Spirit in Action

Music for Social Change - People's Music Network

Ben Grosscup serves as director of People's Music Network. Ben initiated the PMN Song of the Month, a project to integrate inspiring new songs of freedom and struggle in today’s progressive movements.

Broadcast on:
14 Jun 2015
Audio Format:

[music] ♪ Let us sing this song for the healing of the world ♪ ♪ That we may hear as one ♪ ♪ With every voice of every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world alone ♪ ♪ And our lives will feel the echo of our healing ♪ ♪ With every voice of every song ♪ Welcome to Spirit in Action. My name is Mark Helpsmeat. Each week, I'll be bringing you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action, and progressive efforts. I'll be tracing the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred food in your own life. ♪ Let us sing this song for the dreaming of the world ♪ ♪ That we may dream as one ♪ ♪ With every voice of every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world alone ♪ I, and probably you, have thought a lot about what makes for peace, justice, and world healing. In fact, the purpose of Spirit in Action is to find people who are doing that kind of blessing for the world and try and understand where the motivation comes from and how it's supported so it can grow. I think that at one time, I might have said that knowledge is all you need, and when people know the right facts, they'll do the right things. That's part of the answer, but I do not believe it is that simple because I've known many people with access to all the facts who still seem to get it wrong and go a very hurtful way. Another part of the answer is, I think, the things that touch our hearts as well as our heads, and for me at least, and I think for so many of us, music and story touch the heart where no lecture can go. Which leads me to the People's Music Network, an association of musicians and their friends who make music to improve and heal the world. Ben Grosscup is a singer-songwriter, and he's head of the People's Music Network. Ben has a BA in Anthropology of Science and Technology at Hampshire College, focusing on questions of democracy and technology, and he serves on the board of the Institute for Social Ecology. Ben Grosscup joins us by phone from Western Massachusetts. Ben, welcome to Spirit in Action. Thanks, Mark. How long have you been connected with People's Music Network? I've been a member of PMN since 2005, and I've been serving as a director of People's Music Network since last November. So you're called the director, not the president, not the dictator, nothing like that? That's right. I am basically working with this group of musicians and activists that have done around since the 1970s. First summer gathering was in 1977, and the first winter gathering was in 1981, the same year I was born. This is a group that has been promoting music for social change for a long time, and I'm come on board to help carry out a bunch of the things that we want to be doing as a network, reaching out to more musicians and activists, and having a greater online presence. We've been having these face-to-face gatherings for many years, and now it's time to kind of extend our presence in the digital world as well. That's an interesting thought, because when you say social change, I think you're identifying liberal or progressive, maybe even radical social change, that end of the spectrum, because I guess there can be social change towards a conservative side, too. Absolutely. Yeah, I would say that PMN, although I don't think we have a strictly professed political ideology, I would say that most of our members are fairly far left and have a certain attitude about their music that it's like, it's not just art for art's sake, it's like art for a political purpose, and some artists will frown on that, and some art critics will frown on that, and definitely bourgeois organizations that control how art gets disseminated into the world definitely frown on that. They want a political art form out there that doesn't threaten power, and it doesn't really change people's perceptions of power. The thing that we as musicians have, I think, a real key into is being able to talk about problems out there in ways that really reach people, that touch people on a heart level as well as a head level. And I think that we have gifts as musicians that the progressive social movements that we're embedded in really have much to gain from. The purpose of PMN is really about putting out there to the world that these tools we carry as musicians really, it's stewards of a long tradition of using music for social change. These tools are relevant politically to our comrades in the left in progressive movements and labor movements, the environmental movement, women's rights, gay rights, environmental justice as the list goes on. How long have you been connected with that kind of music? I mean, you're in your early mid-30s, so did you grow up with this? You're a generation behind me. Well, I live in Western Massachusetts, but I grew up in Minneapolis, and I think my first exposure to this kind of music was when I was working as a volunteer in a pirate radio station called Free Radio Twin Cities. I don't know if it still exists, but we had a unlicensed radio station based in somebody's garage, and we broadcast and radical ideas out into the neighborhoods of South Minneapolis. One of the things that was sitting there in this garage of one of the collective members was a CD by a fellow named Phil Oaks. Phil Oaks had a distinguished career as a troubadour of the left. He was writing songs about the Vietnam War and how the Vietnam War was totally unjust. He had songs like "I Hate March" many more, which was so inspiring to a whole generation of anti-war activists. He was writing about racial justice. This guy was really getting around. I just started learning his songs because I had already been playing other kinds of songs, but I was hearing this voice from a whole generation removed from me, was so inspiring to me and made me want to educate myself in this craft of song-making, in this craft of learning songs that really speak to the injustices going on around us, and that inspired people to act. So when you found Phil Oaks' music, that wasn't your style of music. You weren't a folky already? I was in the scab music, to be honest with you. I was in a scaband and playing Kenagufy songs, but I was an activist. I was politically minded at a young age, and it was through Phil Oaks. I think that I first had the inclination to connect my radical anti-war activism, working in the peace movement in Minneapolis, with my musical talents, which were just kind of emerging at the time. I've met a handful of your members of the People's Music Network. How many of you are there, and where are you distributed? PMN is a network. We are a group of musicians and activists who are supporting each other to improve our craft, to find love in community. I think people say that a lot about PMN. It's a very loving community of people who genuinely care about each other and want to use music as a way to deepen that connection. We're a national organization. Many of our members are in the northeast part of the United States. Our gatherings have historically taken place on the northeast, but we've been as far out as far west as Chicago, as far south as North Carolina. So we have a membership role, and I think the reach of PMN is really all the different activists and musicians that have crossed paths with us, have participated in our gatherings, and increasingly now have been participating in our online presence. We have a new project called People's Music Network Song of the Month, where we are featuring songs on specific topics of social justice each month. Basically, we designate one month with a topic like the first month with May. We release on the first songs about the financial crisis, and we are using the focus point of like a single topic, and then we get judges who are leaders and activist movements that are working on those specific topics like the financial crisis together and have them say which of these songs is most politically effective, which one is most musically and lyrically well crafted. And then we try to highlight those songs that really resonated well with the judges. And actually, for June, the topic of the climate crisis, and then right now we're accepting submissions for songs about mass incarceration and the new Jim Crow. So we really rub the gamut of different progressive issues. The month of August is going to be focused on hydro-fracking and the resistance to other students' faults against the earth. Well, you mentioned that for May, the topic is the whole financial mess, I guess. And the song I saw on the PMN song of the website, I saw the song is Plunder by Polar Levine. Polar Levine, yeah, Polar Levine submitted this song. He's got a whole album of songs about the financial crisis. He's been really involved in Occupy Wall Street and part of the musicians group that formed around Occupy Wall Street. He's a talented artist and son writer and he entered his song "In the Ring" for May and the judges responded most strongly to that one. His website is and the song is Plunder. I think we should listen to it since it's your first PMN song of the month. Yeah. Your Honor, for many years, I operated a Ponzi scheme through the investment advisory side of my business. I knew what I was doing was long. Indeed criminal. The title of America's shoe got known. When Wall Street stepped into the fold, Congress paid off, workers paid off, Stanford AIG and made off. Credit swaps, credit stops, empty wallets, and empty shops, and bank walk and strip the lane. Grandpa loses 401(k). Plunder. We got a whole album of this song. Plunder. We got a whole album of this song. Plunder. It's a capital right. Plunder. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. 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We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. We got a whole album of this song. A song about the ilk of the members of People's Music Network. Or at least it fits for that group. It's by magpie. Too political is the song. And when you get together and you have these gatherings, does everybody do political? Are there no love songs? Are they verboten? They are not verboten. No. There are a variety of songs that people want to bring. And people are free to do that. And there's a lot of music sharing. One of our first artists in residence actually is Saikon, a wonderful songwriter. And one of the things he told us at that gathering that he's been known to say for many years is that, you know, when you are giving a concert to a group of people as an artist, as a progressive, politically oriented artist, you have sort of a responsibility to think about the whole range of aspects to life. Now, one of those aspects of life might be fighting for justice and like confronting really hard, intractable problems. Another part is like our ability to love. And if we aren't able to sort of touch what love is, then what the heck are we fighting for? Are we talking about a better society anyway? So he has written some absolutely fantastic love songs. And, you know, he's a good proponent for this idea that, you know, artists should be able to present love songs along with songs about struggle. And the adage goes, you know, every song for justice is a love song in a way because it's about your love, your ridiculous, or the top love for the world. I mean, what could be more motivating to a person to fight for justice than to have that kind of crazy head over heels love with the world? Sure, I mean, it is all about love and it's on the atomistic level and it's on the global level as well. But actually, you know, I was very interested a couple of years ago, there was some kind of a study, conservatives, liberals, and they looked at it from a number of different points of view. And one of the things they measured, by the way, was IQ. And liberals tended to have, you know, a point or two higher average IQ. That didn't mean that you're smarter, therefore you're a liberal. But the thing that was most important to me was, how do you define liberal or conservative? And that might be relevant to the People's Music Network. What they said is, it's how big your circle of people that you care about is. So a conservative can focus very locally. It's about us, my family, my city, my state, my nation. But if you go global or if you go to races that are different than yours, that's the kind of larger circle that defines you as liberal. Does that match for how you look at it in the People's Music Network? Many of the songs that we sing at People's Music Network are really designed, crafted, I would say, to cause people to think about their inherent connections to everybody else in the world. When you think about it, it is true. That basic attitude toward the rest of the world is a precondition for being able to engage meaningfully in struggles of solidarity. When you have immigrants in your own town who are being jailed, deported, and mistreated the whole way through, how do you stand up against the kinds of harms that are being inflicted against these people living so close to you? There is a craft to telling these kinds of stories. Our artists and residents from last year, 2013, was Emma's Revolution at Humphreys in San Diego, and they came up with this amazing song, "If I Give Your Name." And it's a song about workers in the Twin Towers when they collapsed how their families, the families of these people who died as workers in the Twin Towers, their families felt truly vulnerable and in danger of being deported should they talk about their experience of being hit by this massive disaster. And you just think about, like, for so many families who were harmed by what happened on September 11th, they were facing the loss of loved ones, and yet there was a space in this culture, a huge space created in order to mourn the loss of these people. But, you know, there's this whole other category of people who did not have the chance, the opportunity to mourn their losses. And there's something horrible about any kind of loss if you lose loved ones to violence like that, but when you lose a loved one to violence like that and then there's no space for you in the culture to be able to acknowledge that you've lost, that's a lot worse. And this song was able to sort of dramatize that and I think really, really pull people in and say, "Oh, my God, you know, I can recognize what that person is going through. I can empathize with that person." And through that empathy, there is a very big door opened toward political action, toward political solidarity. And toward a wider view of who our community is, who we share things with. That's how I experience that song. I have had both Pat and Sandy on my programs before. I've had Saicon on, you've mentioned others. There's a lot of your members I've frosted with, Sarah Purdle, just recently. The storycraft that each of these people uses, they put us in a situation where, all of a sudden, we find ourselves connecting with things that haven't been part of our experience, but all of a sudden, find room in our heart. And you know, there's another artist who's going to be performing at the Friday Night Concert on June 6th at our gathering in High Falls, New York. His name is Patty Mills. He's got a song about the Bayview Massacre. This is an event that took place in Bayview, Wisconsin in 1886. It was part of the nationwide mobilization for the first May Day. This was an uprising of workers striking for the eight-hour day. It's a very powerful song. Patty is coming not only to perform on Friday, but he's going to be leading a song swap during the gathering, which is going to focus on songs of historical struggles. You know, the connection of history and political music. I wonder if we could take a listen to that song as well. Bayview Massacre, Patty Mills. On the corner of Fifth and Mitchell, we've gathered aftermaths to organize and protest for the rights of the working class. We work 13 hours, six days a week for 90 cents a day. Bill and fortunes for the bosses without a voice to say. Without a voice to say. Eight hours for working, eight hours to rest. Eight hours for what we win. We'll give you eight hours of our very best. We won't rest until we get eight hours for what we win. Now the AP Alice Reliance works, they wouldn't let us in. We were turned back by the firehouses of the bosses, man. Of the bosses, man. But the workers in that factory, they heard our battle cry. They came out to join us, and we stood side by side. We stood side by side. Eight hours for working, eight hours for rest. Eight hours for what we win. Our numbers grew as we marched down to the baby who rode down. To get eight hours for what we win. A song near and dear to my heart, it's called The Bayview Massacre by Danny Mills. He's one of the members of the People's Music Network. We're speaking with Ben Grosskop, who is the director of the People's Music Network, their website This is a group of people who are trying to change the world for the better through their song, through story, through, I think, bringing hearts and minds together to see things that otherwise we wouldn't see. And that's what I like to share on Spirit in Action. My website is On that website, you'll find almost nine years of interviews and shows and music with people who are trying to make a positive change in the world, website Also, on that site, you can find comments, you can find links to our guests. There's a place to leave donations, and we need your support. In order to work effectively together, we have to pool our resources. So please support northernspiritradio. But even more so, I want to encourage you to support your local community radio station. They bring you a slice of music and news that you just get nowhere else. It really brings the people together. And one of those people that gets brought together is Ben Grosskop, director of People's Music Network. Now, we just listened to Bayview Massacre, and I wanted to comment why it's particularly close to me. In the song, they mentioned, for instance, Fifth and Mitchell, which is an area, Bayview, a neighborhood of Milwaukee. I lived about a mile away from there. I lived by Fifth and Lincoln, just a little bit south of Fifth and Mitchell for five years when I first lived in Milwaukee. And so, you're naming places and buildings and things. They were all part of my experience as well. It really makes a difference. I don't know that people are still holding on to the fact that we can so easily be dominated by money dentures who, I guess, don't have our well-being in their minds. I think we've been trained by the mass media that we have these days to think that businesses are compassionate. Was that your experience, Ben, is all businesses are compassionate? Well, I think that this is sort of the ideology of the age, right, that it doesn't take any violence to run a market economy, that we can just have capitalist for-profit economy, and everybody's just volunteering willingly to play it that way. But I think when you hear a song about historical moment, when maybe it was more obvious than maybe what the current ideology would say. It was obvious in this situation that you had people organizing for their rights, standing up for what's really their rights as human beings to form a union, to have decent working conditions, to have decent pay, then they're met with this incredible violence from the police. When we can look at history in that way, I think that we can actually connect it with the kinds of things that we see on a daily basis in our society. I mean, it's not necessarily that in the United States any way you see in recent memory, like huge massacres of people, which is what happened in Bayview in May 1, 1886. You know, eight people die from this police violence, but there is police violence, you know, in all other kinds of ways, when people organize for Occupy Wall Street and try to set up an encampment in their town, a nonviolent protest against the inequality in society, and what are they met with, but a coordinated nationwide attack against seasoned encampments to try to root them out. But we're very much living with the same legacy, and being able to tell these historical stories is such an important way for us to be able to connect the past with the present, and hopefully with an attitude toward the future that's geared towards change. And another one of those areas where we're fighting for change today is with the whole environmental crisis, and one aspect of that is hydrofracking. Where I grew up in Minnesota, and when I know you are in Wisconsin, there's an awful lot of mining of certain kind of sand that is used in this hydrofracking process, and basically hydrofracking is that process where when you're out in, like, the shale gas country, there are large parts of New York, and Pennsylvania are in this geological formation, and a lot of this hydrofracking is happening in Pennsylvania, and they're trying to push it into New York as well. And it's happening all over the country. It's really just environmentally devastating. And there's been very strong response to that in the Northeast. People are organizing community by community to stop this kind of drilling from happening. And where I live in Western Massachusetts, there's this massive resistance happening now against a pipeline that would bring fracked gas from Pennsylvania and other points to Massachusetts. And along the way, leak all of the toxic contaminants out of the pipeline into our communities and into the air and drinking water. Anyway, we got this one song by Colleen Katah, who's a long-term PMN member, performing at the Friday night concert on June 6 at Camp Epworth in High Falls, New York. And it's called "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. It's a parody based on a little traditional song. "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. We don't care what the country said now, don't want no hydrofracking in any house. "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. "No Mama Don't Allow No Heavy Truck Traffic Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Heavy Truck Traffic Round" here. We don't care what the country says now, don't want no heavy truck, no way, no house. "Mama Don't Allow No Heavy Truck Traffic Round" here. "No Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. We don't care what the country says now, don't want no wasted water in any house. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. You need some guitar around here. "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Hydro Fracking Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. "Mama Don't Allow No Wasted Water Round" here. 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Ben Grosscup serves as director of People's Music Network. Ben initiated the PMN Song of the Month, a project to integrate inspiring new songs of freedom and struggle in today’s progressive movements.