Getting Results with Dr. Jean

E61: Becoming a Master Networker

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Dr. Jean, The Results Queen® discusses effective networking strategies. She shares her experience attending a networking event and emphasizes the importance of having clear outcomes and the right attitude when networking. Dr. Jean advises having a clear answer prepared for the common "what do you do?" question. She discusses the value of understanding your target audience and being able to clearly describe who you help. Dr. Jean provides examples of how to effectively introduce yourself and make valuable connections at events. The episode concludes with tips on becoming a master networker by understanding your clients' needs and using their own language to attract similar clients.


Key Takeaways:

  • Effective Networking Strategies: Having clear outcomes from events, and maintaining the right attitude

  • Preparing for Networking Events: Dressing appropriately and having an elevator pitch ready to answer "what do you do?" 

  • Understanding Your Target Audience: Avoiding vague descriptions like "high net worth individuals"and being able to paint a clear picture of who you help

  • Making Valuable Connections: Introducing yourself effectively and letting others speak first, find a way to make a good first impression. 

  • Attracting Potential Clients: Understanding clients' problems and needs and being able to use clients' own language to attract similar clients and solve their problem. 

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Why do reclines call Dr. Jean the results queen? The name speaks for itself. Dr. Jean has been helping business owners achieve and exceed their goals for over 20 years. And now, she wants to help you get more results to your business and in your life. In fact, her mission is to leave you better than she found you. Join her as she dives deep into the world of business and entrepreneurship to provide you with actionable strategies and valuable insights and compelling stories that will propel you to greater success and ultimate results. Get ready to take notes, because it's time for getting results with Dr. Jean the results queen. Hi, it's Dr. Jean the results queen and welcome to getting results with Dr. Jean the results queen. And today, I want to talk about networking and specifically bad networking. Now, I'm going to say this, that high value networking events is one of my marketing attraction vehicles. Now, you might say to yourself, well, what's a marketing Jackson vehicle? Dr. Jean, I believe I have a past podcast on that is that a marketing attraction vehicle is some things that you use so that you can meet centers of influence gain referrals and as well as clients. And I love high value networking events, I'm a really good networker. I know that might not sound humble, but I am, I'm good at networking. I like networking. I like helping people. And I really truly believe that meeting people through networking events is a great way for me to build my centers of influence as well as find referrals to clients. Okay. And a lot of other people agree with me as well, and that's why there are so many networking events. However, since post pandemic, networking's changed a lot and the really good networkers are not out in force as they used to be. So now networking events are not as good as they were pre pandemic and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that people who are going to networking events need to be good networkers because for those of us who are good networkers, we want to go to the networking events and we want to help you with bad networkers don't really help us that much. And I'm going to give you an example of bad networking because I recently went to a really bad networking event and at a place I really wanted to go to that was going to be a great networking event, but it was just bad, probably one of the worst I've ever been to. And you're like, Dr. Jean, really? Yeah. And it was in person. And a lot of people were like, oh, in person's the best. But nowadays, online networking is just as good as in person networking. And don't try to fool yourself that we need to be in person to network. Now, yes, I'm going to say this. In person, belly to belly, as we used to say, is 100% the best way to meet people. I will never argue that being in person is the best. However, I'm going to tell you right now online is probably 80%, 85%. And that's pretty good. Whereas on the phone, maybe 50% and by email, maybe 25%. So just going kind of back to front, email, we call one dimensional communication. Don't hear or see what the person is doing and you're sending something out. It can be very much misinterpreted. Two dimensional phone calls is you can hear the person voice, but you can't see them. And we as gave people, gave man brain, we like to see people because we like to be able to see what their body language is telling us. And that's why in person, three dimensional is the best because we can see people's body language and see what's going on. However, I call online 2.5 and the reason why I call it 2.5 is because it's really in between a phone call and in person. And you can really learn a lot just by seeing someone online and look, people have got this zoom fatigue and all this and so I get it. But at the end of the day, when you're a master networker, you can do networking anywhere. But that gets me to back to how do you become a NAP master networker because that's really the most important thing. And it starts out with the fact that you can't be salesy, pushy or aggressive. Now I learned this from Alan Weiss. He was my coach for a very long period of time. I love Alan so much. I learned so much from Alan. He wrote the million dollar consultant. If you haven't read it, go and read it. Oh, he put a goody as I would say. And Alan would say to me, Jean, there's something called free will. And we as adults don't give other adults free will. Well, that's really interesting what did Alan mean by that. Well, Alan would say that everyone's an adult and every adult can make their own decision. So when we decide to give a referral to somebody, often we say things like, "I have to check." I want to make sure it's okay. Everyone crosses pushy sales, you're aggressive. And he would say, "Look, make the referral and let the other person make the decision whether or not it's a good fit. We're just introducing people to each other. That's all you're doing." And I thought, "That's really cool. I really good way of thinking about networking. I'm just introducing myself to other people to meet them, to see if there's a fit between us, if we can do work together, whether that's through a center of influence or that is becoming a client, simple, simple, simple stuff. And yet people forget that all the time. They don't realize that in terms of being a master networker. Now, the second thing you need to know when you want to be a master networker is that you have to have a result, an outcome that you want when you go to the networking event. So what's the result? I usually have a minimum and a maximum. Minimum is that I'm making one meeting, maximum and making two. I know you're sort of like that seems low stakes. It is actually low stakes, because a lot of networking events I go to are terrible. I will tell you about the worst one, because I'm going to give you that as an example. Trust me. And that's because most people who show up are not good at networking. No offense and someone loved to without, but then we could all get better. I can get better too. Every time I go, I think about how am I getting better? So you have to have an outcome. Otherwise, why are you showing up? And I'm going to tell you, a lot of people show up because their job says they have to. Well, if your job says you have to show up and it's part of your job, then maybe you should show up better. And the reason why I say that is because I coach someone who I've been coaching a long time. And I've told her that being a salesperson, being a new business developer, that's her job. That's her full time job. And there's time where she's like, oh, I hate this. It's the crime. Yeah. Every job is like that. You're a communications manager or you're a financial accountant or you're, I guess, financial accountants are the same. Well, if you're a financial controller or if you're a business developer, they're all the same. There are times where we love our jobs and times where we hate our jobs, but it's still a job. If it was play, it would be super fun, but it's called work. And as someone said to me, it's called network, not net set, which I think is also fascinating. So the fact is is that if you've got to go because your job says, then become the best networker because there's a reason why your job wants to go to, wants you to go to networking. And if you don't know the reason, go ask your boss or ask your boss's boss or go ask the owner of the company, what makes you want me to go to this networking event? What is it you want me to look to achieve? Really important. Okay. Third thing, you got to have the root, the right attitude. I'm going to tell you, there are times when I walk into networking events, I'm tired of the end of the day, I've had a day, not it's early morning, I don't want to get up. Really not interested in being there. Right? How does that work for networking event and being a master networker? Not so good. So you got to fake it till you make it like you got to put on good attitude and be like, I'm here. I'm here for my two outcomes. I'm looking to meet new people. I'm learning to learn something. I'm curious. And I talked about it with this young woman at the networking event about becoming an avatar, which I'll tangent off for 30 seconds, but I will, I'll do a podcast and avatar. But becoming an avatar means that you play a character of yourself. You don't have to be your true self. You can play a good character of yourself. And that character can be whoever you want. And I, but liken this to Beyonce, Beyonce, when she gets on the stage, she's Sasha Fierce. So she's not Blue Ivy's mom, she's not Beyonce, she's Sasha Fierce and she plays Sasha Fierce. And as a former theater person, a stage manager, and a theater manager, that's what actors do. They play a part. So you can play the part of being the new business developer. And what does that mean? And what's the characteristics of that person? And that's where I'll get into the podcast. So go listen to that podcast, I promise, I'll record it shortly. But with that said, get the right attitude when you walk in the room. Like I'm here. I'm excited. I can't wait to see what happens. I have two outcomes that I'm looking for, or at least a minimum outcome that we're going from there. Okay. So that's the next thing. So now here's the most important thing because at a networking event, everyone, someone is going to ask you, so what do you do? That's just the natural first sentence. Hey, what do you do? And you got to have the right answer to what do you do? Now, let me tell you about the worst networking event I just went to and the wrong answers that I got. Okay. So I walk into this networking event. And for me, my strategy, I'll call it that, is that I like to stand by the bar. This was an evening event. I always like to stand by the bar and the reason why I stand by the bar is because everybody's going to come and go to get a drink. And I will probably meet everybody in the room if I just stand by the bar. So I stood by the bar because that's my strategy. You know, you can have a strategy for your networking too. Some people walk around, some people are looking for two people. I'm standing by the bar because as I said, everybody's going to come by and going to be able to have some sort of conversation with them. If I want to have a longer conversation with them, I can move a little bit further from the bar once they move off. I can move back to the bar. So I'm going to meet everybody standing at the bar. Okay. So I get a, I get a, I get a fake drink. I don't necessarily get a real drink anymore, but I got a fake drink. And that's usually a soda water cell to have you want to call it with, with a lime in a glass. It looks like I'm drinking vodka. Now you know my secret because you know, it's going to be a fake drink. Okay. So my fake drink, I'm standing there and this lovely young man shows up. Now he's a little sweaty and I have to say, and that's the other thing is you got to make sure that like if you're a sweater, make sure that you're not sweating. Make sure that you're dressed correctly. Make sure you're wearing deodorant. I know that's so dumb to say all that stuff, but listen, I've been to a lot of networking events where that's not happening. Notice how you look. You know, dress the part. That's it. Again, another thing that we talk about in theaters, when you're a character, you got to dress the part correctly. What clothing should you be wearing? And colors mean something different. Like blue means trust, red means power. So pick the color that you want and make sure that you are dressed correctly for the part that you would play. Okay. So now I'm standing there and this lovely young man comes up to me and I say, Hi, I'm Dr. Jean and he gave me his name. I'm going to call him Steve. That was not his real name. And he was like, Hey, I'm Steve. I'm like, Hi, Steve. How are you? How are you? What's going on? What brought you here, Steve? It's only a little about yourself. And Steve says, like most people, I'm a financial advisor. Oh, okay. Now, when you say I'm a financial advisor, most people like want, want, want, want. I don't want to show talk to you because I just want your money and I already have a financial advisor. And so the fact is is that when you tell people what you do, you can either say, Well, it's interesting. Tell me more. You just shut them down. But I'm totally interested in financial advisors because we work with financial advisors every day, especially a new business development. So how are you? Oh, great. As you get to where you are today, he had switched firms from one large wire house to another. Talked a little bit about that, how he's going. And I said to him, Well, who are you looking to meet? And he said, I am looking to meet high network individuals. Well, isn't every financial advisor looking to meet high net worth individuals? And here's the thing about high net worth individuals, we know that those people are in the room. Because you can't go up to the person and say, Hey, are you a high net worth individual? It just doesn't work that way. So when you are talking about your ideal target audience, you have to describe them like your science project. You can't just go, Hey, I'm looking for a high net worth individual. Who is that person? Because I can't spot the high net worth individual in a crowd of networking folks. And maybe I can because I think who else works with high network individuals, in which case I could have said, I'm looking to meet bankers, or I'm looking to meet lawyers, or I'm looking to meet business consultants, I don't know because they work with high network individuals. But to say that in a networking event, there are no high net worth individuals there because if they are, they're not wearing a sign. Okay. So now I said, well, that's interesting. You tell me more a little bit about what you do and target audience, so now as we start to keep doing, you're talking with Steve, tears out, the reason why Steve's also Eddie is because he just found out that he's having the second baby and he found out the gender reveal of it. And my first thought was, what in God's good grain earth are you doing at this network event? You should be home with your wife celebrating. There is nothing more important than family. There's always going to be another networking event, always, always, always. And I tell you right now, ask it up because if you're not in the right mindset and this guy certainly wasn't, then you shouldn't be in the networking event. So know that there's always another one. It's like buses. There's another new opportunity when it comes along. And don't go. He should never have been there. He should. Because think about it. 30 years from now when they're talking about the fact that they found out they were pregnant and the gender of this lovely father, this baby, you know what the wife's going to say? The wife's going to say, you went to the network game bed. And he's going to get, he's going to be like, yeah, I got nothing out of it. Yeah. So you shouldn't be there, but okay. So now I've heard this, which is why he was all sweaty. Oh, okay. Now home. But all right, with that said, I think Martin learned to find out that he really is interested in lawyers and what he's truly interested is working with two partners who've been in business for 20 years who have somewhere between 25 and 40 lawyers who really have not worked on their financial advising, their financial plan because they haven't secured their financial future. Oh my goodness. Let's put that together as, hi, I'm Dr. Jean, you know, what do I do? What I do is I work with lawyers who are usually two who've been in partnership for 20 years working, who have like somewhere between 20 and 40 lawyers who haven't been planning for their financial future. Oh my goodness. Does that not paint a picture? How many people did you just think of as I thought of three? Yeah, I know because I also work with lawyers. I know a lot of those people too, but yeah, I just thought of three. That's way better than I work with high net worth individuals, right? And how many lawyers are in the room that you could meet with? Because if you went up to the lawyer and you said, hey, I'm Dr. Jean. What do you do? Well, I work with lawyers who are usually two who are partners, I haven't partnered for 20 years. They've got somewhere between 20 and 40 lawyers and they haven't done anything to plan for their financial future. That's because they're so busy and the lawyer is going to turn to you and say, I know people like that. You're like, oh, that's great. I'm going to put a date in your entire on your calendar to have a conversation would love to do that because that's the other thing. Everything is not where you're having the conversation. You're just there to meet people and other lawyers are going to be like, yeah, they'd be great. I'd love to pick your brain. Happy to do that. So much better than, hey, I'm a financial advisor and I work with the high network individuals. And how many of you are doing what Steve is doing as opposed to just what I did? So no, I've given this Steven. He looked at me like, wow, yeah, I do this for a living and I'm pretty good at it. I'm just saying. So I said to him, you know, there's a lawyer right behind me and the reason why is because I'm also good at reading name tags when you're at networking, but get good at reading the name tags. So you know the people that you want to talk to. Yeah, there's a person behind me want me to introduce you. Now he said, do you know that person? No, I don't know that person, but the fact is that I'm here for a networking event happy to introduce myself. So let's talk a little bit about that. When you have two people who are facing each other, that's a close conversation. Very hard to get into it, but if you have two people who started at a V, very easy to approach them. And all you have to do is when you see the V, welcome and say, Hey, I'm Dr. Jean, introduce yourself happy to meet you, put out your hand, shake your hand because that's normally what we do. And the person's going to introduce themselves too. And you're going to say, Hey, what, what brought you here today? What made you come to the networking event? And now you're in a conversation. Oh, and by the way, I like to introduce you to Steve, Steve is looking to talk to lawyers. And I thought he would, you would be a good connection for him. That's all it is because I'm there to help. That's my home mission. I'm there to help. And I've found you. So that was Steve. Now, of course, I'm still standing in the bar and the organizer of the event says to all of us, please sit down. We're about to have this presentation. Okay. So I sit down. Great. I love presentations. And I sit down to the presentation now, if you're going to give a presentation in your networking event, which is great because you're adding value, great, and great content. Don't let the speaker, because the speaker, listen, everybody wants to speak and there are lots of people out there, but don't let the speaker make it all about them. Don't make it about a pitch. Make sure that the speaker is adding value to the event and giving somebody to the people who are at the table. And the reason why is because I sat through in this networking event an hour long pitch deck. And a pitch deck is when a advertising agency tells you all about the great things they've done for their clients. It leaves you nothing because they're telling them all about themselves. And as you know, that's not what we do in a business development. It's not about us. It's about the person across the table. So okay. Great. Now I'm sitting at a table with two other people because we had to sit at the table. One's a banker. Great. The other one is another financial advisor from a different, larger firm. Okay. Great to. We didn't really get to converse the way Stephen I did. Fine. Not a problem. But of this terrible presentation that was all about this person that told me all about the things that they had done for these two brands and gave me nothing. The host of the event said, I'd like for you to talk about what, why are clients attracted to you? What do you do to have clients attracted to you? A really good question, especially when you're in a networking event because aren't you there to attract clients to you? Yes. That's the influence. That's the whole gig of going. All right. So I turned to the banker. I said, why don't you go first because I'm also about other people going first. I never want to go first. I'm not interested in talking about myself. I'm interested in helping. I want to and that's how I show up. So let's talk to the banker and the banker says, no lie without a beat. We attract nobody. No one is attracted to us. We actually have to go out and find people. Oh, okay. Where do you go with that? Nowhere? Fine. So I turned to the financial advisor and I said, what about you? And he goes, oh, well, I came with him. Wait a minute. You came with the banker? He goes, yeah, I'm one of his clients. So hold on a minute. Stop, stop, stop, stop. So I looked at the banker. I'm like, here's your client? Oh, yeah. He's one of my bigger clients. Okay. But you can't tell me how you attracted him. And he can't tell you what you did to attract him. Did you go out and find him or did he come to you? And they both looked at me like, and that's where I say when you're going to be a master networker, you got to do your homework. You got to know why clients come to you. You got to know their pain points. You got to know what's really upsetting them and you got to know like what the circle is meaning, like how do people get referred to other people? Okay. I guess a lot of referrals from bankers. Why? Because they work with business owners all day long. What happens with business owners? They either need new business development and they're not good at it or their staff's not good at it or they need EOS because they need to learn to be better business owners with a proven system. Guess what? I get a lot of referrals from bankers because they work with those people all day long. Yeah. So banker, okay. So I'm like, all right. So I turned to the financial advisor said, well, how do people get attracted to you? Well, here's what you said to me. Well, I have, it's me and an assistant. Okay. It's actually an assistant and me, but grammar, beside grammar, release, which I will also do a podcast on, but okay. And then he went on to tell me about all about his office. That's not talking about what attracts a client to you. And you should be able to answer that question of what attracts a client to you. All right. Fine. Now that you have them go, now they talk to me. What attracts a client to you, Jean, okay? So I say to them, very succinctly, we work with service professionals and typically service professionals when they own a business, they didn't, they don't have the formal background training to be really good business owners. And two things normally happen. They really want to grow the company, but they're not good at new business development. So they need help, their staff needs help with new business development, or they're, they want to grow the company, but they don't have the right structure, the right strategy around that. And they really don't know how to run a really great business. So EOS helps them do that, give them a brain business grow system helps them to do the other thing. And they both look to me, wow, that's really good. Yeah. Okay. So let's talk about how I can help you. So it turns out the bank is having an identity crisis because they've changed target audiences and the bank hasn't done a good job in telling their salespeople what the new target audience is, which is why the banker can't say what attracts them to that to us. And the funny other financial advisor that I talked to had never really thought about this. So here's the homework I gave them. I said, go to your favorite client, the one that you love the most. If you've got two of them, that's great. You usually have one and ask them, what made you decide to work with me? What was your problems? What made you attracted to me? What have I done to help you? Three simple questions and write everything down in their language using their words. Once you have that, you can now tell people why people work with you because you're using their language and you're going to attract the same clients because that's the language of your clients. And when you have all that down and you go to a networking event, you're going to be amazed at how well you do with the networking event because you'll become a master networker. So now you know the steps of being a master networker and I'm going to employ you. Please, please, Lord, be a good networker if you decide to use networking as one of your marketing attraction vehicles because if you're not a good networker, you're going to really, it's going to be a bad event for everyone, it's going to be a bad event for you and it's a waste of time and it doesn't take that long to become a really good master networker. It really doesn't. It just takes a little bit of time, a little bit of effort, thinking about what you need to do showing up and go do it. Now you know what it takes to be a master networker. I'm Dr. Jean, the results queen and I hope you liked this episode and if you didn't, you know someone who needs to be a master networker, please forward this episode to them because that's how you pay it for it for us and if you really like this, please like us on your favorite podcast platform and if you have any questions about becoming a net master networker, please email me at I'm happy to answer your questions, no obligations, remember my mission is to leave you better than I found you because I want to make sure that everybody is doing a really good job of a new business development as well as growing their business from a strategy structure point of view and with that said, when you need results, come listen to the results queen. I'm Dr. Jean, the results queen, go out and get results. Thank you for listening to getting results with Dr. Jean, the results queen. If you like the show, please subscribe, rate and review on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. We appreciate it and it really helps your fellow business owners to find the show. Go to getting results with Dr. for more information on how you can achieve better business results with Caveman Brain Business Growth System and the Entrepreneurial Operating System. Here's to you getting results. [Music]