Let Us Tell It

We're Still Here

This episode, we give updates from our summer, opinions on food, the Olympics and the future of this podcast.

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Tank's social media






Goose's social media




- What's happening, family? Welcome back to another episode of "Let Us Tell It." I'm one of your host, Marcus Tancley, AKA Tank, and the other host is... - Cool, babe. How y'all doing? - I already. Hey, if this is your first time tuning in, too bad, because this is gonna be one of your last times tuning in. - Let's go back, watch some older episodes. We don't know how long we gonna carry. We might do, this might be the last episode. We might do... We gonna have to decide. We gotta let people know so they know if they need coming back or not. We was gonna do the month of August. We almost didn't get this one, 'cause Greg didn't wanna come back and do it. - I'm tired. - Like his brother-in-law. (laughing) He didn't wanna come back and do it, but we here. And so we gonna let you know by the end of this episode if we gonna be back or not. Anyway, this is a podcast we do every single week, and we talk about pretty much all the world issues. We come from a level-headed place. You know, we two black men. We husbands, we fathers, we uncles, we brothers. And we here for the people. We here to offer some normalcy. - Yes. - A whole bunch of that happens since we've been here. - Some kind of emotional. - Yeah, dang. - Yes. - Whoo, it's been a lot. Anyway, we usually kick this off with getting something off our chest. Goose, you got anything you wanna get off your chin? - I do, man. Life be life-in. I'm being tired of paying for everything. I mean, any and everything. I saw this girl on the internet. And she paid for a printer. Went to the store. Bought a printer. - Right. - Came home. No, matter of fact, she bought her printer. Then she bought the paper for the printer. She bought the ink for the printer. She bought the internet that she needs to use the printer. Then she had to buy something else for the printer. But then when she was ready to print, she couldn't print until she bought the damn app or subscription to the printer. - Oh, hell no. - $5 a month to print paper that she don't pay for all this shit. Then you paying for the electricity to go through the damn printer to make it work. Everything costs money. I mean, everything. And they gonna make sure you pay everything. They gonna make sure you pay it. I'm like, man, this is life be life-in. - I refuse to buy anything that needs a subscription. I read the fine print on anything I'm purchasing. To make sure I don't need a subscription, as if I'm looking at a food ingredient that might be poisonous. - Like I, thoroughly, even at the, where was we at? - One of them was places we stayed. They was like, well, if you download the app, you can communicate. No, I'm not downloading shit to communicate with no damn body. That is stupid. Call me old, call me whatever. I'm not putting no more damn apps on my phone. Especially to do something simple. She gotta read the fine print. You got to. I ain't no. I'm not downloading another guy named app. - On top of that, paying for everything. Gotta leave. You know, slip my mind that fast. - No, slip my mind. - Hold on. It was right now. - Paying for everything. - Paying for everything. - Everything. Oh, we went out to eat. Me and the babies in Mel. We go, and they got valet. Y'all, the valet, literally, you pull into the valet. The parking spots were right here. I drive up, get out. This man backs my car in. - It's right here. - I come out to get my car. I see my car right here. This man comes out. He takes it. Loops around. I give, no, no, no. I pay the guy under the umbrella $20. He gets my car, pulls around, opens the door. Gives me my keys, and he's like, "Shit." I'm like, "Preciate it." - Yeah, you ain't getting that. - The hell going on. So me and Mel driving off, and I'm like, I'm thinking, that dude wanted me to tip him. - Absolutely. - Life, this life, and these mothers, everybody wants some goddamn money for nothing. Then the food was bullshit. Man, we done, man. Going out to eat, and paying $300 for a meal. - Y'all fancy fancy. - And it's, well, now you gotta keep, yes. - Yes. - Yeah, well, I was gonna say, where'd y'all go? - It was at this little, little bowl of the wild, called Morton's. - Man. - I don't, man, I don't care about going out to eat. I'd rather cook at the house, and spend that money on something else worth worthwhile. 'Cause after a while, you done had it all, and there's nothing, man, it don't be worth it. The only place, though, that I enjoy, and I like this meal spot, it's catch. Catch, be having good drinks and good food. - That's the one I was about to bring up. - And flawless every time. But everywhere else, man, I could be in the back cooking and come up with something better than this. - I went, oh, valet. So I don't like people to drive my vehicles, none of them. They never drive those. If I drive one of my classic cars somewhere, they tell you a park right here. I'll tell you, I'll pay you, but you not drive them. - They probably can't touch the pedals on your car. - But my trucks, I don't like them driving. If I see an open spot, I would just go parking it. They always try to flag me down. I'm like, "Here, I'm gonna still pay you." But I'm just, I mostly do that. It's like, I understand they just trying to make an honest dollar, but I'm like, "Come on." - Yeah. - And then there's a lot of these restaurants. People purposefully have guys out there because they probably taking a cut of the dudes of valet. - Oh, cool. - I'm like, it ain't right. I'd be, it pissing me off like none other for, to have to valet something that is right here. And a lot of times if I walk out and see, I'm like, "I'll give you my keys, my trucks right here." Y'all you sure? Yes. Why are we gonna wait for you to pull out when we can just walk to the truck and pull it, get in and pull off? - We went to the hospital. I'm dropping mail off. I had the valet park in the hospital's parking lot. I had to pay, I was like, "Look man, she's just going in and coming out as $10 or you can park on the street, blussy blussy." And I'm like, "Man, you just sitting in the car?" - Even, yeah. - Oh no, I wouldn't have paid them any. - No, I didn't. I actually sat there and I'm like, "Man, roll the way out of me." - Yeah. - Like, make me move. - Yeah, type of shit. But you got to pay for everything, man. It's wild. I mean, you're paying the hospital bill. If you got insurance, you paying for your insurance. If you ain't got insurance, you'll be about to be skyrocketed. - Medical industry, that's a whole nother. - And now you paying $10, $20 just to park your car to get served like, man. - Medical industry, that's a whole nother episode, but you brought up catch. Everybody we know, anytime they have something, they drive, they want to have something they catch. I refuse to go back to catch for any damn thing. - What? - It's too damn far away. The food is good, but it ain't that damn good. It is not that damn good. - Yeah. - I'm like, "We going to catch? Y'all have fun at catch. I'll be damn if I drive all the way over to LA to go to this crowded-ass restaurant." - It'd be crowded. - To eat food. I'd rather go to Joey, right here in Will and Eels. - I ain't been. Oh, I had been to Joey. - Boy, right here in Will and Eels. - Yep. - I'd rather go any, there's so many places right here in the van, and everybody, most people we know that we go out to eat with are right here in the valley. We don't actually, we don't convince people to move over from LA to the valley. And anytime somebody owes my birthday going to catch, I send you a birthday card. I ain't going back to- - For one, I can't stand, even if I do take a car somewhere, carcer, I don't like the chaos of parking and doing all of that, or you get the car service, they're pulling out, got to let you, man, no, it'd be a lot, man. Not in my forest. I don't like going through that much trouble just to go out to eat. Back before I had kids, we had friends, like I said, a lot of people lived over in LA. Nobody had houses, especially we were younger, so it wasn't nobody buying houses, but the people that could afford houses even then, they would live over in the middle of LA. They would live in these apartments where they live in these townhouses with crowded streets and nowhere to park. And I'm like, unless you clear your personal spot out for me or hold a spot for me to park, I'm not coming to your spot. Not doing it. I'm not parking 30 minutes away, I have to walk up to your goddamn, and when you just angel just ask me yesterday, do a high-tanksly take, that's when I get my negative opinion when I complain about something, she said, "New York, this is way too easy." "New York, anyway, I ain't going to go through that at the end, but catch." Oh my God. Yeah, catch. Because everybody we know, that's where they go. We got friends coming in town. I heard this place called Catch, they could go there and meet me at my house when you die. Catch is, we, I say, I don't know, me and Mel might go once every month, but no, no, it wasn't Catch. It was this other sushi space, Yashiyami, or someplace off of Franklin now, but it wasn't worth it at all. I'm not, we won't be back to that much. There's a, it's Asian food over here. I keep saying over here, Will and Hills, like we right next to Will and Hills and we not in the, what's the place kind of rather where the 24-hour fitness is in Ireland shops in Will and Hills, now I couldn't tell you. Studio City? No, it wasn't in here, Studio City. I don't know, man. The Village. The Village. Okay. Yeah. Man, get out of here. You know where the Costco is in Will and Hills? Costco. Yeah. What mall? No, all of my equinoxes were in Beverly Hills in West Hollywood. West Hollywood. Yeah. West Hollywood? Like, that's a flex. Yes. Anyway. Well, the Hills was nice, too, though, but I didn't go to that one that much. Anyway, there was a, well, not that much, but you went once. Yeah. I was just near there, shut up. Now, what I was going to say, me and Angel, we went to this Asian restaurant. I think, yeah, it got to be Asian persuasion, this restaurant. And we ordered food. We didn't know we wanted to order. We see all this stuff on the menu, like, oh, we don't order this. That's what we usually get, like, a bunch of appetizers. Then we might get, we'll get two meals, maybe three meals, and we'll just share it. Then what we don't eat, we take home. The portions at this restaurant were enormous, and we had no idea. Thank you. Volcano? I think it was volcano, and that food, is it good? Yes. I mean, it's a fried rice. It might not be volcano that I'm thinking about, because this food was horrible. Everything was fried. Everything was fried. We got lobster. It was fried. I don't think what came about it. In the shale, everything was fried. The shale was fried. They took the lobster, the lobster arms, sides of my arm, put batter on it, and they must have just dropped it in grease. That's how the portions were enormous. We got it in the back of a gas station. There was a nice looking restaurant. So we thought, well, this is a lot of food guy, thanks. So when the first thing came, we was like, and then we ordered two, because I wanted one, she wanted one. It was so much food, and we ate a little bit of this food, and it was just like, we got a table full of nasty ass food. Dang. I can't remember the name of it, but I'd never go. I know what it looked like. I'd never go back to it. Volcano has the best fried rice. My key is cute, but they have, I love that sushi, but-- Why can't always, where is it located though? I think they have-- Is it in the very bank? They have one. But it's obvious that you and Andrew just have totally different taste buds than everybody else on Planet Earth, because everybody likes catch. Yeah, I don't like catch. I think they just like the experience, because celebrities and stuff, you go in there. Oh, they could be it too. They could be it too. Oh. Talk about celebrities, man. We saw it. It was why I came though. I can't believe y'all liked that place. That food was so horrible. It was bland. You know what? We didn't get the fried rice. You know what? Let me not-- It was salty. That's what it was. Let me not say that. The only thing we get is the fried-- the vegetable fried rice and sushi. I don't think we even got that. We don't get nothing else. Only thing we got sushi. I think I got lobster. Oh, OK. I didn't know they had the-- I didn't know they had-- They had the-- And we would eat for late chicken thing. The flavor was like a fajita plate. Oh, OK. It was every-- It was like-- it was like-- if you know what-- if you didn't know-- Yeah, yeah. But chicken broccoli and-- And a tortilla. A tortilla. Yeah, without the tortillas. Oh, OK. And it was like the chicken was like it was frozen. Like you could tell it was like in a plastic wrap frozen. Yeah. It wasn't even-- you could tell it was processed. Yeah. It wasn't even like stringy like chicken supposed to be. It was-- oh, this is processed. It was the most horrible food. Yeah. I forgot who said it. But yes, going out to eat is just the biggest hustle now because to your point, frozen, reheated. Mm-hmm. I remember we went-- we were in Chicago and Chicago-- we had a nice time in Chicago. But this one restaurant brought our food out. I mean, we were the first people there. Our order sliders and some fries. They brought the fries out. They weren't warm. They were just like-- Oh, no. --temperature. The damn sliders they had cheese on. I was like, do the sliders come with cheese? He said, no. I was like, well, put cheese on mine. The damn thing come-- the cheese was like-- like damn dried wax. I'm like, how does this happen? And I'm the first person you served. Lego black cheese. Man, I bid it to it. And I-- That's how Chicago got good food. Yeah. And every place else was outstanding. Yeah. So the dude came. And let me tell you how this is how I know they were on some bullshit. As soon as he came back, I said, hey, man, the fries are cold. The sliders are like, what is you serving this? All right, man, I can't be hold me with no hesitation. No. So he knew it was trash. He was like, man, I just work him, man. I was like-- He knew it was trash. And I had a beer. I was like-- And a beer. He'd brand me another one, because I knew y'all didn't cook this. That's it. [LAUGHTER] Hey, man. They literally gave me some shit from yesterday that they didn't say it. That's horrible. I'm telling you, if it weren't for male, I would never go out to-- Well, if it weren't for male, Melissa and Kig, they'd be loving to go out to eat. If it weren't for them, man, I'd be having food. I would be eat at the house every day. The only reason I would go out, it'll be to drink, just to-- Let me see what this drink is. Let me see what this drink is. Other than that, I would not eat nobody's food. Yeah, me and Andrew, we have a spot that we go to consistently called Kingfish in Calabasas. We happen when we need to go there. Oh, that's our spot. That's our late night spot. That's our random middle of the week spot. We go there. Because we like seafood, mainly. We love seafood. We get the oysters. They got octopus. I'll be tearing that up. They got a bunch of stuff that we absolutely love. They food be good. But it's-- yeah, and it's close. It's convenient. You ain't getting all this riding for a long time, and there's parking. If you don't even want that, there's other restaurants right there in that little center that you could go to that's close. That's why we like Fenny so much, because it's right there. If you don't want to finish, you got the other spot. Guses or whatever. You got the other spot. It's right there. You can park, go in, catch, kiss my ass. And we got-- oh, a lot of-- Larsens. Larsens. I don't know. It's right across from the village. If you standing in Larsens parking a lot, the village-- Oh, yeah, I ain't know that. Yeah. Oh, it's right there. Right there's Father's Day. OK. What was Father's Day this past year? Yeah. Father's Day. What? When you said this past year, I mean, did we already pass Father's Day? It's been a long summer, and we going to get to it. We went there for Father's Day, and I ordered lobster. And this is the type of service I like. Food comes. He's like, I have Father's Day. Oh, yeah, thank you. Anyway, we ordered food or the lobster. Get my food. I cut into the lobster. I didn't even take a bite yet. I cut into the lobster. I noticed he walked off. The waiter, he walked off like at an awkward time. I was like, you know what? They put the lobster on my mouth. I'm like, it was overcooked. It was like mushy. So I'm sitting there. I'm like, oh, Angel. I said, they got to take that back. I can't even muscle through that. So I was sitting there eating whatever else I got at kids. We sitting there talking, he comes back with a fresh one. He's like, here, I could tell something's wrong with that. So here you go. I wanted you, at least to be able to enjoy everything else on the plate. It brings me a new plate all together. It's like, thank you, man. It's like professionalism. He can see just the way it went through the fork. He was like, he's like, Dan, they gave him the wrong. That fool go to that too. He didn't even tell me the last time he came. Yeah, I mean, that's what you want, but you don't get that. No, you don't get that all. But ours is close. It's right down the street in this good food. Yeah, we saw, what was the Jackson brother? Jermaine. Jermaine there. That's what I'm saying. He was down there. Man, this man's, this is side note. This side of his head looked laminated. Black feel laminated. I was like-- Somebody said it looked like porcelain. Like a porcelain, hell yeah. What's happening, man? Anyway, a little dejaxes. Do you? [LAUGHTER] Hey, so this man-- Y'all, we ain't been here for sure to hell, man. Somebody told me it was going to look like shiny. It looked like if you hit it, it'd be like, what's it on? That's exactly what it looked like, a candy apple. That wax being on candy apple. Exactly what it looked like. So y'all, we ain't been here since, I don't know what's been a while. Since before, was it before after the wedding? It was before the wedding. It was before the wedding. That last one was before the wedding. Was it? OK, yeah. All right, so that's been the good minute ago. What was it about a month? Yeah, we've been going about a month a little longer. So update us, Goose. On just life and whatever's happening. I'm going to tell you some key points on my end. Because I don't want to forget. Throughout all our travels, we done talked about it. We done me and Angel. We done been to New York. We've been to Kentucky. Dropped the kids off Dominican Republic trash. Paris, for work. Back to the Dominican Republic for a wedding. Wedding was beautiful. Resort, again, trash. I said New York, didn't I? Oh, yeah, New York. Thought I started out with New York. You sure? You did. Kitty, you ain't paying attention. Kentucky, pick up the kids. We stayed for about four days just to relax a little bit. Came back since then. We went-- came back, went camping against my wheel. Now we back. I ain't going nowhere else. But I was in Paris. You been-- Oh, yeah, I was in Paris. Everybody smokes. Yep. Non-stop, I don't understand it. It's a thing. I told Angel, I said they can't be reporting their cancer rates at early. It's cigarettes, y'all. Cigarettes, everybody. Everybody just puffs. They blow it in your face. Just the babies, the dogs, birds, everybody's cigarettes, everywhere you go. And I was like, the only reason I can think of that they not cancer-ridden is because their food doesn't have all the chemicals in it. That's exactly right. Because their food is light. Most of-- most of their food is nasty. Yeah. Paris does not have good food. Our hotel that we stayed in had breakfast every morning. That food was phenomenal. I mean, it was so damn good. Chicken, sausage, eggs, any kind you wanted. They had a dude making omelets, whatever kind of eggs you wanted. Their breads, I already said it on our podcast. Shouldn't nobody on this planet be making croissants, but friends. Oh, is that good? No, croissants, that's it, croissants? Yeah. I'll be there, croissants. You know how you grab them with the tongue? Saw this whole thing of croissants. There was only about that big. I grabbed the tongs and go pick it up. They're going to pick it up lightly and I crushed it. It was fluffy like that. It was fluffy like cotton candy. It looked like a normal-ass croissant. I could put their croissant on my plate and ate it. I said, I would eat these melted in my mouth. I would eat a full bucket of these now. Hey, that was so good. So, long story short, we ate like crazy and all the food I ate, I did not feel stuffed or bloated or sleepy. I was hungry, which I'm normally hungry anyway, but after a heavy breakfast, I don't be wanting to eat for a while. Like, I don't have later, I'm like, I could eat again because it didn't have all the fillers and all the toxins and stuff, but the thing that made me think about you is they had these grapes. Whoa, these grapes. They had seeds, these grapes were huge. They were like the size of my balls. Unmature, yeah, exactly. Unmature lemons. So, that's small. [LAUGHTER] Now, these grapes was big. Pick up a grape, and it was great. You don't just throw it in your mouth. Oh, it's cute because you're going to chew. You got to bite the grape. And the seeds is easy to bite around. Saw that seed up. Spit it on down, kept eating. I said, this is how a grape's supposed to be. Yeah. Red grapes, too. I love red grapes. Gray, they were soggy that damn paper towel that you bought up. This thing? I'm telling you, they were big as hell. I said, if they injected this grape with something else to make it look big, it was worth it because it still had the seeds in it. Big grapes was huge, and they were so damn good. Yeah. But the food in Paris was trashed other than the hotel. The hotel food was absolutely phenomenal. The lady, one of the little women from Paris, the day we were working, she was all excited about going to lunch, going to lunch, kept talking about it. Went to this lunch spot. We didn't even know it was a lunch spot. We thought it was a club. Because the day before me and Angel, we went out walking around, seeing the city and everything. And it was a large crowd of people standing out front. So we didn't know what it was. It was like, it must be like a play or a club. Because it was packed. Probably lying all the way. Catch virgin of London. In London. Probably, yeah. Because I'm going to tell you about it. OK. So we go, and the next day we go, there's nobody in line. So we walk up, and we had reservations. So they let us in. As soon as we sat down, I look and look, because we go upstairs, I can look downstairs and the line forms again. The crowd. Then everybody else comes in, and this place, we got a table of probably-- we had two vans of people. So it was probably 20 people. And we had one table. They probably had six tables in the upstairs area like that. And somebody was sitting in every single chair. It was packed just upstairs. Yeah. So she was like, oh, I can't remember what she kept calling it. Food is great. This you guys going to love this food? So we looked at the menu. We're seeing French. Everybody got their phones out. Translate. Yeah. Trash. This food was not good at all. What type of food was it? Everything. French food. Yeah. They had everything-- they had seafood, everything you wanted. It wasn't a specific category of food. It just didn't have breakfast. They had-- I think they opened at a certain time. So it explains the line. But they were packed every day. And people was in there. They had appetizer for the table. So French people was tearing that appetizer up. Me and Angel tried. We bit into it. We just looked at each other like, mmm. I wonder though. They were tearing into it. Have we as Americans been sitting in shit so long? We just don't notice it. So when we go over to certain places and their foods aren't genetically modified or over seasoning or dipped in vegetable oil and seed oils, are we just turned off from it? And they're like, you just hooked on the drugs you've been taking. Because cereal, I need to confirm this. But they say they make some cereal here in the States and deliberately do not add the color dyes to it. And then they ship it to Canada and London and all these other places. But they specifically add the dyes to the American cereal and feed it to us. I can believe that there's an ingredient in a lot of cereals. B-H-C, B-T-H. Because otherwise the food, and they add it to the cereal and the chemical is dangerous, but they add it to the cereal to make it bearable to eat because of that disgusting. However, I will say I don't think that's the reason. Because we can go to places that have good food and talk about how good the food is. Like the hotel food, there ain't nothing done with that food. They've got a regular egg there that they cooked. It's probably somebody from Kentucky in their grilling. You think somebody from Kentucky went into the Renaissance Hotel? Yeah, they paid them. No, he was French, trust me. But then you go like me and Angel done been to a bunch of islands that have nothing to do with the US. All that food would be good outside of the Dominican Republic. Dominican, I feel like it's too close to Cuba. That's where my people are from on my dad's side, Cuba. Cuba does not have good food. And Dominican Republic is right next to it. That's the only excuse I think of is why they don't have good food. But most places we go to have really good food out of the country, have really good food. I've heard that Paris does not have good food. They don't. They got croissants. They don't nobody do pastries better than Paris. I walked around and I walked, I'm assuming was the hood of Paris, one of the hoods, just to get me a crepe. I said, I'm going to get me a goddamn crepe. I walked and I walked to a place that looked real sketchy. Just random people standing on everybody just stands around. I don't know if anybody works. And so fam, you got that food fam? I said, what's up fam, you got that food fam? They looking for the food, the dog food. The drugs. OK. Went to this spot. Yeah, you watch Snowfall. Franklin, they was talking about the food. Yeah, but he has a bad California accent now. French. All right, fam. French English whatever it is. Go ahead. No, it crepe was fire. It was so, it was worth that walk. It was heavy. It was heavy, the weight of a burrito. That crepe was so good. But no, so I do think a lot of people's taste buds are skewed by-- I put that on more so of people that love fast food. They can't go to a nice restaurant and enjoy their food. We know people that have to put salt on everything. I'm like, that's not good. The fact that you can just eat. But if you can go to another country-- I've traveled enough to taste other people, other countries food, to where I can be like, no, they just don't have the food. Yeah, that's why they smell, because the food ain't good. Ms. Laney just said, though, she said, yes and no, Greg, to your question, Europeans are the only ones that prefer Europeans food, like-- Yeah. That's true. I haven't, to your point, there has been no one that comes back and says, that food is fine. You're like, no one. But when you like Ms. Laney say, somebody go to Jamaica, Mexico, Japan, they'll be like, man, that food was fine. Yeah, but they pay for it. But they pay for it. Everybody else stop. Yeah. Seast and assist. They need to come from Paris. Now, we went to Belgium when we was on tour, and they had this breakfast, free breakfast downstairs. And, y'all, when I tell you, when I eat breads, pastas, or cheese, or whatever, I get bloated. When we was there, man, I was doing them things. And, I mean, I was all up through that. Greg, that second day, after the first day, when I ate, I don't know, I probably had like six croissants. I didn't feel bloated. I was still, you should see. He walking out in the pocket. I got a plate of croissants before I started fixing my plate, and ate those. Fix my plate, and then finished up with this side. That's crazy, man. It's wow. They pausing us over here, man. Oh, yeah, it's definitely bad. We getting the top boy. Yeah, fine. Appreciate it. That's what it was. It was snowfall. It was top boy. I said snowfall. Speaking of poison, I was watching this thing this morning. It's a video. So, you know, Shark Tank. Yep. The black dude that's on Shark Tank started in the booth. He's been scamming the hell out of these people. Dang it. What is it? Dang it. Yeah. Well, he's been scamming the hell out of these people. The people coming on the Shark Tank, the contestants. Yes. The contestants. So, I watched this video earlier, and I had to dig into it. Oh. So, there was a football player that came out basically with his apparatus that will remove the bone from ribs. Yep. And I think they... I think they... Al Becker, he's an ex-football player. I think all together that ended up turning into like a, I don't know, like a $5.8 million thing. Like, not just from that, but just the whole thing that came out. I think the baby bag ribs and stuff derived from that and everything. Long story short, they only received, that family only received like $600,000 from that entire thing. They tried to sue the dude, Dang it from Shark Tank. He got good lawyers. They ended up losing the case. The family did. They can't even talk about it no more. The daughter posted the emails about this, them, like y'all ripping us off, like this is what y'all doing, and this ain't the first time this dude has been ripping off people for a long time. This is a good... I'm not a lawyer, but... Yeah. Tell 'em looking to. Yeah. What? The only reason I watched that video, it's dude that did the video, is like, you know, us as black people, we already have our guard up when it comes to white people. You know, when it comes to white people, we've been getting ripped off, we've been... A lot of stuff's been done to black people in this country when it comes to money, when it comes to just in general. So we already have our guards up. You would think as somebody, you know, you let your guard down when it's your own people. I think his wife is white too though. He, you know, and he turns it out to be no different, if not probably worse. I think his name is Damien J. Yes, Damien is something. Yeah. He a fuboo. He's one of the dudes who was on the fuboo commercials. It was like four dudes, four or five dudes on the started fuboo. He's one of them. Now he's the biohead dude on Shark Tank. I think he's, uh... But I think he's a part of, uh, actively black too though. I don't know if they still hold the fuboo, um, because, you know, it's well connected. He played in the NBA, actively black. I don't know if fuboo is still under his umbrella. So, so what I can say is, uh, we, I'ma look into it too. Yeah, Damien John. Yeah. But what happens is, especially with us, well, with people in general, you create something and then, you know, you give away your rights to it. So I can see Damien John or any other, any other, uh, investors saying, "Hey, I'll pay you a 7% royalty on whatever is happening." And depending on the contract, 'cause it, they had to sign something for it that, for it to go that way, unfortunately, lack of knowledge, you, you sign this and in the fine print. It should set up to 600K. That is, when you have that much power as he does, it ain't even fine print. Like he, he can, he's, he's got, he can be loyal enough, he's got enough money to where even if he is wrong, his lawyers can't create, uh, hard enough case to be like, see what I did there. Before it just, they ended up, they ended up outrunning the people suing them. So it's just like, "Oh, we can appeal." Oh, yeah. So it's like, I can pay these lawyers for five years, you can't afford to keep going to court. Yeah. And the other thing, so he said, they were saying on the show, they'll say, "Oh, I'll give you, you know, 300,000 for 30 and 30% ownership. Yeah. I'll take 30% ownership of the company and I'll give you 300,000." Yep. They'll say that on camera. They'll dial it back, "Oh, I'm gonna take 50% of the company or 51% and I'm only gonna give you 100,000. This is when the cameras is off." You know, 'cause they say deal on camera, that don't mean nothing. That's just for the cameras. Yeah. I was, I was like, man, these people. Yeah. It's, it's wild because life be life and people be, people are, are, uh, uh, scammers, real life scammers. You would think you're a multi-millionaire. You would think you would have, and as a black man, you would be like, "Let me help these people out." And you're not even helping them out, giving away anything. No, you, you, yeah, you're earning money for this. Yeah. Which you should. Yeah. But at the same time, come on, man. How are you gonna get 5.8 million and these people would only see 600,000? The only way I'm, the only way I think this happened was, was they sold everything to him. And then he was like, "Oh, I can kick them completely out and get it that way." And even with that, it's like, why even do that? Why not school these people? Right. Hey, I got you right here. Look at this contract. You signed this. Now let's redo it. So next time you won't get caught, like, help, help the person out. Right. Like, what would have it, if you would have told me 5.8 and they got 1.2 million, I'm like, "Oh, well, that's it." Yeah, that's it. He probably put up all the money. Yeah. But 600k. He made that last week, he'd be like, "That's what I'm saying!" And that's what, I don't, I don't understand where people make it so long. Or so big to where greed becomes a part of the equation. Like, and that's, he's just like one example, but he's done scam. One of the dudes that he was sending people to is like doing time right now. And I don't think it's over the scams, but over some other stuff, but he was helping that. He was another contestant. Golly. That was on the show where he was sending other contestants to him. It was like, "Yeah, he'll help you build everything." And he was scamming them too. Man. Yeah, it was just one thing, it was, go ahead, because the next thing is something I emailed you. No, I texted to you, because I knew you would be into that. You probably didn't look at it. Go ahead, talk about it. So I've seen this thing and I've sent it to Goose. People putting cameras in Airbnb, hitting cameras. Oh my goodness. Y'all. There was a, there was a thing that's on this company got caught, because they were putting hidden cameras in their Airbnb's and like catching everybody doing everything in their, in the privacy and not doing nothing illegal. And they tried to say, "Oh," was, you know, to make sure that people weren't trashing or, you know, messing up Airbnb. But if they rented it, you can see if they're doing, you know, you can go in and check it. But they was putting, they've been putting these, it's a lot of companies doing it. Putting cameras in Airbnb's. Y'all, be so paranoid, this house that I'm in, now that we rented, they have these five smoke detectors. Oh yeah. No, no, in the beginning, not now. When I go through a house, when I, when I check a house, or when I'm in a hotel room, I look in the ducks, I look in the clocks, I look the smoke detectors, like, I literally twist them off the wall, and see if it's a battery, like, if it's a real smoke detector. Yeah, you got to look in all that stuff. All that stuff. And now, I do it in a hotel room. Hotel? Hotel resorts? I was checking everything. Man. Then I was like, "Hey, my stroke is superb, so I ain't gonna be ashamed of this." Y'all, I know in some place they done got me beating the crap up. Look at, look at them goin' in on tour. That's how they be blackmailing all these people. They probably like, "Hey, bro, I got y'all on tape, touching this, doing that." Yeah. "Hey, if you got a tape of me touching myself, I hope you do put it out." I'm gonna be like, "So what, man? Go on, Kel. You got, you recorded me." But, man, people will be putting, they even have shower heads. The crazy part about it is that they're allowed to manufacture these things. They have shower heads that have cameras in the shower head. So you would never know, and the water works around it. It's wild, man. Yeah, if you know what you're looking for, you can spot that stuff like the one, I think the one I sent you, there was a charger that was plugged up, "Oh, you saw what you were doing?" I seen it. It looked like an iPhone charger, or a Samsung charger was black, that something was plugged up to. So they unplugged it 'cause they were pluggin' in their own stuff, and then they didn't think it was weird until the owner or the company kept coming to them and was like, "Hey, we need that charger back." Yeah. And how adamant they was about getting the charger back, turns out, the charger, and it looked like it had a camera in it, though. But the charger had a camera inside, facing the bed. Y'all know how y'all be, 'cause I'm the same way. You see a block, a charging block? You take it back. Take it back. I want to. And that's what they did. They took the block, and then the Airbnb host was like, "Hey, we need that block back." That's when they looked at it. Yeah. It was like, then they looked at it. It was like, "Oh, it's a goddamn kid." But even their black, when they showed it, I said, "It look like a camera's a little bit." It was like a big lens. Come on, man. But no, I check. I always check the AC vents, the smoke detectors, the return vent. Yep. And anything, clocks, and anything that has a black screen cover. The light in the shower, in the hotel rooms, the light that's in the shower, if they have one, that's just right up here, and you're like, "Huh, I turned that jug off, and I'm looking all up in there." People a while, man, the footage can't, I guess, the footage can be as clear as possible. Man, people have these fetishes, and you got the internet, though. You can just look up porn, you can look up stuff. The other thing, when me and Angel went to Cuba, we purposefully stated the Airbnb to support the local people, and that's a lot of times a lot of, some people don't want to give money to these big corporations, even though corporations own Airbnb's now, too, but a lot of people try to, "Oh, let me get the Airbnb," and you got a little more freedom because it's a house, but then you faced with this bull, and like you said, you can just look up your own stuff, why you got professionally shot. You ain't got to sneak and do it, but people are, they're sick in the mind. That's what. They got cameras so small. It's like the size of a pinhead. Yeah. They fit everywhere. I haven't used. Anybody. Anybody. Yeah. You know what I'm going to do? Because we're going to go on tour in the beginning of the year, I'm going to get one of those little wands to see that detect cameras, and I'm going to see if I can find one. You know they got the... If I find one, though, see, I'll be, if I find a camera in my room, I'm calling up for a, let me get about 500k. Yeah. TMZ. What y'all doing? I'm not. I ain't going to tell nobody I found the camera now. Yeah. Just give me 500k and we good. Now, if you don't, this shit going up on all social media platforms, right here right now. You know they got the infrared things, you scoped stuff behind the wall, like the AC tool? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but it's like, oh, it's just a scan of now. Yeah. Like it just shows the image of behind the wall. Damn. I'm just doing it. Imagine doing it. Imagine doing it. It's a human in the wall, look at the pinhole, like. And you like, it looks like a torso? Yeah. I put right through that shit. Put your foot right through the wall. Yeah, I focus. We talked about your sum of those. We talked about my travel. I wanted to get back to that. Off the craziness of air being bees and secret cameras. My sum. Hold on. Somebody said, let me know if my footage is in the man. That's a size. I'm like, hold on. Now, what you making off of this? Yeah. Because I can come in. Come your cut, you know. That's what I said. My stroke is superb. All right. You come in. You come in different clothes, different outfit, every time. Yeah. Different. Out here. Yeah. Check it out. Yeah. I go through scenarios. Jogging through the room. Yeah. Oh, you come in like a maintenance man. Yeah. That'll be funny. That'll be hilarious. It's my footage on the... Yeah. What they paying? They probably making stupid money on the dark wheel. They probably all type of only fans, pages. Yeah, I put cameras up in my way. I told you. I need to make their only fans. But now, summer, we dropped the kids off at, well, we went to the wedding, Mexico wedding, and the wedding was superb. Yeah. That resort was nice. The pool was literally like walking and jumping into your tub. We stayed in that pool. It was warm. We didn't get the ticket with y'all in the pool. Nah. We... We all went there before us though. We were. But like with kids and stuff. Oh, that's different. Yeah. It'd be a different world. But the pool, the food was decent until... The green juice. Man. I had, Tank said he was like, I was pinning up my booty. Two weeks. I had, what's his name? Boat. Who's saying boat? Who's saying boat? My shit was running. Yeah. Running. And I... Terribly, y'all. It was bad. I didn't feel bad. But when I had to go, I couldn't let no farts out. Because if I did, it was coming out. See, that's what was different with me. And my stomach was cramping so bad. Like, I was in pain. Oh, I wasn't in pain at all. That juice was colored in my shirt. Nah, I was lighter than this. It was like... Yeah, I was drinking that green juice too. How many times did you drink it? Oh, it was every morning. I don't see. I just had it twice. Oh. I had it every morning. And that's what kept me from tipping my concierge. Y'all done poisoned you boy. I done paid all this money. It wasn't cheap to have the runs. It was... Whoo! So, next time I go to Mexico, any other place that they say don't drink the water, I'm drinking canned soda, and I'm just eating bread. I ain't eating shit else from these mother suckers. Because it was two weeks of everything. And it was back to back. Yeah. You go to the restroom, sit down. It was... It was... Man, it was... They say, "All right, sound." Like, you turn on the water for us. Yeah. You got to wipe out your truck with those guys. Man. It was... Aw. Aw. Shout out to all my medical providers that take care of people, and you got to deal with stuff like this. Because I was like... Goodness gracious. I would've been good at my stomach. I was stomach wasn't cramping so bad. I was in pain. Yeah. I wasn't cramping at all. But anyway... Not the tool, but the wedding was outstanding. When we got back, we took the kids to Atlanta, and they stayed in Atlanta for, I think, two to three weeks. While there though, my renters in Atlanta moved out. So now I had to get the house ready to rent again, but come to find out downstairs in the basement, because we took up the carpet, because we want to put some vinyl planks down. Plastic. Hardwood floor. Well, they're like plastic vinyl planks that's scratch resistant, water resistant. But it looked like hardwood floor. Yeah, it looked like hardwood floor. Contract got down there, and he showed me a picture of his water coming through the foundation or whatever. So I'm like, "Man, got to get that fixed." In order to get somebody out there, it's going to take forever. I wanted it to get fixed before I left, so I took it upon myself to do so. That was sort of a mistake, because I don't know if it's really fixed right now, but we're going to slide down. Oh, yeah. It definitely slowed down. That was me. They ain't going to know. Exactly. So, did that, came back to the house. We went somewhere. There was Melissa's. Oh, we went to Santa Barbara. I think for Melissa's birthday. That was a cool, old resort we went to. Yeah, I was going to resort. Yeah, but after coming from, it was old, no. I had a resort out there. Yeah. Well, it was set up just like the wedding one, but it was just older buildings and older place. But coming back from that wedding, everything just seemed really comparing it to the wedding area. We stayed at a big-ass house in Santa Barbara. That's what I want to do for the baby's birthday, but we might even like that. Anyway, so the babies were out there for about a week and a half. I told Ken. I called Ken. I was like, "Hey, coming Thursday to get you." "Damn, we just started having fun." I was at my, at Papa D's house, now I'm at your mama's house. I want to spend time. Yeah. That'll be out there. And I let them. Like, go ahead. I just had to call my mama's like, "Hey, are y'all up to," and she was like, "Look, Sergeant Major is kind of rough." She's talking about Mackayo. She was like, "But we can handle it." Mind you, my dad is what, '74? My mom was '70, '71, baby. So you got these older people up and down stairs dealing with cooking every morning and every night. It's good for them. Oh, yeah. It's good for them. Some youthful. Grandparents live longer, as long as they have grandkids. If they're around, and if they're around their grandkids, they live longer because it gives them more purpose or whatever. Then, me and Mel were just at the house, man. Just burning the midnight order. Yeah. Very relaxing, too. Mel doing the, I'm not a lawyer, but situations covering those cases and stuff. Somebody said, "It looks like I've been eating good." Thank you. Because I haven't. It's been jacking in box milkshakes, cookies and cream. Yeah, it was cookies and cream. I was waking up late eating pizza. Oh, man. The one thing I haven't done, though, I haven't drunk any liquor, so that might be what it is. But your boy has been just off the chain with the sweets and foods and stuff. Then, picked up the kids. We had a hospital shoot, Kev on stage studios. They had a lot of other influences come out to shoot this skit, the hospital skit. That was good, funny. And now, setting up and getting ready for reaching out to churches and churches or reaching out to us for the 2025 tool that we're going to go on. That's where we are. It's funny. It's after Mexico. The way I was hurting, and then we ended up going to Dominican and outlet. I ain't drinking none of the water. That's the bottle I ain't drinking. That's why I didn't have it. I only was drinking liquor. Straight out the bar. I was drinking rum. And then, apparently, I have my tolerance for rum. It's way too high because I have to drink too much of it. I don't do the resort with a servant at the bar because I was just watered down. And I knew that. So I was like, "I ain't going through that again." I bought my own bottles coming through the airport when we got out playing. As soon as we went through customs, I said, "Let me go over here." And he said, "You ain't going to get no whiskey." I said, "No, I went in rum." So I'm going to get two bottles of rum. Nah. I drunk one day. I drunk so much of that rum. I never caught a buzz. Damn. Really tired of time until I switched over to whiskey. That Imperial rum, I did a story on or I posted. Everybody's like, "Yeah, it's the best kind. It's the best kind." Man, I drunk so much of that. I'm like, "I don't like drinking this much alcohol." So I switched over to whiskey and then I would, I'd draw with drink bottles of water. But they bought us a water. It was like, "You know how you got a seal and a break?" Them seals weren't breaking. They was already open. I said, "No." No. Absolutely not. This is what made me stick to whiskey. It was this Instagram. That's what I was drinking. I drunk some beer. I was starting to drink a beer. President day. You were going all with beer. They ain't contaminating beer. They already just across the board the same. There was this Instagram video. I think he's a rapper, but they're interviewing him and he's potting to do him a water. He's like, "Man, let me get a water." He's like, "Hold up." That wasn't sealed. He's like, "Man, give me another water." You don't hear that click? Nah. There's so many videos of these people in different countries sitting out putting water, reboddling water, and just putting caps on on to my end. This has never happened to me. I'm paying attention when it comes to eating food overseas because I never ate something and then it affected my body the way it affected my body when we went to Mexico. What was it? That shit is wild. Anybody's the bacteria. Yeah. Probiotics. Probiotics. Yeah, it was stronger than what we used to more or different ones than what we used to. Yeah. I thought everybody thought there was only one until that text message went out. Oh. Yeah. I thought I was the only one suffering from this. So it was like having COVID, right? You walk in the room and you just like, "What's up, y'all?" And everybody was like, "Damn, what's wrong with you?" Not with me. Yeah. They used to always wrong with me. And then, what happened? Somebody texted me. No, before we left the resort, one of the guys, his name is Bishop. He was like, "Man, I'll stomach them. Bugging." I was like, "You're a stupid man. Oh, snap." And then Josh did this part, that part. I'm like, "Everybody got this?" Man. That's what pissed me to God. God. I was in the airport and I got to grab a ginger ale. Yeah. Because my stomach was starting to fill. I was like, "Pill a little nauseous or whatever." So I grabbed a ginger ale. I'm sitting in the airport, sipping on that. Stomach started hurting a little bit. I'm like, "I don't know what this is." So we get on the plane. We sitting on that plane, my stomach. It feel like somebody's punching me in my stomach. I'm like, "Dude, what is wrong?" I ain't just like, "You gonna have these bags?" I said, "I ain't never went on a goddamn plane before." Yeah. So it was me, Angel, Josh, and Emal was right in front of us. Steve on his wife was all up in first class together, right? As soon as we take off, we get to 30,000 feet. As soon as I fill the plane level, they don't even turn the little butt to light off yet. As soon as we level off, I go to that bathroom. Goose. I don't think I did that today. Yeah, you told me? I mean, for a good 30 minutes, tearing it down. I mean, I walk out and I'm like, "And everybody look up at me." I'm like, "Man." Whoo! Damn, man. I wasn't paying the rest of that flight, though, but yeah, I ain't never been messed up like that. I remember in the Dominican, uh, wherever that was, I think it was the, uh, but people were dying from the liquor there. Like, something was in the liquor. Damn. And people were, like, having heart attacks from... Whoo! It happened. It was, like, for a week or two, people were dying, like, three to four people, different trips. Like, going, drinking. Oh, the dividend, ooh. Yeah. And then, they'd die. But, never again, you got me once. You ain't gonna get me again at all. You drink nobody's water. Yeah. I was even skeptical about drinking the water in Paris. I'm not, I'm not, you're not, you're not getting me again. You won't. But anyway, uh, since we talking about Paris, I wanted to talk about these, uh, allegations. We're not allegations. But let's just talk about men. Um, is it? Okay. If I'm, if I'm born a man and I, I turn into a woman, I'm a trans woman. That's my understanding. Okay. Trans woman. Yeah. Yeah. Trans women playing sports against biological natural women. Uh, there's this boxer, uh, they say, man, this, this story is kind of tricky. There's this boxer. She's, they say she's born a woman, but she has very high testosterone levels, right? Yeah. In this case. Or she has a chromosome, like an extra chromosome, but she was born an actual woman. Yeah. I didn't hear about this yet. Okay. So in this case, I mean, you can't, you can't really do anything about that because it's not like she was trying, she had no control over how she was born. So, uh, you just, you just shit out of luck. It's just like with, if you're fighting this girl, you just shit out of luck. It's just like, uh, you go on a school and your homeboy can naturally just dunk. He can just jump out the gym and you can't, you just have to adapt to that whole situation. I'm talking about men, born men, your whole life. You grew up as a man developing this strength, the coordination, the agility as a man. And then you convert to a woman and think you should be playing sports against women. Should not be a thing, especially boxing. When it's a physical, a physical type of sport like that, it shouldn't be allowed. Also, there was a black woman running track, y'all, I ain't got the names. I should have did more research than got the names. They made this black woman take testosterone medication to lower her testosterone. Why didn't they do that to this boxer? I didn't know they did that. I know they made, they made her test because, uh, no, no, they made her take medication to lower her testosterone because she was running track and she just all be static. So now you, now you're playing games all across the board. They don't make her lower hers, but what about the ones that transitioned and they ain't, they still got the same amount. That or to my point about this woman that was born a woman, but has high testosterone, but because she's not a black woman, you didn't make her take medicine to lower her testosterone and boxing. Come on. So, what's happening? So it, I'm, I'm at a point where it almost feels like there's, um, what's that movie? The dude cloning Tyrone? Da, they cloned Tyrone. Yeah. People are clones out here agreeing with this rhetoric of she's a woman now so she can play, she can compete with women now. No, man. Come on. Get, get serious, stop playing these dumb childish games. It's not a woman because you say you're a woman. And it's not, you know what, you are a woman, but it's not fair. You can't do that. It's not fair. Also, don't you have transgender, no, don't you have women in basketball leagues claiming to be men, but they don't play basketball against the men. They stay playing basketball against women. No, I didn't know that. Anyway, that's, I just had to get that off my chest. I don't think it's fair for a natural born man to convert. I think I mentioned this last time about that weightlifting guy. Yeah, I mean, you brought up the weightlifting. Yeah. It, like, and then how, how does the Olympics and other commissions just allow it to happen? Is it not, is it not common sense, you're a man. I know you said, I know you was born a man. You're a man. You're naturally stronger than these women. It's not fair. Why are you allowing this to happen? Even in high school sports and college sports, these men are running track against girls, breaking girl records. And this allowed the coach. Why is the coach allowing this, the schools, how are you all just, where's the justification in this? Where's the, are we that stupid? It's stupid man. Let my daughter, let my daughters, man, I play baseball from the age of four, all the way up to college, let my girls start participating in some type of physical sport, train their bodies every day, all the way up to the Olympics, let them get into the Olympics. And this man decides to turn into a woman and takes that all the way from them. Oh, it'll be a day. I'm running on, in the Olympics, I'm running on to the track. And I'm knocking your ass out, straight bull shit. This is just gymnastics, I don't care. I'm beating your ass like, come on, man, you don't come and sense this man is, men are naturally stronger than women period. We are stronger than women. But then if you add training to that, now I'm a trained man, I'm 10 times as stronger than you now, because now I'm trained. No, it should not, is this a tangent, or what did I just say? Goose don't want to say this for a long time, y'all, so we don't let him cook. It'd be some bullshit. I don't understand it. And I don't even know why it's even a thing, like why is it even, why are people even paying attention to this? Why are kids, high school boys dressing up as girls, trying to play with, not trying, going out and playing against girls. And then we give them credit on that, like shit, it's ludicrous, it's ludicrous. Gotcha, Mike Tyson, it's just ludicrous, I'm just saying. I was on the Olympics, they have more sports. I was watching something yesterday, I saw two sports yesterday, and I looked at the screen and I said, I can't believe this is in the damn Olympics, somebody's gonna get a medal for doing this shit. It's like, it's so many to name, I can't even, it's like, one, now this one, these aren't silly ones, but the water aerobics, have you seen this? Oh no, water aerobics, no, this is, this is, I didn't know, I knew it was. It was a sport, but I didn't know it was as serious as it is. These men and women, they jump in the water and do all type of, it's like, oh, like an obstacle course? No, it's like cheerleading in water, they're building towers, they shoot each other up in the air, they do all type of dance move, everything in the water underneath the water. What's the objective? It's just like tumbling, in cheerleading. Oh, so okay, they do a whole, what is it, a routine. Underwater. Underwater, and then at some certain points, they push each other, synchronize women, but it's, yeah, I know that part, yeah, but this is with like 15 swimmers. Yeah, I've seen the synchronize swimming before. This is with 15 people, not two to three. No, I was, I didn't know the name of it. The way you described it, I was just like, I'm thinking they underwater, not coming above water at all. Oh, no, no, no, no, they come up. No, and the cameras, because I've seen this thing called torpedo ball. So I picture it like that, and I'm like, they doing all this under, oh, yeah, synchronize swimming, that'd be my joint. I'm like watching, speaking, I'm swimming. The torpedo ball, not with so many, they had like 10 to 15 years, and it's just, it's just three. Yeah, I was like, what, and even underwater, they said, yeah, that was wild to me. The torpedo ball, though, I didn't know that was a thing. And if y'all haven't seen torpedo ball, hold on, that chris me out, torpedo ball, man, they started, that was like, they do a cheerleading, I said, when did they take a breath? People watching this, I'll dive in, they'll dive in, synchronize and everything. They started, they were on each other's back, and they were like a tower, and then one was like, you, you know, they all started. I just would have never thought that you ever seen it. Synchronized swimming. Hey, people watching this probably like, this, though, man, hey, man, it's synchronized swimming. Hey, you, you, you, you, you, they all, hey, they were synchronized torpedo ball, though. Yeah, that looked like a hard-ass sport. It is, since I described synchronized swimming, I'm gonna describe this one. It's soccer under the water with a nerf ball. It's like football, I'm almost. No, they have a, they have a net. You gotta get the torpedo ball. But you're using your foot. They're like throwing, it's almost like basketball without bouncing, and it's a torpedo, 'cause they can pass it, but they're using their hands. Okay. Take out, it's, it's, it's rugby, it's rugby. It's rugby. Underwater. Underwater rugby. Or lacrosse. Underwater, it's the one with the net, and you gotta throw the ball. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, but they using their hand. Yeah, they had these little nerf, it's a nerf ball, nerf football. And they literally, man, these guys are holding their breaths for about five to ten minutes at a time. And wrestling. Yes. Underwater. And throwing this little nerf ball. Well, nerf will float. This thing don't float. Whatever direction you throw it in, it's like a torpedo. Yeah. And they catching it. They basically just trying to get it in each other's goal, and it's a team. And every now and then somebody that go up for a breath and dive back down, passing it. I was, I was exhausted watching it. I would, we would, I would die, yeah. I would, I would, yeah, I would, let me go, let me go, let's see me just, it's slowly, just slowly, just slowly, look to the top, well, that pass me the torpedo, it hit me the head blue. It's a no way. What? They, they create sports for people there, you know, you know how the inner movie, anytime they have a swimming scene where somebody has a dive in the water and get to another room where they swimming around in the water under, like they hold a breath. It looks like for like 45 minutes. This is what these dudes seem like they doing for real in real life though, because they, swimming, wrestling, fighting, throwing the ball, getting past the other dudes, he's throwing it back to him, juking each other out. I'm like, are you, ain't took a breath yet? How they stay down there, in the water's deep, right? Yeah. It is crazy. Great. Well, me. Yeah. Like. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody resuscitate that food again, you know, man, and I ain't see no, I ain't see no refs. They were just down there. Did you see her? Yeah. I didn't see her. It's gotta be suck. They probably are looking on the camera. Yeah. Like, yeah, they can't hold a breath there, y'all. Spoke him. He's doing something illegal. Crap. Crap. Take. Spoke in the plane. Oh, man. No, water polo is actually on horses. These dudes is just in the water. It's water. Nistle. It's. What is it? Torpedo park. Torpedo park. I don't even know if that's the Olympics. I just saw some dudes playing. Oh, no. Yeah. I've seen this game. So I've seen rock climbing. This wasn't even rock climbing. That's funny. It was like, they was on a wall and they had a certain amount of time to do stuff. It was almost like rock climbing because they had post stuff they had to get to. And then they just had to touch this thing at the time to see who could do it quick sooner later than people on them damn pony sticks is going to be in the Olympics. Oh, my goodness, I have to create a game, man. There has to be a game I can create. Also, table tennis, ping pong, man, these guys and girls be going, I'm talking about and it ain't. Yeah, I know. It ain't ping pong. It's table tennis. Y'all know good will when y'all play table tennis, it's all or ping pong. It's the only thing you do is you just try to make sure that the other person get hit at that. That's all you're doing. And we over have it. The ball come towards these guys, they get the pedal and they put a spin on the ball. It'll hit the table and shoot this way. I'm talking about all type of stuff. That's watching that, I was like, oh, oh, oh, God damn, I see you ain't beating nobody in table tennis. No, not nobody to know how to play, especially the ball, it's fast in a short distance. You know, you pick up a ping pong ball and smack it real hard, it's going to go and stop in a couple of feet and that's all the feet they got to work with. And they be reacting. They don't see their muscle reactions to be ridiculous. What's his name, Bagminton, I didn't know that was in the Olympics. I didn't either. Everything's in the Olympics, man. I'm trying to think. It's crazy. What we going to do in the Olympics is pooling bowling in the Olympics. It's probably got to be. They got national tournaments and stuff. Did you see the photo finish with no allowance? That was crazy. He saw, was it him in the interview? Was it him that said that they was asking him, you know, how do you feel or whatever, to be, how will it be feel to be known if you win as the Sacramento, it was something like that in his response. I think it was him that we're talking to, it's like, I already know I'm the fastest. I just came here to prove it to everybody else. Oh, that sounds like him. He can't say that if you won, y'all got the same time. It was just literally the photo was the only thing, if you look at their time in the 100, there's time is the exact same. Can't be. Look at their time. They said they have the same time, it's just, they're so close. His chest passed. His chest passed, like, the camera only caught it, the time clock didn't catch it. Oh, okay. It's like, it's like that much. It was that close. But you're traveling that fast and it's that much, there ain't no, yeah. They showed a clip of Seinfeld, he was explaining, track and feel, and he was like, the first place winner is like, hey, how you doing on the first place winner? And then the second place winner is like, hey, how you doing on the second place winner? So he was like, just by this here, you go from the best ever to nobody knows my name. Them boys were flying. Yeah, we love, that's me and Angel's favorite thing is track and feel, men and women. The women's, god dang, they been killing you. Yeah. They bodied. She's crazy. She came in second, a distant second. Yeah. That girl. No, no, no, don't say nothing else because you're going to make me lose it. Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia. I said, if you say one more, my mind is going to lock it away forever. Yes. Saint Lucia. She killed it. She really ain't Frasier still killing it. Did she run it? She didn't run into. A hundred. She ran the 200. I ain't good. Hold on. What did she run? She ran. What did she run in, y'all? She ran their price. I thought she was her. No, she backed out of, I think, the 200 and the one. She ran something. I don't remember who it was. The question for you though, the fact that she's close to my age and still doing it. What's, what now in your physical capacity right now? And she didn't warm up, damn. What sport or what game would you play in the Olympics and you like, I can probably win gold in it. There's a change. If I were to like to train, yep. Anything can be a sport now, let me see. I'm going to do a pistol, rifling. Oh, you'll do that. Hell yeah. I'm surgical when it comes to these pieces. What's crazy is my choice was archery. I ain't about to do that. I ain't going to break no sweat out of it. I ain't doing nothing else. I don't want to do no water polo. I ain't doing no soccer, I ain't doing no basketball. They got that 303, they about dying out there from each other. It's all three in US. Give me the archery. I'm going to be like, yeah. Yeah. Now I would do rifle in the pistol. I seen that guy laser pistols, man, it shouldn't even count. I'm like, come on, man. I ain't doing it. If you ain't dealing with the recoil of the actual gun, get out of here. Yeah. And then I'm doing archery. Oh, she ran the 100 meter heat. Not the final. OK, she ran the 100 meter heat. She still killed the heat. The NBA team, US NBA team, or the NBA team, it's the US Olympic team for basketball. It shouldn't no other team be coming within 50 points of these foods. Their squad is so deep. I know they ain't taking it as serious. I was about to say, there you go. But, god dang. Yeah. I was watching it yesterday. They was playing Brazil. And I knew who I was on the team. But just watching the entire team, I'm like, the way they switching out people, literally nobody would have to break or sweat. Like, you could literally switch up somebody every two minutes. That first game they almost lost, though. Yeah, because they, I mean, like, they're not taking it. They's like, we just here for a gold medal. They're not taking it as serious. But I got somebody said, curling, I'll be into the curling too. Let's get up out for a man. Curling be too much. I don't like it. Yeah, that's it. There you go. I'll be-- We should do-- hold up, Goose. We're going to sign up for a curling. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. I'm not saying it. I got it. I got it. I got it. [LAUGHTER] That'll be funny as hell. You have to push it, though. You got to be right. Yeah, you got to be in there squat. You got to squat and slide. I want to have them to speed you. Because do you have to have to stop at a certain point? Or you just see how far I could go? You know what it would do, they do. Do they just veer off? I don't know if they're guiding it. Like, if you wanted to go left, that's how you got to the sweep. Oh, you're talking about the puck that they put. Yeah, yeah, the rock. I think that they slide. It just stops, whatever it stops. You see how far you could get it. It's-- because I start off in the spring. No, no, no, no, no. It's a bullseye. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you try to get it again. So then you stop sweeping, or you lighten it up to get it to slow down. Yeah. We doing curling. [LAUGHTER] Let's get up out, Goose. We coming back next week, what are we doing? Nah, this is good. This was good. This was good. I got some motor seat. Yeah, we coming back next week. We coming back next week. Y'all have my word. He'll probably back out between now and then, but I'm going to make sure we hear it on back out. He'll be like, hey, play your word. Yeah, my word. I'm going to show up at his door and ring the door, man. Hey, y'all, we live. Let us tell him, Goose and his bros. [LAUGHTER] And that's how my answer to it become unannounced. I'm not prepared for it now, I'm going to give you a hug. Come here, man, miss you. All right, y'all. So we'll be back next week. Yep. Until then, Goose, you got anything you want to tell him? Man, y'all just tune in to, I'm not a lawyer, but on YouTube, the debrief, and on Patreon. Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, y'all can-- y'all know where y'all can find me. This is going to cause an argument. Our patreon, And my beard and body butter, Kennedy messed me up. Y'all, she put it on hold. She wasn't supposed to. I'm just playing. Anyway, man shit is back on sale. What was I going to say? I'm going to shoot that. I'm going to go find that thing and send it over to Mel. OK. Yeah. Is anything good? Nah, that's about it. Oh, I'm going to get back to start filming with Tank again. I put it out of your thing on hold for the summer travel. And before that, y'all know my back was messed up, but I'm Gucci now. My back's feeling good. Dr. Yesterday told me to start working out again. Just don't do them damn dead lips how you was. Go to physical therapy, and we going to talk in six months. So that's that update. We'll holler back at y'all next week. [BLANK_AUDIO]