What the Podcast?

Ep. 187 - What the Justin’s Joyride?!

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26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to What The Pondcast. I'm Ryan. - I'm John. - Together we are. - Ryan and John. - On the couch as always, Cara Tofoya. - Cara Tofoya. - Yo ho. - Yo ho. - Nice. - Annie the Scove Scoveman. - Ho yo. - Thank you. - Always fresh, never frozen. Guys, I just wanna take a beat and say, I'm really happy that we do this every week. - Wow. - Just a little moment of gratitude. - Somebody saw it. - I am. - I knew I was excited to have his coffee. - Oh, okay. - And yeah, I was, my tiny Grinch heart grew three sizes last night. - I know. - We saw, spoilers ahead for the sequel to Inside Out. That's Inside Out 2. - Yeah. - When you guys think that first Inside Out came out, what year? - Oh, jeez. - I looked it up yesterday. - Oh. - With 20. - 2016. - Best guess. - I would say, yeah, 2015. - 2015, on the dot. For some reason, I thought it came out way more recently. - Yeah, it did feel-- - And it's kind of, it's a what? Almost a 10 year gap between Inside Out and I guess she had to grow. - No, it's a cartoon, actually. So she didn't. - Probably takes a long time to do all the animations. - Yeah, but they've made quite a few Pixar movies. - Yeah. - I feel like a new Pixar movie comes out every year, if not every other year. - You know, the first 10 years, the first five years of that was them trying to decide which new emotions they should have. - I thought they pretty much nailed it. Without going into like, the dirty, like, nitty gritty of puberty, I think they kind of nailed it. - Yes. - Emotions wise. - Yeah, they were missing one. - Horny. - Snack, go ahead. - Horny. - No, I was gonna say ant flow. - Oh. - That would have been great. - I know it was interesting, but I was talking to John about this, 'cause the whole thing is the main character who the emotions are, you know, controlling is now a teenage girl. - Yes. - But I think they had to, like, keep that out so that guys could relate. 'Cause the one thing I really didn't like at the end was they, like, they pop into the heads of the mom and dad, and they see how anxiety affects the mom and dad, and it's in the dad's head, and the anxiety comes in, and they're like, "Meh, we're gonna turn the game back on." As if like, anxiety doesn't affect the dad, and I was like-- - Yeah, but I think that just represented that dad, where he's like, where he has that thought of like-- - He has a quick thought. - Wait, she was gone for three days and all, and all she said is, and then he goes, "Eh." (laughing) It's just like, emotionally done with it, dads. Yeah, I thought it was good. I thought it was a good movie, just again, spoilers. She basically masters controlling her anxiety in three days, I don't know if you guys noticed this, but she went away to like sleepaway camp, and the first day of sleepaway camp, she gets, she goes through puberty, I guess, gets anxiety, gets anxiety, gets all these new emotions, and then on the last day of camp, fully-- - Has an anxiety attack. - Has an anxiety attack, and then we see anxiety sitting in a little comfy chair at the end of the movie, like, "Oh, good, good, I've figured it out." Anxiety mastered. - You didn't have that, that's all I had. - Oh, really? - I mastered my anxiety, like that. - Yes, well, what was that, recently? - Hmm, it's about two weeks from tomorrow. - Oh, okay, it's coming. - It's coming, no. - The little chairs out of the chair. - Yeah, the plan is solid, it's good. - It got caught in shipping, and COVID-related. Yeah, but my anxiety is gonna love it. - Love, any minute now, that's gonna happen. - That is so good. - What do you guys think? - I remember not liking the first one. - The first inset out. - Yeah. - That's why. - I don't know. I remember I didn't like it. - I'm be real, I wasn't a huge fan of this one. - I think, maybe this one was funnier and not as serious. - I think this one, yes, this one was much lighter than the first one was much more, like, that's what I thought was kind of weird as a sequel, like, it wasn't as, I felt like, as moving as the first one. - Maybe it's 'cause the, maybe it's 'cause the emotions went on a wacky adventure. - Well, the first one they did too, but the first one they had, like, the whole bing-bong thing, and it's like, there's a lot more of, like, overcoming. - But how, it is interesting, how can losing your imaginary friend have been more emotional than dealing with anxiety? Like, I feel like they really took it light-hearted because it had the potential to be really serious. - I think they had to take it light-hearted, or else depression would have said it. - Exactly. - And that they can't have that passion. - I kind of thought they were gonna go for that, but-- - Yeah, it was interesting. - I think, at one point, anger, they have, like, they make, my favorite part of it is they make a play to, like, what Karen had said in the theater of, like, Dora, the Explorer, and what, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with, like, doodle. It was, like, pouches, and it has this little character, and pouches has all these tools to help you, like, get through it. And at one point, anger just fricking goes, like, shoulder deep into pouches' mouth, trying to grab things to help, and I was like, "This is so violent." - Yeah, that was crazy. - But yeah, and pouches are like, "What the heck? "You can't just--" - I mean, his mouth is a bag, so I mean, if you think about the logistics of that-- - Got a burst of bubble, it was vital, it was vital. - Toodles. - Toodles? - Toodles? - Not doodles? - Yeah. - Whatever, I didn't have any kids who I left to watch it for. Toodles. - I mean, you need noodles. - Surprising I even knew that. - Yeah, and yeah, you knew it. That's great. - Yeah, that's how fricking big the mouse is. - Yeah, well. - Down at the mouse, one more time. - Let me ask you, did you not like it because of the, like, the message to children? Or are you just not like it as a movie? - No, I just didn't, well, John says something, I was like, "I think that if I were a kid, "it would have been great." I think it-- - If I was a kid, I wouldn't have understood it. - See, I think I would have gotten it. - Maybe if I was 13. - But that's what the audience is. - Oh, you think you can kid that age kid? - I'm thinking like, Lilly's age. - Like, Lilly's age. - Oh yeah, no, I don't think Lilly would have gotten it. Lilly being here. - Lilly stood up at the end and went, "We've been sitting in these chairs for so long." Like, she hasn't had a yet. - She is seven. - Yeah. - She is seven. No, I just don't think that, I was expecting it to be more moving that like the first one was and it, it was like more lighthearted. - Yeah. - What did you guys think? - John? - Yeah, I mean, I thought, the whole time I was like, "There's no way this is for like kids kids." You know what I'm saying? Like, 'cause it was just so like tough. I mean, I guess if you just perceive the emotions, it's just like characters in a movie, I suppose. Like, you can enjoy it. But like, when you start to analyze like your emotions as the personification of these characters, it's like, there's no way a kid that isn't, like I said, probably 13 is gonna understand what this movie is about, you know? And so that begs the question, like, is it, who is it for? You know what I'm saying? Like, is it for adults, which I think is fine, but then it's like also, like, but it's being marketed as like a little kid movie, you know? And so I guess-- - Well, I mean, Pixar is part of Disney and Disney has to check certain boxes and-- - Sure. - And I'll tell you this, the biggest weekend for a cartoon opening of all time. - What? - Yeah, $165 million, which I'm nice. - Yeah. - Huh? - Yeah. - Which is, again, if you can believe that, if you can believe that, more than the track too. - There's more people probably going to movies, right now. - I just don't really know. - Also, I just like, I don't know, I just like-- - I'm gonna confirm that number for you. - I thought it was $250, but I could've read that wrong. - That's crazy. - Yeah, I don't know. I think that was kind of my big piece of it. It's like, who is it for? Like I said, if it's for adults, fine. There's nothing wrong with it existing, either way. But, yeah, I mean, there were some moments that I really liked. I liked that, like, there was kind of subtle things that I thought were kind of cool. Like, when joy and sadness go down to make a, like a faith line, like, they establish a faith. - A core belief. - A core belief, you know? I was like, oh, that's so true, you know? Like, because, you know, my wife, and as always said this, and she will tell you she didn't come up with it, but she just heard it from somebody else, that like, joy and grief, like, co-exists, when you're an adult, you know? A lot, a lot of times, you know? Especially, like, when you lose people, everything after that loss just kind of is coupled with, yeah, so everything that happened that's good is like, oh yeah, but there's also, like, a layer of sadness, because, you know, grab a grandpa out here, or, you know, mom's out here, whatever. - That's why I think I would push back a little bit on, like, kids wouldn't get it. I think that, like, certain kids will see it, and it's just a movie for them, but I think, yeah, for the kids that are going through those hard things, and, like, already are experiencing, like, anxiety and joy and loss, and I think that probably meeting them, but-- - I think that's for that age to be like, oh, it's okay. And then, for adults, it's like, oh, we've been through it, and we already know how to go around it. - You know, like, when I was telling them all the way at home, like, my wife attributes the movie, Soul, which is another person in there. - I love it, it's just like, I needed this as a child. She's like, I had so many questions about what happens after you die. I mean, a lot of it was because, you know, she just had a lot of questions, and she's like, if I had this as a child, like, it would have been so beneficial for me. This movie, oddly, I feel the same. And it's not because of the full vision, or because of, like, would I understand it or not. But there were moments in there that I was like, oh, like, I was telling Annie the one time where embarrassment is holding, like, an old memory, and he's, like, watching this, like, embarrassing memory where they felt, like, they felt anxiety at, whatever. And he's, like, re-watching it, and over and over and over, and then he's, like, finding old ones, and I'm like, oh, my gosh, I do that. Like, I still, to this day, like, think about embarrassing situations that I've had in my life, and I kind of ruminate on them, and I'm like, I do that as a kid, too, and so I'm like, I think those moments would be, are great, because I think kids start to realize, like, oh, I'm not the only one. You know, when you see something that you've gone through the first time in somebody else, or something else, you go, oh, like, okay, I'm not crazy. Like, I'm not the only person that thinks about embarrassing moments. I did like the only emotion that I felt, like, didn't really play their part, necessarily? - On we? - No, I liked on we, on we, same. It's what you call boredom. - And embarrassment and anxiety. It was jealousy, or envy, that I felt like, kind of throughout was like, like, there'd be moments where I felt like it truly represented envy, but then there's other moments where I was like, oh, I, what are you? - I think it's 'cause, the mix between, the mix between envy and anxiety can get crossed, so I think that they made envy very, just like, hyper, like, oh my gosh, I love you so much, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, your hair, I love you, I wanna be you. - It was like, anxiety, at some points was like, whispering in envy's ear, and envy was like, driving the girl. - I do have to say, I connected with the throw things to the back of your mind. - Oh, that's what I said, that's the one thing I said. - Those embarrassing moments, I don't think about those, no more, then in the back. - But then in the movie Cara, do you see what happened? Eventually, they all came rushing in. - That's because her hormones began. My hormones began, he is a girl. - Little Freudian slip back. - He is a girl. - I'm gonna give you just a couple of little factoids about opening weekend of Inside Out. They're estimating, it's something like 295 million globally, so something like 155 million in the local US box office. First movie since Barbie, to break a hundred million dollars in its opening weekend. - Did they count stubbies? - They do, they do, I count for double. - I feel like we shouldn't. - Count. - Count. - Why would we not count? - Because we get three movies a week for $25 a month. - Okay, and I think they know that, and I think they're counting for it. - So we only paid, no, but it's about attendance, really, you know? - But that's money talking. - We only paid like $3 for that movie. - But I mean the reality of the number of stubbies in the world is very insignificant compared to those numbers. - I would imagine, so we're talking about global box office. - Imagine I bought a stubby and I brought two non stubbies and I paid for two non stubbies. - I guess. - Inside Out 2 did beat the record this week. Biggest cartoon weekend. Yeah, we'll get to that in a second, so that was crazy. - More than Toy Story 4. - That you know what the second biggest one was? Up until Inside Out 2. - Shrek 2. - Incredibles 2. - Boo! - Let's see what the incredibles had the biggest open weekend. - Boo! - Shrek 2, best sequel of all time. - Highest grossing cartoon of all time? The Lion King 2019, the line of action. - Never saw it. - They're calling that a cartoon apparently. - No one is doing Shrek 2 justice. - Oh no, I'm sorry, they're calling it a kids movie. Biggest grossing kids movie. - You're telling me Shrek 2 and Surf's Up didn't even make that list. - Surf's Up's not a sequel. - Believe it or not, Surf's Up not breaking the numbers. - That's absolutely true. - Well, 'cause Surf's Up came out at the same time as Happy Feet. Happy Feet definitely beat it. - Happy Feet's off. - The famous Penguin Race. - Happy Feet's great. - No, Happy Feet Bad. Surf's Up Way better. - Do you ever track that where DreamWorks was making the same movie as Disney for years in a row? - I think I did notice that for sure. - Yeah, when the year that A Bug's Life came out, they made ants. - Ants. - Oh wow. - Awful movie. - The year that Finding Nemo came out. - Shark Tale. - Shark Tale came out. - Oh no, that's a great movie. - Yeah, Shark Tale. - Oh, Skye. - We got the whole show. - We got the whole show. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - I love those reggae jellyfish. - My sister was killed. And she loved it. - She was trying to blame me. And then the baby guy. And then the arm fell off. - Oh my God, I don't know. - And I loved all sorts of stuff. But it's happy and I tried it for my heart. - You know Shark Tale. - Yeah, I know. - It's great. - Yeah, crazy turn of events. Not only do we see Annie in a movie theater. Incredible. - I know. - Jon, obviously you're a STW, so you were there. - I'm there, yeah. - Your wife, Jordan Albright. - I know. - I know. - Which is crazy. - Crazy to me. Where she lifted the movie again. - This is her kind of movie. - But in that film we really got her here. - That is true. - But I will say Annie and I were dying because she like... - Was that a tough nut to crack? - She probably got to make you a movie in a lot. I mean, she goes... - Oh yeah, probably years. - She goes with like, everyone went to my whole family. We'll go for like a kids movie with my kids and she'll go with that. But she's like sitting there and I feel her staring at me during the previews. And I look over and she's like, I'm like, what? She's like, when is the movie going to start? And I was like... - Bless her. - Bless her heart. - I was like, it's going to be like 20 minutes and then the movie started and then she, I look over again, she's staring at me like, and I'm like, it's almost starting. - Like Jordan, I didn't call ahead and say, play more trailers. - Yeah. - This is the, you're getting the AMC treatment right here. This is just what happened. - She fully was like, so where's the actual movie? Like looking at her watch, she's like. - That's hilarious. - Let me tell you. - I feel like she's going to want to come more with those chairs. - Yeah, she did like, she did like the experience. - The recliners. - So nice. - I'll tell you, we saw a movie last week. Kid in front of us stands up halfway through the movie and goes, can we go back to the hotel? - Oh. - Oh, when you saw, with the girls? - Yeah, and we were with the girls. Oh yeah, I saw Iff again. - Whoa. - Yeah, not still my good. - With the girls. - Yeah, my nieces. - Oh. - Sailor and Sunny. - Oh, I didn't know they were in town. - I don't have like a separate squad of girls that I hang out with. - Like a girl's only friend. - Well, that was like the girl's name. - We did a double feature last week too. - Yeah, what was that? - We saw the watchers, bad, bad movies. - We had a double feature of bad movies. - And we saw bad boys, bad boys. - Bad boys, bad boys ride or die, I think. - Yes, when it was punk. - If you want to watch a good movie to kind of just clear to your palette. - No, I only see bad movies. - I only see bad movies. - Don't say Bronco magic, please don't say that. - No, dear God, no, that is a great movie. - That wasn't crazy reveal last week. - Yeah, practical magic too. - We're gonna leave last week's out below. - No, it's the sequel that we're waiting for. Actually, John and I are starting to go fund me to fund, like, raise the funds for it. The country bears too. - Yes, the country bears. If you're looking for a good movie, go watch the country bears insane. - I had the craziest conversation with Annie. - Yes it is. - Who just days ago, just weeks ago, was telling me about how she just puts on a movie in the background and listens to the same, you know, three or four movies. - We had this on the pod desk. - And hates movies, yeah, we talked about country bears on the pod desk. - No, we didn't talk about, but we talked about me listening to it. - So everybody knows how Annie is like a weirdo. - But. - Out of nowhere, she goes, oh yeah, I watched this movie with John. I go, what are you talking about? She goes, yeah, we watched country bears. You ever heard of it? - Yeah. - I'm like, that movie from 20 years ago. - Yeah. - The live action adaptation of the country bear jamboree. - Oh, so good, practical effects. - The whole time. - You could say practical magic. - Yeah, practical magic. But I was saying, I was telling Annie, I am realizing that I kind of hate CGI. - Yeah, go ahead. - Go ahead and be honest with you. - Yeah. - Like when it first came out, it was really cool. 'Cause it was like, oh, it makes things like, look like magic, you know? And now I'm like watching country bears. I'm like, that's how movies should be made. Like I'm all for CGI when it's like a quick moment where there's like, you know, you're looking between like, we could spend $10 million to get this five second shot or we could just have some guy in a basement, make it for 50 bucks. - Yeah. - And I'm all for that. But when the movie's like fully CGI, like everything in CGI, I'm like, I can't get into this. I can't get it. - I do hate to tell you this. They did use some CGI in that movie. - Yeah, that's not what it does. - 'Cause you're not practical, but I would argue the best CGI is the one that you don't notice because it's pretty much used in every movie. You know, soften up the edges over here, make it a little smoother over there. When it's blatant, when you're watching something like, you know, Transformers or Pacific Rim. - When they read Star Wars. - And it's just all, yeah. Yeah, when they're adding just like, it's a full screen of, what am I watching? We went and saw Godzilla. - Ugh, I was just kind of like, meh. Like Godzilla and King Kong were fighting and he throws Godzilla into a pyramid, one of the pyramids. And I'm like, I'm just literally watching a computer screen right now. - Yes, yes. - It makes me want to watch the original and see how they did it. - Country Bears just looked it up completely. A creature shop, Jim Henson's people. - Yeah, pretty awesome. - The only thing I've seen at the Country Bears is on the Disney sing along VHS. - Yeah. - That's the only thing I've ever seen. - You guys, you gotta watch it. I'm just gonna say, you gotta watch it. - By the way, I have seen the Country Bears movie. - Well, you gotta watch it again. What about you, Kara? Have you seen the movie now? - No. - You've gotta watch it. - Never seen it. - It's good. - It's like, let me just give you, let me give you some performance. - Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Go and please, let it rip. Please, the bad guy. - Elton John makes an appearance in the place you use it. - I'm the random neighbor, mind you. - Yeah. - Queen Latifah is in this movie. - She's a bear. - Star. - No, she didn't come out. - Is it true? - No, she's a bar owner, and the bear owes her money. - Yeah. - I don't want to come out at the honey bar. - 2019? - Oh, really? - What I love about-- - Box Office, from what he's like, the Country Bear, is this is suspended disbelief. Like, we're all pretending like bears-- - Bears and humans are all part of it. - Yeah. - You know? I love that. I think that's so funny. - I love it. - You guys are describing movies. - Yeah, I know. - By the way, by the way. - No. - Suspending disbelief for-- - No, I'm talking about-- - An hour and a half-- - I'm talking about-- - Keep it in your pants. - We come to this place for magic. That's all I'm saying. - I'm talking about in a movie where it seems like the normal world-- - Uh-huh. - Not a lot, like a lot, like some movies, it's like obviously a different world, you know? - Right, right. - A big planet of the age, stuff like that. But this is like normal world, normal things, and they're just like, everyone's vlogging, you see a bear, and he's wearing clothes, and he's driving a car. - Did it give you the same, like-- - Happy Pride Month. - Brain scratches, like Halloween town. - Oh yeah, 1,000. Oh, Halloween town, talk about-- - Talk about skeleton attacks of drivers. - Yeah, talk about practical attacks of Halloween town. - I love Halloween town. - I love Halloween town as a kid. My poor parents, I made them watch a movie. - I still love a movie. - I do think Country Bears, what I love about it, is just the tech side of it. Like knowing that all these bears are like, basically electronic puppets. - Yeah. - I'm like, that is so cool. Like, they made all those, and they're like controlling. It was like, it's amazing. - I love it. I feel the same way about all those, like Jim Hensony, you know, the Dark Crystal, talking about Labyrinth. - Labyrinth. - Yeah, yeah. - Love that. - Yeah. - File that under, File Country Bears under, movies Disney made to try to elevate, like a Disneyland situation, and it flocked. - Dude, I hear that Tiana's whatever Bayou is flapping. - Yeah. - That they're talking about taking it out. - Yeah. - I feel like it's fake news. - It is. - I mean, it's way too much money put into it tonight. - Also Disney World is the only one that's open right now. - I know, I saw an article like that. It was like, so vague. It was like, Disney's deciding to get rid of Tiana's Bayou because fans decided they like Splash Mountain better. - It's like, it's like, in another universe, this would be true. - Yeah. - All the videos I've seen like that have all been satire accounts. - Yeah. - They had the cast riding the ride and the guy that, so they like all the voice actors got to go on the ride already. - And Mama Odie started singing. - Yeah. The guy that plays, what's his name? The villain? - Yeah. - Not on the ride. - He's not on the ride. - And he was pissed off. He was like, "Where's my character?" - What's so funny is Disney didn't want to put any voodoo in there because it's like kind of making fun of the culture in Orleans. - Oh yeah. - Which is crazy because it's like, in the movie. - And they have the entire ride. He's like, "Where's my character?" - Sad. - Oh, that's scary. - I was literally like, "What is that?" - Do you guys see that Tomorrowland movie? - Yes, I loved it. - Mostly because I like that actress. - George Clooney. - Is this the one with the top bra? - And no, you're thinking of a wrinkle in time. - Oh yeah, a wrinkle in time. - Same kind of like era of Disney. George Clooney and Britt Roberts was in it. - I love Robert's, Robert's. - Whatever. Totally flopped and-- - I loved it. - I feel like George Clooney-- - I love George Clooney. - He's done and flopped. - Whoa, big statement. - Go ahead. - That's just-- - Kind of a big statement. - I just feel like the lot, I've seen him in commercials and movies and I never hear about him. - Just his perfume commercials. - Or his espresso. - Nespresso, he is an espresso guy. Which, by the way, love you, George. - Yeah, thanks, George. - Shake it out right now. - Thanks, George. - Wow. - But that was, they made that Country Bears movie because they wanted to elevate the Country Bear Jamboree over there at Disneyland. Total flopped and they ended up getting rid of it. The Country Bear Jamboree. - But then we watched the Country Bear like a recording of the Country Bear Jamboree from Disneyland. I was like, "Yeah, this is terrifying." - But the movie-- - If the movie did really well, they would've put all those characters in the ride or in the show, whatever-- - Yeah, and they should've. They should've done that first. - It's the long-necked pair that just-- - Yeah, it was pretty neat. - It's so off-putting, not gonna lie. I loved it as a kid. I loved going to see that. - So I never made the connection. I watched Country Bears as a kid. - Uh-huh. - And I didn't really make the connection to the show at Disney. - Yes. - I only saw them at Disney. - The Country Bear Jamboree. - I think they literally took it out, probably. Two of the-- - They didn't even do the Tiki Room. - The Tiki Room movie. - Oh, you know, I've been saying this. - Oh. - They need lore. - And the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki. - You could fully-- - Well. - I love the Tiki Room. - I don't know if it was a flop. - Really? - They made a Jungle Cruise movie. - They did. - No, I think that one didn't flop. I think it did pretty well. - I suppose it did. - I didn't see it. - We were there. We were at Disney. - We're gonna get off of this podcast, and it's gonna be like, Disney Nances, Tiki Room movie. - Yeah. We were at Disney. - We were at Disney. - We were at Disney on the premiere of Jungle Cruise. - Of Jungle Cruise. - Mm-hmm. - But it was like the cast premiere. - Mm-hmm. - So all the cast was in the park, and they gathered at that, like, that new Tiki restaurant in between Jungle Cruise and Tiki Room. - I haven't been on the Jungle Cruise in forever, because there's always such an insane line. - It is, yeah. - Yeah. - People like the Jungle Cruise. - It's 'cause it's for kids. - Every age you go on it. - You go over to the Tiki Room? - No. - Yeah. - You bet it's gonna be a staple for-- - No, they're gonna freaking put some sort of Star Wars whatever. - No, no, no. They'll keep it. - They're gonna blow it over with something that-- - It's so boomer. - You know why they're gonna keep it? - I can't handle it. - Because that is a place where people go to arrest, 'cause it's always air conditioning, so it's always busy. - Yeah, it's so bad. - You know what? - No regard-- - Any lore you have right now, Tiki Room was there when the park opened. - I know. - It's at Disneyland State Bowl. - I know. - Oh, they're just gonna put something Star Wars in it. - Yeah, and they would. - Throw up. - And they would. - And they would be like, "Annotronic bird, do you think?" - Never. - Never. - Never heard of those. - I think they're still running off the batteries. - They could boil them up every now and then. - Yeah. - Ooh, I'll-- - Oh, fair. - See, seeing your oil again. There's no Mexican one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I can do that on Mexican. - That's so funny, yeah. - They changed Tardan's tree house back to the Swift family-- - Swift family Robinson. - Do you ever see that movie? - Yeah, oh yeah, that one. - 1960s, Swift family Robinson, it's like this family just goes out and they get stranded on-- - It's like Tarzan, right? - It's like the family. - It's like Tarzan-- - It's kind of like-- - It's kind of like, what's the one Milligan's Island? - Yeah, Milligan's Island. - Milligan's Island. - Milligan's Island. - Guys, come on. Come here, Milligan's Island. - Crawl up, Milligan's Island. - Milligan's Island. - I don't know. - She's like a general understanding of like almost culture. - It was so close. - Sorry, okay, my dad didn't maybe watch that show. - That's surprising, actually. The amount of TV land we watched, I'm talking Gilligan's Island, I'm talking Andy Griffith's show. - Oh, that's not the fairy. - Your dad feels like he'd be watching them. - Let me tell you, my dad and I are beefing. I warned him that this would be on the podcast. - Oh, sure. - My dad-- - Oh, about. - And my mother. - Okay, yep. - Yeah, go ahead. - I said, "Watch out for this episode 'cause I'm gonna drag you through the mud." - Yeah, be that we afraid. - They do. - They watch every week. That's so awesome. - You should probably put on that episode. - I'm gonna say something bad about you. - I'm gonna say so bad about you. - We're gonna do dinner with you very soon. - I really, I would like to. - I, as pre-text, they didn't mean this ill-willed, I don't think, but, provide to Mother's Day. - You can bail out on it right before you do a whole takedown. Okay, go ahead. - Rewind to Mother's Day. I tell my parents to go, "Oh, like, what are, you know, I call my sister." Well, why don't we, like, you know, cook for mom and dad, you know, go up and we'll cook dinner for mom, you know, the weekend before, because whatever, something came up where we weren't gonna be able to do Mother's Day or the day before. She goes, "Oh, yeah, we already were gonna do that." - Oh. - Fully, fully, I stumbled upon the family Mother's Day plans. - Oh, wow. - And I said, "Excuse me? What? I wasn't invited to Mother's Day?" And they're like, "Oh, no, we just thought you'd be busy." Like, okay, snakes. - Ouch, ouch. - I come up and I'm like, "Okay, whatever. My parents currently are on a trip." - Uh-huh. - This past weekend was Father's Day. I see them a couple days before they leave and I'm like, "Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do since you're not gonna see either of your kids on Father's Day?" Um, we're seeing Erin. - Oh, no. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - I said, "I'm sorry, what?" And they're like, "Yeah, this is an amazing festival we are going to, like, yeah, Erin and Erin, we're gonna see Erin on Father's Day." Listen, I'm faring with the narrative of me being a bad kid. - Yeah. - And I'm the one doing it, but now you're forcing me to follow me. - I'm just gonna say, you gotta search for things getting placed. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Put it in the calendar now. - You gotta start really searching. - Searching. - Yeah. Looking for... - You paid. - You go to my house for Thanksgiving if you want. - I would say my parents and my parents would probably have plans. It would be up in the air if I could invite it. - Yeah, as long as you have a fire pit and paper plates and anything. - Oh, I didn't. - Burning things? - Yeah. - I'm a burning trash. - You are kind of like a junior pirate, aren't you? - It's a desert thing. - No, right. It's all on the putter up. Burning things. - It's a desert thing. - Why do you think we haven't fascinated burning these poor kids? - I think they go back to our game, man. They say, "I knew you should get this. You're closer to that." - You're closer to that, yeah. I think it's probably less per power. - Oh. - Anyways, speaking of lust for power, Justin Timberlake was arrested this weekend. - Arrested for driving on intoxicated in the Hamptons, law officials. Timberlake drove through a stop sign swerved into a lane of oncoming traffic at 12.37 a.m. on Tuesday, according to SAG Harbor Village Police. Popstar was driving a 2025 BMW on Madison Street when he failed to stop and failed to maintain his lane of travel. - Lock him up. - I'm done with it. - He's out already. - Lock him back up. - Timberlake, 43 years old, held overnight for arraignment after he was released Tuesday morning. - We're going to get a whole album about his jail time. - That's awesome. - He's 12 hours. - He's already had jail time. - That's pretty rockstar. - He should. - No, that is not rockstar. - I mean, a lot of good rockstar's about it. - I'm not saying it's cool. I'm not saying rockstar in the way that I use it. I'm saying it's like rockstar in a historical fashion. - In a historical fashion? - In a historical fashion. - Dude's got 10 Grammys, 4 Emmys, and a host of Billboard Music Awards. - Yeah, he's gone downhill. Sorry. - Well, apparently, this is his bottom of the hill. - I would love for that narrative. I don't want to ever watch anyone fail, but I would love a little bit of character building for some of these celebrities who've been on top of the show. - It's a tale as old as time, these people. There's always a portion of the music documentary or the stardom documentary. - Where they go downhill? - They fall from grace, and then it's like, "Where are they now?" - And that was like Justin Bieber when he, like, aches his neighbor's house. And everyone was like, "JB is such a bad kid now." - I think they keep trying to get that guy. He'll never die. He'll never go. - Oh, yeah. Now he's having a kid. Now we're going to have the royal baby of Bieberhead. - I feel like we kind of skipped over that. I mean, just the world in general. - Baby Bieber. - Baby Bieber. - Yeah. - Baby, baby, baby. - That's crazy. - Oh. - I feel like, I remember, like, even when he was, you know, really big, which is probably 10 years ago. - When he was a child? Yeah. - He was a child. Like, I remember, like, I kind of feel like, "Oh, when he has a kid, it's going to be a big deal." - Right. - And then now he's having a kid. And I feel like you know what I'm talking about. - Oh, it was a big deal. - I mean, we're growing up, man. - When I got announced. - We're growing up. - Everybody's... - But I also, you know... - They announced it, I mean, I'm not saying that they did on purpose, but... So Lena Gomez and her romance is, like, on a high, everyone's, like, team Selena and Benny Blanco. And they announced that Justin Timberlake, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, and Hailey Bieber announced their pregnancy right when there was this, like, beef between Hailey Bieber and Selena. I feel like it had gotten kind of, like, to the head, and then they're like, "We're having a baby." And everyone kind of agreed that they hated Hailey. - Definitely. - Yeah. - That's just like that Splash Mountain article. Everyone agreed, we hated Haley Bieber. - We hated it, we wanted back to what it was. - Yeah, racist, whittily. - I mean, speaking of Gloucester over too many transitions. - Yeah, way too many. - In one area, who cares? We really did gloss over a couple of weeks ago. Our first criminal president. - Not first. - I feel like it bears mentioning at least. - First felon. - Okay. - Former criminal. - 'Cause they're all criminals. - Current felon. - No, Bill Clinton got elected president while on trial for sexual harassment of a former staffer, and he literally got found guilty while he was president. - I feel like the felony-- - I feel like the felony is a little more raised the stakes on that. - Yeah, no it is. - I think in the 90s, we were like, eating that up, weren't we? We were like, oh yeah, Bill Clinton. - You liked it. - No, well not me, I was a baby. I don't think I was even born. - When did that go down? - Donald Trump, 34 counts of felony accounts of, what's the thing he did? - Was it racketeering? - Was it racketeering? Self, what is it? - I love this podcast. - Yeah, yeah, no, don't all jump in at once. - You know someone listening to one of our listeners-- - Don't all jump in at once. - Are you at that, Kenny B, you guys out of it. Hi, I'm talking about-- - You are government contact. - I've been trying to avoid this. I honestly-- - Why? - Because I-- - Too many rights to press. - It's not gonna change anything. He's a felon, great, he can still run for president. He can't vote for himself, but he can still run. - You don't think if they-- - He fully can run-- - They don't send him to jail. - No, he won't do it like a time. - If he wins the election, it actually goes to jail, they're saying he will be president in jail. - In jail, that doesn't change anything. - That's real host world leaders in prison. - That's really hard to believe. - Yeah. - Is that-- - We can't just go, actually no, that's against the rules. - No, that's changing the rules. - Well, is the whole thing, is that-- - Didn't he win the first time because it was rigged? - Okay, no, he lost-- - Like, he rigged it? - He lost the second time because it was rigged. - Didn't he win the first time? - No, every-- - Because he-- - This is why he was on trial whole thing. He won the first time because of Hillary Clinton. - Everything's rigged, what? You know, like, every side is gonna say it's rigged. - Wasn't the trial about fake votes, though? - Great act, good watch the great act. - The trial's about, like, keeping information and having documents that you were supposed to basically turn over and stuff like that. - You worried your red friends are listening or what? Like-- - Hey, buddies, love you. - Yeah. - Family, say you-- - Family, thanks, give it! - I love it, I love it. - A great hack was great. It was documentary about surrounding the Trump election, essentially, he paid a company, totally legit. Like, it was like a marketing company that claimed to have 5,000 data points on every American. And they were able to, like, design an ad campaign to target specific people based off of what they knew about them. And so they ran, like, all these different ads, but they were all targeted to people to try and flip people from voting to from Hillary to Trump. It was really, really fascinating. - I think it was, he was ahead of using that kind of, like, guerrilla marketing. I don't think it's right, I don't think it should be used. And I think it was wrong to use it, but I think now the other side has used it, too. So it's got kind of thing where it's like, well, I guess either everyone gets the chance to use it or we out lot forever. - It made me think, like, what are some of my data points that this company has? - You can look on Google, you can go into your Google account and you can see basically there's a section where it tells you what it learned about you and what it thinks it knows about you. And mine was wild because mine was, like, engaged, getting married because of all my, like, wedding stuff. But it was so interesting for the things that it did know about me. - Yeah, get a summary of data in your Google account. - Yeah, it's wild and it's so long. - Data and privacy. - Yeah, it's crazy. - I can't even, this is so, like, government control. - Which also, can we talk about how there are aspects of that in, inside out, too? - What are you talking about? - Anxiety, having a team of little worker bees in the big screen, like, fully 1984. And then at one point it's like, joy, I know you're in there. I was like, what the hell, not anxiety being the government? - Yeah, that was great. - It's like, okay. - The blind police. - Literally, they're like, the mind police is coming for you. - If you let anxiety in, she'll rule you. - Gosh, wow, what's that saying about? - True. - Social standing. - I don't know how to turn. - It's off now. - Anyway. - Sorry. - Good fidget. - You're saying government, government spiral. - Oh, yeah, I, you know, sometimes when you're either, like, I don't know, as you're playing a game or something. Like, my nephew has all these freaking games on my phone that they play. And they ask you, like, surveys to get through to the next thing. I always, like, intentionally give-- - Wrong answers. - Like, sometimes it'll ask how old you are and I'll say that I'm, like, 65 and older or whatever. And I'm, like, trying, in my head, I'm, like, I'm trying to throw off my 5,000 data points, you know? - But it's such a large scale. I mean, we're talking about 300 million people in the states literally. Like, do you think you make a difference in this world? (laughs) - Well, that's a good question. - Right, no, Mike, better question is Ryan, do you think John makes a difference in this world? - Oh, that's a good question. - In my world? - Absolutely. - Oh. - That's a good question. - At large now, now, now, not enough. - But that's not-- - I mean, I don't either, so. - But who could? - Let's be honest. - Who could? - I do. - I think Donald Trump being a felon is a bigger deal than you're making it out to be. I feel like he shouldn't be the president. - I think it should be a bigger deal. - I think, absolutely, yes. Agreed. - I think it should be, I think you'll be shocked. He already made an appearance on Logan Paul's podcast. - And like, obviously, we've lost-- - Isn't that younger, though? - But this is so boomer, like, we've lost our morals in this country. Obviously, we don't give a shit about morals in this country. Like, you know, we, the way that you see those, like, house representatives, do their, you see that meeting where they were, like, in a fighting match. Who's the girl that everybody hates? - Ayo, Sam. - Laundry Taylor. Like, ripping on this one girl, and it was, like, Jersey Shore, but at the house reps, do you see that? - Yes. - It's like, the way, like, government is so, like, horse and pony show now, it's like, what? - It always has been. - Yeah. - Has it? - Politics is part, you know, legislation in part popularity contest. Like, that's all it's ever been. - I just feel like-- - Did she ever run for ASB? - Yeah. - Or student council? - Yeah. - Job in. - I won president of-- - John sold his soul to the public. - Yeah, I did. I lost my vice president campaign in senior year. - Oh, damn. - Oh, damn. - I won. (laughing) - You lost-- - You lost 20 people in your class. - He's the only person voting for you, was Tanya. - Oh, yeah, it's true. - Well, no, you know, in Tyler and Olivia. - In Olivia, they were all at the home. - Yeah, you know, that's a-- - I used my 5,000 data points on them to-- - You're like-- - To swing their votes. - He's in a room I just have to get-- - We know about mom, dad, Tyler, in Olivia. - What are you talking to my fish? - Like, how can we manipulate them? - How can we manipulate them to vote for me and not Olivia? - Wow, that is-- - Was it worth it? - We haven't made one of those in a while, so good. - Yeah, hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Oh, that's weird. I don't hear anyone laughing. - It's funny. - The silence. - Oh, you never had the hearing checks. That was a post thing, the hearing tests. - Public school thing, yeah. (laughing) Come on, that was good. - So good. - That's the thing about politics, man. - They'll tear you down. - They'll tear you down. - They'll tear you down. - They'll tear you down. - They'll tear you down. - They'll attack you up. - Oh, well, I mean-- - That's it, that's all she wrote. - Listen, 187 episodes, 86, 87? - 87, 87. - Wow, we're circling the drain on 200. - When's too honey happening? - In about 13 episodes, I think. - Wow, okay, copper. - Really good fidget over here. We want to thank some people. Patreon supporters. - Go ahead. - Guys. - Oh, mm-hmm. - We love ours. - For just $4 a month, you can get access to our post show episodes. That's where we kind of go off the wall, kind of get a little unhinged. Already, come here, buddy. - Come here. - Oh, come here. - We say the darnest things on that post show. It's a little extra episode each week. You can watch that. You can see some BTS. We've got-- - Yes, yes. - You know, some people on the show don't even know this yet. We've got a merch drop coming. - Yeah. - Incoming. - That's crazy. - I also think that-- - The post show is where we give our, you know, our inside scoop on lip sync battle that's coming up. - Whoa. - It's there, yeah. - And he's ready for the BTS on that. - BTS, yeah. - And yeah. Really just keeps the lights on over here. So thank you. - Keep the lights on. - To those people, those supporters. We love ya. - Any final thoughts from the table? - No. - Wow, you guys are-- - Should we add them like today? - Like a word. - Yeah, go ahead. - Like a positive word. You're like daily goal, like your word-- - What a word. - Random emotion. - Oh, what a motion-- - Oh, what a motion would you be. - What a motion's controlling your little-- - But it has to be one that's not in the movie. - Oh, okay. - And it has to be one that's very specific to you. - Pro-castination. - Pro-castination, that's the motion. - Pro-castination, but it's like Italian. - Pro-castination. - Is that an emotion you think? - For me, it should be. - I think if on we is an emotion, I think boredom, I feel like that's more like an action. - Procrastination is on we. And anxiety had a love child. - Oh. - Made a little baby in the corner. - Yeah, on we kind of doubled as like sarcasm too, which I loved. - Yeah. - I would definitely be honored. - Well, on me is like, couldn't care. Like, you know, yeah, yeah. - Let's see here. What emotion would I be? That's not the movie. - I can't move so much from the movie. - 'Cause it's called cop out. - True. - How about you, Kara? What's yours? - I don't have anything. - I definitely have like an IBS emotion. - Oh, yeah. - I love when nostalgia came in. - That's nostalgia. - But what do we cave upstairs? - They're like, no. - That was great. - But that's just like, you guys, 10 years in a best friend's wedding before you show up, that was like, that was so good. - So crazy. - I'm gonna say, - See, it's tough. - Yeah, let me think of a new emotion. Hold on. - I was gonna say procrastination in my defense. - You can also have procrastination. - No, now you've said it. - Okay, we should have it. - Actually, we're letting that slide. - Yeah, apparently. - Wow, that's crazy. - Ryan really wanted to do it too. - Wanderlust. - Oh, loved one last. - Look at this. - 'Cause she just walked. - Go ahead, Kara. Oh, you said IBS, okay. - I said a little IBS emotion. - Okay. - Yeah, she has her own image. - Let's call it, let's call it bathroom panic. It's like, you're having to find a bathroom. - It's anxiety for all the pandemic. - John. - No, it's the anxiety of when you're gonna go to the bathroom all day. - That's so true. - I mean, it's so tough. I kind of just feel like, I guess, overwhelmed is kind of-- - Oh, that's good. - Most 'cause I don't think-- - Not good for you, but like, that's a good emotion. - What would an overwhelmed look like? I don't even know. - Overwhelmed would be, it would have kind of like, oh, it's like a little cloud of rare. - I was gonna say, who's gonna be like a cloud. - Brown furry, big floppy ears, different colored eyes. - Oh, I was gonna say about the theory that embarrassment is bing-bong reincarnated because Riley is now embarrassed to have an imaginary friend. 'Cause he kind of looks like him. - I think it was just character design. - He really looks like him. - They're like, just make him big and pink. - And have his butt crack always popping out. - That was weird, right? - Yeah, well, 'cause that's embarrassing. Like, that'd be embarrassing. - That is embarrassing. - When your butt crack comes out, most of the time people don't know, though. - On the couch as always, Cara Tafoya, Andy the Scopes government. - I'm Ryan, we'll see you next week on-- - What the podcast? - Pushed a little early, sorry. - I can't be the only one who has Bathroom Panic. - You are. - Comment below if you have Bathroom Panic. - I'm gonna get mad at Boarding on a total of three hours. - I'm sure, IBS from Bathroom Panic is an emotion. - It is for her. - And it's the emotion of like, like cats. - I've gotta go ship my pants. - Yeah, I have to go ship my pants. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, I guess that's what it's for. (laughs) - I love those, though. - It's like a cousin of anxiety. - Wow.