The Muckrake Political Podcast

Kamala Announces Tim Walz... with Pete Dominick

This is a preview episode of The Muckrake Podcast's Patreon show that happens every Friday. To unlock the full show and a host of other great things, visit Co-host Nick Hauselman is flying solo on this episode as Jared Yates Sexton is busy, so he had to bring in the big guns as Pete Dominick, the host of Stand Up! With Pete Dominick, joins Nick to discuss the latest in the presidential race. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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This is a preview episode of The Muckrake Podcast's Patreon show that happens every Friday. To unlock the full show and a host of other great things, visit

Co-host Nick Hauselman is flying solo on this episode as Jared Yates Sexton is busy, so he had to bring in the big guns as Pete Dominick, the host of Stand Up! With Pete Dominick, joins Nick to discuss the latest in the presidential race.

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Thanks for joining me in a little bit to talk a lot about what's going on with the presidential race. My co-host Jerry Dade Sexton is busy for today so he'll be back as soon as possible but I did want to talk a little bit about the Donald Trump unhinged press conference he had right after we finished recording with Pete and don't forget as this was the week ender if you want to hear the whole episode then you must go over to and become part of our patreon community. It's a really fantastic place with a lot of great people there's a discord server where we can have a discussion every day about what's going on and there's lots of different chapters of different things we talk about there from everything that ranges from what people are reading to what's going on with the political situation and beyond so head over to It's been exploding recently a lot of people are now joining they're realizing how great these episodes are you want to get the whole thing especially with Pete Dominic coming up in his conversation because he is great but before that I wanted to share some clips I noticed from Donald Trump's press conference because they're pretty unhinged they're pretty crazy and as is normal when you have a Republican party that is so desperate realizing how a problematic place they're in they'll recycle their old hits and so we got back to a situation where he started bringing up Hillary Clinton of all people in 2024 with the Hillary Clinton I could have done things to her that would have made you a head spin I thought it was a very bad thing take the wife of a president of the United States and put her in jail. He thought that was a bad thing he ran on that he literally ran on that in fact we do we all remember this Jim but if I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies so much deception there has never been anything like it and we're going to have a special prosecutor so he did that in the debate back in 2016 so this is ridiculous what they're trying to rewrite here let's listen to the end of this but I was very protective of her nobody would understand that but I was I think my people understand it they used to say lock her up lock her up and I say just relax please yeah he never said relax please he would encourage them as much as possible to be as full-throated in that locker up chant completely horrible stuff here but again not surprising but in the sense that it is now 2024 he's running against Kamala Harris he's not running against Hillary but he's got to bring her up it's crazy unhinged horrible stuff they did get him a good gotcha moment here where they asked him about the referendum on abortion it's coming up in Florida which is the state that he happens to be living in that he would be expected to vote on come election time in November and they asked him here's the question well I'm going to announce that I'm going to actually have a press conference on that at some point in the near future so I don't want to tell you now but right he's going to have a press conference just like they were going to announce you know infrastructure week every other week when he was running as when he was in the White House as president so they caught him off guard he has no idea what the referendum is which is by the way whether or not they will allow abortion up until viability which is in the you know 20 to 22nd week of pregnancy which would kind of return it back towards where Roe v Wade would be they followed up though they asked another question about mythopress mythopresto and so here's another interesting response as part of that would you direct your FDA for example to revoke access to the press zone that's one of the things you could do things that will be would would supplement absolutely and those things are pretty open and you mean I don't even know what he's talking about what does it mean that they're open and that they're humane I mean mythopress don't could be sent in the mail and you take it it's a how a lot of abortions are performed now these days so I suppose he's trying to say he is in favor of mythopress don't I really can't tell word salad stuff again he doesn't know but now he's giving us a little indication that maybe he would be for it but but you have to be able to have a vote and all I want to do is give everybody a vote and the votes are taking place right now as we speak the votes are not taking place right now as you speak vote is in November again what is he talking about but it's America there are many things on a humane basis that you can do outside of that but you also have to give a vote and the people are going to have to decide humane outside of that I don't know what he's talking about honestly he just continued to go downhill from there we did talk with Pete a little bit about this but I just want to follow up because they asked him about Kamala Harris's race he really he seems to think he's got a big percentage of the of black voters who are going to vote for him and it turns out it's I think it's something like 70 30 right now in the polling for Kamala so he's he's in this weird you know denial of what he thinks and where he thinks these polls are going but listen to the answer or listen to the question the answer on this one um mr. President um Kamala Harris's father is Jamaican American and she went to a historically black college how is she only recently deciding to black well well you'll have to ask her that question because she's the one that said it uh I didn't say it so you'll have to ask her she said what she didn't say it she didn't say anything she's always identified as both Indian and black uh this is how he processes things right it's really really disgusting and I very much appreciate that question but you'll have to ask her but I've known her for a long time and this is what they do this is what manipulators do you have to ask her I'm only asking questions I don't know what the answer is trying to subtly although it's not that subtle uh you know stir up the the race card basically on the from his end and um you know remember the republicans are working on uh the basic emotions of anger and fear and this is what he's playing on the other I actually contributed to her campaign a long time ago because I was a developer I contributed to lots of campaigns of democrats republicans and some were liberal and some were conservative but you'll have to ask her about that but uh to me it doesn't matter to me it doesn't matter suddenly it doesn't matter he's bringing it up he's making it like it's an issue but then he tries to pretend that doesn't matter but here's the kicker listen to this but to her from her standpoint I think it's very disrespectful to both really whether it's Indian or black I think it's very disrespectful to both to me it doesn't matter I don't even know if I have any more words to say to this it's disrespectful because she's got she's she's has an Indian mother and a and a Jamaican father like I don't I don't even understand in his adult mind I suppose if she wants to say that she's Indian of which she is that somehow insults the other side of her family or vice versa I don't know this is how these people uh exist and I guess I'm going to use these people this is what Trump is uh someone who doesn't understand the kind of uh you know any kind of complex racial dynamics outside of I am white and everybody else are black jobs and things like that which he was never uh you know had to answer to when they asked asked about that question earlier so at any rate uh it gives what it gives you a little taste of what's going on in this race it looks to me honestly like um you know it is imploding JD Vance's this is a clown show uh Trump is is more and more unhinged and it'll get worse so as we're going to trace what's going on and how they're going to attack Kamala Harris and Walls you'll see it'll get worse and worse and I have a feeling that those that's those slim margins they need in certain swing states are going to dwindle and go away for them because of that because those people are going to get turned off really quickly with this kind of stuff as they get more and more desperate so without any further ado let's bring in Pete Dominic and have uh had a great conversation with him and don't forget if you want to hear the whole entire uh conversation then head over to and become a patreon member uh which is a just a fantastic community of people you're not going to want to miss out we have a lot of live shows that we do especially in and around all the tentpole events we're going to be in Chicago during the DNC and we'll have a lot of interesting coverage there that will probably be a lot of uh patreon stuff that's exclusive there so please head on over there check it out and be part of that but here we are and here's Pete Dominic. Today I'm going to bring in friend of the pod Pete Dominic who is the host of his own daily pod podcast Stand Up with Pete he's formerly of Sirius XM, CNN, MSNBC he warmed up the audience for last week tonight with John Oliver and uh with loud further ado Pete thank you so much for coming on the show. I am so happy to be here with you Nick and I'm sorry Jared isn't here I am nothing like him I couldn't be more I'm like a real minor commentator I mean his the things he says the words he uses the way that he speaks you know his passion but you know I've had a I've got a few things to say so I'm happy to see you and I miss miss you guys. I know I know well you know we did have a wonderful time at your pod jam in Las Vegas which I hope it will do again in the future. We're planning on doing it again next year you I would love to have you guys back and uh but we'll see it's not nothing's official we're in talks we're in talks but it was an amazing amazing event the best thing I've ever done. Absolutely and I hope that people listening who didn't go are feeling those vibes and say god I gotta go this next time because it really was something that will I have I have a feeling you know 10 years from now we're gonna you know sort of talk about oh remember that time when the first one when it was on one pod jam two yeah it's like it's like WrestleMania now it was a magical experience you know I've been doing a daily show first series exam for almost 15 years and then on my own for four years and I've never had an event you know I've done stand-up appearances all of the countries so I've always gotten to meet listeners and I've always enjoyed meeting folks and but the podcast has became created a community much like yours has and with that community you know we met every week on zoom and it was just so magical and I would highly recommend that anybody come on over and check it out because uh getting to meet in person that way in Vegas the people that you'd been meeting for almost four years on zoom many of which was just an amazing thing people just have great new friends and relationships in their lives that are so rich and nothing could be more rewarding than being involved with creating that absolutely and and you know if you want to talk more about Jared and you know behind us back go ahead we're open here to hear any of the funny stories but uh but even still um while I was gone I was not here last week and Jared had to do the whole show by himself so I haven't had a chance to weigh in on the the happenings that have happened which is uh vice president uh Kamala Harris chose Tim walls as her running mate uh for the 2024 election uh this guy came out of virtually nowhere I can't picture another person who's rose this quickly to this prominence uh can you Sarah Palin oh that's a good call Sarah Palin um so is this person would you say that Pete walls is smarter than Sarah Palin well you just call them Pete walls by the way that's because you were looking at me and my name is Peter and well who didn't so I'm not as smart as Sarah Palin but is he everybody's smarter than Sarah Palin okay that was easy um what are your thoughts so how do you think that that happened what like it just seems mind boggling to me that someone can come from absolute obscurity uh to where he is now well the whole thing is mind boggling right nothing has been normal if you told us 35 days ago that all of these events were gonna unfold from debate from the assassination attempt from Joe Biden deciding after all the pressure that he would step down and then support Kamala and then democrats would all come in and support her across the spectrum we'd all be shocked by that but your question was about how did this guy come from obscurity you know they have a really short time to vet this out and they had I think a deep bench it's fair to say and they went with traditional paths nobody was untraditional that they were considering of course uh people to judge was a transportation secretary the other guys were governors and senators basically and and one woman I think they were considering maybe a couple but Gretchen Whitmer so you know you look at the governors and you see what they have to bring to the table and then you literally bring them to the table and Kamala sits down with them each of them as with her staff which apparently is really impressive she didn't always have the best people supporting her but apparently reporters have been covering her said the people she's got now are true believers in her and they help a lot so she sits down and as one can imagine knowing a little bit about Kamala Harris at least the public part and knowing a little bit about Tim walls that they would get along they did get along and that is what was more important than anything else and listen it's really hard to go viral these days with messaging it's really hard for democrats to message and we've tried everything including he's a criminal he's a rapist all these things don't seem to stick but Tim walls said and he said this before in a campaign against this wasn't new but he called them weird he knew that that would work because it worked well he thought it might because it worked in the past against another opponent and it did and the fact that he was able to to do that and be this kind of a fun killer uh well liked veteran and she calls him coach everybody calls him coach it seems like she knew and everybody else knew that there was no other choice but this guy and overwhelmingly people seem to be pretty supportive for sure i mean at some point like they can't keep telling people to judge hey the country is just not ready for a gay candidate just yet right like at some point they're gonna they have to stop saying that to him right like when is that gonna be uh a doubtful that'll be anytime soon because you're gonna have Kamala do her eight years and then you're gonna have Tim walls run and who's gonna beat him so you're gonna have 12 years at least of democrats fingers crossed i don't know people to judge will always uh do well wherever he goes and you know maybe who knows you never know there's so much uncertainty and and predicting the future i've realized i'll tell you what Nick the most important thing i did in the last you know before when things were really bad i guess after the debate when we were just so desperate and and and and very concerned people were looking away people stopped listening paying attention participating not a lot of listeners reach out and say i just can't i just can't even listen to this anymore i got to walk in a field i got to go touch some grass and i just kept saying because i'm an optimist there is still a chance that something could change or that Joe Biden will win and that we could get the senate and house maybe that's always gonna be the case and i tried to stay optimistic but so many people just couldn't anymore and now we see what happened and i'm not gonna predict anything else with the future and what i'm gonna try to be is optimistic and and hopeful because that's what we're seeing and i just love that Tim Walts keeps talking about joy and Kamala Harris bringing the joy i think that's another really great way to message this country desperately needed joy since Trump was elected then covid then Trump has not gone away we are so worried about project 2025 not to mention you know the just the the poly crisis that we are in as a as a planet with climate and with so much more and you get your own problem we all have that so hopeful and joy that's gonna sell Nick uh i i agree i i think the one thing i would have said about walts was that maybe he's a little older than i wanted him to be um and they had some guys who were a little you know a decade younger than that because okay if you want to play this out in eight years you know he's 68 69 running i suppose it's not all i mean listen comparatively now it's that's young it's a little bit of fried chicken so i think that would be the one thing i had uh and i it's it also sounded like maybe a guy like Shapiro you know in my mind i almost felt like they had picked Shapiro did you get that i got the impression from what i was reading and seeing and hearing was that like they kind of had picked him there was a bit of a backlash behind scenes and then they kind of scramble a little bit to make another thing i'm not sure i think you know i think they definitely were floating him to see what the reaction would be and then the senator from pennsylvania put a knife in him john fedderman knifed josh Shapiro metaphorically go on but he he leaked both publicly and privately uh that josh Shapiro is in it for josh Shapiro kind of messaging you've been listening to the free part of this episode if you'd like to hear the rest of this great conversation head over to and subscribe for lots more additional content including a discord server and live shows we'd really appreciate it if you could give it a try we know you'll love it and come back for more