Date Night with Ky & Kas

Ep 54 - Pixar Draft

Date Night (00:00), Trailer Game (15:18), Draft (18:51)   Since Ky and Kas sit at a 1-1 tie in the draft world, you dear listeners will decide who wins the tiebreaker in the latest draft episode! Topics include Inside Out 2, how Ky got in trouble with Kas because of Inside Out 2, time anxiety, our thoughts on Mufasa, and which Pixar movies are we missing!

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Date Night (00:00), Trailer Game (15:18), Draft (18:51)


Since Ky and Kas sit at a 1-1 tie in the draft world, you dear listeners will decide who wins the tiebreaker in the latest draft episode! Topics include Inside Out 2, how Ky got in trouble with Kas because of Inside Out 2, time anxiety, our thoughts on Mufasa, and which Pixar movies are we missing!

- Data part. - Data sprains out. - Just wondering, you know, after this movie, if I don't go to prison, you know, they're not busy, man, we can go to a peace subway. - Pick up on Friday. - Oh, right, Friday, uh-huh. - So, you wanna do something to me? - What a wonderful day! - So, I got in trouble this week with you. And before we dive into that, I'm your host for the episode, Kyle. And I'm the other host, Cassidy. - And this is date night. Um, yeah, let's dive into it. I got in trouble with you this week because I omitted that I saw inside out too, on Thursday, early. And you wanted to see it with me, Chase, and Ashley, on Friday. - Yeah. - And I just didn't tell you until after I'd watched the movie already that I had seen it. - Yeah, and the real kicker here is, I had already asked about seeing it with him on Friday, about 30 to 40 minutes before he went and watched it. - I was so confident, so confident, that I was like, you sent it to me. They sent me the text that you wanted to watch it, like, right before the movie started. And I couldn't avoid going to the movies 'cause I was already there and I couldn't get a refund. And you were like, "Check the time, check the time." And I was like, "I will." And I was so confident, but I actually did check the time. And you sent it to me about five minutes before you even left for the movie. - Yeah. - And so you were like, you got to watch it twice then, because I'm making you go. And I was like, "All right, fair enough." So I've seen it inside out twice now. - Yes. - And both times I liked it. - Yeah, it was very good. You may think that we're talking about inside out, even though you can see the name of the podcast. (laughing) And it's not, but that is the movie we watched this week, and we were gonna do a podcast on it. But then we decided, Kyle decided, why don't we just do a whole Pixar draft? - Yeah, why not? We haven't done a draft since like Christmas. - Was it out of Sandler? - No, it was the Christmas draft, I believe, wasn't it? Someone has to look that up 'cause I actually don't know. But I think it was, I think it went our, did we have, do we have only done two drafts? Out of Sandler and Christmas? - Did we do, I don't know? - I don't know. I think that's it. I think we've only done two drafts. I don't know, but I think we've only done two drafts, and the audience voted that you won out of Sandler, but I won the Christmas draft. - Yeah, it's barely. - Barely. You always have these late pushes. I was killing you in the out of Sandler one, and then all of a sudden, like right before it times out, I go to look and you're up by like 20%. I'm like, what the fuck happened? But the Christmas won, the Chris strategy, you play in the long game, it doesn't make any sense at all. I love that, that doesn't make any sense, that's great. But because of that, we decided, why don't we do a draft, especially because like Pixar is like, so fame, everybody knows Pixar, everyone has seen almost every Pixar movie if they haven't seen all of them. You know what I mean? So I feel like this is just a very fun little thing that we could do, and talk about inside out too, a little bit, you know what I mean? I'm gonna have to talk about it all the way along with it, but I had a good time. I think my biggest issue watching it the second time was that the, that forgot about the Bluffy Fanny Pack thing, we're gonna spoil the shit out of this. So if you don't want to listen to this part, skip ahead a little while because in the timestamp, it'll all stamp it, but we're gonna spoil the movie a little bit here, it's unavoidable. But that whole Fanny Pack thing, it's just like, I hated it, man. And it just ruined like the second time I watched it, I was like, yeah, man, I had a lot more issues with this than I noticed the first time. I think it's 'cause I got the hype out of the way and I watched it and I was like, ooh, baby, I love this movie. And then I was at the second time and I was like, yeah, it's got issues for sure. - I would say the Fanny Pack thing is the only thing that really I just did not like-- - It's obnoxious, right? - I did not vibe with the Fanny Pack. - On top of that, it just was like, this is how we're gonna solve the issue, is this magical Fanny Pack. I just, I didn't, the best part of it was anger, grabbed it and started shoving his hand down the Fanny back to the throat and started pulling out the dynamite and I was like, that sentence, if you have his movie makes no sense by the way. As the words are coming out of my mouth, I'm like, this can't be real funny. - Oh, how do we actually explain this? Any matter, we can. - We're not gonna. But yeah, that was my biggest issue. I also think the movie just like, it kind of meanders in the middle a little bit. Like the beginning is so fast paced and so good and then the middle is just like, one thing to the next without like, really diving into what anything is. - Yeah. - I don't know, just, I'm being a little nitpicky there, but I think it's just like, there are things I noticed a second time. I still rated it four and a half because that's what I gave it the first time and I was like, not gonna knock this down to four, but it's probably closer to four than a four and a half. - Yeah, the beginning when they introduce all the new emotions, so exciting. - I loved it. Yeah, all the emotions coming in was good. I like that a lot. - And then I do get the anxiety like pushing, sending away most of the childhood emotions. - Also Joel, like if you think about it, the emotions that came up with anxiety were ones that like, it's embarrassment, anxiety, envy or jealousy, I can't remember. - And boredom. - And boredom. So that's like, these are all emotions that teenagers feel for sure, like upfront. Like that's definitely like, like you go through puberty and bam, all these things are just there. And so they do send away those like emotions that we've, you know, come below. - But it was the like, traveling around to try to get the thing. - Yeah. - Yeah. - What's it even called? - The belief system. - The belief system. Getting that, bringing it back in and just all the things in between kind of sort of down a little bit. And then the end was again really exciting 'cause it was like watching them. The way they portrayed a panic attack was just chef's kiss. - Yeah, we've gotten a lot of panic attacks in movies recently and like kids movies and I think that's a good thing. - Yeah. - Like it's a good thing because I think kids, you know, they get panic attacks don't know the fuck's going on, you know? - Right. - And so when they see in the movie, they're probably more apt to be like, "That's what's going on than me." - Exactly. - And so they get it a little bit better. They understand a little better. So I think the beginning and end fantastic. I think it's just that the middle is just like, it's a little-- - It's a little journeying. - Yeah. And it's not even like fun journeying either. It's just like one thing after another. We never get time to just like have a downbeat. - Yeah. - And so I just, that's sort of where I am. - My favorite moments of the middle are when we are back in Riley's brain where like anxiety and all of that more. - See, I think it's weird that I actually think I enjoyed the aspects of the real world more in this one than watching like the emotions. And I don't know why. I think it's because it was more intense. Like Riley's like pint hockey and she's just like got more to lose in this one, I feel like. - Right. - And so I just vibe with that a little more, I think. But you know, it is what it is. We also saw this movie with Chase and Ashley. It was, I think, their idea to go see it, wasn't it? - It was. My brother texted me on Thursday before Kyle went to see inside out too. - This is true. - And I texted him to see if he wanted to go. And he didn't even mention that he was planning on going to see it today. - It is true. - Or that day. - It is true. - Didn't even mention it. - Because I didn't want to cancel my reservation that I'd made already. I was like, I'm so excited to get to see inside out too. Early, let's go. - And then even mention it until the night before or the day of. - No, the night before I mentioned it to you and Chase FaceTimed you. - Oh yeah. - But then we, they came over, we had dinner and then we went to the movie. You know, we didn't really ask them what they thought of the movie because you and I are so used to being like-- - 'Cause they didn't even talk about it. - Yeah, exactly. - But we thought we were doing the podcasts on it. We're like, okay, don't talk about it. 'Cause we never, like if we see it with me that we're going to talk about podcasts, we will not share our feelings until we do the podcast. So like, we didn't talk about it at all. I don't even know if they liked it. - Genuinely. And I think it's because not for lack of caring. I wanted to know what they thought of the movie. But I just were so, you and I specifically, we've gotten so good at like when a movie ends, we just go our separate ways and we like take a moment to think and we don't talk about the movie. You're better at it than me right now, specifically for some reason I can't shut up like with challengers. For like 20 minutes after challengers, I was just talking at you and multiple times, you were like, you've got to stop. - Save it. - Save it, save it, save it. - I'm like, you're making it not authentic when we talk about a podcast. - So I think, I think, I genuinely don't know what they thought of the movie. We'll have to reach out and ask. Chase, Ashley, let us know what you thought of the movie. Like we're assholes, we didn't even, we didn't even ask. - I don't even know. - Because when the movie was over, I remember saying to you, I was like, okay, zip it from here, we can't talk about it. And you were like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was it. And so we just never talked about this. - I also want to talk about Kyle's movie anxiety, a little bit here. - Okay, here we go. - So, I mean, before I started dating Kyle, I used to be the type of person that like, I'm like, if I walk in during the previews, I'm early, right? - As long as the movie hasn't started, as long as the movie is still in its first 10 minutes, I feel like you feel like you're early. - I don't want to miss the, the, any of the movie, but if the previews are still rolling, I've got there and plenty of time. Kyle's not that way. - Fuck no. - At all. Kyle has to be seated before the credits, before the previews start rolling. - Yes. - Like I did the fucking, what does that even call the whole thing maybe? - Just the pre-show. - The pre-show. - Yeah, the front and center bullshit, the movie. He needs to be seated during that. - Yes. - Chase grew up with me, obviously, so he's a lot like me in the ass with, where like, ah, you get there during the previews, you're fine. So Kyle's a little stressed. - I said, I said to everyone, I was like, we need to leave in nine minutes. And Castle was like, please stop. And I was like, no, no, no, no, nine minutes. - Yes. So we got there five minutes before the previews would have started. - Yes. I'm not missing the previews. And you should be thankful we didn't miss the previews, 'cause we got a trailer game to do too. - Oh, are we doing the trailer game? - Hell yeah, we're doing the trailer game. - Um, and so Kyle's like, I'm gonna find the seats, he told me to go in there. And they just like, takes off and me, Chase and Ashley like, okay, we're like, we're gonna get snacks. - I printed out the tickets and walked away. That's pretty much exactly what happened. I was like, I gotta agree on my seat, man, I'm done. I did my part. - And whenever Kyle does that, I'm not nice enough to get him snacks as well. - Well, I also didn't want anything, 'cause I had just been to the theater the day before that. And I was at the theater the day before that. - Kyle saw five movies in the last week. - I went Wednesday twice, I went Thursday twice, and I went Friday night after work. I went five times. I sent you a Snapchat, and it was like a picture. I think it was Wednesday, that was like, it's so nice to be home. And it was just me alone in the theater. And I was like, this is fantastic. - Yeah. - Went home away from home. - So it's just funny, I was like, I'm swear to God he's not being rude, he just was anxiety about this. - And I even said, I think I said, it was moving so fast that I might not have said it, but I was like, not trying to be an asshole. We just, we need to get there. Like, my anxiety would not allow me to walk in. I even said it was like, if we aren't there by the time the trailer start, we're not going. - And Kyle is pacing us chasing Ashley or eating their brains. - Yeah, and it's not like, it's not because I'm like, it's not because of them, or like, it's just the fact of time, I'm so time aware. - I grew up that if you are not 15 minutes earlier, you're fucking late. And so we were on time to everything. We were always 15 minutes early. And so like, that's just how I am as a person. Like, I need to be 15 minutes early. - Yeah, I grew up with a mom who's saying was, I'm never early. I'm usually about just on time, or one to two minutes late. And not the philosophy I live by. And you know what, nothing bad ever happened. - It was just stressful for me because I don't. - Nothing bad ever happened. But yeah, it's just funny, as we're all waiting in line for concessions with cows, like, gotta go. - Yeah. - Until we get in there, he's already seated, feet up in the air. - Damn, right. - He's ready to go. - I'd ask the lady next to me, I was like, are you excited for the movie? - No, you didn't. - 'Cause I sat down in the seat. I left a seat between us until you guys were coming in and then I was gonna hop over, but then I was like, I'll just do it now, just hop over. As I sat down, I said, you excited? And she turned and looked at me, and then looked back at the screen, and I was like, not much of a chatter, are we? All right. I was like, here we go. - It's funny that she bought that seat, 'cause who, I mean, besides you, not many people go to the movies alone. - I don't know, I feel like it's, I feel like more people do it than people think. - Maybe. - There are a lot of people on. - You can see the other people there, 'cause you go during, like, - I was gonna say. - The same times and most people on the same. - Yes, exactly. When I go on, like, a Wednesday, like, two, it's me and, like, four people, but none of us went with anyone. It's just, like, four random people scattered throughout the theater. - Yeah. But I specifically bought the seats I bought, because I knew there would only be one on the inside of us, and I was like, no one's gonna buy that one. - Oh, she wanted to see inside out that batch. Like, I wanna sit next to it. - I was gonna buy the one to get it. So Kyle, I'm like, so I can put Kyle there, 'cause Kyle gets stressed in crowds, and so I was like, we can stick Kyle there, and he'll be happy as a clam if no one's next to him. Apparently, he got a lady that did not want a chat. - Yeah, she don't want a chat. And then when the movie ended, she got up and walked away, and I was gonna tell her, there's two incredible scenes, don't leave, but then I was like, you didn't answer me earlier, so I'm just not gonna say anything. I thought not knowing how the incredible-- - There. - Yeah, she probably was turned, looked at me, and walked away again, you know what I mean? But I think the theater was awesome, too. I think both viewings I had. Everyone, it's a kids' movie. So you expect kids to just be loud and talk a little bit, which is fair, kids' movie. As I think it was, I was really surprised about how tame everything was. I was really surprised. There was this one kid towards the front, who sounded really young, and he was babbling a little bit. But I was like, yeah, this is what movies are supposed to be. It's a kids' movie, you can't get upset with that. - Oh, interesting. I'm pretty sure I told you that. - Tell me what? - When you were worried about the theater being fun, like, baby, this is how movies are gonna be viewed. - No, because when I went Thursday, it was all adults. There were no kids. - That's funny. - Right, which is, so I was expecting, I honestly expected more adults than kids on Friday, because that's how it was Thursday, but then it was just a shit ton of kids and just a parent bringing them around. And they would be like, do you know how expensive it is? I'm so sorry, I just like this thought popped into my head. The seats in front of us. There were five girls and two parents. How expensive was that? - They go to the movies once a year, babe. They aren't going everywhere. - No, I know, but like, they have to like, get a loan out to go to the theater without any kids. There's no way. - Did you, I think you're the one that showed me that TikTok one time of being like, I brought mine. - Yeah, she brought her 12 kids. - 12 kids and their friends to the theater, and I got them each a large popcorn, and of course they needed the special, whatever, and she's like, the total of what I said. - She spent, it was like, - It was 588 just on the concessions. I don't remember what the tickets were, but it was 588 on concessions, bro. - Like 500 in 88 dollars. - No, $5 in 88 cents. - But I think we should get into the trailer game. - Let's do the trailer game. Wow, you're driving today, I like that. - Driving 'cause you're babbling. - We got three trailers, which I wanna point out, which is very strange, because when I went Thursday, there was no trailer, there were no trailers and there wasn't a pre-show. The screen was black until the start time of the movie, and then the movie just started. So I thought that's how it was gonna go this Friday night, but they ended up playing three trailers, and we have three new trailers to talk about. The first being Moana 2. - March. - Yeah. - I'm a Moana girl, I'm still putting Moana on, probably three times a week to bed. - Yeah. - And I only get to pick half the days. - Yeah. (laughing) - It's all the days. It is true, you pick that, and you use picking Kanto just as much, but it is a lot of Moana. I'm excited, I'm excited for it. I think the animation looks great. I'm excited to see what the story is, because they didn't, the trailer doesn't reveal anything, which is fine with me. I was actually really enjoyed that. So Moana 2 from both of us is an absolute watch. - Yeah, 100%. - Next up, we have Mufasa. How we feel? How we feel about Mufasa? - Watch. Honestly, any Disney movie I'm gonna watch it. So-- - Disney, Pixar, whatever, I'm in. - So what's funny is I went to go see Watchers on Thursday, and they were these two older women in front of me. And they were saying how, 'cause they played the trailer for Mufasa before Watchers, which is an insane thing to do, 'cause Watchers is like a horror movie. (laughing) I was like, "What's your target audience here?" But the lady said, and I quote, 'cause I had to refrain from laughing. She goes, "Disney's run out of ideas." And I was like, "Lady, people have been saying this "for decades, decades." - I think it's cool because you actually hear like the trailer, Mufasa came from no royal bloodline. - Yeah, he was like an outcast. - Yeah. - One thing that does strike me is Billy Eichner is in the cast, and so is Seth Rogen. But Simba's the one that meets Tumona Pumba. So I'm wondering if it's like them telling the story or what the deal is with that, because they're listed on the cast. - Maybe. - But they're not, they didn't meet Mufasa at all. So I am interested to see that. I'm interested to see where this goes, but I hate that they're using these hyper-realistic animals because you can't show any emotion on those faces. So it's like, you just have to do so much heavy lifting with the dialogue that you could do with just animating it, you know? - Yeah. - It's a 50/50 for me. It comes out around Christmas time, I'll probably watch it, but I might wait until it's on Disney+. Who knows? - Oh yeah. - The last trailer we got, I'm very excited for it. It's going to make me weep. The reviews are already coming out for it. And people are saying you're gonna cry, grab the tissues. That is the wild robot. - Oh, watch. So I only watch this because Kyle said that the reviews were insane, because honestly watching the trailer, I'm like, "Okay." - Right, the trailer, this is no longer-- - It gives you nothing. - No, yeah. I wanted to ask you how you felt about that, because the trailer gives you like, not even like an idea of what the premise could be. - No, it just looked really beautifully like animating. - The animation is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. I'm excited for it. I can't wait to watch it. What do you think? Are you gonna watch it or not? - Yeah, I'll watch it. - Okay. - Because you'll make me, no, I was kidding. It does look really beautiful. - Now when the movies I've seen where I don't make you go, 'cause you imagine if I made you go see all these movies that I want to watch. (laughing) All right. - We'd be very, I'd be very unhappy in this relationship if that was the case. - If I made you go and watch me. - Okay, fair enough. - Five movies a week and a dinner, no, thank you. - We couldn't afford to see five movies in the theater. So let's just, that's it. Let's just jump into our draft now. So we're gonna do this draft a little differently than we usually do. We are gonna do the snake drafts. So whoever picks first, we'll pick second in the next round. But we're gonna pick from the same category at the same time. So what we usually do is draft from whatever category you want, which does lend a bit of a strategic hand to you if you use it well. So we're not gonna do that. We're just gonna go snake draft, pick from the same category. Cass, I want you to read off the six categories that we have. - We have OG Pixar, sequels and people. - Sequels. - Sequels and prequels, streaming only, Academy Noms, Disney Pixar, and Belietam Dry. - Yes, so we'll go through these categories as we go. We don't need to spend time talking about now. We'll just do when we get there. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna play Rock Paper Scissors. Cover wins gets the pick first. Ready? Let's do it. - Best two out of three? - What do you want to do? Up to you. - I think. - Home field advantage. You got home first today, so you get to decide. - I think for the listeners ears, we should just do it one time. - Okay, well, we'll just one will use our hand. - Oh, I don't know how to do it that way, how to do it. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - Yeah. - Damn it, every time, bro. I guess not to rock. I guess not to rock every fucking time we play rock every scissors. I think it's because my brain goes rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors. So my brain is just like rocks the first thing. It's just a rock. They'll never see it coming. But I throw rock every time I play. - You do. - Every fucking time. All of these beat me with that, probably a thousand times a chapel. Oh God. All right, go ahead. What are we picking first? - All right, I am going to pick from OG Pixar. - OG Pixar. - All right. So OG Pixar, I made these categories. So I'll explain them. OG Pixar, if you don't know, Pixar was an independent studio before it was owned by Disney. So their first like five movies they ever made were not Disney movies. They were just Pixar movies. In 2006, Disney bought Pixar, like outright. And so then they gained their library and every movie, moving forward from there, was released under Disney Pixar. So these are the OG Pixar movies. This is what Pixar was prior to Disney. So go ahead and read off what we have. - We have Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles. - Any of these you haven't seen? Seen them all, right? - Seen them all. - Perfect. What are you taking? - I'm taking Finding Nemo. - Whoa, okay, whoa. Genuinely did not see that coming. - No, really? - I thought you were going to take Toy Story for sure. - No, I don't, I... - Say it. - I'm not a huge fan of Toy Story. - That's fine. - And I know... - It's only one of the most beloved franchises of all time. - I know it's going to get me some hate, but I just got to be true to myself. And Toy Story would maybe be my fourth pick. - Is it only a head of a Bug's Life? - Yes. - Is it because you haven't seen a Bug's Life since 1999? - Yeah. - Yeah, I was like, I really watched it as like a three year old and never revisited it. - No, no, no, no, that was one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, so Finding Nemo is my pick hands down because there's nothing like Marlon and Dory. - Marlon, that's his name. - Marlon. - Yes. - I was trying to remember his name for the life of me. - And then, I mean, Dory... - She's iconic. - She's iconic. And I know Ellen DeGeneres plays her, which used to be amazing, but now that Ellen DeGeneres is as amazing as a person. Um, still, she played Dory Great. - Yeah. - You gotta give her the props for that. - Yeah. - Um, what was fantastic? - The turtles. - Yeah, oh my God, the turtles are iconic. They have their own thing at like Disney World, don't they? - Yeah, they're just like, Finn, Noggin. - Dude, what's so funny is when we first started dating, that's what we did when we saw each other. We'd be like, Finn, Noggin, dude. I don't know why we stopped doing that, that's classic. - They're just, I love that scene. I love Nemo with the fishies in the tank and his relationship with- - Oh my God, he had. - Scar? I don't think that's his name. - Scar, that's fine. - I don't think that's his name. - He's got that giant ass scar, so. - The guy that like, manically cleans the tank. - Yeah. - And, the, oh, Dora. - Yeah. - Like, fishy, fishy, fish, it's just iconic. The seagull, is it a seagull? No, it's the one with the big gully thing. - Pelican. - A pelican. Yeah. - Yeah. - Anyway, I love finding Nemo. - Good movie. - I live in S.E.A.A. and then a nanomie. - He's seen this fantastic. He's seen this fantastic. - So, hands down for me finding Nemo. - Is that your favorite Pixar movie of all time? - Um. - It's up there. - It's up there, yeah. A lot of people probably say it is, to be honest. Like, that's pretty solid pick. I am not gonna take Toy Story either. I'm gonna take Monsters Inc. - Yeah, that was my second choice. So good choice, babe. - Yeah, I actually love Monsters Inc. I love Monsters University. Like, they are both so good. There's just something about like, - We're always watching you as a house game. - Yeah. - Always watching. - I'm like, this is fucking fantastic. - I was just about to say, like, another movie with such iconic lines and that's one of them. - And also, like, the scenes where, like, they just, they get the saw, that one guy has the sock stuck to him. And they have to, like, decontaminate him, bro. That scene gave me nightmares growing up, like-- - And also, boo. - Yeah. - So adorable. So my, I was obsessed with this movie so much, so that my uncle, when I was really, really young, and this movie had just come out, and I was obsessed with it. And he went out and bought me this, like, pack of action. They were, like, little figurines action figures. They were, like, I don't know, like, yay big for the audience at home, probably, like, I don't know, two inches. And they were, like, little tiny figurines. And it was, like, every character in the movie. - Yeah. - And I was obsessed, obsessed with them. That was one of the best gifts ever. So that's my pick, Monsters Inc. - I'm gonna go into the Academy nomination section. - Okay. - Because this is my category right here. And we have Inside Out, Rata Tubi, Cars and Wall-E. I've not seen Cars in a very long time, but, like, I didn't realize it was nominated for a best animated picture. Insane. But I'm gonna take Inside Out. - I'm not surprised by that. - No, it shouldn't surprise you. I was just surprised anyone who knows me, because Inside Out is probably my top 15 movies of all time. I think it is a fucking certified masterpiece. It's mandatory viewing for me. When I found out you hadn't seen it, I was like, we failed. - Yeah, I had-- - Like, I failed you as a person. - I hadn't seen it until Kyle made me watch it. Like, what, last year? - It was while we were here, wasn't it? Paige was here. - No, yeah. - Paige was here, she's like, you've never seen Inside Out. And I was like, this is what I'm talking about. She's uncultured. We gotta get her cultured, real quick. But I think it's just one of the best movies for, like, a coming-of-age movie. And they did a great job with the sequel, but there's nothing like that original movie. And it's like the first original Disney Pixar movie that probably is like, I would say a masterpiece. It's like, they have great movies. Disney Pixar is great. But like, the first movie released under them that is like actually certified five out of five in my opinion. - Really? - That's the only one. - I've also never seen Up. I've never seen Ratatouille, and I've never seen Walie. - Oh my gosh, that is criminal. Never having seen Up. - Oh, I mean, I've seen Up. I've seen Up. I don't know why I said that. I've seen Up. We watched Up. You made me watch it. - Yeah. - I haven't seen Ratatouille and Walie or Coco. That's the other one. I've seen Coco. Anyway, if I didn't just give it away, my pick is Up. - Yeah, I mean, that's a good pick. - Up is one of those movies that hits you in the feels, but also is hilarious. - Schooling hot take right now? - Yeah. - I think people like Up because of the first 30 minutes. - You think so? - And I think that first 30 minutes wins them over so well that they can't see past it. I think the movie is good. I do not think it's like a masterpiece, and I think it gets compared to these masterpieces, but I think it's because those first 30 minutes are so fucking good that people, it ruined you. It builds you up with this love story and then it ruined you. You know what I mean? - Yeah, see, I really, really love the dynamic between Carl and Russell. - Yeah, I like the dog. That's where I'm at. - And dog. - Yes, dog the dog, Carl, the old man, and Russell, the little boy, the little camp boy. I love him. I actually had a friend in high school who said I reminded her of Russell. - You give off Russell energy a lot. And I give off Carl energy, so that's what we're about to come around so well. - And then Russell falling in love and taking care of Kevin, the big bird. - Yep. - And then keeping Doug the dog. And also it's just like really like the visual, the visual, the house with all the balloons is very visually appealing to me. All the colors of the balloons. - You can stay in that house now. - I know. - Would you? - Maybe not lift it in the air. - If you're like, you have to stay on the ground the whole time. - Yeah, please don't lift this in the air. But yeah, Russell's just hilarious. I love the dynamic between the two and it's just a really cute story. - Yeah, I definitely think it is probably the second best on this category here behind inside out. - And then cars. Cars is an honorable mention. - You love cars that much. - It's an honorable mention. - I need to read this one. - It's better than walling around two E. - I think that's probably a hotter take than my take. That's scorching hot. Keep that one. - I'd be like, with a pollinator. - Oh my, you would fucking love tomato. That's great. All right. - What do we do next? - We are doing sequels and prequels. - I think I know what you're gonna take here. - Probably. - I've got to take Finding Dory. - Oh, yes, totally. I'm gonna guess. When you were talking up Dory so much and finding Nemo, I was like, oh, she's absolutely gonna take Finding Dory. - I love Finding Dory. I love when you see Dory as a little Dory and it's so cute. I actually just re-watched that scene on TikTok that day. - Yeah. And I also just love how they always, like she always, they had her finder way back with leaving a trail of shells. - Yeah. - And when she finally comes home and finds her parents again, there's just like shell tracks everywhere because they've been trying to get Dory to find her way home. - They never stopped looking. - They never stopped looking for her. And it's just so cute. And I just love that they're still alive. And I just love that storyline of her. Like she's finally realized that she's like, I had parents. Like she starts to get those little like visions of when she was a kid and she knows she has to go home and she just does it in her own Dory way. And it's just so cute. - Yeah. I've seen them very long time, but I remember being an octopus. Is that right? - Yeah. - Is there an octopus? - Yeah. - Remember liking the octopus? I don't know why. And I don't remember anything else from that movie, but I remember the octopus and her going home obviously 'cause it's like the huge emotional moment. And it really works. - She gets put in an aquarium, like at a big huge aquarium and there's the whale, right? - Sure. No, I don't remember the whale. - There's a whale that, I think there's two whales, but one of them is like the whale that uses echolocation. - Yeah. - Anyway. - Yeah, I was gonna say, if you're asking me, I can't do it. - And we're gonna have to rewatch it so you remember. - Yeah, that's fine. I'm cool with that. - I'm just gonna find any more first. - And there's the bird, I'm just gonna object, the bird that carries them in the pale. Because Marlon's trying to help Dory find, so technically it's a sequel. I was like, it's finding, as I was picking it, I'm all over the place right now, sorry guys. I was trying to figure out if finding Dory was prequel or sequel, but I just remembered that Marlon's in it because the bird carries Marlon in a bucket of water. - Yeah. This is that rustle energy that we're talking about right here. (laughing) - No, but so I couldn't remember, like when I was putting it in this category, I was like, damn, is this a sequel or a prequel? I genuinely can't remember. But I felt it was a prequel, 'cause I remember her going home as an adult and I was like, that can't have happened beforehand, right? The only prequel in here is Monster's University, but I didn't want to just call it sequels and have someone go, hey, idiot, Monster's University was a prequel. So I just, you know, I left it. My pick, this is tough, but I'm gonna go Toy Story 2. I think the introduction of Jesse to the franchise is a hands down with the best introductions of any character. - Interesting. - She is fantastic and the whole scene where you find out her backstory is heartbreaking. I also just like, can I remember his name for the life of me, but the dude who collects them? Like, he's genuinely terrifying. He's like a disturbing dude. So I just, like, I remember-- - He's like, cause like, I like the horror aspect. - Yeah, I like to be terrified as a child. No, he just gives off, like, creepy, neck-beared energy and it like turned me away from the movie for a long time. And then as an adult, when I revisited it, I was like, okay, I can watch this again, I'm obviously scared, right? 50/50, depends on the day, I guess, but it's a great movie, it's fantastic. Some people say it's better than the first. I gotta take issue with that cause I don't think it's better than the first. I'm just, I don't think it's actually better than the first Toy Story, but I do think it's probably the best sequel on this list. - I actually really like "Incredibles" too. - Do you really? - Yeah. - Thought it was okay. I thought it was just like, okay, it best is fine. - I like Jack Jack. - I mean, Jack Jack's the man. Jack Jack's shorts are better than "Incredibles" too. Like those, the little short videos, they're movies like a little, what do they call them? - Yeah, it's good. - What do they call them? Like this picks our shorts, this what they're called. And they just like put those before and after the movies. I fucking love Jack Jack. When he's got the babysitter and he's like floating around and like vanishes and then he's outside fighting a raccoon, it's the best thing I've ever seen. - Also, "Alastair Girl" will always be a baddie. - Yes. - She's like one of those cartoon characters that little boys used to jerk off to. - Okay, wow. That was out of pocket. - You know what's so weird is like when, like boys are like, they grew up finding cartoon, like animated females attractive. Like actually attractive. And it like. - Have you seen "The Friend" Roger Rabbit? - No, but I know. - That's all I have to say. - I know. - That's all I have to say. - I know what you're talking about. - It's classic. All right, moving on. I'm gonna pick from the streaming only category. Now these three movies, these three movies have one thing in common. And it's that they were never released in theaters prior to this year. Now in 2024, they decided to release soul turning red and Luca once a month for three months straight in theaters 'cause they didn't get the chance to go to theaters. Now Cass already knows what I'm taking because she's crossing it off and she's 100% right 'cause I'm taking turning red. - Oh, no. - I do not know if there's a better movie about periods in existence. This movie is incredible and it's probably the sole reason besides are you there got to be Margaret that like, I really want a daughter. This movie, I was like, I hope she got, she's like this little girl. - She's like, I need a raging red pan out. - It's just like, it's just the way the movie plays out and her character and like the way she's just discovered herself and like her parents care for her is awesome. It's just fantastic. And I'm not gonna lie that boy band that they go see. It's the songs that they sing are a little infectious. I kind of hate it 'cause it's like, I'm not supposed to like them, but I do. They're not bad. - I was just thinking like, I gotta rewatch it just for the song. - It's actually, yeah, the songs actually are very good. I also think it's, the reason I think I like it too is that, I don't know how to word this correctly. So bear with me here. This is like an authentic story to the person who made it. And so you can feel the love that is going into that because it's not just like a random, you know, sequel to something. This is a true, not a true story, but this is like someone's feelings about what they went through growing up as a little girl. - And like, what about like, how it actually feels like hip, he already in like half a period. - Yes, exactly. And I think it speaks to so many people that like Toy Story 3 and 4 don't and can't. - That's it. - They don't have that kind of energy behind them. And so I think it's just a really authentic take. And I'm really saddened to know that Pixar is not going to make a movie like that anymore. Pixar released a statement saying they're really only gonna focus. After Ilio comes out next year, they're gonna really focus on IP. They're gonna hammer in more sequels. And the original content they will be giving you will be less focused on individual experiences and more focused on things that appeal to a wider audience. And I think that sucks because these three movies specifically weren't released in theaters. So of course they're gonna have bad box office numbers. They never gone to the box office. And streaming just isn't working. You don't get the numbers in streaming. You would if you had it in theaters. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - And so I think that it just really, really sucks that they're gonna move forward with that. - I agree. So I think I'm gonna shock you here. - Yeah, I think you are. - Because I probably look good quite a bit. - Wow, you're really gonna do this, huh? - But. - Whoa. - I'm gonna have to go as soul. - Whoa. Explain yourself right now. We've watched this movie exactly one time. - I know. - I got my elbows on my knees. I need an answer. I think Luca is a little bit, I feel like not a lot of people have seen Luca. It's a little bit niche. I also think the older generation of kids that like to watch Pixar, such as myself, appreciate the storyline of soul. Again, it's one of those movies that actually has a deep meaning. And I like movies, I like how when Pixar does movies like this, that help explain difficult topics to children. - I love that, yeah. No, I agree, 100%. - I like it. Like turning red periods inside out how to deal with your emotion. - It's something that-- - Soul, death. - And Luca, quite honestly, sexuality? - I guess. - And I think that something kids should, like this list of things you just said, every kid's gonna go through that. And so I think having a child like, a safe child like representation of those things is so important. And that's why these movies need to exist and they're gonna take them away, you know? - I think they're super important and I like that they've been coming out that even elemental, like that's some aspect of racism and dating in interracial couples and how the like the trials and tribulations they go through. And I think it's a huge deal to like teach kids about these things in a way that is easier for them to absorb, but it also doesn't feel so scary. - Agreed, I could not agree more. I think that's fantastic. I think that's fantastic. 'Cause I think it deals with very, very difficult conversations and topics that we as adults even have issues dealing with at times and puts it in a safe, comforting way for you to just interact with that. I wholeheartedly agree, that's fantastic. All right, move on, take your pick. I gave you your praise. - I am going to go. - Hold on, we only have two categories left, am I right? - Yes. - Okay. - I am going to go with Disney Pixar. - Yes, so this category is exactly what it sounds like. Disney Pixar is, these are movies that Disney, that Pixar released under the Disney Pixar label. Now, everything after Incredibles is Disney Pixar, but these are just ones I didn't know what to do with and I didn't know what categories to put them in. So that is why they're here. The options are onward, cocoa, brave, elemental, and good dinosaur. And I'm gonna choose cocoa. - Oh, okay, yeah. Kyle actually hasn't seen cocoa. - Right, no, I've never seen it. I was shocked to find out one how highly rated this is on everything, everything. And two, how many people actually have this as their number one Pixar movie? I've never seen it. - It's a beloved story. - I know the premise, and I've seen bits and pieces of it, 'cause when we were in Bremerton with Aussie and Taylor, they would put it on for nonsense and stuff. And so I got bits and pieces, never watched it. Never watched it once. - I think this is another movie that kind of deals with like a difficult topic, but I also love the education on the importance of de Los Muertos to the Hispanic culture. But also, cocoa can jam on the-- - I was gonna say, how much of this is actually that it's got music. - And it's musical. (laughing) Why do I like it? It's a musical, but yeah, I'm gonna have to go with cocoa. Also, it's just a really pretty, like a pretty movie, like the colors and the animation and the last stuff. It's really fun to watch. - I mean, even the cover is like full of color. - Really delightful to the senses. - Yeah, my pick here. Some people are gonna be really upset that I'm not taking onward here, 'cause I'm gonna take elemental. I have to admit-- - Interesting, 'cause you didn't like that movie. - I have to, I gave it three and a half stars. Twice. I have to admit, I think it's partly because of "Steal the Show", that song that plays in that movie. - The song that we listen to on "Reepy" and "The Marmal" - Oh, we listen to it a lot. We listen to it a lot. I listen to it a lot. I love that song. - It's a really good song. - I think maybe it's that song that has softened me to this movie, but like you said, and quite honestly was "Steal the Deal" because it was up between onward and elemental. What's "Steal the Deal" for me is when you talked about just now, like it deals with some crazy, difficult topics, like dating within different cultures, which onward has its own topics, like growing up without a father. Yeah, that's difficult, but there's just something about elemental that like hits home for me. And I don't think it should've nominated for best picture. I think that's still wild. A little dial meadow, that's not a hot take. I think that's an ice cold take, but I do think it's a fine movie. And it's a movie that I actually will revisit and I will continue to bump "Steal the Show" because I think it's one of the best songs that we've gotten in a long time from like a Disney movie. So last category here, and I get to go first. We've got the category called "Bleedom Dry". - Yeah. - Now, this is the category that none of us are very passionate about. - Yeah, this is where-- - I'll tell you what I get, what that's gonna go-- - Exactly, this is sort of like, this is why it's last because it's like-- - No one wanted to even pick for me. - All right, and we call it "Bleedom Dry" because these are just franchise movies or knock off movies that just one didn't need to happen or two are cashing in on a payday. And those movies include "Toy Story 3", "Toy Story 4", "Cars 3", and "Light Year". Now, I am not saying I do not think these movies are good. In fact, I think "Toy Story 3", "Toy Story 4" are just fine. "Cars 3" can go suck an egg-- - I didn't know there was a "Cars 3". - Yeah, it's not good. - But I didn't even know there was a "Cars 2", so-- - Yeah. But, I mean, that shows you how much we care about these movies right now. That's why they're here. They're just trying to make a buck and "Light Year". I watched, I have to be very forthcoming here. I've only seen half of "Light Year", and that was enough for me. I was like, I get it, I'm good. I don't need to watch this anymore. Because it feels just like a cash grab on "Toy Story". I just don't like that. So, I'm gonna go ahead and take the lesser of the evils here, and I'm gonna go "Toy Story 4". I love "Forky". I think it's insane that Disney decided to make an actual toy out of "Forky", which is literally just a spork with like, those, like, pipes attached for its arms, and, like, pipes attached for its arms and legs, and it's got like markers drawn on for eyes, 'cause any parent anywhere could have made that for like 30 cents, an unlimited supply of them for 30 cents. But Disney's like, no, here's a 29.99 toy you have to buy. - Capitalize, capitalize. - Exactly. And I feel like what happened is I can see the picture meeting, and they're like, how do we get people to buy merchandise from this movie? And someone's like, what if we just take a spork and draw a face on it? And they were like, genius promotion. And that's what I like to think of. So I think that one, this movie, it's okay. I mean, it's fine, but I also think I like it because it's like, it just shows the greed and capitalism involved here. Like, they're just trying to sell you a toy. - Yeah. - Like, just go buy this fucking spork, that you can buy anywhere for like 20 cents. So that's why I'm picking it. - Can you imagine walking down the toy aisle with Walmart and seeing all these nice toys with your can, and then being like, I want "Forky". - Right, it's like, we have "Forky" at home. We have "Forky" at home, a makey woman, who has been spending $30 on that. And you know that kid's selling a tantrum 'cause he's got knockoff fucking "Forky" at home. Like, he wants the real "Forky". All this friends got a real "Forky". - And you know it's funny, having Kyle as my partner, our kids will definitely be the ones that want "Forky". - Oh, for sure. - Because Kyle would want "Forky". - I did want "Forky". (laughing) Oh, do you think I know that you can make it out? - Kyle would have "Forky" at 22 years old, okay? - I saw it and I was like, I don't know, and then "Forky" story, "Forky" came out, but you're probably-- - You're brown there, would I? - Yeah, I was in my 20s for sure. It's probably brown there, it's probably 23, 24. I saw "Forky" and I was like, "Donta something here." I was like, "They are on something here." - It's just like a fun toy. - His eyes are like, his eyes are like, just like ridiculous and he falls over a lot 'cause he can't walk very well. And there's one scene where he like refuses to walk anymore and just lays down and would he has to carry him? And it is funny, we'll give it that. So I'm taking "Toy Story 4". - I'm taking "Toy Story 3". - Yeah. And the reason being, it's the only movie out of this category that I can remember even minor details from to know that I maybe watched it. (laughing) The rest of them, I definitely don't think I watched because I could not, I did not. - You watched the first 30 to 40 minutes of "Light Earth" me and you fell asleep after that. And that's why we turned it off. I was like, "I'm not watching this alone." And she's asleep, so I'm not gonna wake her up. - Yeah. - "Toy Story 3" has, what's his name? - "Doc Mc, is it Doc something?" - Like "Stuffins"? - "Doc McStuffins" is on it. - It's his name, but it sounds right. - I don't know, it's like that bear and he's like kind of nice, but he's also like, he's the villain. - Yeah. - And they're going like a daker? - Yeah, the only thing I can remember from "Toy Story 3" is Andy or his sister donate the toys and they get brought to a daycare where kids destroy toys. - Yeah. - That's all, that's all I can remember. I can't tell you what happens. - I know they get put in an incinerator at one point and they gotta claw the way out of the incinerator and I was like, this is crazy. This is a kid's movie. - Yeah, so I picked that one because it's the only one that I remotely know anything about. - Fair enough, that brings us to the close of the draft. I would like you to read your list. - All right, so my list is finding Nemo, finding Dory, soul, up, cocoa and Toy Story 3. - My list is "Monster Zink", "Toy Story 2", turning red, inside out, elemental and Toy Story 4. Is there a movie on this list that your shock was not taken? - Um, no. - I think Luca. - Oh really? - I'm stunned you didn't take Luca. I thought it was a safe bet, you know, like she's gonna take Luca, I'll get turning red. That's the easiest category here. - Kyle makes the list of movies being like, I'm gonna put this movie because I know she's picking and she won't pick the one I want. - No, it's not true at all. - It's not a big list, 'cause Kyle makes the list himself and you know he's still going through it writing like, I'm putting this one here because I know she can't resist. - That's not true, all of these have fiends. These are all fiend ideas when you're talking about, this is not even true. For me, yeah, it's gotta be Luca because it's just crazy that you didn't take that. I'm sure, I don't think I know you as a person anymore. - Oh my God. - You took soul and I was like, wow, you took my soul with you. I don't even know who you are. - I am so little bit surprised that you picked Monsters, Inc. over Toy Story. 'Cause I thought you were a Toy Story dude. At least the first Toy Story. - I'll get that, yeah. - Yeah. - It's probably, I'd probably visit Monsters, Inc. more often though. - Yeah. - And I think it's because it just looks better. So it's a little easier on the eyes. I think Toy Story looks fine. But if you really watch Toy Story, like, you just know, like this is very clearly an old ass movie, like you just know. And I feel like Monsters, Inc. it's definitely older, but it just looks a little better. Plus, you can't get wrong with Michael Zawski. - Yeah. I wanna ask a question. - Ooh, ask, yes. - Out of all these movies now that we've gone through them and you've been like, I can't believe I haven't seen it. What movie on this list that you have not seen do you wanna watch? - So I have not seen Coco, Ratatouille, Wally or the Good Dinosaur. And/or half of a year. Part of me really does want to say the Good Dinosaur because I love dinosaurs. - I'm actually surprised you haven't seen it. Why does it even on the list? I definitely haven't seen it. - I don't know. I don't know if you've seen it on. But it's, I want to say Good Dinosaur, but I feel like it needs to be Wally or Ratatouille. Because those are routinely like good dinosaurs usually like in the mid-tier section of people's rankings. And I've noticed. And Wally and Ratatouille are like number three or higher. - So I think I watched Wally when it first came out and I honestly couldn't tell you the premise of it anymore. I can somewhat see what Wally looks like in my head, but I can't tell you what the point of the movie is. - I can't either. - Yeah, I can't either. - So I've seen it, but not in years and I don't fully remember it. - I remember my school had a, like once a month and once every couple months, they'd have like a movie night and you could come to the school and you could watch a movie. And I remember one night it was Wally and I was like, fuck that, I'm not going. And I just have never seen it. - Yeah. - And Ratatouille, I hate rats. I hate 'em, I hate 'em. So it's like a, I gotta like, I don't know, take a chill pill before I watch it because it'll drive me nuts knowing that there's a rat cooking in a kitchen and I just can't get over that. So. - I think he's very cleanly, Rat. - Is he? - I don't know. - Yeah, exactly. You don't know anything. What about you? What's the movie on here that you haven't seen? - Mine is, I mentioned it beforehand, Brave. - Oh, yeah, no, we talked about this. - I've never seen Brave. I know Brave is sometimes considered-- - You would love Brave. - Like a Disney princess movie, like The Girl From Brave. It's considered a Disney princess. - Yeah. - So I love myself a Disney princess. - You would love it. - But anything. I choose Brave because I've never seen it and I think I'd really like the premise of it and I think I'd really like the main character and the vibes because it isn't that like Irish or like Ireland or school. - I think they're Irish or Scottish, I can't remember. I know it's blasted me not to be able to tell but I genuinely don't remember. It's been a song since I've seen it. - They're probably Irish because they have red hair. - They do have red hair, they do have red hair. So there it is. I'm gonna put the poll up and you guys get to vote on who you think won the draft. So go ahead and vote in that poll. Other than that, man. Why don't you guys go see Inside Out and let me know what you guys think, especially you chasing Ashley. We know you watched it. - And you're welcome for giving you two episodes in one week. - After not giving you an episode in three weeks. So there you go. - Doesn't matter. - But I thought it was funny as the Bridgerton episodes are first episode in June and it's June 20th. Yeah, all right, that's it. We've had enough. With that said, go watch a fucking movie. - Data part. - Data sprains out. - Just wondering, you know, after this movie, if I don't go to print it, you know, they're not busy, man. We can go to a piece somewhere. - Pick up on Friday then. - Oh, right. Writing, uh huh? - So, you wanna do something to me? - What a wonderful day! [BLANK_AUDIO]