Augment Stay Human

34 - AI for Real Life: Augmented Creativity, Robot Hockey, and storytelling with my friend Frankie

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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Franky welcome to the bits of Chris show. Thank you. I'm a big fan of your shop. I appreciate that This is fun. This is the first episode live of recording in person with a guest Chris's garden from Chris's garden Actually my wife's garden, but you know the sign never got painted so we can just call it my garden Welcome to the show and thank you for agreeing to do this first one live share now before we started recording this We were just having a fun conversation about AI and I was like let's go get these mics and start talking about it Because it was fun. Yeah, do you want to catch us up? So we're just talking about the future and AI and how everything is sort of changing and Distinguishing what's real from what's AI right? You were talking about the George Carlin thing you saw on There's this comedy special by George Carlin who's been dead for a number of years now It sounded like him sounded like material. He would have been saying but it was pretty wild His family wasn't too happy about it, but I think his fans were so somebody Trained some sort of model on all of George Carlin's work and had his voice tell new jokes that sounded like something He would have said exactly so we're the jokes funny like did yeah, like when I think of like AI you think of like Oh, you know, this doesn't sound quite right, but it just sounded like a regular Normal special and that's where I guess I'm a little like concerned is 50-100 years from now who's gonna be able to tell the difference between his original and this AI generated George Carlin that's interesting because it's like we know he's dead So we know everything beyond this is not his but if it's like his or close enough Does it matter like is that the Turing test you know like who cares if it's a robot or not? It sounds like him reminds you of him and makes his fans happy. What's the problem? Exactly? I mean, it's just very strange to think about because we're living in the time now where we've sort of seen What's gonna happen and like what's already happened and we could distinguish between the two But you know if there was happening a hundred 200 years ago, we're not gonna know the difference Like we've got we're fortunate. We had the analog time and we're watching this transition happen now to the digital time But in 50-100 years or even sooner, maybe everyone's gonna be like it's kind of happening today kids born today are mostly born in the digital time Yeah, what's it? How are they gonna I didn't have a cell phone till I was 18 right? I mean we take that for granted every five year old you see as their own self right not my kids yet Well, but I mean our phones are basically theirs at this point. Yeah. Yeah, that's really interesting though Because I think that's like like almost important are gonna be like required learning for people is to remember the analog world Because if you're all digital and especially with all this AI generated stuff that isn't necessarily real anymore It's not necessarily human in the loop. How are you gonna distinguish? What's real what's not? I mean doesn't matter. I think so, but like how do you do you think that it's just gonna be one of those Fads that comes back like people buying final records and cassettes and things like that So one thing I want to bring up from our previous conversation that I thought was interesting was if AI is being used to generate stuff whether it's fake content from celebrities for good or malicious purposes I think eventually like AI in that sense if it's generating audio video Texts everything and people will begin to not trust what they actually see online It might break the internet in a good way meaning everyone just start tuning out some of the content They meet or not take it seriously online and like revert people back to being in person and like seeing live shows or seeing a speaker in in person or being with friends in real life and that could be a beautiful thing like bringing back that small community feel and so like live performances and real like human talent will be valued more highly like the artists today that Maybe you're struggling because they're not adapting to digital world or afraid of AI taking their creativity or like their space way Because you can so easily generate it's like if we have that We know that anybody who's being their unique human self will should rise above it or go back to being that sort of real analog Beautiful version don't you think it'll get so good that it'll be tough to like distinguish between I mean, it's kind of freaky. That's a good question like what a human's even good for AI's making his own art to remember a few years ago. Maybe longer now There was that festival where they had the Tupac hologram, right? So, I mean does it get to a point like that too where people are going to see like the Beatles in concert or like a Mozart or You know something like that, you know, I mean, right obviously, you know, people would know That's like sort of like a novelty thing, but you know, then you could move it over to like sports and things like that as well too if you're going to a stadium to watch like Hologram or robot Look how'd by AI real and then it's just programmers playing programmers by characters Jordan playing LeBron to us That seems crazy, but I feel which eventually people might not really know the difference care to know the difference I guess it gets that good that be Impressive and maybe that's not a problem. Yeah, humanoid robot or is this a Pearson or you even know It's just like an AI league or whatever, but I'm entertaining to people right and people might like that flavor You know games or you know, do you remember the battle bots like the robot cars that would have like saw Yeah, like that was kind of fun to watch you knew it was a robot because it looked like one Yeah, but that was pretty cool, but now the kind of robots look like us. Yeah, would you watch robot hockey league? I don't think that I would have much interest in that But what I'm saying, I guess is the people who don't know the difference like we grew up without cell phones We told people our number was the pay phone right in town. It happened to be lucky Next it when it was ringing, but you know if we didn't know something we couldn't just pull our phones out and look it up Right everyone now just does that so it's like a totally different Experience and so you're saying if robot hockey league Existed and then you were born of it existing. That's all you know It's like a normal thing. There should be two different options Yeah, but it's like kids like I know Ethan and stuff - you know being born during Covid growing up Like all they know is like masks for the first like few years of their life So he's not gonna think any differently of that. It's interesting. Well, so I know you're a big fan of live music And you have a very good taste in live performance as well as on books Like if I want some interesting book recommendations, I always come to you and you as well But so being such a big fan yourself of live music Would you go see a robot or a hologram play music or you'd rather see a person? I would rather see a person, but it also would be fun Maybe to be able to see the Beatles, you know, it's like a novelty type thing I would be going to it knowing it's not like seeing you know, beetle You bands cover bands like that's cool. So who cares if it's a human tribute cover band versus a robot tribute cover band AI generated Collogram right type. What if it was just like a video on stage? I mean like a movie or something Well, so they have the Let's Sing Taylor events for people who couldn't make it or didn't make it to the concert Where I guess you just like go sing Taylor Swift songs with a bunch of other people I'm not sure how it works, but that's what her movie effectively was was a live concert thing right like the Taylor Swift project now they have one at the performing arts center So would you go see a Beatles like AI generated Beatles doing new content or new songs from their estate or something? Well, that's like a strange thing too So they actually in the 90s put out these three Anthology albums and had new songs on them But there was a few that they couldn't get quite right at the time and they came out earlier this year because they were able to use AI To raise levels of voices and do stuff like that and it sounds just like a regular Beatles song It's like the last ones. They've actually all played on so but these were this was like original kind of they yeah Had and they just used AI to help finish the audio Yeah, because it was like you couldn't really make out what they were saying So I would also call that like not so that's not AI in the sense at all been using it That's so AI has been like overloaded and I think when people say AI today They mean this generative form of AI to me what that sounds like enhancing the Beatles recording They were using some sort of like machine learning that was just tuning and enhancing the level exactly So everybody says AI AI today and like chat GPT is a version of Generative AI that's called a large language model Which is used to predict text and then that same sort of mechanism of predicting what word would say next is how we generate images and audio Like predicting what next you know like next audio parts gonna be or next pixel good gonna look like how does that work exactly? Figure out like is it just from like reading things that knows like you know What's the most commonly used word next basically you take a bunch of data like text data? Let's say for a chat sheet to your large language model and you run it through this algorithm that basically weights a giant math equation And that's the model quadratic equation Or like the slope of a line why equals MX plus be like that kind of thing just imagine that but now There's billions of those variables That's a make basically what a model is and what's what these large language models are They're so big and they require so much data and so much money like that's the bottleneck right now of pushing the envelope of the ability These models is the compute power and that's why in Vidya One of the few if like the largest AI chip maker in the world It has just been crushing their earnings because there's such a demand for those chips that are specialized in doing this kind of computation Got you that will eventually ease as like more players come online, but it's more but making AI chips very capital intensive So it's very slow sort of on ramp to any sort of competitor But they're I mean they're out there right now like trying to catch up to in Vidya because it's it's basically just them in the world Right now and that's why you see these they're called base models So like what Chachi BT is these really big models need a lot of compute So that's why Chachi BT is aligned with Microsoft open AI has a partnership with them to use all their cloud computing stuff And then Google and Amazon are all trying to do you know enter it as well like Google's got their own model and you need that sort of Capital to really train a model from scratch the fun part that I've been playing with is there's much smaller models That are open source now and you don't have to train the base model You can just take an open source model that's been pre-trained and then you can add some stuff But you can add your own data to it You can run it on your own machine the data you are adding to it and no one sees it never leaves your computer That's what I was doing with my notebook the other day I was running a small model not as sophisticated or as big but pretty close if it's like a tenth the size of The open AI model gets you 80 percent of performance It's a pretty good trade-off to run it if you tune it to your own data It becomes way more useful to you because it's more like personalized right so I I've been using obsidian to take all my notes Like I had the episode about taking smart notes from that book How to take smart notes and I started the zetalcastin note-taking system And it's great and then on top of the homework for life from Matthew Dix who wrote story worthy It's been awesome because I'm just collecting all this data for myself like a lot of my thoughts are ending up in my digital notebook So now if I train my own local LLM against that I really have like a co-pilot with me like a real second brain that I can interact with yeah You don't have to rely on yourself to remember these things right? I think that's like a really interesting angle and I think that's something I've been spitballing called the augmented writer Where it's like writers do all this research and they find all these ideas and then they have to distill distill distill And that's what they're doing when they're collecting notes and highlighting books They're distilling like they're reading something distilling it and then they have to take it and structure it and organize it And then put the words together in the right way But if you just do the curation like that distillation that humans are good at making Distinctions or discriminating content from like what's real what's not humans are good at that machines are not so good at that so if as a writer or a content creator you want to make stuff faster you focus on the Distillation like your taste your ideas like you add your own commentary to your notes So you collect the notes and then you can feed it into a local LLM for yourself and have it just spit out the content for you And then of course you should then go edit that and like delete stuff or discriminate against once the AI produced for you But that bulk of like doing the first draft the second draft the third draft and just have the LLM do that For you with your content and ideas and then you do the editing and refining So you're like in the loop and very much in the process But that very time-intensive part of drafting could go away How long did it take to like people decide not to be a part of that process the distance So that's that's called in an ensemble where you link together multiple agents or multiple types of LLM's or multiple types of Machine learning pieces together So there's like classical machine learning which has made their way into recommendation engines for Netflix for example Like and then there's this new wave of generative AI which everyone just terms AI But there's lots of stuff in there and if you link different steps with the bright technique You can create these chains of things where there's not much of a human needed in part of the loop I still think there's always gonna be a need at different levels and different parts happen quicker than others Let's say but that's an interesting point like at what point does a human become completely not needed in certain loops of certain problems that are being solved today, right like I mean that's the other thing too is like just Reminding me of that movie. This is the end where you know like Seth Rogen and all them are at James Franco's party But I feel like that's sort of like AI now. I've just like oh, it's AI But it's like well if you want to make money just put AI on whatever. Yeah, kind of like Long Island blockchain Where was that Long Island company Long Island tea company changed their name to Long Island blockchain now if they just changed to Long Island AI You know they got another chance to do a secondary offering and raise some money. Exactly. That's funny But yeah, that's there's definitely a lot of like AI hype and AI fad type trendy things But I think there's a lot of substance behind it all so I understand the skeptics and the people who are like I it's like it's all nonsense But the closer I look and the more I get into it the more I'm like fascinated and intrigued about how far I was gonna go I mean just think of like what we came up with Would be like Nintendo systems and stuff, you know when going from like Atari to Regular Nintendo the super Nintendo to Sega. It was just like oh my god I how could it get any better than this? Like I remember playing a baseball game on Sega and I was like this is insane It blew my mind and like now if you looked at it would be like the biggest piece of shit you've ever seen right It's been the course of like 30 years or so. So 30 years with this, you know, where's that gonna go well? So that's what's also very interesting is like the rate of improvement continues to accelerate So just think 30 months from it. Yeah, right like it's gonna be nuts They're just even a couple here like next year when GPT 5 breaks Like the the fact that three and a half to four was such a huge improvement in the chat GPT models That you just have to imagine GPT 5 is gonna kind of be a game changer And a lot of the benchmarks that evaluate these LOMs have kind of seen as like right now Just sort of bigger model is better. They're very expensive But like bigger is kind of better now There's more cost efficient and cost-effective techniques of like doing the fine-tuning like we were talking about before That are great and probably good for like an actual application at this level or for like something that will make business sense But yeah in general like the bigger the model is like just the overall better it does and yeah It's really exciting to see but to all our like the sub were talking about earlier with the generative AI and making content or making fake videos Or bringing back old artists or like just producing videos with an actor that you know has been dead for years Like I think that's gonna be something we see in the very near future you know especially with like entertainment, you know, these people will be around forever but like also around forever and Creating new content, which is like the endless Seinfeld episode that happened pretty early on when chat GPT hit I forgot which model they use but that was something I I didn't really look into but I heard about that There's just some sort of models Continuously playing like new Seinfeld scenes like over and over just generating them and playing them I'll have to look into that to see exactly what that was but yeah It's just like if and then what if it gets good? What if the content becomes interesting or good or what if it's just good enough to keep attention and then people just start watching this GPT Sort of generated crap. It's not there too It's like you see now on Instagram and YouTube like these videos that are clearly fake But then there's this whole common section of people, you know, this is outrageous and like believing it So it's like people are already being fooled by it. So I mean, don't you think it'll get to a point where people will Maybe they won't be able to realize but I don't know like how do you even get to that like Distinguishing what's real and what's not like and they're gonna have to have some sort of like Warning on like the videos or something now I think for most of them is that you're supposed to disclose it but like let's be honest If you require as a human to do it, you know, people are gonna game it or not necessarily do it But that's really interesting, too I think like I'd like to think the optimist in me is that AI will break the internet in that sense Where people just start tuning it out because they know they can't trust anything they see so they're watching it for like entertainment Loosively almost or with that knowing that hey, this is probably not real But like I'm you know, I'm just scrolling through my phone right now So who cares but then again like it seems so easy for like To do some sort of misinformation campaign or to start steering people or using AI to like build big followings Course search dripping certain ideologies or messages in there as well I mean the things people believe these days Are pretty insane as it is Right a lot of these like conspiracy theorists and stuff, but when there's actually like a video to go with it Like evident if people don't look to be disproven They look for evidence that supports their viewpoints And now if you have these AI generating content that is in your echo chamber supporting what you already want to believe And you're engaging with it. It's gonna be very hard for your might to change on anything Exactly Right there's always there's gonna maybe be like a proliferation of these niche sort of Content creators or channels which we're already seeing But it's just gonna go have them quicker or become easier to get more niche for like whichever Sort of truth of the world you want to buy into like there'll be something out there that's make content that says what you want to believe That's interesting like again Hopefully AI breaks the internet people just get off of it more and certain appreciating live events or in person Things more because that'll always be real like if that happens Don't you think I don't know I think it's happening quicker than we realize and I think that's sort of that like singularity moment where Things keep getting better faster and that they stick you continue to accelerate And that's like I think the real power of AI and like this idea of the augmented writer it's like if Back in the day or you know hundred and hundred years ago like the smartest people were the people who could read and write Like think of the scribes like way back when and then there's people closest to the printing press like people controlling the information flow And then it was at the edge of the internet like that information wave who controlled the internet and who Was there when the internet was happening? It's like now it's sort of like generative AI is this next sort of information wave and the people that can read and write or leverage AI to consume information faster and Learn what they need to learn and write and read like quicker than everybody else I think control the narrative of where things go and that's why like this idea of the augmented writer really appeals to me because if you can use it Without being lazy like I think a lot of people are using it copy pasting stuff and into even calling it a book It's like all right. You didn't do anything. You just copy and paste it something But if you can use it with your own thoughts your own ideas use it to learn stuff and just consume information quicker Then I think you start getting this sort of superpower and you get to the boundary of knowledge for our time and can push it quicker Is there anything you think that makes people like uniquely human that AI can't do? I mean, they could write a book it could make a song it could paint a picture What's something that humans can do that? That is a great question because I think that's the heart out of this like augmented philosophy I've been thinking about since January focus on what humans are better at and let the AI do its thing with co-generation and My initial sort of research there was like humans are much better at Novel creativity like generative AI can seem creative because it has some variability programmed into it And it might have ideas or things that you don't have in your perspective. So it seems unique But again, it's sort of trained on like the average of its training data. Like that's what now. Well, I'm just doing the training data is human Right, so AI is interesting like fair, right, but it's sort of like the human consensus Yeah It's not necessarily going to come up with a unique insight like have your shower thought But then again, maybe it's going to be capable when the models get big enough to start doing things we can't explain So it's hard to say the other thing though I think is always uniquely human is the empathy or the connection you get from humans Like granted you can make some of these like therapy bots and I've used chat qbt for those purposes to just reflect ideas and talk to you about things Yeah like at the end of the day a human to human connection is In person right because I mean you see like catfish stuff and all that and and they might get more split left and right Like hackers and other scammers are getting more sophisticated with generative AI because they can do these like spearfishing campaigns If they know anything about you they can start targeting individuals instead of having that mass email saying like, you know Hey, I have a bunch of crypto I just need a hundred bucks to like move to the state so I can give it to you Now they can like take your name from a data league look up a little bit about you through google And then target it as an individual message for you and then send you something that seems real like someone you know Maybe you're like maybe they even look at your contacts on LinkedIn And then they send you a message with an email that's generated with that person's name and some numbers saying hey You know, can you really help me out? Like my dad just gotten in this accident I need some money to do it And then all of a sudden before you know it you're Venmo in somebody who isn't actually the person you thought they were Like those kind of attacks. I'm sure are coming if they're not already and it's scary Right, right. Which is hard. Like everyone needs to keep their guard up with these new like sort of phishing attacks Where were we kind of went off on a tangent there? Yeah, well, yeah, can you what oh humans are good at what's unique to a human? Maybe in the creative Sense because they could make songs write poems write books make a movie But is there something that at this point it's like the cats out of the bag So you can't pull it back. Right. You can only get better and more ubiquitous Is there anything left that right? Someone would be like oh, I know that is a human like a hundred percent this didn't come from an AI or right 100% thing is going to be the in-person live stuff And then if you take it a step back, I think when it comes to creating online like so I've been writing a lot more I think the stuff that I've seen resonate more is when it's like only a story I can tell Like if I know AI can't like a chat sheet, but he can't just go generate this for me because it didn't happen to them That's better and those kind of unique insights I think are harder to do and sure chat sheet, but he can tell you a story of something similar if you prompt it correctly But you would only know that though Because right created story or a unique way to use genera is to start fabricating with seem like personal stories But I think people want to connect more with people in person When you're writing if you can inject more yourself or be a little vulnerable or share something People will connect that you're more relatable and then they'll be more receptive for whatever message you have to say Which is pretty crazy like to think that yeah I agree with you, but it probably is going to move more that way and then I would say over the last You know 20 years or so people especially after covid and everything sort of wet more indoors and away from people But it seems like the only way to really get away is to get out Be around people go back to ting people which look if AI breaks the internet and that's what we're forced to do that That would be wonderful and honestly like I think that's maybe partially to blame or if not entirely to blame for like the hyper Polarization today is these these sort of online echo chambers where you just think everyone else is an enemy If they're not in your tribe and so when you get outside you go to a community event And you see people who like sera typically like oh this I know I know how this person might vote based on the the boxes They check for their stereotype. Yeah, then you say hi to that person and then now you're like you become friends Like you look at somebody and then it's the human nature to sort of judge them That was a safety thing from back in the day But I try to always just say hi to people and if they say hi back You never know where it leads and I've been pleasantly surprised more times than not and I think more people should do that It's hard to do it online though because it's impossible the face right? Yeah, so it's really hard to do online So do you think we're getting to like ready player one before we get to this Human-to-human interaction where we're all just sitting inside already is that you know with these like VR headsets and all that That's just gonna get better and better. Right and a lot of people are going to be sort of just living in that Right, there's a lot of old-school sci-fi From pre-internet days that talk about this kind of thing where we're sort of living in isolation But just connect it through some hype mind type computer thing And that feels like very plausible path to be on with the internet with AI and with just studies vr type Applications we're seeing. I wish it was gonna be uh, you know getting back to in-person and people-to-people interaction sooner But I feel like we have to get through well if everybody is engaging with the internet like or say There's a lot of people that are engaged with the internet and and it's hard to change anybody's mind on anything or it's hard to change people So if those people choose to live life that way or get sucked into it So be it but then if there's a bunch of people that want something different They can all congregate and enjoy the world. You know what something different There's gonna be a group of people like so as long as there's people still doing that Hopefully you can absorb or pull some of those other people out of like unplugging from the matrix and like joining People back in the real world. Hopefully that never goes away and people can keep their humanity But you know, that's really interesting because like these are transverse kind of seeing and where it leads You can't you can't pretend to know the future but you can think about it and then say all right. How's it? How many today like what's useful about that today? Yeah, it's like well if you're feeling this sort of need of Getting outside or being in touch with people like pick up your like we're more connected, right? So pick up before in a text about it I was excited to see this because I figured there'd be someone for my rugby days I hadn't seen in a while and there was my friend Shaw was there hadn't seen him in years And it was so great. We picked up right where we left off And then we started talking and he was feeling the same things like we're kind of talking today Where it was just like it's so hard for men to sort of keep up conversations or friendships like later in life because However american men are like it's just weird to sort of reach out or it's tough to stay in touch And all this and and then he's got two kids And so we were kind of venting about that and we made it a point to change numbers and stay in touch We just texted this morning and it was great But it was like the same thing you sort of get isolated especially after your school days And then you're just in these bubble of like maybe work and sort of parents circle, which is okay Like you can still meet people there But it's the same sort of thing of like wanting a human connection and feeling that desire So like if you're listening people and you want that desire It's like just reach out to somebody I guarantee you the other person probably wants that too So just shoot someone a text right now and then go hang out later this week in person and see what happened That's great advice. Thank you. No, but I think it's like we can speculate on the future But then how is it helpful today? No, I think that's how it's helpful It's true, you know every once in a while like I'll get a text or I'll text someone who I hadn't talked to in a long time And it's always like, you know, you get into this little conversation with them And it's like, oh man, like I miss this person, you know, but it's nice Right Like especially if you're a guy in America, I feel like it's it's hard to make the first move sometimes Yeah And then it's nice But like people I think people will super reciprocate more than you know And you should continue to you should do that Like put yourself out there because it's okay to be a little vulnerable in that sense And I think one thing one thing I've been talking about in my writing journey lately is being a part-time creator I think more people should do that even if it's terrible because you learn a lot about yourself It's the best way I know what to exercise your thinking is trying to write stuff Stay human But then you get used to putting stuff out there and being a little vulnerable Knowing that some people might not read it or if some people might even disagree And for me in the past six months and doing that more and more I've started to care less and less about what people think or like in a good way Not in the I don't care. I'm just gonna go look like an idiot But like you just it doesn't bother you as much or you don't care when someone maybe snubs you if that ever happens But honestly in the real world people are so nice like people want to say how do you people want to come home and say Oh, I met this great person at the grocery store or somebody helped me I held the door for me like those little moments like they really sparked joy in someone else's life And it's kind of like me lighting your candle with my flame doesn't take anything for me If anything like I burn a little brighter. It feels better people should just do that more No, they really shouldn't I think maybe you know growing up in New York Like people tend to be like a little bit colder I remember one time I was in California Because everyone else is a bad driver. That's true. I was like in California You know, I didn't know anybody there. I was in a target or something Person in the aisle says hey, how's it going? And I like turned and looked over my shoulder because I assumed they were talking to somebody else And they were like, no, no, we're talking to you and I was like, oh, hey, I'm good How are you but it was just like such a bizarre thing, but it was very nice Right like a stranger saying hello, right? You took you out called you off guard Yeah, which if you think back to like World War II or people like back then, right? I mean I have to read up on my history But when there was no internet, that's how you interact with people like in the store You see people people were more social because it was smaller communities your reputation was sort of at stake almost in every interaction Now it's like we're so isolated but people don't mind being rude to somebody that they might pass every day going to work or school But yeah, that is your community. It's like you're maybe isolated in your car It's like so isolated and connected all at the same time. Right, right and I think can make that better But like it can also make it worse So I think that's like this augmented philosophy I'm still trying to flesh out is like how do we adapt to AI but keep our humanity and get all the benefits of it And how do we use it to make like easier without drowning in this sort of sea of generated stuff that can be used maliciously to manipulate people You know like what makes us unique to human because that'll be defensible like when the AI rise up or as it continues to improve If we can lean into our human strengths and what we're good at I think things don't never change or like being able to think Trying to find that inner creative in you and letting it out and then connecting with people and just like If everybody was doing something they loved whether it was a hobby or just something else If anybody had something where they felt love or were giving love, I think the world would be a happier place Like people wouldn't be driving angry or like giving you the finger if they are We would just have people who were like going about their business You know getting fed and enjoying time off from work or maybe not having to work if we put the robots to work in the right way Yeah, I mean, I think that's all it takes not to get off of topic But I do a transcendental meditation and I remember when I was going through the process of learning They were talking about areas in the world where it's more common and where there's heavy groups of people who do that There's less violence less crime and it's just about calming yourself down and You know, it's just people do anything find something So like TM will help you find that inner piece. Yeah, but just like you said Just something that makes you human I guess right find a way to Find an activity you enjoy. Yeah, you can express yourself a bit or something that just fills your soul a bit That's great. You do that twice a day, right? Twice a day. Yeah, I don't try to push it But I do encourage people to like find something that works for them Right. That's awesome. I for the longest time would just first thing in the morning wake up five minutes on my meditation app And breathe I don't do that anymore. Now. I do a quick little mobility routine Do you do some stretches? Right, but it's I really miss sort of that sitting and just breathing So the closest I get to that now is I have a reminder On my phone to take a nap once a day and really that could I accept that as shutting my eyes for five minutes Like no phone no screens like just nothing like literally closing my eyes I have to look up the source where it was like 60 or 70 percent of the you know of your brain sensory Circuit is processing visual stimulus. So if you close your eyes like my thinking was okay I mean 70 percent of my brain is now resting and it's it's not as active in there I can actually I can really like recover from something so I've tried to do that once a day But I would like to try to work meditation back in I just yeah, I think it's a helpful tool for anybody Yeah, the recharging At least helps me like taking a break from screens and closing my eyes That's my mini meditation. I love swimming though because swimming is one of the exercise modalities We're like you can't be on your phone. You can't be listening to any I mean, I guess you could buy those under waterhead phones But like you're just in the water so you're alone with your thoughts So I do like that I kind of zen out when I'm swimming It's like going back to the meditation. That's one of the things that they talk about is being in the ocean And that's sort of your life on these giant waves, you know, you're floating on it But it could be a 50-foot wave, but three feet underneath that it's calm water Yeah, and so the meditation has taken you from these Waves of everyday life and bringing you to the calmness for a few minutes. That's a great analogy and frankly This has been fun as a final question based on our conversation today. How are you adapting to it? To say I would like to think that you know if I see these like little videos online and stuff that I can recognize Especially if it's something that I'm familiar with how like outrageous it might be But a lot of people believe it and I don't spend that much time online going through videos and things like that But I mean, I know a lot of people do and I don't know just keep your heads up and stay human Right, stay human. I like that a lot I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate that into the name of the show or into the augmented philosophy But it's really like AI is coming but be more human like lean into your humanity I think your question of what are humans good at is something I've been trying to explore But only tangentially I haven't actually dove in deep there and I think I should I've been too wrapped up in LM research specifically Yeah, that's a great question because as only I get better and it's getting better faster as we kind of discuss So if you can figure out what makes us unique you human or or what makes you Unique uniquely you and just embrace that more like what can you do that? Right, right not even just like meta like, you know, what can humans do like you like what's your passion? What's your interest? What do you really like like stop and think about that? Like who do you want to connect with who do you want to reach out to today? And I think embracing that sort of human element is something we can all do right now and see, you know Where AI actually takes us maybe it does maybe we realize LM's don't get any better than this And I start getting doing wacky stuff the bigger we make them be on a certain point Which is very plausible In the meantime could just focus on being better humans today very well, sad nice. Thank you Frankie. Thank you Chris