Getting Results with Dr. Jean

E65: What's the Difference Between Marketing And Sales

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06 Aug 2024
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Dr. Jean, The Results Queen® discusses the difference between marketing and sales functions in business. Dr. Jean emphasizes that marketing builds awareness, relationships, and trust with customers, while sales converts leads into clients. Marketing helps salespeople by creating brand awareness and credibility. The key differences are that marketing builds awareness over time, while sales seeks out leads and closes deals. Companies need separate marketing and sales teams with distinct key performance indicators to ensure both functions are effective.

Key Takeaways:

  • Marketing Builds Awareness, Relationships, and Trust: Marketing's role is to build brand awareness and relationships over time
  • Sales Converts Leads into Clients: Sales seeks out and qualifies leads, then closes deals
  • Marketing and Sales Should Have Separate Functions: Distinct teams, budgets, KPIs for each function
  • Marketing Helps Salespeople Succeed: Awareness and credibility help sales conversations
  • Trade Shows Demonstrate the Differences: Marketing booths aim to inform, sales booths seek qualified leads

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Why do reclines call Dr. Jean the results queen? The name speaks for itself. Dr. Jean has been helping business owners achieve and exceed their goals for over 20 years. And now, she wants to help you get more results to your business and in your life. In fact, her mission is to leave you better than she found you. Join her as she dives deep into the world of business and entrepreneurship to provide you with actionable strategies and valuable insights and compelling stories that will propel you to greater success and ultimate results. Get ready to take notes, because it's time for getting results with Dr. Jean the results queen. Hi, it's Dr. Jean the results queen. Welcome to getting results with Dr. Jean. I'm so excited you're here today and I'm going to talk about the difference between marketing and sales. Now, as you know, there's four aspects to every single business, four functions, every business has, marketing, sales, operations, finance. So many people put marketing and sales together. We see them as two separate things. And in fact, when we offer our full service, business consulting, you can work with us in marketing and sales and operations or finance because we really believe that we have to be able to support you in all those four areas. So really think about the fact that marketing sales do not go together. They are separate operations and functions in your company. And what happens is in terms of separating those out, it's really important that they work together. Often marketing and sales are like at each of the throat because they like to blame one another, but the reality is they should go hand in hand when they understand the relationship between marketing and sales. So let's talk about the relationship between marketing and sales and what marketing really does and what sales really does and why they're not combined. You can't have them as combined in your organization. You really need to have them as two separate functions. Okay. Why? Why, Dr. Jean is what you're saying to me. Okay. So here's the thing. Marketing. The purpose of marketing is to build awareness of yourself, your brand, your company. It's to build awareness so that people can find you. People can ascertain if you're really real or not. They can see what kind of services you offer. They can see what kind of personality you have. But marketing really is there to build awareness. Now in some cases marketing can build leads for you too, depending on what type of marketing you do. I mean, there's tons of marketing and a lot of people say to me, oh my gosh, I do a lot of social media, you know, posted on LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter, that's great. That to me is a more of a awareness building activity, but people do get business from that. And gosh knows, I mean, a lot of people are just so tired of LinkedIn and getting sold too. Because that's the problem with social media is that I'm trying to sell you something when reality is I need to build a relationship with you. And that's really what marketing does. It builds a relationship with your ideal target audience so they know who you are. It's a way of building no like and trust, because remember nobody wants to work with someone. They don't know build like and trust. And yet so many of us in marketing or in sales, what we do is we just send out something that's like, hey, buy my services. Hey, buy my services. Hey, buy my services. It's sort of like meeting someone at a bar and saying, hey, you want to have sex, seriously. People want you to build a relationship, which is why sales has a challenge with marketing because marketing has a slow build, it doesn't go fast. Even if you go to a trade show, like I just went to one a couple weeks ago, you meet people, you build relationships, you get some names, and then you have to go and build more relationships. And then eventually they'll close into a client. Marketing is a slow play. And a lot of people were like, wow, I don't get any investment from my marketing. And that's because you're not thinking about what marketing does. Marketing is there to build awareness and maybe bring you a lead, maybe bring you a lead. It can. It doesn't mean that it does. And I'm going to give you a great example, which I did talk about on another podcast, is that I met with somebody a couple of weeks ago and she had done all her research on me. Like she had listened to my podcast, she read my website, she looked at our LinkedIn post, and when she showed up to have the conversation with me, she's like, I know exactly who you are. You're like, you're no nonsense, direct to the point, bucketing results. Yeah, that's all from my marketing. She knew who I was before I even met her and she had a great opinion about me before she even met me. And that's why you really want to make sure that you're doing really good marketing. Marketing that your ideal target audience will love because they want to get to know you. Not necessarily make the sale. So let's talk about sales because now I know marketing is there to build awareness, build a relationship, potentially get a lead, maybe. But sales is really where the leads are gotten. And what they think about the pipeline, people sometimes say to me, what's that, Dr. Jain? So I'll explain it even though you may already know it, but that's taking people that are outside your funnel. Some people call them suspects, I hate that term, but and then once you meet them, you put them into your funnel where you then you have to introduce them. So build a relationship, nurture them, and then close the business, which also, depending on what your sales cycle is, can be a long period of time. So you'll hear sales people like Cole calling, going out to networking events, they go to trade shows, they play golf. There's lots of ways to attract people to you, but salespeople are out there really pounding the bushes, looking for potential clients. That's what they do. Notice what I said about marketing, marketing is building awareness and building a relationship and telling people who you are. I didn't say it was going on and find a leads. That's what salespeople do. That's what sales does. That's what people expect their marketing to do, but it really doesn't. And why do you invest in marketing? Because people are going to look you up, people are going to want to know who you are. Even if you meet them someplace, they're going to still look you up because they want to make sure you're credible. Marketing gives you credibility. Sales gives you the actual lead and the potential client and then a client for your business. So it's really important that you separate marketing and sales and really expect that you're marketing people. I mean, I had a potential client say to me the other day, "Why is marketing so expensive?" The reason why it's so expensive is because it takes time and effort to craft a really good message. You just can't just jot something out. And it takes a lot of time to figure out what the strategy is to figure out where your target audience is hiding out so that you can go talk to them. And sometimes it's trial and error. I mean, I hate to say that because you think to yourself, "Well, I'm spending money on trial and error." Yeah, you are actually because the marketing company has to learn who you are. And then they've got to be able to deliver what they've talked about, whatever it is that they've talked about. And sometimes that you've got some ideas of what you want marketing to do and sometimes they have ideas of what they want you to do, but you have to come to whatever you think the return of investment are is whatever the KPIs are for marketing. Because once you have that, and most people don't do that, but once you have that, then you'll know what your marketing is supposed to do. Like if you say, "Hey, I want to build a website," well, that's the metric. We're building a website. And for marketing purposes, you need a website. Now I know lots of people are like, "Oh, I don't have a website. That's fine." Great. Well, somebody in my business needs a website. So I'm not to say that I'm getting leads for my website. People are contacting me for my website. But the fact is that people want to read who you are, what they're doing to get a flavor for you. Caveman Brain is so involved in that. I'm not going to work with someone I don't know like and trust. And one of the first ways of doing that is to see who you are. I've Googled you, so to speak. That's important. That's what marketing does. But the sales is the way they get the leads. Like when I went to the trade show and I picked up three people, those three people became my leads. So I went, you could say I did marketing by going to the trade show, but I really went as a salesperson. If I was doing marketing at a trade show, I might put my ad into the trade journal. I might actually have a booth, although the booth could be sales as well as marketing, depending on what happens. But the reality is that sometimes the lines are blurred between marketing and sales, which is why we get so confused by it. Because look, I just said to you, I can go to a trade show and put up my trade code booth and I can be there for marketing purposes, I'm building awareness and perhaps I'll get leads. But the reality is if you're going to a trade show, you really want to be in sales oriented, which means that you want to find people to talk to and get them to be clients. And it's so fascinating because when I walked the trade show, you could tell the people who are there for marketing and you could tell the people who are there for leads or sales, I should say. And how could you tell? Well, the people who were there for sales were standing outside of their booth. They were talking to people, they were asking questions, they're only people to them. And you might say, well, that's a little aggressive. No, they were trying to build a relationship, they were trying to have conversations with people. Well, they wouldn't try it. They were. But the idea was that they were there looking for leads. People who are there for marketing who are building just their awareness, they sit behind their table. They wait people to come up, they're not very, they're not very purposeful. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm just saying that that's their, they're there for marketing, they're there to build awareness. They're not necessarily to get leads. That's the difference. Does that make sense? Am I speaking like you're like, what the heck? And if it doesn't, you know, send me an email, Jean at and tell me I'm not making sense because marketing is really important and sales is even more important. But understanding the function on how you want it in your company is probably the most important because when you combine them and then you say, well, what the heck is marketing doing for me? It opens the doorways for the salespeople to walk through. It makes it much more sense, a much more, much more easier, much more easier for people to go. So like for example, in the US, when I walk into a room because of all the marketing that the US people have done, people are like, oh yeah, I've heard of your US. It makes it so much easier to have a conversation as a salesperson who's looking for clients to work with on the US versus having no marketing. When I walk in and people go, oh, US, I've never heard of that. What is that? That's what marketing does. Like you might say to yourself, well, gosh, Dr. Jean, I have a local business. I don't have a big budget for marketing. You don't have to have a big budget for marketing. You just have to be very strategic in your marketing and where you're putting it and what kind of dollars you're going to get back, how are you going to help your salespeople? Think about that when you're doing your marketing. How are you helping your salespeople? If you can answer that question, your marketing is going to be doing really well because that's what happens with salespeople. Now you might be like, well, I am the salesperson and I am the marketer. That's fine. You don't have to necessarily hire outside people to help you. Gosh, as we've worked with a lot of different types of marketing people, they all suck in some way. I say reform. They do. I hate to say it, but the fact is, is that they do. That's one of the reasons why we started marketing Sprout because we're master marketers and we really know marketing and at the end of the day, we know what you want and using AI is a great way to do your marketing. We developed our own chatbot. We are now helping people with content and putting it out and that's what you want to do is really think about what your marketing is supposed to do. It doesn't necessarily bring you to sales. Sales brings you to the sale. Marketing builds awareness, builds your brand, helps people to understand who you are and maybe you're going to lead. Sales gets the leads, nurtures the clients, potential clients, nurtures the potential clients and then closes them to have clients. Those are the two differences. I'm going to ask you as homework to go out and sit down and think to yourself, "Okay, what do I want my marketing to do? What do I want my sales to do?" And to figure out those two different functions and make them separate, you can have the same person doing them, but they should have separate KPIs, separate ways of being in terms of functions and measure them every week, that's a way to say. So I'm leaving it there, marketing versus sales. I'm glad that she listens to the podcast and if you enjoyed the podcast, please like us on your favorite platform and of course, please play it forward by sending this to someone, share it with someone who needs to hear this. And as I always say, when you're ready to get results, come listen to the results queen. I'm Dr. Jean the Results Queen, go out and get results. Thank you for listening to Getting Results with Dr. Jean the Results Queen. 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