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Roger Stone | 07-05-24

James Flippin, who is in for Frank Morano, talks with political consultant, author and radio host, Roger Stone. They discuss the JFK assasination. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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05 Jul 2024
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James Flippin, who is in for Frank Morano, talks with political consultant, author and radio host, Roger Stone. They discuss the JFK assasination.

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politics all the time. That's a given plenty of time to get into politics and who better to get into politics with than Roger Stone. And of course, legendary political consultant, a guy who hosts a show on 77 W.A.B.C. from four to six on Sundays. And also the stone zone, his own program on social media. So Roger, let's put the politics aside for a second. You're also a guy who knows so much about US history. And in particular here, I wanted to take you back to November, 1963, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. And in a sort of overarching way, I wanted to ask you, you know, I'm a guy, I just turned 39 years old. I have a lot of interest in the JFK assassination. But I feel like a lot of my peers, a lot of people my age, see it as sort of a done deal, you know, it's answered. It's already figured out, you know, the lone gunman with with Lee Harvey Oswald. And we know that already. It's old news. So what do you say? Or what would you suggest would be a good sort of overarching way to introduce some people to maybe some other ways of thinking about that incident in American history? Well, to be honest with you, I guess I have to argue with your initial premise. What's interesting is, despite the fact that the mainstream media, the three national networks, particularly CNN, have continued to push the narrative that Lee Harvey Oswald alone, not a disillusioned communist acting alone, killed John F. Kennedy, three bullets all from behind. The American people, if you look at the Gallup poll, don't believe that. Most recent polling a couple of years ago, 63% of Americans didn't believe that that was true. And of course, there has been a lot of evidence between declassified documents, declassified by the government, and the work of the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, where the Warren Commission conclusions have been completely contradicted. So the Warren Commission, as you know, said two things that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer. He acted alone. There was no conspiracy. They also say that Jack Ruby, who was seen on national television, killing Lee Harvey Oswald before he could answer questions, had no known associations with organized crime. Both of those things are, of course, we now know false. By 1978, largely because Oliver Stone's Ruby JFK raises so much interest and so many questions about Kennedy's murder, that the Congress was forced to form a new investigation, and that investigation concluded that organized crime was involved in Kennedy's assassination. They didn't go any further in terms of identifying who, what, when, and where, but you can't have it both ways. Either Oswald acted alone, which he didn't, or organized crime was involved. It's important to note that the CIA still walled that House investigation would not provide any documents, would not, where President Donald Trump released a number of the classified documents. In 1997, I believe, the Congress passed the JFK Records Release Act, Presidential Assassination Release Act, which said, in 2017, everything that was classified would be up for release. And the only way that could be stopped was if the president objected. Trump, for reasons that we now know, released about 80% of that material, all of which continues to lead to the idea that both the Central Intelligence Agency and President Lyndon Baines Johnson were involved in the assassination. In the end, President Trump held back 20% of the information because CIA director Mike Pompeo persuaded him that it would reveal the agency's assets and methods. Well, that's an absurdity because this was more than 60 years ago. Everybody involved is dead, no longer involved. And frankly, if the U.S. government was involved in the murder of a president, well, I think American people need to know that. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Fast forward to Joe Biden, he gets another shot at the ball, because now every year the president has to decide. He released another 10%, but still held back 10%. What are they hiding? What they're hiding is the definitive proof that Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, a CIA asset. In the first punch of documents released by Trump, we finally got Lee Harvey Oswald tax records. And guess what? He's got a 1099 from the FBI and a 1099 from the CIA. That's because he was an informant for both of them. Go ahead. I'll let you take it from there. That voice you're hearing is Roger Stone. Of course, you hear him on Red Apple networks, four to six p.m. Sunday is also the stone zone on socials. But you know, Roger, you key in on something there, where most people that have dug in on this enough are pretty clear on the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was an asset for the government, was an agent, right? He goes to the USSR, indicates that he wants to defect there, then all of a sudden he comes back to the United States has no problem in doing so. There was reports that he had been spotted in Mexico City. I think, you know, a couple days prior to the assassination that he had a whole visa set up to be able to go to Cuba. I mean, how significant are those two things in your mind? You're talking about the ability to potentially see it all in black and right once the documents come out. But I mean, how about that? I mean, how hinky is that for lack of a better term, that the guy goes to fix what was the number one enemy at the time, the USSR. And then he's going to come back, no problem, no issue with doing so. And then he goes to Mexico City and has this, you know, visa set up to go to Cuba, and nobody at the CIA followed up on that. Well, it's not as disturbing as the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald has no powder burns, no nitrates on his chest or his arms or his torso. If, in fact, he had fired a $29 World War II vintage Italian carbine, he would have been covered with nitrate. But according to the Dallas Police Department test, there were no powder burns on Lee Harvey Oswald. That's because he did, as he said, he did not shoot a weapon that day. What did he say when he's marched out in public, which is odd in itself, he said, I'm a pasty. I didn't kill anybody. He's telling the truth. He has been set up as the fall guy. There are so many holes in their narrative. It is impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have gotten off three shots from the window of the six floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Hide the rifle, run down a force like the flights of stairs and be seen in the cafeteria of the Texas School Book Depository Building casually eating his lunch by a Dallas police officer. Not only is he not heard on the wooden staircase, but a woman by the name of, I believe it is, Victoria Woods, who was on the staircase between the six and the second floor, neither sees nor more importantly does she hear Oswald? That's because he wasn't on the second floor. No less than six eyewitnesses see a man, according to both the FBI and the Dallas Police Department, see a man in the window of the six floor. They describe him as heavy set, heavy to middle set, middle age, balding. Every one of them say he is wearing spectacles. They also report a second man who is dark complexed, either African American or perhaps Native American. That man, whose name is Malcolm Mack Wallace, also left his fingerprints on the cardboard boxes that form the so-called crows nest from which it is alleged that Kennedy's killer shot. Now, we know that these are Mack Wallace's fingerprints because in 1951, Malcolm Mack Wallace, working in a patronage job at the Agriculture Department, arranged for him by Vice President, or at that time, U.S. Senator, Lyndon Johnson, was convicted of first degree murder in Texas. He murdered a man who was in a love triangle with Lyndon Johnson's sister, who was attempting to blackmail Johnson, a man named John Paul Kinzer, I believe it is. We have the fingerprints there. They were identified by Nathan Darby, who at the time was one of the foremost fingerprint experts in the country. He says that the prints found on the six floor, on the cardboard boxes, by the six floor window, are without any question a match for Malcolm Mack Wallace. I believe that he is one of several shooters. Then, as I'm sure you know, very recently, Paramount Pictures released a documentary featuring the Parkland Hospital doctors, all of whom are so alive with the exception of one physician, all of whom say that when Kennedy gets to Parkland Hospital, they see bullet wounds consistent with his being shot from both the front and the back, meaning that there were multiple shooters, meaning there has to be a conspiracy. I don't believe that Oswald shot anybody that died. I believe he is set up to take the fall. Malcolm Mack Wallace is at least one of the shooters. I mentioned a dark, complex man who is also there. He is identified as Lloyd Factor. Lloyd Factor was recruited as a backup shooter by Mack Wallace, the man who I really believe is the shooter. And the reason I believe that's true is because in his book, Lloyd Factor describes the physical setup, including a flat saw that was set up to the right of the window from which the shots were fired. There is no way for him to know that construction is going on on that floor and the flat saw is immediately to the right of the window, unless of course he was actually there. A man named James Carr for a fellow, he sees a man who meets the description of Malcolm Mack Wallace fleeing the Texas School Book Depository building, jumping into a rambler and being driven alive by another dark, complex man, Mr. Carr goes to the Dallas police to report this. There are at least six attempts on Mr. Carr's life over the succeeding years. He finally has to leave Dallas relocates to the Middle West. Then he is subpoenaed in District Attorney James Garrison's investigation in New Orleans. When he gets to New Orleans, there's yet another attempt on his life. Unfortunately for them, Mr. Carr was pretty quick on the draw. So he not only shot one of his sailors, but the other one ran. All of these things are in my book. I wrote a book called The Man Who Killed Kennedy, The Case Against LBJ. It's a New York Times bestseller in which I use eyewitness evidence, finger print evidence, and deep Texas politics to make the compelling case that it was Lyndon Johnson, who was at the head of a cabal that included the Central Intelligence Agency, organized crime, the Secret Service, who certainly deeply involved, and the subsequent cover-up of the FBI, with the whole thing being financed by Big Texas oil. Now, everyone on that list has their own individual motive for the murder of John Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson's motive is the most acute. He is under investigation in the Billy Sal Estes and the Bobby Baker investigations to very big corruption investigations, then raging in the newspaper. John F. Kennedy tells his personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, that Johnson will be dumped from the ticket in 1964 on the way to Dallas on Air Force One, he told her this according to her memoirs. And Robert Kennedy has unfortunately begun telling people that Johnson will be dropped from the ticket and prosecuted. So for Lyndon Johnson, it's kill or be killed in essence. He was a man staring into the abyss of federal prison. And how many people really know that as opposed to just being power hungry or wanting the brass ring? You're talking about there was real implication, real threat on the other side of that. I don't think there is any question. There's so many anomalies here. Johnson, who is riding three car lengths behind the presidential limousine based on the news real footage and also still photographs, Johnson hits the deck in his limo before the first shot is fired. He also has what appears to be a walkie talkie or some kind of radio in his hand. So you see a picture of Lady Bird Johnson, Senator Ralph Yarbrough, arch enemy of Lyndon Johnson, and Johnson, and then in the next frame, Johnson's missing. That's because he hit the deck. Secret service agent assigned to him testified in the war information that after the first shot was fired, he pushed Johnson to the floor of the limousine. After Johnson's death, the agent came forward and said, well, that's what I was told to say. Actually, Johnson hit the deck before the first bullet was fired. Talking with Roger Stone, the host of the Roger Stone show from four to six p.m. on many of these same network Sundays, and also you can catch him on the stone zone on social media and such. So Roger, just wanted to close out with kind of a personal connection, a personal story and ask your thought on that. When my father was in college, he had been investigating the Vietnam War, and he was opposed to the Vietnam War at the time. And he was looking into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, because a lot of things just didn't add up for him around that time. And he was a guy who back in that era, I guess 1968, 1969, he was in college and doing this investigation. And so he went down to New Orleans, and he was going to meet with some people there, but he also wanted to go into the library and start using some of the materials they had there to do some investigations. So wouldn't you know it, one day he goes to lunch while he's down there, leaves his hotel room. And then when he comes back to his hotel, there were a few maids that were working the rooms and stuff like that. But he notices two men come out of his room, kind of make eye contact with him, walk in the opposite direction, and not say anything. They just they left the premises quickly didn't say anything didn't want to involve themselves with anybody. My father goes into his hotel room, he finds the waste paper baskets have been overturned, his notes have been gone through, things have been looked at. And to just kind of connect it a little bit further, you know, my grandfather was a Navy captain, best friends from childhood with John Sherman Cooper, who was a member of the Warren Commission. And my grandfather was still close friends with a number of people that would high rank in the Navy at that time. So I always just wondered if maybe it was sort of plausible that some person in the know regarding this conspiracy looked at what my father was doing and all the different kind of things he was unearthing and digging into, knowing that his father was a Navy captain, connected to John Sherman Cooper, who was more or less just a rubber stamp on the Warren Commission. Do you think it's possible that maybe there was some sort of, you know, G men that was looking into my father's digging at that time? What year would this have been approximately? I'm going to say it was 1968. Yeah, I think that there is a real panic in 1968 for two reasons. One, Jade Grohuver, as you know, has Dr. Martin Luther King on a wiretap. And he hears King tell Ralph Abernathy, one of his aides, that he is on the verge of endorsing Robert Kennedy for president. Concurrently, Kennedy, running for president in the California primary speaking to a student audience is asked, will you reopen the investigation into your brother's murder? Now, Robert Kennedy had always passively gone along with the Warren Commission findings, despite the fact that both he and Jacqueline Kennedy had grave reservations about its accuracy and suspected the involvement of both the CIA and Johnson. In that studio audience, Robert Kennedy says, yes, if I'm elected, I will reopen the investigation into my brother's death. Within three weeks, both King and Kennedy are assassinated. How long do you think it took Jade Grohuver to get those wiretaps on Lyndon Johnson's desk? Not long. And the time frame, of course, meets the exact period of time that you speak of. So yes, I think the government has been very aggressive, particularly in the 60s, in suppressing any alternative view about the Kennedy assassination. I mean, there are so many anomalies here. Malcolm Kildoff is the deputy press secretary for John Kennedy. Pierre Salinger, who was the press secretary, stayed in Washington that fateful day. Kildoff is the man who could be seen on YouTube announcing Kennedy's death. He notes the time. He says, President John F. Kennedy passed away. Kildoff says in his memoirs that just after that, he was on the elevator with the new president, Lyndon Johnson. And he says to Johnson, Mr. President, who would do this? Who would do this horrible thing? Who would kill our president? And Johnson looks at him and says it was a communist, son. He said, sir, what kind of communist? He said it was a Russian communist, son. The problem with that is that Lee Harvey Oswald has not yet been apprehended. So how does Lyndon Johnson know that John Kennedy was killed by a Russian communist? Just yet another example? And of course, we've all seen the famous picture of Johnson being sworn in on Air Force One with Jackie Kennedy, with the blood stained dress, standing next to him. Note that Lady Bird Johnson has a wide grin on her face. The point, of course, is that that swearing in has no necessity at all. Johnson automatically legally became president upon the declaration of that John Kennedy was dead. He staged that swearing in for two reasons. One, to twist the knife in Bobby Kennedy, he actually calls Bobby Kennedy to ask Bobby Kennedy for the oath of office. Not sure why he needs to know the oath of office, other than to twist the knife in Kennedy who he despised. And then, secondarily, he wants the imprimatur of Jacqueline Kennedy, who at that point is dazed, still has blood on her dress. And, of course, immediately after Johnson takes the oath, he could be seen winking at one of his cronies, a segregationist, Texas Democrat, congressman from a joining district. So Johnson, if you read my book, "The Man Who Killed Kennedy," the case against LBJ, by the way, if you do order it, get the paperback version, it has three extra chapters. You can get it at, or you can get it at anyplace books or so, Barnes and Noble, Amazon. But if you go to, of course, you can get a signed copy. But wherever you choose to get it, get the paperback version, it's really quite superior. That's Roger Stone, legendary political consultant, of course, a radio host and an author. Check that out, "The Man Who Killed Kennedy," the case against LBJ. And we'll also be listening to Roger on Sunday from four to six, here on Red Apple Networks, and also catch "The Stone Zone" on social media. Roger, thanks so much for taking some time this morning to join us. Great to be with you. Many thanks.