Beyond The Cabin In The Woods

Episode 163 - Beyond The Wicker Man (1973)

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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[music] You, you, I think. You know what horror is. Come with me into the tormented, wanted, half of the night of the insane. This is my one. Let me lead you into it. Let me take you into the mind of a woman who is mad. Hi, and welcome to Beyond the Cabin in the Woods, a good girl's guide to horror. I am your polter guide, Kinsey. I'm your polter guide, Donna. I'm your polter guide, Mac. And this week, we watched the cult classic 1973 film The Wicker Man. Not the Nicholas Cage version, fuck that one. So. It's the only entry in our schedule this year where I specifically noted which version we were watching. So, you know, we're going to be in spoiler territory super fast with this 50-year-old film. So if you haven't seen it, I'm sure IFC or comment is showing it. And if not, just come back after you watch it. Amazon. Amazon has it for free if you have time. Yeah. So let's go around. Had you seen it before? Did you like it? Not like it. I'm very interested. I am not playing your silly games anymore. Okay. I have had it up to here with this and I demand to know who was in charge because I am not tolerating this anymore. Who did this to me? Detect both of us, actually. Yeah. And in pure bag of a Christie style, the killer was everybody. Yeah. Because that goes directly into my experience of it because last year was the 50th anniversary in Circle Dita. Late night series of screenings of it. I went to go see it had never seen it before. And then Kenzie and I were talking about it and it's wild. And I was like, oh, we about at the same time said we've got to put it on the schedule next year. So I've sat down to watch this film and immediately this weird ass song came on about corn rigs and barley rigs. So my first introduction to this movie was trying to make sure I knew what a corn rig and a barley rig was. And I'm sure, I mean, I've got an image in my head of what a corn rig was. But I looked it up on Google. And the only thing that comes up when you Google corn rig or barley rig is pictures of a wicker man. I just thought I'd throw that out. There is no entry in all of Google of what a corn rig or a barley rig is except for pictures of a wicker man. Y'all. Anyway, a little ways into this movie. I decided it was not clicking for me. So this was clearly a movie that required drugs. So I took an edible. Hmm. I don't think that helped for the last half. Yeah. No, it didn't help at all. Anyway, this is definitely a movie that I watched. So. But I did learn. I did learn something fascinating, which something I don't think I'd ever been aware of, which is that Christopher League was young once. Mm-hmm. Oh. So, Britt Eclan came very close to showing a little bit, like if she had lived forward just a little bit during that dance, we would have seen quite a bit. We saw it a bit either way. Yeah, we would have seen. I mean, we would have seen the full Brit. Yeah. So. Anyway, this is this movie is the seventies were a different. A different time, y'all. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting you say that like I, the movie is very much of its age. It almost seems even quaint for the seventies. It feels like a sixties movie hold thinking and screaming into the seventies. It's, it's not a very horrifying horror film until the end. And then I'm thinking about it more. It's one of those way, Homer movies where you're like, huh, quite the question. I don't know if he did it on Mike yet, but Emma, who's the asshole in this? I'm not a hundred percent sure. Like obviously the summer out cult killed a guy. That's bad. Yeah. And the divide in between good and bad things killing the guy is bad, but they gave him a very sporting chance to get out of that. Like I was like, Hey, if he wasn't a dick, I mean, a dick. He'd have been fine. So I'm going to pause you on that discussion because I have not jumped into it. Yes, I have seen this before. This is actually one of my, I really love this movie so much. I saw it in, I think I was in my mid to late twenties and a online friend of mine. Shout out to Stephanie recommended it to me as well as the OG Suspiria. It is weird. It is bonkers and I love it. And it had been a few years since I had sat down and watched it. I've caught a little clips of it like on comment because comment was showing it. Why not comment? But it's one I'm never mad when I watch it. And when I got, we got a fantastic message from Donna on Discord last night. And I just, I'm sorry, Donna. I cackled because I knew you had finished it. I was like, oh, this is going to be good today this morning. And I just, yeah, I adore the strangeness of it. It's just, it's wild. It's so wild. And the ending kind of, to piggyback on what Max said, it's, it's horrifying. And it's such a gut punch out of left field. And I'm here for it. Yeah. Now for those of you that don't know what the wicker man is about are good, good buddies at IMDB and Max Nemesis want you to know a Puritan police sergeant arrives in a Scottish island village in search of a missing girl who the pagan locals claim never existed. Hmm. It's a mystery. And then there's a whole bunch of tits. There's so many, actually this movie turns into a documentary on the body acceptance of all the different types of tits because there's good tits. Well, and then there's good tits and they're all very perky. There's no non perky tits. I mean, they're all all tits are perky, but then there's, you know, big nipples and there's smaller nipples and there's, you know, perky tits. There's just lots and lots of burky tits. There's burky tits everywhere. And then there's Brit Ecklund. I mean, let's Brit Ecklund. Anyway, and then there's a lot of tits. So many tits. I'm glad you said it and I didn't have to. Yeah, just so many tits. Oh my gosh. There are. And so, yeah, so the Puritan cop arrives on the island because there's a missing girl and then there's some tits. And then there's a parade and then there's fire. And that's the movie. Actually, the 40 year old version was based on this film. Just a little known fact. So many tits. So many tits. Now, that is something I did forget with this film. It's how horny on mane it is. Mm hmm. Like I said, it's because it's not one for me that sticks out. It's always the ending. And so then when we get to it's like, oh, yeah, they're singing. Oh, yep. Oh, oh, she's naked and she's crying on a grave. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I will say the second time around the film is funnier. Oh, yeah. Because with knowing where this guy is heading, I would not be made a fool. Uh huh. I think you will, sir. I think you are right now. And all the dry attempts of the town to get him to go away are like, hey, maybe you listen. Like, oh, no, we don't know. Oh, it was the picture was broken. I don't know. I mean, the town does their damnedest. Like, I mean, even though they're wanting him for the wicker man, they also are trying not to kill a guy. They threw Brett Eklund his way. Right. Yeah. I mean, you got to have a town meeting after that. Well, he didn't take Brett Eklund. So, I mean, not only is he a virgin, he is into being a virgin. I think we need to kill this guy for the greater good. I mean, I think we should ask that wall about whether or not he's still a virgin. Well, yeah. I mean, he, he and that wall might be in a relationship. I think he is. I think he is just, he is way too. I mean, once again, Brett Eklund, I'm just, I'm just going to just right there, Brett Eklund. Yeah, Brett Eklund. She is singing songs to come literally to her. On any number of levels. Yes. Take that as you will. And that dance. Listen, listen, that dance. I got some interesting trivia about that dance if you'd like to hear it. I would because I was quite surprised by that dance. She was on her period during that dance. She has a, yeah. She came out with an injury. Like, yeah, yeah, that was, that was a thing that about that. She is quite confident. I thought so as well. Okay. All right. Go, Brett Eklund. Okay. Like I said, a little interesting bit of trivia there for you. I am woman here. Okay. Yeah. Once again, it was, it was the 70s. It was a different time. Mm hmm. I love how unhinged Christopher Lee is. And this is probably my favorite Christopher Lee performance because it's right for me. It's like, okay, you've got, you know, he, he did some bond. You know, of course, all of his, his hammer horror. And then jump to like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. And this is just one of them that I just absolutely adore with because he's so unhinged and he looks like he's having so much fun. I'd put a notch below Grimlins too, but I'm on the same page. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Grimlins is a good one too. Yeah. Well, it was, it was really funny because part of my brain was like, yes, that's Christopher Lee. You know, the credits say it's Christopher Lee, Lord Summer Isle, Christopher Lee. Of course, it's Christopher Lee. And the rest of my brain was going, no, Christopher Lee is an old man. Yeah. Yeah. And then there was this one point in that first meeting where he kind of does this menacing turn like he's, like he's looking away and then he kind of turns over his shoulder. And as soon as he did that, I was like, oh, there he is. Yep. That's Christopher Lee. Yep. That definitely is Christopher Lee. 100%. I believe it now. Yes. Sergeant, how are you here? Christopher Lee is here. Christopher Lee is here. You're in, you're in trouble now. But yeah, I was, I was chatting with a friend of mine through a good part of the movie. And yeah, we did actually have a lengthy conversation about, did you know that Christopher Lee was young at some point and he was like, yeah, I mean, of course, and I was like, no, listen. So around the time we played Dracula to her, maybe even a little bit after it's a little bit after because he didn't have like his, I remember he had like very like, I don't want to say caterpillar eyebrows and speak ill of the dead, but they were some very epic muppet eyebrows in that first Dracula film that we did of his. So I know that is just a Kinsey ism of something she noticed. So I again, the seventies were a different time. Yes. But my God, when, when surely your job as a police officer is not to preach. Surely, surely your job as a police officer is not to preach mistakes were made mistakes were made. I mean, Donna, my love, you do realize kind of what we're living in here in the now. So having a police officer preach for what we're kind of used to seems on brand. I'm not saying I, I don't, I'm not saying I agree with it by any means. I'm just. It's not effective police methods. No, no, no, not at all. But the notion of a, of a, of a police officer going beyond his purview. It tracks. It doesn't surprise the fact that he's that committed to it. After any kind of pushback. Like in his head, like, I got to imagine that if, like, let's say nothing weird was going on. Just somebody pranked him with some report of a, of a bogus missing kid. And then the town complained to the constabulatory, the constabulatory about this guy. Like he'd be brought up on some maybe administrative hand slapping. Just, you know, hey, next time we send you out to one of the weird islands. Don't, don't, don't bring your whole Catholic thing with you. It's act. We actually have freedom of religion in this country. I don't know if anybody told you that it's not specifically in the officer training manual, but just take that, remember it for the future and stop breaking apple cart. It gets crates when you're at churches. It just, like, I get you're mad that anyone isn't like you, but just, just, just keep it inside. Keep it inside. Watch bad boys too. This way. Just who saw? So we mentioned earlier that the villagers kept encouraging him to leave. And they did. I mean, that was a pretty constant refrain. You should go. You should leave. You don't want to be here tomorrow. Now that was one of my favorites, you don't want to be here tomorrow because he didn't. He didn't want to be there tomorrow. But he didn't listen. And there came a point when he was like, oh, I wish I had left. But I do wonder when was the point they sabotaged his point? At what point was he unable to leave? Personally, I think once he started going house to house the day of the parade looking for Rowan, I think that's when they did it. Because it's like, oh, it's on. It is on that. I think they up until that point gave him a chance to leave. I actually just realized, because Lord's Summer Isle does say of your own free will. You are here of your own free will. Yeah. So I think up until May 1st, he could have left. I think when he was still there on May 1st was when it was too late for him. Yeah. But I also wonder if I agree, but then I also wonder if you're here if your own free will is him. Optionally being a virgin and being the fool, the exact kind of right adult that they were looking for. That's the exercise of the free will to bring him there. I wonder if they sabotaged it on day one in order to put him in this environment with the hopes that, oh, we're going to throw a Brit Eklund his way. And he's not going to be the virgin. We're going to be right back to square one, but we got to at least stack the deck a little bit in our favor. We're giving him a lot. But the free will question to me, I always read that interpreted as he came searching for Rowan in that moment of his own accord. Like he followed, he saw her up those stairs and he followed that. I mean, he went willingly and followed her willingly to the wicker man, basically. So that's always what I, how I read the free will remark. That's how it read to me that he ended up on those cliffs of his own free will. Yeah. Yeah. Now the fact that he was the, you know, the hat trick of a fool and a virgin and there of his free will, that was icing on the cake for the residents of Summer Island. But I, that was one thing that I had forgotten because I thought they could, like I said, had been a few years since I'd seen this. So I thought they had played very coy with him being a virgin. Like that's how I remembered it. But then watching it this second time, I'm like, Oh no, it is like red flashing lights, advertising. Yeah. So he's an asshole. I mean, he is. He is obnoxious. And honestly, when he starts burning, well, I won't say I didn't care because that's the horrible way to go. But I was actually a lot more traumatized by the fact that there were animals in the wicker man too. Yeah. That was a lot, something I was a lot more upset about. Wait a minute. What do they do? I can't imagine their virgins. Yeah. In fact, the most traumatic thing for me in this film was when he's trying to pray, you know, please take my soul, even though I died, and there's animals screaming over that. Yeah. I had to mute the movie. I couldn't deal with the animal screaming. That was the single most traumatic thing in this film for me. I agree. But I have to say that the villagers are assholes to like, there's nobody in this film up to it, including the kids who are old enough to theoretically know right from wrong. The kids are not great either. Now, the ones who are too young, the ones who are just going to do what they're told and you're like, yeah, okay, they didn't know any better. I absolve them. But kids who are old enough to go, I don't think this is okay. They're all bad that everyone is bad. They're all bad. And I'm not saying that because they're heathens because yeah, go practice your religion. I am 100% freedom of religion, please don't murder people. And also, please don't burn animals alive. That's not cool. Right. Up until the point, they torch the wicker man. They haven't done anything wrong. Yeah. In the last 45 seconds of the film, they're definitely doing a lot wrong. Yeah, definitely, definitely bad. Don't burn things alive. That's not okay. No, that's not good. Agree. If you must at least give them a chance to get out of it, the animals never got a chance to get out of it. No. They didn't. Brett Eklund was not leading them to a fall. Right. Some kind of hedge maze that if they find their way to the end, well, that's a terribly terrific cow. So we're going to let it go because you tell that calf. You should go. The calf will be. Bye. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But a police officer, not so much. I do though. That is one of the things that I really do. I love about this film is that juxtaposition of that last scene because you have Sergeant Howie singing Psalms 23 before he starts speaking it and he is just fucking terrified. And then you pan to the residents of summer aisle and they're so joyous and they're so happy and it's utterly horrific. And I, it is just that ending that there's a reason this ending is always on like people's top 10 list of like just gut punches because it is amazingly horrifying. It's a completely weird left turn, but it's also of a piece with the rest of the movie and that's very hard to do. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I agreed. So yeah, I got to the end of the movie and then I messaged my friends, my fellow polter guides in Discord and it actually, my favorite thing about that message was watching the Discord people who were online start to light up because it was Billy and then it was Kinsey and then it was Mack just one by one lining up as I messaged Discord. I think my favorite that was Mack's response to that because I, I had nothing. I just had to just start laughing because I knew, I knew, you know, where you were Donna, I knew. Yeah, my message just for everyone's benefit just said y'all, y'all, the fuck, the fuck though, for Sirius, the fuck, and Mack just said, "Watch the wicker man, haven't we?" But I almost felt like there was some little calling tree going around going, "Guys, you watched it, guys, guys, you watched everyone get a lie." No, she watched it. There was a thought in my head that I was like, "Oh no, I'm going to be blamed for selecting this movie." And then I remembered it was Kinsey and I together so we had solidarity. Like the village took you in on this one. We were escorting you through the island, Donna, but did you have a chance to leave? And Billy kept popping up going, "You should leave." Right. Get out why you still can't. But I wasn't listening. No, he tried, Donna, he tried. It was Finn shaking his head sadly. Yeah, Finn, Finn napped through it, he even wasn't prepared for it. To be fair, we did not harm any animals at the end of our lives. This is true. It's true. It's true. You know. Yeah, we did not. Finn is fine. He is, he's still the bestest boy. He survived the wicker man experience, so it's good. He was like, "Are there any dogs? I don't see any dogs. All right, we're cool." I'm going to go back to sleep. Did we, I know we've kind of been touching on it and we kind of just talked a little bit about how he being a virgin. I know we've been kind of talking about it a little bit. Did you have other points you wanted to make about that, Mac? No, no, just they gave him a sporting chance to kind of take away I've got. Until they jam some animals in that wicker man, I think they've practiced their religion in a peaceful and open way and part of that is tricking cops into wasting the time, which you know, fine, that's fine. If he was a better detective, he would have realized that quicker that he'd been tricked and moved on his way. I know Donna won't watch it again, but that is something interesting to watch again is to watch the village also lead Howie by the nose through everything that they want him to see so that he will be their sacrifice, like, because they, oh man, like, when you know and then going back and watching this and just like, yep, yep, yep, it's really funny. Anytime you like, he enters the pub and everybody stops and looks at him. I'm like, oh, they know exactly who this guy is. Yeah. So that is, I think that is something very interesting. It plays very different the second time. Yeah. They do a fantastic job of the whole making him feel like a stranger in a strange land. Like, I mean, all the actors and then the ad in the beautiful scenery, like it is other worldly with how well that is to me, how that is portrayed. She won't be watching it again. No, I know she won't, but it was it. I was just throwing it out there to let her know that if she was feeling squirrely and wanted another watch at it, it is something, it's a different aspect to watch. One of these days, one of these years, we should do a run of movies we've already done before to see if we are any of our opinions have changed. And if we do that, I might like be like, oh, my pick is the wicker man. Do we have anything else? Are we ready? I'm all, I'm all out. I am too. You good, Donna? Um, it's weird, movies, super, just weird as a reaction word, but weird with a cup capital W2. Yeah. Did you want to, did you want to bring up Laura's question on Mike is this a Christian world where he's been done wrong or, or is the cult just, you know, doing exactly what they need to do to ensure a good crop of apples? I could have done with one year later. Right. Yeah. Are they, are they all standing around nompching on apples or that would have been a great shot. Like you hear the wicker man continue to burn. And then like the, the image is one year later and just a bunch of happy people eating apples. So what's weird? So I had a memory that there was a final scene in this where you saw like the harvest afterwards, like that next year's harvest picture and it was very bountiful. And so I fast forward through the credits and I'm like, where the fuck is that? Like, yeah, I, I come to find out I'm pretty sure that's the Nicholas Cage version. And then I was just very angry and it was like, oh, oh, but yeah, that would have been, I would have been good to see that you could buy a t-shirt that says some royal apples. Oh, I bet you can. Just to yes. And this movie is weird. If you enjoy folklore, yeah, this is your jam. This is your jelly. This is your peanut butter. For me, this is the standard I judge folk horror films. Yeah. Barna. If you love midsummer. Yeah. This is midsummer's grandfather. Yeah. Yeah. It's DNA is all in midsummer. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, as I was watching it, I was thinking, you know, I have not seen midsummer because it came out just like a few weeks after my mom died. Oh, okay. Okay. And I was like, I know, I don't think I'm going to do that, but as I was watching it, I was like, man, that crown of flowers and a maypole and the obscure little island. And from what I know of midsummer, it sure looked midsummery. Oh, yeah. I do just want to, you know, and this may just be my, I don't know, listen, virginity is not a thing. Virginity is not a thing. Virginity is not a thing. You don't suddenly change anything significant. Because you've touched another person's genitals with your genitals. It's a dumb thing there said my piece. This message brought to you by the abstinence council. The Oklahoma office. Let's jump into roll call and quote. Let's do it. Just for the record, we all came very prepared with quotes for this movie's pretty iconic on quotes. I mean, you've got the classic one that I always go to come. It's time to keep your appointment with a wicker man. There's a lot of quotes about heathens that were great, but Mac, this is what we landed on and it's just, it, it's wild. I had to go back to get the precise wording of it. It is literally the first words that the film has for us. The producer would like to thank the Lord's summer aisle and the people of his island off the west coast of Scotland for this privileged insight into their religious practices stand for their generous cooperation in the making of this film. Yeah. This, this, this film crawled so Blair, which could run. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I agreed. And you forget about it as the, especially at the ending, you're thinking, like, wait, a minute, wait, wait, wait, they said this was real. Yeah. I mean, it also Texas Chainsaw Massacre is also part of with this. So yeah, there's, there's a lot of this film influence a lot of things now with our rule. We all, when it came to rule, we all were saying similar things, dancing around the same thing. Don't be like detective dickhead. Yeah. Essentially was where we all landed, but specifically, I mean, I had, you know, if Brett Eklund's dancing naked at your door to go with the flow, man, but we also, but essentially his big failing is he is not a good guest and it is, it's so learn to be a good guest. This may not be your way of things. This may not be your people. That is not an opportunity to proselytize at best or just wreck their shit at worst. And honestly, I don't care who you are. And I mean that in a literal sense of Brett Eklund is offering this up to you. Man, that is not a chance that comes very often a job us like take the opportunity when it's there. Yeah. The landlord's daughter. The landlord's daughter. They had a whole song about it. Yeah. By the way, this totally off topic. I love the way that the Scottish people say the word mayor dare. Mayor. Mayor dare. Mayor dare. Yeah. Again, it's been mayor dinner. Like they really make a meal out of that word. They love a good R that they can just kind of swing around on and murder has more than enough. Mm hmm. And Mack had our hat trick for this film and he has our poll question. Did they kill Lord Summer Island next year that our sergeant detective seems confident that they will, although he's having a bit of a moment there. So is he thinking as clearly as he possibly could be, has he ever been thinking as clearly as he could be? No, because he's a virgin and he's you know, a turned down Brett Eklund, which we all just agreed, you know, do you know, he chose poorly. I think this film portrays their religion as a true religion, a genuine religion, a religion that works and therefore, no, I think I think Lord Summerhill is enjoying some apples next year. So you're going beyond that it's not only true that it does work, the sacrifice of the Bicker man had a, had a geologic effect on the, the apple harvest of next year. Yeah. Okay. Well, I think what they did worked and honestly, and to put it, to put it another way, not only that, I think Lord Summerhill has a hold on that island such that if it didn't work, they're not going to kill Lord Summerhill, they'll kill somebody else. And see, I think Donna just hit it on the head, Chris really talks about it in the film, how his, his father and how him basically saved the island, like basically kept them, like his grandfather started it, but they really succeeded. So I, I think Lord Summerhill is going to spin. If it doesn't work, he's going to spin it and he's fine. He is, I don't, I don't think they kill him. I think how he's cursed that he, he shouts out, I think it's futile. And it's going to fall on deaf ears because I don't think they heard him for starters. And I, I do think they have a bountiful harvest. I'm kind of, I'm leaning towards Donna that it, what they do work, because this is folklore. So weird shit's going to happen. Yeah. This ended up being much more fruitful than I think we had thought of because I'm going to take an opposite tack. I don't think it did dick one for the Apple harvest next year. And the, the really fascinating way to read the summer owl versus the cop dichotomy is that yes, the cop is a flailing idiot, but everything summer owl does is also an act of desperation. He is like, he has generations now before him in years of bountiful harvest. And maybe the souls, the soil is depleted. It's just not going to grow anything for a while. They have not been doing what farmers need to do to keep the land fertile. And nothing's going to happen next year. And he's, he will run out of excuses one day. Maybe he can spend it for another year. Maybe the wicker man too is more wicker man and, you know, they, they find some other activity to put in there, but eventually like, Hey, your lordship, we've killed a lot of cops. Okay. And, and I haven't seen apple one out of this, so you got a different plan or, or what's going on here, but we still just killing cops. I need to. Yeah. Like, I'm not objective. But I think we just decide that we kill cops here, not that. Oh, you know, it's May Day, and we need to offer sacrifice to the goddess of the land because it's not working. So I don't know. I think eventually, unless results come, his spin has a finite life. Okay. What happens when they send more cops looking after the guy? He's never here. We've never seen him. Yeah. That's his plane. Oh. But let's be honest, is anybody really going to come looking for how we like, I mean, I'm not trying to. Everybody on mainland Scotland is like, Oh, fuck, anybody heard from Howie? Oh, good. Yeah. He just, he strikes me as that type of coworker. Even the diocese is like, it's sort of a Ned Flanders, a situation like, Oh, okay. He just, he had a lot to say in church. It's just, you know, Hey, the Lord works in mysterious ways, whatever, fine. And on that note, who wants to go first on a happy place? I can, but I will defer to others. I can go first. I don't mind going first. So my happy place is later on this morning, we are going to go visit my folks and my brother and his lovely girlfriend page and spend the day with them and spend, spend the night. I hadn't seen them in a couple of months. So get to see everybody, Finn gets to see everybody and they're going to do a little cookout and just, just some good times. My therapist is trying to break up with me, I feel like, um, that's my happy place. I had a, I had a session this week and, you know, when I first started therapy, we were doing like every two weeks and then it was every month. And now it's every two months and at the end of the session here this week, she was like, so, uh, you want to go to every three months and I'm like, you're, you're stretching me out here. I had already booked another appointment for two months. I'm like, let's leave it there. Um, so I don't know, I think my therapist is trying to break up with me. Apparently I, I've aced therapy. So you won. Yeah. That's awesome. I am going to say that my happy place is my new class of students. I always love my students and, um, this, I, I really enjoy this class. This last week, they really started interacting with me. We had some really fun and wide ranging, um, class discussion on Thursday. And it was awesome. And I loved it. I love my students when they, when they will interact with me and talk with me. And it was great. So I am looking forward for the rest of the semester to just be fun. And that's it. That's all. I really love teaching. Well, you can find us on social media on Facebook, Instagram and threads where beyond the cabin in the woods, our website and blue sky user name is beyond the cabin in the woods. Dot com. I am on Instagram threads and blue sky as at Kalista 77. You can find me on blue sky and on Instagram at dragon goblin. It's at dragon goblin dot com on blue sky. I'm not super active on either one of those. Oh, and there's no eye and goblin. I can be found on the prominent social media platform that exists at the moment you listen to this as at party apocalypse. Again, also like Donna, not very active on it, but you can find this podcast and other fine podcasts on, including the holiday is broken with myself, Laura, Canyon, and Eris and the three of them also co-host disorganized a criminal minds podcast. They're full runs of the fourth wall as the myth turns and friendables to friends talking about Hannibal Lecter books, blogs, movie reviews and nothing else, although I will mention as of the recording date, all of the party now apocalypse later books are now available on Kindle unlimited. So if you subscribe to that, it is a free read for you and more lucrative for me as it turns out. So do that thing. As always, thank you to our editor Billy, who makes us sound fantastic and professional and just kind of wrangle this in. And we just appreciate everything that you do for us. Thank you, Billy. We love you. I enjoy not having to wrangle people on this show. And thank you for listening. Please rate, review, and subscribe to us if you aren't doing so already. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time. Bye. (gentle music) (gentle music)