Guru Viking Podcast

Ep79: Agony Into Bliss, Facing Covid With Dzogchen - Dr Ian Wickramasekera

In this episode I am once again joined by Dr. Ian Wickramasekera as he recounts his dramatic nervous system collapse and near-death experience as a consequence of COVID-19.

Dr Wickramasekera is a Bön Buddhist practitioner and associate professor of Mindfulness Based Transpersonal Counselling at Naropa University.

On the 19th of March Ian woke up with a headache, dizziness, and fatigue - he had contracted COVID-19. While symptoms initially receded, and it seemed like this might be a light case, events soon took a devastating turn for the worse.

What followed brought Ian to the very brink of death and forced him to draw on all his decades of advanced meditation and hypnosis training.

Ian recounts how, his life hanging by a thread, he experienced the dissolution of his bodily elements, slipping into the between-lives realm of the Bardo, and the emergence of the clear light of the nature of mind.

We learn how, while fighting for every breath and subject to painful experimental medicines, Ian’s practice of Tummo transformed his bodily agony into spiritual bliss.

Ian also reveals the life changing consequences of this near-death experience, and the radical change it has effected in his being.

Audio version of this podcast also available on iTunes and Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.

Topics Include

0:00 - Intro 1:08 - Exposure 3:50 - Beginning of symptoms 6:35 - Symptoms worsen and Ian has a stroke 11:30 - Was Ian afraid? 13:02 - Fever induced hallucinations 15:33 - Neurological breakdown, accusations of opioid overdose, and rushed to hospital 24:42 - Arrival at hospital and diagnoses of Epstein-Barr and Guillain-Barre 28:16 - Ian draws on his hypnosis and meditation training as his breathing begins to fail 30:55 - Psychic experiences entering the Bardo 33:33 - ‘Prepare for death’ - advice from Ian’s teachers 37:45 - A dire prognosis 39:51 - Dissolving of bodily energies and emergence of the nature of mind 45:43 - Time travel in the Bardo and practicing Tonglen for the dying 50:42 - Experimental medicine and using Tummo to transfer the agony into bliss 56:57 - Surviving and the helpful insights from psychedelics 1:04:10 - Lasting insights from Ian’s near-death experience 1:08:31 - Ian enters intensive rehab to recover the use of his body 1:19:39 - Impact on the subtle body and wisdom energies as the body’s energies dissolved 1:29:45 - What was Ian’s death plan? 1:35:16 - Tummo and connecting with bliss 1:42:09 - The responsibility to share the teachings that comes with spiritual insight 1:47:08 - Learning through loving 1:50:09 - Ian’s teachers and how others can learn these practices

Previous episodes with Ian:


To find our more about Ian, visit:


For more interviews, videos, and more visit:


Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James

Broadcast on:
29 Jan 2021