The Villa of Wellness

Reiki with Jessica Alejandres

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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- Hi, thanks for allowing me to come over. - Yeah, thanks for coming. - You're welcome. - It's always nice, you know. - Yeah, Ellen Jess just gave me a reiki session. That was nice, she went over all the chakra areas and explained them to me what they are and how I should use them and nourish my energies with the different colors and stuff. So it was very relaxing. - Yeah, I think it's important to go over each chakra when I am performing reiki on someone who hasn't had reiki so frequently because I want them to know, I want to educate them like on what each chakra represents and how they can take care of themselves. That's really important. When did you get into reiki? Like I got into reiki when it was in 2016 my dad had passed away at the end of 2015 and for a while I was feeling very, I don't know, like lost in a way. Even though I have my, you know, my siblings, I have my husband, my daughter, I just felt like this sense of like emptiness and I just didn't know why or what it was. And I was having crazy dreams where I was like, what is it, the sleep paralysis? I was having a lot of sleep paralysis. I could feel like a present in my room. It was, I was very frightening but at the same time I was very curious 'cause obviously my dad had just passed away. Anyways, I was talking to a friend and someone kind of overheard the conversation and she suggested getting reiki and I was very, I never, I did not know what reiki was. I had no clue at all whatsoever. So I asked her and she's like, okay, so it's a form of energy healing. I go to this lady, you know, let me tell you where she's at. You can make an appointment. So of course I did. And she happened to be a medium as well. So she, the very first appointment, my dad's name was Gregorio. So that's really hard for people to say sometimes. So she was like, who's Georgia immediately? I started tracking because I knew my dad was there and my dad was the one, the presence that I could feel. Like, and because I didn't know who it was, that's what was frightening to me. But then like realizing that it was my dad kind of like, I feel like I'm very empathic and out of my siblings, I'm the one that's more connected with like the spiritual world. I've always been curious, always like had crazy dreams, like feelings and stuff, but I never really knew what it was because I grew up Catholic. Yeah, all of this is a sin. So you're Catholic and it's a sin to like, yeah, it's a sin to like being into anything that involves terribly new age stuff. I heard there's a devil. But you know what? It's not new age because this has been, can I test it? So I mean like other new age stuff like this sin. Yeah. So it just like, I mean, we've been healing ourselves with medicine since like early herbs and stuff since like the medieval times. Like, you know, but even then like people who did witchcraft according to religions were killed by them. So it's forever like a stigma, I don't know. But anyways, like getting into Reiki involved, you know, having to have to go through the loss of my dad. Yeah. I feel he died with me to Reiki in his way. And since then, like I was a client for a while for a couple of months. And I'm like, you know what, instead of going to someone, like let me just learn it myself. And so I went and learned it. And the lady was like, she's actually a friend of mine now, but she taught me Reiki level one all the way to teacher level. So I graduated Reiki teacher level in February of last year, 2023. And when I first got there, like my first level, she's like, oh, I see you teaching Reiki. I was like, no. Was it the lady that you got the Reiki healing from? Yeah, she was okay. Yeah. So I went to several practitioners at first. And then, you know, sometimes you just don't really like, John was certain people. Yeah, that's normal. And so like I kind of like jumped around. But when I met her, I felt like I was able to connect with her. Like, she did things her own way. And I really appreciate when people bring their own versions of like the methods that to use for Reiki, like they don't just copy someone or they're like, oh, YouTube did it this way. So I have to do it this way or whatever. Yeah. She changed it up. And she like taught me the way that I feel like it really connected with me. Like, I changed the methods for her client. Like I feel what they mean. You know, when I did Reiki earlier, I like to use stones most of the time, but I didn't use any Reiki. You know, like, I didn't feel like I needed that extra energy. Gotcha. Because I feel like after the session, like when we were having the talk about, I think you have a lot of energy, you know. Yeah. Yeah. And so I'm not going to add more stones to that, right? Yeah. People just amplifying. No. So I just feel what the person needs. Intuitively. Yeah. And so I don't know, Reiki is just a beautiful, beautiful like way to help heal. It's like a form of therapy for me. Yeah. And so I got into it because I really received a lot of benefits from it. And I want to share that. I want other people to receive the same benefits. That's what I do that. Yeah. That's cool. How long have you been practicing Reiki as a practitioner? Officially, like, I started as a practitioner in July of 2022. So a year and a half. OK. Yeah. So not that long. I receive clients in my home. I don't have like a space for it. But before I receive a client, I make sure to say to my home. I make sure that I take the time to meditate and connect with the person because I feel like I want them to come into a safe space, a space where they can feel like they are safe and vulnerable. Because I do have a lot of people that come here and they just cry a lot. You know, because they're really opening up and it's very emotional and it's exposing wounds and trauma. And for me, I can really, really, because again, like I explained my first time I had Reiki, like I started bawling, you know, because I heard something that really resonated with me. And it's a message that I really, really needed to hear. And so I always like to disclose, though, that I am not psychic. I'm not a medium, but I am very intuitive. And there's times where things like thoughts and feelings come to mind. And I have to say it otherwise I'll forget at the end of the session. So my sessions, I like to talk through it and guide you through what I'm doing and give you like these intuitive messages that I'm receiving. So like when people come to you, do you have they, are they like, do they come to you like the first time with Reiki or have they seen like other, like what's your kind of experience with that? And it's a mixture of both. I have had some people who are not happy with another practitioner. And they're like, well, I've heard about you. So, you know, they usually hear a lot of good stuff. But only because I feel like I'm very like, I'm timing. Like I do Reiki with Reiki love energy because everyone needs that safe space. So anyways, like other people have tried other practitioners and they weren't comfortable with them. They'll come to me. I've had people refer people and that's how I get my clients. I'm not very good at marketing myself because I just have some clients to it for you. Yeah, that's what I feel like, you know, the people that you need will find me, right? You know, and so I've had other people who come in just because they're a friend came and I could feel their wall. I could feel that they were just very hesitant. And that kind of frustrates me to be honest because it's kind of like, well, why are you coming and wasting your time? Like you don't really believe in the healing process of Reiki. Or at least be open, be open to it. You know, and then it kind of makes me feel like I'm wasting my time because I'm here to help you. But I want to help people that want it that are open to it. So I feel like I've had a couple of clients, very, very minimal, that are like very skeptic. So why do they come then? I don't know. Do they come by themselves? Yeah, they will, someone referred them. And so I think they just want that quick, instant, like, satisfaction kind of feeling. And when it's not like that, it doesn't work like that. Like I've received Reiki so many times before I decided to become a Reiki practitioner. Because you require that maintenance. And it's not one and done kind of deal. And I also don't like to sell packages usually because it's like, I don't, someone needs to feel when it's time to get, you know, energy healed. Just like tarot reading, don't rely on that stuff or messages, and guidance, you need to feel when it's time. Because then you're just abusing that. And so anyways, like I'll tell everyone because they'll ask me how often do you recommend it. And then I tell them, like, listen to yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed, when you're feeling like blocked, like, things aren't working out for you. Like maybe that's time to move some energy around. So I leave it up to them. Two people usually like have like home care or like homework or like, what do you, what do, what, I mean, I don't know. Is it like a facial, like you get the treatment and then like, are they supposed to do like something after when they get home? I always just recommend them to take some time to meditate. Always, even if it's just five minutes, take a couple of deep breaths. I think that a lot of people forget that part of like self care is mental and emotional, like, not just getting your nails in, not just getting your hair done, lashes, whatever. You have to take the time to give yourself some love, even if it's five to 10 minutes. So I always tell the clients to take it back. I feel like taking a bath always cleanses like anything that's left in your body that isn't yours. Like it's setting an intention now that you have clear space, find some time to meditate every morning, every night, whatever works for you. Sometimes I'll give them stones if it calls like for me to give them something. I give random things out because I feel like it's just you just intuitive feel that they need something and that you have it. Yeah, even if it's like a little stone of the evil eye, because I feel like they need protection, it could be that, or it could be like obsidian, like a stone of protection. If they need more self love, like I'll give them you can quarts, you know, sometimes sell a night because they just need like an amplification of energy, something more that they're already care, like I don't know, I just don't have this. Yeah, yeah. So where do you see yourself? Like in a year or so with your practice? I really hope that I was just having this conversation with you without even knowing you were in NASA. I just am totally out. So I really would love to take the time to develop some kind of group retreats, maybe at least once a month on the weekends because I know we're very busy. And even if it's just taking like Friday through Sunday to just give yourself the space to get away from the city, somewhere out where we can really connect with Earth and have like group sessions for Reiki group sessions for hypnotherapy because I also do have no therapy. And I really like to incorporate Reiki in hypnotherapy. I feel that a person comes to me and if it's her first time, Reiki really benefits before receiving hypnotherapy because it helps them relax and get into the space of just really taking in information. So once I do the hypnotherapy, which is suggestive that hypnotherapy, I've developed a strip. This means I've already had a conversation with them. I already know what they want to work on. And I develop a script specifically for them to help them get through whatever is blocking them. And so then after Reiki receiving hypnotherapy is very beneficial because you are more open and susceptible to taking in those suggestions that we've already talked about. So I would love to do groups to go out and do these kind of spiritual work. You know, maybe have others to join in and talk about herbs. You know, do little workshops, kind of. Yeah, that's what I want to do. Yeah, that's what I see myself doing. You can do it. Orchical ceremonies. Ceremonial. Yeah, sound baths. Yeah, everything I want at all. Yeah. Yeah, there's work to be done. Yeah, so you're on your way there. Yeah, I feel like right now I feel like it's time to really work with feminine energy. And we have been, and that makes me feel very proud. And just working with the feminine energy doesn't necessarily just women working on themselves. Like this means men as well because we all have the feminine and masculine energy, you know. And so I feel like the era of always protecting yourself against everybody like needs to end because we need to just express love because with that feeling of always like needing to protect yourself, just on yourself, like it doesn't really let you bring out that inner light. Yeah. Yeah, the connections with other people who are doing the same things. And just doing group work things like what I want to do, I think we'll just make that energy a little more powerful. Yeah. I'm really excited about it. Like I just, I needed to be nicer weather because it's so cold and I'm ready for the summer. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about the psychic there just briefly again. Oh, yes. Yes. So we went to a psychic there. We don't really plan on going. No. We were just kind of like, oh, yeah, I'll go with you. Yeah. I saw it come up and I was like, man, I don't want to go, well, like nobody wants to go with me ever. Like art doesn't want to go like, oh, yeah. And so when I asked you, he said, yes, I was like, yes. And it was on my birthday. So I was like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then we eventually like went to this group seance reading thing. And so what did the medium tell you about your reading? For me, she said that I work with portals that I am someone who can open and close portals. And then the trippiest part is that she was like pinpointing to this certain area of my house that is like the beginning of my hallway, where my bathroom, my guest bathroom is. She was saying that there was a portal there. And then I shared that there was a dream I had that I was sleeping in the living room because this is in my living room area space. I was sleeping in my living room and all of a sudden I, I, I wake up and I see this night temple are walking from that point, which she mentioned. There was a portal walking from there, straightforward, very like hit their no facial expression. It's like, they didn't even notice me. And he just walked forward into the wall where, you know, it kind of goes into my bedroom. So just from here to there? Yeah, it just walks through my living room and I was like, just staring at it because I was so like in shock almost. I know that I don't like to react like scared, like, yeah, because I'm so like, um, how do you say? Oh my God, I'm very, I'd like to know things. So I'm just watching, but I'm like a little scared. I remember feeling. And when she said that I worked with portal, she said that there was a portal in my house and there's a lot of energy in my house. And she's like, imagine this. I'm standing in your home and I look to one side and I look to the other and it's a desert. There's nothing. It's completely dead. But your house, she's like, it's like a freeway of light or a highway. She's like a grand, grand central station or something. Yeah. And she's like, they come and go and it's like, they're coming and they want to chat with you and grab a cup of tea, but they're already gone because that's how fast they come and go. Wow. And so it made sense. Like other people that come into my home, they're always like, oh, you feel so like energetic, like very positive because I'm staging and I'm turning on candles and I have stones all over my house because I want to bring that positive energy. So apparently it opens portals. I don't know. I'm, that's kind of my next little goal is to like find out how I can control, not control, but use this more to my advantage, the fact that I'm able to do this, you know, open and close portals and I don't know, we'll see how that I incorporate that into my business. Yeah. Yeah. I like. Yeah. But what did she tell you? I was like not expecting to cry that day and I cried twice. So first I got, for the reading, the group reading, she basically said, I'm like highly empathetic and I'm like, okay, I know that already. But it was just kind of nice that she kind of felt that. She also said that someone had, she said that I had a guide, like a guide talking to her. Well, I don't really work with guides right now. She said he was talking really fast. I was like, okay, so I'm not familiar. And then she also said, did someone just die a year ago or something? I'm like, I don't know. That was coolest for like a second. And I know someone that had died about a year ago and she asked me if I was taking care of a man or helping a man or I thought it was somebody else. I thought it was a female that I actually helped two people. The other one is a male. And I was like, oh yeah, and then she asked me like the age of the person that passed and the age of the person that I helped. And she was like, I forgot what she said. She was like, oh yeah, I said, oh yeah, he's 41 and he's an adult and then she sent something about his head. But he's young and he's young in the mind. And I was like, oh my God, what's the F, like, so yeah, she was pretty much right on. And I forget what else. And she says that she sees a little boy running around and I was like, I have a little kid. He's a boy. And then she said there was also another older spirit that was coming through and I said, it could be my grandmother, the one grandparent that I knew and was close to. And I also said it could be my mom, but I don't know. And then when she said the older person, I kind of cried a little because I jumped about my grandma like three times while I was pregnant. So that was really like an awestruck thing. So that really made me sort of believe more in like mediums and psychics. I mean, it's kind of hard because there's a lot of people who use the gifts or lots of con artists in a bad way, taking advantage of vulnerable people, but I still believe that there are very few of us or them or you guys out there or that really just willing to help genuine and honest and help people. So that was sort of the gist of our readings and then we also had a follow up with the medium as well. Yeah. Yeah. What did you think about that? I feel like these are things what she said were like things I have already like been in my head and she was kind of like giving me that little like push where it's like, it's going to work out. You should just do it already, you know, and instead of thinking about it for so long, because I'm an overthinker, you know, and it's like then I don't take action. Yeah. And then I lose out like I then I see someone else and I was like, man, I could have done that. Like that's, I don't know. There's so many things that come to my mind and then it's like, I overthink it. I don't take action and then someone else is doing it. So what if someone else is doing it? No, it's not that, but it's just like, I don't know, like I kind of lose that momentum. Yeah. Like I don't want to do it anymore. Well, I thought it was pretty cool because we had already had a conversation after the initial reading and then she read us both and said, oh, I stay working together. So it's like maybe she maybe she's like legit. That's what I was saying, though, that I think that gave me that push and I would stop thinking about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And it's like, they sound shitty and I probably wouldn't bring them, but no, just leave it. Yeah. Because you want to see the progress like that. I was thinking that, but then when I like referred that one, mine are bad too. Like the first, they're going to be bad, like the first 100 times. Come on now, but it's kind of like you're imprinting at least you're trying, you know, by that you can't compare somebody's like a thousand episode to your first 100. I know. You know, or like I just use it as an exercise and a way of connecting. That's how I look at it right now because I'm at home with a kid and most of the time and I don't have like the community or connection. So I'm starting to slowly like at least online. And then like hopefully eventually meet people in person locally. I want to continue to do some like, yeah, meetups, like, you know, us continuing to meet up and we're meeting up on Sundays and include other people, you know, and we get kind of like our own little community and help each other out because what we're trying to do is just help others like find the tools for themselves, self themselves because it's just like if people take care of themselves, like we wouldn't have to deal with like unnecessary drama or this like drainage of energy because people don't know how to take care of themselves. Yeah. And it's like, I can't we can't save everyone. Yeah. People need to start saving themselves. Yeah. It's like teaching them how to self love, self care, whatever that looks like. And I definitely want us to create something to bring people in groups and form that community and create these workshops and see what other people have to bring, you know, like it's not just us. It's a collaboration. Yeah. It's a collaboration. Yeah. So I feel excited because as we continue to do these things, I feel like we're gonna see the grow, you know, from the psychic fair, then, you know, where we're at in a year, months, whatever. Yeah. I'm excited. So it's slow and steady because we both have families and all that stuff. Yeah. I know. But goes with it. And then I make my jewelry. Yeah. I keep myself busy for sure. So I'll have all the information or just services if you guys are interested in the show notes and then I'll even put like her Instagram handle. You guys want to reach her if you want to add anything, you know, just always starting my own podcast. That's right. I've already started. You know, I'm kind of like on the stepping stones for that still like trying to get some material together. But I really feel like it'll help me and others, you know, who may resonate with the information that I decide to put out, but yeah, everything will be linked on my Instagram. There's like holding a train and so that'll connect everyone with everything. Awesome. Thanks for coming on and talking about you. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on. This is fun. We should do it again.