Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice

Respecting Perspectives for Success as a New Leader

In your journey as a new leader or manager, understanding and respecting the diverse perspectives of your team is key to your success. This isn't just about creating harmony in the work environment; it's about unlocking the full potential of your team and getting the results you desire. In my studies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), there is a presupposition, "Respect for another person's model of the world," and it offers a powerful framework for respecting differing perspectives.

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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In your journey as a new leader or manager, understanding and respecting the diverse perspectives of your team is key to your success. This isn't just about creating harmony in the work environment; it's about unlocking the full potential of your team and getting the results you desire. In my studies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), there is a presupposition, "Respect for another person's model of the world," and it offers a powerful framework for respecting differing perspectives.
- Hey, hello and welcome back. I am Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity and this is another episode of the Getting to Clarity podcast. I am so happy to have you with me today because today we are talking about an NLP presupposition and it is about respect and respecting perspectives so that you have more success as a new leader. So in your journey as a new leader or a manager, understanding the different perspectives of the people that you work with, your team, your department, this is integral to your success because this isn't just about creating harmony in the work environment, it's about unlocking the full potential of your team and getting the results that they desire and you desire. So in my studies of NLP and again, at a high level NLP neuro-linguistic programming, neuro is the mind, linguistic is language, programming are our habits. So NLP is about my words, the language of the mind that allows us to achieve or not the outcomes or goals that we desire. And there is a presupposition, something that you presuppose, it's an attitude of belief and that is respect for another person's model of the world. And it offers you as a new leader a powerful framework for respecting differing perspectives. So we're gonna dive into that, stay tuned. - Welcome to the Getting to Clarity podcast. - The place where busy leaders discover how to create more success in their leadership journey with less sacrifice in their life. - Here's your host, Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity. - All right, so what does it mean to respect another person's model of the world? What does that even context, what does that even mean? So the NLP presupposition, respect for another person's model of the world, it emphasizes the importance of understanding or making the effort to understand and valuing the unique experiences, beliefs, and viewpoints of other people, especially your new team. So people will, they are shaped by their unique experiences, where they grew up, how they grew up, what it is that they experienced as they grew up, what it is that they came to believe about themselves and about the world and about other people. You know, there are just a zillion different perspectives, I'm exaggerating, but pretty close. You know, everybody has different viewpoints. So what this principle does is that encourages you, as a new leader, to recognize that each of your team members' perspectives are shaped by their individual life experiences and that even though they are different, they are valid to them and they are valuable to them as a team member and the work that they do. So as a new leader, embracing this mindset, this presupposition can help you build stronger relationships with your team and create a more inclusive work environment because you're seeing people as people, not just positions. So by genuinely respecting and valuing different viewpoints, you get to create a workplace where everybody feels heard and appreciated and that leads to a more engaged and productive team as a result. So implementing respect for perspectives in your leadership approach, how does that happen? Great question. So I wanna give you some tips because to effectively implement this presupposition, this NLP presupposition in your leadership, I want you to consider the following actionable steps, things that you can do to help embrace different people's model of the world. So first and foremost, active listening. Listening is the cornerstone of any communication effort and when you practice active listening by giving your full attention to a team member during conversations, that's a huge win. So this involves listening without interrupting, it involves being present with them, asking clarifying questions, reflecting back what it is that you've heard and this is an active participation on your part in having a conversation. So active listening shows that you value their input and are genuinely interested in their viewpoints. Now, here's the deal though. Just because we can do it doesn't mean we always do. So this requires intention on your part to be an active listener, to put yourself in a place where you set yourself up for success. So what that might mean is your phone is off and you're not looking at your computer. So think of ways that you can set yourself up for success when it comes to your listening. Number two, empathy and understanding. Empathy is not the same as sympathy. So empathy allows you to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their perspectives. It may not mean that you agree with it, but developing more empathy allows you to connect with their emotions and their experiences. That means that they feel seen and heard. So you can show empathy by acknowledging their feelings, by validating their experiences. It doesn't necessarily mean you agree, but you can see how they got there. It's real to them. Number three, open communication. This is a theme. So creating an open communication environment where your team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and their concerns, they feel safe doing so. Encouraging open dialogue by inviting feedback, listening to what people have to say, holding regular active team meetings where people are encouraged to communicate, that it's coming from them instead of always coming from you. You know, creating safe spaces where discussion can happen. This form of transparent communication is so needed today and sadly it is lacking. This is a tool that can help you really understand your people as people and understand their different life experiences and perspectives because their uniqueness is what allows you to be even more successful as a team or as a department. This also helps you to get a jump on building relationships with trust and can help offset potential conflicts too. So a lot of good there to be able to listen and communicate openly. Number four, celebrate diversity. So recognize and celebrate the diversity within your team. Each team member brings unique strengths and viewpoints that can contribute to different solutions, better decision making. But here's where people get tripped up with diversity. It is not just about race or culture or religion or physical abilities. Diversity is also diversity of thinking, thought processes, family structure, personality, health. I mean, there are so many different ways that diversity plays into your department. When you see people as unique individuals then you're automatically celebrating diversity. It's about connecting with them as people, not just positions. Number five, continuous learning, always learning. Stay committed to continuous learning and self-improvement as a new leader, as any sort of leader. Seek out opportunities to learn about different cultures, perspectives, communication styles, how you can grow personally and professionally, how your team can grow personally and professionally. This not only enhances your ability to respect diverse viewpoints, but it also equips you with the skills to lead a diverse team effectively. So some practical examples. Imagine you're leading a team project composed of members from various departments, okay? During a brainstorming session, one team member suggests, let's say, unconventional approach to solving a problem. Instead of it just getting dismissed out of hand, you apply your act of listening. You seek to understand the rational behind it. You might say, I appreciate your suggestion. And can you walk us through how this would work and what benefits it might bring? So this allows them to speak up and to share their ideas and perspectives. And this shows respect for their perspective. And it encourages them to speak up and contribute. So another scenario might be, hey, you've got a team member who's hesitant to speak up. Maybe it's due to past experiences of being overlooked or disrespected. By creating an open communication environment, you can invite their input directly, saying, hey, I noticed you have some thoughts on this matter. And I'd love to get your perspective. Now, for you as a new leader, it's also knowing what you know about this person. Maybe it's that it's not speaking up in the meeting. Maybe they're not comfortable doing that in front of others. Maybe they can send an email or you can have a one-on-one discussion. So this not only respects their viewpoint, but it empowers them to share their ideas in a way that's comfortable for them. So what's next? Great question. As a new leader, your ability to respect and value the diverse perspectives of your team can significantly impact your leadership and your efforts developing your leadership essence. So start with the tools that we shared here and integrate just one of the practices into your leadership approach. Maybe within the next 48 hours, let's put a time on it. And you'll be well on your way to being the kind of leader that you have the potential to be. So for more leadership, development offerings or to explore my speaking and consulting offerings, head on over to And until next time, here is wishing you all the clarity that you deserve to make the impact that you desire. Take care and bye-bye for now. - Thank you for listening to this episode of the "Getting to Clarity" podcast with Debbie Peterson. - If you enjoyed this show, please rate and recommend it on iTunes or wherever you enjoy your podcast. - To learn more about how you can bring Debbie and her transformational clarity leadership strategies to your organization, visit (upbeat music) (gentle music) You