Getting Results with Dr. Jean

E64: Chad Jenkins-Using Friction to Grow Your Business

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02 Aug 2024
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Dr. Jean, The Results Queen® and her special guest, Chad Jenkins discuss how Chad leverages collaboration and friction to create value for businesses. Chad shares how they began problem-solving at a young age, and looks for value beyond surface labels. They break down friction into categories and aim to predict and solve problems proactively. Mid-grade friction like emails and texts are bountiful, and can be addressed through processes to capture, analyze, and react to trends. Listening to understand unique value contributions allows creating new opportunities. Chad shares how he targets entrepreneurs to add growth, and shares an example of increasing sales targets unconventionally. Active listening in meetings and empowering others can lead to insights. Practical applications are emphasized, including capturing friction and using AI to improve collaboration. Dr. Jean and Chad also discuss how to leverage collaboration and future money to empower entrepreneurs through growth coaching and performance-based partnerships. 

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Why do reclines call Dr. Jean the results queen? The name speaks for itself. Dr. Jean has been helping business owners achieve and exceed their goals for over 20 years. And now, she wants to help you get more results to your business and in your life. In fact, her mission is to leave you better than she found you. Join her as she dives deep into the world of business and entrepreneurship to provide you with actionable strategies and valuable insights and compelling stories that will propel you to greater success and ultimate results. Get ready to take notes, because it's time for getting results with Dr. Jean the results queen. Hi everyone, it's Dr. Jean with the results queen. I am so excited today because I have chat and I'm going to tell you right now, chat and I've had the most interesting conversation before we ever start this podcast. I'm afraid of leaving it in the dress. I don't want to do that. You told me at a stop, get on the show now. So with that said, welcome Chad to our fabulous podcast. Dr. Jean, thank you very much for having me. I'm very excited to be here. Oh, we're excited to have you. And based on our conversation, I think we're going to go a little longer today. So everyone buckle up because this is where we're going. So the question we always start with, which always leads to an interesting conversation is tell us about your journey, get to where you are today. So goodness, okay, that could take a second. So around the age of eight, I was struck with two very motivating factors that I didn't know at the time, but I very much do now, fear and greed. So I grew up on a farm way out in South Carolina. And at the time, I believe I was either bushogging pastures or digging manual postholes and just being driven by natural curiosity. I was exposed to and or I guessed rough order back to to what my father made annually. And this is notorious for me. I would do the backwards math. So just break it down to bite such chunks that I can understand. That was about a minute. I was like, Oh, that number is nothing. I can do better than that. I'm going to add a zero to it and I did. Then I extrapolated the number to, of course, be what that would be annually and it was a way big number. And as I mentioned, fear and greed hit me at the exact same time. I know that I didn't want to dig any more manual postholes. And I figured out or at least I felt there's no way in the world anyone's ever going to pay me what this number is. And that's not true, but it was it was a catalyst for me. And that particular time, I began to look at things not as what the label is on the outside of the jar, but what I have coined as their authentic expression. And I do that for the reason I was one of eight years old, you're not super educated. But as I mentioned, natural curiosity to take you a very long way. How can I create value? Now, of course, I probably wouldn't thinking those exact words at that time, but really I was thinking, how can I get somebody to pay me money because I want to get out of here. And I got to figure this out. And I figured it and I thought, man, I have nothing and that's not true whatsoever. I had an immense amount of resources at my disposal. If I would really just dig a little bit deeper and not consider what somebody called them, but actually consider how I can utilize their ability to create value and combine it with something else, understanding its ability to create value and turning into new unique value, which over the years, now I have defined the word collaboration is just that. It is the unique value created from the combination of two or more people, places, and things. So starting at eight and with exactly what I've just shared with you, I began to look at things a little bit differently for the benefit of creating value. And ultimately dictating an outcome, which I got paid. Now when you rinse and repeat that over and over and over through over 50 different businesses, you began to see a pattern that with you armed with that fundamental understanding, you can begin to create competitive advantages, remove any kind of competition, also reduce any kind of margin compression, because I promise you, that is not the convention. The convention is the one who's operating the business at whatever the industry says is best practices. Now we all do know what best practices are, right? Average. That's why they come up with them. It is the average of the best people we're doing. It's still average. I don't think that's a real high target to shoot for. So that's a little bit of where I came from and where it all started way out in South Carolina on a farm. I continue to do the exact same thing today that I did when I was eight and it's just looking at ways to create value through leveraging the art of collaboration. I love that. Okay. So I'm sure my listeners are like, "Tell me more, what do you mean by the art of collaboration and listening for value? What does that mean in terms of actually making money and running a company?" Okay, I appreciate that. A leading indicator that I've utilized for a very, very long time is a very simple word and it's friction. If we think about friction, it ended in safe frustration. I said friction and the reason being, I like to be way out in front of whomever I am potentially wanting to be or my organizations to be a hero to, which is actually Dan Sullivan's language. Who's your hero target? A lot of other organizations or folks will say, "Who's your target market? Who's your target client?" But driven by friction and that word is very specific, it enables me or empowers me to be in tune with those that I want my organization to be a hero to and I can focus on what is going to be affecting them and prohibiting them from being able to reach their full potential. Those are frictions. So I now have unpacked that to be three different types of friction and you can consider them just like a gas pump, which we all have driven to. Maybe not so much today and I also, of course, drive a Tesla. I like leaving the house every morning with a full tank. You know, I don't drive that far, but when I used to buy gas, which is not that long ago and I still have plenty of gas-powered vehicles, I would always recognize, as we all do, premium, mid-grade and regular and then just always stuck with me. I wanted to know why can I do regular and not premium and what do I get if I get premium? So when I think about frictions and really got down the rabbit hole in understanding frictions and how they could be empowering to organizations from a standpoint of creating value, I broke them down into three categories, very similar to fuel and I call it friction fuel. So if you would consider premium friction fuel, that is when you're so intimately aware of those that you want to be a hero to or your organization to be a hero to, you can kind of predict the future on things that are happening in the environment. They're going to cause them friction. When you can see commonality between those that you want to be a hero to, what I'll be affected by the same friction, you might consider to begin to embrace that friction. From that, you can begin to solve the problems before they're actually afflicted by those frictions and that is a way in which you can begin to become an industry leader. But sometimes it takes a little bit to become that intimate with your hero target. There's hope. The mid-grade, which I think I joked even before I get on the call, if you think about it during a gas shortage, the regular is gone and the premium is also gone because some cars only take premium, but what is there always left at the last drip? There's mid-grade. Very similar to frictions. Frictions that I would classify as mid-grade friction fuel are bountiful. Today on the way into work, we all received an email, we got a text message and for some of those who are, I'm going to classify as more experienced, we even got one of those crazy things called a phone call. And on the other end of this communication was something that made quite a few of us cringe. It was an internal email or it was a text message from a co-worker or to a teammate or heaven forbid from a hero target or a client and it was something that made you cringe. That's a friction. That's an example of a mid-grade friction. What we can do now, certainly with the capabilities of AI, it's very simple when I empower organizations to do this, you can set up what I would classify as a shared email box that can be friction at your company Every time you receive one of these, that you're going to have to resolve because of course it's real time for it. So everyone in the entire organization could forward in once a week. Someone can go in and grab all of those, run them to even just chat GPT. It doesn't take very long and ask for trending over all these frictions and let those, I noticed EOS, maybe consider putting those on your IDS. Now, wouldn't that be coming from the voice of your client or the voice of your internal client, which is your team members? Again, these are mid-grade friction fuel that everybody has bountiful amounts of and it happens all day long. Just having a little bit of an intentional process to capture them, be intentional around how you understand the trends and then a process of which you're going to react to them. So hopefully now that's pretty easy and reachable. The last one, the regular, regular friction fuel, I hate it. We're all afflicted by it and we all have it and you're currently today reacting to it. So this is a friction that is resulting in 10% less renewals, let's say the type of business that you're in. Your close rates are down, your visits are off, your links to the, or your traffic to the website is off. Over time, and because I'm driven this particular way, I've been able to subtract backwards every current regular friction I can track back to a premium friction fuel. It may have been as much as two years ago and we just weren't paying attention. It was in the market, it began to have an impact. And then somewhere around nine to six months ago, that mid-grade friction fuel was showing up bountifully. And we were not just paying attention to the complaints we were receiving during the delivery of our service or changes to the market that are affecting our hero targets. And we just a little bit, we're sleeping at the wheel now, we get the opportunity will be positive in nature to react to this unlimited regular friction fuel that is of course dictating a line share of our day. So all of those mechanisms are a way to want to categorize the type of friction that you're currently dealing with and I promise you are ways that you can begin to embrace it. And then of course, shape industries and leave your competition in the dust, because they also were doing it, but they might have a process like I just outlined. So I got to ask this question. Sure. I'm sure the listeners are like, oh my God, I want to be premium. I'm sitting in there, like I just wasn't paying attention, something happened. So if I'm sitting in regular fuel, is there a way to go back up the ladder to get back to premium? Of course. Yeah, absolutely. First start with targeting mid-grade, because probably even the time that we've been talking about it, folks have gotten emails or they got the phone call or a couple of text messages. And there was friction fuel in those text messages. It's just quantifying what type of friction fuel and then having a process to begin to embrace it. I've been mentioning earlier and I've done this quite often, because share of mailboxes cost nothing if your own Google Apps or your own 365 shared mailbox are of course a thing. One of my organizations is a pretty large cybersecurity managed services firm. So I know this to be true, forwarded in, copy paste, my lovely assistant gets a screenshot of text messages, sometimes 20 times a day to schedule for folks that would like to meet in the future. It's just too easy today to capture that information. So get it in central repository. I love that you have the US up there, and Chris, I love Gino, good Lord, he's so smart. Making sure that you have it in central repository, and if you are facilitating your meetings and operating under EOS, we all know what level 10 meeting is, you can take these to your IDS, leverage all the brain power that's in the room, and just make a lot of times we're solving things in the moment, no matter where you are in the organization, you have to. And I say, yeah, I get it. Take one more step. There's a thing with four seasons that some of us may know. And there's stick, one of their sticks, they have many of them that separates them from the competition is everyone is empowered and requested to do your job plus one. Your job plus one. So here you're doing your job by resolving the current friction that you're exposed to. How about we add just plus one? And the plus one could be something as simple as forwarded to I love that. That can go into central repository and just leverage AI to find the trends. And then make sure that you talk about it and then fix it. So okay. So I've gone from regular to medium to mid grade, yes, sorry, mid grade, it's okay. It's okay. To premium. To premium. I'm a car girl. So I should know that. But I don't do medium. I don't do mid grade. Okay. Not a mid grade. Not a mid grade. All the way. So premium. I'll just even like the mid grade, I just want to move right to premium. Right to premium. Okay. So that's leveraging one concept that I created long ago. It's named remove the film. So we've all received a phone. Maybe the phone is the most horizontal item and you have to take the plastic off and it looks a whole lot better or you have a new car in the GPS screen has it on there. There's plastic all over whenever we remove the plastic off a brand new TV, it looks better. So consider your business just the exact same. Remove the film from the business and you say, we're already crushing it. We have the better mark. We have above best practice margins in our industry and like, great. We do know what best practices are. We talked about that already. But removing the film on the business that you have or the organization of the collection of talented individuals is really digging a little bit deeper about understanding the value that they can create driven by, as we talked about, friction fuel. So premium friction fuel, they are in the future. They are abstract in nature. You have to be in tune with your hero target and to be driven by a mindset of wanting to create more value to more than you did yesterday. But if all those things are true and understand that God gave us four inputs and one output, I've always tried to use them proportionally. I won't be able to do that on this podcast, it's my job to do a lot of the talking. With that consideration and with that awareness, I want to listen four times more than I'm barking out my legacy conventional way to create value to my clients because it's disproportionate. So doing things that enable us to listen to our clients, capturing those frictions as we talked about mid-grade because they're probably going to be sinned into you. It's not a bad thing with premium, you have to get in front of it. So that means you want to have constant conversations with those hero targets around what do they think about their future? It's not about your product or service that you're going to provide to them. Make it all about them. They will literally tell you. And once you understand what they envision for their future, you can begin to see ways to create value for that future which might be completely different than the business that you're in or the products and services that your business currently offers, but understanding the collection of talented individuals that you have and listening to your client, you may spawn a new product or service. So remove the film, friction, identification, Fi, leverage the market is the LM. When you're having these conversations with your hero targets or your clients and you're listening, you will hear frictions that will literally just give them to you. The leveraging the market piece is a process that I've been running frictions through for a very, very long time and I've created many organizations because of it. When you're introduced with a friction, I ask a couple simple questions to myself whether it be internal for my team or external when I'm conversating with clients or business owners around the globe now. And that is, if I resolve this, is it just going to help Julie in accounting or is it going to help all the Julie's in accounting or all the people who are in accounting that do Julie's job, like how big actually is this? Or is it going to help everyone who's in business? The old school me would, when I received a yes, yes, yes, I would typically just go start a business. This reason I've had so many, the new me, I don't do it that way, I partner with somebody in the industry. And when they grow, they get 90%, I take the last 10. There's a much better collaborative way of working off future money is just the way that I operate today. But whenever you ask yourself the questions, when you run across these frictions, am I just going to help my own organization? Am I just going to help this one particular client? Because this is not really what we do. I've heard that so many times. I understand it's not what you do, but you do have the capability of doing it, continue to ask them the questions that I've always talked about. If it's going to help this one client, and it helps all the clients that I have, but maybe it helps my exact hero target client, I just wish I had everybody that was just like this one client, it's going to help everybody that has that same profile. If it does, you might strongly consider it, put it on IDS, have a great conversation about it, understand the trends, and then make it a rock and bring that product or service to market. The second that you do, and this is not to jump off a cliff, but it's paramount, I'm a huge proponent of naming things a proper way. Name it. Isn't it now all those hero targets that told you their friction that you understand? There's a bunch of them out there, so you validated the depth of market. That was a series of questions that I talked about. Now you're bringing together a product or service, and if you give it a name specific to the outcomes that this new product or service is going to provide, then the hero targets will call you for it, because they want the outcome, that's the specificity and the naming of it. That's a full circle of how we started just listening for frictions, whether it be the one that we're reacting to, the regular, the ones that we received in the email today, our text message, more likely, those are your mid-grade or a premium where you're actually out in front of your hero targets. I have to ask, who is your hero target? Yes, it's a great question. My hero targets are one to $10 million entrepreneurs that are frustrated with the outcome they're currently getting for the effort they're putting in and their organizations, and they'd really like to just add a zero. You remember, back at eight years old, you're just out of zero. I love that, just, and can it be any industry? Does it matter? The more abstract, the better for me, because the earlier I mentioned, trying to understand some ones, unique value contribution or their organization's unique value contribution, it is often the ability for them to create value is not the same as what the title is on the door at all, embrace empowering them with that opportunity to now see the value that they can create, I have many that either started a new business or birthed new products and services in their organization, and they are not the conventional electrician or plumber or bank or credit union or marriage counselor, I mean, it just could go on and on or manufacturing for injection molded parts, or Amazon, DSP, the guys who bring your packages to your door. These guys are not doing it the conventional way, they're also, and most importantly, are not getting conventional results. Interesting. So, okay, I'm an entrepreneur between one and 50 million, you said? One in 10. One in 10 million. Yes. And I'm unique and special. Yes. I'm unique and special. You definitely are. Well, I don't know if I'm unique and special, but I'll just go with that because I'm playing this role. Yes. I'm glad that I am not getting the value from my company, so I call you up. What the heck do you do for me besides the friction and the film? We listen most importantly, very, very, very importantly, because I'm not in their industry and because I'm driven by friction from a standpoint of how can I leverage it to create value? I'm going to hear things in the words that they're using, the words they're not using. And then I have a series of questions, of course, and then we consider to potentially have a follow-up conversation. As I mentioned earlier, I only partner on future money, so in my engagements, if and I have a growth guarantee, if the organization I'm working with does not grow, then I give them their money back. I'd much rather leverage them to help someone else grow once I understand the unique value contribution and for whatever reason on God's green earth, it just didn't work. I could have a really awesome way that they could take all of their existing resources and recombine them to separate themselves from all the competition of market and they just don't want to, for whatever reason. And that's okay. I do not deal in equity. I deal in growth. I love that you deal with growth because we're always about growth. That's the most of the thing and yet, why is it that people don't want to grow? Do you ever get them? Yeah, comfortability. Yeah, right. So there's an awesome book by Ryan Holiday, the guy who wrote The Obstacle is the Way. I've added to that particular one, The Obstacle is the way and collaboration is the way I threw it. If you hang around me very much, you'll definitely hear me say that because I 100% believe it. But there's another book that I read recently that he had written and it's somebody who had given it to me, Clear Thinking. So Clear Thinking talks about the four defaults. These are biological responses that you have to be super aware and present to even see. But as I explained to you, you're like, oh, yeah, I've been a part of that before. The social default. Everyone's doing it. The ego default. We know that one. The emotional default. So you're just running on emotion. And then the inertia default. I'll give an example of inertia default and why because of course, many of my organizations run on EOS and I do love it. Around an item that's on IDS, your issue, I'm sorry, identified, discuss and solve. Yeah, it's okay. When you begin with EOS is we'll have a conversation. Yeah, exactly. It's awesome to do what I find is sometimes we're not asking the right question and the inertia default shows up some organ, some pushing around the leadership team has a solve for this thing that's on IDS. What happens? Someone tries to come up with a better solve before too long. You got three solutions like, I'm not sure if we're asking the right question. You have to be really, really careful of these defaults that we're all prewired for as humans, the inertia, the ego, the emotional and the social. So you asked the question earlier, why do some folks, they talk about growth, but they really don't want to is a lot of times track backwards to some of those defaults. It's not the convention. The challenge is, and of course, I would say this because it's the way in which I view everyone, there's so much more opportunity that they have to get just a little bit outside of the box, driven by the friction that they're absolutely affected by and afflicted by today in their businesses. I agree that, well, people have heard me say that there's 10 people, six people are staying where they are, two people, they did something tomorrow, they're out of business and two people want to grow their elite athletes, but it's the six in the middle that really is the challenge because they don't want to grow and eventually that's going to put them down at the bottom, you're out of business. It will. That's right. You're going one way or the other. That's the way it works. You're not standing still. No. So if you're in the six, you need to start moving either up or down because that's what's going to happen. Great. It's going to help you. That's true. You wrote a book. You wrote a book. Yes. We talked a little bit briefly about this book that you wrote that everyone should probably be reading. Yeah, sure. So the most recent is just out of zero, obviously, and it was a concept that, of course, back at eight years old, I began to leverage, I've greatly expanded upon that now. So the book is a collection of certain strategies I've used to grow over 50 organizations and thousands more that I don't own, but I participate in that I've said, I've noticed it been tried and true and it creates the unconventional thinking. When you hear the title, of course, most people immediately go to all this at a zero at the end. Yeah. That's very conventional, is it? Yes. And dollar e, but then you want to go to 10 makes a logical sense. One thing you might consider to leverage beginning to create unconventional outcomes and value is consider to add it at the front with your sting. Yeah. So I'll give you a scenario in this is real world around 2015. There was an organization that I owned at that time who had asked me to come in and review some things, and they had 10 folks on their sales team. Very normal. Six were crushing it four were not, and they is very interesting around, and it was an EOS meeting, a level 10 meeting, I think it was a quarterly offside actually. And of course, the normal conventional response was get rid of those four and let's help those six to even do more, but that's what they wanted to solve for. We could, we could probably do better than that, and, and I literally did exactly what I just outlined. I added a zero to the front. I said, okay, guys, I see what your targets are. There's your, and your sort of own target, you're missing your budget by just a little bit of your, and your forecast is a little bit off. You can see that pipelines begin to shrink a little bit, and they all contributed to the four that were not pulling their weight and said, okay, great. For the time that we have here that we're going to spend on this particular item, what happens when we go down to one, we're going to add a zero to the front. So instead of 10 in our sales team, for the time that we're going to bring all this gray matter together, like you committed to a daily offsite, we're going to add a zero to the front and say, how are we going to reach our goals? What would, what would we need to do to reach our goals and be only one person on our sales team? Remember, I said earlier the obstacle is the way in collaboration is the way through it. So the next, what happens next, and this is real world, actually, you can go implement this today. Some of us will have meetings today, of course. Whenever you ask a question like that, as a leader is the next part is really hard, you have to be completely quiet. Have a whiteboard handy. What's going to happen, of course, and we all know what's going to happen, right? And I look for things that leverage the way your brain works naturally, you know, if you hang around me very long, I'll say until robots do business with robots. If we're in business, we might want to focus on the human, right? And if you'd asked my wife, she would say, I'm not very human, but I've spent a lot of time, effort and energy to understand how the brain works. And this is the result of it. So when you ask a question like I just outlined, and you can bring yourself to be really, really quiet, what will immediately happen is somebody's going to raise their hand. They're going to tell you why one, you're out of your mind, but they're going to tell you exactly why that can never be true. And I said, that's wonderful. Please bring me more. And whenever in that particular meeting, I'll never forget it. There was 18 reasons that we can never do that. And they came out bountiful, right? It just happens because again, it's a biological, immediate response. And that's okay. Just embrace it. Write them all down on the left side of this conceptual whiteboard that we have in front of us today and that I would encourage you to leverage the power of one word. Take your little marker and after the end of all those bullet points to the reason that I could never be true, write one word, unless, unless, unless, unless, unless. Now the first part was really hard to be quiet. The second part is even harder, but you have to be silent in your leadership meeting. And again, you're the leader, right? You're supposed to come up with all the answers, right? So keep your mouth shut, please. What you will find is now you understand why you're investing into all of those folks and what they're becoming around your leadership table or whoever's in this particular meeting because they'll literally give you the roadmap and you'll walk up and write after and last. They'll give you the roadmap of how to create the outcome that you asked the question about. You can make it a determination on how much you want to use or not use of that, but it is a way to create unconventional thinking is a system that works. I can promise you that many, many years of experience doing it and it creates unconventional outcomes, which is what we all want. Your hero target wants it, I promise you, everyone sitting around that leadership team wants it and the person who asked the question wants it to, which is typically the entrepreneur. I love this. Brilliant nuggets from this podcast and I can't wait to say this, but I'm going to ask for more because that's how I am. Yes. Okay. Okay. Because we're at that time where I'm going to ask the second question, which is after they listen to you today, Chad, what action steps can they take to get results? Because we're all about getting results here with Dr. Jean. It would be of strong consideration to read the book. It's not a bad thing. I tried to make sure there are what I call practical applications. So I do a ton of research and I have many friends that have awesome theories and they get paid a lot of money for them. My brain works in a way in which I want to take their theories and make them practically applicable. So even the things that we've shared today on the call inside of the book, it's real world. It's just a couple. Here's what you can do today. So through the process, we talked about potentially something as simple as creating a shared mailbox. And every time, even if you're just the entrepreneur, every time that you receive what you feel like is a friction and we all know what they are because you cringe just a little bit as I mentioned very early, forward them, just forward them into this shared mailbox. No one else needs to even know about it. And if you have an assistant, which I have many, have one of them just take everything that goes in that mailbox and see what the trend is. I'm sure most people on the call are leveraging some AI engine today. You will be amazed at what comes out and think of the conversation you're able to have your internal team from something that you received last Monday. Next Monday, have a conversation with that internal team member who you could tell is a little emotional, even in the email, a lot of times you can read a little bit of what's coming on an email or that text message or heck it, what about a client who sent you something and they came in all week long and now you've identified a trending and you're able to pick up the fall and say, "Hey, we've been researching. I can't tell you. I really appreciate you reaching out to me last week, Monday morning first thing on my way to the office. Thank you very much." But we took last week and we dug a little deeper and what we're seeing is and what my leadership team has decided to do is, what do you think the value perception is for the person that you just had that conversation with, whether it be internally or externally with your client? Wow. That is... Simple stuff. Yeah. Simple and very powerful. I love that. Can you give me one more just because I like the conversation and then I'll ask the last question. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As far as things, things that we can do. Yeah. One more. Yeah. I'll give you one more. And this is extremely powerful and I do not see it being remotely leveraged in small to medium-sized businesses today. So I'm definitely a subscriber to strategic coach, I'm a member and I'm part of FreeZone, which is this top group. And it's all about collaboration. Remember, I said earlier, it's very important to me to understand the how. So I went to work on understanding what collaboration is. I found out I've been doing it and looking at things in the world that way since I was eight years old. I've already shared with you the definition of collaboration, the unique value that is the result of combining two or more people, places and things. So to leverage this as a growth strategy for your small to medium-sized business, you might consider as the visionary when you come up with big ideas, tie them all out. What I mean when I say that is take it all the way to the end into what gross revenue is new, what gross profit is this going to create, and what net profit is this going to create from this new, wonderful idea that you have. You can leverage your CFO to run models, like we all assume we all know the conventions and I certainly would appreciate all my CFOs. But it is our responsibility, I personally feel, to understand the outcome that is going to be produced by this idea. And if you're in a leadership meeting and you spawn this new idea and as often, if it didn't even come from adding a zero, a lot of people are going to tell you why that could never work. We don't have the budget, we can't spend that in marketing, we don't have the talent. There's no way we could expand manufacturing. We don't have the building or the space and I would say, great. You've heard me say on this call, the obstacle is the way and collaboration is the way through it. So in this hypothetical idea that the entrepreneur came up with that has been tied all the way out, it's going to add $10 million of new revenue. And at our margin, it's going to be somewhere around 2 million of net profit, so it's a very simple question now that you have this real vision, because you are the visionary, right? We understand that and our role. How much of that 2 million are you okay sharing with somebody who can produce that outcome? So I'm also driven because, as I mentioned, 50 different organizations and I'm unlimited innovation. It's really easy for me to come up with an idea and want to take action immediately. I'm in a pretty high quick start. We talked about that a little bit earlier. I just need a couple more facts with that high-fact finder, but I'm driven by and most of us have probably read the book, I would assume, Who, Not How is a very famous book by also Dan and Dr. Ben Hardy. So the practical application for me in my world of who not how was nothing new without a who. Ooh, I love that. So I do have the unlimited innovation. I'm fortunate to have a lot of financial people and I love numbers. I can predict the outcome of whatever this new idea is. And then I look at it and say, great, if it's going to create two more million dollars of net profit, half, okay, given what I have, it's money, it's future money. So then we all, applicable to marketing, would we all like to hire the absolute best marketing firm on the planet? Yes. The answer is yes. Because we've all probably engaged with folks who said, you know, we're going to start this campaign. It's going to be 20 grand a month, 30 grand a month. And in three or four months, you're going to start getting leads. Great. So instead of 20 or 30 grand a month, because now see, I'm armed with that half or that one million dollars of available budget to create this outcome, I am absolutely looking for the best marketing on the planet because why I'm going to pay for them and how we're going to do that. We didn't have the budget nor do we have the resources or the or the talent on staff. If armed with this future money, it empowers me to have a conversation with somebody who is equally confident in their ability to create the outcome that their unique value contribution will provide a paramount item of being able to utilize collaboration as a growth strategy. And then when I say growth strategy, what I really mean is an exponential growth strategy is transparency of understanding what success looks like and what I mean when I say that is for this hypothetical marketing firm that's going to produce this outcome, that's going to result in two million dollars and I'm okay giving away up to a million, they I could have paid them 240 for the first year. I'll work with them and say, Hey, if you're able to create these leads that convert every time someone signs up, instead of paying you 20 grand a month, I'm going to give you 500 bucks. So if what in your proposal says is true and you produce all those leads that convert, that means instead of making 20 grand a month, you would actually be making 32,500 a month. Would you rather do that? And what's the first thing that people are going to say? Oh, we could never do that. We have to build on the front really because if I'm not mistaken, most of us perform the service and then we send the bill and if we're not really efficient in our billing, it might take a week or two to get that invoice out, hopefully not in today's time, but I'm, believe me, I did with a bunch of people. There's a lot of people take a couple of weeks to get the invoice out and then what are your terms? Are your terms net 10, net 15 or net 30 or just sometimes you get paid in 45? So if you really unpack it by the time you would actually get paid the conventional way, remember, we talked about conventions early on the call, if you would consider this growth through collaboration, one in that example, they're going to make about 30% more. And when you look at the timeline of when the cash is actually going to come in their account, it's typically within a week or two. So how much exposure do they really have to make 30% more? These are just very simple concepts that any entrepreneur that's listening may consider to leverage themselves with the ability to outpace their competition dictate the margin that they want, not best practices, double it. Why not? These are the things that they can put in into action today. Most hopefully. Love it. Love it. Okay. Last because we're running a little long, but that's okay. My listeners are like, oh, this is great stuff. Awesome. What's your favorite quote and why? Oh, goodness. So my favorite quote originates from a squire who was a squire under Theodore Roosevelt. And so the quote goes this way, do what you can with what you have, where you are. Many of us are going to really do something one day when interest rates go down or the supply chain lacks, you know, the untitens, like why? What is the friction embrace the friction do what you can with what you have, where you are. Now it is evolved. It has become the Chad method because can is stands for the C have is the age, a is the R. So do what you can with what you have, where you are. And of course, with a big, how quick start, you would expect the last part. Do it today, which is the D. That is called the Chad method. So that's it. That's it. That's awesome. And I'm one of my favorite quotes. I live by that all day long. So I'm so glad you said that. Chad, how can people get in touch with you? How can they work with you? Tell us how. Yeah. Wonderful. Thank you for asking. To grab a copy of the book, you can get it anywhere just to get started. is the organization I spent my most time with, and that is where we partner on future money. Seed Spark the name, as I mentioned, very intentional about naming. Seed division, Spark growth. And that is where I partner with organizations all over the world, one to $10 million entrepreneurs. And yes, I didn't distinguish. It could be EBITDA or it could be revenue. So it is quite a large range, but I'm more interested in the unique value contribution of the person in the organization that they created, independent in the revenue. The revenue today is very temporary when I get engaged. Yeah. Awesome. So again, you can go to and talk with one of our growth coaches and see if it's a fit and if we could provide value. But thank you for asking. Oh, of course, because I know people are going to want to find you because it was such a fascinating conversation. So thank you so much for being on a podcast today. Oh, I greatly enjoyed my time. Thank you, Dr. Jean. Oh, well, thank you. I enjoyed my time too. And if you love listening to Chad and you know someone who needs to hear Chad's words of wisdom, please pass this podcast on to them. And if you liked us, please like us on your favorite podcast platform because we always love when listeners like us. As I always say, when you're ready to get results, come listen to their queen. I'm Dr. Jean, the results queen, go out and get results. Thank you for listening to getting results with Dr. Jean, the results queen. If you like the show, please subscribe, rate, and review on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. We appreciate it. And it really helps your fellow business owners to find the show. Go to getting results with Dr. for more information on how you can achieve better business results with caveman brain business growth system and the entrepreneurial operating system. Here's to you getting results. [MUSIC]