Changing Faces Ministries Podcast

Preparing for Your next Season

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Changing Faces Ministries Podcast. If you can see yourself the way God sees you, you will have a changing face. Here is your host, Pastor Jeff Landrum. (upbeat music) - Good morning, good morning, good morning. I wanna welcome each and every one of you to our Changing Faces Ministries Podcast. I'm your Pastor Jeff Landrum, and where we do believe, if you can see yourself the way God sees you, you will have a change of faith. Once again, there's another blessing that God has given us on this Friday morning. So I'm so delighted and thankful that he saw fit to see that I was able to get up this morning and be in my right mind. So welcome once again to all of you. We want to definitely take out this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you, all of our faithful listeners who come here every single Friday morning to hear a word from God. We want to say thank you. Without you, changing faces would not be who it is and what we do. So thank you so much. We appreciate you. We love you and we just ask a favor of you that every chance you get, we ask that you like, share, support our ministry and every way that you see fit on our various social media platforms. We want to say thank you. And then we also want to say thank you to One Voice Radio for giving us this platform to come to you every single week. Without this radio station, we couldn't do what we do. So thank you and we praise God for you. So thank you One Voice. Thank you all of our faithful listeners for every opportunity that you have given us. So thank you so much. This morning, I want to kind of look at things. As we prepare to, we're over halfway into 2024 and as we're preparing to make a transition to move into the latter part of this year. I don't know about you, but for me, I have so much that I'm thankful for in the first half of the year. Still have my health and strength. I actually feel it pretty good to be in a new year, to be halfway through this year. I have helped, I have formed new friends, I have new directions, I've formed new business adventures. So I'm super excited for where I'm at. And I can go on and on about all of the things that I'm excited for. So as I'm preparing to close out this year, like I said, we're over halfway through this year and as I'm preparing to close out this year, it's time for me to start planning and making things happen as I close out this year. So as you preparing to close out this year, as you preparing to finish up another year, 2024 and getting ready for 2025 as loyalty fit to allow us to see it, it's time for all of us to stop procrastinating on the things God has called me, you us to do. No longer do we have time to put off till tomorrow the things we should do today. We must be about our father's business. If you're going to ever see God work in your life, you must get on his program for your life. Notice I said you need to get on his program for your life 'cause remember, I remind you all the time that he has a plan for you. It has a future and a hope tie to it and it's gonna be good. And if he does, the only way you're gonna be able to see it is you're gonna have to get on his plan. So as we get ready to go into this new, the end of this 2024, I want you to make sure that you're focusing on his plan for your life and not yours. This is not your program, but his program for your life. It's time to stop making excuses for why you are not where you wanna be. So as I thought on this, like I always do, I wanna look at someone today who can speak on the subject. So if you have your Bibles today, I want you to turn with me to Ecclesiastics, Ecclesiastes three and one. We're just gonna read that first verse of Ecclesiastes three. And then I'm gonna give you the subject. We're gonna hit a few points and then we'll get out of here for today. Ecclesiastes three and one states, to everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. To everything there is a season and a time to every another version, read it purpose under the heavens. To everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. For a subject this morning, we wanna look at preparing for your next season, preparing for your next season. There I'm the father, God Almighty. We thank you once again for allowing us this awesome opportunity to come to study your word. Right now, Lord, I'm asking that you prepare a harsh mind to receive what it is that we have for, that you have for us on this day. And I'm asking right now that you remove me, that they hear none of me, but hear all of you and let your word go forward, power, so that we may walk away from this better than war before we came. And we will always be so grateful, so careful to give you all the praise, all the honor and all the glory. In your son Jesus Christ name, we do pray. And we all said, amen. Ecclesiastes three and one states to everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. This verse actually comes from the book of Ecclesiastes, which is traditionally a book that is attributed to the King Solomon, we know King Solomon, considered the wisest and richest man to ever live. But he was really known, also known for, like I said, his wisdom, how wise he was. This actually was written in the later years of his life, and this Ecclesiastes reflects on the meaning and the purpose of life. And Solomon, he explores the cycles and rhythms of existence. Emphasizing that everything has its appointed time and season. This particular first verse sets the tone for some things that he talked about later on as he followed that up with that first verse. But this is just kind of setting the tone for the subsequent verses, which details the various times and seasons for different activities and experiences in life, reminding us of the divine order and timing in the natural world, to everything. In the last time I checked, everything means everything. So he's saying to everything, there's a time. And there's a season. So, when we talk about our subject this morning of preparing for your next season, when I think about this, I oftentimes hear people talking about the things they want, the things they want to do, the places they want to go, the situations they want in their lives. But my question and my thought behind what they're saying they want, are they prepared to receive it? Oftentimes, we cry in and we pray in for certain things, but are we prepared to receive it? Because to everything, there's a time and a season. So how can you want something that you're not prepared to receive? So this morning, we're going to talk about preparing for that next season of life. I want to look at a few things and we're going to discuss a few things. First thing I want to look at is, what is a season? Webster defines a season as a time characterized by a particular circumstances or feature. A sub to a suitable or natural time or occasion. An indefinite period of time. These are all definitions that Webster gives us. Or we can look at a season as a period of the year characterized by an associated with a particular activity or phenomenon. So it's a time. You know, we have the four seasons of the year, winter, spring, summer, and fall. And in each one of those seasons, there's some things that happen. There's some transition times. It's some times that you do one thing in one season that you don't do in another season. So seasons change. Are you prepared for the season that you're going in? Basically a season is a period of time. It could be a long or it could be short. If you were like me, those bad seasons, you wanted to be short. And the good seasons, you don't want them to ever end. Anybody ever just had a period of time in your life. It just seemed like everything you touched turns to go. And you don't ever want this to end. But then there's those times when all hell breaks loose in your life and you in a season of your life that it can't get over with fast enough. And no matter what you do, no matter how you're saying, no matter how great things, no matter how you want things that happen and things that change. And during this season in your life, it could be a time, a development time. But we're going to have to start doing this. No matter what season you're in, we have to learn to trust God. Because to everything, there's a season and a time. I wish we could have spring all year long. This is the time where the grass is green. Temperature is not too hot, not too cold. It's just right. The days are longer. And it just seems like people are in a better mood. But how many of you know spring doesn't last always? Sort of just like life. There are going to be those seasons in your life where everything is growing. Finances are good. Relationships going fine. Family is good. Your health is good. Everything looks good. You go to the doctor, get a good health report. Go to the dentist, he tell you he got no cavities. Everything is going good. The only job they may want to give you a raise. Everything is falling in line. But how many of you know seasons change? Because there's always that then, all of a sudden, in the prime of life that season could change for you. Because you go from spring to summer to fall to winter. And before you know it, everything changes. If you can remember, it is only a season. And seasons doesn't last always. So I want to talk to you today about no matter what season you're in, we're going to look at today how we can prepare for the seasons in our lives. Because I often say there's only three kinds of people in the world. Ones that are in something. Ones that are coming out of something. Or one that's on their way to something. And I don't care who you are, you fit into one of those categories. And we have to just look at that as seasons of our lives. Because all of us are going to go through something at some point in our lives. It's not what you go through. It's how you handle what you go through. Because Solomon said to everything. And last I checked you, me, we are a thing. We are something. And so to all of us, there is a time and a season for everything. And if you look at the remainder of that verse chapter three, it talks about to everything there is a season and a purpose on the heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to cast away stone and a time to gather stone. Together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to get and a time to lose. A time to keep and a time to cast away. A time to rain and a time to sow. A time to keep silence and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time of war and a time of peace. What profit have he that work up in that wherein he laboreth? So Solomon is telling us to everything. There's a time and a purpose. So what we're going to do this morning is we're going to talk about how to focus on not get so tied up into the time, but focus on the purpose that God has you in the time that you're in. God never said, and nowhere I ever read where it says, that every day was going to be a good day, that you wasn't going to have rain in the midst of the sun shining. But he did say in 2 Corinthians 12 and 9, that my grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. So no matter what time you're in, God already knows, and regardless of it, he's going to be there right there with you. Just as he was with the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, he didn't keep them out of the fire, but what he did was allow them to go in and while they was in the fire, he went in there with them. So what I'm telling you is don't get so caught up into the time of life you in. We just need to start preparing for the season that God is going to have us through. And I'm going to teach you a few things and to be prepared for no matter what the season is. How many of you know we are a dumb in our own power? Let me show you what I mean. A lot of times we spend more time trying to fix things, people, situations, circumstances that only God can fix. See, sometimes we think we are a lot smarter and a lot wider than we really are. And then some things in life and seasons, God is going to be the only one that can change things. So we have to learn to put our trust and faith in God. And when we can learn how to do that, regardless of the season that we in, we're going to be okay. Because if our faith and trust is in the Creator, we don't look at the created and it don't get us all flabbergasted because our focus is not on the created. If the focus is on the created. And if we focus on him, we can't focus on other things. Let me show you what I mean. Have you ever been going through life and doing things in life and you were so focused on where you was going that somebody was waving at you and spoke to you and you didn't even see them. And then they called up with you later on, and they said, man, I was trying to stop you. But you was so focused on where you was going. When we can learn to focus our attention and our time and our minds on the Creator and the Kingdom, we won't see all of the distractions that's going on in our lives. And when we've missed the distractions, we're going to stay focused on our purpose. And when we stay focused on him, he's going to help us through whatever it is that we're going through. You remember what the three Hebrew words say, even if he don't do it, I know he's able. So what we got to do in the season and in the life in that we're in, we got to stay so focused on him. That regardless of what happens, we so focused on him that even if he don't keep us out of those seasons, we know he can come in there with us. And even if he don't, we know he's able to do all things. Stop spending time trying to fix things and fix people, but spend time focusing on the Creator, the one who can control all things. If we can just learn to trust his word during those dry seasons of our lives, we can understand that trouble don't last always. And even when it comes, my God is able to get you through any and everything that come your way, because he said his grace is sufficient. Grace is a merit of favor. Have you ever just had some favor on your life that you just didn't know how or why, but you're just so thankful? So what we got to do that, no matter what the season, when you are in the right relationship with the Creator, when you are in the right relationship with God, he will get you through it. So during the good season, we need to give thanks during the bad season or the challenging season we need to give thanks because the good seasons, you ought to be raising your hand giving praise. The bad season is, it's in development phase. But in all things, Paul said that not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned, and in whatever state I am in, there will to be content. Paul said I've learned some things through the experiences, through the seasons that I've gone through in my life. When the season where I was persecuting Christian, the season where I met Jesus on the Damascus road, the season where my life was open and I started to proclaim to God. But whatever season I was in, I have learned some things and I have learned to be thankful. What have you learned from what God is taking you through? Are you learning to be thankful in the midst of the good times? Are you learning to be thankful in the midst of the bad times? Are you prepared for the seasons that you're going through? Because remember, there's only three kinds of people. One that's in something, one that's out of something and one's on their way to something. And each one of them, you're preparing for another season of your life. And what are you doing in the season that you're in? I suggest, and I recommend to you, learn to be thankful, regardless of the situation or the circumstances. If one of the greatest Christians who ever lived just says that whatever state I'm in, I have learned to be content. If we can learn to be content when times are good, we can learn to be content when times are bad. If we can learn to be thankful regardless of where we are, I have learned to be thankful no matter what goes on. Good, bad, or indifferent. Because the day we're talking about preparing for that next season of life. So when Solomon was talking about a time for everything, the one sure way to be prepared for anything is to learn how to trust God. He is the only one that knows the future. See, when we're talking about seasons and preparing for the next season, the next season is future. In the next season, you may not know what the next season is. Even though you can plan, you can strategize, you can have all your ducks and you think you have all your ducks in a row, but you don't know what that next season is. There's only one that knows what the next season is, and that's God. And the only way you're going to be able to prepare for the next season is put your trust in him, and put in your trust in him, he's going to get you through this next season of your life. Good, bad, or indifferent. Because I've learned, I've learned this also that all of the things of life are working together for my good, because I haven't called according to his purpose, and I'm working his plan for my life. Has anyone ever had a dry season when it seemed like everything was going wrong, but you made it? This is when you learn how to encourage somebody else. Because in dry season of your life, and I'm here to tell you, I'm not wishing up dry season on anybody. I'm not hoping you have a dry season, that's not my plan. But I also know that Christ said that any man who's going to come after me must first deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. But if Christ went through it and Christ had to go through it, what makes you, me, I, what makes us think any of us are exempt from having to do, having to go through trouble. The Bible says that a man that is born of a woman is up but a few days, and life is full of trouble. Well, if we're going to have trouble, and then we got to go through season, we need to be prepared for whether the season is good or bad. I'm going to learn to give thanks and all things, because if I learn to give thanks and all things, I can't have time to have pity party and think about anything else. Well, when I've learned to give thanks to God and in the, in the Creator, he also said, if I am for you, I'm more than the whole world against you. And if God be for me, and he's going to get me through anything that I go through, what do I have to fear? So, the next point I want to look at is this is important. This is, this is so, so very, very important. We need to stop taking old habits into new seasons. Now, I know that hurt some, some, some of us, but we need to stop taking old habits into new seasons. Seasons are, are come along to teach us some things. Seasons come along to prepare us for next season. What are you learning in the season that you're in? But we can't continue to take old things into new seasons. As people oftentimes, it's hard to let things go. We like to hold on to things. We use excuses of why we even hold on to things. You remember those children of Israel cried out to God to deliver us from Egypt. God sent him a deliverer in Moses. Moses go down and tell him Pharaoh to say, "Let my people go." He told him, "I am sent me." So, he, God allowed his people to come out, even part in seas. Never lay in the, the shoes were out. But, but even coming out of Egypt, they was trying to take the Egyptian ways into the season of, of life that God was taking them in. So, they could even focus on the promise for two bids it's staying in the old seas. What I'm here to tell you is when God brings you through the storms and rains of your life and getting ready to take you through the sunshines of your life, let that old stuff go. Leave those old bad habits that didn't work in that season and go take these new things on that God has prepared for you in the new season. We must reach a point in our lives where we have a renewing of the mind. Until then, you want to keep getting what you're getting because you keep doing what you're doing. That's the definition of insanity. Romans 12 and 2 says, "And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." It's okay to be different, to be different than everybody else. Just because they do it doesn't mean you have to do it. We're talking about you and if you're on the, if you can hear my voice, he talking about you developing in the season and being prepared for the new season that you're going into. You can't worry or focus about them other folks. Noah, when Noah was building that art and Noah was preaching a message and everybody else on the face of the earth was doing what they thought was right in their own eyes. Noah knew it was okay to be different because Noah walked with God. When you're talking about going through the season of life, you got to be, you got to walk with God. You got to walk with God because God only one knows what the future holds. Noah walks so close with God that God revealed to him what he was about to do. There's a message for some of us. If you want to know what God's plan is for your life, are you walking close enough with him and he can whisper to you and say, "Hey Noah, I'm going to let it rain." It's going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights. When it rains, 40 days and 40 nights, this is what I want you to do to be prepared. Wasn't God sharing with Noah what he needs to do to be prepared for this next season of life that was going to come? Noah couldn't control the seasons that was about to come. But God prepared him in the season that he was in to be prepared for the next season that God was going to allow to come on the face of the earth. If you want to be prepared for these next seasons in life, it doesn't matter who in the presidency, my thing is who are you walking with? And if you're walking close enough with God, you're going to be prepared regardless of who we are, regardless of what comes, what goes, you're going to be prepared for because you're walking close enough with God to where he can whisper in your ear, "This is what I'm going to let happen and I want to make sure you are prepared because you walk with me." Noah found favor in God because he walked with him. And if you're going to be prepared for these next seasons in your life, you need to be walking close enough with God that you're going to be prepared for it. It's okay to be different. When we look at these, we need to understand whatever you are sowing, that's what you're also going to reap. So in the season of your life, make sure you're sowing good seeds. That when it comes harvest time, you're going to reap a bottom for harvest. Galatians 6, 7 through 9 says, "Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever in man's soul, that shall he also reap. For he that's sold to his flesh, shall of his flesh reap corruption. But he that's sold to the spirit, shall of the spirit reap the life everlasting. And let us not be weary and well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." There are going to be a common time to where you're going to be ready to reap all of the seeds that you have sown. Are you prepared for this next season of your life? So if your season hasn't come, hold on. Keep watering. Keep doing what's right. Never mind what they say or they know is what they see. I know a God who got the whole world in his hand. So who will you trust? Someone in the season with you are someone who is in control of the season. You can't get great things and see great things coming if you only put bad stuff in the ground. So in and reaping, so in and reaping. What are you planning in the season of life that you're in? Because I remember I grew up on a farm and my granddad and he used to plant certain things doing certain times of the year because it was the right time to plant it. And if you plant it at the right time, when it comes time to harvest it, you're going to have a bottle for harvest because you plant it and did everything in the right season. What are you doing in this season that you're in? Are you whining and complaining? Or you talk about all these things? How is it so bad? Oh, it's me. Or are you giving God praises? See, because my Bible says when praises go up, blessings come down. So regardless of the season you're in, the good season, the bad season, continue to praise them. You praise them when times are good. You praise them when times are bad because when the praises go up, blessings will come down. Are you prepared for your season? One thing that we do in my house is when seasons transition, when we go from summer to fall, we sort of put away the short sleeves and the shorts because we're starting preparing for this next season that we're going into. We start pulling out the jackets. We start getting the long sleeves because now the temperature is about to change. And when the temperature change, you're going to need long sleeves. You're going to need to have a little light jacket. So as you start to transition to these seasons, make sure you become aware of what God is doing. See, because as those people in the days of Noah, they was doing everything that was right, but Noah was building in the season that he was in. Noah was preparing for what God was about to bring. Noah was preparing himself. And he wasn't worried about what everybody else was doing because Noah knew it was going to be a transition and only knew it was going to be a transition because he walked with God and because he walked with God and was obedient to God in the new season of his life that was about to come. He was prepared for something that was going to happen in the future. What I'm talking about is the news and everybody is trying to make you weary about the future. What's going to happen and what's going to take place? Well, I know a God that says, "I changed not. I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever." And if he is the same, the same God that brought us through the storms and the season we were going through then is the same God that's already in tomorrow. There's never been a place or a time that God hadn't existed or hadn't been. And if that is the case, he's in the past, the present, and in the future. And I would rather trust somebody who's already where I'm trying to go, who has a plan for my life. It has a future and a hope tied to it. The only thing I'm saying is, in the season that you're in, right now, the only way you're going to be prepared for what's coming up is you're walking with God close enough where he can whisper to you and let you know. Do this, do this, and do this. Just as a farmer, it would be crazy to expect a great crop. If you hadn't planted anything, just as us, it's going to be crazy to think you're going to be prepared for the future if you hadn't trusted the one who's already there. What are you doing in preparation for this new season of your life? Are you equipping your mind? Are you studying? Are you forming new relationships to help further your career? What are you doing now for the next season? I know all of us want to be better and to close out this year and going into another year. So despite what has been done or what you didn't do, despite how bad it may have been, despite how good it is, the only way that we're going to survive and be prepared for this new season that we're going in is we got to trust in God. Let the past go develop a new thinking and get ready, get ready, get ready. The closeout of 2024 going into 2025 will be a great year for you. It's going to be a great year for this ministry and all those who come along beside us because there's a great plan. Make sure you are prepared. Solomon says to everything, there is a season and a time for everything under the heavens. God has equipped all of us with everything that we need in order to do the things that we need to do. We just have to put our faith and trust in him that he's going to see us through this process, which reminds me of a story that I always like to share because it has so much meaning if you look at it the right way. An old caterpillar comes into this world, a slimy looking caterpillar that crawls on the ground, but because God, his creator knows how to develop and knows in the season of his life and the things that he needs to do because as a caterpillar nobody may not like him, he may be squirming and people don't want to be associated with him. But as a caterpillar, God knows that it's going to come a time to where he needs to be developing because he got other things he needs for him to do. Because he needs to develop him, God is going to allow him to go through a process called metamorphism. And in this process of metamorphism, this old caterpillar going to crawl up on a tree, spin this whole thing around him and it's going to look all bad and tight and going to be squirming you. If you ever walk by a cocoon, you're going to look at that cocoon and it's going to be ugly looking and you're going to see something squirming in it. And you're going to look at him and be like, "Oh, can I help him? Can I help him?" But what that is is a season that that caterpillar is in because during that season of that caterpillar is in, he's in a season of development because God already understood what he was going to need to do when he come out of that season that he's in. Because God knows that as a caterpillar, and I don't know too many people like caterpillars, but God sent him through a transformed metamorphist's face and put him in an old cocoon. Now in that cocoon, I'm willing to bet because there's no sunlight coming in. There's airtight. There's nothing coming in. There's nothing can help him. So in that cocoon of his life, it's getting dark. It's lonely because he's in there by himself. All this stuff is going on in that cocoon, but you need to get excited for that caterpillar because in that cocoon, he is developing. And when we can learn to be like that caterpillar in that cocoon, even though it's lonely, even though it's dark, even though there's no light shining in, we need to understand that cocoons of our life is only but for a season. It's only for a season. It won't last always because if you pay attention to what that caterpillar does, when he comes out, he don't look the same. The caterpillar comes out of that cocoon. He don't look the same. Matter of fact, he went in crawling, but he comes out walking. He went in looking one way, but he comes out looking another way, beautiful colors. And all of this development happens in a cocoon. And if he had not gone in the cocoon, and if God had not let him go through that process, and if nature had him stepped in and took him out of that process, he would not have developed. So in this season of life that you're in, don't think it's strange that nobody is helping you. Don't think it's strange that God is not answering, and you think God is not hearing you. God is allowing you to develop, because when you come out of this, you need to be walking different. You need to be talking different. You need to be looking different in this thing known as life that you're going through, because if you come out, you're going to be different than you were when you came in. Isn't that the whole purpose of why God placed us here at Change and Faces Ministry? Because he wants us to see ourselves the way he sees us, and then we will have a change of face. So do you see yourself the way God sees you? Because God saw that other good caterpillar. You may have looked at him and saw him as an old nasty worm, but God saw him as a beautiful butterfly, and that's what he became. So what do you see yourself as in this season of life that you're in? I don't care how bad it may seem to you. I don't care what you're going through. It could be your season of development. And during this season of development, don't think it's strange if people walk out of your life. Don't think it's strange if nobody feels like nobody will help you, whether it's family, friends, or loved ones. Don't think it's strange when you're going to be squirming around and it's dark inside. But just be thankful, all because the seasons change. God is just preparing you for the new season of life that you're going through. And if you're going through some things right now and you just want to get a closer and you want to know who God is and start walking closer with God, today would be the perfect opportunity for you to come and give your life to the only one that knows the future and the only one that has a plan for you. And that is giving your life to his only begotten son, accepting what he had done on the cross for you, and if you can receive Jesus Christ today as your Savior in this simple, simple prayer, make a confession. Lord, I'm a sinner. I need a Savior and I choose you. If you can confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead, you can be saved. And isn't that's what we all want to be saved? So today would be a perfect opportunity for you to receive Christ as your Savior. I don't know what you got going on in life, but I know a man that came through 40 and 2 generations to give us this opportunity that we have today to make it through whatever season that we're going through in life. I'm just here to encourage you today. If you may be crawling now or just keep on holding on because there's a cocoon that's coming. Or if you're in that cocoon and it's dark and lonely, hold on because when you come out, you're going to be having your wings and you're able to fly. I don't care what you're going through and what you're going and how life is going for you. I know somebody who's already put a plan in place for you. And if we can learn to trust him in the processes of life, things as we know what will be different. That's God's Word for you. That's God's Word for God's people. God bless you from changing faces and ministries. Well, we do believe if you can see yourself the way God sees you, you will have a changing face. God bless and see you again on Next Friday. Thanks for tuning in to the Changing Faces Podcast. Be sure to download the podcast as well as like, subscribe and share. [Music]