Spirit in Action
Citizens Climate Radio with Peterson Toscano
Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio sits in today as host of Spirit In Action, adding to our Climate Change IQ and giving us reasons for hope and diligence in face of some very compelling needs. As always, Peterson does it with style, creativity, and a generous helping of his brand-name quirky humor & comedy. His guests today include Cathy Orlando, Clara Fang, Piper Christian, Rod Mitchell, Madeleine Para, Lilace Mellin Guignard, and Joanna Huxter.
- Broadcast on:
- 06 Nov 2016
Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio sits in today as host of Spirit In Action, adding to our Climate Change IQ and giving us reasons for hope and diligence in face of some very compelling needs. As always, Peterson does it with style, creativity, and a generous helping of his brand-name quirky humor & comedy. His guests today include Cathy Orlando, Clara Fang, Piper Christian, Rod Mitchell, Madeleine Para, Lilace Mellin Guignard, and Joanna Huxter.