The Morning Shift on 92.9 The Game

Wake Up Call

The Wake Up Call: Tif, Mike and Beau take calls from listeners to allow them to discuss whatever they would like to by giving a wakeup call.

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03 Jul 2024
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Now, with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus, notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Blackout and other restrictions apply in Major League Baseball trade cards used with permission. I know! That's right. This hour, brought to you by Mark Spain Real Estate. Go to to get a year and get off from your home today and start packing. It is time for the Wake Up Call 404-726-0929. You can tell us who needs a Wake Up Call. Maybe it's Michael for trying to project his musical taste on myself and Bostradomas over here, or maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. He probably deserved it. He probably deserved it. Alkins position groups. We've got to talk about Josh Kendall's article on the Athletic, ranking the position groups from the least concerned to what he's most concerned with, and these guys gave their thoughts on that as well. I had a, that was a good one, Wednesday question. I was, it kind of was probably going to be a little bit too deep to celebrate my victory. Whatever. But here's what it is. I was going to say, who finishes with more points on the season next year, the combination of Zachary Rizochet and Bogie Bogdanovich, or LeBron and his son? Rizochet and Bogie or LeBron and his son? And I was going to say which one? I was like, you know what though? Y'all be over there trying to Google, trying to see point totals, but you know, what do you expect in a Rizae? I was like, whatever. We'll just push it to the back burner. But that was one of the questions. I also had, who's going to have a better second half when all the Lopez are Matt Olson? Matt Olson. Maybe. I mean, I think it would be important in Matt Olson had a better second half, honestly. It'd be great. I do have to give myself a wake-up call because a friend of the show, Denzel, he did tell me when we were discussing which braids were going to have a, you know, great season. He said to pick Jesse Travis, and I don't know if I did or not then. I don't, I think I may have, but he's basically been blowing me up telling me he better get his shout out. So that's your shout out. He said, there's a shout out. I told you, Denzel like, Hey, you should listen. Denzel picked a bad morning to do it since he gave up a home run less. Tater. All right, let's go. Denzel, and more I hear by Denzel, I'll like him more, but then again, I understand more. Friend of the tip, friend of the tip. We're going to the lines. He's on the Euro trip, by the way. Let's go to, let's go to Tinker. Good morning, Tinker. What's going on? What's up, buddy? Good morning. Hey, man. Oh, Squiz got me fired up for the holidays after the Mike's given the questions. Because after every question, Mike gave, Squid had the greatest answer after every single one. And that was the cold beer. That's right. That's right. I'm gonna have plenty of it later. But my wake up call is any red blooded American out there that hasn't seen these two videos. And if you haven't, give yourself a chance to watch them. And that's Michael Winslow playing the national anthem, dressed as Jimmy Hendricks. And the second one is Red Skeletons. In the video, he goes to eat. He defines each word in the Pledge of Allegiance. And I tell you, by the time he's done, your hairs on your arm are stand up. And at the end of the video, he gives a, it's kind of weird what he says at the end, but you got to check that out when he gets a chance. All right. Thanks again. Red, Red Skeleton Pledge of Allegiance right now. I guess is what I need to do. Do you know Michael Winslow is, right? He's the guy from Police Academy. There's all the voices. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And he is, he's actually, I mean, it's not just voices, it sounds, it's noises. He's amazing. You can even throw his voice, right? He is a man. He's amazing. He's an amazing talent. Red Skeleton is an old, old school man, old school comedian. He also would do paintings and stuff. So yeah, that's a, that's a throwback. You're all a thinker. I'm, I'm googling as we speak, man. You got busy fingers. Good call. Let's go to David in coming. Good morning. What's up? Good morning, y'all. How are y'all doing? I can't complain, buddy. All right. Well, first, I want to give a shout out to Mike Smafia. Oh, you know whatever, Rover holding it down. My man. So my shout, my wake up call is going to be to select a few Atlanta drivers around here. So my wake up call is that, please, if you want to drive in miles under the speed limit, get in the right lane. Don't be taken up the leveling, please. I mean, I'm not advocating for speeding, but I think it's been a long enough to know that speed limit is a suggestion to most people. But please, move over to the right. I will agree with this because there have been some mornings that I have watched someone going slow merge all the way over just to get to the left side to continue to go slow. Yes. Make it make sense. I think David, I don't think David was advocating for speeding. I think he was advocating for safe driving, which is not safe driving when you go under, go to the speed limit in the lane that most people want to speed in. Also, when we're, when we got in TIFF, you know how you go through customers, you go through the baggage carousel, and you get your bags, and then they have the little, the sniffing dogs that smell, and they had, they have police officers there. One cop decided, because people don't know how to kind of take a line and go into from three to four wide and go into single file and the cop. Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game 10, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app, baseball your way, download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play, block out another description supply major league baseball trade parts used with permission. I decided to go just treat it like emerging on the highway, and I looked over to him and I said, zipper technique. I looked there and I said, I said, well, he really picked the wrong city to use the merge technique. He's an Atlanta cop, he goes, yeah, probably right on that one. I'm like, yeah, yeah. Two things here. I did uncover a new driving pet peeve of mine the other day. I had a guy, I'm coming just going 45 or 50 down the Roswell Road, right? Somebody pulls out in front of me, doesn't even check up at the stop sign. They're pulling out and just pulls out in front of me. But even worse than that, like, don't pull out in front of me. But don't pull out in front of me if you're going to go 10 miles and out on a speed limit. Exactly. Like, dude, like, okay, you're going to be a daredevil at the stop sign, but you're going to be driving to Miss Daisy as soon as you get on the straightaway. Like, I have an absolute massive issue with that. Also, I had the same conversation David with Bo last night. I was like, if you're going to go 10 miles an hour slower than everybody on the simulator, please step off to the right of the race track we're racing on last night. Well, my car was damaged when I hit the wall. I mean, I'm sorry. In the middle of the track, my car then became damaged because I had to hit the wall avoiding. Well, I wasn't parked, I was reversed. Also, if you were already in the fast lane and you were going fast and someone wants to go astronomically faster than what you are going, do not ride that person's butt because they are already speeding. Give them time to get out of your way. There's like a there's a polite way to do things. If you want to go 100, it's not my job to get out of your way fast enough for you to blow past me. That's not I completely agree. Trash move to what happened. I was in reverse. I missed a pet. Well, it's got a squid billion. Good morning. Morning, everybody morning. Elder squid. Sir, Mike, you pipe. I didn't do anything. What are you doing? Hold on, sir. How are we doing today? Doing well, doing well. Two quick things. First of all, wake up call for Aaron Rodgers. Look, I would be fine with him doing this going to Egypt during camp and all that if he was still with the Packers. Like because he knew co-opments, the core offense to him. It's like Rodman going to Las Vegas for four days before a game. Jordan knew he would show up. That was known and it was fine. But the NFL is still, what have you done for me lately league? And he hasn't done anything for the Jets yet. And the core offense of the Jets doesn't know him yet. He doesn't know the core offense yet. So I still have a problem with it because he's on a new team for. He's only played four games. So he needs the reps. And I assume that he just assumed. I don't think he went to any of his teammates. Like, hey, you called me going and leaving. Like he just did it because he knew that he could get away with it. Second thing, I'll credit where credit is due Tiffany good win. I would have given you the win because, you know, we're good people in the nation. We're impartial. So you got the win today. I do have a problem with this isn't our one problem with which one Wednesday is if if Paul and Tiffany agree like that kind of that point kind of goes to the first person, the second person just going to be like, yeah, ditto, but I can't really get the point for a reason. That's the same. And it's just kind of a flaw in the game itself. I appreciate you listening. I appreciate you congratulating me on my victory. I do slightly disagree though with the agreement point. And so my take on that is it's about who sells it better. Yeah, that's it. It's a debate for anybody's ever seen a debate team? They have those all over high schools in Georgia. You can't agree, but you have to have the reasoning behind it, but I'm at home today. Oh, it's what I'm going to call. Well, I mean, I can't hammer home when Tiffany tells me how great I am. What am I supposed to say? Yeah, honestly, but that was like her checkmate moment. I mean, I mean, she was like, check, man, I'm about to get you right here. I agree. I'm great. Thank you. I mean, what do I say? I didn't go that far. You kind of did. This week did that's kind of been a theme. I'll be honest. You've been better. I don't know what it is. Hold on. You know what? You know what? You know what? It proves to me is that Tiffany missed me when she got stuck with you for a week. I actually agree with you. I actually agree with you that she and listen, it was like she it was like she wanted to know when she saw you, she was the kind of want to hug him so bad. I missed him so much. But you know what I mean? I'll keep it. You know, look, she definitely. Oh, I know. I know that parts a lot because the way he's the words he's saying. But I'm sure you get once you get through like maybe like to Tuesday morning, you're like, dang, I need squid that. What do you think like you always think though, the worst, you know? I don't really have, but I'm the worst. Yeah. When it comes, when it comes, when it comes to, when it comes to who's missing the show and stuff. That's why, that's what I thought. That's the most positive. You're second most positive, Mike. I will give you that. You are definitely not the most positive. Mike is the most positive. Mike is the most positive. I was making a point where it comes to people missing the show and stuff. He's like, oh, you guys probably had a better time without me. Like, we never come back and say that, do we? No, but maybe once I did. But I don't. You look quite like glad, like the witches, you stinged on to witches dead. She's not here. Brave giants. We'll give you our thoughts on tonight's matchup. Stay with us here on the morning shift on sports radio, W29 the game. 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