Date Night with Ky & Kas

Ep 56 - Top 10 of 2024 So Far

Date Night (00:00), Top 10 (09:14), Bottom 5 (55:31)   Folks, we have hit the halfway point of 2024. To celebrate, Ky and Kas are counting down their 10 favorite films so far and their bottom 5 and the most surprising and disappointing films of the year!

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Date Night (00:00), Top 10 (09:14), Bottom 5 (55:31)


Folks, we have hit the halfway point of 2024. To celebrate, Ky and Kas are counting down their 10 favorite films so far and their bottom 5 and the most surprising and disappointing films of the year! 

- Data part. - Oh, data's brains out. - I just wondering, you know, after this movie, if I don't go to France, you know, they're not busy, man. We can go to a piece somewhere. - Pick up on Friday. - Oh, right, Friday, uh-huh. - So, do you wanna do something to me? - What a wonderful day! - I cannot believe you wanted this to start the episode of the Hock to a... - It's pop culture. - It's awful culture, is what it is. This is what happens with the social media, right? This is why no one should have social media, yeah. - It's so dumb. - We're hip, except I actually found out I was very late to the Hock to a game. - Dude, like a week late, a week late, which is forever in the internet community. - Yeah, so I like sent out a Snapchat to my closest friends and family, saying, like quoting the Hock to a... - And every single one, I was like, yo, you're late. - And yeah, even my brother was like, "You're so late to the game, Cassidy." And I was like, oh, I thought I was finding this out for the first time, and I was introducing everyone else to it, but no, I was wrong. - Awful, it's so dumb. - But I love that sound. I'm gonna use that sound for everything. - You've been saying it for like the last 40 minutes, it's strange, just constantly walking around going, "I threw it for no reason." - People are gonna be like, "What's your advice to the first successful relationship?" - No. - You know, like when people get married. - I think that was the question that he asked her. - You know, right? But you know, like when people get married and they're like, they have like the grandparents that have been together for 50 years, when that's us, and my our grandchildren ask, "Hey, grandma, a goryampol, how'd you guys last 50 years?" - Why did they have a southern accent? - I'm gonna tell it, 'cause the girl that says that has a southern accent. Because I'm gonna say because a little bobby Joe, you gotta give him that hock-toodle to spit on that thing. - I hate everything about this. - You gotta make him happy. - I hate everything about this. All right, I'm your host for the episode, I'm Kyle. - I'm Cassidy, and it's his date night. - Which we did not have, actually. I worked this weekend. So not only did I work, I was on call this weekend, so he couldn't really do anything. - Yes. - So, I mean, I think we just launched it on the house, and I watched movies all day, and you baked bread. - Yes. - You have been on a kick with this bread, and these cookies, and I ain't complaining, 'cause I'm the one reaping all the benefits, but it takes forever. - It's not just any bread, it's sourdough. - Oh my bad, it's sourdough bread. - It's a work of love and art. - It looks like we're gonna sweat, like you're just over here sweating and complaining about how long everything's taking. - So the recipe that I follow, I guess, is like a shortened version of like-- - Shortening. - Yes. They're like, the woman who posted this is like, you don't have to waste two days making sourdough. Here's my eight-hour sourdough recipe. Yeah. - Holy fuck. - So it's shortened, and if you didn't know sourdough, you have to feed your starter every week, and whenever I tell people that I have to feed my starter, they're like, well, what are you feeding it? And I'm like, well, you know, really nutritious blood, sweat, and tears. No, flour and water. But it is, it's a, you have to feed my starter either every day or if it's in the fridge once a week. And then for bread, it takes minimum eight hours. - That's just, it's just a long time, man. - And I have, like all my co-workers, 'cause I'll bring bread to work because every time I make it, it makes two full ofs. And I'm like, me and Kyle, you need to eat two full of the bread. - Even though we could, the shit is fire, it's gas. - So I'll bring like half of each loaf to work. And every single time people are like, we will buy this off you. I'm like, seriously, if you make us a loaf, we will buy it. And I'm like, how much are you willing to pay? Because it takes me eight hours to make this. And if you're gonna pay me $5 or even like $10 for the loaf of bread, it just ain't worth it. This is a labor of love. - Why are you all of a sudden even doing this southern accent? What the fuck is this? - This is a labor of sourdough because I'm in my homestead in the era. Sourdough is a labor of love. And I don't know how they sell it in the grocery stores for less than $20 a loaf because that shit's hard work. I wanna know how to streamline it. - This is the weirdest opening to an episode we've ever had, bro, this is so weird. - What is happening? - My passions in life right now include sourdough bread making, reading. - And talking about sourdough bread making and reading. - Yes. - Yeah, I'm showing you videos about books you read. Oh yeah, but that's what happens when you don't have a date night and you get to watch cast make bread for eight hours and that's exactly what I did. - Yeah, so yeah, you'll notice that we're not doing a movie this week, one because Kyle watched movies and I did not watch them with him. So we can't really do a podcast about that. - You peripherally watch them. You're like, oh, what's going on here? This is crazy and then you exited immediately. - Yeah, so and then even after I was done my bread baking, Kyle asked, what do you wanna do? And I said, uh, read. So Kyle watched movies and I read on the couch with him. - Yeah, and also I don't really care for anything that's in theaters right now. I've seen everything except for like a quiet place day one, which I don't know why I was really excited about it. And then I just wasn't all of a sudden and I don't have a reason why I've just, just not. So I was like, you know, I don't really want to go to the theater right now. I kind of want to kick around home. And then I didn't want to have to come up with a movie. So honestly, I was just like, why don't we do a halfway checkpoint? So that's what we're doing today. We're going to be doing a halfway checkpoint. - We are halfway through the year. So it just makes sense. - My birthday is this Sunday too, by the way. So everyone make sure you say have birthday to me. - Yes. - But before we dive into that, we did post a poll on Spotify, which we would love if you guys voted in each week and answer the question each week because then we can read them to you. And the poll this week was, which Disney movie has the best soundtrack? This was really hard coming up with these movies because there's so many that are actually good. So these are the ones that I picked. We had Tarzan, Moana and Kanto, Hercules, Pocahontas and the Lion King. I spelled Lion King wrong, guys. I spelled it L-I-O-I-N and I didn't realize it until like three days later, when Cass was like, you know you spelled it L-I-O-I-N? And I was like, oh good, sweet. I had no one caught onto that. So the winner of the poll for best soundtrack, do you have a guess? - Lion King. - L-I-Lion King. - Oh yeah, sorry, not Lion King. - That bit is dead because the Lion King ended up having 33% of the votes. It's pretty exciting, yeah. You know what, did not receive any votes whatsoever? - Pocahontas. - Pocahontas. - Because honestly, Pocahontas has a killer soundtrack. - All of these have a killer soundtrack, but I'd put Pocahontas, probably. Oh, actually I wouldn't. I don't know. I was gonna say I probably put it ahead of Moana or Kanto, but I actually don't think I would. Maybe in Kanto, just because I don't not only know like one song for my Kanto. - Which is shocking, because when it first came out, I made you like, we literally listened to the soundtrack in the car every single time. - I'm really good at just disassociating when I eat. (laughs) It was on repeat 24/7, I could probably name, I like surface pressure, I know that one, and that very first song. - And you know, we don't talk about-- - Oh, we don't talk about, how did I forget about that song? So this is super, super not better than in Kanto. It's just kind of weird though, 'cause I think maybe actually what it is is Pocahontas only has one good song. - Yeah, two, I would give Pocahontas two. - What's the second one, 'cause color's up the win. I mean, come on. - Color's up the win, and then there's the one in the beginning when she's... - What is it called? - You see, if you can't remember it, that is not good. - It is not. - So there's that for you, there's that. So I think the rightful winner was Lion King. I completely voted for Lion King, I'm not gonna lie to you guys. Who'd you vote for? - In Kanto. - Typical. - In Kanto. - Typical. - I always say it wrong. - But yeah, so we'll post a little polls down there for you guys to vote on each week. So keep coming back, keep voting, and we'll read you guys who wins each week. But instead of watching a movie this week, like Cass said, we actually decided, I decided since it was my week to actually pick, I'm foregoing the movie, and we're gonna do a mid-year check-in. We're just gonna talk about our 10 favorite movies of the year. And the reason I'm so excited to do this is because I kept the track of every movie Cass has watched that came out this year. (laughing) 'Cause I knew she wasn't gonna. - Yeah, you deserved me a list. - So I said, her are the list that I have of her movies. (laughing) And made her pick her favorite 10. And the reason I'm so excited about this is because we're gonna have vastly different Top 10s because I have seen 78 of the new releases this year. So our Top 10s are just gonna be so different, and I'm really excited to dive into it. So what we're gonna do is we'll read off the movie. And if we, and we'll talk about it a little bit, but if we both have it on our list, we'll just both say it, and then we'll talk about it from there. - Okay. - So let's go ahead and have you kick us off. What do you have for a number 10? - Number 10, I have Sun Coast. - Really, Sun Coast, okay, sweet. Yeah, that is, if you don't know what Sun Coast is, it's a pretty, I don't wanna say heartwarming 'cause it's not, but it's sort of heartwarming in the sense like this little girl figures out about her life, but it's also heartbreaking because it is about assisted suicide. - Yeah. - And it's pretty intense. It's an intense watch. You can watch it right now on Hulu, I'm fairly certain. It's a Hulu original. I think it had a very limited release and then went straight to Hulu. But why is it number 10? I'm kind of surprised by that. - Yeah, so I think this is a great movie. Not only is it touched on the difficult topic of assisted suicide and kind of shows it in like a really interesting way of like, it's not the main focus of the movie, but it's like every single time she goes to the hospital to visit her ill brother, she has to walk past protest without her protesting assisted suicide. - Right. - And it's actually, I think it, isn't the case like actually-- - The case adjacent to theirs is a real case. It really happened. I can not remember the name of the poor woman, which is awful of me, I should know it. But that whole situation was real and it was sort of like a not real story dealing with a kind of very real situation. - Right, but, and then on the other hand of like kind of like our main character, what it more focused on was, how much of a struggle it can be being the healthy sibling of a sick kid. - Yeah. And I mean, it's hard because you've, like it's hard for those kids because one, they feel like they should not in any way feel left out or like resentful of their like sick child because they're not getting enough attention and because their life is so different because of it. But there is, there just is, and I think it's healthy to show kids that like, that have sick brothers or sisters that it is entirely normal to feel these things because you're not gonna have a normal childhood. Your parents, even if they try their best, their attention is always gonna be mostly on the sick kid. And I think it's just great to like highlight that because we have a lot of movies about sick kids and like five feet apart and a fault in our stars and all that. I think it's really nice to see a movie from the point of view of the sibling and just show people that it's totally normal to have those feelings of resentment and you shouldn't feel necessarily guilty about it. - I like the way that you phrase that 'cause I think this is a very healthy movie to show just the vast emotions that someone in the situation can feel and rightfully should feel and should allow themselves to feel. Nico Parker is going to be a goddamn star. She is fantastic. She's also in the Last of Us episode one, if you don't know who Nico Parker is. She is fantastic in this and she has to hold her own with Laura Lenny which is also very impressive 'cause Laura Lenny is her mother. But yeah, I think this movie is a lot better than people would think it is for a straight movie. I ended up giving it a three and a half and has a 3.4 on Letterbox right now. I ranked it 29 out of my 78 but at one point it was in my top 10. 'Cause I mean this movie is really emotional. It's going to come for your art. Even if I don't think all of the characters are well rounded or make a lot of sense in some cases, I do think that this movie, it's going to fuck with your emotions. It just is. - Yeah, it does a very good job at making you feel something. - Yeah, so I'm gonna say my number 10 now and my number 10 we did an episode on. So I feel we're gonna have to talk about it too much but my number 10 is The Fall Guy. - That is my number four. - All right, let's talk about The Fall Guy then. So my 10, you're four. Quite frankly, if I was only doing movies that you and I had watched together, it would be five. So not far off, not far off. I had to do some quick maths in my head. The reason this is so high is honestly, it is taxing at times and I think it can be a little long, especially in the back half. But I think Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are just so fantastic together and it makes up for any deficits that I think the script might have. I mean, I could watch those two do anything. I could watch them watch paint dry and it would be fun. So I think that this movie just has a lot of great energy and you can tell the people who made it loved making it, even if there are some issues in the writing and the directing, especially in the pacing in the back half and how convoluted it can get. But I mean, dude, chemistry makes up for a hell of a lot so it's my number 10 movie. - Right, it's my number four because this movie was just extremely entertaining. It was so much fun to watch. Not only did you have the action, but you have romance and comedy. It was just like, it was very well-rounded movie for me and it had all the pieces of things I liked within a movie and it was just a lot of fun to watch and I didn't get bored. I was excited through the whole thing, even though it was like a two hour movie. - Two plus hour. - I didn't get sleepy, which is the thing that normally happens to be watching movies. I was very interested in this movie. - Especially, it's very easy to get really sleepy in the theater when it's so dark and cold and you're in that nice ass recliner and it's just like, I keep falling asleep in the oven. So I think for a movie to keep you enthralled the entire time, it does speak volumes. Number nine, what do we have? - Love Lies Bleeding. - Whoa, number nine. - Yeah. - This is my number five. Love Lies Bleeding. We did not do an episode on this. I would have loved to do that. Cass, why is this number nine? - It is number nine because while it was a very good movie and I enjoyed almost all of it, there were some scenes where it got cartoonish and started to warp reality and I think it took away from the movie for me. - It is a very A24 movie in that they always seem to have these weird endings to their films that are just, it's like, let's make the most out there, final 15 minutes we can. This movie definitely suffers from that. Interestingly enough, Spencer from the After Credits podcast and I talked about this and I said that I really, really like this movie but it's a four and a half for me. It is a four and a half for me. I love this movie. What keeps it from being a five is actually the ending and it's not that I dislike the ending, I get it. I just felt like it didn't need to go where it went. - Yeah. - It's like, the point was made and it still decided it had to go this big glorious, just gaudy sort of ending and it didn't need to go there, unfortunately. But I think the reason that I really love this movie is because Kristen Stewart is a phenomenal actress and does not get her flowers and the credit she fucking deserves. She deserves it all. I do not like the Robert Pattison gets all the credit and she gets none of the credit that she also deserves. She's fantastic in this but she's also got this weird comedic sort of beat to her throughout this, which is fun. It adds to like just the genre of it all, but Katie O'Brien. That's why this is so high. It's Katie O'Brien. I love her. I love her with every fiber by being. Her character in this is incredible. - See, I prefer Kristen Stewart in this movie. - Except for Katie O'Brien. See, that's why we get, this is why we are what we are right here, I love that, that's fantastic. So that's my number five, you're number nine. - Yes. - It's a great movie, man. It really is. My number nine is Furiosa, a Mad Max saga. You have not seen this one. - No. - The first of a couple on this list that you haven't seen. Which is good, 'cause I can explain them to you and you have to figure this out. - Yeah. - I don't care about it away. (laughing) I do not think it is better than Fury Road, which I think is probably the best Mad Max movie. I think it's the second best Mad Max movie because having the backstory of Furiosa just enhances Fury Road, which is the fourth movie and Furiosa is the fifth movie, but it's a prequel. So if that makes sense, if you haven't seen the Mad Max universe, I think it adds a lot to her character, obviously, because it's about Furiosa and it makes so much more sense. Like her relationship with Max in Fury Road, I do think there are points in time when the story might get away from itself and I didn't really love that the story was told in chapters. But I mean, overall, it's Anya Taylor-Joy and by the way, Chris Hemsworth in this movie, I think I have him ranked like third or fourth for best. Actually, I have him ranked second. I have ranked second for best supporting actor. I've never seen him like this before. I have never seen this version of Chris Hemsworth and I was floored because he plays that like sort of goofy Thor character except he's a fucking deviant psychopath. Like at one point, he has a guy strung up on his head to one motorcycle, arms on different motorcycles and legs on different motorcycles. And says, okay, go ahead and pull him apart now. This is his punishment. And he's sitting there doing a dance. Like he's dancing around, like he's in character for Thor or something. Wow, this is happening in front of him. At another point, he has nipple rings and he connects them to this weapon that rips off of his body and pulls his nipples off with it. And he's just bleeding and he's like talking about how much he loves it. Like it's just, he's so, he got into it. See, I don't think I'd like to see him in that way. No, you would, you would. I'd like it. You would. I get a lot of the complaints I do but I think this is actually a lot more from the people gave it credit for. It flopped at the box office so we might never get another Mad Max movie which breaks my heart because I am a fan of the franchise. But if you haven't seen this, it is available on Voodoo. Please go watch it. Support it at the at-home market. So we might be able to get a chance of getting another one. Your number eight. - A family affair. - Whoa, holy shit. Holy shit. Number eight, yo, that's crazy. By the way, this movie has a 2.2 on Lutterbox. I gave it a three and a half. I am a sucker for Zac Efron and Joey King. I like them, Nicole Kidman's fine. But like, I am shocked that this is so high on your list 'cause this is like in the 30s for me, I think. - See, I may be partial because it's very fresh in my mind. - We did just watch it. - We did just watch it. It's the most recent one that I've seen. But this movie was so funny and it was so much fun to watch. And that's like, I'm a vibes girl. I am gonna put movies in my top 10 that I enjoyed watching, that I had fun watching, that entertained me. - I wanna talk about this real quick. Hold on, I don't mean to cut you off. - I don't mean to cut you off. - The artisticness of the movie. - I wanna talk about this because I think this is a huge point that the film community takes bonus attention with each other. There are these people such as yourself and myself and myself who rate movies purely based on how it made them feel and if they enjoyed it. I gave a family affair three and a half. It has a 2.2. I enjoyed the movie. In my review, I said, is it a technical marvel? Fuck no. It doesn't push the genre boundaries that it has. Absolutely not. But is it entertaining and fun and Zac Efron a Golden God? Yes, that's all I need. - Right. - You can separate the two. It's not a good movie from the standpoint of how it's made but it is a fun movie and that has to count, the has to count. Sorry, it does. - It was fun. It was light-hearted. It was funny. It made me laugh and the dynamic between Joey King and Zac Efron was just perfect. - I agree 100% of that. - It was so funny. The way they delivered their lines and the way they played off each other was just so much fun to watch. Especially knowing that Joey King, it was such a fan of Zac Efron growing up and was a huge high school musical fan. It's just funny that now she's active with him and I can just imagine in her head every single scene her being like, "Oh my God. Oh my God." (laughing) But I know it doesn't have the best rating but it was such a fun movie and I do recommend watching it. - We rate movies based on vibes here. - Yeah, especially me. - Yeah, I am 100% on board with everything you said. I think Joey King and Zac Efron have incredible chemistry. I think this is better than the idea of you because the idea of you took itself so seriously and it's okay that it did. I don't think it needed to be a comedy. It wasn't shooting to be a comedy. It wanted to really talk about how society perceives women who date younger men. I think this movie was just like, "Let's do that, but make it funny." - Right. - And I vibe with that more. I just vibe with that more. - And it also didn't feel like such a huge age gap. - Yeah. - How old do they say? - I think she's like 50 and he's in his 30s and something like that. - Yeah, so it's 20 some odd years, but I mean. - It just feels less weird. - Yeah. - Also because he is her daughter's boss, not a like pop idol that the daughter is obsessed with and would date. - Their chance encounter makes more sense in my head than an idea of you. And the idea of you and Hathaway walks into a trailer at a musical fest in the like singer only area trying to find the toilet. - Yeah. - What are you talking about? What hasn't this? It's like Joey King quits and Zac Efron's like, "I don't want her to quit. "I gotta go to her house, meets her mom," and they hit it off. It's a little more believable in that sense. - Right. - And also the fact she's around celebrities makes sense. Her daughter is working for him. You know what I mean? So it's easier to buy. I think it's probably actually a worse technical movie in the way it uses like. I mean, just the way everything is in the idea of you, I think it's a little better directed wise and cinematography, lens choice and all that. But I think that a family affair is at least-- - It's like the way they use lighting in that makes it look a little bit more dramatic. Whereas in this, the lighting is like just, it is what it is. - Yeah. - I mean, it's lighthearted. I'm not really out there like rigging lights to make it look a certain way. - Right, because it's not supposed to be dramatic. - Exactly. And so I think that I enjoy it more, but I don't think it's a quote unquote better film. You know what I mean? But I have it higher rated than the idea of you two. I'm shocked, I really am. My number eight is another movie you haven't seen. The bike riders with Austin Butler, Tom Hardy, Jody Comer, you combine those three, you combine weird ass accents, these Midwestern accents that sound just so cartoonish. And you combine that with motorcycles and you wrap it all in like a neat little story about outsiders and I mean, I'm fucking sold. There's one scene, this movie is so sexy and it's like, it's not outwardly trying to be sexy, obviously it's trying to be sexy, but it doesn't come across that it's trying to be sexy. There's just these shots and you're just like, Austin Butler is him. Austin Butler is him. I didn't see it in Elvis, I didn't get it. I wasn't a fan. And then in "Dune Part Two" he's this bald headed freak with no eyebrows and it's like, I still don't get it, he's a good actor, but I don't get the appeal. And then you see the pool scene in this and you're like, no, I get it. It makes sense, it makes fucking sense. I also think this is just like it's, the acting here is incredible. I do think that maybe the story gets a little lost in what it's trying to say 'cause most of it is them just riding around on motorcycles and like kind of repetitive going through the motions. But when you have Austin Butler, Tom Hardy and Jody Comer, you can do that, you know what I mean? Like these are all three amazing actors and actresses. That's my number eight. I know you haven't seen it, but what are your thoughts on Austin Butler? - Oh, him and Timothy Chalamet are right up there for "It Boys of Hollywood" right now. - They are. I actually posted a poll on my story that said, who do you think is the hottest piece of assing in Hollywood right now, Timmy C or Austin B? And I think it was like, I only got like 12 or 13 votes, but it was like 75% I think said Timothy Chalamet. - Yeah, but then Austin Butler is doing a great job for himself right now. - He is, man. The last three movies he's been in, he might have been "The Star" and two of them, and one of them he was supporting Timothy Chalamet, but they all are financially successful movies. - Incredibly different roles. - Yes, that's what I do like about him is he's out there making these insane decisions and it's paying off because he's really getting into all of them. So yeah, join number seven. - "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes." - That is not in my top 10. - Wow. - It is not in my top 10. - That's surprising. - I have "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" ranked 11. - Okay. - So I mean, it's right there. - Cliffs. - It's right there. - No, for me, honestly, this movie surprised me because I've never seen a single game from "The Planet of the Apes" and I don't think it's a deal breaker here. I think, does it help a little bit with the background? Sure, but they also give you a lot of the background while watching it. So if you haven't seen all the other ones and you don't feel like watching all the other ones, I think this movie's still a great watch. Visually, it's beautiful. I loved it visually. I loved the ocean. I loved the hair on the monkeys. - The apes. - Oh, the apes. (laughing) And again, just an interesting movie, entertaining and just very visually appealing. - Another episode we did, or another movie we did a podcast on. So if you wanna hear our in-depth thoughts, you can go there. We won't talk about this too much. But I 100% agree. I think you can dive into this anywhere in the franchise. You could have only watched one of the movies. You could watch none of the movies. You could have watched all the movies and this movie is going to tell you everything that happened and in such a succinct way that never feels like you're getting hit over the head with it in a very fun way because I think "Rock" has a great character and I know there were a lot of complaints about the movie meandering to our boy, Proxima Caesar, who's the main antagonist, which I get. But this movie has to do so much heavy lifting in the front half to prepare you for the rest of the franchise. So I also think you don't care about the characters as much if you don't get that time with them. Getting that first hour and a half with them wandering to find Proxima is so, so important to understand who these characters are. And then the final hour, 'cause it is almost two and a half hours long, the final hour, you get a lot of Proxima Caesar's antics in there and I think it's just a perfect blend. I gave it four stars, I think there's movie bangs, I really do. - Right, I think it's a very good testament to not just the writing, but just the whole movie in general when it can be in a series of movies and still be just as good stand alone. - Yes. - When it can hold its own as a standalone movie, even though it's like the fourth movie in a series and you still can enjoy it, that's huge. - Yep, when you're four deep and you're restarting the franchise, so to speak, like "changing the entire story of everything," it speaks volumes that you can pivot that hard and still work. I think that's a testament to the storytelling on display too, I really do. Also, it gave us, what a wonderful day and that is literally my alarm in the morning when it goes off, it's just Proxima Caesar going, what a wonderful day. So it gave us that, so that alone should honestly have this in my top 10. My number seven is another episode that we did. I'm talking about challengers, folks. - Oh! - I don't know what it is about this movie, but in the last month, I cannot stop thinking about it. - Interesting. - I want to watch it again. When we left the theater, I was like, that was good, I enjoyed it. I really think I might have talked to myself into liking it more as time has gone on, which for me is typically the opposite case. The more time it goes by between me and watching the movie, the more I start to actually pick apart what the movie was, what it's trying to say, the acting, the directing, all of it. And with this, I find myself just finding more and more reasons to like it and want to watch it again. And I think that alone speaks volumes because when you watch a movie, you want hundreds of people worked on these things, thousands of people worked on these movies. You don't want to watch it once, drop it and walk away and never watch it again. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - So knowing that all those people worked on it and I want to watch it a second time, it sort of like endears me to that work. Like these people put so much time and effort into it and I want to watch it a second time. So I think that also speaks volumes to how good the movie actually is and the care that went into the movie. - Yeah, challenges is six for me. - Really? - Holy shit, I just went on tangent. I didn't even let you speak. I'm sorry. - Yeah, I was trying to get in there. But challenges is number six for me. - Hell yeah. - Honestly think like, it was great the first time but I think if I were to watch it again, you're gonna get so much more of the like little details and like really like the story is gonna unfold better knowing what happens to like watch it again, I think. Also, Zendaya, she is just fabulous and I don't think she's necessarily the star of this movie personally. - Who do you think is? - I think it's a throw, a throw poll. - I think they all equally, I was gonna say the same thing. I don't think there's one person that outshines any of the others, I think they'll play their characters. - Right, like I wouldn't say art or Patrick are like best, like they're not supporting actors in this movie. - That is a hard thing man, they're both up for, they're both in the supporting and lead category on this app that I use to like track all that stuff and it's like where do you put these guys? Are they eating or supporting? - It's hard because I honestly think out of the three of them they're all leading in this movie. - Do you remember Judas in the Black Messiah? - Yeah. - Late Keith and Daniel Cluia. They were both felt like they had a lot of screen time, both felt like they were the main character kind of. They both got nominated for supporting actor, supporting each other, how does that make sense? - Yeah, it's hard. Honestly, I think it will be because of the name. Like I think Zendaya will get lead actress because she's Zendaya and people know who she is. - I wouldn't be surprised if Mike Faust get lead and Josh get supporting. - Which one's one? - Josh's Pat. - Oh yeah, yeah, I can see that because it does seem like it's more about art and... - You just got a little more screen time I think. - But no, it's a great movie and I honestly think if we watch it again, we'd enjoy it more. - I like you said, I think it's the little details you pick up on in the storytelling. Like Luke Guadagnino is such a fantastic storyteller. Please watch Bones and all if you haven't. It's like his least talked about movie that's actually good. But it's these little details that he puts in there that you wouldn't notice until like the second rewatch or like you're just constantly thinking about what did this mean, what's this scene? And then you remember and you're like, holy shit, I think we should absolutely watch this again. I'd be so down to watch it again. And it's been on my mind a lot. And for some reason, the score has also been in my mind 'cause there's a category in this app that I use and it's like that one of the songs I cannot remember is trending towards like number one and number three. Like it's bouncing between those three and I was like, I gotta listen to it again. And it is, I cannot remember the name of it, I wish I could. But the score bangs too, absolutely. My number six, because the challenges was your number six, we'll jump back to me. It's another movie you have not seen, which is "Monkey Man", which if you don't know is Dev Patel's "Direct Royal debut". Dev Patel went through so much shit to get this movie made. He had finances back out, he had cameras break. They did all the scouting at this specific location and then COVID happened and they had to pivot to an entirely different set that they had to like, they had to go to a different island. Like everything that they had scouted was gone, they were like, you can't come here, don't come here. Yeah, part of this because their cameras broke was filmed on his own personal iPhone and then stitched together with the other footage that they had from the cameras. There were scenes when glass broke and tables were broken and then they had to put them back together because they couldn't afford to do it, to get more glass and more tables and shit. This movie had no right being made. All of the signs said, don't make this movie and they did and it was a success. I gave this four and a half stars. This movie is fucking incredible. If you listen to this podcast or you know me at all, not an action guy, don't give a fuck about action movies. I really don't and I'm trying to get more into that. I've been trying to watch more action movies and this was the one that really set it off for me because there are a lot of John Wick comparisons and a lot of people are saying, that's not fair, that's not fair. I think it's a perfectly fair comparison but it's John Wick with an actual emotional center. This is culturally centered. It is about an entirely different group of people and they're going through a much more personal vendetta whereas it's like his mother was killed, not a dog. And so you get all the, and it's talking about the caste system and people that are born in the dirt, stay in the dirt, people born at the top, stay at the top. And so I think it just has more to say than John Wick and that's why I find it ultimately way more entertaining. And so this is why it is number six on my list and literally all my favorite movies of all time list. If any thoughts on this movie at all, did you even see trailers for this movie? - No. - Yeah, I did think so. I said monkey man in your face went blank. I didn't realize you didn't even hear of this movie. - I don't think so. - Wild. We'll have to watch it, it's on Peacock. If you want to stream it, you can stream it on Peacock. I don't know why but whatever movie comes out and it goes on to a streaming service, it goes right into my head. - Yes. - Right in there. And I'm like, I know exactly where it is. If not on the first trial, get it on the second try. - Yes. - And when this came out on Peacock, I was like, oh, I'm gonna have cast watch this because this is right up your alley. You love action, it's John Wick but better. People should be saying John Wick is like monkey man, but worse, just saying. Number five. - My number five is mean girls. - Number five, whoa. - Yeah. - Hot take, hot take. Holy shit. - Hot take, is it in your voice? - Hot take, not even close, not even close. - I don't feel like I need to argue my point on this except to say one, it's a musical and I love musicals. Two, I have to listen to the soundtrack probably once a week. And three, Renee Rap. - That's it, that's all you need to say. - That's all you need to say. - No, I like the movie. I think it got a bad rap. I really do. - I do too. - I do think that maybe in Gory and Gory, right, I can't remember how to pronounce it. The Australian one who plays Caddy in Gory or Rice. - Yes. - I, she can't, she can't. - Yeah, you know, I don't want to be an asshole but like her singing is tough. - Yeah. - And especially after hearing like, I watched a few videos like not even that long ago, like maybe like two or three weeks ago, of them comparing her singing to the people on Broadway who were singing it. And I was like, oh, fuck man. - Right. - That's the, that hurts even worse 'cause everyone around her is so good at singing. And then there's just her. - Right. - And I think it does bring the movie down but I still had fun, I still had a good time. - I also realized that the guy that played Aaron Samuels did not sing. - No, I don't know who he did not sing. For some reason I was thinking of the friend there, her, her, her, her. - Damien. - Damien, thank you. - Yeah. - No, he didn't sing. - He didn't sing. I'm like, why would you cast someone as like the, I mean, the, the. - What's he gonna say? He's a dud. Aaron Samuels is a dud. - But not have them sing at all. - Nah, fuck. - But anyway. - Not the actor, but like the character. Fuck Aaron Samuels. - I think it could have been, it could have been executed better, but honestly I was looking forward to it. I love running a rap. I love musicals. So it's up there for me. - Yeah. I mean, this makes sense. I actually figured this would be on your list but I thought it'd be way lower. And when I heard a family affair, I was like, okay, maybe me and girls isn't on here. We make up bump, we make up bump. My number five is love lives bleeding. We've already talked about it. What is your number four? - The fall guy. We already talked about it. - Oh, hey, sweet. That's right, we talked about that. Hey, we're cruising, baby. Give me your, oh no, it's my number four now. My number four is a movie you haven't seen, but I really, really, really, really wanted you to see it. And that's Delma. - Yeah. - Holy fucking shit. If you have the chance guys, please, of all the movies on this list, this is the one I want you guys to watch. I want you to watch it so bad. - Yeah, I want it to. - It's the funniest movie of the year. It is not closed. Babes was my funniest movie of the year and then I saw this and I was like, no, no, no, no. It's Delma. Because there's not a more sincere comedy that I can think of. - Yeah. - It combines aging and accepting death and not giving up on life and just not rolling over and accepting death. It would, at the same time, is accepting it. It's very strange and it also deals with growing up, being in your 20s and how society handles the elderly like we do children, essentially, with these kitty gloves. And you don't need to. And I think this movie is just so heartwarming. There were moments where I almost cried multiple times, but at the same time they're going to turn you around and slap you on the ass with a joke and you're gonna be so confused about why you're feeling like you want to cry, but also laugh. It's an hour and like 40 some odd minutes long and you get to see June squib do some quote unquote cool action stunts mainly because she is 93 years old than she's doing her own little stunts and it's adorable 'cause it's not like Tom Cruise like jumping off a building. She's like rolling over a bed at one point and that's the stunt. And there's this crazy like action music playing in the background. And I'm like, this, this is incredible. Why do we not have more of this? It's so good. This movie is fantastic. I urge you if you have the chance to go watch this. Please, please, please, please. You're number three. - Snack Shack. - Hell yeah, dude, let's go. That's not in my top 10. - It's not in my top 10. - No, I old. - I know, it's not in my top 10, but I do love that fucking movie. - Yes, yeah, Snack Shack was just, it was a movie that we were just like sitting there scrolling through one day and kind of like, hey, let's watch this. And I had heard nothing about it. Had no idea what it was about. And we have watched it multiple times. - Oh yeah. - At least three times. - And have recommended it to a lot of people. - Everybody. - It's just fun. It is a great movie to watch this time of year. - Yes, the perfect summer movie. - Yes, it literally makes me want to buy a Snack Shack out of pool and that'd be my summer job because it just looks like so much fun. And what a great way to spend your summer. And the two boys in that movie are just hilarious. I see them both going places. And again, just a funny movie. If you haven't noticed, my favorite movies are funny movies. - Nothing wrong with that. - But no, this is just a feel good movie. I love how it literally transported you back to the 90s. And I was like, man, I wish I was a teenager in the 90s. - There's that weird thing where like we're 90s kids, but not at all because we grew up in the 2000s. - Two in the 90s, but. - It was four when it ended. I was barely gaining consciousness as the decade turned over to the 2000s. - But just like being able to see like how much more freedom kids had and like all that stuff, it just like looks like so much fun. And I just want to go to a community pool. Even though I've actually never wanted to go to a community all of my life, that movie makes me want to go to a community pool. - My favorite part of watching that movie was like halfway through. You literally said, I want to quit being a nurse and go open a snack shack. (laughing) I was like, yeah, maybe let's do it. Oh no, this movie is awesome. This movie came out of nowhere, man. I mean, like I saw one ad for it. Didn't even watch the trailer. It was literally like, hey, this movie's out on streaming now. You can watch it at home. And I was like, fuck it, I'll just watch it. And I got you to watch it. And I mean, I was 50/50 on it. I was like, this could go either way. This could be really cheesy and bad or this is going to be fantastic. And it was excellent. - It's such a good coming of age. We'll also make you the main characters like kind of a little more interesting than regular old teens. - They're definitely aged up to seniors even though they're 14. That's still really big. I've been thinking about a snack shack a lot recently actually too. And the only thing I'm thinking about it is why the fuck would they be 14? I still can't get over it. I'm like, just make them 17. Like, why do they have to be 14? My number three is Dune Part Two. - Oh, no. - What's this? What's this? What number is this for you? - It's my number one. - Whoa, this is your number one movie. Wow. - It's my number one. - I'm kind of surprised by that. - Really? - I am. I am. So I want you to explain to me. Made me want to be a sci-fi movie girly. - Did it? - Yes. - What other movies did you want to watch? But you've never seen any sci-fi movies, haven't you? - I wanted to watch all the Star Wars. - Which are direct rip-offs of Dune? - Ooh, sci-fi or just fantasy? And I was like, ooh, Lord of the Rings. I'm pretty sure we watch Lord of the Rings after seeing Dune Part Two because I was like, I want to watch all the make believe fantasy doesn't exist type of movies. But the reason Dune Part Two is my favorite movie of the year is one, I'm now a Timothy Shelton egg girly pop. - Oh, he's incredible. - I was not necessarily a fan before. - Yeah, you didn't dislike him. I mean, I remember you saying like, you never disliked him. You were just more like-- - But I didn't understand the craze I was seeing surrounding him. But the second reason is this movie for me is so much more interesting than the first dude. And I think it is a huge deal when the sequel to a movie is better than the first. The first one lay a lot of groundwork. You have a lot of details, a lot of like explaining how the universe works, but not very much action. This one, you got the action that the first one was missing. And it was just so much fun. And it's my number one. And I highly recommend watching both of them. - This was my number one until the end of May. - Yeah. - It was number one for the two months it was out before I watched my number one, which we'll get to in a little bit. But it's so easy to see why this could be number one. And genuinely, I've only seen it once. I need to preface that. I've seen it one time. The other two movies on this list that are above it, I have seen minimum twice. So I'm wondering if on a rewatch, I enjoy it more. - Yeah. - Because I was so in awe of what I was watching the first time that I also feel like I missed some things. And we, which blows my mind, we never did an episode on this. - No. - And I think it's because we saw it and then we immediately just like, we need to hold on to our like brains for a minute because once we just watch, it is a visual marvel. And it's the only movie I could see beating King of the Planet of the Apes for special effects at the Oscars, which sucks that I love King of the Planet of the Apes. But I think this will probably win. Timothy Chalamet, this is what sold me on him. I always liked him. - This movie truly showed Timothy Chalamet's acting chops. Like he is not just a pretty boy in Hollywood. Like he can act and he can bring like the fire and the passion that we saw towards the end of "Dune" part two. And he can use his voice in a lot more ways than we had seen before. - Yeah. That's, like I said, yeah, I was never hated the guy. Just wasn't super familiar with everything he'd done. But this is what really sold me on the fact that this kid is going to be our Leonardo DiCaprio. Like he's gonna be in everything and it's always going toward. And then you, I mean, his supporting cast is ridiculous. Every single person in that movie, billed after him, could honestly win an Oscar for supporting actor actress. - San dea, Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, like. - Like any of them, pick someone, like, I mean, it doesn't matter, like all of these people, it's insane the amount of people in this movie that are named characters, like named actors. Like they're A-list actors, they're supporting this guy and they all could win an Oscar. And then you have the special effects for "Incredible." The choke hold this hat on me and saying, "Lisa Nalgayib," every fucking five minutes when it first came out. I mean, like this just resonated with so many people and hit society at a perfect time because early months of the year are always really shitty for movies. So the fact we got this in the first like three months of the year is mind boggling. So I think we should all be very appreciative. And I'm very excited to watch this a second time. - It's the Star Wars of this generation. - Yes, also Star Wars was basically rip off of this. Don't get mad at me. It is when Frank Herbert, the author of "Dune," saw Star Wars. They asked his opinion and he said, "I'm gonna try very, very hard not to sue some people." Just saying. Anyway, what is your number two? - Inside out two. - My number two is also inside out two. - Woo hoo! - So nice I had to watch it twice. I, that's what I keep saying whenever anyone asks me my opinions on this. Like it works today, someone asked me what I thought of it and I said, "So nice to watch it twice." This movie fucking rocks dude. - Yeah. - I was nervous. I think number one is a masterpiece. I really do. And following up a masterpiece is just bound to not be as good. - Right. - I think they did a fantastic job. There are moments on the second rewatch or on the rewatch where I was like, this doesn't work for me nearly as much. The pouchy things just didn't work. I think they sort of like breeze through some things that would have been interesting to look at. And it just also feels like maybe they just didn't, they kept getting blocked. I think the writers maybe got blocked at what they were trying to get to and just came up with these random outs to get out of it. Wasn't a super fan of that. I think introducing anxiety and all the other emotions was risky and I loved it. It paid off. - Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. I was like, I really liked the introduction of the new emotions because I feel like this inside out, the first one, it taught children about their emotions. Inside out. - I'd have empathy. - Inside out too. Now teaches those children who have aged up a few years to how to deal with the new emotions they're feeling. And I just love that. And even the wear out of the age where we're like figuring all that stuff out. - Hey, no, you still have those emotions and it's nice to see like, it's just, when you can put those emotions as like little creatures inside your head, maybe that makes you crazy, but also it can maybe get easier to deal with them. - No, I was gonna say, I think there's a generation of kids growing up learning that you can control your emotions a little better than they can control you. - Right. - Because at one point, Riley starts to call for, at the end, Riley calls for joy to take over. And she's literally doing that on her own. The emotions aren't doing this, she's doing that. And so I think it can kind of show kids that this is going to happen. I think it's important to show kids, you know, hey, if you have an anxiety attack, it's going to happen, like it's gonna happen eventually. I don't think they handled it all that well, like how she comes out of the anxiety attack. Her friends just show up and they're like, "You good?" And she's like, "No." And then they talk about it. I think there are better ways to depict an anxiety attack and like how to help someone in an anxiety attack. But I think the movie does it, at least does the service of showing what it looks like and what it can feel like. And sort of the fear that goes along with that will also not being terrifying and not being like turning into something that might be a little scary, you know? And I just think the voice acting is awesome. I really, I think everyone fucking nailed their roles, especially my awkward anxiety. Get that woman in everything. I want her voicing everything from now on. She is incredible. I had no problem watching it a second time. No problem. I'll watch it a third time. I kind of can't wait to watch it a third time. I think it might be, I'm scared it might be not as good, but still this movie fucking rocks, man. If I see "Dune Part Two" again, this is the movie I think it would move. I think it would go above inside out too. I still don't think it's touching number one. But speaking number one, give me yours. - We already won over at "Dune Part Two." - Oh my God, that's right, "Dune Part Two." I feel bad that we talked about your number one movie. Do you think it was gonna be my number one movie? - No. - Oh, I've been saying my number one movie. I've been talking about it for months around, dude. Yeah, we had a discussion on this. My number one movie is "I Saw the TV Glow." She's nothing. (laughs) As I'm saying that you're melting it, great. That's how much I talk. I talk about this movie a lot. - Yes, this was a movie Kyle begged me to watch with him and begged me to watch with him and begged me to watch with him. - Bagged and begged and begged. - And I finally watched with him and he had been raving about how it's just a masterpiece. It's so good. - The way it uses the score, the way it's writing, it's directing, it's all fantastic. - I'm really getting a tattoo based on this movie pretty much. - Yes, yes. - And I didn't get it. - I think you did get it. I think you did. You're a lot smarter. So I have been actually relistening to a lot of our episodes. And in the early days of the episodes, you're clearly having fun and I love that. But like listening to the newer ones, you do yourself a disservice by saying you didn't get it. You have come so far. Like you do get movies. I think you just don't care about movies as much as I do. So you one don't really want to try as hard to understand them. But I think you also, when you do get it, you're like, oh, and then you just toss it aside. You know what I mean? - I feel like in some way though, like when I'm watching movies now, I'm watching them be like, hmm, I wonder what Kyle would say about this. And I make like educated guesses being like, I bet Kyle would think this about this movie. - You have, we've been on the same wavelength and it comes like grading movies, which is wild to me, especially with Brave when I was like, I didn't know how much you were going to like it, but I was like, maybe I like it a little more. And it's the same exact fucking score. I don't want to influence your score. I'm hope I'm not influencing your scores when you're watching things. - I don't think you are, just like the way we've watched movies that you used to love as a kid, or even that you've seen recently and you watch it with me and you watch it through my eyes and it makes you not like the movie as much or it makes you like the movie more. You just can't help it. - That doesn't happen with a family affair as well. I think I ended up enjoying it more because I watched it with you. If I'd watched it alone, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. But watching it with you is someone who's so enthusiastic when they're watching movies. I was like, it's kind of hard not to have fun. - Right, that's why I think we should, we've talked about at some point doing a podcast where we watched the movie separately. - Yes, we talked about this. We were gonna do the notebook. That's the one you wanted to watch when it's like two hours. - It's crazy 'cause it's a movie that's so incredibly famous and like every single like drama they're like, well, I'm gonna go home and eat ice cream and watch the notebook and be all sad and lonely. - Yeah, it's referencing everything. - It's in everything. And me and Kyle have both never seen it, which is shocking. It's more shocking for me than him, but still shocking nonetheless. - I agree. But back to "I Saw the TV Glove." - Watch this movie, watch this movie. - I disagree. - No, watch this movie. It's the never movie. I've seen it four times now. I went and saw it in theaters and literally walked out and was like, I'm not, I was supposed to watch "Furio" so that day. I was like, I'll go tomorrow. I'm not watching that today, I gotta go home. I texted Cass and I was like, I feel so empty inside 'cause of this movie. Like this movie destroyed me. And then immediately texted her back, she's like, I gotta see it again. Like I need to watch it now. And then Cass is like, I don't think you're supposed to feel that way. And I was like, no, you are. It's definitely the point of the movie. I went off set a file and I just went off on the movie. - Cass is like, that movie made me really sad. I don't know if I can see the next one. I'm like, why would you wanna watch a movie that does that? Why? - That's the point. That's the beauty in it. The movie made me feel that way, I love it. - But honestly, I wanna say something. If you guys watch this movie and you do not understand what the heck it's about, please blow up Kyle's phone and just feel like, dude, please, like 'cause he had to, and he tried to get me at the end to be like, tell me what you think it means. - No, no, no, no, I said, no. 'Cause you tried to, you always said, I don't get it. And I said, I want you to think about what you saw. That's all. I was like, I want you to see, like, really dig down deep. What did you see and tell me? And you were like, I don't want to. And I was like, fine, I'll explain it. But like-- - Please explain to me. - Yeah, but I think this is actually good. You know what? I don't feel bad because I feel like this is a good example of me not influencing you. Because this and late night with a devil, we have very different opinions on, which by the way, speaking of Spencer, he also said that-- - Did he hate it? - Oh, he loves it. And he said that if we ever re-watch it to reach out and let him know. And I was like, I think Cass, after we got done, was like, you're not allowed to pick the movie we watch next. And I was like, yeah, fair enough. 'Cause you hated it so much. But I enjoyed it. It's like I enjoyed this movie. - Someone actually asked, like, this weekend, one of our friends, Taylor, asked if I've seen late night with a devil and it would be a good movie for girls night. And I was like, fuck no. I'm like, that won't be a good movie for anything. Do not watch it. It's not that bad, my God. I didn't love it as much as everyone else, but I definitely was like, oh, it's not even the world. It's so bad. It wasn't a movie. No, it wasn't like that, damn. No, I think I saw the TV glow. But I want to talk about it. I saw the TV glow. God damn it. Stop distracting me. It is distracting me. This movie's fucking awesome. This movie's incredible. If you have the chance to watch it, please watch it. It is so goddamn unsettling and it gets under your skin and it is so uncomfortable. It is such an uncomfortable watch. But it's also eye opening. And it is an incredible movie with so much to say. And every time you watch it, it gets better. Also, the score is fucking amazing. I made Cass listen to one specific song from the score, not the soundtrack, but the score. And every time I play it, you're like, can you please stop, please stop playing it. And I was like, I can't help it. This shit is amazing. So that is my number one movie of the year. When I re-watch Dune, I know for fact, it's not gonna touch this, but it'll at least move up over inside out too, possibly. - Yes. - We've been doing this for an hour. So let me just ask you one more question. Give me your five least favorite movies of the year, rapid fire. - All right. I'm gonna list them in one reason why they're bad. - Yeah, do it. But I want you to go from not the worst of the worst to the worst of the worst. - Yes. So five, Alice. J.L.A. can't act. We have to stop trying to put her in movies. - Four, mother of the bride. Very disappointed on this one because I really like Miranda Cosgove. It did not pass the vibe check. Three, night swim, stupid scary movie. Two, space man, giant ass spider. Stupid. - That's really number two. - Yes. - Whoa, that's shocking. That's my idea. - That's my most disappointing movie this year because I am an Adam Sandler. - And Adam Fandler? - I'm an Adam Sandler fan through and through. I love everything that man does. Space man, terrible, terrible. - Shocking, wow, I didn't actually hate it so much. - And number one. - Can I guess? - Sure. - Is it upgraded? - Nope. - Okay, what is it? - Late night with the devil. - Oh fuck off, get outta here. Get outta here, you're fucking, you're so mean. - I hated that movie. It was so weird and just not my cup of tea. - And I don't know what to say. Like I'm actually speechless. You hate this movie that much. It's below night swim. - Yes. - Why? Why did you hate it so much? You haven't been able to articulate why you hated it. You just say it's bad. - It's vibes, babe. It's vibes, I did not vibe with this movie. It was terrible. - I'm upset by that. - That is all. - I'm upset by that. Okay, let me do my bottom five. Five is Madam Webb, Dakota Johnson. I'm begging you to speak above a whisper at all. Like just talk like a normal person, a bag of you. Number four is Rebel Moon Part Two, the scar giver. Zack Snyder, we gotta stop giving this guy movies to direct. We gotta stop letting him write movies. We gotta stop letting him do director's cuts and he needs to stop abusing slow motion. Number three is imaginary. The same people who did night swim did imaginary. This movie could have been written by AI. I mean, it's that bad. I almost, it's one of two movies this year on this list that actually I almost walked out of 'cause it was so horrendous. Great concept. I think the concept is fun and unique and it could have been done well if maybe AI didn't write it. I'm just saying. Number two is the exorcism with Russell Crowe. His second exorcism movie in the last like two years, very strange. He needs to exercise his career because I almost walked out of this movie and said that. And last but not least, my number one least favorite movie of the year's mother of the bride. Netflix, you're a hallmark movies are worse than hallmark movies. It is so bad. I think I gave this movie half a star. Like it is horrendous. And I love Miranda Cosgrove. I can't watch that shit again. It's so bad. Give me your number one rapid fire. Most surprising and most disappointing movie. I already said disappointing, Space Man. Right. Most surprising, Snack Shack. 'Cause it came out of the blue. I did not see any previews for it. Went into it completely blind and it blew me away and I just loved that movie. My most surprising movie is also Snack Shack. I was trying to build up suspense, but it's also Snack Shack. This movie just came out of fucking nowhere. And it's a movie I keep thinking about. I wanna watch it every chance I get. Like it's an easy fun watch. It's a perfect summer movie. It's a great coming of age movies. You combine those two and it's like, what are we doing here? Why did this not have a wide release? Everyone needs to watch this movie. It breaks my heart. This was in theaters for like literally three days. And then they were like straight to voodoo. Well, the most disappointing movie. I have Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. Wow. Mainly because I unlike a lot of people enjoyed the Paul Rudd Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters afterlife, I believe it's called. I liked it. I'm not gonna lie, I gave it three and a half stars. I think it's fun. I don't think it's as good as the original, but it's entertaining. And it at least was Ghostbusters. We got something Ghostbusters E at the very least. And I think that the focus on the main character, the female main character was so important in the first one. And then in the sequel, they just throw all of it away. And I just didn't like what they were doing with the character at all. I think the second movie just has way too many characters stuffed in there that don't do anything. And they didn't spend enough time with the villain. I mean, the movie just sort of, the villain shows up. New York is frozen over in ice. And 10 minutes later, it's over. And they've won. Fuck off. - Yes. - I paid to see this. Fuck off. - That was my big complaint. It was like, it was so much build up and then literally defeated the enemy in literally five minutes. - And it's not even fun. It's not even like a climactic five minutes. It's just like, we gotta close the portal and bring him down into the portal. And then they just do that. Like they just fucking do it. So seriously, seriously, seriously disappointed in that movie. But that's it. We did the damn thing. We did our 10 favorite movies of 2024. Our most surprising, our most disappointing and our bottom five. - Thank you for making it this far. We'll put a poll down on the Spotify. We want you guys to interact with us. So please, please, please take a look at that. We appreciate it. And with that said, go watch a movie. - Data part. - Data sprains out. - Just wondering, you know, after the movie, if I don't go to print it, you know, they're not busy, man. We can go to a beach somewhere. - Pick up on Friday. - Oh, right. Writing, uh-uh. So, do you want to do something to me? - What's a wonderful day? [MUSIC]