For You From Eve

241: How to Be the Best Version of You This Summer

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handling its request, making ten communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Runner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444, because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runner's warehouse. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode for you from Eve. We are back with another solo episode in case you're new here. My name is Olivia Eve. I'm at 23, I live in Jersey, and I created this podcast about three years ago. And a lot of my topics just revolve around wellness, self-love, faith, and kind of just becoming a better version of yourself. Obviously, as you could tell from today's title, we're going to be focusing on becoming the best version of ourselves this summer. So, for me personally, I love the summertime. I feel like I gain so much motivation and inspiration when it's summer, and it's like, kind of a split between getting a little bit lazier because I want to enjoy the weather, but then also getting a little bit more motivated because the good weather inspires me and just makes me happier. I get really bad seasonal depression in the wintertime. So when it's cold or it's snowing or it's raining, my mood goes completely shut. So when it's the summertime, I just start to feel a little bit happier and a little bit more motivated to get more things done and accomplish more. And in the past few months, I feel like I started to incorporate all these little things, even maybe in the past year or so. I started to incorporate so many things that just helped me to become a better version of myself. And so for today's episode, I wanted to go through the things that I had started incorporating into my life. So that way, you guys can start kind of shifting your mindset and do things that make you happy. And I can kind of teach you guys how I kept my motivation, how I remained consistent with my goals, and how I just started to feel like a better version of myself, a happier version of myself, and how I started to kind of attract things that were meant for me. Because who I am now versus who I was a few months ago are honestly unrecognizable people who I was today versus a year ago, completely different. And there's so many different things that I started to incorporate into my routine and that I started to shift in my mind that helped me to become who I am today. And obviously, there's so much more growth that can be done and there's always progress to be made. And there's always new things that I should be incorporating and that I should be fixing. However, these are the biggest things that have helped me in the past few months. And I wanted to share them with you guys because I know that they can help you too. Just for a little life update, I like to give little life updates before I get into the topic just so you guys can kind of keep up with me a little bit. So my birthday is actually next week, June 21st. So when this goes up, it will be on my birthday. So I'm turning 24 and I want to do an episode about 24 things I learned when turning 24. So that will be next week's episode. However, I'm just like so grateful and blessed to have another year around the sun. And I never really celebrate my birthday and I never do anything for it or make a big deal out of it. However, I had a friend actually tell me last year, she was like, "Why don't you celebrate your birthday? Like you're celebrating your life. You're celebrating living." And even though I've had a really great past month and just felt a lot happier this past month and gained so much motivation, but even though in this episode, I'm talking about how I became happier, how I became more motivated, how I became more this, more that. I want you guys to know that for the past few days, I have felt a little bit down and I have felt a little bit not myself. So I'm not perfect all the time. I'm not always feeling this way. Just because I made these changes doesn't mean that every single day I'm reaping the benefits of it. There are days where I do feel down and the past few days I have felt that way. And I'm kind of just trying to build that back up again and just remind myself of all the things that I've already healed from and that I've already worked on. So without further ado, I would you want to get into today's topic and go through the tips that I'm sharing with you guys on how to become the best version of yourself for this summer. So the first tip I have is to shift your mindset. So when I say shift your mindset, I mean shifting your perspective and shifting the way you think of things. So if something bad happens to your life or something unfortunate or you get rejected from somebody or from something, you have to shift your mindset to I can't believe this happened to me to I can't believe this happened for me. So life is not happening to you. It's happening for you. Okay. You are still growing into the person that you are meant to be. So once you realize that everything in life is happening for you and it's because everything is going to come together one day, you are going to feel so much better about the decisions that you make and also feel better about the outcomes and the way that you handle failure or rejection. We all fail. We all get rejected whether it's by a job, a person, a situation, no matter what it is. And I think a lot of the time we think to ourselves, how could this happen to me? How could God do this to me? How could this person do this to me? They are doing it for you. If somebody decides to ghost you, if somebody decides to remove themselves from your life, that's not happening to you. It's happening for you. It is better to have those people removed from your life. It is better to have people take themselves out rather than you having to deal with it because the right people will stay. So stop thinking that everything is going wrong around you and that it's going to keep going wrong around you because that is when your mindset starts to control the way that you act and the way that you deal with things. Switch your mindset and realize that everything in life is happening for you, not to you. Another mindset shift is to realize that you are the main character of your own story and you need to stop focusing on all these side characters that you have. Think of it kind of like a movie, right? There's always a main character and there's always the friend, the boyfriend, the girlfriend, the sister, the brother, whatever it is that they have the bully, whatever it is. And as the viewer of the movie, you have to focus on all of these characters, but obviously you're paying the most attention to the main character because that's what the whole story revolves around is this main character is this main character going to get their happy ending. You have to think of yourself as that main character. You get to decide who you are casting in your movie of life, right? I know this sounded a little corny, but it's like you get to decide who has a spot in your life. Your energy and your time is valuable. It's valuable. It's not something you should just be throwing out there. Your heart, your mind, your friendship, your loyalty, these are gifts to other people. You cannot just throw them around and make them available to everybody. You deserve to just focus on yourself and focus on how the people around you are affecting you. Don't focus on the things that they're saying, the things that they're doing. However, focus on how they make you feel. When you walk into a room with the people that you hang out with, are you happy? Are you stressed? Are you anxious? Are you at peace? How do you feel? How do you feel when you're with them? How do you feel leading up to hanging out with them? How do you feel when you get home from a hangout with them? You have to not focus on the negativity that people bring and only focus on the people that uplift you, that make you want to grow and that bring you peace. And that's something I've been doing with myself, is just protecting my peace. And just truly, if you are not going to come into my life and better my life, you do not deserve a spot here. And this is something I'm slowly learning to because I've always been somebody that wanted to make sure the people around me were happy and put other people first in front of me. And then I got to a point where I was getting to a low point and I obviously realized nobody was doing that for me. And it kind of just made me shut everybody off and be like, why am I focusing on all these people over myself? Because they don't do the same for me. If these people were at a low point, I was there for him. I was there for them. When I'm at a low point, they're not there for me. So why am I going to fill from an empty cup? I start to reciprocate energy. I started to reciprocate energy and I try very hard to show love to everybody because that's what Jesus would do. However, I do also think it's so important to reciprocate energy and to not give so much more than you are receiving because it will drain you. And that kind of brings me to my next mindset shift is do not allow is do not allow other people's opinions change how you view yourself. I used to be surrounded by people where I would wear something and they'd be like, why are you wearing that? Wear this instead? Or like, don't do your hair like that. Do it like this. And obviously as girls, like when you have girlfriends, they're going to tell you how it is. Like if you have good real girlfriends, they're going to be a little bit tough love with you because me and my friend do it with each other all the time and it's totally okay. However, if it's getting to a point where it's constant and it's ongoing and it seems more malicious rather than like trying to be there to make you look better, you just feel like they're just trying to bring you down and make you insecure. You cannot allow those people's opinions to change how you view yourself. You can't start looking in the mirror and saying, I don't want to wear this anymore. Like, because they said this about it, you need to build your own opinion on yourself and on your future partner and on your friends and on your family before you allow other people's opinions to affect that. My next tip on becoming the best version of yourself this summer is to do things that make you happy. So truly say no to things that do not fulfill you. So do not engage in activities just because it's what you're supposed to like. So if you really like self-care nights and movie nights with your friends and playing board games and cards with your friends, however, you feel like you should like the bars and the clubs and the going out scenes. So you start to do that. Stop yourself from doing things just because other people are doing them and because you feel like you have to or like you're supposed to. You should only be engaging in activities that you genuinely enjoy and that actually bring you happiness. So like for me personally, growing up, I feel like for me personally, I go through like phases where like in some phases, I'm like, oh, like I had a little phase earlier this year when I just wanted to go out. I wanted to be out in the bars. I wanted to be out like every single weekend, maybe multiple times a weekend. I just wanted to be out and I wanted to be surrounded by people and I didn't want to be around certain people. And I was in that phase when I was in a lower part of my life when I was a little bit more depressed and anxious and heartbroken over things. So that was the life that I had strived for. However, now that I'm getting happier, now that I'm more joyful, now that I'm just more at peace and happy in life, I truly just feel like I truly just feel like now I just do things that make me happy. So now I incorporate hobbies into my routine, whether they are with friends, whether they're alone, like I joined a basketball league earlier this year because playing basketball makes me happy. I like to just sit in bed with a friend or partner and watch a TV show or watch a movie and play board games and play card games. Like I like to just have like a low-key backyard hook and night with some food. Like those are the things that I enjoy doing. And I also think it has a lot to do with your circle and who you surround yourself with. So if I'm with people that I love and I'm happy around and I'm peaceful around, then doing those things, it's good because I don't need to be out with them to have fun. I don't need to drink to have fun with them. I can just be in my bed talking to them for hours and I feel happy. I feel at peace. I love the time I'm spending with them. However, when it comes to kind of like being, however, maybe with certain people, I'm like, okay, in order for me to have fun with this person, we need to be at like an event or like a party or like a club or, you know, whatever it is. So I feel like as I'm getting more happy in life and as I built the relationship with myself and I'm being surrounded with people that make me happy, my brain is just automatically wanting to do things that make me happy and wanting to incorporate hobbies into my routine that also just kind of bring me peace and happiness. So I think it's really important to just do things that make you happy. Don't engage in activities just because you think it's something you're supposed to like surround yourself with people and seek people who like to do the things that you like to do. Don't just tag along with people because you feel like you should and you feel obligated to because then you're going to miss out on the wrong people and it's much better to spend some time alone waiting for the right people to come into your life rather than forcing yourself into all these different circles. And I've realized that too. It's like, I had a little bit of an isolation period. I want to do a whole episode on kind of being an isolation period, but I did have like a whole isolation period where for months, I kind of just like was to myself, my phone was on do not disturb. I wasn't going out. I was maybe seeing like one or two friends, going to the gym, working on myself, working on work, and the right people will just come into your life when you are doing those things for yourself. So I just did things that brought me peace and that were helping me grow. And the right people just kind of followed along with that tip on becoming the best version of yourself is being consistent with motivation. So you have to remind yourself, you're going to have days where you feel burnt out. You're going to have days where you're not as productive as usual. And your job is to be able to easily access that motivation for yourself and remind yourself of your goals and remind yourself why you want to work so hard. So how are you going to do that? So for me, sometimes I have days where I wake up at like six o'clock in the morning and I get everything done that I need to get done. I do all my errands, like I run, I do all my returns. I will get all my work done. I'll be on top of work. I'll be ahead of work. I'll get my workout in. I'll do all these things. I'll have so much motivation. And I'll honestly, like, my day will start at six a.m. and end at like nine or 10 p.m. And I don't feel drained. I just feel happy and productive with how much I got done. And then I have days where I wake up at like 10 a.m. And I do maybe two hours of work. And the rest of the day, I'm kind of just being a little bit lazy. Like, I go to the gym, but my workout is man, like, I kind of just don't do much. So I've learned that I've learned to kind of accept that I'm going to have days where I'm overly productive. And I'm ahead of work. And I'm going to have days where I'm burnt out and I don't want to do any work. And I think it's so important to be able to kind of remotivate yourself and be in an environment that remotivates you. So ways that I remotivate myself is I have a vision board in my room that kind of just has like an image of my goals. So as pictures, I found on Pinterest. So just seeing that every day, every morning waking up and seeing my goals and seeing what it is that I want to work hard towards is so motivating. And it's so like, this is the life that I want and I will not stop until I get it. And then I also follow a lot of social media influencers that motivate me. So even when I do go on TikTok or I do go on Instagram, my feed is filled with people who motivate me and people who make me want to get out of bed. So I'll go on Pinterest and just scrolling through Pinterest for like five minutes, I'm motivated to get my life together. I'm motivated because I curated that feed for myself to have that access to being remotivated. Also having daily reminders. So having little posts that's around your house or little quotes around your house or even just having an encouraging environment. So maybe the people you live with are also on this self love, self growth journey. Maybe the person you're dating is on this journey. Maybe your best friend is on this journey. It's so important to have an encouraging environment. And even if there's nobody in your life that really cares about working out or isn't really that motivated or isn't really that productive, it's not something you need. I think it's just something that helps. I think it's nice to have a great support system. And I think it's even better to have people who share some of their goals with you. I have a friend who goes to the gym and her and I kind of like can get along with that. And we're both very like motivated with the gym and it's great. And then I have work friends slash business friends. And that's really great. Because then I get motivated in that area. So the more that you do things you love and the more that you do things that help you grow, you will attract people who also do those things. Like, for example, if you want more friends and you run or you want to get into running or you want to get healthy, join a run club near your area. So that way you can meet friends with that run club and being around new people and doing new things, it's going to have you step out of your comfort zone a lot. Like even when I started my basketball league, I was like, this is so nerve wracking. I don't know anybody in this league. I'm so nervous, blah, blah, blah. And I ended up meeting great people from it. So it's like in having an environment with people that you already kind of love doing things with, it's so important and it will help you grow so much. And it's like, if you have a friend that wakes up at five a.m. and goes to the gym and she texts you at like five 30 and she's like, just got back for my workout. You're going to wake up at nine a.m. and see her text and be like, damn, I wish I did that. And it's going to kind of motivate you to want to do those things. If you have that fire within you, my next tip on becoming the best version of yourself is to focus on your space. So make sure that you are in a clean and organized space, have a cleaning routine so that you're always in a clean space. I always say clean space is a clean mind. So make sure everything has a place, make sure everything is organized. And I like to do like a reset every week in order to feel the most productive. It's normally on Sundays or Mondays. Like for example, I'm recording this episode on Monday because I have a super busy week. However, yesterday, which was Sunday, I spent the day also getting so much done. So yesterday, which was Sunday, I cleaned up my whole entire room, I reorganized my closet, cleaned a little bit of my bathroom, and then I also completely cleaned out my car. And then today, Monday morning, I cleaned up a little bit of my room again, I cleaned up my office, and then I went grocery shopping. So I kind of just had like a little bit of reset things and in the past two days to kind of help me start the week off, right? So I think spending one or two days out of the week to just reset and just clean up your room, clean your closet, do the laundry, put new sheets on your bed, go grocery shopping, and plan everything out will help you so much to feel more productive. And it's just so much more motivating when you're in a space that you feel happy in. And when you're in a space that you love, I posted a whole episode on my cleaning breakdown and just how I kind of like to clean up daily, weekly, monthly. So I think that will really help you guys too. I have that episode up already, because I just think a clean space is so important. When I'm in a dirty room and I go to sleep in a dirty room and I wake up in a dirty room, I wake up so much less motivated. So focusing on your space for this summer is great, especially when it comes to clothes and wanting to get new outfits. It's nice to see what you already own. This is something I struggle with my closet, might have like a hallway closet with all dresses, and I struggle a lot with like what I actually own. So it's nice to kind of just be able to see everything. My next tip is to look good, feel good. So make sure you're focusing on a self care routine at least once a week and make sure you are prioritizing putting in that hair mask, that face mask, taking the everything shower and obviously, and I like to, I have like a beauty maintenance routine too. So I have a list so I don't forget everything and I have everything like my supplements out so that I don't forget to take them. But make sure you're doing your daily hygiene, right? Obviously brushing your teeth, washing your face, not skipping out on your skincare. These are really important things to look good, feel good mentality. So this is something I've been focusing on a lot recently. I just think it makes me a lot more confident when I focus on the feminine energy within me, which is for me self care and just focusing on my appearance, which might sound shallow, but like I don't think it's shallow at all to care about the way that you look. When I do tone myself up more, or when I do clear my skin up, or when I do have a good hair day, it's because I put in the work to do those things, which kind of brings me to my next tip, which is eat clean and move your body. I've been eating a lot cleaner the past few months and I've been moving my body consistently for like years now. So that's never really been an issue for me. But eating clean, moving your body, taking care of yourself. Yes, these are all things that are going to contribute to your physical attributes. However, it's also going to fix you and heal you within it's going to make you feel confident on the outside, but also confident on the inside, because it takes a lot of discipline, it takes a lot of self control, it takes a lot of motivation. And so when you are taking care of yourself and when you are moving your body and when you are eating clean, you are proving to yourself that you can take care of yourself and you are building a body that is harder to break down, you are building strength mentally and physically. So when it comes to taking care of yourself, it's not just about the way that you look, it's being strong, it's being able to hold your own, it's being able to say no to certain meals, it's being able to take yourself out of bed when you have to go to the gym and you don't want to. I think that is so much more important than the actual act of working out, it's the mindset of I'm doing this for myself. And for you to get out of bed every day and to go to the gym or for you to just spend 45 minutes to an hour every day at the gym, you are controlling yourself doing that. And I think that is such an amazing strength. And that's why I think working out is such an important quality for people to have, whether they go on walks, they do Pilates, whatever kind of workout they do to move their body, I believe is such an important trait for somebody to have because it shows their self discipline, their self control, their motivation, their priorities, all of that. My last tip on becoming the best version of yourself this summer is to remove distractions, whether that is apps on your phone, whether that is unhealthy habits that are kind of scattered around your house, or whether that is people. Like I said in the beginning, do not surround yourself with people who do not make you want to grow for people who do not bring you happiness, people who don't bring you peace, you should not be wasting your time with anybody who makes you feel less of yourself. I'm not saying everybody in your life has to work out and has to own a business and has to be the most motivated person. But if they're not those things, they better be making you happy or they better be bringing you peace because if they are not bringing any benefit to your life, besides, oh, I have somebody to go out with on Friday and Saturday nights, you're just wasting your time. And I think it's so hard to grow with yourself when the people around you are kind of stagnant. And I think that once you start growing on your own, the people around you will naturally start to fade away from you and they will naturally start to kind of, you will just get less close with them. Whether it's your intention or not, it's going to happen because you're entering this part of your life where you're working out, you're going to work, you're motivated, you're all of these things, and they're just stuck. They're stuck with the same friends, they're stuck in the same routines, the same patterns, the same job. And because of that, you are going to slowly drift away from them, whether it's your intention or not, because they are not going at the same pace as you. And that kind of just comes without growing people and drifting from people. And it is very sad, and it does suck. However, it's also just how life goes. And you might reconnect. And this doesn't mean that your friendship goes away. But I do also think that it's very normal to fade away from people when you are not on the same kind of mindset as them. So, removing distractions, deleting certain apps from your phone, whether it's Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, whatever, is kind of holding you back or distracting you from your goals. I think you should completely remove it. And that's kind of my advice with that. But that is how I'm going to end today's episode. I hope these tips were super helpful for you guys. I love the way this episode came out. I feel like I just shared my best tips, and I feel really happy about the way that I kind of gave out this message to you guys. I want to thank you all so much for being supporters of my show and listening to my show. And just all the love that you guys show me. I'm super, super grateful for all of you. I hope you guys have an amazing and safe weekend. And make sure you guys follow me on all my socials linked down below, especially Instagram and TikTok. I've been super, super active on those. So thank you again for listening, and I'll talk to you guys next week. Bye. 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