Spirit in Action

Healing Burns at a Distance - Fire Burn Doctor

Fireburn Doctor provides a simple, free, miraculous, service - healing of your burns with a single phone call. It sounds absolutely unbelievable, but what are we to believe when the evidence is there? We visit with Alison McDermott of the Fireburn Doctor team & 3 who've experienced it - former Judge Charles Barnhardt, actress Mary Badham, Vitaly Korobov of the US Patent & Trademark office. Plus, in Excerpts, a 3-time user, 1998 Mr.

Broadcast on:
11 Mar 2012
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(upbeat music) ♪ Let us sing this song for the healing of the world ♪ ♪ That we may hear as one ♪ ♪ With every voice of every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world along ♪ ♪ And our lives will feel the echo of our healing ♪ - Welcome to Spirit in Action. My name is Mark helps me. Each week, I'll be bringing you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action, and progressive efforts. I'll be tracing the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred food in your own life. ♪ Let us sing this song for the dreaming of the world ♪ ♪ That we may dream as one ♪ ♪ With every voice of every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world along ♪ - Today, we have something quite out of the ordinary for spirit in action. I want to introduce you to something called Fireburn Doctor because I think it may offer an incredible, almost unbelievable gift of healing to you and all of us whenever we're faced with burns. I am bringing this to you because I've done the due diligence on it and it appears to be the real thing as incredible as it may seem. What is Fireburn Doctor? It's the promise of, from our point of view, a miraculous, free, completely simple form of healing for burns. All that's involved is a phone call to a number which I'll give you a number of times throughout this program or which you can find via their website, Checking out that website, you'll find scads of testimonials to the effectiveness of the service. I am of scientific background and I know of no explanation for what happens, but I've been in contact with several people who've used the Fireburn Doctor service and I'll have them on the phone for you shortly so you can judge for yourself what they have to say. These are not anonymous individuals, by the way, but a retired judge from New Mexico, an actress, you may have seen in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and a Russian immigrant currently working for the US Patent and Trademark Office. There is one more interview which you can hear via my website, look in the excerpts for my interview with Greg Traill, personal trainer and three time user of the Fireburn Doctor service. In a moment, we'll be speaking to Allison McDermott of the Fireburn Doctor team, but first I wanted you to hear two clips from the Fireburn Doctor voicemail, a man calling in before and after with a severe burn. Again, this is two calls, his initial call and his follow up call to the Fireburn Doctor voicemail. (phone ringing) - Okay, my name is Chris Fleming. Christopher G.R.H.I.S.T.O.P.H.E.R.F.L.E.M.I.N.G. Chris Phil Fleming, I'm 22, I was born on July 16th, 71686 and I'm in North Dakota, California, I just picked my hand on a (phone ringing) pressure washer motor right now and it's burning hot and my whole (phone ringing) is on fire right now. And my telephone number that I can reach, it's really, really, I think I haven't been right. He's burn clean. (phone ringing) - Received yesterday at 419 p.m. delete passage. - Hey man, what's up? This is Chris, our telephone number is my nine, 518-9473, I just want to call and report back to you about the pressure washer, burning my hand off. I called you dude, I was going to be right at it. My call is an excruciating pain and I can even think straight. My mom was starving and he'd like (mumbles) and I don't know what you did, but I love you man. Thank you so much, you completely, I don't know how you did it, I don't know what you did, but whatever you're doing, it works on all my friends and all my family, everyone will give everyone their call to reduce, 'cause whatever you did dude, I don't know. But my hand's not even ready anymore dude. Everything we can tell that I got burned is 'cause my skin looks like it got, like what is the word? Like wrinkles. So I'm gonna move it a little bit, just start a little bit with sensation, and my pain is like one, it's been less than that. Less than one, like one and less. Sometimes there's one and most kinds of less. But dude, thank you so much for leaving, I know you should do it right now. You're great dude, thank you. So now you've heard the kind of thing that seems to be par for the course on the Fireburn Doctor phone line. People call in, get three pieces of info, get a call back shortly, and then in an impossibly short time, report back with miraculous results, all of it at a distance. To find out more about it, we're going to have a member of their team on the phone. Then we'll check in with a few folks who've used the Fireburn Doctor service. Their website tells us that they have over 500 documented cases from 32 countries and 42 US states and that all data collected is protected under the HIPAA laws. The Fireburn Doctor team is headed by medical doctor Joseph Watson and we'll go now to the phone to speak to Fireburn Doctor team member Alison McDermott, who is a former RN from the UK. Alison, welcome to Spirit in Action. - Hello Mark, thank you for having me on, I appreciate it. - It's so good to have you here and it's so good to be able to share the work that's being done by Fireburn Doctor. Let's start off right away and acquaint our listeners with what you do. Could you go over the basic procedures, when and how folks should call the Fireburn Doctor and what they should expect when they do call? - Okay, well, the basic data is what's required. When we call Fireburn Doctor number, which is 818-332-6445, it's a voicemail. It asks that they leave a name, the date of birth, their place of birth and their maiden name. If they change their name, we need their birth name. Or to send a photograph by SMS text to that same number. And that they will be called back to verify the correct data. And that the exchange is that we would like feedback from the plan that we'd like to know what happens. After a couple of minutes when the data is received, the other end is gotten to a technician in the Fireburn Doctor team. And then they're called back to ask what the severity of the birth is, what happened. And they've told, just get on with something else, they've discussed themselves as much as they can. And I'm called back within half an hour to tell us what happened. And it's at that early point that they asked what pain level they have. So from the scale of zero to 10, where is the pain to estimate the pain levels themselves? And then they call back in half an hour and consistently through our over 500 results, they're reporting that the pain level has drastically dropped, sometimes gone altogether. And that's basically it. It doesn't require they believe it, it doesn't require any disposition, just that they do it. The whole point is to prove that this is not placebo. - I believe it's a completely free service. There's no charge for it. They just dial 818-332-6445. They get this voicemail, someone calls back. Are you doing some training? You're telling them how to do that pain level stuff, you know, from one to 10. What does 10 mean on that scale? - 10 means very acute, very painful. I think we asked them to gauge what they feel their pain level is. Zero being nothing and 10 being very severe. There is no charge. The volunteers or the fire-burned doctor team take care of what small expenses there are involved in this. Well, there never will be a charge. That's it. They can also send it by email. We have received fire-burned doctor at AOL. It's the email that people can use. Again, they just leave the same data or send a photograph. But that's it. We do ask that they call within the first 30 minutes. 30 minutes is the optimum time to be able to interrupt that overreaction from the brain, which is what prevents the damage from manifesting physically. So we ask them to call in the first couple of minutes if they can. On the way to the hospital, do their usual thing, put the hand under cold water or whatever it places. And alongside medical intervention, we will then take care of the burn. And when we ask people to call that number, we're not saying you're going to have faith in fire-burned doctor. You've got to believe it. None of that is necessary. Just do it anyway. That's all we're saying to everybody. And just to make sure they know what we're advocating here, it's calling 818-332-6445. That's fire-burned doctor. You can Google it and find it easily enough, too. And the website is fireburned I just added it to my cell phone. I decided what the heck. Might as well give it a try. Now, Alison, as I think you know, I'm pretty scientifically based. I've taught physics at university level. I'm a pretty careful rational thinker. I certainly have no idea what mechanism might be involved in this. But as a scientist, what I also like to do is gather data. Is it 100% that you've been experiencing? Everyone who calls you, you call them back, you get that information 30 minutes later or something. They call you back, give you the follow-up on their situation. All of them have reported surprising improvements. Is that what you're saying? All of our cases have experienced the pain plummeting and their burns disappearing within hours. And in more severe cases, just days. So, you know, we're data gathering, too. And we document every burn case. We ask them at the beginning of the call, the pain level. And then again, when they call back what the pain level is. So, you know, our website, fireburned, is the testimonies that people have then sent in of what their experiences are. And it's all that data is put in there. So, yes. We're treating this like a global demonstration, global scientific experiment. And the known data, the control group, if you like, well-wide, is the medical standard, the medical known data on third and fourth degree burns, is that they do not reappitalize, period. That's already known data. So, to produce results that do not behave like that, is something rather shocking to them. And we hope when there are thousands of burn cases worldwide, that we will be then able to, you know, the media picks up this story. We will then be able to train people in the same technology. And also for free. Right now, is there a limit to the number of calls? I mean, if you started getting tens of thousands of calls, is it still possible to deal with them? Or is there a real limit right now? What's, do we have to ramp up to a full-scale fireburn doctor? Well, fireburn doctors' teams are able to take care of certainly hundreds of burns a day. But as we go, we will train as we go, as the need grows, subject to exposure. We want people to, you know, if there's a big explosion in the factory, or there's been some bombing where people have been horribly burned, we're going to get multiple numbers. Well, we are a 24-hour team, and we can take calls coming in minute by minute by minute by minute. So we're already geared up to take care of multiple burns. But the idea is that worldwide, we'll be training people who are keen, we've had a lot of inquiries from people who'd love to train in this, and they can take care of burns from their own communities and in their own countries. That's one of the bigger goals of this. I still imagine that everyone listening is saying, "Huh? What is this? We just call a phone number. We give them these pieces of information, you know, the date of birth, whereborn, in your birth name." And that's all it takes. What do you want to say to those people about what's going on? We're doing an experiment here, but some people have to be motivated to have a reason for doing an experiment. What we have here is a biometrics hacker, a fire-end doctor, is a biometric hacker, in that he can surf that life continuum and locate that burn victim through basic data, their location, and find them in seconds. And provoke that from internally. On a computer analogy, if you think the world-wide web, the internet, the web that we communicate our emails and send our packages via email, that's an unseen field. And if you think of people like computers who've got a virus and the computer's not functioning as optimal or at its default setting, if you like, then people can then understand that what's happening is that he's breaking into that system and he's bypassing the virus and restoring the computer back to default setting. But in truth, Mark, people do not have to understand this. They definitely don't have to believe it. We just were asking them to do it anyway and think, well, what the heck? Nothing to lose, it costs nothing. It's pain free to try. Some of our most interesting cases have been people who absolutely didn't believe it, or indeed have been babies. There was a young baby that had burned their hands severely on an oven rack when a mother was pulling out baking from the oven and the rack was pulled out as well. And Grandpa was visiting his daughter and had heard coast to coast and he'd put the number in his cell phone. He says, "Hey, let's call fire down doctor." As well as the mother putting the little girl's hands in water and things like that, but Bailey was screaming her head off. And sure enough, they called literally in the first couple of minutes of the burn happening and her screaming abruptly stopped to the shock and the sternment of the mother and the Grandpa, and since she just went off to play. And a couple of three hours after that, she had no marks on her hands. Now, most people know with little burns. If you touch something hot, they've got white marks. It's gonna hurt for days and it may well blister and it's going to be painful for days. Most people know how little burns behave, but that's not what happened. And an 18-month-old child doesn't have a belief system, yes or no. So it's proof, doesn't matter. You can come from any walk of life, it's irrelevant. It's not based on belief. It's the accessing of our source of power that is provable under scientific, medical and indeed media scrutiny. So we just heard people stick it in your cell phones, stick it to your refrigerator door, to your dashboard of your car, give it to your friends, Twitter, Facebook, say, hey, why not, try this? Seems quirky, but why not do it anyway? And that's exactly how we've acquired these burn cases from people doing just that. - What about your background? I guess people would like to know who this mouthpiece for a fireburn doctor is. I understand that you were a nurse in many days gone by back in the UK. You evidently left that work, went on your way. Can you tell me anything about your expertise as a nurse and what led you to a fireburn doctor? - It's irrelevant because anybody could do this. The fireburn doctor could take a kid off the street out of the Bronx who was an hour before pushing drunks. Within an hour of being with fireburn doctor, he could train him to achieve exactly the same results. So although I have a nursing background in general nursing and psychiatry, it's irrelevant in terms of helping out with this. We're all volunteers and anybody can be trained to do this. You don't have to have a medical background. You don't have to have any kind of background, but a keenness and perhaps an altruistic street to wanna help people. There's nothing in my nursing background that is particularly helpful in this present work because this isn't a medical intervention. It's not medical. It's the science of the unconscious mind. - What is it though that led you to a fireburn doctor? Why did you get involved in this? Why are you so altruistic, I guess? - Well, I had the privilege of meeting a fireburn doctor some years ago. I've seen his work on other things. I've experienced what he does. And I couldn't very well just step away and pretend I haven't seen what I've seen. And it's also an extreme joy and thrill. Every time we hear the results of a burn case and I sometimes get to talk with them. It's just a thrill. It's a thrill because there's nothing else on this planet that can do this. And I guess I come from a little bit of a rebellious background. This is not the mainstream model. It's something outside of reductionist science that is being proven with reductionist science and medicine and media. I feel compelled that people have got to know about this. There's millions of people suffering and dying from the effects of burn injuries who don't have to. That to me is very sad. And I'm glad that we do have the technology of social media where we can reach people and friends can tell friends can tell friends because that is the wire. That's the hot wire. That's the rumble in the jungle. That's word of mouth. And people who've experienced this telling their friends, even if they do think they're a bit kooky, they're still putting the number in the phones and go, oh, well, well, why not? Why I'll do it anyway. So it's exciting. I love how exciting this is. Again, we're talking about Fireburn Doctor and website and get your pen or your phone ready. And here's a phone number that I think you should just note for yourself and have it ready wherever you might need it. The phone number is 818-332-6445. You call that, you'll get voicemail. You leave your name, date of birth, place of birth. That name would be your birth name. You can also send pictures. You can also text. You can find the information on So I'm asking you to join me in an experiment. It's a large experiment we're trying to do to get people to try this out and see what happens. Do it without prejudice. That's fine. And we'll find out if we have the documentation about what Fireburn Doctor does. Now, Alison, for me, I need to talk to people who've experienced this firsthand. So you've given me some names of people. I'm going to include interviews with them after I hang up with you. And we'll add to your documentation. So let's keep in touch after this, shall we? Yes, yes indeed. And it's a great idea to invite your listeners to mount their own tests, their own experiment in their own community and see, well, let's check this out. Why don't we get 30, 50 people we know and make sure they all have that number programmed in their phone under burns or burned doctor and test it. Next time they have a household burn or a severe burn, you know, Fireburn Doctor takes care of severe burns. We ask people to take a look at the website at the news page where we took care of the little African bell Adelaide. Her body was terribly burned with certain fourth degree burns. And although it was called in very late, way after the protocol, it was four hours. We asked people to call in within 30 minutes. We had no clue what the impact would be. But it still came out with a medically impossible result. She regrews skin without scars, complete return of pigment. And we want to help thousands of people with severe burns, not just small burns, household burns, but severe burns. We want to prevent them even. See, with this technology, it doesn't even come to the point of blistering. Doesn't even come to the point of destroyed tissue. If they call within the first 30 minutes. And just a little technical question for myself. You said, Allison, that this African girl, the phone number is in the USA. Does that mean they called to the USA the same number that all the rest of us called? Well, recently we've got an exciting development in that Ghana is setting up their own relay team and they're going to have their own coordinator who will, Ghana people will call that coordinator who will then call the US number. But yes, internationally, that 818-23-26445 number. Just stick 001 when calling outside the country is the number for everybody to call. And if it's foreign speaking countries, just send a photograph. One way or another, it's a good thing to try out. So, Allison, thank you so much for doing the work from the good love in your heart. Thank you for joining me for spirit and action. You're so welcome Mark, thank you. You're listening to spirit and action. I'm Mark Helpsmeet and this is a northern spirit radio production website, with almost seven years of archives, links to our guests and a place to make donations and to post comments. I'm especially eager to have comments and feedback about today's topic and guests. Look at website and you'll find some amazing info and testimony about healing of burns at a distance by simply placing a phone call. As Allison McDermott of the Fireburn Doctor team said, it's important that you call in the first 30 minutes following a burn, though there have sometimes been successes even after that. Their number is 818-332-6445. Again, their phone is 818-332-6445. And you can find it on the site. Though I'm from Wisconsin and not Missouri, I'm still a kind of show me guy. So I had to talk to some of the firsthand witnesses of what Fireburn Doctor can do. So we'll have three of them on this program and you can hear a fourth witness on my website, find Greg Trail there. But right now let's speak with retired judge Charles Barnard. Charles, thanks so much for joining me for Spirit in Action. - You're welcome, I'm glad to be here. - You've been referred by Allison of Fireburn Doctor because you've had some experience with their services. Let's first figure out who you are so that our listeners have some idea of who we're dealing with and why they should believe anything that you say because for a lot of people, this seems like a pretty outlandish possibility. Could you give me a little bit of your background so we know who we're talking to? - Well, I suppose I'm kind of an old conjure at 63 now but I was born and raised and educated in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was in the Navy for four years as a hospital corpsman during the Vietnam era. In that capacity, I served in intensive care wards and emergency rooms and large hospital operating rooms generally and I had the opportunity to come in contact with quite a few burn cases. When I went into civilian life, I eventually went to law school and became a judge and was on the bench for about 25 years in a traffic court. And so for about 25 years, I had been listening to people testify telling me stories. One way or another. So I've gotten pretty good at listening to people and sort of discerning at least whether or not they believe what they're saying. Now I'm retired and I manage the family mobile home park. - So your experience, I'm both working with fire burn victims before and as a judge, I guess predisposed you to be able to bring some objectivity and some history with that. What's the worst burn you've ever seen or were witnessed to? - The worst burn I've been in contact with was a young lady who had 30 degree burns over probably more than 50% of her body and she was in an isolation unit. And I was part of the team that helped care for her in and out. You have to dress in sterile and go in and be careful not to contaminate the wound. And it's quite a procedure to take care of a intensive care burn patient. That was my first real brush up with burn patients. Since then I've taken care of a few Meyer burns here and there in my emergency room practices and so forth in the Navy. Nothing real terrible in that case. And I haven't had any real terrible burns myself but just the contacts that I've had with your ordinary people would come into the emergency room or the dispensary saying, oh, I burned myself and what am I gonna do and then we treated. - To what degree do you actually develop medical skills or training to be part of that when you're in the military? I mean, is this a two week or a one year? - Well, it's sort of something in between that. In the Navy, we go to about a eight week long course in general medical practices. And then I was about another 16 week course in operating room technology and practices. And between that I had several courses in things like pharmacy and field medicine and so forth. So it's sort of a general sort of education that a practical nurse would receive on civilian life. - Obviously I'm asking you all of this because Fireburn Doctor is an amazing experience I think for you and for other folks that it exceeds what our technological knowledge would predispose us to believe. Somehow you had this phone number, it was available to you and you applied it in your case. Would you describe what happened with you and your wife? - Sure. Well, I had the phone number because as I say, I listened to internet shows and I had listened into one where Allison had been interviewed. I had heard the people saying what some of the, some of the other burn victims basically telling their stories and since I've been listening to people for many years, I could tell that those people were telling the truth. So I was interested, I put the number in my telephone. Well, afternoon I came home after being gone for a few hours and my wife had her hand under the sink and she said she'd burned herself grabbing onto one of these moving hair rollers where the end of it heats up and you pull it along your hair and straighten it out. Well, she reached down and tried to grab it and grabbed the wrong end of it and the darn thing was heated up real hot. And so she burned the end three of her left hand fingers pretty badly. And so she had it there, it was under the water and she was dancing around saying, oh, it hurts. So I said, we'll take it out from under the water so I can see it. Oh, I can't, it hurts too bad. It just hurts too bad. So what did it happen? Oh, about three hours ago. Well, I thought of the fireburn doctor because I had heard the program not too long ago and well, this would be great. I will call them and, you know, couldn't hurt. And it sounds pretty fantastic, but it's free and so what's the risk? I didn't know what else to do because the burn like that, she was doing what she could, putting it under water and so forth, so I called. Well, 30 minutes after I made that call, her pain was entirely gone. This astounded me, but while it was even worse down and he was like a day and a half, two days later, the burn had subsided to the point where it looked like it had been healed. Like, oh, 10 days or two weeks or longer. I mean, however long it would have taken to heal because it looked at me like it was gonna be a pretty good burn and that she was gonna have to have it bandaged and have it, you know, points and so forth on it for a good couple of weeks. And instead, there it was all gone. It was amazing. Again, it was some three and a half hours or something after she had burned it that you actually-- But after she had burned herself. What do you think happened? Do you have theories? Do you have understandings? What's your theory on what happened? My theory on how it works? Yeah. I have not a clue. I mean, you tell me how quantum entanglement works. I don't know. Yet physicists have observed it and they tell me that you change the spin of this electron and instantly, no matter where it is, the spin of that other electron will change. Okay, how does it work? We don't know. Are you interested in scientific studies? That kind of do you read or listen in that vein as well? It's my hobby. You might say when I was in high school, I always thought I would be in the scientific world, even though my father was a lawyer. I thought I didn't like that stuff. But it turns out that I went into law instead of science, but I do have kind of a science background in high school. I went through college. I went through qualitative chemistry, quantitative analysis. I can do calculus. I have had some engineering. I'm not entirely a Luddite. Well, Alison gave me your phone number and said that I should give you a call because she said that your story, I mean, besides the fact that you've obviously got some medical connection background, which means you have a little bit more insight than most people do to burns, you also, I guess, did some kind of an experiment yourself to follow up, right? That you had a burden after your wife died. Alison called me just earlier and I related to her that I thought to myself, you know, this burn doctor stuff. This is just fantastic. If I had just forgotten what burns do, and am I just off the beam here? So the other day I was taken a cup out of the microwave, and it was a type that had a wire in the handle, and the handle got really hot. And I burned my finger on the cup. Pretty good. Good enough to raise a blister. And so this time I did not call the fireburn doctor. And I observed this thing. Sure enough, it went through the usual things that I expected burns to go through. The next few days it formed a blister. I had to put ointment on it. I had to keep bandages on it. It finally popped and the skin came off and it got better in about two weeks. It looked better. It looked about like my life finger did in about two days. And so are you kicking yourself or having tried that experiment? Well, you know, I thought, this is a small enough burn, and I'm familiar with burns, and I can take it. I'm a man, I can take it. I thought, well, I'm just going to see if this burn follows the usual course, because I held it under water and I did what you should with burns. And I thought, well, if I'm just imagining this, then this burn should go away and should be OK in a couple of days, not. It took longer than that, and it went through the usual course I expected. But my wife's burn didn't. So that's why I think that this is something that's worth investigating. I'm not saying that my experience is proof that it works. I mean, this is a small experience. What I'm saying is that it raises my curiosity enough that I would like to investigate it further. Well, and I appreciate that you're participating in sharing your experience, putting it out to a wider public here. I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here, but I want to check this out to make sure I think that most people would feel foolish calling this number for help. Maybe that's unfortunate they'd feel that way. But what were you expecting, or maybe hoping for, when you dialed the number in your wife's case? Well, I have listened to a lot of people on alternative radio shows, textifying to a lot of-- I'd say testifying. That's the way I think of it-- to a lot of fantastic things. And I've seen a couple of things that can't be explained myself. And so I know that there's more to life than we can see or hear or taste or directly sense. I know that at least I don't know the rules of how all that works. All I know is that there's enough evidence out there to convince me that it's there. So I thought, well, this is a good opportunity to put it to the test. These people say that they can heal this burn through some mechanisms that I don't understand, that they can't really explain. So my golly, I'm going to try it. So I did try it. And I'm convinced that there's something to it. Because I don't think that my wife's burn-- I'm convinced it would have gone through the usual, inundated two-week course of burn treatment, and it didn't. And so that's something. What I'd like to see is I'd like to see somebody who-- of course, I don't wish this on anyone to have a more serious burn. But it has to be tried in a more clinical setting where somebody who works with burns all the time has a burn come in. In addition to treating it the conventional way, they call the burn doctor and see if that works. That makes sense to me too. Again, I'm of a scientific background myself. I've taught physics, including at the university level. So I have a pre-disposition to say, well, here's how the universe is ordered. But of course, I also recognize that by approaching the end of the 1800s, physicists thought they pretty much had things nailed down. They figured out how it was. And then following that, Einstein's whole theory of relativity and the confirmations have come to that, and quantum physics, the emergence of that, which so radically changed so much of what we know about the world. And when I talk physics, I live in New Mexico. I have all my life. I suppose you heard about the Roswell incident. Sure. I know of people who were involved in that. And I know it happened. And so I know that there are other civilizations out there that have technologies far in advance of ours. And they employ physics. They must employ physics. So there must be part of physics we just don't understand. Well, I'm always up for a good experiment. Put out a hypothesis, bring in the data. And so Fireburn Doctor is doing that. And I really appreciate Charles that you'll share your experience. It's data gathering that we're doing right here. And I hope that people will keep that number handy so that they can do it. Where do you keep it? I keep it on my cell phone under Burn Doctor. I was pretty sure you had memorized it, too. Well, actually, I probably could quote it. But I just don't worry about it because I have my cell phone with me all the time. Well, again, I really appreciate you taking time. Talk to us. Bring forth your testimony. Perhaps helping a number of people when they do encounter a burn. Thanks for joining me for a spirit in action. I hope that people will take the trouble to just put it in their cell phone. And if they encounter a burn, either there's or somebody else's to try it out. Because it's free number one, and it can't hurt. I mean, they do ask you for your name and your birth date and where you were born. But they're not going to be able to do anything nefarious with that information. So I would urge people to give a try. Thanks again, very much, Charles. Thank you. That was a happy user of the Fireburn Doctor service. Retired Judge Charles Barnard. Next witness of the amazing healing service of Fireburn Doctor is Mary Badham. She's done a lot of different work in her life. But anyone who's seen the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" may recognize the person who played scout in that show. We go now to Fireburn Doctor Witness number two, Mary Badham. Mary, I'm so pleased you could join me for a spirit in action. Well, thank you so much for having me on. I'm not sure people are going to remember you now, depending on the age of listener. They may or may not have seen "To Kill a Mockingbird." But you were in that movie. Do you look exactly the same now as you did 50 years ago? Of course. Don't you know? 50 years later, I looked just exactly the same. I think you were 10 years old at the time of that movie when you played scout. What was your most memorable line? Oh, golly. Well, there's a couple. But the most popular one is, hey, Drew and Drew is back behind the door. Did it take you long to memorize that one? Oh, no. That's an easy one. You're also on this show because you happen to have had some experience with Fireburn Doctor. And I'm trying to get firsthand evidence of what's happened with this. How did you learn about Fireburn Doctor? I was at Film Festival in Michigan. And the gal who did the documentary on the Fireburn Doctor came over to my table and introduced herself and handed me all this information. Talk to me for a few minutes about it. And I was totally fascinated by it. Having been a certified nursing assistant some years back and having dealt with burns, I was pretty interested in what she had to say. It's a very amazing program. Well, some people would not say amazing. They'd say unbelievable. But for some reason, you felt like it had credence. What was it that persuaded you to keep the phone number or to post it around to share it with folks? Well, at first, I didn't believe myself. I was very skeptical. I don't normally go out for that kind of thing. But it's one of those things that really I thought, if this is something that works, let's go with it. If it's meant to be, it's going to work. Having been a certified nursing assistant and having worked when I was in the hospital, we had to figure out what department we wanted to work in, where we would best fit in. So we were turned all around the hospital into different areas. I had a stint in the burn unit. Now, I don't know how much your listeners know about burn units, but they are pretty horrific places in that you have to inflict pain upon the patients in cleaning the wounds and de-breeding them. I couldn't deal with it. Having had that experience, I thought, if there is a way to prevent people from having to go through that, I'm all for it. And so I brought the information home and I posted it on my neighbor's refrigerator, was over having dinner with him one night and he had offered to fix call mine. That can be rather dangerous, because if it's not completely dry, it can spit oil at you. Well, anytime you're frying anything, you can have grease burns and those can be really bad. He got the oil between his fingers. It's spat at him and burned in between his fingers and on his hand. And I was just sort of stunned for a minute and then I thought, "Oh, well, let's try the fireburn doctor." So I called and we reported the burn. By the time we finished dinner, we had totally forgotten about it. The next day I called the chin and he's like, "What burn? It's fine." And there was no evidence of that burn. It was the most amazing thing. And I thought, "Well, if this is the way it is, how wonderful can it be?" That's in a nutshell my experience with the burn doctor, but the experiences of other people have been just phenomenal. There was a little girl in Ghana who was the house caught on fire. There were three children. And her whole, she lost tissue across her, almost her whole abdomen and down the fronts of her legs. Now with burns, if it's much larger than a quarter, they usually have to graft, skin graft. That entails taking skin from another part of the body and putting it on there or using, if that's not available, they have blown skin that they can use and various other methods. But this takes weeks, months, years to do. Most of the time when you have burns, over 40% of the body, the patients very often don't make it. This child had been taken to hospital. I think it was a family friend who called in the burns and this child healed. We have photographs of her now and it's just amazing. Normally when you get burns, it takes all the pigment out of the skin. She didn't even lose the pigment on the skin. It grew back of its own accord. It's miraculous. I just thank God every day that this is the ability that we have now. Do you have any sense of what the ability is? How can this be done? It's just a phone call. You leave some information and then something happens. That's max of magic in our books, right? It does, or miracles, however you want to look at it. I really don't care what it is as long as it works. I'm a Christian. I, you know, that's sort of what makes me a little skeptical about some of these things sometimes. But this works. It definitely works. And, you know, if it was your child, your grandbaby, pulled a pot of boring water over on themselves, what would you do? I would call the fire to burn doctor immediately as well as 911 because I really, I've seen this work and it's phenomenal. So I suppose you've probably memorized that phone number, the 818-332-6445. That number that everybody's supposed to put on their refrigerator or in their wallet or just wherever. You never know where you're going to be when-- You never know where you're going to be when you have an emergency. A lot of car wrecks involve fire. When you have a collision in your automobile, the thing that sets off the airbags is a little bit of plastic explosive. And when those bags in flight, they can be very, very hot. The temperature of that is it's hot enough to burn you. And there have been patients that have been brought into the hospital with burns due to the airbag. Or if you had a, God forbid, you know, a fire, an actual fire in the car. So it's critical that you keep these numbers on you all the time. Whether you believe, I don't care what you believe or how you believe, just, you know, call the number. It can't hurt. It's just-- it works. If you call within the first two hours, it's best. But we have had some cases that were called in later. And it's been just fine. So please, post this, you know, on your fridge, in your wallet, you know, wherever, in your phone. That's one of the best places because most everyone carries a cell phone. 818-332-6445. Again, Mary, you're unqualified supporter of Fireburn Doctor. It's just out of your personal experience. Yeah. Your beliefs, you mentioned your Christian. And so you tend to be a little bit skeptical about these kinds of things. But I guess experience trumps whatever kind of theoretical beliefs one might see out there. Right. You know, I would just urge people that I don't, you know, no matter what your beliefs are, try it. Because there is no fee for this. There is no money involved in this. This is something that the Fireburn Doctor does totally for the love of the human being out there in trouble in need. If God has blessed him with this ability, fine. I'm all for it. For anyone who has ever been to a burn unit before and visited there, I'm sure there are many nurses out there that could testify to how horrific it is when you've got severe burns. And if you can prevent that, I just think it's wonderful. And I think it's wonderful that you're sharing your time with us here for a spirit and action to let us know about something that really can help heal us. Again, that phone number is 818-332-6445. We've been speaking with Mary Batham. You manure at the age of 10 into Kill A Mockingbird, but maybe she was grating or supervising your college tests since. Thanks so much for joining us, Mary. Thank you so much for allowing us to come on your show and talk about it. I really appreciate that because I really do want to get the word out. We'll do our best. You've heard two testimonials of the Miraculous Healing Service of Fireburn Doctor. Their website is And their phone is 818-332-6445. You've heard from retired judge Charles Barnard, actress Mary Batham. And now we'll speak to Vitaly Korobov. I'll let Vitaly give you his full CV, but I'll just note that he now works for the US Patent and Trademark Office. Vitaly, I'm so pleased you can join me today for a spirit and action. Thank you for having me. You were referred to me by Alison McDermott of Fireburn Doctor because you had some experience with their services. Could you tell me how that came about? What happened to you and what was the resolution? Well, I was making myself some tea, and I had the tea kettle going. And then when the water is ready, boiling, I tried to pour it into a cup. And instead of pouring it into a cup, I missed it and poured it all over my hand that was holding the cup. You can imagine I said, if you unprintable words, when that happened, then try to run to the kitchen and then run some cold water over my hand, hoping that that would help the matter. It didn't help. The pain was pretty severe. I remember at that time that I heard about Fireburn Doctor. I think it was on Jeff Rand's show. It took me a little bit of time to find the website and find the telephone number. I think maybe it took me like five minutes. It took me another five minutes to call and leave a message. Shortly thereafter, somebody called me from that site. Basically asked me a few questions. It told me that I should just wait and get my mind off it. Don't think about the pain. And I was like, yeah, it's easy for you to say, you know, you're the one who burned the hand. So I couldn't focus on the work I was doing. I decided to go out and take a walk prior to that. They told me that the pain is going to go away. Once I walked outside, I got a telephone call and I spoke to the person, I don't know, maybe 10, 15 minutes or something. After that, I was surprised to, when I hung up, I surprised to realize that it actually feels a lot better. The redness went down and the swelling went down and the redness rather than the bright red, it was kind of pinkish. Maybe in another 15 or maybe 20 minutes, the pain was almost totally gone. Little, you could barely feel it. And the redness kept on going down. And, you know, I didn't really think much about it. Afterwards, other than being totally amazed at how quickly it has happened and how quickly I felt better and how quickly the redness and the pain went away. The next day, the hand was just totally normal. So that's pretty much a long and short of it. - Had you burned yourself before? Is there any experience you had with this kind of a burn or something that made a scar due before? - Well, not this particular type of burn because, you know, you do it once, you learn not to do it again. But yes, I have been burned before and normally it would blister and then the skin would come off and then you would have, you know, depending on severity of a burn. I have a couple of scars from previous burns, but this didn't leave any scars or anything like that. And it didn't blister. And those were just a totally different experience. - You've got a delightful accent. I would not say it's a British accent. I'd say it's a Russian accent, especially considering your name. How long have you been in the US? Your English is impeccable as far as I can tell and I could only be that good at Russian. I would be very happy. - Thank you, you're very kind. I have been here since I came here, you know, to do my graduate studies here. That was in 1980. So I have been here 32 years or so. - And what's your work in general? What kind of work have you done over those past 30 years? - Well, when I got out of graduate school, I worked for IBM as a design engineer, designing CPUs, central processing units who were there big mainframes for a few years. And then I was hired as a consultant and worked on Wall Street as a consultant first. And then as an investment banker, I was in New York when September 11 happened. Then the company I worked for picked up and went back to Canada. At that time, I came to Washington, DC. I was offered a position with the Department of Commerce, United States Patent and Trademark Office. And that's where I work right now. - And what led you to call this phone number? I mean, I guess an alternative would have been to head to a hospital. Why did you call the phone number instead? - Well, 'cause I decided to give it a try. You know, I like grants, I like you show. And he was the one who had somebody from Fireburn Doctor. And I just decided to give it a shot. - What were you thinking would happen? Or were you surprised? How did this all affect you? - Well, certainly I was amazed at how well it worked. You know, being somewhat of scientific background, I have two master's degrees. I was basically wondering how it works. And I still wonder how it works. I guess there is more to life than we normally see. There is more to consciousness than what we perceive, a regular person would perceive. - I just wanna make sure about this prior to actually trying the service. - Did you have any belief, pro or con about this? Any belief that you would have said would have predisposed you to think it was going to work? - Well, I was pretty much on a fence about this. I trust grants, so that convinced me to try it. But like I said before, I tried it, I was about 50-50. You know, I decided to give it a try because I figured, hey, it's not going to make matters any worse than they were. And it might help, so why not try it? - Well, it's certainly a notable event for you. Thanks so much for joining me for Spirit in Action and sharing your experience. - Thank you for inviting me. It was a pleasure speaking with you. - Okay, we've heard from Allison McDermott of the Fireburn Doctor team, plus testimonials from a retired judge, an actress, and from Vitaly Korobov of the US Patent and Trademark Office. You can hear a fourth witness, a three-time user of the Fireburn Doctor service, Greg Trail, on my website. Look at the excerpts for this program. I've heard enough that I now have their phone number in my cell phone, and I'd suggest that you add it to your phone, or that you post it, or whatever. You can get it on their site,, but here it is, one last time. 818-332-6445. I'd like you to join me in this experiment. And then I'd like you to give me feedback when you do have occasion to call them for a burn. Please post a comment at and let me know your experience. As far as I can tell, there's nothing to lose and very much to gain. So please let me know what happens for you, and I'll see you next week for Spirit in Action. - The theme music for this program is Turning of the World, performed by Sarah Thompson. This Spirit in Action program is an effort of Northern Spirit Radio. You can listen to our programs and find links and information about us and our guests on our website, Thank you for listening. I am your host, Mark Helpsmeet, and I welcome your comments and stories of those leading lives of spiritual fruit. May you find deep roots to support you and grow steadily toward the light. This is Spirit in Action. ♪ With every voice ♪ ♪ With every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world along ♪ ♪ With every voice ♪ ♪ With every song ♪ ♪ We will move this world along ♪ ♪ And our lives will feel the echo of our healing ♪ (upbeat music)