The Morning Shift on 92.9 The Game

Dylan's Top 5 homemade cookies of all time

In honor of National Sugar Cookie Day, Dylan shares his list of top five homemade cookies

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09 Jul 2024
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Now, with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus, notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Block out another resurgence of five major league baseball trade-barts used with permission. It's more than just Sports Talk. This is the Morning Shift. I'm in. Me too. On Sports Radio 929 the game. It's time to rant. It's cute. It's time to rage. It's time for Mike Up. On the Morning Shift. Sports Radio 929 the game. It is the Morning Shift. And usually, this is the time when you hear the soft voice of Mike Johnson. Or maybe even Rob Johnson. We're dialed up with Dialon. Yep. You know what? Let's tell people how things work. This is something I was supposed to do. Can you do this? I was tired. I got another gig I have to do. I was tired. Dialed like you just do this. And I got you. I was throwing off a start segment because I kept looking at Tiffany and Ring. It's back and then you start talking and I'm like, "Whoa, why would I talk?" It was like, "I don't know, I don't know." Go on, Dylan, carry on. Anywho, I am going to come in and I'm going to bring you all a top five Tuesday. Mike Johnson usually does a great job with these lists. But today I'm going to go a little bit off the beaten path when it comes to a top five list. Mike usually goes somewhere in the sports room. He has done, I believe, one maybe two food top fives before if I'm not mistaken. But I wanted to go with the food top five today. And that time of the night. Oh, then you started with number one. That's her number one. Do you have honorable mentions? Where is the food? What kind of food? What is... So, I'm glad you asked that question, Bob. In honor of National Sugar Cookie Day today, I am going to go with a cookie. What an awful national holiday. Top five. Yeah, the national holiday is a fun one. We always have days for something. Party, right. Griffin, you're a top five. No, you don't know sugar cookies are in the top five or not. Okay, I know. That's for me to know. It's your favorite cookie. It's my favorite cookie. So, sugar cookies? No, I don't know. Well, you got to find out. I'm sorry, we all keep going. Keep going. We're pushing it. You all can tweet at me at underscore dealing Matthews. Tweet at the show account on X as well, or Twitter, whatever you want to call it. And post it on there. Make sure you post it on there. Make sure you post it on there. I will post it there at the top five list. I'll put the honorable mentions on there as well. And I will start, as a matter of fact, with the honorable mentions that I have. So, I'll just roll these off real quick. You guys keep your thoughts on the honorable mentions afterwards. And honorable mentions, I have oatmeal raisin. Not because, I don't really like raisins, but oatmeal raisin cookie is okay. You know what? I like oatmeal raisin. And I know they're popular. So, I put it in an honorable mention. My grandmother used to make homemade oatmeal cookies, but she always had a chocolate chip in the middle. This is a chocolate chip. Wow. Well, that was a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie. Yeah, it was oatmeal raisins, but they had one chocolate chip in the middle. It's perfect. One too. Yep. That's one giant chocolate chip. Yeah, pretty good size. Okay, I would actually be down to try that. So, oatmeal raisin is an honorable mention. Snickerdoodles, those are honorable mentions as well. This snickerdoodle is pretty good, in my opinion. I'm not a huge fan of, like, ginger stuff. So, like, ginger snaps are okay to me if it's not too, too ginger-y. But I'll put a ginger snap on there. I'm desperate. Shortbread cookies, and then lemon cookies. I have a quick story about lemon cookies, by the way. When I was in Michigan, what, a week or so ago, one of my, actually, my uncle's fiance brought over some lemon cookies that she had made. I don't usually like lemon desserts, but when I tell you that was the absolute best lemon cookie I've ever had in my entire life, it wasn't too lemony. It was a perfect amount of lemon, perfect amount of, like, sugar cookie as well. It was the perfect great show. It was such a good lemon cookie. But those are the honorable mentions. Oatmeal raisins, snickerdoodles, ginger snaps, shortbread cookies, and lemon cookies. So, without further ado, here we go with the top five. Unlike Tiffany, we'll start at number five. Whatever. Number five. Number five. Sugar cookie did, in fact, make the list. But it's at number five, though. It's at number five. If you have a good one, a store-bought one's, of course, not very good. But if you hand-make a sugar cookie, I feel like there's potential there for a sugar cookie. This is basic. It's the most basic of cookies. It's a waste of calories and sugar intake. I think a batter's better than the cookie, probably. Yes, I'll give it that. That's fair, actually. That's fair. So, that is number five. Sugar cookie did make the list. You know, I had to make the list in honor of National Sugar Cookie Day. So, that is coming at number five. Here we go with number four. Number four. And number four. This one, actually, until I remembered what my number two was going to be, this one was going to be number two. But number two, a good old-fashioned peanut butter cookie. Why are you laughing, Bo? Peanut butter cookie? Can I ask a question real quick? Of course. You're kind of bland. Yeah, these are all... So, like, the back two are pretty bland. How many cookies variation are there? I love the proper peanut butter cookie. But these all sound very generic. And I'm asking you, are you putting, like, chocolate chip cookies with M&M's on it? Are you eating chocolate chips with M&M's? See, I'm actually glad... That's actually a really good question. I'm glad you asked that because I thought about getting real fancy, but at that... Now, with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus, notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Block down another resource in supply, major league baseball tray parts used with permission. Point, if you're getting... I wanted to keep it generic because of you... You want to keep it generic types of cookies. Yeah, it's a generic type of get off the rails. We'll never get to number one. I was just asking the, I think, the clarification. No, it's a good clarification. I'll say this is a good clarification because you can get very creative with cookies, and you can almost make your own favorite type of cookie. You can make M&M, Oreo, chocolate chip cookie for more. But now you're hosting a segment, so I'm going to keep us on track. Let's keep it moving. All right, so I have peanut butter cookies at number four. Here's number three. Number three. Number three. Another variation of a peanut butter cookie, but different peanut blossoms. If you are unaware of what a peanut blossom is, it is the... And they have different names for them too, so you guys might. You guys probably call them by a different name. It's the peanut butter cookie with a Hershey kiss in the middle. It's that one. Yeah, I didn't know they were called blossoms. I don't know what they're called. I don't know if that's the official name for it. But this is like a little... But I don't know. What else do you got for us? I mean, you know, I... I like the destination cookie. I know how. I get your way to that chocolate in the middle. I know. There you go. I feel like Mike Johnson now, you guys. Bliss is being hated already. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Mike Johnson, you can have your job back when you come back, bro. All right, here's number two. Number two. We broke his spirit. It is. It's gone now. Number two. This one, I was trying to remember. And I couldn't remember for the life of me, the name of this cookie. So I had to like look it up as best I could. But I finally found the name of it. And I know how I forgot it. But I really couldn't remember the name of the nut, but white, chocolate, macadamia, macadamia. Yeah, that's it. Okay, we're getting respectable now. Okay, so that's at my number two. You couldn't make an argument for number one, but I have it at a respectable number two. Because, I mean, if you have... If this cookie is made right, it's just... Oh, it is. But you need to add... Like, I've had it with peanut butter, like chocolate peanut butter chips, and peanut butter globs, whatever you want to call them, and chocolate chips. That is a delicious cookie. I would definitely try that. But if you get this, if you make it right, it is the perfect ratio of sweet and savory. So it hits every time, especially warm coming out of the oven. Nothing too much better than a good white chocolate macadamia. Now, other than this, and that gets us to number one. And I already know for this one, you guys are going to hate me for it. You're going to get ripped over the cold? I'm going to get ripped over this one already. No, here's number one. Number one. A good old-fashioned chocolate chip cookie. Nothing beats a classic. I got no problem with that. Oh, okay. There was a problem with that. Oh, okay good. Especially soft right out of the oven. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I saw it. I always... Rub it on my torso. It's how good it is. I always see memes on Twitter, where it's like nothing beats a... What's it? A chocolate chip cookie, a medium rare chocolate chip cookie or something like that. It was pretty funny. Or no, no, I say boneless. A medium rare. I don't know. Basically they're soft like... They say boneless. It's something that kids are probably talking about these days, but I can interpret it, you know, because I'm kind of, you know, I'm still a youth artist. No, I mess it up. They say boneless. It's nothing better than a boneless chocolate chip cookie. Yeah, also known as soft and chewy. I mean, what the hell are we doing? Boneless? It's a kid. It's all kids. It's what they use, call it. Well, you know, I'm going to keep you hip on this show. I'm never going to shot a good chocolate chip cookie. It's not, you know, a rock hard is the ultimate cookie. I mean, there's no beating. Um, I like a little like, I'm okay with the brown edges, and then the ooey gooey center. That's fine. Yeah, a little bit of crisp on the outside, and then it likes to warm on the inside. When we were in high school, we had a vending machine. It wasn't like back in the day. Now they have all kinds of vending machines. We had like a vending machine. They had grandma's chocolate chip cookies. Those things have gotten smaller and smaller too. They used to be so big. Yeah, oh yeah, they're awesome. They used to be huge in a two pack, and I would get those every day with like a mountain dew. Um, holy, snikies. They were so good, so good. You just eat boringly healthy though between those. Wait, him? Yeah, the grandma's cooking mountain too. Yeah, oh yeah, that's a great combination right there. Sounds like one of my meals, occasionally. So that's our top five. That's our top five. I will recap. Number five sugar cookies. It is national sugar cookie day. So number five sugar cookies. Number four peanut butter cookies. Just straight up peanut butter cookies. Number three peanut butter blossoms. The peanut butter cookie with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. At number two white chocolate macadamia nut. And at number one, a good old-fashioned classic chocolate chip cookie. I mean, look, I'm not going to. This is the top five Tuesday. I have to criticize it. This is pretty weak. I'll never make a list. That will be open for critique. But I will say you played it safe. Like you went with cookies. You could have picked pizza toppings. You could have talked about Hawaiian pizza. No pineapple. Like you could have ventured into those waters, but you played it safe with cookies. But it's not how you cook the pineapple though. It's not, is it national pineapple on pizza day? I don't care what day it is. These food holidays are ridiculous, except for national doughnut day. I feel like pizza day is like three times a year. That's acceptable. And yeah, sugar cookies are garbage days. Haggis day coming up in August. You want to weigh in on Dylan's cookie list. Should have been Oreos on there. You got her butters. You, oh yeah. But these were, those were, these are all like homemade. Yeah, these like homemade. All right, well, call us 404-760-929. Or perhaps you have thoughts about Bijon being ranked number six going through the season when it comes to running backs. That was for the ESPN survey that we discussed earlier. Give us a shot on anything you like. Wake up calls next on the morning shift on sports radio 99 the game. Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with nor sides and Bijon is your not-so-secret ingredient. You can skip the drive-through and do dinner at home. Nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious, affordable, and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less. Visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home-cooked weeknight dinners. It's not fast food, but it's so good. Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball, your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Blackout and other research and supply major league baseball trademarks used with permission.