FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Mobile Mornings - Friday 8-09-24

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09 Aug 2024
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News. Sports. Weather from Dr. Bill Williams. Traffic info from Kane. And one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. Good morning from Dan and Dalton and FM talk 106-5 on your Friday morning. We got a lot of things to get to this hour. Obviously we're going to get to audio from the evening that Trump was shot in Pennsylvania. That is just astounding, really. And then when you consider the story, it's if you didn't know what that audio was from, say you weren't even aware that Trump was shot and you were to play that audio, it almost makes you nervous not like what what in the world's going on here. And then when you put it in the context of that was the evening Trump was shot and the failures of the Secret Service and/or of all law enforcement that were on the job there. It's amazing. Yeah, it is amazing. And so many issues obviously that have come out since, especially in some of these committee hearings and as many of you have noted on the text line and we've talked about really nobody paying nobody going down. Nobody going down. I mean of course you had Kimberly Cheetel, but there was no other option for that one after her ridiculous performance in front of the Congressional Committee or was it a Senate Committee that first Monday that Congress returned. But since I mean no one on the scene, I keep seeing footage, even footage it was released a few weeks ago with one of the, I don't know if he was the head Secret Service agent on top of the roof talking with some of the local LEO and then there was more of this guy yesterday in the new footage and he just seems to completely be out of his depth. Now that is obviously talk about the interim. No, I'm talking about the person that was on the scene at the Baller PA rally. He seemed to be the one in charge. He was asking the questions on top of the roof after the shooter had been killed and he was made a appearance in this latest body camp footage that was released yesterday where he looked even more out of his depth than he did on top of the roof. He has, as far as I know, if he is the one in charge, he hasn't been fired or let go or I don't know if he's even been questioned in front of any of these committees. Instead, you have kind of these offensive linemen. You have Kimberly Cheetel and then the new guy, Roe, who have been kind of taking all of the heat for this and just complete failure on almost every level it seems. I think we're fortunate that there was a sniper that was able to kill the guy after the eight shots rang out. So then Roe, when he testified, that was a bit of an upgrade from Cheetel, but not everybody would say that the complete upgrade or that he was great and then testimony, then this says a lot to me. I saw something it was streaming live and so I wasn't cherry picking quotes from, you know, I was watching it for about 15 minutes, picking for Roe, the acting director, where he was, but it was a presser. And in that presser, he talked about the Pittsburgh office of the Secret Service and said they're really down right now. Yeah, I didn't really understand that when you brought it up. Like down, like they're pressed. Yeah, they're down. Like even if they are, even if they are and you're aware of it, that would be an internal thing to talk about. I don't think after the level of failure that was demonstrated that night that you talk about their feelings. Well, and you know, Pittsburgh FBI, they weren't the ones tasked with securing the rally. They were tasked with investigating and finding out about this Thomas Crooks after the fact. So the fact they're down, maybe he means they're just not able to during their investigation are all Secret Service in DC and then they're they're parceled out from there or they're are there. I really don't know how that whole thing works. I mean, I know headquarters in DC, but he was talking about local people under him. I don't think he was talking FBI. Anyway, whatever he was saying to talk about their feelings have to, yeah, it's like you get slammed by 50 points. So they're down right now. Yeah, I know because they played like crap. Their fans feel it too. Well, America is pretty down by that performance. So you don't have to tell us that your guys are down. We get it. They should be. Yeah, exactly. And you know, they kind of a slow leak of these different videos that are coming out. And you know, one of the initial reports was that when local officer had been boosted onto the roof by another officer and that when he got up there, Crooks, the suspect turned and saw him and then he fell and then Crooks shortly thereafter began firing into the crowd and at the president. That's a major part of this video yesterday. Now I was watching. You can't really see unless I hadn't slowed the frame down enough. You can't really see Crooks once the officer gets to the roof, its body can footage. So as he's climbing up, the view is more down building at the building and his hands as he's climbing up. But he, you know, both hands were kind of, he couldn't do anything. He was picking himself up onto the roof. So he couldn't draw his firearm. He sees this dude turn around. I guess you couldn't see it in the footage. So I don't know if Crooks turned around with his firearm raised or how exactly that happened, but it clearly frightened him enough that he fell and twisted his ankle. And that's really when the chaos began. So part of that chaotic audio that you're about to play is that is some of it sounded like it could have been in, but I didn't hear the gunfire. It could have been in between the time that the police officer spotted him and 30 seconds later, he fired off some shots. You know what part I'm talking about? There's chaos and it's like, I don't know, it sounds like he's describing what he just saw. So he's running and the first minute and a half of the video of one of the videos, I think there were three, maybe four videos that came out yesterday. I watched a couple of videos. One was uncovered by the Wall Street Journal. I think CNN pulled another one and somebody else pulled the longer version that was about five minutes with the officer's body cam who climbed onto the roof using another officer to hoist him up. First minute of that video where he's climbing onto the roof, no audio. So you can't hear shots being fired if that's when that is when it happened, but you can't hear the kill shots being fired at Thomas Crooks. You can see this officer after he falls off the roof there running to his vehicle to grab his long arm. And you also see all the chaos of the other officers. Remember just a couple weeks ago, there was footage from people who were outside the rally near that building. It was almost more like a tailgating situation. Remember, there was a horse lady with a Trump flag on a horse kind of riding by. And at that point, and that was about two minutes, two and a half minutes before shots rang out, local law enforcement had been kind of separated and around that building and looking up, they knew that something crazy was going on. They knew there was a guy, I think, on top of that building. And they just didn't seem to know what to do. Now, I believe local police were stationed in the parking lot behind that AGR building. You had, of course, secret service on top of the building that was behind Trump within the perimeter. And then you also had a local sniper team inside the building. And I think one of these guys that's in this body camp footage was in that second floor of one of those AGR buildings that's right next to the one that Crooks was on top of. Now, they're all kind of linked together with walks. What he boosted himself onto was kind of a HVAC unit, wouldn't it? Well, no. What he boosted himself onto was kind of in between the two buildings, like a covered walkway, maybe, almost something like that is what it seemed to be. So it was a little, but he climbed up there. He saw the guy he fell down. This audio here was from, I think they said around five to 10 minutes after this whole event went down. So officers were just figuring out how to get up onto the roof where Crooks had already been killed. They weren't sure if there were any other shooters, you know, if the scene was entirely secure or not. But this police officer who apparently was pretty involved, he's local, but he was involved with the staging of security for this whole rally. And he said, you know, earlier in the week, he claims that he told Secret Service that they needed to make sure that roof was secure. And I'm also seeing that a local law enforcement was asked by Secret Service to be on top of that roof. And they said they didn't want to have their guys up there in the heat. They said the 90 degree and above heat for that long of time and had decided to put their officers inside that building. And I believe one of these officers in the body cam footage was in the second floor of that building and noticed all this weird stuff going on. Here is one of the officers saying, I told them, I told Secret Service this. Start towards the farm. I can told them they need to post the guys in over here. I told them that the Secret Service, I told them that Tuesday, I told them the post guys over here. What? No. We're inside. I thought you guys were on the roof. No, we were inside. I told them the post guys over here. I wasn't even concerned about it because I thought someone was on the roof. I thought that's how they found out when you lose a guy walking back. They were on a roof. They were inside. I wasn't even concerned about it because I thought there was a guy on the roof. Because I thought we were on the post guys over here. I thought talk to the Secret Service guys over here. No problem. Well, that didn't happen. That was outside of their security perimeter, apparently. How bad does all that sound? In retrospect, knowing what happened, just complete failure to communicate, first of all, execute. But if you don't have the plan to execute, what the hell are you doing? Remember Crooks was on their radar for a good few hours before all of this. Yeah, at least two hours. As he tried to enter with the rangefinder that he had and then they sat back milling around about around the outside perimeter of the rally. Here is one officer after all of the chaos. He's on the radio and he talks about this guy that was creeping people out as he walked around the around the rally. The gentleman with the flat face who was creeping people out. He was watching. I think he said watching people in the woods by the water tower. So they had eyes on this guy. They actually they lost him somehow at some point and one local LEO was talking about how angry he was. And he couldn't believe that they lost this guy after having eyes on him initially. We're watching him. We were watching him. We couldn't find him. I'll call him the main character. They didn't release any names of any of these law enforcement officers. I guess for security reasons or something like that. But when other law enforcement arrived to the scene of that AGR building, this one officer who I believe is the same one who tried to scale the building and then fell back down. He's he's the one kind of telling everyone how to get up there. There's a lot of confusion about how to even get onto the roof. And he's describing kind of what the suspect had on him kind of what he looked like. They said a full kit. Here he is. He's got a full kit. He said he's laid out, prone to out book bag next to him. So that point he was dead. Obviously right after the shots. And of course, a major part of this is well, the communication problems and not being on the same channel. They said radio reception was poor and there wasn't a uniform communication channel for the events and tire security force, a coalition that included state, local and federal agencies. Instead, most officers were only able to communicate by radio with members of their own agency, but not directly with Secret Service. Secret Service agents also weren't inside a command post set up by local police ahead of the rally, meaning that critical information couldn't easily get to them. In some cases, intro had to be relayed three times before it reached Secret Service agents. Here is the same officer. He goes back onto the roof after Crooks is dead. And there's a couple other officers on there as well. I think he's communicating with one of the members of Secret Service. And he's like, I tried calling you guys. I can't believe we're not on the same frequency. Unbelievable failure on pretty much every level here, except for at least having someone in position to fire the kill shots. Now, it could have very well been have been after Trump had been killed if this worked out differently. And of course, you also had one rally goer that was killed and two others that were seriously, seriously injured. And it's know a lot of people are saying, well, it's already being memory hold. It's and I don't expect Kamala Harris to come out and make it a central theme of her campaign, right? And I don't know how much it does for Trump. If he continues to talk about the day that he almost died and and theorize about why this lone apparently lone shooter would do something like this, but maybe because he's not talking about it a whole lot and not a whole lot of other people are talking about it. It does in a way seem like it's been, you know, quote unquote, memory hold and that people have already tried to kind of forget about this. It feels that way. It feels that way. And it's just and the text lines going berserk right now because when you hear all that it and another thing and you know, this is just my thought on it. There's times that you you're on the job, but you have kind of a vacation feel to it. It's almost like this is exciting. Trump's coming. While we get to do this, you know, not really with your head fully in the game. And that would go. And I'm just saying that you you it's this has got to be accounted for in some way. They were on the job, but it doesn't sound like they were at their at their very best. And that would be the secret service. And that would be the local guys too. And, you know, a lot of excuses. The roof's too hot. Roof's too hot. Roof is sloped. You've heard Secret Service say, well, we're low on men. We don't have enough local law enforcement that same day said, you know, we have a lot of injured and people that just can't make it to this rally. No accountability. Not really on on any level. Was everybody at the Jill Biden party for the Secret Service? Were they all in place? They said what there were three times as many Secret Service at her smaller event than there were at Trump's outdoor event. There you go. Text line is two five one three four three zero one zero six. Temobile mornings into all the shows here at FM Talk 106.5. I believe we got Scott Butttram in for Jeff Poor today from the trust bill Tribune mess has the plan when Jeff's weekly guest. Right to the text line we go. Ricky refers to himself in the middle of his text about the Trump assassination attempt. Okay. I can't wait to hear this. Yeah. Can you do it in Ricky's voice? I cannot. Okay. And I will dance voice. I will not. Trump faked his assassination. It was all staged Ricky to get Trump's base back. So I don't know why Ricky's name is in the middle of his text about something that his name should not be in the middle of anyway. I think it just pops up every now and then he just says his name. Wanted to make sure that that we knew it was Ricky Ricky do. I'll say that's your theory that he faked that. Yeah. I think most people don't think that's the case. To me, you know, we we hear about all these potential terrorist attacks being foiled NFL games this fall. All 32 stadiums will have the ability to face recognize every single person in the stands via high tech cameras on drones or something like that. Our technology and investigative services have gotten so good at finding out what may be about to happen and according to them, foiling it before it happens. And I'm not saying it's an apples to apples thing and that they should have absolutely without a doubt known that a lone wolf was going to do that that day. But after the fact after all this has gone down and they go back and look, it is impossible for me to believe that they can't find out more about this crooks and his connections and why he may have done what he did because they are so good at doing that. Usually before the fact, right. And what else have we learned about his family, his mom and his dad other than just kind of basic information at the beginning, not that they're releasing up there. If they found out anything, if they learned anything, I haven't read it. It almost seems like, you know, rogue investigations done by people who apparently care more about figuring out why this happened than the federal government does. Those are the only things that are coming up with anything that might be interesting. I know Heritage Foundation was doing a bit of an investigation, somehow got some phone data and you can't take it to the bank because it's not, you know, the federal government that's putting this information out there. But they said that one of his phones had been to DC and had been at all these different places. I saw yesterday online, somebody pulled up the sign-ins, sign-in pages to the gun range where this Thomas Crooks would go to, you know, practice via his guns. And in at least four instances, he signed in at the exact same time as someone else did, same day, same exact time. But they've edited out. They've redacted all the other names except for Thomas Crooks. It may have been his dad going with him, but it really just leaves more questions than it does answers because they won't put any of that information out there. Failure that day and failure since that day. Yeah, they're not letting the people know what happened. 835 FM Talk 1065 and Mobile Warnings. Congratulations. We all made it to Friday. Right now it's time to head over to McConnell Automotive and talk with Louie Arata. Hey, Louie. Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? Hey, we're doing just fine. How are things looking over at McConnell Automotive? A big weekend on deck here. That's right. It's a big weekend. We've got cars stacked on top of cars over there, especially on the new car side, man. We've got a lot of stuff over there. Need to check that stuff out online at Got some good interest rates. And like I said, we're going to be there all weekend long. So come by and see us. Say hi. We'll get that car running. Get that cool day running in it and just come on by. Yeah. And reminder that you're also buying vehicles from customers. That's right. Just give us a call 251476 4141 to ask for Gene Eddie Hicks or Mike Hatcher. We've got three of them working them now. So I mean, if you want to get rid of something, just give them a call, give them the van, the miles a little description of it. That could be a price right up the telephone. That's a team right there. We appreciate your time, Louie. Hey, thank y'all. Have a safe weekend. All right, you too. That's Louie Arata. Go see him at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just East device 65 and the website look over. Oh, the fence for Democrats, a little bit and see what's going on over there, including James Carvel acting like an 81 year old mob boss. That was in the news so much. He's kind of amazing. By the way, your chance to win tickets here at some point in this next half hour. Also a lot next week, we'll give us more opportunities to see sticks and foreigner one week from tonight at the wharf sticks and foreigner the renegades and jukebox heroes tours. We'll give away a pair of tickets here within the next 24 minutes, a promise. Let's look at the text line 2513430106. Martin says, didn't those idiots guarding Trump do radio checks in advance? It doesn't doesn't seem like they did. Or if they did, they said, well, nothing's going to happen. I guess we'll make it without having direct communication between secret service and local law enforcement. That's what happens. The attitude of the security force, secret service, state police, whatever, it seemed like they were it was just this event they were going to be at. Yes, they were security, but it doesn't seem like they were really like zoned in with their job. And this probably doesn't really matter, but I couldn't help but think, well, all of this was going on. Now, the main guy here on this body camp footage, which again, they haven't put their identity out there, he seemed very, very concerned with figuring out how this happened and and trying to get to the guy as quick as possible. But I didn't hear anyone asking about, you know, how's how's the president? Did he get his head blown off? You know, and maybe some of that information came down to them during some of this point. They didn't say, you know, how many are dead out there? Now, I know right after it happens, you're just trying to stop what is happening. But one, none of them had anything to do with this stopping it. One moment at the very end of one of the videos, when they're already on the roof after the suspect had been killed, kind of a postmortem of what had just happened. One of what I believe was a local law enforcement officer said, so much for getting that picture with Trump. And it's like, wow, you know, especially now you go, oh my God, that that was the, and maybe, maybe that's, I mean, it's an exciting event when Trump comes to town, especially if you're in a rural place like that. So maybe there was a bit of them being more starstruck and not really worried about what might be going on than trying to take care of the business they were supposed to be there to do. I don't want to, I don't want to beat up on like one person saying something like that. If you were in the audience and you saw Trump get shot, and then he survives, obviously, if you were leaving, and you were just an audience member, and you were to say something like that, somebody would pump you. Like, that's so inappropriate. Like you're, you're not like, they would, they had to be in so much shock if you were in that audience. When you were leaving, nobody was throwing around cracks like that. Yeah. Well, and then I will say, and again, this is a minimal issue with this entire thing with what this one officer said, but I've been the type of person who during a very awkward moment or tough moment tries to kind of cut the tension a little bit. I guess that's what he was doing. Maybe say the wrong thing unintentionally, but yeah, if you were, okay, it would almost, you could forgive somebody. But if you were somebody who was involved in the security that event, and you, that's, that's pretty bad. Yeah. And I would like to have the audio. And maybe, maybe because is, I don't know, I mean, the body cam audio from this same guy came into the video later, but the first minute and a half when he's actually climbing up there, there's no audio. I'd like to know the reason behind that, whether it's as simple as the, there just was no audio for that camera or not, but you know, they have to ask simple questions. We need answers to simple questions. And something as simple as, Hey, why isn't there audio in this first minute and a half of him climbing up there and apparently seeing the shooter and then falling down and then the shots ring out? No audio from that part. Yeah. Todd from Grand Bay says, guys, that was such a gross failure. Makes you wonder if it was intentional or not. It's just that is such a dark thing and heavy thing to think, especially knowing that there have been instances in the past where the feds have been doing things that the American people wouldn't expect or want them to do regarding potential political opponents. I still think, you know, the easiest answer is usually, usually, the easiest answer is usually the correct answer. And for this instance, just complete complacency, the lack of communication, secret service, apparently not showing up for the planning stages of this event earlier in the week, I'm going to continue to go until some serious evidence is out there that this was just a complete failure on every level from secret service down to local law enforcement. Joel says, the more that comes out about the temperature, let's see, I'm trying to translate here, the heat, the more that comes out about the something on Saturday nation of Trump, the more it looks like the secret service was involved, plain and simple, because they knew he was going to try and attempt assassination. Okay, Joel, I'm trying to translate, I'm having too much of a difficult time. So if you'll maybe clean it up and we'll get your your thoughts out there. Rock and roll doctor says, where's the data from Crook's phone, computer game console, shouldn't the FBI know what's on these devices and communicated it to the American citizen? Yeah, just give us information. Just let us know more and there are people that are digging in and there continue to be hearings on this. But it's for how long ago is this? We're coming up on almost a month and still very little known about this suspect and and what he may have been doing during the planning of all this. Mr. Plot says, come on guys, you know, Jill needs more protection than Trump. She's a doctor for Christ's sake. This text, or Donald Trump said in his presser yesterday that they had another person in custody and seemed to elude that Crook's had an accomplice. Yeah, and part of that video, they talk about someone being in custody. I do know in another video I saw, you know, there were a lot of other bystanders that just happened to be around that building as part of they were like, they were at the rally, but not in the rally. Yeah, they tailgating exactly. They didn't go through security. They had their Trump flags and all many of them had their phones up and were videoing. And so I'm sure in the eyes of law enforcement, there were a lot of suspicious looking people out there, but they were just suspicious because they had eyes on this guy apparently before the law enforcement did. Joe says the assassination failure is like one on January 6th, the Capitol police opened the doors and let the protesters and the government is part of it. This texture, we would do well to remember the old saying that a wise man seeks reason and truth. There's nothing wrong with questioning questionable events, but believing something without proof opens us up to false knowledge. If the Trump assassination attempt seems off to you, it's because it was staged. People nothing hardly ever happens politically without planning. That's angry, patriot, Ricky. Okay. Let's see, Trump lost his Christian base because of warp speed. It destroyed America and real Christians will not vote anymore because we are awake now to the left right system that only benefits 1%. All right, Ricky. And Gardner says at a minimum, it's obvious that someone didn't want Trump to have the best security available. And yeah, I think that was from top down. I think that, you know, there's a lot of people that the Secret Service is in charge of protecting, not just the president and vice president, but also past presidents and family members and other important people around the sphere of the executive branch. So, but I think, you know, you had the Trump team saying, hey, we kept asking for more, more people. And then it comes out that, hey, did you know there are Iranian Iranian's planning on assassinating Trump? Yeah. We beefed a security up before this because we knew of these attempts and you go, really, you beefed it up? That's been beefed up. This happened after you apparently knew there was a threat on his life from Iran. And what's up with Google because I'm googling date of Trump, whatever, rally, date of Trump assassination attempt. It's not nothing's coming out. Nothing. Yeah. Date of Trump. It's not filling anything in. It's not taking me. It's not responding to I suppose I think I'm spelling pretty well. Well, that's because it was a politically divisive event, Dan. And they don't want anyone becoming even more divided because of, I don't know. I'm looking for that. I'm looking for the day, the date of the event. And it's not, it's not responding. So I don't know what that said. Yeah, that's, that's insane. KCC date of Trump is not filling anything. It's not okay. We're having some issues with the talk to text. But we'll keep going through this text here over the next segment, 2513430106. You mentioned our, well, I should say, you mentioned Quinn's friend, James Carvel earlier. And you've been kind of trying to tune in and hear, hear what Carvel is thinking about this. Yeah, I mean, I think it's always interesting to hear all sides. And it's, and he, he comes with, you know, there's 81 or so, and he's, he's an older gentleman now, but he's still coming with the fastball under the chin. No problem. I love that every, every time he talks, he sounds like he's at an LSU tailgate. I think that that's, that's baked in. Just mixing it up with the folks out there. That's, that's, that's the guy right there. Democratic strategist James Carvel took him into Senator John Federman from PA, of course, we know. He's on the politics war room podcast on Thursday. So, you know, I would, I would recommend that y'all do what I do sometimes and just listen to all kinds of podcasts, read all kinds of articles because you may not agree with them, but you'll have a better idea of what some people are thinking. He is really peoed at, at Federman. One of the great backstabbers in modern democratic politics is John Federman. I'm going to wait till after the election to deal with him, but he's somebody that must be dealt with and must be dealt with in real terms. That sounds like, and when you talk about the things he's saying, what does that mean? How's he going to deal with this monster of man in Pennsylvania? I don't know if James Carvel is well enough to get on a plane to address him face-to-face. That was, that's interesting. Also, some of these Harris rallies. So what, the Federman thing? Yeah, that was, so he, Federman's just been speaking his mind. I don't like his politics, but I like the turn Federman's made in the last few months. I don't care what you believe politically and what you want to see happen with the country, but don't lie, either side. Even yesterday, he was asked, "What do you think about Harris's chance of winning Pennsylvania now that she has waltz on the ticket?" And he said, "Still don't like her odds." That was Federman. And so that's, that's Federman. He said, of course, when she was, his people, the report was that his people, not Federman necessarily, but they contacted the Harris campaign people and said, "Hey, our guy John here is not a big fan of Shapiro." So just for what it's worth, he thinks he's too much of a, in it for himself. He'd be a bad guy to pick for that reason, maybe vice president. I don't know exactly what Federman was saying. I would guess that it was, it looks like that they're both Democrats. Now what, what Carvel said was that Federman won because of Shapiro, that Shapiro dragged Federman over the line because that was the year that he was elected governor, which is the same year that Federman got in. Democratic vote got him in in the first place. So he's saying he backstabed Shapiro. Backstabed Shapiro. And so anyway, he wants to, he wants, he's got issue with him there. And the other thing is, are these, help me on the text line, are a lot of the Harris rallies who hear these big crowds, they're actually concerts. Well, I don't know if a lot of them. Well, the one in Atlanta was. It was a concert. So he had a female rapper there and one of the Migos. But that, that'll draw a crowd. Well, yeah. And one of the reports was that after the performances and before, before Kamala took the stage, that people started pouring out of the auditorium, Georgia State. So you can take what you get, you get a big crowd there with the concert, and it's going to sound like a big crowd, audio wise, video wise too. But so you take what you can get if 12,000 people show up and 8,000 people leave, you still got four, whatever. That was the big torquing for democracy thing they had going on at Georgia State. And the last thing is this, the, in the poll, she's up. That's, that's, that's, that's for real, Marquette poll recently, but also that yesterday in Detroit, they had these shuttle buses that took everybody to wherever they were, away from the parking lot. And then two and a half hours after the concert, no, the, sorry, the rally, people still have not gotten, the shuttle buses disappeared. And now people were like peoed. So it's probably not good form to bring a bunch of people together. And then by the eight of the two hours up to the rally, they're, they hate you because you didn't return them with the shuttle bus. Yeah, I don't know if they hate her after that. Probably found a way to blame Trump or somebody, but she's using, you know, she's just sticking to the teleprompter. Yeah, get these rallies. Some debates. One after another, I got to read this CNN headline to you when we get back. Okay. About what Trump's trying to get Harris to do. Well, so we've got tickets to give away. And we have tickets to give away also and debates apparently or debate agreed to. And Trump's trying to get multiple debates with Harris. Have some of that audio on the way as well. Morning from Dan and Dalton, FM talk one of six, five, this little Dirk's family right there, but if Rock is more your thing, we got some tickets for you right now. Yeah, and Dirk's played at the war recently did. And so will next Friday night, Sticks and Forner, the Renegades and juke box heroes tour together live for the last time ever. I don't know if that means they're going to be battling each other to the death or this just means this the end of the road for their touring, but it won't take much. A couple great bands here, Sticks and Forner, caller number four, two, five, one, three, four, three, oh, one, six, caller, number four, two, five, one, three, four, three, oh, one, six, pair tickets to see Sticks and Forner together live for the last time ever war fam theater next Friday night tickets on sale at also the Wharf box office controversy in said summa. Yeah, a little bit of a controversy in said summa is of course this school year has begun and parents apparently worried about a a Facebook post that was going around that showed a picture of gates in front of the restrooms there at said summa high school and one parent spoke with Fox 10s, Natalie Williamson and said so this post also said that students would only be allowed to have two restroom breaks per day. It's at summa high school and this one parent spoke with Natalie Williamson and Fox 10 and she had her concerns. Let's just say that, you know, the only stores for a cycle in the middle of class and they're like, open, I can't go to the bathroom for another hour. Okay, if people bring their stanleys in their water cup and you can drink water all day, but you can only get in the bathroom twice. Yeah, that is if you're drinking your water cup and water out of a stanley all day, you are going to have to go to the bathroom. Yeah, so Natalie spoke with Jason Golden. He's the new principal at satsume high school. Apparently he he's done this at other middle and high schools. It's no surprise. Kids go if they know they can go to the bathroom and and screw around and waste time, they're going to do it. Yeah. And he said, you know, I've had success and it's not twice a day, but more often they're allowed to go to the bathroom. But he said, hey, this actually works if you give it some time. First off, we don't have a restroom policy. There's a difference between policy and procedure. And we do have restroom schedules to instill to maximize student instructional time and ensure that students are where they need to be in a safe and supervised manner. So he said there will be five opportunities throughout certain periods of the day for students to utilize the restroom facilities. A faculty will supervise each break. I don't know, maybe we can have a longer discussion on this next week. I don't have a problem with this. How about how about like with the DA's thing, what he put in place, and then they saw these results. How about upset? Summa's grades go through the roof because they're not going to the bathroom. You know, Sean only lets us go like once a day here. Yeah, I'm up at 10, 15. It's 859 with Dan and Dalton.