Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

Your Identity Is Your Unfair Advantage

The number one unfair advantage you can create for yourself is your Personal Identity. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares the importance of creating your identity, self perception, and consistency practices to remember who you are.-Ways I can Help:* Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community:* Want to have a Virtual Coffee? -'s Connect:Rob Cressy - Ins...

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09 Aug 2024
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The number one unfair advantage you can create for yourself is your Personal Identity. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares the importance of creating your identity, self perception, and consistency practices to remember who you are.
Ways I can Help:
* Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community:
* Want to have a Virtual Coffee? -

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@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

The number one unfair advantage that you can create for yourself is your identity. Because you're a one of one who is amazing, who is unlike any other person in this world. What's good? I'm Rob Crassie and today I wanna jam about the power of identity. Your ability to create the most powerful version of yourself in the story that you tell yourself and how you can create reminders or triggers or awareness practices that reinforce this best version of yourself every single day so that you can show up and create everything that you want in your life. So let's start with this. What in the world is identity? This is your beliefs, your values, your strengths, your experiences. These are the things that guide you in how you show up in the world every single day. This is your core. This is your essence of what makes you uniquely you. And the beauty of all of this is we all have our own unique experiences in the world and we can consciously and intentionally choose the lens for how we see the world and we create ourselves every single day in how we show up. So why in the world is it important for us to create a powerful identity for ourselves? Well, the story that you tell yourself will create your actions and your actions will create your results. So our ability to consciously shape and reinforce our identity to align towards our authentic true self and where we wanna go and what we wanna create in our life. And this can become our self-perception for how we see ourselves every single day. Because this is very important. It's very easy to get wrapped up in an identity or a story that does not serve us or is created by someone or a circumstance that is not coming from your power, coming from your truth. Because when you anchor in your truth, your authenticity, who you are, you have the ability to show up as the best version of yourself every single day and you're in complete control of this because you have the ability to create this into a process, into a practice which ultimately is what creates your unfair advantage because quite frankly, the majority of the people in the world do not do this. So what I wanna do is share a few of the consistency practices that I use in my life every single day to create my identity in who I am and how I show up as the most powerful version of myself every single day. I'll give you a quick overview and I'll dive into each one of these things. So some of the things that I do to create my identity and remember who I am. Number one, I have a compliment file. Anytime somebody gives me a compliment, I write it down. Number two, I have my declarations, a series of powerful I am statements that are who I am. I speak, see and feel them that create who I am every single day. I have my personal manifesto, the built for the game manifesto, which if you wanna listen to the podcast about earlier before this, I just talked about how I created it and you can too. I've also got a three year vivid vision that projects in detail and images and in words and emotion who I am, what I'm creating and where I'm going over the next three years. And then I also have a community or communities that support me in who I am in creating the best version of myself, especially when I do not show up as that person and the last thing is triggers. Things that I do or create in my life that remind me of my identity, my powerful identity and the truth of who I really am. So let's break this down. And the first one is oh so simple and it is oh so fun. And it's something that I share with every single person and client that I have because of how powerful it is. And it is creating a compliment file. So here's how it works. Next time someone gives you a compliment, it could be a friend, a family member, someone on the street, it could be a client of yours, whoever it is, when they give you a compliment, I would love for you to be a gracious receiver not, oh my God, no, no, no. Like, oh, thank you so very much. I received this on my end. And then I use Evernote. I've got an Evernote document that just says compliment file. And the reason this is so important is because we can oftentimes lose our identity and fall into a trap of a different story of how we are not where we want to be yet or maybe there's something that's being sensationalized in the media that's getting you really rowed up and you lose your due north of who you actually are. So with a compliment file, what it is is people in your life who are mirroring back to you, the amazing things about you. So this isn't even self-created, this is others created in the best possible way. So when you do this, not only does it allow you to be a gracious receiver for somebody else, thank you so very much for that compliment, but now you're allowing that compliment to live with you for the rest of your life. So my practice in the morning as part of my morning routine is I'll open up my compliment file. I'll read one, maybe three of them every single day. And at this point, my list is, I don't know, 100 plus compliments. And it just reactivates me into that moment. Who is that person? What did they say? And, oh, by the way, this is true. This is who you are. Boom, so simple, so powerful. This is one of those effortless, effort things that I talk about that once you implement this in your everyday life, it is an absolute game changer. The next one, and this is one of if not the most important and powerful things that I've ever learned in my life, is my declarations. And for many people, they call them affirmations, but there's a difference between an affirmation and a declaration. A declaration is like standing on top of a mountain and being like, I am fearless. And you're declaring this is who I am. You could feel the emotion, the heart in this. Not just affirming, you're declaring this is who I am. And this is a practice that I've learned over the years that allows me to anchor in the most powerful version of myself. And there's really two ways that I think about this. And I've got resources and programs around this. So if you're interested in the world of declarations and creating these for yourself, just hit me up @RobCressy on social media or shoot me an email, I would love to help you with this. And the way that I think about this and how you can get started would be with no effort whatsoever. If you were to say, what do I absolutely know to be true about myself and my identity? The best version of myself, the most powerful version. What were those first three, maybe five things that come top of mind where you've got no editing whatsoever? You're like, whoa, I know without a doubt, I am this. You're like, I am curious, I am happy, I am radiant. I am, I'm such a good person to others, I am generous, whatever it is, just write those things down because those are the seeds of the possibility because the next part of this all becomes or I'm adding the power to it. We don't want just this little lowercase g, we want the big g, we want boom, what is the most powerful version of what this is in you? And this is the difference between affirmation and declaration because we can step into our identity and power by declaring it, you speak it, you see it, you feel it. So this is how you can create your identity every single day. So as part of my morning routine, I've got my list of declarations that I speak every single day. And let me see if I can actually pull this up real quick to show this in real time. Here we go. So what I have here is it says what I am and what I have, self-love and vision. So these are my declarations. I'll just do a quick overview on this. So it's the very first one. I am infinite love and then there's the emoji of the infinity symbol and a heart and I sit there and I think about my two-year-old son and my wife and myself and my ability to create. I just see these rages radiating off of me and man, I just have so much infinite love inside of myself, boom. I anchor that every single day and it's like Rob, how are you so positive all the time? I'm like, the first thing I do is anchor myself into I am infinite not love. So some of the other ones, I am that I believe, boom, I believe in myself, my dreams, my goals, that I can do anything I set my mind to. And I go through this list every single day and it creates who I am and it is such a beautiful gift in a blessing. All right. The next thing would be creating a personal manifesto for yourself, something that I just did last week with my built for the game manifesto. If you want, you can go to to see how you can write your own manifesto. I give this step by step for how I did it. I include a video of my process to help accelerate you on yours. And the reason that this is so important on creating my identity is I want that awareness practice. So in my bathroom right now, I printed out on an 18 by 24 poster with a frame, my personal manifesto, the built for the game manifesto. And these are the words, the phrases, the mantras that create my mindset and who I am. So every time I go into the bathroom, boom, I see these phrases asking is a gift, the world needs more of you. Be so good, they can't ignore you. Ask better questions, whatever it is, boom, drip, drip, drip. And what I love about this is this is such a one-of-one practice that I am creating this for myself and so are you. So it doesn't matter what anybody else does. This is you saying to you, hey, this is what I'm living by and I want to see this. And I legitimately see this as an asset, not just for my daily practice, but if you're looking to build relationships or how do I stand out? Well, you know, it's a very simple thing I can get people to help know who you are a little bit quicker, send them over your personal manifesto. Boom, they will see that a lot quicker. And actually, I can pull that up on the screen for anybody seeing this right now. So here's an example of my personal manifesto. So imagine every single day and switch places with me. So you're seeing this right now or if you're listening and it says, you don't know your past anything. Create every day, freedom is my gift. Shine brighter, light tomorrow with today. You can see drip, drip, drip every single day, four times a day, your ability to reinforce this identity into who you are because of what this creates in you because you've got an emotional connection to these words and these phrases because you know you're like, yeah, this is who I am. So I wanna reminder of this is who I am because we know the second we wake up in the morning, the world is gonna be shooting arrows at us, email, social media, turn it on the TV, the news, clients, friends, family members, everything out there, trying to steal your attention or coming after who you are. And this is where anchoring in your identity becomes an unfair advantage when you're like, wait a second, what if I see the most powerful version of who I am everywhere and we can create that with these various practices that I'm sharing right now? The next thing here would be around creating your vivid vision. And when I look at the best thing that I created last year without a doubt, it was my three year vivid vision. And the genesis of this was Cameron Harold's book, "Vivid Vision." I highly recommend you read that book, because I'm somebody who's about this life. I'm all in personal growth and development, live in my dreams, being the best version myself, all in as it gets. But I was always challenged with three year goal setting or longer term goal setting, because it felt so far in the distance where I could feel my lack of accountability around it, where it's easy just to push that away and be like, yeah, whatever, not today, not today and you look up it and say a year later and you're like, wow, this whole vision thing didn't exactly work the way that I thought it would. So Cameron Harold's book is a great structure for it. And then one of the things that makes us the best in the world, the ones of ones is we read something, not just to read it, but to then execute what's in there. So he talks about how you can use words and images and bring things to life by very simply saying, hey, what are the most important areas of your life, aka your bucket school? Let's create those for our Vivid Vision. Where would we love to be? What would we love to create in the next three years on the highest level? No editing, no, how in the world am I gonna get there? This is vision casting, boom, you do that. Then you add some imagery, you make this thing look good and then you read it every single day. Crazy thing happens. What do you think happens to your identity in the story you tell yourself? When every single day in the morning, you read who you are and what you are creating in the next three years on the highest level possible. This becomes a super power for you and it is absolutely beautiful to where you wake up every single morning excited for being this person. Because one of the things on my personal manifesto is be your future self now. And what you learn by doing many of these practices, both with creating your personal manifesto, as well as creating your Vivid Vision, is the practice or the creation of each of these practices is what makes it so powerful and energetic because you get to be intentional about every word, every step, every image, how you did it. Because it seems like this can be creatively harder. I've never done this before. Most people are not willing or likely to do it. And that's the beauty in this, is that through the challenge, you discover who you are on a deeper level to where you now create a connection to these documents, to these words, to these phrases, to where they're constant reminders of your most powerful identity. Once again, this becomes a super power for you. You do the work, you earn the confidence for the rest of your life, you have this there. So do you want to be one of those ones of ones who says, "Hey, I'm willing to do the things that others are not." Sign me up for that because that is a game that I'm playing. Next thing here, the power of community. And one of the things that has been an absolute blessing in my life in two ways is one, being a part of communities and then number two, creating and running my own. And we would love to have you join us. If anything I'm talking about right now, vibes with you, go to We want to be that community, that tribe for you that lifts you up in business and in life can be that catalyst for you. Getting started with your self-development, with building your brand, with AI. Wherever it is that you want to grow, we want to help you. Because here's what I know to be true about communities. There's a few different ways that you can leverage them. Number one, you live in the energy of the community like attracts like. And when you bring together high performers, entrepreneurs, coaches, creators, leaders, all wrong in the same direction saying, "You know what? I want to be a better person. I want to be the best version of myself. I want to be the best version of my business. Let's grow, let's make this thing happen." Boom, you live in that energy, you feel energized. Because the inverse is also true. We all know that both ourselves as well as our clients, we are going to go through tough times. So who is there for you when you are not there for yourself? And that answer is your community. And that's what I love about this is, all you got to do is show up. Yeah, of course I encourage engagement and participation and really go in there with intention. But on the easiest level, the thing that you can get out of being a part of communities is when times are tough, you've got somebody there to energize you, to shoot some fire inside of you, and to remind you who you are. Because we all go through tough and challenging times. We all have fears and judgments and self-limiting beliefs. And this is exactly why having processes for creating and remembering your identity and the powerful version of who you are is oh, so important. So I encourage you, I don't care what community it is, but join one, get around to a group of like-minded people who are there to support you on your journey. And if this once again is resonating with you, join us Have a conversation with me, Rob at or @RobCressy on social media. And then the last thing right here would be triggers. And I love this. This is the growth game we're playing this month in August is one of the things that you've self-created in your life that can remind you of your powerful identity, the best version of yourself. In the example that I always love to give is a water bottle. For most people they just fill up their water bottle and it is what it is. But I use my water bottle as a trigger for filling up my cup of belief. So in the 17 seconds that it takes to fill up my water bottle, I'm sitting there and I'm saying, "I am that I believe." Or if you watched the Netflix series "Receivers," one of the things that George Kittle does, which I grabbed immediately and I love, he goes, "Inhale, belief." Exhaled out. So you can use your water bottle to inhale, belief and exhaled out. What's that doing? Shaping, reinforcing, designing the story and the identity that we tell ourselves. The other one that I love is turning your toothbrush into a trigger for gratitude because we would all love to have more gratitude in our life. Therefore pick it up. I'm thankful for my son. I'm thankful for my wife. I'm thankful for being from Pittsburgh. Boom, every single day, trigger, drip, drip, drip. These things that you can reinforce your identity. And the fun part of this is you get to create this into whatever you want. So you can turn a door handle, a cup, a pen, a toothbrush, ice cubes, you name it into a trigger that reinforces your identity. This is self-creation 101 and it is also a mastery level concept because now you can just see the ability to self-create yourself every single where, every single place that you go. I love this topic because it has absolutely changed my life. My ability to learn the process in the practice of how to cultivate and create a powerful identity and live it every single day. And the reason that this is a practice is because there's a half-life on this. You start your day and you're like, "Oh, baby, I'm doing amazing." Three o'clock gets here and you're like, "Man, my energy's a little bit different. Got some emails to people." It's like, "Wow, a little bit different." Boom, you boot this thing back up every single day. And if this resonated with you or you're interested in creating that powerful identity for yourself, respond back to this or hit me up. At Rob Cressy on social media, I would love to be a champion for you. Setting tons of good vibes. You're away. Hope you have yourself. Have an amazing rest of the day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)