Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries

Power Hour: 8th August 2024 ft. Pastor Samuel Oshinfodurin

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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We magnify your name in the name of Jesus. We magnify your name in the name of Jesus. We magnify your name in the mighty name of Jesus. We glorify your name in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. With the name of Jesus. We magnify your name in the precious name of Jesus. O God, O Lord, we worship you. O Lord, we praise your name. I know I'll be your name. Thank you, Jesus. We honor you, O God, O Lord, we worship you in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. I don't know, I will praise your name. I shall die with magnify your name in the name of Jesus. Be exalted, be exalted in the name of Jesus. Be exalted in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, be preserved. In the name of Jesus. Glory, honor, nourishment in the name of Jesus. Thank you, I don't lie. O Lord, we worship you. O Lord, we glorify your name. In the name of Jesus. We insult you in the precious name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for you have not failed. You will not fail. O God, bless your name. Thank you, Lord, I thank you, Jesus. Lord, I know I'll be your name. I know I'll be your name. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray. Father, we thank you. What can we say, than just to say, thank you, Jesus? We have nothing that can be compared with what you have done. But all we have to say is thank you, Jesus. Thank you, O Valley Church of God. Thank you for keeping us safe and sounder. In sounder. Many things are gathered in your momentum, day by day. But alone, by your help, you resist them for us. O God, we worship you. O God, we honor you in the name of Jesus. O Lord, be your name in Jesus' name. O Lord, be your name in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we have come together in your name. Lord, let your names be for us in the name of Jesus. Let your names be for us in the name of Jesus. Father, have your way in our midst in the name of Jesus. Father, have your way in the name of Jesus. O Lord, take glory. In Jesus' name we pray. In Jesus' name we pray. This night, we just want to pray. I want to pray for ourselves. I want to pray for our environment as well. I say, Lord, I'll say the peace of something. It's going to be in your back. You don't have to come earlier, something like that. And also, the same thing comes from church as well. Because if the church doesn't enjoy the peace of God, it's stability will be of threat. The stableness in peace will be of threat. And that's why that was enjoying us, that what you're doing, which you will book the devil and it will flee. Because he asked nothing to offer than to praise negativity. And this moment we want to crush every voice that always breaks negativity. Every voice that brings about information of negativity, that brings about the reality of negativity. This voice we're talking about is what that got us to where we were even as human beings. In the book of Genesis, we are told that God created everything very good for man. And even it gave them instructions. But if voice came, I think Genesis, verse 3. You can get Genesis, verse 3. Yeah. From the village of verse 1, now, the Sabbath was most substitute that any beast of the field, which the Lord God had made. And is said unto the woman. Yeah, God said, ye shall not eat every tree of the garden. And humans said unto the Sabbath. We may eat of the fruit, of the tree, of the garden. But of the tree, which is the mess of the garden, God has said ye shall not eat of it. Nada shayi, torch, lest ye die. And the Sabbath said unto the woman. Ye shall not surely die. One, ye shall change that word. Ye shall change that instruction. Say, for God does know that in the day ye eat yah of, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God, knowing good and of evil. I don't want to take our time. Out of many things that God has done, out of the instruction God has gave, God gave. But the Sabbath came by another world through a voice. The same thing, our life as well. Many things that we are afraid for, many things that we are accrual to. But if voice, we come to want to challenge. Today, I was reading the story of Moses. When he died, with all the exploits he did. And nesting is for him to be in the bosom of Almighty God. But we are told that if will the angel of Satan came to stand and contend over his body, upon all the exploits he did? And that in represent many things, that how many times we are the entrance of breakthrough? How many times we are the collection of what we pray for? How many times we are at the edge of taking oath of weapon laws in destiny? Yet, a voice came and we want to challenge it. If voice came, I want to toss things around. If voice came, I want to block the empire. We are going to pray this afternoon at this evening that every situation in our life, it is the same voice. You see, in the book of Job, that was said, Job, no thought was finally new, but yet it was to take permission and say, oh, it is because you bless him. A voice that has to offer always fine thoughts to bring about negativity. We are going to challenge and rebuild that every voice at any moment, that always challenging, that always come to contain with every breakthrough that is meant for us today. We silence them in the name of Jesus. I want you to begin to declare, whatever the God in your name, we silence every voices. Every voice from the pit of hell, that always challenge, that always contained with what belongs to destiny, that what you have sent to Rosa, what is meant for us to have every negativity that has come from the pit of hell, against everything that meant for us, or God, we silence them, we silence them, we silence them, we are yours. And everything you have prepared each for Rosa, what is that voice? What are those voices that are standing against them? What are those voices that is re-booking them? What are those voices that is putting them aside? What are those voices that is stopping the helper of our health, the helper of our destiny, law today, we silence those voices in the name of Jesus, we silence them in the name of Jesus, we silence them in the name of Jesus, we stand as a voice, the speaker, good things, we declare in your name, or God, all those voices, we mooch them today in the name of Jesus, we mooch them to them in the name of Jesus, we mooch them to them in the name of Jesus, we mooch them today in the mighty name of Jesus, in Jesus' name we pray, in Jesus' name we pray, we are going to also pray, all these voices that are power behind them, that power them to give them volumes, when they come with their voices to change things that was well, things that was okay, to change them, that setting of power, that make their orchestration to advance, that is what we are going to pray again this evening, even that some covenant which seems to have broken, that we are counting ourselves out of it, but that some power, that ignite the strength of all these covenant that was evil, and those things the fine way of penetrating to our life, and orchestrate the evil agenda, we are going to pray and decree that every power that is behind every evil orchestration from the bit of air, every power that made the voice from the bit of air to our advancement, we crushed them today in the name of Jesus, we crushed them today in the name of Jesus, everything that power them, every speed of power them, every speed that energize those negative voices that made them to our advancement today, we crushed them in the name of Jesus, we crushed them in the name of Jesus, we crushed them in the name of Jesus Christ, over our one belongs to Rosa, over our life, everything that we see, that this is the right thing so much to happen, but yet all of it's sudden, things just change, oh God, by your helper, we crushed every power behind them, we crushed every power that advances the voices, the effort, the voices from the bit of air, over our lives in the name of Jesus, Lord, we increase the energy of everyone, over our life, we super abundant, the agenda of God, over our life in the name of Jesus, every arrangement of from the bit of air that wants to change Rosa, by changing those things to our influence, oh God, today, we destroyed the activities in the name of Jesus, we destroyed the activities in the name of Jesus, we decreased that Lord, what you have for us in destiny is what which I enjoyed in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we pray, we're not afraid of Rosa, in the name of Jesus, in Jesus, now we pray, we're going to pray for our church as well, we're going to pray for our church as well, as we know, it is the human beings that are members, that make the church, it is them that make the church, and that's why I don't want to go, I think in the book of Efficient, Shatterful, verse 31, can you just give me please? He said, let all battalions and roads and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice, you know, out of the tools that they will use, when they see that people are guided, people are in one of one mind, you will just introduce something to anyone that is seen that it's not standing right or that's in space, all of a sudden it might not be with one utterances and the old arrangement, just Kata, and the old unity, we just go away, but I just want utterance, because once we have breath into that space, that's why Bible and join us, that we should not give room for devil, for evil are at any inch, and evil that we should not allow any better and wrong, and anger, and clamor and evil speaking, because these are the ways they will operate, we're going to pray for Christ and Father in Church, because it is the most that we must enjoy the peace of God and the peace we have been enjoying, it must not cease, nothing must alter it, we're going to pray that in our midst, O God, that any area devil is straining, or whoever that devil wants to use God, that will always stop the advancement in the name of Jesus, no one, will devil make use of none of the cultivation in the midst, in the name of Jesus, open your mouth and pray for the church, but Christ and Father in Church, will command and will decree that no room for devil orchestration in the name of Jesus, no room for advancement of the demonic activities in the name of Jesus, no way, no way, every voice is that is confirmed with of hell, that one to have is then-takuza, when shut them off in the name of Jesus, when shut them off in the name of Jesus, whatever daughter that come from the breath of every voice is to any soul, to any mind, we shut them off in the name of Jesus, devil will rebuke your activities in our midst, in the mighty name of Jesus, will rebuke your activities in our midst, in the name of Jesus, will decree that, Lord, what you promise us is what which I enjoyed in the mighty name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus, Father, over to you, God, over to you, God, this is your church, you said that the gate of hell shall not prevail against the church, that it is your work, we start upon it, the name of Jesus, no room, no room for the advancement of the kingdom of hell in our midst, in the mighty name of Jesus, Father, this is our prayer, this evening, Lord, constant fighting torture, it's before you or God, Lord, any voices from anywhere, that protect any information that is misinformation to your life, any information that is stronger, any daughter, that's not of God, or God to death, we shut them down, in the name of Jesus, we shut them down, in the name of Jesus, we shut them down, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we shut them down, we shut them down, we shut them down, we shut them down, in the mighty name of Jesus, we shut them down, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we shut them down, in Jesus, name, we pray, in Jesus, name, we pray, we are praying for ourselves, Matthew 15, 13, it talks about every plantation that are not of God. Well, see, I brought the answer and said, every plant which my every father has not planted shall be or put that off, in that, thank you for that, shall be or put that off, shall be or put that off, in the name of Jesus, now we are praying for ourselves, you know, because this devil is an ark enemy, and it's older than us, just many tricks, in many ways that he uses, out of them is to come against our health, out of them is to just express everything that we need to expect, and if I'm not careful, it will pass our journey, it will pass our speed, and it will sound, in trying to not be looking at it or not taking much attention, that person will remain there, and the speed or the plan has been altered. I pray with us this evening that everything that we want to alter our journey, the speed of our journey, the plan and the agenda we approve for ourselves, and that the evidence back in everything that we want to all this speed, today we crush them to pieces in the name of Jesus, for no take and stand against your will of God, so said what of God, in a smudge this word stand, Lord, anything from the pit of air, anything whatsoever that us in name, that the enemy is trying to shoot, that comes like an arrow, anyone who shoots to our life, our destiny, in order to put a stopper to our speed of our journey, Lord, today we crush them in the name of Jesus. We're going to pray. As we are praying, we are going, don't put it in our hand on everybody's body. It is the word of God, he said, anything, I said to him, I said to every plant, which my everybody's father has not planted. Sharpie, I put it, we're going to decrease that. One, two, every, in my body, one, two, every, in my life, everybody who prayed up here, that whatsoever in my body, that another God, whatsoever is not working, I come to divine order, whatsoever is dysfunctioning, yeah, ye, be one of God, whatsoever I am not of God, I'll put that in the name of Jesus, whatsoever I'm not in that position, I command you, I command you, be our putter, be our putter in the name of Jesus, everything that was not in divine order, that was not planted from the beginning. We are put that down in the name of Jesus, every part of our body. Lord, as we stand up, we represent many in our house order, in the church of God, among the men, the women, the children, Lord, everything that was planted up, when we are sleeping, when we're not, when we are vulnerable, so there we command that the outputter in the name of Jesus, all of these are part of the orchestration of darkness, in order to stop, or to pass our speed, in journey of life, Lord, today we decree, our life is for you, our bodies for you, so therefore, nothing more stop than perfection in that divine order, in the name of Jesus, with decree and declare, our body, y'all, Lord of God, all our others, y'all, the world of God, y'all, the world of God, you shall not be subjected to demonic activities, in the name of Jesus, you shall not be permitted, for don't anything negativity to grow, in the name of Jesus, anything that was not of God, that seemed to be green, or having the attention closer, we command be our putterter by the fire of Onigosa, in the name of Jesus, anything that was not wrong to Rosa, that is, I baniting our body here, we command the melty way, melty way, dry and die, dry and die, dry up and die to your root attack, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus, we bring a power to your peace in our life, in the name of Jesus, in Jesus' name we pray, let's turn to our feet, as we give him the prayer to our name, let's put our two ends, we represent on earth, it is human being that lives on earth, that decide their faith on earth. With every of our creations, but human being are the ones that aren't the earth's face on earth, that's why sometimes, if you look at it, you got questions, it's ghostly, they know it's there, but it has given us two, let's straightforward our two ends. Let's declare peace of God in this nation, in this land, peace of God, peace of God, peace of God, that we bring about our enemy, our enemy, who doesn't say China, come be orchestral, or listen to this Ontario, then we are the power of Jehovah, to bring about the electric guitar, we bring about peace, we command peace peace to, peace peace to everything that is built into the atmosphere from the strength voice, from the peace of earth, we shut them down, we shut them down, we command peace of God to reign, peace of God reign, reign, reign in this place, reign in this nation, reign in the environment, reign in a community, peace of God, peace of God in the east, in the west, in the south, in the north, peace reign, reign, reign, every tender devil is unleashing into the atmosphere to bring about on rest, to bring about division, to bring about hate, we shut them down, we super above the identity of God on this nation in our environment, in our community, in the name of Jesus, everything that we're introducing will notify them in the name of Jesus, they will not have that of the day, in the name of Jesus, every energy from the pit of hell will knock them down, will knock them down, we drain the power, we drain the strength in the name of Jesus, peace be still, peace be still, peace be still, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in Jesus name we pray, the one of God says, the peace that I gave is not as the word gave, it is that kind of peace God promises. Father, it never will take you with bless your name. We give you glory because you are gold. Thank you, our Father, for you change that note. Thank you for the promises that whenever and wherever two, three people gather in your name, you are there to grant them the request upon this for the end to world we stand, upon the efficacy promise we stand that, oh God, we release our request to heaven, let there be a temptation upon them in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we institute the identity of God, offer the face of this nation's, in the name of Jesus, at every angle, at every circle, up to the community and each family, we institute the identity of peace of God, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, we delete and educate anything that from the peace of hell has been trung to the atmosphere on this channel, we bring them down in the name of Jesus, we declare peace in the west, we declare peace in the south, we're playing in the north, we're playing in the east, of this environment, in the name of Jesus, when we stop going peace, when we live our life with peace, and we enjoy our life with peace of God, in the name of Jesus, so shall it be, in Jesus' name, we are afraid, amen, and amen.