Next Take Podcast

Summer Fun

Today On The "Next Take Podcast" Mikel & Tanyka Discuss Everything About To Do During The Summer Time.

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Episode Produced By: Tanyka & Mikel

Uploaded By: Mikel Miles

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2h 11m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - What's up everyone? This is the next tape podcast, episode 43 with Michaela, and - And speaker. - Where we have conversations on different topics. So we're going to be talking about a season that is very much loved and very much valued in Canada. - Although around the world who had winter. - I mean that, Canada, we're not the only country that gets winter. - I know, but like, I don't understand that we're not the only country that gets winter, but like we value the summer days because you know, it gets cold in Canada. So yeah, like we only get like three or four months of summer. Pretty much like Cobblings, everybody. I always feel like three months of life, you know. A summer blow, we value it more because like. - I don't know about that. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. - I think a lot of people value it. It's not just about us. Ukraine gets some harsh ass winters. We are actually got off very Scott for you when it comes to winters, depending on getting where you are in Canada. But whoa, I think a lot of people value summer, not just Canadians. - I'm just going to say I value it more because I love. - Okay, fine. - I love the summer, summer times my favorite type of season. - You are a summer baby after all. - Yeah, yeah, my birthday's in August, so. But yeah, I don't like cold at all. Yeah, well, like when it gets near to the fall time, like when it gets autumn, it's beautiful. And it's like, you know, it's a little warmer, but when it gets like, you know, to those like whole days and the end of November. - Even autumn, it doesn't last very long. Like, I feel like autumn should last longer and it doesn't really and surely like technically fall autumn. It's supposed to go same amount of time with every other season, but really like we only get for like a month, really. - Yeah, yeah, we get, yeah, we get like fall autumn for like a month, which is kind of like. - Then we like to get spring, you know, actual, an actual spring. - Well, spring is kind of like winter mixed with like. - No, it's not. We're in spring right now. What are you talking about? - Oh, but like, you know, spring right now, but like right now we're towards the end of spring, going into summer next month. - Yeah, but we've been getting nice weather since April. - Yeah, so that's typical for us anyways. - In the beginning of spring, it's like, it's still like in the early it's like a little bit of winter and you know, and switch, which is understandable because it's season is changing, right? So like. - Yeah, some years we have gotten, I think it also depends on the year too, but we've had some years where it's like, it's like summer in March. And as I remember being in high school, being with like one of my friends and we didn't have a coat on or anything and it was just so nice and it was in March. And sometimes it just really depends, but people would argue that's probably global warming. At same time, you know, it's like, I don't, I don't, I particularly don't like the transition between winter to spring. Only because like, you know, you've got that muggy. - Oh yeah. - Boss, well, I hate that. - Yeah. - It's almost too bad, but yeah. - That's mainly in April though, April's. - It's like late March into April. - Into, well, sorry. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, I don't think, I don't remember the last time you got like a warm March like the like eight. - We had some, we had a couple of deeds here and there this year that were nice, but I mean, I think like April, most of April was pretty okay. The only time it wasn't was like the like April 20-ish around there is kind of what it was like. - Yeah. - A whole cooler, but yeah. I mean, you know, depending on the year, obviously with the weather and the transition. - Yeah. - One to the next one. This year was actually pretty good in terms of we, we didn't have any like snowfalls in April. That's unusual. We usually look at at least one snowfall in April that didn't not happen this year, I don't think. And yeah, I mean, I think that this year was good. We're still in spring. - Yeah, this year was good. - Yeah, it was, yeah, it's been good. It's been pretty well so far. So like, hopefully we get into summer and it's gonna be, I think it's gonna be like, you know, it's gonna be hotter from now. - See, I don't like that. Like I like the hot, okay, I'm wrong. I like it like this. - Yeah. - In May, like we're to the right now, how to the May. I like it like this, but like when it's like 40 degrees with the humidity, it's not the same. - I mean, it's good to work out in, to be honest with you. - Sure, but it's also not safe. - That's true, that is true. - It's not safe. - Okay, so somebody has. - Yeah, I don't like that feeling of not being able to breathe. So I don't, I don't like it. No one in my family does. Honestly, I don't know anyone that does. Even like my boyfriend hates that type of heat. My ex hates that type of heat and he from Jamaica, y'all. He didn't like that heat at all. He, he didn't not have a person about like that kind of heat. Eh, no, I don't like it. - Yeah. - I like it when it's nice and then that's a little wind and I can breathe, it's refreshing. - Yeah, I like, I like those types of summers that, you know, a little wind and then, and then sun and then mixture with like, you know, warmness. - Yeah, but I think this year, at least in Canada, I don't know about anywhere else, but I think it's gonna be a hot summer just because we had a pretty, temperature-wise, a pretty hot winter. I think the kind of forecast that it was gonna be kind of hot this year. - Last year was pretty, was pretty hot, wasn't it? Last year, you know? - We didn't have a lot of those days where we were like in the high 30s and to the 40s type temperatures. We had, I think like a week here or a week there, but it wasn't like crazy hot last year. Like that really disgusting heat. We didn't have a lot of that. We had some, but not a lot. - Thank you for sharing. - I literally, when I would, had my last job, where we'd have to do like, "Bake runs." That summer, I think it was like 2016 and 2017, that year. So like, so I think it was 2017, no, no, sorry, I'm around 2016. That summer was horrific. And I had to keep going outside all the time. It was horrific. It was the worst summer to have to do that in. - Yeah. - And like, I'm going to this thing to that thing, click here. It was the worst situation and oh, it's gross anyways. - Yeah, yeah, it is. Okay, so what are we gonna be, other than we just talked about like, you know how? - A little intro about summer and seasons and stuff. - Yeah. - We're just gonna have a little fun with this episode. You know, we might talk about like our own experiences, maybe at the end, but we're just gonna kind of talk about like different summer activities that you can do like with your kids or use an adult. You can, we're gonna talk about like, I kind of came up with this idea on the fly, the top summer songs in the last like 24 years. I think it was gonna be kind of fun. So we're gonna do that. And then we're gonna go. - Also, also like up 10 summer activities for your healthy body as well. You know, probably might do that as well. - Okay, so he might include that in there. And I mean, some of this is like, it's not like just sitting around doing some of the things I have are like, like extra would be considered. So that honestly, any movement your body is doing, it's exercise. Cleaning your house is exercise, you know, going for a walk as exercise. Y'all having sex as exercise, that's fun too. So, you know, everything your body's doing is considered exercise, but maybe he'll have something else to contribute to that. So we'll look for that. And then, you know, I love doing this, kind of fun summer movies. Some of the movies on, like I didn't include it with some of the movies that were on that list. I'm like, how is that the summer movie or like a fun, just summer movie? But anyways, we'll talk about it when we get to it. - Okay, all right, let's get to the episode. (upbeat music) - Fun activities that you can do, which can include your kids, is you can go on like a road trip. Road trips are fun. And again, like it doesn't have to be like a crazy road trip. If you're just kind of going from like, you know, one town to another, that's like maybe someplace you haven't been before, sorry, my voice. Okay, so yeah, you can definitely do something like that. You can explore a new city, so you can kind of tie in that road trip into exploring like a new city. I mean, there's definitely places here that I look like a love to do that. And they Paris, Ontario looks gorgeous. I would love to go to Paris, Ontario and check that out so that could be, you know, you can read a book outside. Now, I don't know about any other place, but here in Ontario, I would advise if you are gonna read, now this episode is coming out in July, but if you are gonna read a book, I would stick to June or July because once you start hitting August and more so towards the end of August, is what you'll start getting attacked by hornets? And they will hurt you. They don't give a shit. - I'll have that stone by one, so like-- - Look how you did it. That's my worst fear. My worst fear is being stung by a hornet. - I was putting on the graduate chat work and then-- - Oh yeah, they love that shit. - Yeah, they love to be around the green dumpsters and just like pieces in there. And then I opened the garbage bin and basically one just came at me and just like-- - Oh, no. - You can be on the arm, so. - Oh, shoot. Yeah, I had like, this is why I don't, especially during the summer, I don't put like our garbage or green bin out. Actually, I don't do it at any point of the year, just because I've actually done it in colder weather and still raccoons are knocking it over. But especially during the summer, 'cause you're not only getting, you're also getting the flies and they fly either laying their eggs and no one wants to touch a maggot. However, I had it happen a couple of years ago where the garbage or the green bin or something was, knocked over, ripped open, thank you raccoons, you trash pandas. And then when I go to try and fix it, which I hate doing it either anyway, when I try to go out there and fix it, there was hornets everywhere. I literally said, "Oh, the fuck not." And I left it there. And I called my grandpa and I told him help. He came and helped. I don't know if he got signed by anything, but he came and he helped. - He did good. - I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna, I hate them. They're, they're, I hate, I hate August. No offense, McCall, I hate August. It's the worst time for that reason, indeed. - Oh, yeah, well, like I used to be afraid of bees. I don't understand people. - I don't, yeah, I'm not afraid of bees anymore. They don't want to hurt you. - I'm not afraid of weeds anymore, but like I used to be. - Yeah, I used to be too. I used to be too, I think that's normal. - Yeah. - I think I also was scared to be because my grandma got signed by one. - Yeah. - But it was, I know now, like they really, really don't want to hurt you. They just wanna get some honey. That's all they want. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The dandelions on the grass and everything. - Well, I don't know if they're going for dandelions, but they're going for, 'cause I don't think they just pollen in dandelions, but they're going after the ones that have pollen. So they're going to go, I think most flowers have pollen anyways. - Right. - Yeah. - Interesting, okay. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Well, I am, I have nothing to say about, you know, not about like me not liking, I think, all August and anything like that, but like- - Well, that would be weird. - Yeah, yeah, I know. (laughs) But, well, yeah, I understand, like, you know, getting a stomp and being afraid of getting a stomp. So like, yeah. Just like, you know, try to, try to like walk away or, you know, just try to stay. - You do, I have. I have literally done that and they'll come after you anyways. So they will, yeah, they will go after you. They don't like- - Yeah. - The purpose is to rehab it. - Okay. - No, huh, huh. - It's not like a bee. You can walk away from a bee and they'll be fine. Or that's will literally follow you. - I mean, some bees- - I don't know why. - Well, yeah, I'm going back to the bees. Like, some bees do follow you. I'm like, and it's like, not like the flies. The flies do, some flies can be annoying. - Oh, yeah. - And they do follow you. But like, you know, we have bees. - Bumble bees, for sure. I think like, they almost do their own thing. But there is another kind of bee that I don't think are bumble bees, but they're like, I don't know, regular bees. And they might follow, but still they don't. I don't think they really wanna sting. 'Cause they die. Like, they know this. - Oh, yeah. - No, they die. The sort of hornets, they die too. - Yeah, they know. - But they don't care. They're like, whatever. Like, super sorry bees. They're fine. Do you actually know that like, you know, bees and hornets, they kind of attack each other? Like, when they go into their home, they're kind of like, you know? - So, a bug's life was real? - Yes, it's kind of, 'cause I've seen a clip out there and, you know, when a hornet goes into it bee, they're kind of like bees nest. The hornet tries to attack the bee and be, you know, try to like, you know, crowd around the hornet to make this type of like, like, when the bees crowd around each other, they make this type of heat, you catch what I'm saying? - I think so. - Yeah. And then the heat kind of just like, not melt the hornet, but like, kind of like-- - Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. - No, no, there doesn't melt the hornet, but like, it kind of like, you know, I want to say it just kills the hornet. - Yeah, yeah, out the way. - Yeah, I saw that, yeah, I saw a clip based on that and I was, and I thought, I thought like, the hornets, the bees are friends. I'm like, no, it's just like, you know, some birds-- - They're completely different. - Oh yeah, it's, it's like how some birds do eat other birds, which I find kind of awkward, like the woodpeckers. - Well, I mean, I still feel like I wanted to bait that 'cause I just don't get the how they do that. But yeah, there's birds of prey. So they're a little small bird, but they're other birds, or other animals. Yeah, there's birds of prey, like that's, like, you know, a bird of prey would most likely eat mapper 'cause he's tiny. So, you know, yeah. - See, I don't have fishes too. Fishy, the other fishes, which is-- - Of course. - Yeah, that's, I guess, I guess it's normal. - Well, yes, because it's the circle of life, right? You're not gonna, a fish isn't, a fish that eat other fish and they're gonna come out of the ocean and eat another animal. They're gonna eat what's around them, right? Same thing with, you know, the animal kingdoms, I mean, some of them do go with the water, like bears, any other fish, right? But they're also gonna eat other animals. Actually, I don't think bears and eight other animals but that's fish. But, like, a lion or something, for example. So, yeah, that's just how it is. I mean, people don't eat up. Some people want to eat people, but-- - I don't think that, I don't think that, whoa, it happened. - What, what? Of course it's happened, of course it's happened. I don't think it's like a, you know, mother nature type of thing, like people. - I don't know, I can't speak on that. But there are, there are still tribes out there that are carnivores, I don't know carnivores, cannibals. There are tribes still out there, some are not around here, but there are tribes that still do it. Yeah, so that's what they do. - Help, okay. - Yeah, anyway, let's not talking about cannibalism, then let's go back to summer. So, yeah, you can also ride a bike if you want to. You can go fishing. I hate going fishing, but I have done that, but you can do that. - The thing I don't like, well, actually, you have to embrace yourself and, you know, try to like, you know, wear certain things to hold on to fishing, like going to, when you go to a pond, obviously there'll be like a lot of mosquitoes and in your face and in a lot of-- - Yeah, but you can't control some mosquito, like-- - Yeah, I know. - They can still bite through your clothes, so I've had that happen. I've had a mosquito literally by 13s. It doesn't, it doesn't make a difference. They're determined. - Isn't there some type of like, you know, like fishing suit that you're supposed to wear, like one of those like, jumpers? - That's it, doing a fly fishing. - Okay. - And fly fishing is when you're like in the pond. Regular fishing, you're not in the pond. You don't have to wear that. It's only when you're flying fishing. - That'll be on it, yeah. - So you can do bike touring, so, yeah, like I guess if you want to tour somewhere or something. Like if you want to go and sell one of the islands off the Toronto, you can, they do have like, like there was like Center Island, I think, does that? So you can do something like that, I guess. - You can lounge near a water, like a body of water. Doesn't matter what that is. It could be a pool, the lake if you're here in Ontario or an ocean or a river or whatever. Whatever body of water you can just lounge and do nothing. - And they have that so great. I spent two days as we can doing nothing. It was, I've never done that before, it's great. - Yeah, it's comfortable. - Yeah. - I'm sure everybody else loves it just. - My boyfriend doesn't. He alone, he likes to have some purpose. He doesn't like doing nothing. He's complaining to me yesterday. - I mean, like if you, if you come from work and you just like come home, you just want, you just feel like just something. - Oh, yeah. - Absolutely nothing. - With him, like he, he hasn't been working. Like it's, like, that we can't off. And he doesn't, he doesn't do well without doing like something. So I don't know why he hasn't gone to the gym or something, but anyways, he needs to have some purpose. He has to kind of keep going just why like, I always tell him like, listen to your body 'cause your body's gonna tell you you're enough enough stuff. Like he just loves to keep going. I don't know, that's just how he is, but he wants to do nothing. Me, I'm different. If I have an opportunity to do nothing, I'm loving it. That's exactly what I did. I spent Friday watching Bridgerton. That's all I did, was watch Bridgerton. And then loved it. I loved it anyways. You can have a staycation in a resort, but then it's not a staycation anymore. That's more, that feels more like a vacation than a staycation 'cause it's a staycation when you're home. - It depends on why you... - I guess if you were to do a staycation like a home near home, I guess it would be considered a staycation, I guess. - Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I would say stay in home. I won't say not doing anything, but like more like self-activity. So like if you want to just like, you know, cut off from electronics or you cut off. - Yeah, but that is what I consider a staycation, but this is saying doing it at a resort. That's, to me, that doesn't feel like a staycation anymore. If you're actually like not home in your physical home, but you're like in a resort, I don't have a staycation. That's a staycation, I would think. - I think that's more like, I don't know, like staycations more like stay in home. - Yeah, I thought I was for you. - Like like I said. - Or doing like activities around home. - Yes. - It's still like a staycation. - Yes. - But like if you're at a resort, where's the resort? 'Cause first of all, there's no resorts near us. So like maybe if you already live in a resort, please like Hawaii, for example, ensure that's a staycation, but I guess like doing like for me, or if we were to go to a resort. - What about, you know. - That's not a staycation. - What about being in your cottage? Like I would-- - That's not a resort though, that's a cottage. And that I would think is a staycation though. - Yeah, I would consider it as a staycation. So like, yeah, like I said, like cutting yourself away from certain things like electronics and just like going outside and standing by your cottage and just like reading a book and, you know, just more self, - Love care. - Yeah, self-love care, yeah, I would say that. So I would say that's a staycation in my opinion, but probably have different aspects of what staycation is. - I guess though, you can go camping. I won't, but you can, if you want to go camping. You can go to the beach. We got beaches here in Ontario, you can do that. I wouldn't advise going in the water, but some people do. That's their choice. - Yeah. - By all means. - I went to the water one time, and it smelled like-- - Yeah, no, I'm not going in Lake Ontario to forget it. - Yeah, it smelled like-- - The only body of water I recall ever being in in this country or in this province is so, but my grandparents' friends had a cottage and I would go in that water and it was fine. I'm sure it still is. And then it was like a beach. It was the other place that we went to, but I was like nine. I'm not going in that now. I would not go in with say a beach town. It's not happening. It's absolutely disgusting now. In this phase of like 20 plus years, it's gone so gross, but that's even, it was already gross even before that. It was like maybe, I think it's like getting gross like 10 or so years ago. This is not doing it, but again, some people do. You do you. So you can also do recreational nature walks if you'd like. Not necessarily like a hike, but just walking through. We have for some people that would be relaxing. Just doing, it's like a nature walk. A more space, you're careful. And you, yeah, because for me, the true crime part of me is like, I'm real scared to go into nature. Because for sure, it's for deaf people. But if that's something you'd like to do, by all means, don't let me stop you. I just, you know, people lurk, it's scary. But anyways. Yeah. You can, mm-hmm. Oh, I just want to say, I'd just be cautious. Yes. Yeah, but. You can do a picnic and a park, you know, into your own thing. No, I didn't have a few times. A few times, yeah, a few times. Yeah, go ahead. If you are capable of doing this, like if you're near, like, I guess there's whales in like, ocean or something, and you can do that, you can go whale watching. No, that sounds really cool. I would, I would do that. Yeah, whale watching. Yeah, whale watching. Yeah, your normal whale watching is. Do you have not much whales in Canada? If you're going to, like, the oceans, you've heard, yeah, Pacific or Atlantic, you can probably find whales there. Yes. Bird watching as well. You can do that. Yeah, you can do bird watching if you want to. I mean, whatever. Maybe it's because I have a bird. I'm like, I already do bird watching. You can also visit a wildlife safari. So like, we have African lions safari here in Ontario. That's really cool. I've done that before. And they just lock up to your car. It's really cool. The lions did knock the lions. They're like, I'm too good for this. If I like to rap, the monkey. Yeah, it's really cool. So you need kind of something like that. You can go to a museum, or like a cultural door. I know I've never heard of a cultural door, but museums were sure. I love a museum. Yeah, I wanted one of those. Kind of done my, what was it, Ontario sign? What's it? It's Ontario. That's not really technically a museum. The Science Center is not technically a museum. And you can go to the, oh, shoot, why aren't they all coming to me right now? You can go to here in Toronto. We have the AGO, A-G-O. I can't remember the full title of it right now. And then there is the museum. I don't know why I can't remember. But the name of the museum right now, I've been there like a few times. So, some reason not coming to me. But it's on, in Toronto, it's on Bloor Street. And the Bloren, is it Bay? No, university, university. So you can, that that's the other museum in Toronto. I've been to museums in Ottawa. I've been, I love, I love a museum. I love a museum. So you can attend a basketball game, but isn't basketball season like pretty much? Yeah, it's pretty much over, but there is, you can go to like, you know, there's outside. I guess, do they do anything like off season? Yes, they do actually. Summer, there's a summer season, but it's not like with the, it's more so with the rookies. Okay. And the sophomores that I've been. So, so kind of like college basketball? Is that what I'm looking for? No, it's more like, you know, it's training, it's like... I try, okay, so what's it? Training camp, it's like training camp, but like preseason, but like it's basically for the summer. Got it. Yeah, it's... Okay. I mean, that doesn't feel exciting to me, but you know... I mean, depending on how you see it like... Oh, for sure, yeah. Too basketball fan. Yeah, yeah. Do that. Well, is that for me, it doesn't seem exciting, but... Yeah. Yeah. So, I don't know what this is. I'm not really saying this as an option, but what the hell is bedciting? Is that like where you're just in bed? 'Cause that sounds phenomenal. But like, I don't know what that is. So... Bedciting? Bed, like B-E-D, bedciting. Like, I don't know what that is, but I'm curious. Maybe someone knows what that is. 'Cause I'm like, what is that? But anyways, we're just gonna keep going. You can volunteer in a nature park so you can do something that kind of, you know... You know, just kind of... It do something that's gonna keep your mind going. Yeah. So, you know, there's something you can do that. You can attend a park-themed yoga session. I've seen those. I've seen those in Toronto. Yeah. In a park, yeah. Yeah. You can go swimming, you can go caving, you can go ice skating, obviously, if it's indoors, you can do that. Sliding. I don't know how you go sledding. Maybe you can go sledding. Like, if you go through areas. Yeah, you go sledding. Water. You know those water parks you go... Water sledding. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Hemaking in the park. You can play hide-and-seek, which I think all kids have done. 'Cause I'm four-year-old. I definitely have to go ahead and seek with friends or family. Rock climbing, that's something my brother has done. Rock climbing, indoors though, but that's something he's definitely done. Disc golfing, which is definitely something that has kind of been on my eyes lately. Fish golfing? Disc golfing. Oh, disc golfing. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's very famous when it comes to summer activities. Yeah. You can go motorcycle riding if you so choose, you know, you can do something like that. You could have like a water balloon or a water gun fight, which I think again, especially because of the 90s have definitely done. You can attend a music festival, which there's always some sort of music festival going on in summer, you can definitely do that. You can also, you can also do a outside movie theater. Yeah, there's not many though. There's not many in Canada. Yeah, it's that. Like the only one we have in Ontario is in Newmarket. And I don't even know if they're still open, but that's the only one we have it. And I don't know. I know they pop up. I know like the city does something in Toronto here and there towards like the end of summer. And it's only for a limited time, like. Yeah, I don't even know where they would do that in downtown. There's not like, there's no space for it. I don't know where they would do it. But like a true drive-through theater, that only one is in Newmarket. We actually searched that up. Yeah, our family searched that up before because we were actually curious about doing that. The only one is in Newmarket. Sad. That's it. That would have, that would have been popular. I feel like I wouldn't be popular in the summertime to be honest with you. Yeah, but it's also a really old school thing to do. Like, we don't do that anymore. Especially in this time, people rarely go to a regular movie theater anymore in the same way they used to. So I just, and especially, again, if it's only one place, you also have to do in a place where it allows for it. Not every place allows for you to do an outdoor movie theater. So, Newmarket is able to do that, I don't know. And also, you can do your own movie type of outside movie theater if you have-- If you have every capable of doing so, yeah. Yeah, resources. I wouldn't be able to, but yes. There are people who can't do that. I mean, you can have a projector, like, put a projector. Yeah, but what I want to mean is that everyone has the backyard capable of doing it. Mm-hmm. My backyard is not feasible for doing that. So that's why I say, like, for some it might work, for some it might not. Right. Oh, yeah, no. I understand that it would still be, in my opinion, like, I think the city should just, like, build more, but, or build a couple where, you know, people can enjoy this experience. Well, when you say the city, where do you meet in Toronto? Yeah. Toronto, Durham, and just in Pacific places, not just a reusable area. Right, obviously, obviously not, but, again, if, I don't know how often you're going downtown Toronto, 'cause that's probably, would be the place to do it. Mm-hmm. There's no space for that. There's no space for that. And at least downtown Toronto. If you're going to do something like that, you're going to have to come out of downtown Toronto. And people may not necessarily want to go to, like, Etobicoke, to do something like that, 'cause, like, and you're just right out of Toronto. People go far from downtown Toronto. So, this is, I just don't see where they could do that. Nice. Well, as a person who goes downtown every week, I just don't see where you do that downtown. There's probably more, I don't know, there's probably more to downtown than you can eat. I've been everywhere downtown. And down, and again, you have to remember what is considered downtown Toronto is from, like, Union Station, to, like, Dundas-ish area. Once you go further, you're no longer down, you're now, Uptown. But even Uptown is the small space. Right. And I have been all over for different reasons. Mm-hmm. There's no space downtown. They bill over everything in those places. Oh, that's good, but still fine. I feel like, there, there, no, where there's a world there's a way, so. I hear it's right. There's, I'm telling you, there's, there's no space for that. Like, I even had a conversation with my mom about, like, why don't they have, like, a Dave and Buster's in downtown Toronto, why is it only in, like, Oakville or Vine? And my mom's like, where would you like them to put it? There's no space for that. I don't think it's that. I think it's just where the owner or the CEO feel like, you think if they kind of have done business, if you think they couldn't have put one in downtown Toronto, you think they wouldn't have done that? Where are the locations? Where's the Dave and Buster? There's one in Oakville and there's one in Faun. Those are the only two we have, and I think all of Canada. That's only two? Those are the only two. There's got to be a reason, bigger than that. There's no, there's no, there's no room in Toronto for something like a Dave and Buster's. That's probably what it comes down to. Is that in, you said in Canada, right? Not just Toronto. I believe it's all in Canada. It's only those two. Yeah, so there's got to be more reasons to that than just. Well, yes, if you go to the States, you're probably going to find a Dave and Buster's saying why you're front of two horns or everywhere. But when I'm saying it, when they, I always chose to put one in Ontario, why wouldn't they have it one in the most famous cities and really drew a lot of Canada? That's what I'm trying to get at. I don't, well, I don't think that's a real thing. I think they're just, I think they're skeptical. They're probably, when did the, well, sorry for the one talking, when did David Buster launch in Canada? I don't know that. They've been here a while, though. I know that. Because my mom went to David and Buster's when she was working at a company that she hadn't been at for like 20 years. So they've been here a while. Um, I, I just, I just don't know, I don't know. I think it's just a bit of a decision. I don't think it's just, maybe it's been a bit of a run, but again, I'm just going to, I'm just kind of going to the fact that you can have your opinion all you want, but unless you are in Toronto, literally every day, like I have been, or obviously now, with COVID, I'm not in there every day. In downtown Toronto, I just don't know where you put something like it. And I'll do them with the other. I just don't know where you put that. There's no space. Like I said, there's the world, there's a way. You can say you say in that, Macau, but facts are facts. I just don't know where you put that. A park is still... They, they... It's, it's not meant to put that. At least on a permanent basis. They created a park already, they're creating a park already in the downtown, so they, like I said, there is a will. And none is a will. We have a bunch of parks already. Yeah. So where there's a will, there's a way. So like there's a way. Yeah, again, you have to allow for the space for a movie theater, a park, and a movie theater, like an outdoor movie theater, or two different things. You have to allow for the space for the screen. You have to allow space for people to park. You need to allow for space for food to be purchased. It's, it's not like it's a small feat. Yeah. I just don't want to say where you put that in downtown Toronto. What's that, there's a, well, there's a way. You can say in that, I'm just telling you. And they're definitely not going to, they're definitely not going to do that in Toronto. Oh, I'm just saying that, like, if they, they should pull it, like, you know, a little more here and there, but I'm not. Yeah, well, we're under construction in Toronto. They're not doing that any time soon. Yeah. Like we've been under construction for like 10 plus years. In a circle to downtown. No, no, they're not doing that publicly. That's what I just said. Oh, I thought you meant like, you know, outside, like a little bit outside of downtown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you're doing it a little outside, but it's still not going to be close for some people. I mean, they could be that, you know, the skating rink. With skating rink. The skating rink. Masonville Square. Yeah, they could do it like something. No, there's not enough space there. I mean, there's a area. Let's have you seen the skating rink? It's tiny. It's not that, it's not that tiny, but it's not that big. And it made me feel square. It's not just the skating rink. It's also with City Hall. Yes. So there's no space for that in the Villsboro. They also have done events like, you know, the Toronto Rapids won a championship. Yes, but doing events and doing a movie theater is two different things. Oh, that's what I'm talking about. Like, if you want to do it in an event based on, you know, doing a outside, they could do that. But like, you can't park it there, though. Have you seen the Villsboro? Like, have you physically seen Nathan Villsboro? Yeah, I've seen it, I've seen it. Okay, where do you, where do they park? Where do they park? Where do they park inside Nathan Villsboro? Where do you park? Because if you want to do the movie theater, you have the skating rink, where do you park? I'm trying to remember. Because we're talking about door movie theaters, which are like, you go and you park and you watch a movie. Not sitting in an area and watching a movie is technically not a driver, like a driving movie theater. I don't want to take it. I don't want to take it. I'm thinking more of like, you know. You don't want to take it, I'm thinking more of like, you know, outside. Okay, and yeah, we've done stuff like that before, too. Yeah, yeah. But when I-- Yeah, but we're talking about doing a drive-in movie theater. You have to allow for the space for that. And Nathan Villsboro, isn't it? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm okay. Well, I'm also talking about like, not in your circle downtown, more so like a little bit outside of downtown, where there's probably a possibility of like, you know, creating one, but like-- Yeah, but that also depends on where you're going. Yeah. Again, it's not always feasible for me because I'm someone. It's not always feasible for somebody else. Right? Yeah. Yeah. To allow for that, like, I just don't know how you do it. And some are in certain places. There is, well, there is certain places. They have done it before. I think they've done it like a couple of years ago. It was a limited time. I saw the event as CP24. I think they did like, you know, the first event was Titanic, which, you know, everybody's favorite, like, you know, movie to watch. And then I don't know what's the other movie, but like-- But yeah, they did like a two event. A two event, two movie event. Again, from little personally, then this might be my issue and everyone else's. I'm not gonna watch a movie like Titanic that I have to pay for, that I can watch for free in the stage. Here's the thing. You're thinking my dad, but-- Yeah, but I don't want to see a movie. I want to, I want, like, the use to do back in the day. Right. They would play a new movie. I don't want to try a movie there. I understand. That's what I want. 100% understand that. There's people that think like that. But like, there's also people that think for the experience. But that's why I said that's me. That's the first thing I said. That is my opinion. That's me. I'm not gonna spend money on a movie that I can literally watch for free. They play Titanic repeatedly on TV. I understand that. That's for me, though. That's why I said that right off the bat. That is my issue. Someone else might think-- So you wouldn't go there for the experience with a friend or, you know, with a-- Not a movie that I may own or I can see on my own. No. And if that friend wants to go to a-- They can pay for me. I'm not paying for it. I don't know. I'm not wasting my money to do that. Okay. Yeah. And that goes for even like me. I'm a powerhead. I'm not spending my money to go watch a movie that I already own. I'm not doing that. Well, there's people, like I said, like I know it's your opinion, but there are people out there that I want to do it. Okay. Look how, like I said, that is my opinion. Oh, yeah. I said that. I said that. But I'm just saying that there are people out there that I want to just do that. Yeah. And that's why I said right off the bat. That's my opinion. And someone else might think differently. And that's fine. I'm just saying for me, I don't-- I wouldn't do it. Okay. I've seen Titanic way too much, but I don't need to go see that in theaters again. There's Schindler's list as well. I don't think that'll be a family movie. No. I would actually go-- I think it tells me that's a knot. Yeah. I would actually go see Schindler's list again. And, you know, for an experience, it is being outside and knowing how it feels again. Yeah. I never watched the most less than theaters anyway. Really? You never watched Schindler's list at all? No. I've seen it. But I never seen it in theater. I saw it in school. Yeah. Me too. All right. We took a look at it. Let's go back. Um, so, yeah, you can try scuba typing if you want to. Um, you can do, like, a crafting type of activity. Um, you can go wine tasting. And there's plenty of places here in Ontario that you can do, especially near Niagara Falls. You can do wine tasting. Um, you can, well, if you want, you can do window shopping, I guess. I don't know who really does window shopping anymore, but you can. You can do window shopping if you want to. Uh, just for fun or just like, you know, that's when window shopping is. Because maybe you'll be inspired, maybe it's something. I'm just people who do window shopping. Um, I mean, if you're, if you're an artist and you're trying to get some type of. No, no, no. Well, there's people who do window shopping. Not for that purpose. Um, window shopping is a thing. I don't particularly like doing window shopping, but window shopping is a thing. It's not for me, but there are people I'm sure who don't want to shop. Yeah. Um, you can't end a film festival now. I don't know how many film festivals have been here in Ontario. Um, during the summer. Um, don't, I mean, I don't know if the Sundays hasn't happened here anyways, but, um, the only one I know is Tiff. Yeah, I was listening to that. That happens in there. That's September-ish. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, anyway, you can watch a movie in a cinema. So if you are a Deadpool fans, you can, you can watch that on July. There you go. Um, tickets are available right now. Oh, they are already as we reported. Oh, shoot. Yeah. Oh, I know they're already available. Yeah. Um, you can visit a farmer's market. So like even, um, near, I don't know if they do it anymore. They used to do it during, uh, before COVID at all the time, but there's always farmers' markets like right outside my work. And they would come like adding twice, twice a week. And you go down there and you get like different things. And yeah, it's fun. It's fun to see when it's perusing. Yeah. Um, but yeah, it's. Especially in their autumn, that's where they spring, spring out. I think the farmer's market. It's, oh, can you hear the lawnmower going? No. Okay. Um, I think farmer's market is more of a during the summer. Um, then because again, a lot of the things that come out. At least here, here again, it's because everyone else, the fruits that kind of come out for Ontario peaches or strawberries and what that is during the summer. So that's, that's more when you will see a farmer's market. So it's just during them. But for all time, they're starting to line down. Sometimes they've all something to do spring, like I noticed a one in pick. The one in picking her, the pick her mom comes up like every, I would say, around August. August. But that's when a lot of the fruits come out. Yeah. It's in August. Mm hmm. A lot of our Ontario fruits come out around like end of July and August. Yeah. Um, and that's not the call. That's not the call. That's still somewhere. Oh, but it's still me. August is. Yeah. But yeah, they might stick around depending. Um, I, I have seen them push it into September, but, um, like they, they're, they're winding down at that point though. So, um, you can go on a couple of dates. You know, if you're a couple, if you can go on a date, you should be doing that anyways. You know, keep things alive. Um, but you can go on a date. Um, you can host a game night with friends or family. So you can do that. We've done game nights in my family. So often so you can do that. Snook and ladders. I hate that game. Never. You're, you're really going in with the old school games. Yeah. I feel like there's some new ones that you can probably do as well. I just haven't, I haven't touched it. I might be looking into that in the near future. So then again, I'm the one who lives the place you're real pursuit. But anyways, um, you can take us to Ramen's class. I've done ceramics before. It's actually really cool. So you can do that. Um, you can visit a tourist attraction in your area. So I mean, I don't know if we have many tourist attractions here in Durham. Oh, that's not true. We definitely do. We have like the forts and stuff like that. Is Kingston Kingston considered, Kingston's not considered Durham. So no, that's the only one I was thinking of. But, um, you can visit like with different forts. You know, if you, if, um, as mentioned, as I mentioned in the, um, paranormal episode that came out back in May when you're here in the Central High. Um, I talked about going to Casa Loma. So that's a tourist attraction. Um, and haunted. And, um, and yeah. So like this is probably different places you can go to. They're like tourist attractions. So it's not necessarily like a theme park, but you can do something like that. Um, so you can go to the park with your pet, which I mean, again, you probably can just do any type of anyways. I can just be really careful when taking your pets to a park that they don't get like into bushes and stuff and potentially bring ticks home to be very careful. Um, you can attend a food truck event. That sounds kind of fun. I do a food truck event. There's something about, I don't know if there's, I don't know if it's still there. I mean, look how you can tell me, but there was a food truck, um, near the, like Ontario near you. And they have the best french fries. Like the best french fries. They're so good. This was, this was a while ago, but it was the best french fries. Um, anyways, um, there's, there's a one in Dafford. I used to be in the Dafford. There's a festival. Was it a festival? They do. They do like different festivals. Like tasting the Dafford and stuff like that. So maybe there's like a bed. That's one. I would say tasting that. That's the one. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'd say this one. Oh yeah. Yeah. But I've never been to the taste of Dafford. So I don't even know if that, like how that works. But yeah. Um, yeah. So you go to an amusement park and you got, you know, we have at least one major amusement park here in Ontario. So you can go there. I was about to say that the most famous one is Wonderland. Or you can go to America. You go to Disney World. Everybody's favorite place. Oh yeah. I thought the only one that was also 6th grade to go to do 6th flight. 6th. Yeah. I don't know. You said that like you don't know what 6th flight says. Yeah. I know it's 6th flight. Yeah. It's like people go usually. I don't, I never hear people saying. People go to sex bikes. Yeah. People go to sex bikes. Yeah. It's always a wonder. It's always a wonderland. Like, one wonderland. We don't have sex bikes here. And Canada. I'm talking in states. I just do this. It's also sex bikes. And yeah. Um, yeah. And wonderland is the one thing for her. Or we also get the, um, the CNE that comes in in August. CNE. What's the one called? Marine land. There you go. Um, the mainland is problematic. Um, but they've, they've taken the rides out. So I don't even know if they're really concerned about it. And they're just basically a, well, you call that. They're just basically a zoo in a way. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, it's there. They took the rides out. I think actually this year. So they're not even making me some parking lot. But if you take a hop, skip, jump over to what's right with large. You can go there. It's, it's a water park. But there are water parks and leaf parks. There you go. So. Yeah. Um, so you can host a barbecue. I love a barbecue party. Yum. Go do that. Um, you can build sand castles. If you'd like to, and you go to that beach. I've never done them. I never built a sand castle. I, I can like, I've never done it. But, you know, oh, definitely do that. Um, you can build an art gallery, which again, I think is. Yeah. I think when I said agio, that's technically an art gallery, not. Um, a museum, but. Um, I've been, if that, if, if that, if I'm correct, it is an art gallery. They're great too. Um, so you can go there. If you want more like an indoor summer activity to do, like me, I personally prefer being indoors, well, because I don't like this early outside. But because I also have, um, an allergy related, um, eczema. So it affects my skin really bad when I go outside for even too long. My skin starts to react to it. So I would prefer to stay indoors as much as possible because of that. Um, unfortunately it controls my life during the summer. Um, so here's things that you can do. You can read books. You can start a blog if you'd like to, you know, you can binge watch your favorite shows, like me binge watching "Bridgerton" all for up. So it's the one day you can do that. Um, you can try new recipes. If you'd like to, that you may find on like YouTube or Instagram or maybe even Pinterest. Or your tech talk apparently is a thing to do too. You can find stuff there. You can see stuff like that. You can play video games if you like. Um, you can join an online meditation class. I think that's really cool. So that's kind of your thing. You can do something like that. Um, you can play a drinking game. You can do that too. Um, if you are more religious than you like to do something that's a little more, you know, that stance, you can do like a Bible study. Um, like a prayer challenge. Um, and you know, you can do kind of something like that. Um, the person who did this list is actually currently doing a 365 day challenge where that's concerned and you can kind of create a challenge for the summer. Kind of builds your relationship with God. So you can do something like that. Um, you can watch the sunrise and sunset from your, from your window. If you want to do something like that too. Um, I mean, you might have to wake up really early to do that. But I have a friend that actually, I mean, she's currently pregnant. I feel like she like, definitely, like she's been prepared for this her whole life. Because my girl can wake up really early, like a five o'clock in the morning. And like, just watch the sunrise and like she's been doing that even before she was pregnant. And I'm just like, girl, you're like, I don't know, not for me, but you know, that's for you. Um, you might have to wait a long time for the sunset, but you know, there you go. Um, so you can create a vision board. I know that's kind of a thing a lot of people like to do is do a vision board. So you can do that. Um, you can also movie marathon and watch your faith movies together. So like me, if I, you know, have someone who also likes Harry Potter. Now it's going to take a long time to get through, but we're going to do it. You can take whole weekend. That's fine. You can do that. Um, so if you want to, if you kind of don't like not doing something, you can clean your apartment. Do like a spring, summer cleaning. If you like, um, you can organize your closet, which I definitely, I definitely organized my closet during summer too. I've done that. So you can do that. You can, you know, do that just like, you know, donate to either, you know, we do that. We, we don't like CDA, like Canadian Diabetes Association. Yeah. So you can, we actually just gave them like 13 boxes, um, recently. So, you know, we definitely, we always, we always do that. Um, so you can also learn a new language. You know, it may not be code anymore. You can still learn new language if you'd like. Um, you can do like a home spa or you go to a real spa. Those spots are fun too, but you can do something like that. Um, you can journal every day too, which journal journaling can be very therapeutic. So you can definitely do something like that. Um, you can scrap your social media or clean it up if you'd like. Um, it can be a really time consuming, but if nothing else going on, you can do that. Um, yeah. So, well, you can do bowling. Bowling is great during the summer. Um, yeah. And yeah, feel bowling. If you want to go outside and just like, you know, hang out with someone here. We're trying to say inside. One of these are indoor activities. Oh, indoor? Yeah, these are indoor activities. So bowling. I mean, you can definitely, I guess if you, if you break it up, you probably can do bowling or fly. But if you're trying to do indoor stuff, like you can definitely do that. I actually have a bowling pin set when I was a kid. I don't think we have any more, but you can get like those like indoor bowling pinsets. Um, and just do your own thing. Um, at home or you can go to a bowling arena and do that. Yeah. Um, yeah, those are some ideas for indoor stuff if you're like me and the bird to be inside. Um, okay. That sounds, that sounds good. Yeah. Listen, so, so great ideas for people who are just wanting to be inside instead of, you know, in a hot weather environment. Yeah. I mean, I thought that I don't like being outside. Again, like I said, like my, this stupid exam, I've been dealing with it for like 10 plus years. It, it always flares up during this time of year. Um, like I've already been like scratching my arms and stuff. Like I already feel it kind of happening. So it's like, again, we're recording in May. So it's already happening. And I'm just like, it's hard for me. Even a half an hour outside to kind of, even just me going from home to work. I'm, I'm scratching like a crazy person. Right. It's ridiculous. But, you know, can you do? Um, so do you want to do your. Yeah, I do have a top 10 list. Um, of activities for your healthy body. So number one, hiking for, you know, a, uh, strong lower body. So if you just wanted to, you know, hiking and you just want to go outside. Uh, pickle ball for. Hand eye formation and agility. Swim in like, um, like what, um, Tinnika has mentioned in the past. Full body workout. And then like in to boost your balance and strength and muscles as well. Yeah, I can have you, have you done kayaking? Have I done kayaking? Um, no, I never done kayaking. No, I've been in canoes. I've been canoeing, but not kayaking. But I was a kid too, so I wasn't actually using it or anything, but, um, not never kayaking. I think I was either canoeing or kayaking when I was a kid. And this is how to do with like, you know, school and stuff, but, you know, but yeah, this is for like, you know, upper body. Strength as well. Tennis. Same thing like, uh, almost the same thing like, um, pickle ball. So you're using your hand eye coordination and quick promotions. Beach volleyball for jumping and knee strength. So, you know, you want to hit the ball, you know, over the net. And basically you basically jump in and everything else. Um, surfing to enhance balance and shoulder strength. Oh, I am. I've never done surfing. Surfing is not an easy thing. I think people make it look easy, but it's not that easy. It's similar to what, if you're a skateboarder, I think you would probably be good at that. Um, in a way, surfing in a way. Uh, I think skateboarding and surfing is very different. Um, it's similar in the sense of the balance, but it's very, very different because you live surfing. It's a skill. You need to know when that wave is going to start coming. You need to be able to ride that wave. It's not, it's not an easy thing to do. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. True, true, true. But they had to, they have a lot to come in with in terms of strength and well. So that's, that could be anything. Anything can you, or if you're talking about strength or a proposed strength or anything like that. Yeah. That's anything. But that doesn't mean there is similar, similar to surfing. Balance as well. Oh, okay. Yeah. But again, you can do balancing otherwise and still not be good at surfing. Or be able to do surfing. True. Okay. Uh, and then the last, not least, uh, rose skating. So rose skating is basically, um, leg strength and, you know, um, that's basically it. So, um, yeah, that's it. That's all the list that I have today for the top 10 summer activities for a healthy body. So there it is. Okay. So before we kind of go into like the music and the movies of it all, um, what's like kind of your earliest memory of going to like, like summer memory? Like, what did you do? They would, they would kind of do you remember? I would go to Niagara Falls, um, every summer with fam, with family and, uh, just watch the, the falls as well go to, uh, certain areas into the Niagara Falls as well. Um, and just go into the stores at a souvenir here and there. Um, another one is. I'm trying to remember, uh, uh, uh, visiting friends, um, just hanging out with friends, just like, you know, playing activities such as, you know, playing basketball or, you know, playing a flag football and, you know, just having, having fun as well. Um, yeah, I think that's basically my memories of, um, doing any type of, like, you know, summer activities in the summertime. Um, otherwise in that I would just like, you know, nowadays I just chill, stay home. Um, sometimes, sometimes I go out to, to just, like, work for walks and just like, you know, um, enjoy the summer, um, environment and just like, you know, yeah. It's basically my memories of summer. Yeah, I mean, again, kind of to echo that, like, I, we would go to Niagara Falls every summer, but we would go to Niagara Falls. Um, we've been, like, five or so times in my life. Um, I think the last time we went to Niagara Falls, we also, which was actually my, I think my brother's first time going to Niagara Falls. And so it's been a long time. We, um, we also went to the butterfly conservatory, which wasn't really cool. Um, that was a lot of fun and, um, but, you know, obviously going to Wonderland the first time I went, I was like nine. Um, but that particular year, it wasn't just Wonderland that we went to. We also went to Wild Water Kingdom, which I don't even think is open anymore, but that was such a fun experience. I loved it there. And that was also the year we went to a sick beach, as we went from, I think we went from there to, with, like, a, went to, like, the hotel there, and then we went to a sick beach the next day. And that was with my dad. And, um, so that was a lot of fun. Um, Wonderland, again, I've been, like, a handful of times. The last time I went was eight years ago, um, with my brother, which was his second time. And it, um, it's fun. What else? Obviously, you know, hanging out with friends. I would always hang out with my, with my friend, Latisha all the time, because we lived, like, we lived with each other, so we would, um, go to a park down on that side all the time. So it was, it was fun, but now, I mean, I'm an adult now, so I don't get to, like, you know, do the thing thing. I, I work, right? I, if I'm no longer, like, being in school where you have your summers, I don't have my summers anymore, um, I have to work. Yeah. Yeah. I think that, uh, then you would have to, like, you know, plan out your summer next year. And then, yeah, it's not like that anymore. It's just, it's just work. I mean, we've done, like, reptilia. We went through reptilia a couple of times. There's a reptilia, actually, um, in Vaughan, right by, um, Wonderland, actually. And there is a reptilia. And now they opened one up a few years ago with me. So I went to both of them and, um, that's fun too. Like, it's kind of in a low key kind of fun thing to do with the reptilia. Um, but, you know, we don't kind of things like that or Casabloma. We did, um, uh, before COVID and, you know, yeah, you know, stuff like that. It's low key. It's fun, but it's not like, you know, it's only something you might do for, like, you know, and then you're back to the grind again and working and stuff. So, yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Summer camp is well. I've got to build that. I don't like day camp. I did day camp. Not like overnight sleepover. Uh, summer camp. I did day camp. Um, and that was like right by my house. I had to remember grandparents at the time. It was by, like, um, by the lake. Um, so we would, you know, I did that. And that was, that was fun. It was fun. You know, it would, you know, walk around cause that there's a lot of, you know, foresty type areas around there. So we kind of walk through that and we did like tie-dye shirts, which was really cool. Um, you know, for the time, you know, tie-dye was, that being tie-dye is coming back. But I personally think it shouldn't. But tie-dye was the thing when, you know, we were kids. Um, I was still a thing when we were kids. So we did some like that too. So it was fun. It was fun. And it's filming. So it might last in a certain summer too. Yeah. So. So now we're just kind of kind of talk about like the famous summer song song on the summer. In the last 24 years. Well, 23 technically because we haven't hit summer yet here in 2024. Well. So technically 23 years. Well, you know what? Will Smith better be on that list that you're going to, you know? I don't think it was with it. It's on the list. Uh-huh. He's not. Well, wow. What song are you thinking of? Summertime. Oh, but that would have been in the 90s. Is in that. I'm going. No, I'm going from 2000. That's 23 years. All right. All right. That's 23 years. Okay. Interesting. But sure. That might be one. Okay. So every song that I debuted in the 2000s. Every song of the summer. Yeah, so not debuted. Necessarily. But like what's the song of summer? Okay. Okay. So the number one song of summer in 2000. We're going to make the call gas. I say what it is for each of them each. Which one do you think it is? 2000. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's not. It's not now. Is it? It's not. I've seen 2001. He doesn't want 2002. No, I don't know what it is. Go ahead. No. Okay. It's going to be me by anything. It's going to be May. That was a hot summer song. In 2000. Yeah. And I believe it. No. Okay. What do you think the summer, the song of summer was in 2001? That's going to be Nellie's song. It's not. Really? Nope. Nellie is on the list. But not, not in 2001. Oh, so it's not that. Oh, wow. So they've really probably. Okay. I don't know. Okay. Let me blow your mind by Eve and Gwen Stefani. What song? What song is that? I know Eve, but... You don't know. Let me blow your mind. And let me blow your mind. Oh, yeah. I just need, I just need to, yeah. I just need to hear the rhythm of the song. Just the titles. I don't remember. Okay. So what do you think the summer, the song of summer was in 2002? Cheers. I'm just trying to stay away from hip-hop, but it's kind of hard because that's, that's, that's like, the only thing. Maybe you don't stay with hip-hop in this one. Yeah. So I think, I also like, I think R&B was like killing it during this time. I feel like you're going to do it the last time with the Canadian trivia. Yeah. And you're going to keep saying the one thing. And then when the one thing comes off. You're not going to say it. Yeah. So we're in 2003, right? Doesn't do. Two. Two. I feel like... And literally just gave it to you. And literally just gave it to you too. No, everyone was shot to you. No. They're not even on the list. Actually, I think, I think they might be. I can't remember. But no, it's not them. You were literally saying it before. It's Nelly. Oh, hot in here. Oh, yeah. Jeez. Sorry. Okay. What do you think this song of December was in 2003? Is it a band or is it a solo artist? It's a solo artist. Is it the genre pop or R&B or hip hop? I would classify them as R&B kind of. I guess it could be pop-ish R&B-ish. You know. So this was the hottest solo artist other than 50. It's not 50, is that? I know. I'm sorry to tell you he's a little less. No, I understand. He was the, he was the hottest hip hop, right? But you said pop and... I didn't say hip hop. No, you said pop and R&B-ish, right? Yeah. We're on there. And then solo artist. Mm-hmm. Is it sexy back by Justin Timberlake? Oh, my God. No. We were in high school. When that song came out, so no. Mm. 2003 I was in elementary school. Okay. I'll give you a clue. Yeah. Because I'm not gonna. You would do a dance. Maybe you wouldn't do a dance. But women would do a dance. Because there was a dance for the song. This artist is either a male or does this artist identify as a male or a female? Female. Okay. So it might be either Christine Aguiler or Brandy Spears or... I remember how I said R&B-ish. Yeah, but there are R&B-ish. Well, Brandy Spears is not R&B. Brittany, Christina, the artist gets her a pop. Mm. It's gonna take a while. Yeah, actually. Who else would you say? Christine Aguiler. Elie. I heard you say myself. Beyonce. Okay. Okay. I don't know, maybe. I'm gonna get you too much already. No, yeah, it is. Beyonce. Beyonce was... Well, she was running it in the pop R&B. I remember this was 2003. Yeah, she was killing the party. She was just starting to be a solo artist in 2003. It's just... I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what this song was in 2003. Go ahead. I mean, technically you were on the right track. Well, Beyonce, by winning, I don't know a lot about her music, so... Okay. Crazy in love. By Beyonce. Yeah. And featuring Jayce. Interesting. How's that interesting? That song was lit. Are you talking about it? Yeah, I know. I know. I know it was lit. I was surprised that, like, in the club wasn't. Was that 2003? Yeah, it was. Well, I'll believe you, okay. So, what do you think the top song was in 2004? All right. Let's see. Group or solo artist? Solo. Pop or R&B? R&B. Especially in this time, because, like, again, I was kind of... Pop was killing it during this up from, like, you know... Well, Pop was always killing it. 2000. What? That's it. Well, the reason why I say, like, I would definitely categorize this song as R&B, but this artist can definitely do. Most? Yeah. He's definitely... I said it, I said it, but he should. Yeah. He has definitely had songs in different genres. Yeah, it's a he. Oh, my God. Definitely not a hip-hop artist. Hip-hop artists didn't want to know their lane, so it has to be either. You said R&B, but R&B, this person can be versatile in his art, so... I think, who is very versatile and definitely not Justin Bieber. He wasn't even singing enough time. Yeah. Justin Timberlake? No. He was definitely singing this time, wasn't he? Yeah. But he's like a better R&B. Shit. All right, go ahead. All right. Yes, I'll hold these. Burn by Usher. I don't think that you should... Yeah. Oh. What are you gonna say? Usher was only, like, popping R&B. I said R&B, didn't I not? What are you saying? I said that he had some music, he had some others on her. But I didn't say what I was showing them, as I said. And I didn't say how many. I just said he does, can you do another song? That's all I said. Mm-hmm. You understand. No, Claire. Okay. Go ahead. 2005. 2005. What do you think that's all about? What is it? Is it solo or a group? Solo. Britney Spears. Is that your final answer? Yeah. Britney Spears. Is it Tossett? No. No. It's not. Do you want to try again or should I tell you? Yeah. No, I'm not a guest. I'm not a guest. I'm not a guest. I'm not a guest. We belong together by Mariah Carey. Oh. Mm-hmm. It's a little split, you know. Not even of course. Same type of genre, though. They're both pop in a way, an R&B. I would consider Mariah Carey more R&B. Mm-hmm. I mean, she's maybe had a couple of pop songs along the way, but... Yeah. We live in a higher music catalog. She's Mariah B. Okay. Um... 2006. Sitting in a G unit and playing it. Mm-hmm. Um... 2006. 2006. She's solo artist or group once again. Okay, so this is a trick going through me because it's technically a solo artist. Mm-hmm. But it is featuring... Mm-hmm. A... Mm-hmm. It is a group? Or is it... I'm only telling you it's featuring. And I'm telling you that if it's a group, if multiple people are not telling you that and it's featuring... Is it me and you? That's a good guess, though. But no. And technically, no one was really featuring a song. But that's a good guess. I'll give you that. Mm-hmm. Is this genre... pop or hip-hop? I would consider it a pop. It's not right and dirty with a trillion. Mm-hmm. That's a good guess, too, though. But no. 'Cause that's hip-hop, by the way. Top-hop. Mm-hmm. That's good. Yeah, it was the song of this... Well, technically in the hip-hop, I mean, it was the song of the song of the back. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I still think that song from time to time. I need it. But I know the photo. You're so close. I'm mischievous. Oh, my God. Yeah. But... And the featuring, technically, Timberland. It's voices in it. And if you watch the video, it doesn't ever, like, makes it apparent to the video. There you go. Interesting. Interesting. Um, to have them fun. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Two down to seven. I remember... a little bit. Not too much. Um... Soul artists, or... Soul artists. Oh, my God. Rihanna? Yes. What song? Umbrella? What? Jeez. Oh, my God. You felt one right? Right. So, yeah. Okay. Now you might be hearing my girl's dog in the background, because that was definitely about... but, yes, you got that right. Um... Okay. 2008. 2008. Mm. Um... T-Pain, buy you drink. Buy you a drink to the other side. I'd like a gasp over now. Mm. Mm. Mm. Soul artists over. Slow, slow. And this person has popped, right? Yes. Yes. Mm. K-Pain? Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. What song? Mm. What's that song when she was... Think of her being his first song. Was it Kisses? Yes. I kissed the Kisses. Kisses? Kisses? Oh, yeah. Kisses around. Mm. Kisses are good. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. I heard that song all the time. Oh, yeah. That would've worked. I'm really not still. Still on the radio. Yeah. 2009. 57. Feature. Mm. Mm. Kelly Rowland. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. I told you I could do something on the bus. I know, I know. Which is a fat thing. I would've told... Actually, I do have to agree. I do have to agree. Candy Shop's not on the list, y'all. It was... It was... Yeah. It was... Yeah. It was the hardest and took... It was at 2000 and... I remember... I remember my cousins were here when that song was on... Yeah. And that was, like, the best on. And that was, like, in the 2000. I don't get it. But anyway... I'm surprised that Black Eyed Pease is not on this list either. So what song was 2000 and... And eight? Where were we? Where? Nine. Nine. Oh. Is it... I got a ceiling? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. It's funny. I got a ceiling. I got a ceiling. I'm not having a hole in the floor. It's... I'm not even staring at it. Oh, yeah. I got a ceiling. Huh? Is it... Yeah. Is that... No? That didn't happen. I don't... I seriously thought that was Imagine Dragon. No, God, no. I don't think Imagine Dragons were around yet. No, they don't. They don't have a hot summer song. They don't. I mean, I really do love radio active, though. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That song was pretty good. That's even in the summer song. I still have a lot of time. That's a work-off song, actually. I know. You told me. Yeah. Yeah. 2010. I was a retard. I was a retard. I was a... I was a... 2010. Solo artist or group? Solo. It's the... Oh, he's sorry, my bad. This person identifies a male with, you know... A male? Was this person already on this list? Yes. And this person... Oh, yeah. This song was like "Hauled with Radio" and this one. This person probably did a similar song to like, you know, "Dot to Dres." California. Dada. Okay. Dada. The song, then. I don't know. I don't know. California videos, like... Yeah. Kitty thing? Yes. You got it. Yeah. 2011. 2011. 2011. Full writer? No. Oh, we're at... Wow. Wow, full writing. Have it hit in 2011? I can't remember. It was almost close, actually. I'm surprised. Where's Khalifa? Black and Yellow, wasn't it? I don't think this was 2011, though. Here, we're at Black and Yellow. I don't think this was 2011. Black and Yellow. Black and Yellow. I remember driving in here in that song. I was driving in 2011. Not yet. Almost. What's this person pop or hip-hop? Is it a solo group? Okay. I'm going to say pop. Why? Why? It's more like. They're a little different. And it is a group. Technically. Okay. The song was on the radio. Did it have a feature or no? That it was. Did it have a feature? It did feature to other people. But they're not like... I never heard of them before. Or maybe one of them. I think I recognize one of the names. But... Yeah. Is it? Hmm. Do you know what's happening? No. Is that 2011? Um... Definitely an icon. An icon. An icon is on a drop off. At that point. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait. And all the song. People were just partying. Parting with the song. Is it... Ellen. Ellen. Ellen. Ellen. Yeah. Yeah. What song? Party Rock. Party Rock is in the house. Yep. Was it featured a little John? No. It featured Warren Bennett and Good Rock. Oh. Yeah. I know they did a song a little John. They did it, yeah. It was. They did, oh, it was, um, shots. Yeah, that was a song. A lot of the shots. Yeah, that was a song that... Wasn't that a song that was in the radio? If the next song was that song? No, I think so. I can't remember if shots came next or if it was. I'm sexy. I know it. They haven't ever came next. They did three songs. Yeah. They had three major songs. And... From a Jersey Shore fans. They have four. You know that. Yeah. They have four major songs. Because the theme song for Jersey Shore was... Oh, they made that song. Yeah, crazy. Yeah, bye. Oh, that sound too? Yeah, it sound too. I didn't know that. Yeah. Oh, they made... I don't know if they made money off the label, but if they did, they made some. Probably did. Hopefully. 'Cause usually the major labels are, you know, all mobsters in terms of contracts, so... Yeah. Oh. Sweet. They made like... Yeah. Wow. Four hits. That's really good. Yeah. Turned out time. Mm-hmm. Um. Yeah. And one of them. One of them. I think they're actually cousins of them, right? Mm-hmm. But one of them is the son of Barry Gordy. By the fact. We go back to Bowdown. Interesting. Yeah. Um... One D-12. Any pair ofies back? No. No. This person has an off and on list. And won't be on the list going forward. Sorry. Yeah. Hmm. Wasn't it not moving far? No. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Wasn't it not moving far? No. Yeah. Hmm. Mm. They did, but I don't think it was necessary during summer. We are young? Why are we young? Why are we young? Kesha? One. Jay. Is it Gen-L-Y? Well, because I clearly don't know what's one that is. No. No. Okay. Mm. You've said this person's name before. You have? You have. Not on this episode. You have to be heard's name before. Hmm. Does this person identify as a female or...? Yes, female. Was this song... Was this song annoying? At this point? Like, annoying to... Because they played it a lot, they got annoying? Yeah. Sometimes he's still here. It's fine, today. Yeah. Like, she's surprisingly... I'm surprised that Jonas Brothers has, you know, a crack. That's a fairly good point. That's a really good point. Yeah. But, um, not Jonathan. Okay. Do you want a clue? Yeah, but I can. Okay. Yeah. This person? This person. Was on a Canadian. I don't... Canadian, I don't... Is there a clue? Oh, okay. So she's a Canadian? Yes. Yes. Oh, wait. I can, I remember her song. And you got, like, really mixed into a cute... Kidbop. If I remember... Like, if I gave you another clue, I'm giving it away. Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'll do that. Okay. I did this song that I remixed to a Kidbop as well. Well, maybe. Oh, it sounds like a lot of songs got written by the Kidbops. Yeah. Yeah. Is it Harley Ray? Jepsen? Yeah. I won't ask you to tell me. Yes. Call me, maybe. Call me, maybe. I didn't like that song. That song sucked. I like Harley Ray Jepsen. I didn't like the song rule. But then they overplayed it. Yeah, they did. Yeah, they did. For me, it wasn't. Yeah. She had some good songs. Yeah. Before she got blown up into the hemisphere. Yeah. With that song. But... Anyway. Mmm. 2013. I'm... 2013. No. Person's a male or... Male. Male. The Mackamores. No. No. Interesting. I agree. But no. That song was also... Well, it was good. It was good. Yeah. But it was... I enjoyed it. Yeah. All I did. But no. So this person is a male. This one also. Was recorded on, right? Yeah. Oh, damn. Mm-hmm. Was it Justin Timberlake? Did he drop on the album this time? No. I don't know if he dropped on the album. It was 2014? It was 2014. I don't remember. But it's not Justin Timberlake. It was... It was that tight song, wasn't it? Suit and tie? Suit and tie, Edison. Yeah, but I don't remember. It's not the one that I came out. But Everay. It's not Justin Timberlake. It makes me sound so entire. Here it is. Okay, stay here. What song is it? Uh-huh. What is it? Yeah. Is it RBCR or is it... I would consider him an RBCR. Oh, okay. I see. Are they... Is Justin Timberlake and him similar? I was... In a way. They're both white. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to remember the name. I know... I know who it is. Me too. Me too. Yeah. I just... He did... I think he did a... Oh, wait. He did a collaboration with 50. But he did it on his... He put it on his mixtape. Um... Hmm. I'm trying to think. Oh, Robin Pick? Yes. Yes. What song? What song? He had two songs, I believe, too. He had more than one, too. More than... More than two. I know, he had more albums, but like... I don't know. That's what you get. I'll tell you this right now. It's not last night. Yeah. So... Yeah, play. Is it... Oh, wait. Wait, wait, wait. This one... There's always an R.I. song. I wasn't... Repetting of those songs. What song is it? Is it Blurt Lights? Yes. Yes. That's a good play. They don't play it anymore. Yeah, I know. They don't. Yeah, they don't play it anymore. I guess it's like a suit or whatever. Yeah. Okay. How many heartes? Do you want to go to the brothers? No. And so it's still a surprise. I don't think they're on this list at all. Justin. Is Justin on his list? I don't think so. Doesn't it bebert? Or doesn't it really... Wow. Justin, too. No, no, no. Justin Bieber. Wow. Yeah. It's his first name. Email or a... Email. What's this person like famous or was she... Wasn't still as... Is it... Is it Evie or is it... Evie... Is... Evie... Is... You're on the right track. She's a feature on the song. Any of that main person you wanted. Yeah. Get back. She was a child star. Not going to save which company? She was a child star. Is this person I have a crush on? Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah. I know. I think I know who it is. Okay. What song? Are you on a grande? Yeah. What song? What song? You're on a grande. You're on a grande. Yeah. What song? You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You're on a grande. You got the people. People. I got one last problem without you. Definitely a nice way. Yes. I found this forget. Oh, no. I thought it doesn't play for you. It doesn't play for you. It's not playing on the radio anymore, is it? No, but again, this was 2014. Yeah. A lot of songs aren't being played today. John Legend? All of me? Still playing on the radio, isn't it? Yeah, but a song legend. So... 2015. It's pretty sad. I'm the man. No, I'm the man. I'm the man. I told you '50s and I almost lost. That was a hard song. It's the team. I don't know. But it wasn't hard enough. You might not get this. I don't know. Okay. That's fine. Lean on. By major laser. Featuring Mo and DJ Snake. No. Do you know that song? I don't know. I don't know. I've heard of it. Um... How do I get rid of the words now? Yeah. Um, I'm rid the beat. I'm rid Jason Derulo. Derulo. Derulo. Derulo. He literally says that the names are getting up every song. He's still never wrong. Jason Derulo. Yeah. He's at an all-in-one. Yeah. You don't like them? Yeah, that would have been my favorite. Yeah. There's some songs here and there. Mm-hmm. But they found my favorite. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh, 2016. This is a group where this is a... So artist. So... Hot light bling by Dre? No. You're on the right track. Yes. But not that song. That was... That was like a... Kind of... It was good. It was a good song. Well, thank God. What was famous? What was popular? That and that. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I know where it was popular. Okay. I need one dance. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Um... Oh, should I skip 2017? I'll get 2017 after. I totally forgot. Well, I'll give you 2018. I'll try that one too. Um, so what's 2018? 2018. 2018. Me. Let's see. Does this person identify as a male or a female? Oh, sorry. Okay. I actually am confused. Um, it's actually a song of 2017. Not 2018. Okay. So I confirm that. Um, those are questions. Does this person identify as male or female? Male. Male. This is America. No. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. What's going on? There's "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. No. "I'll give you this" clue. No. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. "I'll give you this" clue. 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