Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice

What is Self-Leadership and Why Do You Need It as a Leader in Business

Self-leadership is all about taking control of yourself, your career, and life and steering it in the direction you want to go. It starts with having Clarity about what you want and who you are and then taking inspired action to create it the way you visualize.Here are three key areas of developing self-leadership:

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28 Jun 2024
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Self-leadership is all about taking control of yourself, your career, and life and steering it in the direction you want to go. It starts with having Clarity about what you want and who you are and then taking inspired action to create it the way you visualize.Here are three key areas of developing self-leadership:
(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Getting to Clarity podcast. The place where busy women leaders discover how to create more success in their leadership journey with less sacrifice in their life. Here's your host, Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity. - Hey, hello and welcome back. I am Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity and this is another episode of the Getting to Clarity podcast where busy women leaders and emerging leaders come to get the tips, tools, and techniques that they need to create more success in their leadership with less sacrifice in their life. And today we are talking about a topic that I'm very passionate about, that I feel is key and integral to anyone who serves in a leadership capacity. And that is self leadership. So what is self leadership and why do you need it as a leader in business? So self leadership is all about you, okay? Thus self leadership. And it's about you taking control of yourself, your career, your life, and steering it in the direction that you want it to go. It starts with having clarity about what you want, who you are, and then taking action, inspired action to create it the way that you visualize. So I wanna share with you three key areas for developing your own self leadership. So first and foremost, when it comes to self leadership, you have to be able to lead yourself before you have any business leading anyone else. And that is why clarity is key. So that's first. So for women leaders and emerging leaders in business, having clarity around your goals, your direction is especially important because there are so many demands on your time and your energy that it's essential to know what to prioritize and what to focus your attention and resources on so that you can have the most impact. So personal and professional clarity. This isn't just about work. Having personal and professional clarity will help you make better decisions aligned with who you are. It allows you to stay motivated, it allows you to stay on track. And ultimately, for you to be consistently moving forward towards your version of success faster. Because remember, you get to define what success means to you. And if you don't, then you're living what someone else defines as their version of success. And you deserve so much more than that. So by defining what is important to you and what it is that you want to protect in your life, you create that clarity of direction for what you want to achieve. Then you start creating the vision, the vision of success on your terms. And with this vision, then you can develop a plan to make it a reality. So to get you started, visualize your success. So just with the faculty of your imagination, what does success mean to you? Create a picture of what it looks like when you do. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel when you've achieved it? How will you know when you've achieved it? So creating this image, this picture of what success means to you will help you to stay motivated and focused on that end result. It's kind of like that beacon out in the future. So the second key area for developing self-leadership is to understand who you are authentically. I think a lot of us get caught up in our different identities and we really want to get in touch about who we are at our core. So what are our true values? What are our true beliefs? What do we love? What do we hate? What do we stand for? What gives us energy? What lifts us up? And then conversely, what pulls us down? When you get clear on what those are, then you can start staying aligned with it, with everything that you do. So there's a lot of different things that go into making up who we are as individuals. It's our values, it's our beliefs, it's our experiences, it's our history. These all help to shape who we are. And it can be easy to get caught up into the day-to-day grind and lose sight of who we are because there's so much that we're focused on. But it's essential to take that time and to really connect with our authentic selves. Who it is that we are being and what is that future vision of who we want to be authentically. So when we live in alignment with our authentic selves, we can show up in the world, in our life, in our leadership, wherever as our best selves. This allows us to be more confident. It allows us to be more engaged and definitely more likely to achieve success on our terms. So get clear on your values, your beliefs. Your values and beliefs are at the core of who you are. They shape your decisions, they shape your actions, your thoughts. So they're really key. And get clear on the awareness of what they are. You can Google values in any area of life. And look at the list and see what resonates with you the most. Okay? That is an alignment with your beliefs, what you stand for, what you love, what is meaningful to you. And it's not just enough to get clear on them. You need to check in with yourself regularly to make sure, "Am I staying true to them?" This can be done by taking some time each day for self-reflection, you know, maybe being outside, meditation in the morning. Ask yourself how your actions, who you're being, are aligning with who you want to be, with what you declare as your values. It's an agreement that you make with yourself. And then do what you can do to get back on track, if they're not aligned, especially at work. Okay? The third thing that you want to keep in mind, when it comes to building your self-leadership, developing your self-leadership, is to take inspired action so that you're living in alignment. And here's what I mean. This is about taking action that feels good to you, that is aligned with what you have discovered about your values and your beliefs. It's also trusting your intuition, okay? Trusting your gut, following your heart. And to be clear, it's not about taking action on everything. It's about taking action on the right things, the right things for you, not for anyone else, and in a meaningful way. So when you take inspired action, you're aligning your thoughts, words, and deeds with your highest self. And that creates a powerful leadership presence in any organization, household, community, wherever it is that you are sharing your leadership gifts. So self-leadership, the journey of this is not a straight line, not by any means. It's more like a winding road with twists and turns and hills and valleys that allow you to discover, you know, new facets of yourself. And when you discover those things, then those are the things that you can leverage to support others. So as you grow in your self-leadership, you create more opportunities to grow others too. So if you want to be more successful in your leadership, in your business, in your career, in your community, it's very important to develop yourself first. And that means developing yourself leadership skills. It means taking control of yourself, your career, your life, and steering it in the direction that you want it to go. It starts with having clarity about what you want, who you are, and then taking inspired action to create it. And I would love to hear from you if there are other ways that you think of that would help you become a better leader through self-leadership. What are they? Leave me some love in the comments and let me know what those are because sharing is caring. By sharing, you can inspire someone else. So until the next time, here is wishing you all the clarity and self-leadership that you deserve. Oh, and if you would like more clarity on your way forward in your leadership in life, then grab your very own copy of the Clarity Workbook and uncover the answers that you deserve. You can go to And that's all for today. See you soon. Bye-bye for now. Thank you for listening to this episode of The Getting to Clarity Podcasts with Debbie Peterson. If you enjoyed this show, please rate and recommend it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you enjoy your podcast. To learn more about how you can create more success with less sacrifice in your leadership in life, visit [ Music ]