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026: Michael Fishman of BehaviorCon | How to Leverage Consumer Psychology and Tap into Consumer Behavior

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2013

How do you create customers who will rave about your business -- and tell all their friends to check you out? Most small business owners will say it's easier said than done. While there's no secret formula, Marie Forleo comes as close as any entrepreneur to having a magic recipe for creating passionate and engaged fans. Seriously, if she could bottle and sell a potion that creates raving customers who will buy up anything you do, she'd make a mint.

The creator of the massive popular B-School, an online based training program aimed at female online entrepreneurs, Marie has a fan base that stretches into the thousands. I have a few friends who have done her B-School training, and to a person, they all rave about how smart, savvy, engaging, fun and funny Marie is. Having interviewed her, I now know why. Marie was incredibly down-to-earth and generous with her time, in spite of her success. You can tell this is someone who has been so successful, in part, because she is so accessible and relatable. It's no wonder Marie has been interviewed by none other than Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins, and she has even done work with Sir Richard Branson and michael sobota. In this episode, I asked Marie about what it takes to create a customer base that will not only love what you do - but will turn around and tell all their friends.

There are some great nuggets of wisdom in this interview. Marie is also speaking at BehaviorCon in a few weeks, which is a great new conference focused on the psychology of consumer behavior. It's being co-organized by Michael Fishman (who I interviewed in episode 26) and Ramit Sethi, the New York Times Bestselling author of the book I Will Teach You to be Rich (afffiliate link) and the blog of the same name. You can check out more about BehaviorCon here. Enjoy!