Boys Gone Wild

Boys Gone Wild | Episode 231: Baldwin shoots Trump!

The boys are in a new studio with a new producer and a lot to discuss. This week we celebrate the freedom of Alec Baldwin, Trump/Biden and minestrone soup.

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

The boys are in a new studio with a new producer and a lot to discuss. This week we celebrate the freedom of Alec Baldwin, Trump/Biden and minestrone soup.


(upbeat music) - Hello, welcome back to another very special episode of Boys Gone Wild. It's disorientating, everything is in flux, changes upon nine. - We're on a sofa. - We're on a sofa. - To those of you listening. - This is the interim period, this studio that we're in currently is my new flat. We've sat the previous manager, this is an interim period. - This is, yeah, that's what I was gonna say. This is very much like, for a six game spell. - Yeah, we'll see how it is. - I mean, who was an interim manager who kept on? - Why are you asking me that? - Yeah, it's true, you know the interim manager who got kept on, there's Charlie, we've got a producer. - Yeah, that's not a change about Charlie. - Yeah, I've only known for 15 minutes, but I fear that he is more likable, better looking and cooler than all of us. So that's why he's not on camera. - Yeah, keep your track people off camera, ugly's on camera. - Exactly. - Which actually brings us to, the first thing I wanted to bring up, which was a comment on the last episode. Normally, we have had quite a lot of spicy comments that have annoyed me, but this comment, I think we have to give them their flowers. - Yep. - Could you go on the last episode and go through the comments? - Look at that, this is a new era. - This is a new era. - We're looking at a screen of things. - Yeah, here we go. So this is from Beancan. There's some big talk here about their listeners' appearances coming from two guys who have to spend thousands of quotation marks pounds. - Which is almost as a point of that. - A year on haircuts in order to scrape by into the screen's gone. Scrape by into being. All right, well, Charlie's fired. - Yeah, that's a good one. - Okay, oh, it's good immediately, but this hasn't worked out for many reasons. - It is, that's all right. - I think we'll am it completely, we can say that. - Say that we've had a good run. It was a good three minutes. - Scrape by. - Go from the top. Some big talk here about their listeners' appearance coming from two guys who have to spend thousands of pounds a year on haircuts in order to scrape by into being a four and five out of 10, respectively. - Right. - Lot to unpack there from Beancan. - Okay, I didn't see this. There's another comment underneath from Thomas Brockatello saying you called them your real life friends nine days ago, mate. Which is interesting seeing the sort of fan base. - The decline, how quickly it is to hate us. Nine days is the answer to how quickly you can get a fellow of us. - But to be fair to him, he did, he ruined us, all right? - Yeah. - Yeah, he completely destroyed us. I did feel bad about calling them all ugly because I haven't met many of them and they aren't ugly, you know, and it's a mischaracterization. And I think the thousands of pounds a year on haircuts almost shows how much this is to the podcast as well. - It's true, he knows intimate details about our lives. - Now, what I don't understand. - Is he thousands of pounds? - I mean, I think he was probably using hyperbole, but. - But he's not, well, that's another thing. We've been saying, we were saying hyperbole. - Yeah, which is embarrassing. - But he's embarrassing, yeah. But pounds, as air quotes, interest me. - Now, does that mean he's not from England? - I imagine so, but even so, I don't like the tone. It sort of implies that we're being pretentious for using pounds to get there. - Yeah, but that's our only option. - It's not like, you know. - We've done what we've done. - I only listen to vinyl, man. - I only pay and repeat. - Yeah, no, he's destroyed us with that, which is fair. - 'Cause it's the amount of money we're spending just a great buy into being mid. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's putting a lot of financial capital into going from ugly to mid. - Yeah. - Now, what really upset me is into being a four or five out of 10, respectively. - He hasn't been clear. - No, he hasn't been clear. - But sadly, I do think, if he meant you as the four, he'd probably say, I think he'd probably say four or five out of 10, Andrew four, but I'd show five. - Is he reading left to right on the screen? - I think he's reading left to right. And I think the fact that he hasn't mentioned it actually means it's me. - If anything, I was supposed to be so close to you. - No, 'cause if he was like, you're both a bunch of twos. - That's fine. - I don't give a shit. - It shows he fits and thought into it. - But the fact that, fine, we're both ugly, but I'm uglier than you. It's not like we're both. - It's not that we're both ugly. It's that I'm uglier than you. - But it shows, he's put some thought into it. - Yeah. - He's actually looked at the screen for a while and thought about the numbers and come out with those, which is, you know, well, respect to Bean can. - Yeah, fair enough. You got us this time. - Show us a selfie Bean can. We'll rate you. - Yeah, I don't want to encourage these sort of hate comments. 'Cause I don't want to get, like, it's like Columbine, Kaye O'Barrand, and then everyone started doing school shootings. It's like, you know what? - You're calling Bean can. - I think he's the Columbine. - Columbine. - Is the Columbine being one of the comments where there's been a successful hate comment and I don't want it to be like. - The comments are getting more and more hurtful. (laughing) That's certainly true, as we've had a modern, a tiny amount of growth. Even a slight, it seems that even a slight raise, even like some more views, has just meant that people are starting to be mean to us. - Well, I've always found funny and I brought this up to you when I was doing it as a solo podcast. When I started getting some hate comments, there's like people who like the show but don't seem to like us, which is a very weird. - Who is this one, don't we? - No, it's more like, what is the show of not us? - Yeah. - That's a strange thing to be. - We're very not clued in. - No, but no, it's more. - Yeah. - If you like this, you have to like us. - Why do they hate us? - You can't like the show of not us, we are. It is just us. - We're not experts on any topic. We don't provide cutting edge takes on anything. - If you'd like the show, you have to like us. - Well, that's what I'm saying. But you can dislike someone who's interesting. Do you know, if you've got like an economics podcast and you've got a world leader at economics and they're teaching you things, you might not have to like them to enjoy the podcast. Whereas this, we've got nothing other than this. - Yeah, I guess. - So they have to, why do they have to like it? - You're saying it's sort of like a relationship with occasional peers more than interviews, I guess. - Well, no, but I don't know why they watch it 'cause we don't provide anything interesting on you. We don't provide any takes on anything. We just give half heart to you. - Well, it's a good sell as we go into the new era. - But it is interesting, we've moved into a new studio. We're gonna enter into a new era and seemingly serendipitally-- - Say it again. - Say it, say it, say it. Can you have a, how does that word work? Serendipitally us. With an era of serendipity. - Sure. - We've been like into a word hole. - We have been-- - Serendipitally. - Look at that, look it up. - We have been vindicated in the Baldwin trial. - Baldwin's free. - Baldwin's free. - I cried genuinely when I saw him crying. - Yeah, did you? - Yeah. I was in France and I woke up in the morning and I saw the news, couldn't believe it 'cause the trials meant to go on for a while. - Yeah. - But it was thrown out. - Would you mind getting Baldwin's Instagram up and going on his post thanking everyone? - Yeah, but no, I woke up in the morning. I threw my pants off at the news. (laughing) - Do you understand? - All emotionally. - No, physically. Jumped into the nearest pond, which was only 20 feet away. And then I looked at the video of it and it was him sobbing after the verdict. And I was like, yeah, you fucking deserve that. - You've been through a lot. - And then her lay areas there. She was sobbing but in Spanish. (laughing) - Whoa, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick. - She was wearing a sombrero which is like, that's not even like a Spanish and that's mixed again. - And it's not gonna help the trial. - And why, if you're gonna wear a sombrero, why have nachos around it and have a dip in the middle? - And the dip. (laughing) - That felt-- - A poncho on it. - Not only culturally offensive but also your husband's on trial for answers that do not have a nachos sombrero, hilarious. - It's like, I would give the guy guilty. It would make me change my opinion on Baldwin if that was the case. - Did any of the Baldwin brothers were they that? All right, let's wanna read out Alec Baldwin's statement. There are too many people who have supported me to thank just now, to all of you, you will never know how much I appreciate your kindness toward my family. - Now, there's a world. There's a world where we're included in that. - I think we are. - Yeah? - Definitely, it's to all of us. - To what the whole BG don't use to me? - Yeah, I'd say we have been, I do think we have to say that we're, some of the, we've been the most vocal supporters of Baldwin. - I've seen no one. (laughing) If anything, I've seen-- - Well, people already do it privately. - What's it is? - Or they might debate it, we from the gate. - Have we clipped it up? - On the get go. - You've clipped it up. - I don't know if we have. - But no, so what happens? 'Cause I actually, this is, I did do my reading on this because it was the finale. So, Baldwin, for those of you don't, I'm not gonna go do it, I was about to do the whole fucking thing there. Baldwin accidentally killed a woman. No, he was, it was like Dave, whatever of the trial. And it turns out he got thrown out, so he wasn't given an innocent verdict. He was the case was thrown out. And the reason why it was thrown out is because of, I'd argue, genuine corruption. So, what happened was the prosecution didn't turn over a box of evidence which was live ammunition found on the set. So, the reason why, what happened was once they cast a lot of that evidence in the police station, someone told them not to file it in the rust file, which meant that it wasn't handed over to the defendants, to the defense team, which also, which meant that they, that's why it was thrown out as a mystery. So, someone was like, don't include it in those things. So, it became, that's corruption. But why would a box of live ammunition, why would that be worked for against either of them? Because it shows that Gutierrez Smith was a fucking, because live ammunition, you shouldn't ever have live ammunition on a film set. So, if it's not around, are they implying that Baldwin carelessly brought his own live ammunition? No. Would that be the implication? No. But my point is, I don't know how you've afraid that Baldwin at all, apart from, through the producer angle, right? You do, I. So, a box of live ammunition, it would go to say that Baldwin carelessly was just like, well, I'll bring my own gun. It would have helped the defense to know about it, because it adds to the story that this was a chaotic set. Yeah, Gutierrez Smith is a drug-diggling live ammunition mania. Yeah, it was rightfully in jail. But so this, obviously, that wouldn't be... Yeah, it would have been big for the defense to have that, and it was kind of corrupt that they didn't include it. Someone went, don't file that in there. Why? To frame Baldwin. Now, the big question is, what does... Well, it's just not incompetence, 'cause I just don't know how to frame Baldwin, I'm, you know... Well, I don't know. So, one of the prosecutors resigned from the law, because of this trial. Because of how upset he was with Baldwin's treatment? Yeah, opposite. No, because of the prosecutors, because it was such a poorly run case, and there was elements of corruption that she's out. Yeah. So, you know, from start to finish, we smelled a rat, and hereby be a rat. Yeah, well, I think what's interesting as well is that with these big cases, which I kind of think's quite funny about the law in general, is... The law. The law. The law is that if something happens, you have local police enforcement dealing with cases. So, you can't know if they're going to be good policemen. You don't know how big the case could be. This isn't Santa Fe. They didn't think this was going to happen. Yeah. So, it's going to be a bunch of policemen who are not at all ready for a huge... It's going to be one of our dad's friends, Robbie, up at being like... That's what's funny about it. It's not a federal case, a lot of it's been dealing locally, so it's going to be people who are like, "We've never had to deal with anything this big." Well, we've never had this much scrutiny, like... Well, I'm at none of the police officers... Not the castest version of the Santa Fe Police Department. But we would never. We would never. But one of... Imagine being... Because there's that video of the... Imagine being a Santa Fe police officer, and then being told that when you wake up that you're going to have to break the news to Alec Baldwin, that she's accidentally killed a lady. Waking up hookers everywhere... Cocaine. Well, I thought it was just going to be a normal day where he just doesn't do nothing. But that's just what's going on. So, yeah, justice for Baldwin. Yeah. It seems... It felt vindicating for a lot of people. Did you not cry? I did so. I didn't see the crying. Hannah Gutierrez wants her case to miss or a new trial. Here's why. Well, Gutierrez, I don't know what you're going to try. She's on too much spice. Yeah, I mean, I think... We should try out all of her words because she has no idea what that is. Yeah, exactly. I think she just needs to go to rehab first, and then ask which punishment would have been for her to do a Russian roulette. Yeah. Well, the dream, actually... Yeah. Just... (LAUGHTER) That's what it's been. That's what it's been. Sorry, yeah. That was... That was... Yeah. (LAUGHTER) No, no, no, no, I think about that. I do think Baldwin probably is dream guests. Like it would be... Well, he went on... Tim Dillon went on his podcast. Yeah. So, I don't know what that means for us. (LAUGHTER) Essentially, nothing. But, you know, he's got some... Well, he's a comedic... I'd argue a bit of a huge genius, but... If Baldwin, after this trial, which did seem to happen around the same time, if it came out that Baldwin, as many means were saying, "Was the Trump shooter?" Well, that really would put a cast a whole new thing, because even though we... Well, it probably would cast aspersions on whether he's innocent in this trial. And if he tried to go for the same defence... (LAUGHTER) The Gutierrez myth said that it was just a blank, but he was on top of the roof. "Hey, me, Trump." Completely, "Oh, it buys all the good." There's no cameras, anyway. Dressed as a gruff a lot. (LAUGHTER) What would be funny is if Baldwin, as a sort of... You know, he's one of those, like, Chad liberals, right? - Yeah. - He's like, "Light De Niro." - He's sexy beefy. - Yeah, he's kind of like... "Oh, we need to fucking stop, fucking racism!" He's pumping iron, say, you know... You're throwing a women in the workplace. Showing the women in coffee shops. Yeah. You know, he's one of those guys who's like a tough guy progressive, right? Absolutely. And so, who's most likely to shoot Trump than a tough guy progressive? They're suggesting it's him. - What? - Come on. - Come on, I'm saying... - He's just got free. I'm just saying that it would be funny as his celebration for getting free would be, "You know, I'm so sick of Trump. "I need to take some of my anger on him. "I'm going to get a swipe of filtered blanks." - Yeah. - Sort of pretend I'm shooting him. I can't think of any who would go wrong. That point, you deserve what you get. And then he was like, "What do I know any armrests?" - Who was that one I worked with on Ross? - Gutierrez Smith, isn't it? - Gutierrez Smith. - Yeah, she was good. - She's, once again, she's wearing a fake Jamaican hat with dreadlocks. - Yeah. - She's doing hacky sack. And the biggest joint you've ever seen. - And she hands up a blogger and hacky sack. - She's doing hacky sack with life and fake ammunition. - Hands up like a cling film bag. They'll just be like, "Yeah, they're blanks. "They're blanks. "There's like little buds of weed in amongst it." - Yeah, he crawls up and shoots, and then he's like, "I cannot believe." - "I can, I can." (laughing) - "Keep in. I really need to find a different armrest." - Now, so we skirted around that, but the Trump assassination. - I'd say it's up there with the biggest news events we've had since being on the port. Oh, I guess we've had COVID invasion of Ukraine, but I'd say it's really up there. And I think in many ways, from the people I've been around won't make him big enough deal up. - Yeah, no, I was on a stag do weekend, and I kept trying to bring it up to people and they're like, "Oh yeah, man, isn't it?" - I threw my pants off in France again. - Again? - You just put them back on? - I just put them back on. And they were straight back off. Well, actually, to be honest, I threw my pants off three times, ball, win, Biden, and Trump. - Yeah. - It was a crazy trip. - It's been a crazy couple of weeks. It's been a crazy week of news. - Well, I think Biden's bigger. No, it's not bigger. It's funny. - We're not bigger. - We'll do Trump. - We'll do Trump first, 'cause yeah, we have a lot to say about Biden. - Losing my fucking mind is the only, it was fucking insane. - Yeah. - People were reacting appropriately, apparently they're there, appropriately around me. - Okay, good. - But I think when I came back to, people in England weren't reacting. - No. - In France, everyone was going crazy. - Yeah, as they should. In England, they weren't, it was just like-- - When I came back, I was expecting what the fuck happened today. - Yeah. - And I didn't really get it. - 'Cause I saw it on TikTok late at night, and then I saw it, it looked like just like a Trump rally, and you see so many clicks from it. And then there was like a couple of bangs, he's moving his head. I thought like a tire had gone off. - A tire had gone off. - Well, I thought like he was, 'cause you often hear when-- - What does that mean? - Where it feels like there's shots being fired, and people react-- - A tire, what's a tire going on? - 'Cause I saw it exploding. You know, they make the big noise bang. Maybe that's a car, a car backfiring. - Tires don't explode. - Tires don't explode. - You don't know what it's going to be like. - Tires don't pop regularly. I thought it was a tire going off. Horatio's first reaction to the Trump, it's head to the south side. It's that bloody tire. Tires popping everywhere. - How would you show air pressure? - Fuck it, idiot. - Yeah, no cars backfire. - Yeah, I thought it was a car-- - I remember like, you see-- - From friends, that episode where they're in the taxi, or they do the ride along in the police. - Yes. - And then Joey saves, I don't know what we do with friends here. Joey tries to save his sandwich, and Ross thinks he's saving him, but it's actually that a car's just backfired in front of them, and it sounds like a gunshot. - The one where Baldwin shoots Trump. - The one where Baldwin shoots Trump. That's what they'll do another reunion for that. None of the original cars did it whatsoever. - Yeah. So I was watching it, it was so surreal. - So you quickly do a line under the tire popping theory. - I set up a court board in my room, I put on the fedora. - And he said, "Tire pop question mark." There's one string going, "No." - Son, it's not working. - And all my hires up were saying, "Well, great case closed." - I was saying-- - I hang on a minute. - Someone doesn't end up here. - And it's like, stop looking around there. - Tires! - Stop reopening cases that have been closed. - We need the truth! - Tires don't pop. - Fuck it up. - Oppenheim will use it. - It felt like the TikTok wasn't reacting enough 'cause it just felt like any other TikTok. - Yes. - I guess that's something that you can sort of lose with nudes. - Was it a new TikTok? - Well, I kind of want, and I do think they should do this with news in general because I think, which you'll probably agree with me, over the last 10 years, breaking news has really been devalued. - Yeah, agreed. - His class is breaking news. - And I think the worst culprits of it were the independent. - But now, the BBC. - BBC? - Any bloody news story gets a ticker nowadays. - Yeah, breaking news. And I do think-- - I do need like a 10 by 10 minute events if like a chance lorab decades. - And I think the way that they turned news into entertainment has meant that they're trying to make all news seem as exciting as possible. - Yeah. - But what you lose is when everything's involved, nothing's involved. - When news is exciting, it's no longer exciting. And there needs to be a way of making ranking news with excitement. So I think breaking news should come with like the bigger the breaking news, the bigger the-- - What about like a hurricane rating system? - Yeah, but I mean, it's more than moment 'cause it goes like breaking news and you have something that says breaking news. But that can be used for, you know, transfer request or Trump getting assassinated. Trump getting assassinated on 9/11, you need bigger words. It needs to be like clearly-- - Take up more of the screen. - Or break through a bigger thing. Like a graphic of breaking through a bigger thing. So like it, maybe breaking news, the graphics they should use is like the breaking news crush is something. - Right. - And the bigger thing they crush is the bigger the news. - You've lost me with that bit. - So it's like breaking news, and if it's like, I don't know, there's been a pot hole-- - A pot hole in orange. - Yeah, in orange, then it's like a cup. - Now I would-- - And now Trump assassinated. - In fairness to the news outlets, I've never seen anything quite on par with breaking news. There's a pot hole in limited. But maybe like, well, 'cause it was, you know, it was quite similar, the coverage of Trump, the attempted Trump assassination and Southgate resigning. - Yes. - So we need, we need a warning system. - Bigger noises, or bah, bah, bah, bah, or just a bigger graph. - Well, the BBC news jingle could be louder. - It was just something to make it-- - 'Cause it was bah, bah, bah, bah, bah! (barking) - Breaking news! - Well-- - Death metal music, like that, isn't it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well that sounds like this. - Death is nine. - The gunna sounds like you're celebrating it. - Yeah, I guess so. - No, I agree. 'Cause the only way, as we're big anti-tickers, nowadays, not hearts, but anything gets a bloody ticker. - That's a ticker right now. - There's a ticker right now. - And we'll read it out to you. - Was that really? - Kia Starr, my pledge is national, we're even renewal, but it's pressed on to, actually this, he's giving his king speech. - Yeah, that's quite big. - That deserves a ticker. - But I think we did say the only thing that deserves a ticker was if a gunman is actively chasing the queen. (laughing) That's what we said was the only thing that deserves a minute by minute. - Min by minute. - That's the only thing which is-- - A manhunt, or an assassination attempt, that's fair. I don't need, what if I-- - Queen runs through park, chased by man with knife. - Yeah. - Good. - I would like updates. (laughing) Anything less is like, I don't need, just tell me the fucking story. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But also, nowadays, the way you judge it is by how much of the homepage is taken up by the story. 'Cause when the Trump assassination was, basically, you had different aspects of it across every one. But then, you know, not all chumps like me and go to the BBC homepage. - Yeah, so it's fucking crazy. It was so close to killing him. - It was seemingly close. - I mean, ridiculous. - Yeah. I think if there was a point someone said to me that he was talking this way and he basically just turned his head a moment before and if he hadn't turned his head a moment before-- - Well, I've seen on TikTok, there's a 3D recreation of his head and the line of the bullet and it's literally just like-- - I saw that. - He literally moves like that and it's-- But if he gets hit in the head, that's the biggest thing, he says 9/11. - I think it's-- - It's not bigger than 9/11. - Is it not bigger than 9/11? - No, no, it's not bigger than 9/11. - No, I guess it's not. - But Trump getting head-shotted. And also, it would be feel-- - Clarted. - Really? Twix the snorched. - Yeah. - We've all been there. - Absolutely. I'm surprised yours didn't get a ticker. - Yeah. Random boy in park. - But with 4K footage, Trump's face being blown off. - Yeah. - It would be the biggest-- - Of course. - It's the biggest fucking thing that-- - Since 9/11. - Yeah. - But then it's bigger than a lot of things pre-9/11 as well. - Yeah. - I mean, it's a shame 9/11. Shame 9/11 happened. - Yeah, if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have done it. - I wouldn't have helped. - Yeah. - Did you see the tenacious D have had to cancel their world tour? - Well, yeah. - Which was very emotional. - It's very much right. - It's very much right. - It's very much right. - The consequence of Trump nearly being assassinated, that tenacious D have had to cancel their world tour. - Well, it's not in response to Trump, it's in response to Carl Gas's response to Trump. - Yeah, it was, yeah. Do you know what they happened? - Now, yes, and I've seen the video of it, and I'm actually quite embarrassed, because it's something quite embarrassing about reacting really badly to something, but then they do it live on stage. - Yeah. - And you don't react badly in that moment. Do you know what I mean? Like, it's something that cringes me out. So, Carl Gas, for those who don't know, the other part of Harvard today is just D. They surprised him with a cake. They surprised him with a cake, which is his birthday, and they said, "Make a wish," and he says, "Next time, don't miss Trump," right? And then afterwards, Jack Black has said, he was so blindsided and shocked that he's counting the rest of his tour, which is a big deal. - Yeah. - They clearly had a massive barny backstage. What I find cringe, though, is that when he said it at the time, Jack Black doesn't react on stage. Did you not, I mean, it's a more personal thing. It's a more weird thing for me. - You can't react on stage. - You can't, but there's something embarrassing about it. - Sure must go on. - Knowing that you're unbelievably livid. So livid that you're going to end the tour. - And then you've got to play pick a destiny. - Yeah, that's, I always find with those kind of videos where, you know, he's clearly so livid he's going to cancel the rest of the tour, but in the moment, he's done nothing. - Yeah. - Which is just kind of like a-- - Well, I don't know as well, it's a bit him fairly distancing himself, because he must be furious after, but they would have got backlash. You never know how he was going to go down when you're on stage. It could be received a bit tongue in cheek, but he's not saying it but tongue in cheek. - Saying it with tongue in aghast. - So you're a bit of a conspiracy theorist, as we've seen on this pod. - Sure, sure. - Off the bat, what's your thoughts on the shooting there? - Well, a lot of people-- - Remember, a lot of people listen to you and say you're what it's gossip. - A lot of your minds, a lot of your minds. Keep up that. What do I always say? - Brilliant. Well, I'm glad that you're the new professor. - What do I always say? What's it? - Jesus said on the mount. What was that thing though? - Appropriate skepticism or? - Yeah. Healthy, healthy skepticism. - Yeah. Brilliant. - That's fine. (laughing) - The healthy skeptic party. This, yeah, I've had a couple of, a couple of my people on the message boards on Reddit. - Yeah. - You know, obviously it was impressive how quickly people were calling it a fake. When like-- - Yeah. - That just shows that you can't, like bean can. That just shows that people are not, they're not guided by facts in any way whatsoever. It's just purely, it's just purely vibes. I spoke to someone who was like, "Yeah, well, he's got no morality anyway, so who cares?" You know, he'd do it just so he could win. - Yeah. - And then I was like, someone died. - I feel this is a bit of a turning point for the way that we talk about Trump and the kind of political discourse 'cause it has reflected a lot back on the left for just the kind of adamant villainization of him and it's actually shown up a lot of people like, though you can have reasonable dislikes of Trump about how seriously biased the left is. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, absolutely. - And I do think people viewing it, wishing he'd been hit, I just think it's such a closed-minded view to look at it. It's so clearly an absolute disaster. - It would be a civil war. - Yeah, it's ridiculous. - It'd be absurd. - And then like, wanting your enemies to be shot is just not in order-- - Depending on the enemy. - I guess it's-- - Depending on the enemy. - Depending on the enemy, I don't say quite a serious point. - Yeah. - I don't think the accent was needed. - Depending on the enemy. - Depending on the enemy. - No, it wasn't needed. Yeah, well, there's obviously times when violence is required and has been throughout history, but this doesn't seem to be one of them. - Yeah, I guess if you keep saying Trump's Hitler, then it's fine to want him to be shot. - Yeah. - But I guess I think stop calling Trump Hitler. - Yeah, I don't think it would be good for him. - He's more brad-off Hitler. - He is more brad-off Hitler, which is kind of like a fun Adolf Hitler. - Yeah. - He's a bit, he's got a brad-off Hitler mic. - He's got a brad-off Hitler mic. - And I'm not saying brad-off Hitler, I want brad-off Hitler to run a gun. - We don't condone brad-off Hitler. - But I'm saying I wouldn't want brad-off Hitler to be. - Hitler to die. We don't condone the death of brad-off Hitler. - No. - Adolf Hitler, yes. Do we need to clarify that anymore? - I love brad-pit. I hate Hitler. - And Trump's somewhere in between. - So he's brad-off. - He's brad-off Hitler. Right? (laughing) - Fucking bullshit. (laughing) - Yeah. So I've also seen on the conspiracy theory web chats. - Yeah. - The conferences. (laughing) - What? - I've got to think about that. - The conferences just made me laugh. - The round tables. (laughing) - It just employs like lanyards and bad coffee. - Yeah. (laughing) - Just a bunch of like losers, warm sandwiches. - But there is, there's, I don't know. There's the thing that seems to be actually, and I saw this from quite a reputable news source. - Yeah. - So that, you know, that bloke with the teeth, the young bloke with the teeth of Tiptock. He was like, he was in in fairness to him, maybe. (laughing) No idea. But he was like in the room for the NATO summit. And people are, he went on ITV News. The bloke with the teeth. - And does he have like a weird accent? - I think he's northern, mate. - No, no, no, no, no, you're talking to someone else. - No, he's got big blonde hair and big, big white teeth. - What? Is it like a fabricant? - Get him. - Try it. Here we go. This is his first, this is his first test as producer. - If it's not, you're fired. - No. (laughing) - Could be more wrong. (laughing) No, it's. (laughing) - Here we go. - There's the news guy, it's the news guy, right? - He's like young, he's young. - Yes, I can. - Young sexy. - He's like half a good voice. - Type in Tiptock, young news man. - Tiptock teeth, news man. - Teeth might not help, young, young news boy. We'll find him, no. - Uh, son. - No. - No, it's just all the ginger kid. We're not gonna, oh wait, Tiptock. - That's him! - Not Northern! - You said that, okay. - Okay. - News daddy, it's like news daddy. - This is what he's talking about. And he had that weird act, yeah, yeah, that guy. - Can we just listen to him? - Yeah, listen to him. - If he's, what, what? - And, yeah, I'm gonna probably still be on social media. And if that's the way that you've been trained, I guess, to consume your news, it's gonna-- - Consume your news. - Get to hear me out of news. - He sounds like an AI chat bot. - Yeah, okay, okay, he's not, he's not Northern. - How would you get Northern? - Yeah, Michael Farben. - Hello, I am from the North. - Well, I love gravy and yachshippenings. - So, he, he was good work Charlie. - He seems to be, he seems to be quite a reputable guy. He's like, he's talking to stuff. And I saw him on ITV News. - Well, his whole thing, he's like, "I'm Gen Z but reputable." That sort of thing. - Yeah, I've got a, I've got a nose ring, but you can trust me. (laughing) - He's like that guy Philip DeFranco, Philip De-- - Nah, we're just saying. - Fucking names. Can I make my point? - Yes sir. - So he was on his-- - He did his pages. - He seems to be quite a reputable news source. And he was saying, and I've been seeing on the conspiracy boards, the counter snipers knew about the shooter for fucking ages. So I heard for as long as two minutes, but he, this guy, Mr. Industry, was saying they knew about him for 15 minutes. They saw him going on the roof, but they didn't see a gun. Then like a police officer popped up and then the guy pointed the gun at him. So he popped back down. And then the counter sniper eventually killed him. This is where I don't know if it's conspiracy or not, because I don't, I haven't heard it properly. But they had him in his sights and was like, I need to take the shot. And they didn't get orders, the go orders from above. And he, after the first shot, he disregarded orders and took the shot anyway and killed him. That's what I've heard, I don't know if it's true, but it seems that they were, there was a definite reluctance for them to pull the trigger. - Now, remember on Assassin's Creed when you're trying to assassinate someone, and when you get seen, it's like-- - Thank you for bringing the creed into this. - Well, I think it's very relevant. - The third or the-- - Or just any of them. - It's built into the physics, the game-- - It's a mechanics point, my apologies. Please continue. - So in Assassin's Creed, when a guard might see you, there's that building thing, like a bit of pressure before they might see you, you know, it's like-- - Yeah, yeah. - Hang on a minute. - Right, and then you go back into a incognito. - What's this? And then you get in a hay bale. - Yeah. - I must have been making it-- - I must have been seeing things. - Strong coffee this morning. - So I think potentially it was a bit like that, where it was like, he poked his head up, and they're like, "Hang on a minute, who's that?" Oh, there's no one that went back with it. - Hang on a minute, 'cause you know in the game where it's like, clearly, they were seen by-- - It all happens in almost every game, hit man. - Yeah, it's clearly you would have seen me. - So you can kill someone in hit man and then walk into like three people talking. - And if you keep just about seeing the top of someone's head like three or four times, then you're definitely gonna stay there and check. You won't just go over there and be like-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I swear I saw something, yeah. - So that's why-- - Yeah, it's the help, the bar, the sufficient bar. - The sufficient bar, I think. - Well, weird. - Weird, more to come out from it, harrowing in some ways, it would have been fucking nuts have happened. I mean, I think people were saying it was fake, which is like, I think they, people misunder estimate, underestimate Trump so much, because they were like, because he stood up and did the fist cymbal, that was prepared. - Yeah, crazy. - But he knows exactly what, he's a fucking performer. He's down on the ground and you hear him go wait, wait, wait, before, just before they take him off and then he kind of pushes him away to do that because he knows there's gonna be an iconic picture that could win in the election. - Yeah, and it was unbelievable. I mean, the footage of him going, the composure he had to then get that out, you know. I think every side can agree, like-- - Yeah, you gotta get it to him. - Or annoyingly, just how charismatic-- - And he's such a little show pony, because when he rocked up to the Republican National Convention with a massive bandage on his hair, it's like, you don't need that bandage on a year. - But that's his whole thing, it's whole stick. - Yeah, I would be doing the same. - I would be full body cast. - Yeah. (laughing) - Wheeling, but then, then you'll have it, there's concern that you're not fit to run to president. If it's broken-- - No, no, no. You will be out full body cast, isn't it? - Rip out of it. - And then I'm wearing, I'm wearing a fake muscle suit. - Yeah. - And then I blast out of that one. - And then you're wearing your normal suit. It's like WWE, yeah, that's good. - Well, it all felt, there's a WWE, and Trump has taken a lot from the aesthetics of wrestling into politics, there's a huge amount. That it's, when wrestling started, whatever they did with entertainment has really bled into American politics. But I still think, just dwelling on the shooting for a bit, it is crazy that they had him in his sights, but if you look at the moment where the guy shot him, it is like, oh, fuck him out, shit. I don't know, I think you have to take him out for sure. I think that my main view on the conspiracy theory angle, though, with all conspiracy theories-- - Here we go. - Is, is my view in all, 'cause I've seen incredible-- - Someone would give you away. - I seem incredibly skeptical of the conspiracy theories. That's come across. - Your conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory. - I seem to believe no conspiracy theory. - Yeah. - This is too much to-- - Well, I often err on the side that the truth is actually disappointing and boring. And I think as soon as people escaped these kind of quite fantastic, people wanted the fantasy to be true, 'cause it's exciting and thrilling, when it's actually often much more simple than we think. I think the mega-spiracy theory that I've seen is that Trump's face, this is from the liberal side, to get that photo, as we're just talking about. But it's like, to pull that off is more seemingly impossible. - Someone died. - Someone died. - Someone died. - Someone died. - That's the biggest glaring issue. - And it's just, it's so, it could be found out. Why would you ever risk something like that? For what? - I mean, it's gonna give me a huge old bump, but-- - But it's just such a worth it. - It's not worth it. It's such a, to pull it off is so hard. There's so much that could go wrong. - Yeah. - If it does go wrong, your elections over, you're leading in the polls. What are you talking about? - Particularly-- - Any one who thinks that, are you fucking crazy? - Particularly not. - Or particularly not. - Particularly after Biden's NATO conference. - Yes. - Which I actually think was the more entertaining piece of news. - Now, what has been amazing about this debate, this election campaign, is the way that Biden has been a bigger star than Trump. - Yeah. - You know, he's in the headlines way more. - Well, he's a more entertaining politician. It's actually unbelievable. He's funnier. When Trump entered the scene, it was like, "Oh my God, you could be hilarious as a politician," that we've never seen that before. Who are we gonna put up in front of Trump? Let's pick the most boring man ever. - Yeah. - And then Biden pulls it out of his arse. - Well, I think-- - Somehow finds a way to be funnier and more entertaining than Trump. - So you're giving Biden the credit for this? What do you think is good? - No, I think, no, I'm just talking about it from an objective comedic standpoint. - Yeah. - I'm surprised. - Well, he's turned into an old-school clown. - Yeah, I'm surprised that American politics has thrown up someone funnier than Trump. - Yeah. - Incredible. - I know. - And it's happened in front of our very eyes. - But Trump's like actually quite funny, as in he makes quite funny jokes. - Yeah. - Whereas Biden, you're laughing at him. - Yes. - But I'm talking step back, objective entertainment value. Biden has come through with some apps. - Well, let's do NATO. So NATO was one of my favorite. I think my favorite news of the year, actually. - Well, I guess, so let's talk about the stakes going into NATO, right? - Yeah. - So you just had the worst debate of all time. - Yeah. I don't think any, even like a failed state. - No. I think most people- - Because ever had to TV debate that bad. - Most people probably understood about 40% of what he said. That's like being quite kind. - Right. So the NATO summit comes, and this- - Clooney writes an op-ed in the New York Times telling everyone that the Joe Biden of now is not the Joe Biden of 2018. And then he needs to step down. And if Clooney's saying it, then, you know. - The Biden can't keep coming down the ocean. - This was just a bad debate. He's cognitively sharp. - He couldn't be sharper. - He couldn't be sharper. They have sat Biden down and been like, right, this is a week where you read the show- - He doesn't have parking too. - Like you did when you did that state of the Union address where you came out fire, and this is your time Biden. This is essential that we nailed this. - So he comes out, and he comes out, and he goes, right now it's time to introduce. - Oh, what does he sound like? Now, it's time- - Hey! - Hey! - Well, now it's time to- - Watch up there, punk. - What was that? - Sucker. - Well, what happened? It's time to introduce the Prime Minister of the Ukraine. He's probably got more compassion than he does courage, more determination than he does strength. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. - President Putin. - Putin? All right, well, we got to worry about Putin. I'm thinking about Putin because we got to get him. We got to worry about that man. - And then so let's see just girls. I'm a lot better than Putin. He goes, damn, damn straight, you are. - And then tosses off. Now, my favourite bit about that is that it kind of sounds like he confuses himself and then thinks that Putin's actually in the room. So it sounds like he goes, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. - Putin? - Where? - Get him, boys! - And then everyone's, he's kind of almost believed his own, his own- - Well, like someone else said Putin, he has such bad memory. - He doesn't realise he said Putin accidentally and thinks someone's got- - Putin, get him! - Where, where, Putin? President Putin, where? - So that was one of the best things in the world. - Now, yeah, so- - Then in the same thing. - Well, I'm just sticking on that gap. - Right, we can do Putin, yeah. - President Putin? - We talked about this in the pub, where you thought he had to clear it up. I don't know if him clearing it up made it better or worse. - It 100% makes it better. Because if he walks off and goes, President Putin, that one leaves Zelensky to have to clear it up by himself. And it's like, it's a bit like, you know, you make a mistake, you rectify it. If you just make a mistake and you're that not with it, that people would, the question would be, does he actually think he's introducing Vladimir Putin? - Would it, would that be? I don't know if, I don't know if, I don't know if. Do you know what time's op-ed? - Does Biden- - Does Biden introduce his Putin? Does Biden know he introduces? - Now, what would be awesome is if Putin stepped up to the podium? - Yeah, that's a big reveal. And he's the new prime minister of Ukraine. That would actually probably just mean that Russia won her. - Yeah. - won the war. - But it's definitely better that he acknowledges it. - It was the stopping out of the spotlight in the shadows, turning around halfway. - Putin. - And then the sort of kind of cringy, embarrassing, crawling back. - Yeah. - Putin, we, well, we are glad you're thinking there's so much to get him, we gotta worry about that. - I think, trying to turn that into a rip-roaring act of unity. I think that was embarrassing. I think what would be the better way to deal with it is President Putin walk off. Sorry, I mean Zelensky. - Yeah, but he's still rectifying it. - Yeah, I think there's a mid-ground. I think standing in the middle and just sort of trying to say, you know, because I'm thinking so much about Putin. I said that because I'm so focused. It's actually because I'm so smart because I'm thinking so much about beating Putin. That's why I'm saying Putin, because it's not even like a stupid thing to say. You gotta think about it, do you know what I mean? - So I kind of agree. Of course, the whole thing's insane. I kind of agree, but he's terrified about making a gaff because there's the whole fucking stories of being that he can't speak. - Now he got terrified, is he? 'Cause I would be terrified, but is he even smart? - Look at his face, the guy he's terrified. For some reason it's still in the race, but he's terrified. But so just to go, sorry, I meant Putin, is acknowledging a mistake, which is something the politicians don't care about him. - Don't worry anyway, what, what governor? - But then doing that means like, it's giving another layer of fuck, I don't know what I'm talking about. - So I sent this clip to you. - He got started out. - I sent this clip to you later at night. I said he's done it again. - Yeah. - And then while we were both laughing about it, he then did a post press conference, post that speech. - Yeah, if I was his team, I'd be like, maybe let's not. - So then he did a half an hour press conference. - Just him on Twitter. - I was live on TikTok, and I watched it live. And what's amazing about watching Biden live, I'm edited, is the clips actually don't do it justice, 'cause they imply that there's some context to it. But when you watch pure Biden, it's like you can clip any part of this. He doesn't make any sense at any point. - No, it's just this. (laughing) - It's like he has like three emotions that go through his head. - No, he's got two. - It's a good thought. - He's fear and happiness. - Terror and bravado. - But then he's terrified about everything and then remembers that he's got to be president, and then goes. - Have you seen love on the spectrum? - It's a very personal question. - Have you seen the American one? - The American one. - So it's saying quite interesting about that when you see old autistic people, which you don't see very often. - Yeah. - So like some of the people, so this is a guy who's like in his 60s with autism, but they seem very different to like the norm that people are age. - Was there not one in the UK? - There probably was. - Right. I haven't seen the US one. - Because the way that their autism comes out is it's like in the way that autism people now you mimic what's around them. - You might do. - Yeah, maybe. One, you know, it's a lot about masking and mimicking the world around it. This guy. - Yeah, I've never seen these fellas. - But because he grew up in the, you know, 60s and 50s. 60s and 50s. - Yeah. - His autism was sucking in the world around him. So he sounds like a 30s talk show host. - Right, oh that's fun. - So it's like a different brand of it. And I feel like Biden, when he's on the back foot, he like goes into like really folksy. - Yeah. - He's got like, he's got like folksy autism where he's just like, he's remembered things that worked in the 70s. - Yeah. - And he's like, okay, this is working. Give them. - Show them you're putting on that. - You know the gutter, got the whole feel then. - Well, because he was a-- - He was a-- - He was a fucking hottie back in the day. So that's my, you know, would have killed a thousand roses. - A thousand roses. - When he killed a thousand million. - Yeah, look how fit he was. He was like, he had it. But yeah, so but then within the press conference. So he's two biggest enemies in the world, who would you say they are? - Putin Trump. - Putin and Trump. So he's then talking about something. In one of the questions he needs to refer to his vice president, Kamala Harris. There he goes. - Yeah. - My vice president Trump. - Trump to be vice president. - In the same half an hour. He goes from calling Zelensky Putin to calling Kamala Harris Trump. It's one of the greatest things of all time. And then within that, there's also Gaffson and Falley. - He has said that you're so focused on beating Putin. That's why he said Putin, so it shows Trump. Yeah, it does, there's a consistency there. - He's thinking about his enemies. But then there was the more, the more pertinent question is he thinks his enemies are his teammates. And he's just confused. He's like, who are we fighting again? - You, me. - But no, honestly, some of the finest stuff in the world that I've seen. - Yeah, Biden's been just like, just up in the ante. And you think that the old shit's gonna get boring, but then he brings up new, it's 'cause it's getting worse. - He's bringing the hits out. - Yeah, 'cause there was Sleepy Joe stuff for the last election. - Yeah. - But it was nowhere near this level. - No, he doesn't need to, he's actually kind of stopped saying Sleepy Joe stuff. 'Cause I genuinely think that-- - It's a Sleep Joe. - Because his team thinks it's elder abuse. - Yeah. - 'Cause he hasn't come anywhere near as hard at Biden this time round. - Well, Trump in general's approach to this election has been a lot more soft, but I think he's getting clearly older. Like, you look at old videos of Trump, like 2016 Trump is like, there's a lot more, he's a lot more virile. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But he is brighter, he's a lot more loud mouthy. But he does seem a lot more restrained, kind of trying to be statesman-like. I don't know if even the legal proceedings have actually taken a bit of a toll on his-- - Maybe I also think it's a different tactic. - And he'll be the former president as well. So it's a bit of a different-- - Kind of, but I also just think that this is his election to lose. Like, they're going, if anyone, Biden is gonna, he's clearly lost it, he's gonna make so many mistakes. All you've gotta do is be level when people are gonna go, we can't vote for this mania, this old man who looks always like he's wandered into the wrong bar for him. And is feeling embarrassed about it. - You're debating a mob. - You're debating a mob. Just a man who's there. - I just don't say anything wrong. Don't say anything too controversial. Because then that means that the slightly more the kind of conflicted voters are gonna be like, well, we hasn't said anything so bad. We'll go and vote for him because we can't vote for this mob man. - So thoughts now, are they gonna replace Biden? - They have to. - I don't know why they haven't. They have to. - But if they leave it too long, they can't. - Yeah, it's gonna get to a certain point. - Well, they don't have to. - Yeah. - Well, he's losing. - He has to be Kamala, that's not a good move. - The thing is, if he stays in, he's losing. So it's not gonna be in power for another four years where his deterioration will get ridiculous. - Yeah. - It's more like damage limitation at this point. - Gretchen Whitmer is a candidate. It's not a nice name. - They're losing, I think Gavin Newson is probably the best bet. - He's like the sexy JFK kind of of a nose man. - But then I guess you could come on. - Have you seen that Trump's now been like very polite about Biden? 'Cause he's scared they might drop Biden. Like he's desperate for Biden to stand the race. Trump's actually part of his softball tactics, actually, have been, "I wanna make people keep Biden the race." 'Cause he knows that his only chance of losing is if they bring in like a new guy and it just like-- - Yeah, agrees. - Blow it up. - It makes sense, well, it's Trump's to lose. You can't, in international relations, you mind if I get to the massive for a second. For diplomacy, the most important thing is language and words, it's all very, you know, it's all on a life's edge in what you say. And you can't, you can't call Zelensky president Trump. You can't do it. And the weird thing is that, oh God. (laughing) - No, I wanna, I wanna beat Trump. - I mean, I wanna, I wanna talk about Trump and now I'm trying to put it because I'm-- - It's not easy. - Yeah, I'm not worried about him. - But we're not doing, we're not out there doing it. There will be a disaster. So the opposite of what I just said is true, or vice versa. Take it or leave it. - They gotta get rid of him. - Get him in the bin. - But they have to, it has to be, and I think the assassination has-- - What you do with him? - meant that it's more like hope to do. - It's poor wife, that's what I always think. - Talk to Joe Biden. - Talk to Joe Biden. - She's the one that's A-U-1. - Yeah, is she? - Aye, get him on. - Go on. - Go on. - Go on. - Get out there, say the wrong name. - Go on. - Stupid little bitch. - Watch that, lady Macbeth situation. - What do you mean, he's like his main motivator? She's like you can do it. She's the one that's really pushing him to believe in himself. - Yeah, I guess you can't, as soon as she says he can't do it, then it's now fully done. - Charlie just did a muscle on a ketchup in as well. He's done done. He can't trust anything he says really. (laughing) - He's our armorer as well. (laughing) - I knew him Jesus was Gutierrez. - You said that was sugar. So that is interesting. Well, right. - What time are you on? - 'Cause you think fucking blinking nora. Why didn't you go and retire? - Get blinking nora on. - Blinking, okay, blinky nora. President blinky nora. Why you think retire, go and live in the fucking, I don't know, where do they go? What's the palisades? I hear that a lot. - Yeah, well, Hamptons. - Hamptons. - Not relevant. - Not relevant. But go and retire. He's gonna die in office. - Why do you wanna do it? - Why do you wanna do it? - But he's lost his mind so much that that's made him stubborn. - Maybe. - Like, do you think he's to the point where-- - I'm scared of you. - I don't wanna give up my, no, no, no. No, no, we're saying stop being a president. You can't have my lawnmower. - I wanna move out of the shed. (laughing) - Well, that's-- - My, that's my, Nan is 96 and she's got dementia and she gets very stubborn. She gets like very aggressive at things that are like, no, yeah, yeah, this is no, you can't do this. I hate this, I won't have this, you know, 'cause it's the only thing she can hold on to. I think the only thing Biden can remember is that he's president. - Yeah, and that's always working, man. (laughing) - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, that might be it. Is he the only person who can resign? 'Cause it's weird because you think that in England, you can have votes and no confidence and stuff. - What can happen is the problem is the Democratic Party can vote him out, but he's got all of the votes, so it's not like the person they get in would have all of those votes and they're all for Joe Biden, so he'd have to like collect them all again. - It has to be a big old, scoopy queue. Scoopy queue, scoopy queue, scoopy queue. - But then if he died, what would happen then? Like I don't know. - Right. - If he died before the election, surely it'd be a quick time around. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, if he died, they'd have to replace it. - Yeah, obviously. - But like, so yeah, it's basically he is the man in charge, which is the problem is it's a catch 22, because you're trying to get him out because he's mentally unhinged, but he'll want to stay in because he's mentally unhinged. But the reason why he should get out was because he's mentally unhinged. It's a fucking disaster. - Yeah, it really is a disaster. - Go on holiday. - It is like, how do we end up in this situation? - How do we solve a problem like Maria? (laughing) - But the Trump assassination you have, I've noticed a lot more legitimacy being thrown towards Trump, and it does feel like a real shift, where there's now celebrities coming out as Trump supporters, it's become this-- - Do you know who is at the RNC? - Amber Rose, was it? - Amber Rose. - Russell Brand. - Russell Brand, that was a big one. - Brand's called "Full Trump". - Yeah. - Crazy. - Yeah, shame. Russell Brand, well, it's just because he's, you know, a sexual assault man that, you know, you've got to kind of rebrand of it. - Yeah, it's true. - Like, what happens if you were accused of multiple counts of sexual assault? - Yeah, RNC. - Where I'd be at the RNC. (laughing) That's the only option, really. What else? - Well, you still want to go outside and stuff, and you still want to be invited to things. - It's probably the first fresh air he's got in a world. - Yeah. Yeah, if I was balls deep in a sexual misconduct trial, probably shouldn't say balls deep before sexual misconduct trial, but. (laughing) - You don't condone, I'll be canceling the world tour. - I would be stuck at home. No one's invited me to anything. - Yeah. - And then I would eventually be like, right, I'm going full-blown, right? - I'm going to the RNC. - Yeah, I'll go. 'Cause I know that. I'm getting a, I'm getting a sort of standing ovation for being accused of rape. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They're like, "Oh, you're so brave." (laughing) - All those times you got accused of rape people. - And you're still here, not in prison. Well done. (laughing) Brave man. Yeah, no, it's looking, it's looking bleak. - But there's a big shift happening, I feel, with like. - A paradigm shift? - I don't know. - The terrain. - The. - Don't do that. - The conversation. - Don't do that. It makes you look like the whole king. - The Trumpism has become legitimised when he wins this election, it's going to be like, he's here to stay almost. - Yeah, yeah. - And that it's not this fly in the pan. - Fly in the pan, you know. - What was it? - Fly in the pan. - It's not a fly in the pan. - It's not a fly in the pan. - Because I think the Democrats used to think that the Trump was just a fly in the pan. - Fly in the pan. What does that mean? One fly in the pan. You know what you shouldn't be, though. (laughing) - Oh, fucking god. - Oh, I'm gonna be mad. - I'm trying to make chicken. Fly shouldn't be in that pan. - That's in the pan? - Flash. - Flash in the pan. There he is. - I mean, it has an F in it. Flash fly. - Move on. (laughing) - I wanna replace Joe Biden. - That's plenty of that. - Let's do hype of the week. I'll start with mine. - Yeah. - Maybe you'll probably go through this as well, but because I've moved into a new place, I'm kind of having a bit of like, not a health kit, but like a lifestyle kick. - Sure. - You know what I mean? You're sort of like new house, new me. - Kind of. - No, I've actually had a very unhealthy three weeks. - Oh, so you got the other way. - No, you have to be new. - You have to be new. (grunting) - No, I've just, it's where we did Glastonbury, and then a break, and then I was in France for a week. So it was a lot. - So you haven't settled into the years. - A lot of cheese, drugs, and rock and roll. - Yeah. I mean, you didn't hunt shaved either. And like me, when we don't shave our life, it looks like our lives are falling apart. - It does, yeah. - I mean, yeah. I look like I'm going through a really bad divorce. - Yeah. No, even if I was quite at the full facial hairs and put it off, it's like, well, you're just unwel on it. - You're severely depressed. - When I grow my beard, it's like, what's wrong? - You're depressed, yeah. - Is everything okay? No, it's not. But yeah, the health kick, I've started watching like the news in the morning more. - Yes. - That was one of our most informed discussions we've ever had on this podcast. - Because we got a TV in like a living room that felt more like hours. So it was like putting it on. You felt like an adult. - You could have gone in the living room in our old house. - It didn't feel, it would have been really, if I went in living room, so I've watched the news. - It would have been weird. - You don't mean like the vibe, it would be like, what the fuck are you doing? - No, you didn't. - If I got up early in the morning and you heard the news coming through. - It would be like, oh, that's nice. - Yeah, it still would be a bit odd. - It would be weird because you didn't go in it for four years. That's the only reason it's weird. It's 'cause you had this weird aversion to the living room. - Yeah, yeah. - But so your hype is new house. - No. - New health kicks, right. - My hype is new. - That would be fucking shit. - Minestroney. - I've got really into Minestroney. - Well, then the podcast there. - Basically, and I guess I was thinking I need a new lunch because my lunch options have not been right for me. And then I thought about the blues. - The broking finally, just to fill you in with me, Charlie. A ratio for lunch doesn't even sit down nowadays. He just slings pieces of ham. - No, it's chicken. - He slings pieces of chicken into his mouth whilst leaving on the sink. He'll have like bread, but he won't have them at the same time. He'll just eat it when it comes. - A huge amount of that just goes my aversion to the kitchen. - Why are you reversed in all the parts of our house? - Yeah, I mean, I hated the kitchen. So I want to spend as little time in there as possible. If I made something in the kitchen, I had to take it upstairs and I found that a lot of the time because it was too quick a meal, it felt like the taking upstairs wasn't worth it. Now that I've got a kitchen-- - You can use a living room to solve all your problems. - Yeah, even that, it just, but then I don't know. It all didn't work for me, but now I've got my, I could, it's the right accessory in the kitchen that I like and my table there, that kind of works. So I'm like, now it's been Australian time. - It's been Australian. - So why I've chosen been Australian as potentially the ultimate lunch field food, right? Because I watched the Blue Zones documentary, well, none of it, no one actually finished the Blue Zones documentary 'cause it's too boring. Do you know the Blue Zones? - No. - There's that Netflix thing about this, like anthropologist who studied these four zones all over the world. - Sexy. - Where people have the highest average age, where there's the most people who live over 100. - Right. - There's one in Okinawa, in Japan. One of them, in Italy, one of them in America, one somewhere else, right? In one of those things, which you'd really want it to be just an article saying like, just give me, what are the five things they all do? You know? - Yeah. - But the Italian ones. - I hate how this is ending up in New Eastern Australia, this is so boring, let's go on. (laughing) - The Italian ones, they eat Minestrone every day for life. - Minestrone is a soup, right? - Yeah, what's your hype of the week? - The ferry. - Go on. - Fairies are an underrated form of transport in many ways, not because of their practicality, but everyone behaves differently on a ferry. The kind of, the hue of international waters really sets it off. - Yeah, it's like Guantanamo Bay. - Exactly. We have both said how much we love airports, and maybe that wasn't you. - No. - I don't like airports. - Me and someone else have said how much we love airports, hanging around. - Were you just like being socially accessible to drink whenever? - That's rude. (laughing) - Maybe that's why I love the ferry. (laughing) That definitely comes into it, no doubt. No doubt. No, but there's a mystery around the airport. I like to sit and read a book whilst having a full English in a pint at seven in the morning, and they're like, "Who's that guy?" - Yeah, that's mysterious. - No, look, that's a joke. But when you're like, there's a restlessness to it. Everyone's moving around. No one's like, I always imagine what it's like for the bar workers or the bookshop workers in the airport. You know, they're always, they never had the same clientele. They're always coming and going, coming and going. - There's a melancholy to it. - There's a melancholy to it, but there's a mystery behind it. Loads of people love the airport. I'm not alone at this. - Do you love the airport, Charlie? - I get down the airport. - Charlie gets down with the airport, say. But the airport, you're not really, it's not part of your journey. The plane is too small to enjoy. The train is too thin to enjoy. The ferry is big and fat, and there's everything on it. I went in there, and on there, I went on the ferry, and there's like, there's a duty free shop, there's a canteen, there's a cafe, there's a bar, there's an arcade, there was a casino, and there was a woman doing terrible covers of Amy Winehouse with a DJ next to her. - You couldn't ask for anything more. - Couldn't ask for anything more. There were men just asleep on the sofas. Everyone has rooms, but it's like, there is kind of like this international waters took over everyone, and there's different rules on a ferry. - It's purgatory. - It's purgatory. You can do what you want on a ferry. I did some awful one, speaking of things. That's the height. - Yeah, I could see that. I get quite seasick, so I have an aversion to ferries. - Yeah, so does Elle. She popped a pill. - Really? - Yeah. - What, MDMA? - She popped some MDMA. It was like an MDMA therapy, for people to see. Now you can get extreme seasick. - So you get an absolute blast on the ferry? - I had a blast, but no one really wanted to grasp the ferry levels as much as I did. - But you love these sort of places. You love places that-- - It's a bit like a travel in botland. - Which is the dream. - Yeah, you do love places that could be anywhere. - Yeah. - Do you know what you hate? You hate specificity. - I hate it. - You hate anything that could be somewhere. - That tower was so unique to this city. - You're like, no, I want it to be-- - Give me a vape bottle. - I also have like a bowling alley, which is just, you know, all the beers I know on tap, just kind of, just with like images of people going, wow, bowling fan. (laughs) - Well, there are some ferries of bowling alleys on them. - Yeah. - Which would be, what about the rolling, you know? - What about the rolling, Charlie? - Do you like smoking outside of there? - Yes, that's the best thing in the world. - That's the mystery. - Yeah. - Oh, God, yeah, with like a bottle of a glass of wine in your hand. - Yeah, I guess that-- - You're looking into the darkness, the abyss, the roar of the-- - But that comes more from like, I don't know, Titanic, here, kind of-- - Why not? - The Gilded Age liner. Because what did you go do when you went back indoors? (laughs) - I had a milkshake. (laughs) - That's what I mean. I think the modern ferry, I do know what you mean, but the modern ferry lacks the mystery of leaning over. - Yeah. - Because what you do when you go back in. - My space invaders. My space invaders will be okay. Like some similar-- - Back to a black. - Back to a black. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But hilarious. So, again, well, that's why it was great because it all is obviously hilarious, right? Because you have like really old couples. Not really old, like 60, 55. Just taking it as if this was their time in Vegas. They were sat there with like a candle lit table with their bottle of wine going like, to the Amy White House singer. And then everyone got really drunk 'cause it was a late night ferry. And then everyone was like, falling over because the boat was tipping a bit and the people were falling asleep on the sofas. So it was like, "Buttland's mixed with Vegas, mixed with something else." (laughing) Is that or leave it? Thank you so much for listening to the pod. We're gonna be on the Patreon. We need your support now more than ever. (laughing) - I would say that. 60% of the profits of the Patreon go to, went to buy it, went to-- - Waterade. - Went to waterade. And 40% went to Baldwin's defense team. - Yeah. - So this is the first time we'll be taking money for it anyway. - Do you, someone in the comments asked, they wanted you to do a poem to wrap up every show? - It wasn't a poem, but sure. Wait, you know, it was like a final, it was a final thought. Was it? - Yeah, it was a final thought. - Andrew, do you have any final thoughts? - Sometimes the world can feel like it's rocking like the ferry. - Yeah. - But all you can do is take that little tablet of happiness, watch out for the bad things and you'll always find yourself on the sunny side of the boat. - You didn't go down enough. - Thank you, goodbye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)