Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

August 8 Omega Learning 810AM Radio | Ronnie Allen

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08 Aug 2024
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In our studies today we're going to look again and we're going to reference the book Rebirth of America and we're going to look at some things I believe today that well we're really going to look at the educational system and I believe that it's something that is we need to look at. We've talked about it before but I think it's worth bringing up again. We're fixing to start school here. In fact Omega Leadership Academy is enrolling right now and prepping to kick off here this month. Everybody's talking about school so I think it's important that we look at it and from what the writers in the book said here but then we're going to look at the Word of God here in just a moment. Now not all is lost. When I bring these things up I want to make sure you understand something. I'm not coming from a perspective that this is a done deal and that the spirit of the age is going to take over and we all got to hide out. That's not what I'm talking about. This is not the time to hide out. This is the time to absolutely reaffirm your faith in Christ and His Word and it's a time where we stand up. We don't blend in. We don't compromise. Listen, when you compromise with the devil you give him an inch and he's going to take a mile and that's what has happened in our nation. But now I believe God is working by His Spirit hovering over all this chaos and He's speaking things back into order. You know when God even created the heavens and the earth and He did all this stuff in six days so it didn't all happen at one day. It happened in six days so we're at a point where this is going to take a little time even if the right people got into office, public office is still going to take some time because debris has to be pushed out of the way and then a rebuilding process must take place and I believe that that's where we're at. However, we must wake up as Christians and that's why we're even looking at this and we have the promise of God's Word. In fact, God who told Jeremiah, He said, "I'm calling you to tear down, pull up, uproot and then I want you to build and plant." And that's what we're doing. We're getting all the junk out of the way and it's a process. It's not something that's going to happen instantly so even if the right people get into office it's still going to take some time and it's going to take some prayer and it's going to take vigilance by the body of Christ. We cannot just rest after an election takes place and at this point in time if you're a Bible believer you ought to have a pretty good clue by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God on what direction you're going to vote and you need to encourage all other fellow believers to do the same and maybe just patriotic Americans that might not have a deep-rooted relationship with Jesus but because our country's at stake, freedom, freedom is jeopardy and this is what we need to know and know we're at. Now, I'm going to read from this book again, Rebirth of America and it was written and copyrighted in the mid-80s and I've had it for a while. I've went over it before personally myself but I thought I would share it with you. I want to share it with you because a lot of people that what we're dealing with is not new it's just come to a head and what God wants to do and if we discern this the times we're at the end of the church age and God wants the church to be the church. He doesn't want the church to compromise with a broken society because if there's any hope for our nation and in this generation at all is that Jesus has the influence in all of these institutions that he has set up versus the instruction that has come really through modernism, secular humanism and even socialism with an influence of communism. That's where we're at. We're dealing and the contrast is very great and that's why we need to see the progression here. This was a warning in the mid-80s and we're decades down the road now and it's not gotten better it's gotten worse because we did not discern and we may have voted in one or two elections or something like that and said now it's taken care of. No it's not. This is where every Christian must stand up, stand out on the word of God uncompromisingly and unapologetically. I'm going to read and references to this book and this was an article written by D. James Kennedy and it says what's happened to American education. In the war for our nation's children the classroom has become the enemy's battleground. Very true, very true. To whom do your children belong? You would probably say that the question is a patent. It's taken care of. Obviously they belong to you but my friends you should be aware of the fact that there is a growing number of people in this country who believe that this is not the way it ought to be that indeed the children should belong and do belong to the state and that is their prerogative and privilege and responsibility to care for them. Educate them, mold them into proper citizens of that state. Now that's a socialistic, communistic point of view. That's exactly what Hitler did during Germany. Now here's the thing about it. I remember talking to, this was decades ago, the attorney general of the state of Texas. Now thank God we got an attorney general of the state of Texas. Now it's got a lot more common sense than him. This man professed to be a Christian and he brought litigation against the church, against parents and it was all about this is what this is what he said that children belong to the state and in reality he had been educated by upper education became attorney general of the state of Texas. I met him personally and he's making statements like that and yet he went to a denominational church where he was active in it and yet he believed this. Where did that come from? It came from the wrong education and propaganda from the education system which has been infiltrated by this lie and socialism. Now folks this is more prevalent today than it was back then. Listen as this article continues. It is this thinking and the other ideas attended up on it that have caused something drastic to happen in the whole American education system. I suppose everyone in America knows that there is something amiss with our educational system today when books like why Johnny can't read become best sellers. When it becomes common knowledge that for almost 15 years our SAT scores, achievement scores of high school students have been going down every year. When many people who are involved tell us that our public schools have become moral jungles and some teachers actually fear for their lives. Something is amiss in our educational system. Many people do not really know what has happened and why. I would like to take a look with you at where we have come and how we arrive here. American education it came over on the Mayflower. So as we look at the history this is going to give us some insight. It might well be considered where we begin. Our educational enterprise in this country began. I suppose to board the Mayflower. Shortly before the pilgrim set foot upon this land they signed the Mayflower Compact which they stated that they would create schools in order that their children might be taught to read the Word of God. They were taught to read for what reason? To read the Word of God. Today it is unlawful for children in our public schools to read the Word of God. When this article was written we indeed have come a long, long way. For 200 years after the pilgrims landed in 1620 the education of our children was in the hands of the parents or the churches. There was no such thing as public education or state education. That's our biggest mistake right there. State education. Why state education? Because it's an education of the state. That's not what the Bible says. The Bible says we should train up a child in the way he should go. Who is the weak? Parents. When they get old they won't depart from it. They won't depart from the Word of God. They wanted to teach the children to read for the purpose of reading the Word of God. Even in our churches many children today don't read the Word of God. They may hear a sermon but they don't read the Word of God. I'm just making comment. Why Johnny can't read? Everyone is familiar with McGuffie's readers. William Holmes McGuffie's authored the New England Primer McGuffie's reader which by the way, I'm sorry for messing up that word, which by the way sold 120 million copies. That for many decades provided the backbone for grammar school education for this country. In that reader McGuffie said the 10 commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ are not only basic but they're fundamental. It is any wonder that in the midst of our secular educational system today, McGuffie's readers are not so required. They're not even looked at. This is the way it was back then. State education and the secular Savior in the 19th century, state education came into existence. It was public education paid for by tax dollars with the compulsory laws requiring education of children by the state. Slowly the various private academics and Christian schools were almost out of existence. State education took over almost completely. A little reflection on the part of a thoughtful person reveals that if the state takes over education, it's inevitably leads to the fact that education itself becomes secular and statist in nature. This is precisely our educational system, what our educational system has become. In the 20th century, this education took on enormous term. Modern progressive education was introduced and spread across this country. The great architect of this new movement was John Dewey at Columbia Teachers College where thousands of teachers were trained. Many people, when they think of progressive education, think of some sort of mythology of teaching which may be somewhat different. But they fail to see that beneath the mythology is something vastly more important and that is this ideology or, if you will, the theology that underlines the modern progressive education movement. It is a movement which John Dewey described as a revolution which would produce, in the educational realm, a transformation which was as vast as Copenhagen Revolution produced in astronomy, which was the nature of that revolution. Very simply, it was this. It would produce an education system where instead of having God at the center, we would have man and thus humanism gradually became the dominant theology of American public school. Just what does that mean? Our schools are working feverishly to produce the perfect humanist man. And just what is humanist? Let me give it to you in the words of American Humanist Association itself. In their brochure, they quote, Sir Julian Hexley, one of the century's leading humanist and former first head of the UNESTO. Thus, I use the word humanist to mean someone who believes that man is just as much a natural phenomenon as a human or plan and that his body, mind, and soul were not supernaturally created but were products of evolution and that he is not under the control or guise of any superhuman being or beings but has to rely on himself and his own powers. Wow, no acknowledgement of God. Atheism and American style in American style. Humanism is nothing other than the American version of atheism which positively says we believe rather than we believe in rather than negatively we don't believe in God. My friends, it is the same old thing. It is pure, unadulterated atheism with all of the results effects of atheism. There is no deity. As the humanist manifesto itself said, no deity will save us, we must save ourselves. How is that going for us? One of the inevitable results of humanism or atheism is the demise of all eternal standards or truths. When some rise, the philosophy of Dewey says that the first principle of Dewey's thoughts was that there were no eternal truths. This is incredibly important to keep in mind. There are no eternal truths. All is relative. All is changing. Everything is in flux in this great change that always comes on. There are no eternal varieties, verities. There are no moral standards for Dewey. Everything was in constant change but it was a certain kind of change. There was a hidden agenda. There was a hidden set of values that Dewey had and that changed always had to go into a certain direction. It was a change which was understood as a rebellion against religion, against capitalism, against individualism, and always in the direction of collective socialist state. This is the underlying ideology behind the modern progressive educational system. It is unquestionably anti-Christian in nature. Here's the thing before I have to slow down on this because we're going to be looking at this again tomorrow because there's so much to say. But really in reality, the atheists have taken over public education in this country. There are various reasons that it took over. One is the neglect. How shall we escape? The book of Hebrews said, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" Negligence on the part of the church, the unwillingness to fight, and then listen carefully. The teaching that Jesus is coming soon to replace our responsibility of doing business for the kingdom of God while we're here on earth. So everybody would just focus on getting saved. I know this may not be pleasant. Everybody just focus on getting saved. So after we die, we won't go to hell because we never know when Jesus is coming. He is coming soon. And He is coming soon. If He's coming soon, we need to be ready. What does that mean? That means get ready. Don't be sloppy. Don't be irresponsible. And so that's what happened to the church. The church was meant to influence this nation. In fact, the Judeo-Christian values is what established America. And then when we vary off from it, and we forfeit our responsibilities as believers to stand up and stand out and be bold about this, then this spirit of anti, I'm going to just say what it is. It's anti-Christ is what it is. This anti-Christ spirit that's stirring in the last days and many people will read about the end times. Well, the Antichrist is going to take over. It didn't say that. It says the Antichrist would look like it was going to take over. But I got news for you. The Antichrist is going down. Antichrist is not bigger than Christ. You need to wake up to that reality. And the church is here to be, listen carefully, the salt and light. The church is here to be the sustaining power to keep the Antichrist from taking over until Jesus catches up the church. We're here to do business. He said, occupy that word occupy in the King James. He says, occupy till I come. That word occupy means do business. We're here to do business for the king. We're ambassadors from heaven. And we have not only the right and the privilege, but we have the responsibility to do so. That's our purpose. And so when we became neglectful, hid out in our churches and be bought into the separation of church and state where the church could have no influence in society as a whole. Just keep it in the four walls on Sunday morning. That is a communistic, absolute, communistic, socialistic idea. That's what happens in countries that are ran by tyrants. They don't mind you having religious activity as long as it does not affect the authority of the state. And Jesus has been given all power and all authority in the heavens and the earth as believers. We need to understand that. Not the state. So I want to read a verse of scripture to you to help us to understand. It's found in the book of Titus, which I've covered this before, but I want to read it again. When we talked about the grace of God, what is the grace of God? The grace of God is the influence of God. It's the influence of God. Up on your life, it's the influence upon the heart, reflection, reflection in your lifestyle, the way you live as individuals. Not only as individuals, but the grace of God abides in the body of Christ called the church. Listen to what he says in Titus chapter 2 verse 11, for the grace of God that bringeth salvation, the only grace of God is going to bring salvation to America. The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men, which is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the grace of God in person form. Now listen what it does, teaching us, teaching us that denying ungodliness, worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world. In this present world, let me read that to you again. Denying ungodliness, so we need to deny ungodliness. How are they going to know if we're not being taught? How are we going to teach our children? We need to teach our children the grace of God. We need to train them up in the grace of God. The grace of God loves humanity. He loves this country. Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Look at verse 13, looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Now those three verses right there help us to understand something. The grace of God, the influence of God, so we've got to have the teaching of the influence of God up on our youth. And as it's done, it will teach them to deny ungodliness, worldly lust, that they should live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world. And we teach them to look forward to the appearing of Jesus. It's a teaching. It's teaching. The educational system should be surrounded by the teaching of the grace of God. That's why our educational system is a muck. It's just totally a wreck because there is no god influence. But that's changing. By the way, Omega Institute of Learning, I mean, Omega Leadership Academy is starting this month. You need to investigate it because if you want your children to live righteously and soberly in this present world, I promise you, you need to get them a good Christian education. Go to You can find the information there, make an appointment, find out more about it. I want to pray with you right now. Father, I thank you for every person in the sound of my voice that we're waking up to the reality that our whole life, our education, our understanding about life as a whole is centered around the grace of God, the influence of God upon the individual's heart and the reflection in their lifestyle. Thank you, Father, for bringing us to this reality. And we give you the praise and thanksgiving for it in Jesus' name. Thank you for being with us. Until tomorrow, God bless you. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]