Australian Muscle Podcast

353 - Prep Updates, New Products and HUGE August Specials!

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09 Aug 2024
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Episode 353 | Thursday Thunder
Australian Muscle's weekly (most of the time) recap of all things supplement & industry related and sometimes just a heap of dribble.
0:00 - TT 353
1:06 - Comp Prep Updates for Kim & Adrian
4:13 - Worst Exercise in the world
4:50 - Hubba Bubba Grape Dialed Grape
6:11 - Dialed Shred + Pump Juice Stack
7:55 - Free Creatine with Max's Whey
10:15 - Free Beanie & Shaker with GS Whey
12:25 - Gen-Tec Male Fuel is Back
13:05 - Back In Stock

- Isn't that wrong? - It is, right? - It should be green when it's recording, shouldn't it? - It should be in the terms of saying like it's progressing, but it is green mean. - Go. - Right. - But in every single studio, Red has always been like the one, the red lights on you stop and be quiet. Red has always been recording in the audio field, but that just looks wrong. 'Cause that's why it's red up here with the, when you look at a red recording thing, it's always got a red dot. Yeah, that looks, that's wrong. - Because one of the first ones, me and Sam did. - Yeah. You thought it wasn't on? - Well, he thought, like. - Oh, you just turned it off? - He turned it off. - So you had horrible audio. Or just far distance audio. - It was a panel. - Okay, yeah. - Well, there you go. No, it definitely looks wrong when you look at it from the red means off, green means on sort of aspect. - Yeah. - So far, so good. How are you? - Thursday's under. - Yeah, it is. - Is this August the 8th? - It sure is, August the 8th. - Yes. - Yep. - Already, we are eight and a bit weeks. - Eight weeks. - Eight and a bit weeks from Cesar BICN. I'm 10 days out from my comp. - Yeah, that's exciting. - Yep. - And numbers are coming along smoothly. - Well, I'm making the numbers. (laughing) - Smoothly. (laughing) - I don't know about smoothly. - I'm saying I'm making you feel better about it. - Yeah, not difficult, it is smooth. - We'll see. - Yeah, yeah, it'll be interesting. And your prep? - Smooth, it's going well. - Yeah, it's actually-- - It's plotting along nicely. - Yeah. - Still eating relatively high, but getting all the symptoms of, you know, a prep, the hunger, the fatigue, the heaviness. So I know I'm on the right track, but above all, I'm feeling okay. - Yep. - Yeah, not even a complain about yet. - It's good, mm. - It's good. - Very good. - So, yeah, eight weeks out, 10 weeks out from the nationals? - Yep, and 11 weeks out from, no, 12 weeks out from the worlds. - Yeah, there's two weeks in between each event. - Yep. Sure is, eight, 10 and 12. - Yeah. - Yeah. Very exciting. I booked everything, got my flights sorted for both. Haven't sorted out the, 'cause they haven't released anything for the nationals yet, in terms of tanning, I booked everything else, but not anything on that PDF. - Not quite yet, no, not quite yet. It keeps saying not available. - Yeah, but I haven't checked today, I've been checking every day, so it might have updated, but I haven't been looking. But we'll see, but on that, states has booked, worlds has booked, that's tanning and everything, all done, dusted, I just gotta get myself there and relax. And that's it. - Going good. - Excellent. - Yeah. New program, I'm gonna start a new program this week, and now I'm really sore. - Yeah. - The doms, I think the glutes and hamstrings yesterday, and now it's like it hurts to sit down. - Yeah. It's amplified when there's nothing to sit on, so it's just agony. But it's good, it's a good time, it's a good type of pain, it's a resetter, it keeps things fresh in my mind. - Yeah. New program, I got one of my old training partners, has come back. - Yes. - It sort of starts training with me. - Yep, yep. - I said, yeah, I'm doing powerlifting now, 'cause yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I'll just do whatever you're doing, and he's going, what's your program? And I'm there, what do you mean? It's deadlift bench squat. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like, like, forever. - For the foreseeable future, that's all we're doing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, you should get him to do those, I'm just imagining in my head, the Copenhagen scissoring bench thing, what'd you call it, Copenhagen? - We got today on the program, is the ab wheel. - Oh, that's gonna be fantastic. You know he's gonna, he's gonna, the first time I did that, I just went, kept going and just flat. - Yeah, couldn't get back up. - Couldn't get back up. - Did you immediately start on your feet? Like, on your toes? - No, and that was on my knees. - Oh! - And I'm still on my knees, but I am doing eight to 12 reps now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But yeah, no, I haven't gone up on my toes. Like, that, that is the worst exercise in the world. - Ab wheel rollout. - Ab wheel, yeah, it feels like your lower abdominals are being torn off your pubic arm. - Uh huh, yeah, exactly. - Literally, that's what it feels like. - It's exactly what you want to feel. - Yeah, if you're so awkward, then we'll feel like, I feel like I'm gonna be telling you. - So I'm looking forward to watching Luke do one. - Yeah, that's gonna be sort of like the first time he did lunges with us, remember? - Yeah. - Oh my god, yeah, yeah. - Fantastic. Can't wait to see it. - Yeah. Anyway. - Anyway, what's going on? We've got some stuff to talk about. - We've got some better new stuff in at a shop. We'll go through all of that. I've got my box of goodies here. - Oh wow. - First of all, from our friends at Dialed, there's a new flavor in the Dialed Shred. - Yeah, that's the Hubba-Bubba grape flavor. - Hubba-Bubba grape. - So yeah, don't complement there. - Other two flavors? - Two other flavors. - A panel of passion fruit, and god, I don't remember the other one, unfortunately. - Yeah, probably not. - I've only used the yellow one. - Strawberry. - Kiwi, or strawberry kiwi? - No, no. - Ari, can you put the other one up there? - Yeah, no, no. It's, cheers. - I've got it, and I can't remember. - I've got the yellow one here, but yeah. Hubba-Bubba grape, that sounds like a nice flavor. It sounds like the-- - And I'm sure we thought, the other flavors taste great, and I'm sure this one will be the same. So this is basically a high steam-- - The high steam metabolic enhancement, or-- - Yeah, yeah, I don't like using fat-turner and burner. - But we'll use the air quotations for it, yeah. - Metabolic boost, that is one of the best ones for it. So you're looking at about 250 milligrams of caffeine per serve. So it can be used as a pre-workout, obviously, or before any exercise to give you energy. I use it first thing in the morning. - Same like as mine. - It just wakes me up, I go for my walk. I feel really good all morning on it, you know? Or you can use it even just during the day to boost up your metabolism and give you a little bit of a kick. Now, we've also got a deal. So if you buy the dialed shred and the pump juice, you get 20 bucks off. - All right. - And you get this little ex-athletic scooty bag. Now, in here is some shaker, and there's actually... - Look how there's two shakers. - There's two shakers, I think. - Yeah, why not, why not? So this is if you buy the dialed shred and the pump juice together. - There is a shaker. There's one of those big water bottles. - Awesome. - There is a funnel for you to put in your products in. - Look at that, you can use it. You get your extra and pre-workout and some samples. - Look at that. And you also save 20 bucks. - And it's also 20 bucks off. - Beautiful. - Yeah. So they're normally 69, 95 and 79, 95. So we're looking at 70 and 80. - Yep. - 150. There's 20 bucks. - 130? - Yeah. - Give us a take, yeah. - Plus goodies. - Yeah. - So. - I think if you get really technical, it's 129.95 or something. - Yeah. - But it works out 20 bucks off. - Yep. - Yeah. - And this obviously was stocks last of these particular packages. - Especially with the samples, it's obviously wild stocks last. - Getting quick. - 'Cause it will go quick. - So that big thanks to Mike and the Guru at X Athletics for hitting us up with a whole bunch of these samples. They've also provided hundreds of samples for the ICN goodie bags. - Yeah. - So big shout out to Mike. And yeah, looking forward to seeing Mike on stage. We're talking about Mike Pearson. - Yep. - He'll be doing, he's come back to the stage in about five weeks time. I think it's very close now. Five weeks or so. - So looking forward to that. - Pretty much Australia's next life BB Pro. - Has to be. - Has to be. - Has to be this time. - All right, the other deals we have got going on, it is. - By any Max's way, either the 800 gram one or the 2 kilo one. And you get a 300 gram creatine. - Yeah, that's pretty simple. - Pretty simple. Protein creatine for free. Wow, bargain. - Yep. - It is the Max's good. They've got their new caramel flavour. Which is amazing. - Caramel donut. - Yes. - Cool. - Yes, we have the here. We're headed to the gym for a while now. - Yeah. - So, do you reiterate? Any Max's 100% way? - Yep. - It's all a large size. And you get the free 100 gram creatine. - Months were crazy. - Again, until stocks run out. - Speaking of, you know, isn't it funny? I'll just talk about, I don't think it has mentions a few days, a few weeks ago. We went from being in a creatine shortage when no one could get creatine. So now everyone's like, it's the end. - Creatine that goes to the roots. We got thousand dollars. - Apparently the raw price of creatine went up to, you know, around that. Remember just after COVID? - Oh yeah, I do. - Went up to about, I think I was told, Ari told me that he spoke to her at a podcast. This is an American podcast, so it'd be US dollars. Went up to about $49 a kilo. That's the raw price. That's the price that a company would buy it for. Then you'd need to package it, cost of the container and everything. So that was $49 US, so that. - Yeah, it's expensive. - Let's nearly double that for Australia. - But now we're giving it away. - Now creatine, Paris is apparently stabilized again. They all come back down, and we're pretty much back to normal. - Yeah, excellent, no more crazy in cartel. - Yeah, yeah. - So it was really weird. I never sort of got around. Why was there such a shortage? I must, obviously, because the factory is closed down. - It was the COVID thing where everyone like, oh, the factories are closing, and the freight was blah, blah, blah, blah. And then nothing came from nothing. - Yeah. - Oh, freight. Talking about the freight. I got my medals, just from the ICN. - And the freight was $1,800. - I'm scared to order anything heavy. Ever. - Purely because they're still gonna be charged new. Like price of an extra, just for freight. - Freight is a killer, but here in Australia, must have, we send out everything freight free. - Yeah, it's true. - Yeah. - Is that for a good segue? - Yeah, very much so, actually. - All right, our next special is by-- - Why does this size look a bit larger? Or is it just me? Like, I don't know. The tub looks bigger than me. - That's because you're shrinking. Everything looks huge. - Oh, fuck me. - No. - Not already. No, okay, fine, I missed this way. I don't know. There's a tub of larger for some reason. - Anyway, by any optimum gold standard way, 2.27 kilo, man, you get a-- Free beanie to put in your head. Look at that. - Free beanie and a shaker. - And a really awesome, I mean, vivid colored shaker. I really, 35 years, 35 years of optimum. - Yep. - Wow, look at that. That's a nice shaker too. - Is it? - I like it. - Where'd you read that? - 35 years. - Oh, there you go. - That's my assumption anyway. - Yep. - And this looks like a good quality shaker too. Like, that's a nice one. It's a nice click that you want. Absolutely free if you purchase it. So yeah, that, again, while stocks last. - Go on and throw it. - Yeah, the deals. Yep. So I'll just go through again. By any max is 100% weight, regardless of size or flavor, get a free creatine 100 gram. - Yep. - Buy a gold standard way, five pounds, get a free shaker and a beanie. Buy a dial, shred and a pump juice stack. Save 20 bucks and get a free gift pack. - Yeah, so that's pretty cool. - That's right. - So, but you can also use that as a pre-workout stack. - Y'all, the pump juice and the dollar shred. - Yeah, because you're getting your pump formulas from the pump juice, obviously, and you've got your energy in the dollar shred. - I mean, I've used that a few times back in the middle here for a bit more. I actually have used that stack before in the past because I didn't want to have too much beat or alanine in there. I don't want to, you know, tingle off my brain. So once you're a pump juice, you know, three grams of citrillion one-off gram bionic. - That's a good point, some people don't want those tingles. - No, no. - That's a good combination for that. Yeah, so definitely. Or you can use that, like during training, you could use that during morning or cardio. So there's a number of different ways, but definitely, I'd stack it together. - Great stack. - Be a good stack. We've got also coming back in stock genteq mail fuel. Let's head a revamp only in the packaging. - Yep. - But it's still one of our always most consistent, best-selling, male hormonal products. - Very much so, the algenteq mail fuel. - Genteq mail fuel, it's sort of like it's the oxy shred of. - It never goes away. - All male hormonal products. - I would say so, yeah. - Because it's to go. It's been around for years. Nothing has changed in the formula because the formula's excellent and it just always keeps selling. - Yep, yep. - So, but that's had a little bit, so you'll notice it'll just have a new look, but it's the same old product. Full max is restocked today because we got absolutely slammed on Super 7A last weekend. - Decimated. - The max is, I've never seen the max is shelf so empty. So, that should be in today. Optimum nutrition restock is also coming in. So, we've got more five pounders coming in for that gift package deal. And there's a rule one restock 'cause that also was devastating. - Decified. - Decimated. - What do I mean? - Decimated. - You're trying to stay devastated. - Decimated. - Decimated. - At the same time. - On Saturday. - So, and speaking of Super Saturday, thank you everyone for your awesome support. It was one of our biggest Super Saturday's for ages. So, yeah. Thanks everyone for your support. Especially at this time of the year, it's a bit cold and it's a bit tough. - Yep. - Everyone's, everyone's grinding away. So, we are fully appreciative of your support. And we also missed out that here at the gym was our birthday. - It was, yeah, we got, we got, we got. - That was last week. - It was, it was 12 years. - 12 years. - 12 years. - Yeah. - This is when Ari edits a really good montage of he won't do anything. But it's way too much for him, I'm sorry. - Yeah. So, yeah. I was away, but yeah, we all totally forgot that it was 12 years. - Yeah, completely just plotted on like every other day. I was like, oh dear. - It's like a wedding anniversary. It's like, oh, it's been that long. - That's right. Yeah. - Oops. - Get more for murder. - Yeah, yeah. Anyway, thanks guys. That's it. We've got nothing else to add. - Not really. - Nope. - I think we're done. - Yeah. - All right. Thanks guys. Thanks for tuning in as per normal this episode is brought to you by Australian Muscle, Australian Muscle to the gym and Australian Muscle Online. - Yeah, for sure that I'd deliver it. - Free Australia wide delivery. Thanks guys. Thanks for tuning in. We will catch you all next week. Bye. - Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]