Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries

The Lord is with You ft. Pastor Samuel Oshinfodurin

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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there shall be no evil before thee, neither shall any blood come near your dwelling place, there shall be no evil before thee, there shall be no evil before thee, neither shall any evil or any blood come near your dwelling place, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, you are going to speak to yourself, you have been to call your name, you call your name, you are going to decree and speak to one another, I agree, somewhere like you have come for this mother, to take over, you have come into this mother, to take control, you have come into this mother, to be a winner, you have come into this mother, to take one blood to reign destiny, begin to decree upon your head as you reach your right hand on your head, begin to decree upon your head, speak to one another upon you, speak to one another upon your head, that's as you have come into this mother of her sister, you have come to dominate her, you have come to take back her, what is lost her, you have come to lehuda, you have come to be restored or whatever has been taken from you, begin to decree her billion mother, begin to decree months of her sister, it's a special mother, it's not her as before, month of her sister, you have come to lehuda, you have come to lehuda, whatever has not been working on, it is time to receive the strength of God, it is time to receive the life of God, begin to lehuda, begin to lehuda right now, begin to lehuda right now, in the name of Jesus, begin to lehuda right now. ♪ Ooh, love me ♪ (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) I decree as you have made this verdict upon your head and you have called your name, the android that sees people in the ticket darkness. See you right now in the name of Jesus, and spare your life and your household in the name of Jesus from every terrible situation from every double-ness of life as you journey in this month of Augusta, the highest of the Lord, see you true in the name of Jesus. Whatever you do, whatever you play, outside there, it shall not come to a dwelling place in the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus makes it different in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. So shall it be, so shall it be in Jesus' name. God bless you, have your seat. Thank you, choir, we are seeking to praise God. Have your seat. Hallelujah, amen, to God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory, Hallelujah. See, I want your hallelujah to respond to that one, to God be the glory, come on, shout hallelujah. Because you know what, I'm looking at people that will celebrate very soon, oh my God. I'm looking at people that shall be researched for them in the name of Jesus. I'm looking at people that will shout for God in the name of Jesus. I'm for the Father, you are here this morning. It's worth pressing God for. Come on, to God be the glory, amen. Especially our women, I want to bless God on your life. For you able to put things together and stay on you. Come on, you have to praise God. I used to want that one thing, no, we are sick men. You can put one thing together and ongoing. But when women, it would totally, to ourselves, best of the best, but let a woman just put on something, it would be little, but let it do all the merry grand. You will come out, she will come out being behold. And you that just did your best. You won't do what is happening. I remember recently, it got to a stage as my children. It is my wife, they are laughing, they can't even, or that's what I'm saying. She said, I'm coming, and she came back, she look different. And on that day, we are doing those, what is the celebration, huh? Even the, what they did or not. I said, between you and the celebrate. No, who's one shall we say, praise the Lord. But on this day, you walk into this month, it unhealthy, you are in peace of mind. And on this day, you put on a clothing and you met your facial looker, been attractive. It is by the apple, go, come on, shout, praise the Lord. And I said, finally, I said, man, you know, you walk through the valley of evil, you move out day by day, and the mercy of God, help you to come back, it won't go present for. That song says, when you wake up in the morning time, give praise to God who wakes you alive. When you wake up in the morning time, give praise to God who wakes you alive. Oh, yeah, everybody, have me shanty shanty shanty shanty shanty, come on, tell me, ask God for the Lord almighty, hallelujah. We must always be thankful onto what God has done. Our time is fast-paying, but we will still praise the Lord. Please quiet, I don't know. Please put some praise so to get life in the name of Jesus. On this note, I welcome you into the month of August, the month of all rank completion in the name of Jesus. If you believe that, clap your S onto the most I God. Clap your S onto the most I God. Clap your S on the most I God. Open for me, first king, sister, 38. We are in the month of August, the eighth month of the year. You are fast to all other months, it's not by mistake, but you have come to this month for you to lay hold. Let me read, yes. And in the 11th year, in the eight months boom, which is the eight months, was the house finished throughout the part there of, and according to all the fashion of it, so was a seven years in building it. So was in seven years in building it. Well, look, I want to use that. And in the 11th year in the month boom, which is the eight months, was the house finished throughout all the part there of. I speak the word of God to you, that on this month, eight of this year, which is the month of August, shall all your expectations become manifestations in the name of Jesus. I speak the valid word of God, that expectation on every side, every process that your exponential is undergoing, they become completed in this month in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Beloved, welcome to the month of your completion all around in the name of Jesus. Amen, and socially before you in Jesus name, socially before you in the name of Jesus. On that note, I wanted to be assured that the Lord is with me. Say to the person beside you, that Lord is with you. Say to him, oh, hey, get it. That Lord is with you. Now declare onto your chest. Put your hand on your chest. That Lord is with me. That Lord is with me. That Lord is with me. Because he has brought you to the month of your completion. Everything that is ongoing. Everything that people don't know of it about you right now. Testimony by being a manifestation of God. We make it a reality in the name of Jesus. Why? Because the Lord is with you. In this month of August of completion, the Lord is with you and it will show forth in you in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Look at what a Roman A31 says. Look at what Roman A31 says. What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? I want us to re-displace as a mass choir and you decrease upon yourself. Now, make it personal. We want to read as a mass choir. I want you to stand to your feet, everybody. Let's stand to our feet. Read on the screen. By the way, count one, two, three, go. I want you to decrease and vow it from your mouth that not take on me against me. Read that word, but make it personal. Let's go one, two, three, go. What shall we say to these things? That if God be for me, who can be against me? One more time. What shall we say to this thing? If God be for me, who can be against me? Let me God bless you. I say, welcome back to with the Lord. Welcome back to with the Lord. Hey, what come back to with the Lord? I say, no body. Because there's nothing and there is no one that comes back to with the Lord, then anything that anybody might be doing is shall all be crushed in the name of Jesus because you have a goal that is with you. So I want you to be reassured. I come with the announcement of reassurance that in this month of August, that Lord is with you. That Lord is with you. That Lord is with you. That Lord is with you. That Lord is with you. In the name of Jesus. Brother, because you are experienced identities or your arithmetic put together did not go that way. As not change the position of God in your life. I repeat, because things went a bit ugly. All things was not the way you have planned it. As not change the plan and the position of God for you. Because it's what is yeah and amen. And as for you, you will have that thing that has been promised to you in the name of Jesus. God has a different agenda for you. To watch your eyes might be seen. To watch the experience might be. He has said it. It will prove it and it will manifest it in the name of Jesus. Later on, you will come out with a tangible testimony that people will see it and they will believe that it can be only God that can do this one in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. That was says, if God is for me, who can be against me? Brother, I want to agree with you that there is nothing more fulfilling for God to take over your battery. That is nothing more fulfilling than God to be with you. That is nothing more fulfilling than God to be around you. Because he will always show himself. Even when certain things around terrifying, God always put himself. I want you to know this. You can use a lion to guide you. And a mad dog is making a noise. I'll put it again. A person can use a lion to stand as a god or at the entrance of his premises. And a dog that is mad. So, my wife, you have no leg of mad dog. You know, please, we call some dogs a dog of looking. Truly, they are mad. But let that dog say he's mad and let him go and be backing and be terrorizing where the lion is. Please tell me the simple answer. What will happen to that dog? I like, it's a myth, it's gonna be a myth, but it's not gonna be a myth only, but it's gonna be a myth. So, shall it be here? Why, whatever will be terrorizing around you? I decree the fire, but I surround you. Shall roast them through ashes in the name of Jesus. Shall roast them through ashes in the name of Jesus. I remember sometime when my wife is doing some cooking in the kitchen. Everywhere will be, telephony heat heat heat. I know some flies, when they have this smell of no cooking, they want to fly, but many of them ended up behind the cooker. Because they just come to do in the room and they follow their nose, but they become an ashes. Praise the Lord, why? Because something that is more than them is in. So, as for you, because the Lord is with you, it's presence, it's presence. We see you true in the name of Jesus. It withstand, it will go, let me come at you, but the hand of the Lord shall raise standard in the name of Jesus, because the Lord is with you in the name of Jesus. So, you can be guided by Jesus, the land of the tribe of Judah, and wants to feed the people of Judah. Now, I said, oh, I will show you, oh, I will come at you. Some, some people make noise on the day, but they know where to get, because they know that time people will always be vulnerable, but they want to come, but they're forgotten to know that you have a goal that sit even in the tikka darkness, in the day and in night. In your prayer, it does not sleep, it does not somber, because the Lord has been your shield, if one in the time of trouble, hallelujah. Beloved, I'll be smart in you, that the one who has called you will not leave you. The one who has called you will not leave you in the name of Jesus. That's why I pray for you, admitting to arising your surroundings, that want to dictate to you that God is not with you. All those things in your eyes, you will see them being totally destroyed in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. If God before you, who can be against you? Nobody. If God before you, who can be against you? Nobody. Give me exactly the four past 15. Behold, they shall do what? They shall surely gather together, but not by me. We shall ever gather together against thee, shall fall for thy second in the name of Jesus. Ah, we shall ever come against the second in the name of Jesus. We shall ever constitute everything. It doesn't matter who makes themselves to be a physical enemy, but whatever, but know what I would say about you. Your body is the temple of God. So anything that want to defy that temple is against God, is an enemy of God. Anything that is coming, challenging, the presence of God in your body, I stand on the apostolic grace in this out this morning. Whatever is the name of, whatever guys there may be, anything that is standing, terrorizing the peace of God upon your life, I decree the melted way in the name of Jesus. As you release of this water, whatever is not showing God in your body, whatever is not proving the word of God in your body, I decree by the cliff heaven, they are melting away right now, right now, right now, in the name of Jesus. Because the law will not let its own to be put to shame, because its presence will always speak for you. Know ye on this day that the law is with you. It shall be so in the name of Jesus. It shall be so in the name of Jesus. Look at 1 verse 7, 23, verse 4. That cross we always say, that cross we always say is in 7, 23, verse 4. Yea, that's what I took it as a basketball, yes, let's go. Yea, though I walk through the valley or shadow of death, I will follow you, for that for what? For that what? For that what? Then see what happens. Thy road and thy stop, they comfort me. Thy road and thy stop, they comfort me. I'm not supposed to know what the road is. I know what the stop does. Before God less than ourselves, the basic truth, certain moments we are going to respond to flesh and blood. We are going to experience things, because we are in this world that we are going to pass through experiences. But remember you will not feel I know you will. For thou, for the Lord your God is with you. And the road and the stop. Thy road and the stop, it's not you my road. It's not the stop of men. But it's the road of God. It is the stop of God that gives way, that makes you walk into your dream, into your expression, being manifestation, into everything you have as powerful in the name of Jesus. And also, it will come to comfort you, to empower you, to strengthen you when your spirit is down. Believe it, I pray for somebody in this house this morning that at any certain time, your spirit is low. At any certain time, that it seems even to God Jesus, may be so hard for you. Let the strength of God, let the power of God, let the energy of Zion come true for you. In the name of Jesus. (speaking in foreign language) Anyone who has been targeted, who has been hemmed at, that we are coming at that moment of your vulnerability. I declare by the clear of heaven, let the presence of the Lord arise for you, and prepare for you in the name of Jesus. (speaking in foreign language) Here we have in the month of August, the month of completion. The month, those things that are seen not being done, but in this month, they shall all be completed in the name of Jesus. Because wanting to show when a woman got pregnant, the process began, first month, second month. By the time he's getting to die, it don't delivery, everything will change. Even the size of the stomach cannot be eaten anymore. And even the baby inside too, we'll be doing somehow that what's never before. Even some people will be saying, oh, I want to go out. Even the way they'll be cooking. You know that? No, they will not as when they were a few months ago. Because should they have grown, everything is ready. As for you, everyone has made everything ready for you in this month in the name of Jesus. Go and get them in the name of Jesus. Finally, look, I want the Lord to say about you, not someone else who says you, say hi, say hi. See what the Lord said about you? I said I 45. I said I 45, verse two, and three. I said I 45, verse two, and three. Say, I will go before thee, and make the cook and play straight. Ah, I with your amen, we have the strength of God. I will go before thee, and make the cook and play straight. I will break in pieces, the gate of brass, and cut and sander, the bars of high on this verse three. I will give thee the treasure of that lesson. And in the riches of secrets, places, that don't me us know that I the Lord. We call thee by name. I am the God of Israel. That people will know that the Lord, we call thee by name. I am the God of Israel. I am the God of Colostron. I am the God of Sister Cammy. I am the God of the Kinaki. I am the God of Mommy Cammy. I am the God of the children. I am the God of the youth. I am the God of Earth of Orthodox Member. I am the God of the man. I am the God of the women. I am the Finacy. I am the key of solution. Hallelujah. Can we jump to our feet? Can we jump to our feet? With the assurance that the Lord is with me. As I make my feet journey, as I make my interval in the month of August, that love is with me. That whatever that we doing around me does not matter. It does not take the position of God about me. But oh God, I am coming with this one to you this morning. Will you not allow God to take a lead upon your life? Many times, because we are human, we put the chariot before the horses and the journey seemed to be wrong. Sometimes, the energy that arises, God becomes the secondary because I will respond for today. This is what is coming to you. Will you put God first? Will you allow God to take the lead? Will you allow God to take over the affair? Will you allow that God to take charge of your fear and let that fear be evaporated? Let the anxiety be wrote away, because it's with thee. The God of Israel is beside thee, and we prove himself strong in your life. In the name of Jesus, welcome to the month of your completion all around in the name of Jesus, because the Lord is with thee. The Lord is with thee. Come on, let's sing this song together. Say hi, we put you in front. I need to quiet here, please. In front of my melody, oh, you are all. [inaudible] You are all. I put you in front. I put you in front. In front of my melody. Hey, you are all. Everybody, sing that song. You are all. You are all the matter. I'll make room for two. I'll make room for two. You are mine. You are mine, Jesus. You are all. You are all the matter. You are all the matter. You are all the matter. I'll make room for two. I'll make room for two. Hey, you are mine, Jesus. You are all. You are all. You are all the matter. You are all. One more time. I will make room for two. I'll make room for two. You are mine. You are mine, Jesus. You are all the matter. You are all the matter. You are all the matter. Oh, we're all the matter. Oh, now we say yes to this one. You are all the matter. Oh, yes, oh, yes. Oh, we're all. Oh, we're all the matter. Oh, we're all the matter. You are all the matter. Thank you, Jesus. Continue on that beat. Please, I want everyone to hear. I want you to close your eyes, and aim that thing. That you are looking but it's far over. But that thing that is what you have. It's what you want to have. It's what it should be on your hand. But it's still far away. I want you to hear my teeth in your spirit eyes. I thought it was home. Come on, here's that beat. Oh, oh, oh, oh. You are all the matter. In the name of Jesus, look on. In the name of Jesus. No, bring it to the past. In the name of Jesus. Bring it to the past. Give it up to the single. Hold on, you'll hide on him. Go ahead. Hey, beat. Look at it. Now you are having it. [MUSIC PLAYING] [NON-ENGLISH SINGING] Lord, we invite you for this matter. Hold on. As many of us that invite you, I'll go. In Jesus' name, our time is fastened. 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