Guru Viking Podcast

Ep19 Glenn Mullin - Guru Viking Interviews

This episode of the Guru Viking Podcast sees the return of one of my absolute favourite guests, Glenn Mullin.

Glenn is a Tibetologist, translator, and Tantric Buddhist meditation teacher, who studied for many years in Dharmsala with the Dalai Lama’s own gurus.

In our last conversation, way back in Episode 9, we talked all about this fascinating period of Glenn’s life. We ended that podcast just beginning to touch on the inner yogas of Tantric Buddhism.

In this episode we dive deeper into the completion stage practices as we discuss tummo (tsa lung tigle), the balancing of the male and female energies, clear light yoga, and we enter the realms of karmamudra, or ‘Tantric sex’, as it is presented in the Six Yogas of Naropa.

Video version of this podcast:


Topics include:

  • Producing heat with tummo practices
  • Tests of tummo practice in old Tibet
  • Demonstrations of energy control
  • The three qualities of inner bliss
  • The real purpose of tummo practice
  • Samayamudra, karmamudra, mahamudra, and dharmamudra
  • Esoteric nutrition practices of chu len
  • Magic pill, stone, and starlight - the 3 types of chu len practice
  • Solo vs group retreat in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Glenn’s training in chu len
  • 21 Day Flower Essence Fast
  • Magic pill recipe of the 2nd Dalai Lama
  • The effect of past life karma on practice
  • Are retreats necessary?
  • The teacher-student relationship in Tantra
  • The role of Guru Yoga in the 6 Yogas
  • Glenn’s spiritual friendship with Ling Rinpoche
  • Balancing the male and female energies in the body
  • Glenn’s Korean Zen student
  • The eternal radiance of the soul
  • Natural encounters with the mother clear light mind
  • The death process
  • Death yoga and assisting the dying
  • Tummo as a death simulation process
  • The 4 mudras
  • Karmamudra controversies
  • Problematic attitudes towards sex in the West
  • Comments on Dzogchen and Mahamudra
  • Consequences of balancing the male and female energies
  • Tantra and the office supplies salesman
  • Expressing Buddha nature in daily life
  • The Yoga of the Playful Deity
  • Dangers in tummo practice
  • Tantric love-making in the Tibetan tradition
  • Secrecy in tantric practice
  • How widespread is genuine karmamudra today?
  • The meaning of monastic vows of celibacy
  • The forbidden nature of eroticism
  • Glenn’s training in karmamudra
  • The superiority of the female body in tantra
  • Is monogamy preferable?
  • Male dominated cultural trends
  • Semen retention techniques in the 6 Yogas of Naropa
  • Do both partners need to be trained?
  • 3 different types of karmamudra partner
  • Problems with bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West
  • ‘One lama, one student’
  • Manifesting from the natural radiance of your stream of being

Previous Glenn Mullin episode:

To find our more about Glenn, visit:

For more interviews, videos, and more visit:

Music 'Deva Dasi' by Steve James

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2019