Changing Faces Ministries Podcast

Wasted Opportunities

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Changing Faces Ministries podcast. If you can see yourself the way God sees you, you will have a changing face. Here is your host, Pastor Jeff Landrum. (upbeat music) - Good morning, good morning, good morning. I want to welcome everybody to our Changing Faces Ministries podcast, I am your Pastor Jeff Landrum, and I, and where we want to thank you for joining us this morning to this special program this morning of Changing Faces Ministries, where we do believe if you can see yourself the way God sees you, you will have a changing face. I am your Pastor Jeff Landrum. I want to thank you for joining us this morning. I want to thank you for allowing, I want to thank one voice radio for bringing us to you this morning. It's been super excited, so every chance you get, you want to go in, and like our information on your various social media platforms, so you get a chance to like us, share us, and we're so excited to have you this morning. I am super excited this morning to, for you coming with us this morning. And we're going to jump right into our today's lesson this morning, and we're going to have some, we're going to have us a good time this morning in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So first of all, just want to thank each and every one of you and just, you know, pray that God touch you in a special way this morning. This morning, I want to deal with something that we probably are all guilty of. At some point in our lives, and if you're not guilty of it, just keep living. But all of us, if we're honest, will admit to things we could have, or should have done better. People are situations we could have dealt with a little differently. Based on us evaluating the situation differently, could have yielded a far better outcome. Even with our time, if we just planned each day a little better, we could really be more productive. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. Why is it that some people are so much further along than others? If everyone has a similar opportunity, why do so many individuals fall short? You got some people fell over and over and over again, and eventually they get the results they are looking for. What is it that causes some of us to be more successful than others? Some will say, it's probably just your upbringing, which I'm gonna disprove. Some will say, you know, it's probably who you know. That has something to do with it. Some even said that being in the right place at the right time, and sometimes time and do play a part in it. But today we're gonna look at something, and I wanna show you something that if we're all honest with ourselves, we're gonna be able to relate to it in some shape form or fashion. And I want all of us to look at this and just think about something. So if you got your Bibles with you today, I want you to turn with me to Matthew, chapter 25. And we're gonna be looking at verses 14 through 30. That's Matthew chapter 25. We're gonna begin with verse 14. And we're gonna read down through verses 30. And it reads, "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own service and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talent, to another two, and to another one. To every man according to his several abilities. And straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise, he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and dig in the earth, and hid his Lord's money. After a long time, the Lord of those servers come up and reckon with them. And so he that had received five talents, Cain, and brought other five talents. Saying, "Lord, thou delivered unto me five talents. Behold, have I gained besides them five talents more." His Lord said unto him, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou have been faithful over a few things, I will make them ruler, I will make thee ruler over many things, in and out into the joy of the Lord." He also that had received two talents came and said, "Lord, thou delivered unto me two talents. Behold, I have gained two other talents besides them." His Lord said unto him, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou have been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, in and out into the joy of the Lord." Then he which had received the one talent came and said, "Lord, I knew thee that thou art and hard made, reaping where thou have not sown, and gathering where thou have not strong. And I was afraid and went and hid thou talents in the earth. Lo, there thou have that is thine." His Lord answered and said unto him, "Thou wicked and sleutful servant, thou knew of that I reap where I sow not, and gather where I have not strong. Thou arteth therefore to have put my money to the exchanges, and then at my coming, I should have received my own with usury. Take therefore the talents from him, and give it unto him which have ten talents. For unto everyone that have should be given, and he shall have abundance, but from him that have not should be taken away, even that which he have. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." We're gonna stop right there with our reading. But for a subject this morning, we're gonna talk about wasted opportunities, wasted opportunities. Let's go to God for prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you once again for this opportunity. We thank you for all those that have gathered under the sound of my voice. We thank you right now for your word. We thank you for just allowing us this present moment in time. Lord, right now I'm asking that you prepare our hearts and minds to receive what it is that you have for us this morning. We're asking right now that you remove me, that they hear none of me, but hear all of you. Let your word go forth with power to make us better than we were before we came. And we will always be so grateful and careful to give you all the praises, honor, and glory, and your son Jesus Christ's name we do pray, amen. Wasted opportunity. Here we see in this parable that Jesus was teaching, we're gonna see that he talked about a master, getting ready to go into a far country. And as he was getting ready to go into a far country, he wanted to take what he had and divided among three servants. And as he divided among the three servants, it talks about he already knew what they was capable of doing what he had provided for them. And so by him already knowing, he was gonna give each one of them what they was able to handle. And so in our life, as we come along in life, God is already, he knows us, it says, scripture says, he knows us even before we were born, he knows the hairs on our head. So he already knows what we're capable of dealing with. So everything and where he has placed us is exactly where he wants us. And he already knows what we can deal with and help them. So when he places us in a point of giving us an opportunity to do some things, he already knows that we are able to deal with it. He never, everybody he calls, he equips. So this morning, we're gonna look at how a person, how individuals, how we as people can waste the opportunity that God has given us. So in doing that, I wanna touch on three things. First thing we wanna look at is what is an opportunity? What is an opportunity? Then we're gonna look at now is the time. And then the last thing we're gonna look at is don't prejudge your abilities. First thing we wanna look at is what is an opportunity? Webster describes an opportunity as a favorable position, a chance for advancement. My mentor always taught me that it is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. So when we look at this, we wanna make sure that we understand that opportunities, some opportunities only come once in a lifetime. And I've been taught in the past that you only get maybe three major opportunities in a lifetime. But when we look at this opportunity, this opportunity is given based on the parable that Jesus is teaching is given from a perfect standpoint, from a perfect master that already knows what the individuals are able to deal with. So he has only given them what they are able to handle. We in this society have been given so much that in most cases, we have become so comfortable with where we are and that the stuff we have. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to be thankful, but we are not put here to just get blessed opportunities. We are blessed to be a blessing. Why do God continue to bless you? I want you to think about that. Why is it that God will continue to bless us in order for us to be a blessing to somebody else? See, when we look at this story, three men, one given five, one given two, and one given one talent. And they have been blessed with these talents and the master is gonna be going away for a period of time and as the master goes away for a period of time, he already knows what they're capable of doing. So it says the one who had the five talents, he went out and invested and did something with his talents and he doubled his talents. The one with the two talents, he went out and did something with his talents and he doubled his talents. And the one with the one talent did nothing, buried it in the ground. When we have been blessed with certain skills, abilities, and talents that God has given us, what is it that are you doing with what God has blessed you with? Remember, I said, we are blessed to be a blessing. You are blessed to be to shower blessings through you. You remember the story of Esther? Esther was placed in the king's palace for such a time that she needed to be placed there to protect and save her people. It would have been shame on Esther if she had never gone to the king because her people were about getting ready to be destroyed. But God placed Esther at a certain time in a certain place so that she could be a blessing to all of her people. But if she had never gone and did what God had been placed there to do, it would have been a wasted opportunity that she had to be a blessing to somebody else. What opportunities have you wasted in your life that God has placed you at this perfect moment in time to be a blessing to somebody else? But because of who you thought and what you thought you was, you just thought you was put here just to be blessed. But you have been placed here to be a blessing to somebody else and shame on you if you don't take the skills and the abilities and talents and the position that God has placed you in to be a blessing to somebody else. But God has given you special abilities and talents. You don't have time to waste anymore. Esther was placed in the king's palace for such a time as she was placed there for the very opportune time in the very moment that she was placed there. She had no time to be wasting because her people were, lives were at stake. In this day and time, people lives are at stake and God has placed you here with special skills, abilities and talent. You don't have time to be wasting time to be worried about everybody else and what somebody else have or don't have. God has blessed you with what you can handle because when we look at this parable, it says the master already knew what they was able to handle. God knows what you're able to handle and God knows the results he won out of it. It's the choices you make to be able to deal with what God has placed you here to do. What are you doing with the time and abilities and the talent that God has given you? Now is the time for you to take advantage. Now is the time for you to use this opportunity that God has given you. Now is the time for you to do what God has placed you here to do. We no longer have time to put off for tomorrow for what we should be doing right now. We have wasted enough time and energy running. Now is high time to express your talents to the world. Scripture teaches in Proverbs 18 and 16. It says a man's gift make up room for him and bring up him before great meaning. What are you doing with the time and the gift that you have been given? What are you doing with the time and the gift that you have been given? I know what you're saying. I don't know what my gifts are. I don't know why I'm here and I want to help you in this area because I know the one that gave you the time. I know the one that bless you with the talents and gifts and I know the one that when you develop a relationship with him he will make room for you. He will show with you. He will share with you what your gifts are. He would lead you and put you in positions to where your gift will be displayed. Not just for you but it may so it may be a blessing to everyone else. So if you don't know why you're here you need to get in touch. You need to get in tune with the one that placed you here. The creator, the father because he is the one that has placed you here. He has been in part of those gifts and talents within you. So you need to get in tune with him. Why should you be able to use the gifts and talents? Why should he get exposed to you? The gifts and talents that you have if you're not going to use them for the purpose that he will bless you here with him? As we're going to see in today's lesson each one was given because the master already knew what each one of them could have. See because a good master he's going to give you. Not only he's going to place you there he's going to give you the skill of the buildings and their talents to be able to do what you have in place here to do. So don't think it's strange when you find yourself in situations and you don't know why you're there. God has given you special gifts. God has given you talents because he already knows you. He knows what you're able to do. He knows the abilities. He knows what he wants to outcome to be and he has placed you here for such a time as this. Just as Esther was placed here for this particular time, moment in time that she was placed there to save her people. She was able to put in the position to go see the king. We have been placed here on this earth for such a time as this that we're in right now. And we don't need to no longer take it for granted. What God has given us, the abilities God has given us. Some of us are able to do some things that nobody else can do and we just want to sit back on those gifts. No longer can we just sit back on what God has given us. When God has given us so much and God has blessed us with so much and God has put us in position that we may be a blessing to other people but because of what we think and how we feel. We are not we're not doing the things that God has caused us to do. Which leads us to our last point is we don't need to prejudge our abilities. Yes, we don't need to prejudge our abilities. We saw the first two men that Jesus talked about took their talents and they went out and did things with their talents and they was able to double what God has given them. The last man said he knew he understood that the task master he knew the task master was hard. So as opposed to doing something with what he was given, he took it and buried it in the ground. And when he buried in the ground, the only thing he was able to give back was what he was given. And God has given us so much and shame on us if all we want to do is just give him back what he has given us. He has given us stuff that we are blessed here to grow with, blessed here to be grateful, blessed here to expand upon. But if all we want to do is take it and bury it in the ground, we don't need to prejudge our abilities anymore. Most of us will take ourselves right out of going for our own dreams. We waste time. We procrastinate. Even though we know we have been blessed with it, sometimes we even prejudge the master. We even try to think for God. We say stuff like, "I know God don't want me talking to her. I know God can't want me to do this." Even though we know we got the ability and can't do it, we sometimes we prejudge the very thing that God has placed us here to do. People will, you know, we start thinking like people will laugh at me. I can't stand in front of people and talk. I don't know anything about business. A lot of times we prejudge the very one who has placed us here. You know what I'm talking about when God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let my people go. Moses said, "I can't talk God because I, you know, I can't tell him that because I stood. I can't talk too well." Sometimes we prejudge and we've been given opportunities and we've been given place and situation. So we are put here to be a blessing to other people, but because we prejudge our own abilities, we are wasting the opportunity that God has given us. And when we're wasting opportunities, our blessings can't go forward. And because we are blessed here to be a blessing to other people, if we don't use the gifts and talents that God has given us, don't think that it's going to just start with us. Because God said, even if we don't, he has a ram in the bush. He has somebody else who can step out and do the things that we are afraid to do, even though we've been blessed to do it. Shame on us if we don't step out there and walk in the faith that God has given us, because we have been blessed with the abilities to bless other people. So don't know no longer do we have time to waste the opportunity that God has given us. Sometimes we're wasting opportunity because we want to do our whole thing. We want to do it our way. We want to waste an opportunity. God has given us ability to do this, but we want to do that. And this is what we want to do. We need to understand that we're working on God's plan and not our own. And a lot of times we're wondering why the things that we're doing is not being blessed. We're wondering why we're having the issues and situations on our job, because we're not doing things the way God has instructed us to do. We're wasting an opportunity that God has given us, because we want to do things our way as opposed to doing things the way God has told us to do. And when we do it our way, we get our results. But when we do a God's way, God, we're going to get the results that God intended for us to have, because God says, and we wonder why people are coming against us on jobs. We're wondering why people are coming against us in life. And we're wondering why we don't have low victories in this life. We're not having the victories that we think we should have, and we're not seeing the results that we should be getting, because we're wasting opportunities. And we're wasting an opportunity because either we're not doing what God has told us, or we're using the abilities and that and the skills that we have, and trying to do things our way. See, when God has blessed us here and placed us here, he has blessed us here and placed us here. He said, because if he goes before us, who can be against us? And if God is leading God and in the rectus, who can come against us? See, no longer do we have time to waste the opportunity. See, when we look at this parable, it says, "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country." Who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods. I want us to pay attention to that. See, because when we look at this, we think that our skills and abilities and talents are what we are ours. We think they belong to us. See, as you look in verse 7, 14, it says, "The kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his servant." So that we don't even belong to ourselves. We belong to the master and delivered unto them his goods. So what we have in the ability and skills and talents that we have don't even belong to us. This belongs to the master. So when we look at that, I want us to understand that. The opportunity is we have been given an opportunity by the master who owns us. They've given us his goods to do what he has instructed us to do with his goods. So when we're wasting our opportunities, we're not just wasting our opportunities. We're wasting the master's opportunities that he has given us to do great things. So what are you doing with what God has given you? What are you doing with what God has blessed you with? No longer do we have time to waste the opportunities that God has given us. This we belong to God and what he has given us belongs to him. It says, "Delivered unto them his goods." And unto one, he gave five, to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several abilities, and straightaway took his journey. So we came here with the capacity to do what God has caused us to do. We came here able to do what we've been called to do. But too many of us are prejudging our abilities and talking ourselves right out of what God has called. God never gives us a vision, and God never gives us gifts without the abilities and capabilities of handling the gift, not our perfect but for his glory. And we're going to see how the story goes along, and to one, five, and to another two, and to every and to another one, to every man according to his several abilities, and straightaway took his journey. It says then he had, then that had received the five talents, went and traded with the same and made them five more talents. So now he's using what he's been given. It says, "And likewise, he that had received two, he also gained other talents, other two." The other man he took his two, went out and did traded, dealt with his talents. It says, "But he that had received one, went and big in the earth, and hid his lowest money." So you think about this, three men, same massed. Each one of them was given what he was able to handle. One went out and doubled his. The other one went out and doubled his. The whole three grew up in the same household. So you remember what I said. Some said that maybe he was just blessed. All three of them had the same opportunity because the master knew what they was able to handle. And because the master knew what they was able to handle, the master wanted them, he had given them what they needed to be able to do what they needed to do. Because the master knew one day he was going to be returning. He was going to be returning for an accountability call. He was going to be returning to find out what have you done with what you've been blessed with. What have you done with what you have been given? What are you doing with the abilities and skills that God has given you? Because one day there's going to be an accountability call. See, the master is going to return. And as the master returned, each one of them had to give a report of what they had been given. What are you doing with the relationships that God has given you? What are you doing with a job God has blessed you with? What are you doing with the certain situation and circumstances that God has given you? Because one day there's going to be an accountability call and you're going to have to give a report of what it is that God had blessed you with. What have you done? And at that point in time, it ain't going to really be no need to be talking because the master is already going to know what you have done with what you have been blessed with. It says, "And after a long time, the Lord of these servants come up and reckon with them. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying, "Lord, thou delivered unto me five talents be whole. I have gained besides them five talents more." So he got blessed double. His Lord said under him, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou have been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, inner thou into the joy of my Lord." So you think about that. Just doing, just using what God had given him, he was blessed with more. He was able to use his talents and he went out and double it. And the master said, "Well done." He also that had received two came and said, "Lord, thou delivered unto me two talents. Behold, I have gained two other talents besides them." His Lord said under him, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou have been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, inner thou into the joy of thy Lord." Second me, second servant did the same thing went out and double it. You notice the second servant didn't complain about somebody else getting five and he only getting two. He operated with what he had. See far too many of us are worried about what somebody else have and what you don't have. The master already knew what you were capable of hanging. So you need to stop looking at somebody else and use what he has given you. See, when you learn to use what you have been given, then you can start to multiply. Then you can stop. Then you can become great in what God has given you. Far too many of us are looking at everybody else, what God has given them and looking at what you don't have. It's not about that because the master know what you're able to handle. The second one went and doubled his. He said, "Then he which had received the one talent came and saved. Lord, I knew thee that thou art a hard man, reaping where thou have not sown, and gathering where thou have not strong." He knew. He said, "I knew. I knew thee. I knew you. I knew you, but you got to remember this is the master. The master knew him." He said, "I knew thee, and because he knew thee, he's going to make up in his mind what he want to do with the gifts and the abilities that the master had blessed him with, and because he made a decision that now, he's going to get, look at what the master is going to have to say to him. Now keep in mind, he said, "I knew," and he says, "and I was afraid and went and hid thou talents in the earth. And lo, there thou have that is dying." So at least the third man said, "Well, at least, master, I'm going to give you back what you have given me. I'm just going to, you know, at the very least, I didn't lose anything. I'm going to give it back to you just how you gave it to me." And how many of us know? It's almost impossible to give back somebody back what they have given you, because as time and life continue to progress along, when he gave it to you, it was worth one thing. And because time has moved along, it don't have the same value when the master come back. See, if you're not using what you have been given, it's not going to carry the same value. Well, we need to understand because God has given it to us because time doesn't stop. When the master come back, it's not worth the same thing. The other two men had double what they have been given. This man is trying to give back what he was given and go give it back because he goes, "I knew you was a hard man. And I just at least, I want to be able to give back to you what you have given me. But let's look and see how the master responds." And his Lord answered and said unto him, "Thou wicked and sleutful servant, thou knew of that I reap where I sawn not and gather where I have not strong, thou all of therefore to have put my money to the exchangers. And then at my coming, I should have received my own with you." The master said, "You wicked and lazy joker you." At the very least, you could have invested and I would have brought a little interest on what you have given. So at least you would have been, I would have been able to give me back more than what I gave you. See, a lot of us is just trying to sit here and be idle and not give, not use the abilities and skills. And we have to understand the only reason that we're here in this earth is because God has put us here because he has stuff for us to do. We have a mission to go for. No longer can we continue to waste the time. No longer can we be slothful. No longer can we just bury our talents. We are put here to be used by him and when we are used by him, we can double, we can build on what he has given us and the talent skills and the ability that he has given us, we can use them for his glory and when we use them for his glory, when he returns, we're going to be able to give him back more than what he gave us. But too many of us are wasting the opportunities that he has given us. Too many of us are sitting around looking, worried about everybody else, what they have been given. Too many of us are worried about not getting enough, are worried about what we have and don't have, worried about where we are and if I had a better job, then I'll give more. If I had more times, then I'll study more. If I, if I, if I, we're living in the earth world and we're wasting the opportunity as God has given us, not realizing that we're only here for a short period of time anyway. This life that we have, the Bible said it's nothing but like a vapor is here today and going tomorrow. But what are you doing with this little time that you have left? And that's some good news, bad news situation. The good news is you still have time to do something with the ability and the talents that you have. The bad news is the time that you have already wasted, you can't get it back, so you can't undo what's already been done. But I'm going to live on the good news part because God has spared me, because God has given me another moment and opportunity, because God has given me this day that I have right now. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but because God has given me this moment and opportunity, I'm going to stop wasting opportunity that he have given me. I'm going to live my life for him and then I'm going to be looking forward to that day that he returns and he comes back and I don't want him to say, I don't want him to look at me and say, depart from me because I never knew you. I want him to look at me and say, well done, thou good and faithful servant. I want to hear the words saying, well done. So no longer do we have time to waste the opportunity that God has given us. No longer do we have time to continue to sit back and wait for stuff to happen. God has given that ability to you. God has blessed you with that skill. God has blessed you with that ability that time. God has blessed you with that relationship. God has blessed you with that family. God has blessed you with that business. God has blessed you with that. But what are you doing with it? Stop wasting opportunities that God has given you. So when we look at this, it says that all the therefore have put my money in the bank to the exchangers. And at the very least, I would have gotten back a little bit more than what I left you with. It says, then look at what the message says, take therefore the tolerance from him and give it unto him, which have 10 talents for unto everyone that have it should be given. And he shall have an abundance, but from him that have not shall be taken away, even that will he have. So if you don't use what God has given you, you can lose it. And I'm here to tell you favor ain't fair. So don't think it's strange if you didn't take advantage of the opportunity that God has given you and then down the line, you see somebody else that's being blessed with what God has given you. And all of us, me included, have had this thing, these ideas in our mind. We have all had this thought in our mind and say, there ain't no way this could work. There ain't no way that this could be this idea. God planning an idea in your mind, something that you could do. And you thought about it and you talked yourself right out of it because you say, where is the money going to come from for me to do this? How am I going to be that I don't have the skills and the ability to do this? And you talk yourself right out of it. And then five, 10 years later, you see the very thing that God had placed within you, you see somebody else profiting from that very idea that God had given to you first. You wasted your opportunity, but even you wasted your opportunity. God plans still went for because somebody else took that ability, that skill, that idea and used it because they didn't waste their opportunity. Because what I'm here to tell you is, there's going to come a day where the master is going to come back and he's going to want to know what did you do with what I blessed you with. And don't let it be said you waited too late. Don't let it be said that you just want to give him back what he has given you. Today is the day this is the opportunity no longer can we continue to waste what God has blessed with. So if you're here today, and you are ready to walk in what God has blessed you with, to take those skills, abilities and talents and all of that stuff you've been holding back and you don't know how to step out there and do it. Today I want to introduce you to someone who can give you the ability and the strength to step out on faith. And what I'm asking you to do is if you've never received Jesus Christ as your Savior, today will be a perfect opportunity for you to do that. Because when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, now you have the very thing dwelling within you because he's going to allow the Holy Spirit to use those abilities and talents that you have to give you the courage to step out there and walk into that what he has given you today would be a perfect opportunity for you to do that. Or if you're here today, you want to become a part of this ministry. Well, we encourage you to exercise the gifts and the talents that God has given you. I encourage you to reach out to us, to get in contact with the ministry, get in contact with myself and let's talk about those abilities and skill that God has given you. Today is a perfect opportunity, no longer do we have time to waste because time is not on our side. As we continue to go through this life, no longer do we have opportunities, do we have time to waste the opportunities and abilities that God has given us. Because that Master is coming back and when he comes back, he's going to want to know what we have done with what we have been given. I want to share one last story with you. As we was growing up in life, all of us know that little game we should play called hide and seek. Every one of us probably at some point, this one, we didn't have all the technologies and all the great things. We used to play this little game known as hide and seek. It was one person that used to stand with their eyes closed or with their head posted up against a tree. And all his job was to do was to count and everybody else would have to go and hide. And as we go and hide, he would count to a hundred by five. He would go something like this, five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100. And then when he finished, get to a hundred, the next line he'll say, he's ready or not, here I come. And when he opened his eyes, his whole thing was to find everybody to before they can reach home. His whole thing was to find you and if he see you before you can reach base, he will be out. If he see you before you get there, he will tag you and you will be out though you didn't make it home. What I'm here to tell us is we're participating in this game called Radio. We're participating in this game hide and seek as we speak now. And the one that is counting is the master Jesus Christ because Jesus is sitting there watching and we could be exercising the abilities and talents we have and see what we know that the countdown is on because the countdown began when he left and we know he is counting. We don't know how fast he counts. We don't know what number he's at. We don't know if he's at five or we don't know if he's at 95. We do know he's not at 100 because he hasn't come back yet. And see, because he hasn't come back yet, no longer do we need to be wasting our opportunities hiding from him, we need to reveal ourselves to him so that he can use the abilities and talents that we have. But I'm here to tell you that Jesus is counting. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 and when he gets to that point of saying 100, he's gonna be saying ready or not, here I come. See, sometimes in the game that we play as kids, we can say start over recount because we weren't ready and set. But when it comes to Jesus coming, when Jesus says ready or not, here I come, you won't have a chance to say reset or do a count over because it is time he has given us more than enough time to do what he has placed us here to do. No longer can we continue to waste our opportunity because when Jesus says ready or not, here I come, you won't be able to say count over because he is coming and he is coming for the ones that prepare. So no longer can you waste this opportunity thinking that you have time to get it together and get it right because when he counts, and when he says 95, 100, here I come, ready or not, you better be ready. And the only way to be ready is to stop wasting the opportunity and to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. Today, at this moment in this time, receive Jesus Christ and once you receive him, you need to start walking in what he has called you here to do. I want to say God bless you and God keep you is my prayer for you and I am so excited to have you join us on One Voice Worldwide. And with the One Voice Radio, to join us here today on One Voice Radio and with Change and Faces Ministry, it has been super excited with God bless you and may God keep you is my prayer because Jesus is counting and I am going to hear to say you, ready or not, here he comes. God bless you and God keep you is my prayer. Thanks for tuning in to the Changing Faces Podcast. Be sure to download the podcast as well as like, subscribe and share. [Music]