all the time. And that only even really started when he started like teaching and getting up early because he didn't have coffee really in high school or college. But all of a sudden one day he rolls up the Starbucks and I'm like, what is that? Like I have like what? - Gun neon lights coming off of it. - It's like a caramel cream cold foam. - It's salted nitro cold brew. - He salted foam. - Salted caramel cold foam. - So good. - And the cold foam is what he likes. - Yeah. - 'Cause it salted vanilla foam. He's so good. - He calls it, he said like salted caramel jet fuel because it's like a cold foam. - It's like that nitro cold brew. - Oh, this makes me so excited for fall because I always get the salted cold foam on top of pumpkin. - Oh yeah. - On top of the PSL. - Oh, on top of the pumpkin chives. - Oh, yeah. - Don't get chives. - Don't even say them. - Oh, sorry. - I'm salted. - I'm not saying the P word right now. - Sorry. - I'm fully in summer mode. - Sorry. - Strawberry. - Guys, Halloween decorations are already at Michaels. - Let's go. - They're already at your house, wow. - No, at Michael Pinnings house. - Yeah, they're already up. - They stay up. - They stay up all year round. - Well, guys, happy Prime Day on the day of this recording. - Prime Day. - Prime Day. - Any cheap shit you're gonna buy on Amazon for less money? - Probably. - I have to find the travel backpack, so. - Oh, I'm dropping. - John, I know you're on the Prime Day already. - You know, can I tell you something? The last two years, Prime Day has come. I mean, and I haven't looked today. I probably will buy something. But last two years of Prime Day, I just couldn't, like, snuck up on me. I just, like, couldn't get prepared. And then I thought, you know, you do, like, the panic, like, throw things in your cart. And then I'm sitting there going, is this really what I want, you know? - Do I want them? - And so, last two years, I haven't actually purchased on Prime Day, believe it or not. I got really overwhelmed, and I was like, I can't do that. - Do we know if they're doing that thing that, like, Target does where they like-- - Yes, they fake the price that they do. - They, a week before, bump up the prices a billion times, and then Prime Day comes, and they slash the prices a half. - Actually, how much they are? - I would say, yes. - You can go online and do a price tracker for certain items, so if you're like, oh, this is so cheap, I'm gonna buy this, grab the price tracker, and most times, like, a month before Prime Day, they bump it up. - I did see a really good pair of Sony headphones for $45 instead of $95. - Are you in the market headphones? - No. - Honestly, for planes, yes. I love my AirPods for work and for all this stuff, but on the plane, they always fall out when I'm trying to sleep. - Kind of a boxy. - Yeah. - AirPods fall out, really. - Yeah, they fall out of my ear. - Big ears. - I've never had that experience. - Small ears. - And I have a problem with headphones where this part never is small enough, so I've tried the Apple Air Maxes. They're too big on my head, on the lowest, on the setting. I've tried Beats. They're also, I need, like, a little, like, pad right here. - I need to, like, fill the space. - Power those head from the gym for you right now. - These are good. - The Apple Air Maxes are not adjusted. - They are adjustable. - They are, but the smallest one, my ratio from the top of my head to my ear is tiny. - Small head, big ears, John. - No. - Got it, right. - Big head, big head, small ears. - Big head, small ears. - That's what they called me in high school. - Big head, big ears. - That's true. - Unfortunately. - Well, I think we've beat it around the bush long enough. - All of them. - Guys, crazy SHIT over the weekend. - Yeah. - I would say. And, and I think-- - You're talking about lip sync? - I'm talking about lip sync. (laughing) - Yeah. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Thank you, Michael. - At this point, like, everyone has dissected the whole, we're talking about the assassination attempt of a former president, a young former president Donald Trump. - Yeah, and by, like I was saying, like, by this point, it's been fully stretched out to its, its, you know-- - Yeah, for sure, but-- - We've analyzed the backstory of the guy that attempted it. We've, you know, seen every angle from the crowd, from an iPhone, we kind of get the gist of it. I wanna talk a little bit about, like, the conversation around it. - Yeah. - 'Cause I feel it's like a fairly, like, crazy polarizing one. Like, if, if we couldn't have gotten more polarizing. - Yeah. - I've seen a lot of takes on the socials. - Oof. Man. - I've only seen two. - It's brutal out there. - Yeah, there's-- - Yeah, there's-- - Yeah, there's only two sides you're really paying. - The, how did he miss? - Yeah, I feel-- - And then the, he's a hero. - Yeah. - God protect his head. - But each one of those has its own rabbit trails because on the, I'll say, like, left-leaning side, it starts there, like, people immediately going like, ah, should've, you know, wish he didn't miss. Oh, the wind. And it's like, then people going, no, like, political violence is wrong. And then other people being like, no, political violence is not wrong. How can you be upset about this when, you know, there's still violence happening in Palestine? And it's like, not, it's so, like, down a road that is not even about anything anymore. - Why are we talking more about Palestine as much as we're talking about this right now? - And, heard. - Yes. - Right? Definitely agree. But like, is that helpful to the conversation that, like, I don't know. - I don't think anything's helpful to this conversation. It's something that happened and it's awful, no matter what, if Biden was standing up there, it would be the same thing. - Yeah, yeah, you'd get the same response from both sides. - I wonder if you would. - You would. - You would. - You're saying would. - You're saying flipped. - Oh, it would be flipped. - Totally. - I feel that, like, Biden doesn't have the same, like, he wouldn't have the same martyrdom. Like, I feel that side. I see what you're saying. - Oh, oh, oh. - If Biden was Shawnette, we wouldn't be like, oh my God, he's a hero. Now we're for sure voting for him. - Oh no, you're right. You're so right. - Yeah, he doesn't have the, like, die hard. He has no die hard fans. - No. - Agreed. - That, like, he's got chosen one. - Have only been fired up by this thing where it's like, he's bulletproof now. - Yeah. - The man is bulletproof, John. - Yeah, I think, I mean, it's just a tough conversation 'cause I think either, like, I think he missed stuff, he shouldn't have missed, like, narrative is so awful. Like, I felt like when it happened and I immediately went to social media and I was like seeing all that we talked about and I just felt like, like, gross. Like, I was like, really? Like, is that what we've come to? You know, like, I'm not a fan of Trump in any way, shape, or form. - Did you send it to the group chat? - I did because I have a friend. - You were literally, I swear, I swear, you were the first one 'cause I had to break the news to everyone at Legoland. - John posted it before freaking the New York Times did. - Let me tell you what, I have friends. - John was the one with the picture of him in the business year. - Literally texted me, like, he sent me the raw video of the live broadcast. - No. - And it was like, this happened and I went to Google it and articles were posted seven minutes prior. - Yeah. - Wow. - I don't know. - Oh, yeah. - I was like, so then I started, you know, then I started telling you guys 'cause I was like, this is, I just thought it was crazy and yeah, I mean, there's so many things I thought of. - I will say, the What the Podcast group chat has a faster response time than the New York Times did. - Literally. - Amazing. - Amazing, amazing. - Yeah, so I think, I think like, it's an awful incident and I hope, which I know it's not gonna be the reality is that it like neutralizes a lot of this tension. I think there are people saying that, but I don't know that it will, unfortunately. - It is hard 'cause it's putting some people on a pedestal. - Sure, sure. - Yeah, sure. - You mean, Donald Trump, who's putting on a pedestal? - Those who are in favor on that side. They're kind of like, look at us, we're unbeatable. - Yeah, like that. - Giving them some legitimacy. - Yes. - Yeah. - Yeah, and my brother said something kind of interesting and I think it's in perspective that I didn't even consider. He's like, I really hope that somebody doesn't go after Biden next and-- - Yes, in retaliation. - Yeah, I also had the thought though of, I know they're gonna bump up security so much more now because of all of the mistakes they made, but literally I was like, oh, there's gonna be some copycats that we'll try. - They're giving me a secret service now. - Yeah, yeah. - They're crazy. - Oh my gosh. - They were like, somebody had to be able to kill for our advocate to get a secret service. - Literally, all of the stuff that went wrong, my dad was talking about it 'cause, you know, dad, cop, whatever. - Yeah, so, oh, security detail. - The woman, security, when it happened, she, number one, fled. - Okay, wait. - She hid herself before going after Trump to protect him. - Secret service. - Yeah, it was the secret. The woman in the secret service. - Oh, interesting, okay. - Which sucks for women, but, you know-- - Yeah, that's-- - She literally, she turned away instead of jumping after him. - Oh, yeah. - When she grabbed her gun, she couldn't find her holster to put it back. And dad was like, that is the number one thing is you know where your holster is, no matter what. It is like a no think. - So, what was it, her first day on the job or? - Well, my dad. So, my dad is like, loves the secret service. I watched a bunch of documentaries, read a bunch of books about it. - So, rough day for you for damn. - He was, yeah, he was, yeah, he was pretty-- - Boys, what were we thinking? - He was saying that secret service, because it's such like a grab-and-go job, like, there are some people that are assigned to presidents, and that's a steady, consistent job. - Sure. - A lot of these jobs are, like, get your bag and you're going to Pennsylvania, you know, and they don't get a lot of training. Like, they get training initially to like, how to, like, the basics, but like, in terms of their scenario is always changing, you know? It's like one day it's a rally in Pennsylvania, and the next day it's like, you know, an arena. - Are secret service guys, former cops? - A lot of them are former military. - Upgraded cops? Are they former military? - Former military, yeah. - I always thought it was a branch of the military. Like, secret service was not like a branch, but like, a department, at least, of like-- - It's just an agency, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's, it's, there was a lot of things about the scenario, too, that I was like, oh man, like, probably coincidence, but bad luck. Like, the director of the secret service was appointed by Biden, and she, before, prior to becoming director of secret service, was a CEO of a major serial company. Like, has no military-- - That's interesting. - Or long, that's wild. - That's wild. - And so, but she, she, and my dad was saying, a lot of these positions are political. - I was gonna say to be CEO, is it more like managerial? - Yeah, it's great. - And I'm sure that's probably true about the, she's not making calls about how to train now, you know, a secret service. - Yeah. - She's saying like, this is how much money we have as Biden, you know, whatever. - Right, it's more corporate. - But she, I guess, submitted a request five days prior to reduce Trump's secret service detail. And I'm like, again, probably Jessica way to sit in, but like, bad luck. - Because, yeah, there's so many little-- - There hasn't been-- - There hasn't been-- - Of Donald Trump's entire, I mean, his whole presidency, there wasn't like an assassination attempt. - Yes, totally. - This is the first presidential assassination attempt since Ronald Reagan. So it's not like, again, it's, oh, I think John's, Cam went out. - Oh, what? - It's not-- - Like, click again. - Like you said, it's like, probably a coincidence. It's like, you know, a shot in the dark that that happened to happen at that time. - Yes, oh, what's crazy is it, it wasn't the amount of secret service, it was the-- - It was a response. - The horrible response, because the secret service saw this man with a sniper three minutes before it happened. That there were people on another roof who were watching him, and it came out that they kept radioing secret service saying-- - There's a guy on the roof-- - There's a guy on the roof with a sniper, what do we do, what do we do, and they kept saying, wait, wait, wait, wait. - There was people in the crowd. - There was people in the crowd. - Yeah, there was people in the crowd who saw him before he'd taken a shot. - I think there's someone up there. - That's the weird thing, it's like what's the deal with that? - Yeah, I was, I was wondering about that, do you remember what I was saying that? - Sometimes, if you went to a random police officer at that event and was like, hey, there's a sniper on the roof, secret service has counter surveillance snipers, and so I think the cops, if you were just going to a Joe Schmoe, a cop that's working in the beat, local cop, he probably would, and his brain is going like, oh, he's there to seeing the counter sniper team. And so, yes, there was a lot of, but yes, it was bad, but they were watching him, because that's why they-- - What's crazy is the counter sniper team is like, you can see them, there were three of them, or two of them on the roof with all of this equipment, and then the actual shooter was like on his stomach with one. - And the guy happened to be in a spot where they couldn't see him, and-- - I was just talking about this, I feel like it's one of those things where like, you can't, you can never be fully prepared, you know? Like, I know it seems like, oh yeah, why did they see it, whatever, but you know there was like 10,000, 15,000 people there, and it's like, I just feel like sometimes, that's just the way the world works. Like, some guy sneaks by with a gun, and like, it's awful, but like, it's just-- - A series of human errors. - It just happens, and it's really bad, but-- - When was Reagan? - The '80s. - Wanna hear my dad, again, big secret service book. He has a story of the last time there was almost a major incident prior to post Reagan. - You talking about the shoe thing, Bush? - No. (laughing) - I think I threw shoes at Bush. George H. Bush, so George-- - Senior. - Yeah, his senior. He was in a rally, just like Trump, like, is that a rally? And some guy, like, just nonchalantly throws a grenade on stage, but the fuse was bad, so it never went off. - Whoa. - So secret service just like, went out, grabbed it, came back, and had it analyzed, and nobody ever knew that like, George H was literally-- - Close to being blown out. - Of fuse away from-- - Yeah, that's wild. - And I'm like, talk about that. - I remember hearing about that. The statistics of that, like-- - I was wondering, 'cause I was like-- - I was wondering, 'cause I was like-- - How many grenades are defaulty, and then he happens to grab the one that defaulty-- - I mean, some grisly old war vet has an old grenade in his garage, or his son, or somebody gets it, and is like, I'm gonna do it. - I was wondering, I was like, how many presidential assassination attempts can you live through in one life, and like, now our parents have lived through, too? - Sure, yeah, actually. - When was Kennedy assassinated? - 60s. - 60s? - 60s. - Yeah, my parents have lived through three. My parents weren't born yet, then. - And then there was that bush thing with the shoe. - Uh-huh. - Through that shoe. - And then there was three and a half. - Thomas Roosevelt. - That's that show, Assassin's. On Broadway is about all the presidential assassins. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh, wow, mm-hmm. - Oh, I didn't know that. - Oh, I didn't know that. - 63. - Yeah, the wild thing, too, is like, it's heartbreaking the man that ended up losing his life was definitely-- - It's terrible. - Yes. - But like, the thing that's so wild to me is that the wife refused to call from the president. Like, Biden called her, and she refused to speak to him. - Of course she did, she was at a Donald Trump rally. - But it's so, I'm like, I don't know of any other time in history where it's like, the literal president-- - The president's calling. - Is calling. - And you're like-- - No, it's voicemail. - It's so, and like, I feel like that just speaks so much to like, how bad it's going. - That's real tough, yeah. - Yeah, I would say so. I mean, certainly like with something this, like you said, like in reality, a series of human errors. - Yes. - But initially following, we all go to conspiracy theories. - Yeah. - I saw a few takes of like, oh, Biden put out a hit on Donald Trump. I even saw a few, oh, this was all planned by Donald Trump so he could get, you know, sympathy, and he could look really good about it. - There's some sketchy people behind him. - Can you imagine? - Who literally, who literally go down before the gun even goes off and you're like, how did you know? - Yeah, everybody's analyzing the video and they're like, oh, what? - It's crazy. - Crazy, I will say unfortunately, those pictures came out. He looks pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie, he's got blood coming out of his ear. He's got a fist up in the air. - I mean, that's kind of what I was thinking as, you know, when you first watch the video, I'm thinking, I'm not the guy to break through security, so like Secret Service, to like reassure people, I'm okay, you're getting me out of it. - Yeah, 100%. - I'm in the fetal position and they're literally carrying me out of there. You know what I'm saying? Like I'm not getting back up, like that is a bold move. - Because the man is to a fault, a performer. We forget that the man was in Hollywood, okay? He knew exactly. - He said he'd go maniac, and it's like-- - He put his fist up in the air and then he said, wait, let me get my shoes. - I forgot my shoes. - God. - Listen. And I saw this whole interview with the guy that took that now kind of infamous picture. And he's a New York Times photographer and he's been photographing presidents like his whole career and it's like-- - Oh, New York, yeah. - Really impressive body of work, it's amazing. But like he was talking about how this picture is such a historical moment, but like, it's now gonna be kind of used as this like propaganda almost. Like publishing this photo as opposed to like, you know, like pushing that one to the top because it's getting views and stuff versus like publishing a photo that was a little more true to life, you know? And yeah, it just kind of like, makes me think about that Civil War movie that we saw where like, what kind of story are you inherently telling by taking like this photo as opposed to like a different photo, you know? Just like the honesty of journalism and all that, I don't know. - Yeah, I think it was an awful thing, no matter what. I wish that there was a little more unity over it. And we might see that happen in the next couple of weeks, but it's like something like this, even like when you go back to Kennedy being assassinated, it's like that changed the course of like the climate, you know? And in the terms of like, people were like, "Hey, this isn't you and me, like us and them anymore." It's just like, you know, we're supposed to be working together on this and I just-- - I think we're living in a very different world. - 100% but I'm saying like something like this, which is again, similar, not the same, but similar in the sense that like a president was millimeters away from literally being killed on life from religion. You know what I'm saying? - I think if he was killed, we'd be having a different conversation. Like the whole conversation would be going in a different direction. I feel that, I don't know, now he's still here. And now it's like he's gonna, you know, be the martyr and he's gonna-- - I already think it's so crazy because immediately it was like, "Oh, the shooter was a Democrat. Like they hated Trump, boo, this man was a registered Republican." - Yeah. - However, there is a TikTok video circulating that he posted a long time ago of him being like, "I hate Republicans, I hate Trump." - Right, right. - Yeah, he's doing a reality of Democratic, big Democratic campaigns too. - I added to the list, like that's probably not even why he did it. - Yeah. - The man obviously, like anyone that does this goes out and you know, tries to kill anyone, tries to shoot anyone with a gun. - Mm-hmm. - There is some sort of mental illness happening there. - Well the whole thing was like, on the news they were like, they're trying to find a motive. It's like the, well the motive was hate and then also an imbalance in the brain. - But we all, you know, the collective we go, "Oh, well, this must have been politically motivated." - Right. - So what was he registered as? - Like that was the craziest thing, is people were asking that question like minutes after, like was he Republican or Democrat? - Was he on our side or their side? - Yeah, right. - Because if he is on our side, then like, okay. - And then when they heard the Republican, they were like, "Book." - Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying. - Yeah, yeah, it's tough. Definitely a weird situation. - Let me tell you, even a weirder with the news coming out while working at a theme park. - Oh, really? - Ooh, is that scary? - It was kind of the same as when Trump was first elected. Well, I was at musical theater college. Same response. - Energy, same vibe. - Energy, crazy, yeah. - Really? - And in a blue room. - Go ahead. - Literally, one thing that was crazy was like an hour after it happened and we were already all talking about it, I was walking out to do my set and a random other Lego land worker had just gotten off of her break. She was in like food and beverage or something. And she literally looked at our group and was like, "Do you guys hear what happened?" We were like, "You're an hour late, girl." But it was just like-- - Too busy being a Lego? - It was very moment in history. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And over the top, and you know, people. - Yeah, people. - So people, yeah. - Who's ready for some precedent at times? - I would really love some precedent at times. I'm sick and tired of these unprecedented times. - Literally sick. - Oh, that's crazy. - So I mean, that's it. - What does it all mean? - That's the definitive take, right? We have microphones, therefore, we're right. Thank you. - Thank you. - I think no real opinion was stated, so we're right on that. - I think that's a good thing. - It's all just so fascinating to watch. - And just like any other thing that happens in government in the United States, like, we're gonna see it turn into a different conversation over the next couple of weeks. We're still not even a week out from this happening. And, you know, they just chose Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, right? - Yeah, he chose his VP. - He chose his VP. - Yeah, he's been chosen for a while. - Who, VP, 39, and just served his freshman year. - Yeah, listen. - Of Senator. - Listen, not a Republican, won't be voting Republican, but young person in the White House, awesome. Sure, bring it on. - Isn't the age 36? - 35, you get 35 years old. - 35, 35. - Michael, you could be president. - Yeah, coming up September. - Yes. - What was this year? - There's still time, you could turn 35, and then in November, you can get elected. - Why 35? I don't think any president was younger than 50. - Not true. - My favorite is-- - I think some early ones were. - I recently found out that there's a, like, there's a lot of people who ran for president, a lot of which don't make the ballot, but there's, like, small, like, debates in all major states where these presidential candidates have, like, a live stream debate on Facebook. - I love it. - And it is so funny. There's this guy that's been, like, running every year, every chance he gets for the last 20 years, and he wears a boot on his head. - Like, yes! - What's his name? - Oh, my gosh, I can't remember it. He's my favorite. - Yeah, and watch, I just watched, like, a little clip from TikTok, and I'm, like, man, awesome. Like-- - He's my favorite for the bit. - If only. - Like, it's just such a good thing. - If only. - Like, what? What if I should run for president? That's hilarious. - Youngest person to ever become president, he, Kerry, went far off. He was 42. - To Obama. - It was Teddy Roosevelt. - Oh, really? - Oh, Teddy. - Yeah. - Teddy. - Teddy. - He was succeeded to the office after the assassination of President McKinley. - Interesting. - Interesting. - The oldest person ever to become president? Joe Biden. - Yeah. - He was 70, right? - Yeah, yep, yep. - Well, that's, I mean-- - Yeah, I mean, I'm-- - Which, he will top-- - Which, he will top, Annie, but-- - Which, do you know that, no matter if Trump or Biden gets elected this year-- - They will be the oldest president. - The oldest. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - How has it come to that? - What about that boot guy? How old is he? - Oh, he's old. - He's up there. - He's up there. - Yeah, he's up there. - He's up there. - So we've got no chance. - No. (laughing) - What about that boot guy? I think there was a lot of really good younger candidates on either side. I mean, I didn't see much of the Democratic side, 'cause I know Biden was kind of the guy. - He was, yeah, they threw him out from the gate. - Who are you saying, like, keep Buttigieg? - They're a Republican side. They had a lot of young guys. I'm like, what are you going to do? - They did, keep Buttigieg. - He could be, so he could match it. He's 42 right now. - Mm-hmm. - He's not gonna get elected. - Nope. - I'm cool with Appy. - Yeah. - But it would be cool. - Well, thank you. - Beatty. - Beatty. - Beatty. - Can we end the show on a high note? - Yeah, we have anything good happening in the world? - No, I'm asking, that's a good question. - It's a possible question. - Annie's not here. (audience cheering) - Oh, wait, no, I'm missing. - It was World Orca Day the other day. - Aren't you guys going to Hawaii soon? - Going to Hawaii next week? - Next, well, that's positive. - Next week? - Yeah. John, what do you got? I'm going to Hawaii next week too. - Crazy. - Wait, what? - What? - What? - That'd be crazy. - Yes, I could. Yes, with us. - And with us. - I'd be crazy in this. - I'll tell you the same thing I tell Michael every time. - To an open invite. - We almost went last year. - I know. - I'm so bummed. - Annie, almost went this year. - I know. - I know. - And then she gets her schedule. - She's like, I'll go to it. - Annie next year's our year. - Annie next year's our year. - For about 30 seconds. And then she looked to her calendar and said, "Oh, I have two weddings next weekend." - Wow, Annie. She's a worker bee. - Always. - I think my voice is kind of-- - No, no. - I can hear it. It's fully back. - You guys hear that? Ryan's voice. - Oh my gosh. You guys, should we start? - Yeah, so redo the podcast? - Yeah. - I think that happened to John one time. - That was a rough cut, right? - Yeah, that was just a trial run. We are gonna do it for real this time. - Now we're gonna start over. - Cool, cool, cool, cool. - Stronger takes. - John. - Same thing. - Yeah, so I was gonna say we could talk about lip sync, but Annie's not here. She won. - Yeah, I feel like she got a little wrong. - But we had a lot of fun. - Had a lot of fun. - Yeah, maybe we'll talk about the post-show a little bit. - Ah, teasers. - Michael, you ever been on the post-show? - Yeah, the Christmas. - Christmas. - Oh, that was cocktail-y. - Oh, God. - Time we had to cut the episode in half. - And it had to be a post-show? - It got so after all. - Why do we have to do that? - 'Cause we were drunk. - 'Cause it got crazy. - 'Cause I personally said a lot of things that I didn't want on the internet. - That's fair. I mean, now it's on the internet though. - That was like a game-boy's level. - It's behind a paywall. - Yeah, paywall. - We got to pay to see that. - Okay, well, the Game Boy's paywall is-- - It's much higher. - We haven't reached it yet, 'cause none of that has even been paid for it. - No one's even there. - John, do you know what's coming out? - What's up? - New Mario Party game. - Oh, yeah. - That's-- - I sent it to both of you. - Game Boy's are back. - I sent it to both of you. - All right, well, we'll be lashing in a Patreon near you. - Yeah, so true. - Definitely. - Could we do that? - Kind of even. - We could lashing in Patreon. - Oh, sweet. - Pretty awesome. - All right. - So we'll talk Game Boy's on the post-show. Next week, we'll talk Annie on lip sync. Folks, we wanna thank you for watching Listening. If you made it this far, you're a real one. And so why don't you make that official by paying us? For $4 a month, you can support what the podcast, through our Patreon, you'll get access to the post-show, you'll get access to merch drops, maybe a little behind-the-scenes every now and then. Really should start filming those again. Go down to the bio and check that out, link to the Patreon, as well as a link to Michael's new music coming out this week. - Ooh! - Yeah, Friday. July 19th, that's probably, by the time this gets posted, tomorrow, Friday. So get out to the show, surge coffee, doors open at five, get yourself a little coffee cocktail, and listen to the new one by Michael Butterflies. - Yes. - Yes, thank you. Very excited. - It's a summer jam. - What's that? - Hit the summer jam, and it closes out, all right? - Where is it? - Where is it? - There it is. - Hey. - Hey. - Hey. - Wow. - Michael, any final thoughts? - Thanks for having me. - Thanks for being here. - Don't... - Assassee people. - Oh, good, that's good. - That's a good advice. - That's a good advice. - Good advice. - Final thoughts. - I feel like that that's just a good day one rule. - From the jump. - Yeah. - No assassinations. - Yeah, totally. - You didn't sound super... - No, I agree, 100% agree. - Can you look at the camera when you say that? - I 100% agree. - Just has a disclaimer. - He has glasses on, you can't see his eyes. - I 100% agree. - We don't know what his eyes are. His eyes are closed. - No, his eyes are stationed. I said, "Nation, thank you." - Okay, he's done around, though. On the couch, as always, Cara Tofoya. Michael the Pin, pinning, I'm Ryan. - I'm John. - We'll see you next week on... - What the podcast? - What the podcast? - What the podcast? - That's the thing with you. - That's right, I forgot. - I had a 1991 episode. - I saw the podcast. - I saw the podcast. - And then... - I was like, "Am I gonna say it?" - No, that's fine. - Oh, love it here. - I love it here. - Here. - Hmm. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ (dramatic music)