For You From Eve

243: How to Detox Your Mind; Disconnecting and Identifying

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of For You From Eve. My name is Livia Eve, welcome or welcome back to my show. In case you're new here, my name is Livia Eve. I'm 24 years old and I live in New Jersey. I started this podcast a little bit over three years ago. I actually just hit 4 million listens this week, which is so exciting. Thank you so much for all your constant support and love. And if you're new here, hi, welcome. I'm so happy to have you. A lot of my content revolves around self-love, wellness, faith, basically everything. When it comes to becoming a better version of yourself, being your most productive self and really just focusing on you and how the relationship with yourself affects all the relationships around you. And so all my episodes and all my topics have to do with being your most successful self, your healthiest self, your happiest self. So I'm very excited for today's episode because we're gonna be talking about detoxing your mind. So a little background on my personal journey when it comes to kind of becoming a better version of myself. I've done a lot of growing in the past few years. Like I said, I'm 24. I feel like your 20s are time for growing. And in the past two years, I would say, I went through a lot of transformative periods in my life. And I would say in the past five, six months, maybe even in the past year, I've been doing a lot of healing and it's been a lot of up and down journeys of being at low points and kind of doing things that I probably wouldn't be doing today and taking myself out of that and healing in a very organic, natural way. So doing things every single day, adding things into my routine and my patterns, creating new habits, getting rid of bad habits, focusing on all the things and all the people that make me happy and allowing anything that doesn't serve me simply remove itself from my life. And so just from doing that in the past six, seven months, I've just noticed such a shift in my life, not only a shift in my perspective and a shift in my mindset, but a shift in the people that I'm surrounded by, a shift in the way that I react to things, the way that I treat people, the way that I talk about things, everything about my life has been very different. And a lot of it has to do with creating a relationship with God and really putting my faith in God and in God's plan for me. And then when God gives you opportunities to grow, you have to take those opportunities. So I've been focusing a lot on moving my body. I've always been super into fitness my whole life. I've been really active, but I've been trying to move my body in different ways recently. So serving my body in a more feminine way when it comes to working out and then focusing a lot more on self care and skincare and my mind, which is why I want to base this episode off of detoxing your mind and just getting kind of a mental reset. I think a lot of the time we focus on the detox that comes with physical and whether it's a juice cleanse or you cut out carbs for a little bit or whatever it might be. We always are talking about detoxing our bodies, but I want to talk today about detoxing our minds because that is just as if not more important than also focusing on the physical. For me, everything is mental. Everything that you focus on mentally affects you physically. And so it's so important for me to incorporate these habits that I'm gonna talk about today into my daily routine in order for me to feel like my best self. So I'm gonna go through all the tips that I'm going to share with you. I wrote down eight tips on how to detox your mind that have helped me a lot. I've noticed such a shift in my life and my attitudes since I've been incorporating these tips. So make sure you take notes. Let's go ahead and get into them also before we even get started on it. Make sure you guys follow me on all my socials. I link everything in the description below. My Instagram and TikTok I'm super active on. It's @4ufromeave and then my website is I have a lot of services on there as well that people don't really know about. So if you listen to this and you're like, I want to reset my life. I have a digital reset package on my services and shop. So you could go to my website, link in the description and you could go shop that. And then I also sell little desktop and iPhone wallpapers and I also sell a little Zoom call where you guys can book a call with me if you want to start your own podcast or even if you want to start your own social media journey. I would love to kind of help you out with that. So that is all my services that I have in my website. So definitely make sure you guys check that out and let's start with this episode. The first tip that I have when it comes to detoxing your mind is detoxing your space. So cleaning out your space. Something that really helps me is doing like a really big clean purge. So I actually did one of these like two months ago. My dresser was like broken in my room and it was affecting how clean and messy my room was because all the clothes are pouring out of it. So it just created a very stressful space for me. And so one day I took every article of clothing out of my closet and out of my dresser. And then I had another dresser. I took it all out. I threw it on my bed. I actually have a whole TikTok where I showed you guys me doing it. I threw everything onto my bed and I did three different piles, a keep pile, a donate pile and a trash pile. So anything that was completely torn up or like super stained, I tossed out and then I donated a bunch of clothes and then I kept a bunch of clothes obviously. So once I had made these piles, I then in the keep pile kind of categorized where everything was gonna go. So whether it was gonna go in the closet, back in my dresser, and then I obviously organized everything by shirts, tops, sweatpants, pajamas, all that stuff. So that way when I did do my drawers and I did put the clothes into my drawers, everything would have its own designated spot. So I have a drawer for sports, bronze and biker shorts. I have a drawer for leggings. I have a drawer for sweatpants, et cetera. So I filled up both of my dressers and reorganized my closet with all the clothes. And honestly, that was the biggest, like weight off my shoulders because then when I would wake up in the morning and I would look for something to wear, I didn't struggle. I knew exactly where it would be. I knew exactly where to put it once it got out of laundry and it was just such a relieving feeling. It's seriously a fresher breath there and you have the best sleep of your life and I swear you have the most productive next day because I remember that day to give you a real rundown of what I did and I have a cleaning breakdown as well on my reset package. If you do purchase that on my website where I show you guys everything that I do for my cleaning breakdown, but a little brief idea of what I did is I took my sheets off my bed, put them in the wash, took all my clothes out, folded them. And then once I was done taking them out, organizing them and folding them, I put my sheets in the dryer, then I put all my clothes away and then I vacuumed and wiped down areas. I did a little bit of my bathroom and I just kind of did surface areas of my room. And then I put my sheets back on my bed, let a candle, got some fresh flowers from Trader Joe's and I felt like I had a new bedroom, reconstructing the furniture in my room or adding new decoration or adding new furniture or even just adding new bedding makes me feel so refreshed, adding new flowers, all that stuff. So your space is such a big part of you. So whether it's your car, your office, your bedroom, your bathroom, I did a whole week of resetting a bunch of different areas of my room. So one day I did the bedroom, a few days before that, I did the whole inside of my car and outside of my car. I also did my bathroom, I did my office. So every day I kind of designated to a different spot that I spent a lot of time in so that no matter what environment or space that I was in, I wasn't overwhelmed and everything had a place of its own. Next thing that kind of goes hand in hand sound similar is to clean your environment and I don't mean your physical environment. I mean the people around you. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Who are you speaking to on a daily basis? Who do you see when you wake up in the morning? Who do you see when you go to work? Who do you see when you go to the gym, et cetera? Who you surround yourself with is so important. It is so crucial to surround yourself with people who uplift you, who are positive, who make you wanna grow. And I think a lot of the time we think that if we just drop somebody in our life, it's like, okay, that's fine. Like now I don't need them anymore and whatever. But it's like, okay, now who else is around you? When you hang out with people, do you go home feeling drained? Do you go home feeling happy or punished? Sometimes I'll hang out with somebody and then once I'm done hanging out with them, I'll go in my car and I'll feel at peace. I'll feel happy and I'll feel like I'm in a good, positive energy. Whereas a lot of the time, I'll go hang out with somebody or I'll have a conversation with somebody and I'll walk away from the conversation and just be drained or just feel no benefit from it. So who are you surrounding yourself with? Are you surrounding yourself with people who constantly make you feel like you aren't good enough, who make you feel like your work isn't important, et cetera? This is something that could be very overlooked and it's so important to focus on the environment around you. And a lot of the time, it's very possible that you could have outgrown your environment and maybe you need to surround yourself with new people. Maybe you have to spend some time in an isolation season or in a lonely season. And I had a season like that not too long ago where I had my best friends, but even though I had my two, three best friends and I had my family, I just wanted to be isolated from everybody. So I wasn't updating anybody on my thoughts or on my life or what was going on with work. I was waking up every morning, going to the gym at five, 13 in the morning, working all day, probably going to the gym again at like five or six p.m. or going on a walk at night and truly just focusing on myself, spending time with Jesus. And this helped me to reconnect with myself. And once I reconnected with myself, the wrong people left my life and the right people came into my life. And I'm still kind of in the process of introducing myself to people and meeting new girls. And it's such an amazing thing to make friends, especially when you make friends with people who relate to you. So when I make friends with people who also are in social media or who also do influencer things or any of those things, it's just such a rewarding feeling. And so making sure that you're okay with I'm going to be an isolation season. I'm going to spend time with God, spend time with myself. And then once I do that, the right people will stay along and the right people will find their ways into my life. My next tip is to shift your perspective. So start creating physical solutions for emotional problems. Get out of your head. And when you are feeling a certain way, have something that you do to either take your mind off of it or to make you feel something different. So if you're having a bad day, let's say you miss somebody and you're feeling upset. Rather than sitting in bed and thinking about the way that you're feeling, which it's okay to think and to feel and to have emotions, rather than doing that, replace that with the physical solution. Maybe physically write down the way that you feel about this person. One of the best tips I ever heard from somebody, and this was such a healing thing to do, if there's somebody that you're missing, whether it's a best friend or an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend, no matter what it is, if there's somebody that you're missing, and you can't stop thinking about them, write them a letter on your notes app and wait before you freak out, whether you type it out in your notes app, type it out on the Google DOP, you write it out on your journal, whatever it is, write something out to them. Once you write this out to them, make it, write it to them as if they can read it, but they cannot respond to it. So it's basically everything that you want to say to them, you're going to write it out, but they can only read it, they can't respond. So it's very healing because you're saying a lot of things that you want to say to this person, and they can't clap back at you, so you have full realm and full power of what it is that you want to say. I did this for a few people, and it is so healing, and it's a physical solution to an emotional problem. You need to get out of your own head, you need to realize that you're gonna feel the way that you feel, so get out of your head, and just focus on where you are now, and remind yourself, you're going to have bad days, you're going to feel upset, you're going to feel rejected, you're going to feel like a failure, you're going to feel like you're not good enough, you are going to feel those things, and it is okay to feel those things, but you need to find a solution to them, and you need to find a way to overcome them, and a way to beat them, because there is a way to beat them. The next step that I have is to identify your weaknesses and triggers, so be very honest with yourself on this portion, what is it that you need to work on? I think a lot of the time it could be really easy to criticize ourselves, but very hard to find out where we need progress, so it's very easy to look in the mirror and be like, oh, I don't like my body today, but it's very difficult to take the responsibility of saying I'm very inconsistent with my habit of working out and eating clean, so make sure you're very honest with yourself when you're identifying your weakness and your triggers, look at yourself and be like, you know what? I could excel, I could do so much better in this area of my life, I could grow so much, in this area, and I actually did this the other day, because something I've been really trying to focus on recently is social media and optimizing my income when it comes to social media and when it comes to work, and so I looked at myself and I was like, live, you could be working so much harder than you're working right now, like, don't get me wrong, I put in the work, but I could be doing more, and there was a point where I was doing more, and then I kind of started to get a little bit comfortable and a little bit stagnant, and so I recently, like this past like two weeks, I was like, that's it, I'm locking in, I'm doing what I have to do this morning that I'm recording this episode, I woke up at six a.m. this morning, I went to a bar workout class, I went for an hour walk afterwards, and then I came home and I've been working non-stop since I got home for my workout, and it's just like one of those things where it's great because I woke up, I got my workout done, I did everything I needed to do, and now I'm still, and I'm getting all my work done, and I'm optimizing my business, and I'm growing my business, and I'm providing so many more services for you guys. Now, I'm providing a Zoom call where you guys can talk to me on starting a podcast. I created a digital reset package, and I'm actively working on updating things for you, because I want to make sure that my business and my brand, and me as an influencer can provide you guys with the best things on confidence and self-love. So, I've been really working hard, and I just thought to myself, I was like, so many of you guys DM me about how I'm helping you in your self-love journey and your self-growth journey, and all I can think to myself is, I need to do more for them, there's so much more I can do, so that's me identifying a weakness for myself. A weakness is, my work ethic got a little bit too, comfortable recently, and I had to grow out of that. So, if you are honest with yourself on the things that you need to work on, and you don't view it in a bad way, there's nothing bad about needing to work on a certain area of your life, there's nothing wrong with that, that is very normal, and it's actually very admirable, it's very admirable to be able to recognize that about yourself and to do something about it. So, identify your weaknesses and triggers, make a list of the things that you need to work on, and then have a game plan on how you're going to do that. I could do a whole episode on us kind of like, game planning and strategizing, identifying our weaknesses and beating them, I think that will be super helpful too. The next tip is to let yourself get lost a little bit, let your brain shut off, go for a walk, go for a drive and blast music, maybe just sit in nature and just under simulate yourself and don't do anything, and just sit out there, no music, no noise, just staring at the tree, staring at the sky, and just let your body relax. I actually did this the other day, I grounded outside, where I went outside barefoot, I sat in my backyard on my lawn, and first second, I kind of just stood on my lawn, and I just was looking up at the sky, and I was letting the sun just hit my face, and I just felt so under simulated and at peace. Grounding is so good for you, and then I didn't have my phone in my hand, I didn't have music playing, I didn't have anybody around me, it was just me God in nature, and it just felt very, like my mind just shut off for a little bit, and I think that it's so important to just let your brain shut off and to just allow yourself to, as much as you want to feel, and you want to heal, and you want to work on things, and you want to be productive, let yourself just be quiet, let yourself relax, let yourself get lost, and just truthfully and really just be with yourself, and be with God, and just be at a state of calmness, and of peace of mind, and you will feel so much better afterwards, and I think this is something that you should be doing every day. My next tip is a mental purge, so as much as we just said, get lost, a mental purge also exists, so everything that it is that is stressing you out, write it down, everything that's making you not feel good, that's making you not feel your best, everything that's just not making you feel great, write it out, all of it, type it out, text it out, write it out physically, I like writing it out physically, I feel like it just releases more of my brain, this will just release so much chaos from your brain, and it just makes you feel better, I think to see things on paper, sometimes it underwhelms you, and it makes you realize, okay, the things I'm stressing out about aren't that bad, and that's also why I make to-do lists, and I have a planner, because when I see the things that I have to do, it feels a lot less overwhelming, I'm like, okay, this is very manageable, when it's just floating up in your head, it's so much more stressful, but when I write it down, I'm like, okay, this is so doable, even this morning, when I was walking on the treadmill after my workout class, I was like, why am I walking on the treadmill, I have so much work to do, and then I was on the treadmill, I opened up my notes app, I made a list of everything it is that I had to do, I put an approximate time of how much time each thing would take, and I was like, wait, this is very manageable, I can be on the treadmill for another 30 minutes, and still have all of this work done by four o'clock. So just kind of doing that for yourself makes such a big difference when it comes to optimizing your time, being productive, and just doing things without being stressed out about it, and just detoxing your mind during the work day, and just feeling a lot more at peace. I can also do a full episode on time optimization, and being productive, and planning, and to-do lists, and all that stuff. Tip number seven is to disconnect from social media for a little bit. I did this where I actually deactivated my personal Instagram, the thing is when you work in social media, it's a little bit tough to disconnect, so what I did was I disconnected from my personal account, because I felt like that account was a little bit more, not something I cared for, so I deactivated it for a little bit, I focused on my business account and all of that, but I kind of would just post and get off the app, like I would make my videos and I would edit them, and then I would get off the app after I posted, and I wouldn't scroll through, I wouldn't really engage with anybody, and then recently I actually deleted all my posts and stories on my personal Instagram, 'cause I just realized that Instagram I just didn't care about anymore, I just think I'm in a stage of life where I didn't really have an urge to be posting on there, or to get attention on there, not that it's a bad thing to be posting on there, but I just felt like it was something that I just didn't care for anymore, so I kind of just wanted to disconnect from it, which I did, so I disconnected from social media on my personal account, but I think that if you don't work in social media, disconnecting from it is huge, I actually completely disconnected, even from my podcast for about three weeks. A year ago when I was going through some things, I disconnected from social media, and it really does help, it really does help you to kind of take a step back, not be so engaged in what people are doing, not knowing what everyone's up to, and really just focus on yourself. My last tip is to stop comparing yourself to others, this is probably the most important, because I think when it comes to this journey of self, love, and self growth, it's so easy to compare ourselves to people online who are also going through a journey and they're in their productive self, and that's why I also always remind you guys, and I try to be very realistic and relatable with you guys, and I just like to let you guys know, yes, right now I'm healing in these ways, but at the same time, it didn't just not, it wasn't that easy for me to get here, so I feel like it's just so good to remind yourself that it's okay to see other people doing great, there's room for everybody at the top, but comparison is the thief of joy, so if you allow yourself to just be let down by comparison, you will never enjoy anything in your life ever. So truly just enjoy this journey with yourself, for yourself, and it will just be such a rewarding feeling when you get to the top and you didn't have to bring anybody down to get there. So that is how I'm going to end today's episode, I hope that it gave you good tips on detoxing your mind and just becoming a better version of yourself. I love creating this type of content for you guys, I love just everything, self growth and self help and self love, I'm getting the worst allergy attack right now, so I need to end this episode and take my allergy medicine, but make sure that you guys follow me on all my socials linked down below, visit my website to shop my services, and I hope you guys all enjoy this episode, make sure you guys DM me and let me know what you guys want me to talk about next, thank you so much for your constant love and support, and I'll talk to you guys next week. 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