Irish Breakdown

Big 12 Preview and Predictions

Bryan and Vince make previews and predictions for the Big 12 Conference, which has a much different look in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 10m
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09 Aug 2024
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Bryan and Vince make previews and predictions for the Big 12 Conference, which has a much different look in 2024.

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Indeed to hire, you need Indeed. Final part of today's show, Brian, and it is also the final Power 4 conference that we need to preview, and I have been looking forward to slash dreading this particular conference because of the, frankly, the wide openness, that's probably not a word, it is now the wide openness of the conference, and if you probably polled 20 different analysts talking about the big 12, you might have five or six different champions of the big 12 potentially. I mean, you could make a case for it anyway. And so that's why this, the reason I would say I was dreading, and of course, that's a little tongue in cheek, but coming up with a one through 16 for this conference and what we're, what you were predicting, what I am predicting is going to be the final for this was daunting, frankly, and it was almost like I covered my eyes a bit and just kind of like picked a couple at random. It felt like at times, you know, to kind of fill in the slots, but we're going to have some fun with this. And so how we do it, if you don't remember how we've done our, our conference predictions, is we will give you our one through 16 and we'll kind of tell you how we're different, how we're similar, things like that, we will talk about some of the top teams and, and kind of what they bring to the table. And then we'll also talk about teams on the rise, teams that are maybe overrated coaches on the hot seat, players of the year, which I guarantee we have different, you know, so it's a lot of fun. So we just kind of, you know, take our stab at the power for conferences and we'll, we'll see what the outcome is. So without further ado, Brian, let's jump into the big 12, the new look, big 12, by the way, which is still incredibly strange to write down some of these names under the moniker of big, the last two years, they've had, they've had, they've expanded the last two years. Right. So we got up a bunch of teams from the group of five, and then they added some teams from the former pack 12. And so because two years ago, they added, let me just, they added Cincinnati, Cincinnati, UCF, Houston and BYU, right, right. And then this past off season, they added Arizona, Arizona State, Utah and Colorado. They added Colorado first. So a lot of people, Colorado left before a lot of those other teams, like before Oregon and Washington and those teams all took off Colorado. I think, I thought, I think USC and UCLA were first. Yes. I think they were the Colorado was next, yes, which Colorado should have never left a big, the big 12 to begin with, but very different conversation for a different day. So in the last two years, you've added eight teams to this league, because remember the big 12 had 10 teams. Remember that used to join 12 only had 10 teams. So that's why for a while there, you had to, the rema, it was always a rematch in the big 12 title game because you had nine Red Conference games and you, you know, TCU and Texas or Oklahoma at a couple of rematch, Texas beat, you're going to play somebody you already played. I mean, 18 Texas beat Oklahoma in the regular season and then a rematch in the title game because you're going to have a rematch in the, in the, and so now obviously that's a little bit different, but you've got now 16 teams. You went from 10 to 16, you know, or you went from 10 to 12 to 16, right, essentially. So it's, or no, you went from 10 to 14 to 12 to 16, 12, I mean, and the 12 to 16 was like in the same off season, basically. So yeah. Right. So you have a 16 team league and Vince, honestly, I could see five different teams winning this league. Wrong, man. You're not wrong. And it is, it's wild, and it's absolutely wild. And you know, you could make a legitimate case for a lot of these teams. So let's just. I feel like just saying this, I feel like this is the league I'm going to be the most wrong on. And so like what I'm going to do is I think next week, I'm going to release actually, I'm going to release my final predictions for each conference on the site and all this type of stuff. And I promise you there'll be some changes to what we had when we did the shows just because, you know, certain things change, whatever, but I, this one, you're like, well, this shouldn't change. You're doing it next week. You did it today. It'll change. It can change. Bladed this afternoon. I'm already wanting to change some of my predictions that I did before the show started. So yeah, it's what you reserve that right. It is your show. So it's still though, man. It's like, dude, this is because I'm not going to do it now, because if I did it now, then I'm going to change my opinion by the middle of the show, and then going to talk about the big 12 for three hours, because we keep changing our opinion, like, okay, what have you guys actually settled on on your predictions? Okay. So I'm going to stick to where I am now, but we're going to have us follow it. So why don't you start off with your 16 to one, and then I'll give my 16 to one, and then we kind of, you know, preview talk about some of those top teams and who we think there are the real title, like who really are the title contenders in the big 12 and why. We're driven by the search for better, but when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search "match" with Indeed. 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Superhero launch box, superhero backpack, but next year it'll be something else. Maybe dinosaurs? I don't know. I'm not a fortune teller. But I can tell you not to spend a fortune and shop low prices for school on Amazon. Okay, good chat. Amazon, spend less, smile more. Alright, here we go, 16 to one. So starting at the bottom, working my way up. I've got Cincinnati 16, I've got Houston 15, Arizona State 14, BYU 13, the fighting coach primes at 12, Colorado, Baylor at 11, at 10, Texas Tech, at 9, UCF, at 8, TCU, the battle of the acronyms, at 7, West Virginia, at 6, Iowa State, at 5, Arizona, at 4, Kansas State, at 3, Kansas. My top two teams in theory facing off in a big 12 championship, Oklahoma State, at 2, and Utah at 1. I believe in every other league you and I had the same teams playing in the title games, correct? Some of them were flipped or whatever, different winners. We both had Florida State and Clemson. Yes. We both had Ohio State and Oregon. And we did, we had the same teams in the SEC, I don't remember that honestly can't remember to be honest with you. But I thought we did, this one where we've got one that's the same, and you had, you said Oklahoma State and Utah, Utah. Yep. So here's mine, 16, Arizona State, 15, Cincinnati, 14, Baylor, 13, Houston, 12, Colorado, 11, BYU, 10, West Virginia, 9, UCF, 8, Kansas, 7, Texas Tech, 6, Arizona, 5, Iowa State, 4, TCU, 3, Utah, 2, Oklahoma State, and 1, Kansas State. So I have, I feel like looking at the schedules, there's a chance that the 1 and 2 are flipped, but I have Kansas State winning the conference championship, like when it's all said done. I think Kansas State is going to be the team that represents the big 12 in the costful playoff. Okay. And so that's kind of where I went with it. And part of it, Vince is the schedule, you know, they get Oklahoma State at home, they get Arizona at home, they get Kansas at home. Now they have a couple of tough road games, but like you're playing most of the good teams at home, and they don't play Utah, Kansas State doesn't play Utah in the regular season. So you had Utah on Oklahoma State, right? Is was your two? Yep. Who'd you have winning it? Utah, Utah, Utah, Utah, I just, it's probably more reputation and things like that than anything else. I just love the toughness of Utah and what they bring to the table. I just don't know if a lot of the big 12 teams have seen that enough, potentially. I mean, I like Oklahoma State. I like Kansas. I like Kansas State. Like those four, you could convince me pretty much any other way. Those four, you know, I could, I could jostle around and be cool with it. I just, I like Utah. I also think that they, you know, for the most part are veteran laden. I think that, you know, I just like their toughness up front. I'm a big O-line D-line guy and I think that that's kind of their MO and I like that. So that's kind of the reason I put Utah at the top. I just think that style of play plays off well also at the end of the season, you know? I'm not granted. They're going to be playing the big 12 championship, I believe in Dallas. And so, you know, whether it's not going to come into play, but still, I just like the toughness of Utah, man, I can't, I can't shake it, Brian, I can't shake it. I get that hype about Utah and they get Cameron rising back and all that. I'm not a huge camera rising fan. I will say that he's important for them, though. Exactly. That's my point. I didn't like want him at Notre Dame, for example, there was a lot of people crying for that. I did not want that. But I think he fits what they're doing very well. So I'm not saying he's going to be great like at the NFL level, but at Utah, he fits. So, yeah, where I would disagree with you a little bit is on their style being unique in the big 12. And I would say in the past, very accurate, but some of the hires in that league recently have kind of changed the big 12 a little bit. And that's kind of, you know, when I look at, you know, Chris Klimann, who came from North Dakota State, you know, they run the football, right? I mean, they're good running a football team. And now with every day, Johnson and quarterback, they're going to run a ball even more. And then she had five teams in the big 12 last year that run for over 200 yards a game. Kansas State, Kansas, UCF, Cincinnati, and West Virginia. And then Texas was at 188. Oklahoma was 182. He had seven teams that ran for over 180 yards last year. And I just, I think this league is got a little bit more of that. I don't know that any of them are as big as Utah is defensively, but I think there's more of that, in my opinion, than there maybe has been in the past in that league. And when you look at like some of the other, you know, the top conferences and things like that, even teams, even leagues where they have people that run the ball, they run the ball, you know, a little less traditionally, like, you know, maybe more spread or up tempo or whatever. But when you, like I said, when you look at the big 12, as I pointed out, you had five teams that ran for over 200 yards rushing per game. You want to get a little, little factoid Vince that's good, you're going to find interesting. The other power five conferences, the other four, the big 10, the ACC, the pack 12 and the SEC combined had three teams rush for over 200 yards last year combined. Big 12 had five. So it, the league has changed, you know what I mean? The league has changed a little bit. It's not that soft everybody plays, you know, the air raid, like it was when art bridles was there and you had, you know, him going against Dana Holderson. And you know what I mean? It's like, you just added Willie Fritz to the league. How did two lane win run the ball? So it's a little bit of a different, a different league. Iowa State's a team that plays with some physicality and let's not forget who won the Doke Walker award last year, Vince is the nation's best running back. He's from the big 12, right? Ollie Gordon from Oklahoma State. So that's why I'm not thinking that Utah is going to be as good maybe as some people think that they're going to be in that league. I think what you said about them worked great for them in the big 12 and the pack 12. It's great for them to crack out of people because you're, they did it. What Kyle Winnehan did the last three years in the big 12 prior to the injuries, what Jim Harbaugh did when he first got Stanford, which is, this is a fast pace athletes league. We are going to run it down your frickin throat and play. You just, you're not going to be able to recruit to stop us because you have to recruit, stop everybody else. Yeah. And we're going to be so different. So that was, that's my thing on Utah, but I get, I get where you're coming from. I just, I look at Oklahoma State and I look at Kansas State, especially Kansas State's going to have speed this year. You know, their quarterback's going to be one of the more dynamic quarterbacks in college football. You remember Avery Johnson? You and I have talked about him on the show before. He was a guy that obviously noted aim recruited coming out of high school. He got Dylan Edwards transferred in, I don't know if he's going to be a running back. Is he going to be a tailback? They got DJ Giddens coming back. Like they're going to have some speed. And I really like what, what, what Kansas State has come to, they have a lot coming back on defense. And I think Chris Kleinman is a heck of a football coach. And as I mentioned, there's, it's the schedule too. The schedule is the final piece of this, of this puzzle to me is I think their schedule sets up nicely where Utah has to play at Oklahoma State, at Houston, at Colorado, at UCF, you know, they get TCU at home, they get Arizona at home. So their schedule is not, is not daunting, but I think it is a little tougher than, than, than, than Kansas States. So we're going to see events, but the thing that I look at it is we both think Utah is going to be pretty good. If you have them first or second, I have them third. We're in the same. We're in the back part. Some that we're very different on is, is you and I are on that the biggest one is different than a lot of other people is, is Arizona. There's a lot of people in the chat that have Arizona winning it and you have them fifth and I have them sixth in the league. And I just think Arizona lost too much from last year. I think that lose, I mean, that yes, you can't look at them like, Oh, they're same team as last year. No, they lost their head coach and their entire coaching staff. They weren't, it wasn't like where they promoted the D coordinate. They did it higher from completely outside the program. They lost their running back. They lost a lot of talent. They lost starting off. It's a lineman to Washington, like they're just not the same team and, and I know, know if a feedy's a, you know, had a great year last year, but I'm, I'm, he just doesn't do it for me like some other he does for some others. And I have a lot of this, well, what is he going to be when the whole league is preparing for him? He's an off the bench guy. He was not the bench guy. It was early, it was, but Will Howard was that way the year before and I had doubts about Will Howard last year and he wasn't as good last year as he was two years ago at K-State. So that's kind of where I'm at on Arizona events and it sounds like we're on the same page on that. Mm hmm. All right. Arizona needs to prove to me that they're not a flash in the pan. I mean, to be honest with you, as a program, as a program and they've, they've got some talent coming back, but a brand new coaching staff and that, that's going to be tough. That's going to be really tough to me and, you know, their first, their first game in conference is against your Kansas State Wildcats, by the way. So and it's on the road. So that's going to be, that's going to be a tough opening game for them. Now where I think we're going to learn a little something about Arizona at that point and we may even learn a little something about Kansas State if Arizona somehow manages to win that game, but that's a tough conference opener right there early on in the season. I mean, you're not even halfway through September and you've got to play your favorite to win the big 12. So that's going to be important and they follow that right up with Utah at Utah. So you've got consecutive game now that I believe there's a buy in there, but you've got consecutive games on the road against Kansas State, your champ and Utah, my champ. So that, that's a tough road to hoe there early on in the season for Arizona. You're going to, especially with a new coaching staff, I think you're going to learn a lot about Arizona real early on before the calendar even flips down. They also have to play at UCF and at TCU and at BYU. Yeah. And I don't think any of those games every cake walks, right, in my opinion. That's a tough, that's a tough schedule to me, you know, and that's going to be a tough thing to manage. I agree. For Arizona. I agree. You know, and look, they were good last year. They lost to Washington in a close game, they lost to USC in a close game. They didn't have to play Oregon last year. They didn't have to play, you know, they barely beat Oregon State at home. They, you know, they, like to me, they just, I don't, I don't know, I just felt there's a little bit of smoke and mirrors to what they did last year. Yeah. Utah was beat the heck up by the time they played them at the end of the year. This team barely beat Stanford. They lost to a not a very good Mississippi State team on the road. This wasn't blown away with them last year. I just, they weren't a team that really impressed me. And I think them beating Oklahoma the way they did in the bowl game is why a lot of people are kind of fired up about Arizona. I don't see it. The team that you and I have a big disagreement on, we really don't have a big disagreement on based on the criteria that you're using. And you have Kansas as one of your top teams. You and I are very different on that. I haven't. Yeah. But if, if your prediction of player of the year will say it now, your player of the year predictions, Jalen Daniels, quarter of Kansas, I have no problem with it. Yep. The problem is Vince is here. Here's why I predict them to finish last. I'm not predicting what's going to get injured. I'm simply looking back at history and saying, yeah, I've never been healthy for an entire season. Sure. And that's Jalen Daniels. He played three games last year. Now guess what Kansas's record was in those three games he played three and oh. And he was the year before when Kansas was pretty good. They went five and one before he got hurt. Their only loss was a one touchdown loss to TCU. He gets hurt and the rest of the year they go one in six. Sure. Oh, he's a huge part of their success. Guys have never been healthy, right? You know, and even the year before in 2021, he missed games. He missed games in 2020. This kid's never been healthy and they don't even, you know, Jason Bean wasn't a great player, but he was at least athletic enough that you could kind of put him in there and win some games. Right. And I also think losing the offensive coordinator is going to sting a little bit as well, the guy they lost to Penn State. So I think Lance Leopold's a phenomenal coach. I just don't know that he's going to be able to have this team be as good as they should be if Jalen Daniels goes down again. And that's the thing that's killed them the last two years, Vince, is when he's had that guy at quarterback, they're pretty good, but he just hasn't been able to keep him healthy. So my prediction is also kind of looking at it. As if Jay, I just, he's going to have to prove to me he can be healthy for an entire season. It's not like looking at like writing their head of injury and that cost them time. I mean, this is a guy that's been hurt multiple times every year he's played every single year he's played games with injury. So I have to look at trends and say, well, if you're missing games every year with injury, then you're going to miss some games this year with injury, right? I mean, I can't, I can't, I just, that's just kind of how I have to look at it. Now, if he's healthy and plays the whole year, then my opinion of Kansas changes a little bit. I also think Kansas got a bit of a challenging schedule, you know, they play Illinois in the non-conference. Yeah. They got to play at West Virginia, they got to play at Kansas State, at BYU, at Baylor. So like they don't play the, they don't play Oklahoma State, they don't play Utah, right? But with the, the, the thought of not having Jalen Daniels, all of a sudden, at Baylor becomes a loseable game, at BYU becomes a loseable game, at West Virginia could be a loseable game if he's out for those games. And honestly, at home, Iowa State and some of those teams, like the big thing for me is Iowa State, I have, I like a lot this year and, and they're not going to be great, but they're going to be a typical Matt Campbell good team. Matt Campbell's teams are good when they're super experienced and I think they've got something like 19 or 20 starters returning from last year. And I think their schedule sets, sets up relatively well for them to be a top five team. They don't have one of the five best rosters. They're one of the five most experienced teams in their schedule sets up well. And that's why I have Iowa State on there. Two teams that I have been so that high, a lot higher than you as well is TCU and Texas Tech. Yeah. I've got them eight and 10. Yeah. I have, I think TCU, I think last year was a flooky year for TCU. I think they're not as good as they, each of the last two years were flukes for TCU. They were flooky in the positive way, 2022 played for the title, right? And it just, everything went right. And then they were flooky last year for as bad as they were. They were not that bad. And they had a lot of injuries and just a lot of things going on. I like, I actually like TCU this year, Vince. I think they've got some athleticism. They've got some speed, you know, that they've got some good players coming back on defense. They should be a lot better on defense anyway, at least. I think their offensive line is going to get it, things figured out a little bit. I just, I just like TCU and also I think TCU schedule sets up relatively well in their league. They got to play at Utah. The rest of their road games in the league are at Baylor at Cincinnati. They get Oakland State at home. They get Arizona at home. They get Texas Tech at home. They get Houston at home. They get UCF at home. They got a really favorable schedule in my opinion, Vince. They don't have to play Kansas or Kansas state this year. And so they play Kansas this year. They do. They're at Kansas. But it's on a neutral field. Oh, is it? Okay. Yeah, it's on a neutral field. So I actually missed that one. Gotcha. They don't play K-State. They get Oklahoma State at home. The only really tough road game they have is that Utah in conference now because like they could go lose by 50 at SMU and it doesn't matter because it's not a conference game. True. This is a conference prediction. So it's going to be interesting. And then Texas Tech, I really like what they're doing down there. I really do. They got some guys coming back and their schedule, I think, also sets up pretty nicely with TCU or Texas Tech Vince looking at their schedule, you know, I kind of look at them and they've got Arizona State at home, Cincinnati at home, Baylor at home, Colorado at home, West Virginia at home, right? So that's five wins that they have there. And then they also have Arizona at TCU at Iowa State at Oklahoma State. That's the hard part. And I don't think they win any of those. But I've said before, if you're just kind of an okay team, what do I always say? Get the teams that you're not going to beat anyway on the road and get the teams that you can beat at home. And Texas Tech has the like the most great example of that. I don't think they're beating Oklahoma State wherever they play. I don't think they're beating, you know, Iowa State this year, in my opinion. I don't know that they can beat Arizona this year wherever they played. So they get all those teams on the road and then they get the team. They can beat Arizona State. They can beat Cincinnati. They can beat Baylor. They can beat Colorado. And you get them all at home. And so I think the schedule is a big reason I have Texas Tech where I have them. It's more so than I like what they're doing. I do like what they're doing. But talent wise, I'd say probably closer to 10th in the league. But I think the schedule sets up nicely and they battle, man. Like that's what I like. They almost beat Oregon last year at home. And so I really like what Texas Tech is doing and they got a lot coming back. So they're a team that I had up there higher too as well. Anybody else, Vince, that you wanted to talk about, that you and I have a big difference of opinion on. I know that you have West Virginia, I believe, a lot higher than I do as well. Actually, I have them seven, you have them 10. So I mean, they're still kind of middle of the pack. I thought last year was a bit of an anomaly season for them and that's fair. And you know, their coach was on the hot seat last year going into last year and then they had that good season and went nine and four. And so now it's going to be okay, the seat's not quite as hot, but can you replicate what you did last year and talking about Neil Brown, obviously, and he's been there for five. He took over in 2019. So he had to navigate COVID and all that other stuff and it probably extended his tenure because of that. Not a lot of guys got fired because of what happened during COVID. And so if they didn't have that nine and four season last year, they would have a first year head coach right now. So, you know, how does he operate under that umbrella? I think it's going to be very interesting. I think that he's his schedule isn't the easiest on the planet. You know, they, excuse me, they get Penn State at home to open it up. Obviously they lost pretty badly in the opener last year. They were so they were on one going into the season and then they kind of righted the ship and got four straight wins. So this year, those four games are Albany at home at Pittsburgh and then Kansas at home. If you're going to get Kansas, get him at home and you know, will Jalen Daniels be injured by then? That's the big question, right? If he's healthy, I think Kansas wins that game. If he's not healthy, I think West Virginia's got a shot at winning that game, right? And then you've got to go to Oklahoma State. I don't think they would have beaten Oklahoma State regardless. So to your point, get that one on the road. That's fine. Go, go, go, take that boat whooping on the road. And then they're hosting Iowa State and they host Kansas State. You know, you like Kansas State a lot. I get that. I don't think they're going to win that game regardless of where it is either. It happens to be at home. So that's kind of a tough break. But then they go to Arizona. I think they've got a shot depending on how the season goes at that point, right? How badly did they lose to Penn State and what happened against Kansas in Oklahoma State? I think goes a long way to what happens when they go on the road to Arizona. It's fair. You know what I mean? Yeah. If they can scratch out one of those wins, I think they got a shot at Arizona. And here's the interesting part about all this fence with West Virginia and just league as a whole is when things are close, like they are with a lot of teams. Yeah. Like even some teams like Colorado, we both have 12th. I mean, Colorado has one of the best, most athletic teams in the league at certain spots, you know, and it's like, could they be better? But the BYU's got a lot coming back. I think they could jump up Houston is going to be much better coach this year, but they're going through a transition moving to a different system. There's all types of things to look at Vince. And the thing is like when things are close, what tends to happen is one of two or what are the two things? One is the home teams hold serve, sure, because, you know, or be there's a lot more home up sets. And that could shake things up a lot. Oh, yeah. That's what makes this a really challenging thing to determinously, Vince, it really does. Like I said, I could make a case for a lot of teams to beat a lot of other teams. You know what I mean? And depending on how the season starts to shake out and where some of those wins come from will also determine which games get won and lost as you move forward. And so yeah, it's going to be interesting. Here's my wild card. Okay. Here's my big wild card team. UCF. Okay. Now, with Gus Mulzani, he's kind of like the Lincoln Riley of the big 12. You never know what you're going to get from year to year from Gus, right? Fair. They're going to have one of the most athletic teams in league, but they got K.J. Jefferson to transfer in a quarterback. The plumbly clip that kid had last year was literally an athlete playing quarterback. He had, I mean, he was not a quarterback, in my opinion, Vince. Like even for Gus Mulzani, I don't think he was a quarterback. I mean, he was a kid that should have been playing receiver or something else. John, I think it's John Reese Plumley's high say's name. Yeah. Super athletic kid, not a quarterback. And I felt that they, they may, not that they made a mistake because I don't know what else they had, but he just wasn't a quarterback. And there were several games last year that they lost games late where, you know, if he could have played better or the quarterbacks could have made more plays, they'd have won. I mean, they lost to Baylor by a point. They lost at Oklahoma by two points. You know, they lost to Texas tech by a point. And I could be wrong on this. I'm actually going to look it up, but I'm going to, I thought the TC that the UCF West Virginia game was close for a while. Yes, I am correct. It was UCF had, it was our Kansas or West Virginia outscored them by 10 in the fourth quarter. And that's what kind of broke the game open, but for a while there was close and the quarterback just couldn't make place. He threw three interceptions. John Reese Plumley, Plumley, three interceptions. And so UCF was down 21, 24. They were down by three and a half time, three at the end of the third quarter. And then they had a 27 yard drive that came off of an interception, another nine yard scoring drive in the fourth quarter off of a turnover, and that's what broke the game open. But with KJ Jefferson, who I like a lot at Arkansas, if he can stay healthy, again, this is kind of the reason I didn't rank them higher is because with KJ, it's very similar to Jalen Daniels. KJ has not been able to stay healthy consistently his career, but if KJ, if KJ Jefferson can stay healthy, don't sleep on UCF making some noise. He's in this league, maybe even winning it. He's that good. I don't know how well he fits Gus Mallsano's offense. That's my only hangup. Okay. Because KJ can run, but KJ is not a runner, you know, like he's not a, he's not Nick Marshall. Right. You know what I mean? He's not Cam Newton. He can, he can do some of those things, but not full time. So I really like KJ Jefferson, if he can stay healthy in that town that UCF. I just, I think quarterback was a big problem for them last year. They just had an athlete playing quarterback. Yeah. Yeah, what you can win games with is a quarterback who is a good athlete, he's, he's still, but he's a quarterback. John Reese Palmley was not a quarterback. And so that's why they're my sleeper team. I'm not ready to go with them yet. Vents you and I both have a ninth. Yeah. But if I'm looking at team like what team and that could, you know, he always get asked, who's your surprise pick that right there's my surprise team. Okay. That's that team that I think has enough talent coming back and portal additions that they could be that sleeper team that, that, that, you know, takes off and, and, and surprises some people. So that, that's, that's mine. Do you have anybody like that vintage or like someone from the bottom half of your league prediction that, that, that you think could kind of take off if Colorado didn't have so many. They've got talent. It's just, I don't know that they know, I just don't like the character of that football team. Right. Exactly. And they, the fact that they just keep turning it over every year, it's just not good for building any, any kind of attitude or, or, you know, foundation or anything like that. And in college, I think that's uber important. I mean, this isn't the NFL, you know, it's, it's different. And so you can't, you cannot in college turn over your roster that way. I, you just can't. And I think coach prime is going to figure that out. If he hasn't already, that that's not a recipe for success per se. You can do that when you first come in. I get that part, you know, it's kind of a changing of the guard, you know, that kind of a deal. But then you made all kinds of promises to all those guys that came in and then now half of them are gone again. You know what I mean? And so I don't know that that instills the trust and the guys that are even still there. And then word of mouth and people talk, man, and you think you're going to get another influx of guys in, I just, you know, that's just not the way to build a program, in my opinion. So I have a hard time getting on board with what Colorado's up to. This episode is brought to you by our good friends at NFL Sunday ticket on YouTube TV. I'm sure by now you've all gotten back into your Sunday routines, but they could be even better with NFL Sunday ticket and YouTube TV, you get the most live NFL games all in one place every game, every Sunday, and you can even watch up to four different games at once with multi-view, one of my favorite inventions of this decade. It's exactly what you need to catch all the action, make your Sundays more magical and also YouTube TV is great. I got it this year. It's awesome. Sign up now at device and content restrictions apply local and national games on YouTube TV, NFL Sunday ticket for out of market games excludes digital only games. School is back and exporting goods has what you need to win your year. We've got everything from cleats to sambas, dunks and more, plus the hottest looks from Nike, Jordan and Adidas. Find your first day fits in store or online at I agree. Then some of the parts of what we do is teams on the rise. Who is your pick for now? Teams on the rise includes this year, teams that are sending, but just in general this year and beyond teams that are ascending in the big 12. Well I had Kansas written down for this category and I'm a big fan of Jalen Daniels, obviously I've made that pretty clear because I picked him as my player of the year and that's one of the categories that we pick as well. I just, I like what Lance Leopold has been doing at Kansas. I think he is getting talent there. I think he's doing a lot of the right things there. He just needs to, he needs his dynamic trigger man to be healthy. That's the biggest thing. If he's healthy, I think this Kansas team could compete for the championship. I really do. I think their schedule is one that will allow that to happen and again, if Daniels is healthy. That's the biggest question mark for Kansas right now. Can they keep him healthy? If they can keep him healthy, I love their schedule. I think their schedule sets up very, very nicely with a healthy quarterback. Now if he's not healthy, throw it out the window and then your prediction becomes true and that's when they are in the middle back. But again, you and I don't disagree a lot on Kansas. We don't. I simply added a caveat in there that I just don't think the kids can... And I get it. Oh, I totally get it. That's where I'm coming from. But if he's healthy, I think you and I are on the same page that this team could be right at the top. I mean, they can be right near the top and competing when it comes down to the last couple of games of the season. So they're my team on the rise just because they've made some noise over the past couple of years, but they haven't obviously won the conference. They're not a perennial conference contender. And so that's why I say that they're on the rise because I believe that if they can do that again this year and then they reload with recruiting and everything, I think they can maintain kind of the top third of the big 12 and they can kind of stay in that conversation. Because I really like Lance Leopold. Yeah. He's a heck of a coach. Yeah. He's a heck of a football coach. Right. I think Kansas State is as well. Yeah. I think Kansas State's got a heck of a football coach as well. I think Chris Klimans are next on football coach. I just think they have more talent and they can win more without a if every Davis goes down, I think they're in a better position to win than Kansas is. Okay. And now part of that is because Chris Klimans inherited a much better situation from Bill Snyder than what Lance Leopold inherited. Right. So I mean, it's that's kind of part of the conversation as well, but you know, I think K States, my team on the rise. So we're both in the same state. I mean, you look at Kansas State last year, Vincent, and they went nine and four and their losses were a three point road loss to Missouri, where I think the kid hit like a 60 yard field goal to win. Oh, is that the one? Yeah. That's local, by the way. Yeah. They, they lost at Oklahoma State by eight. They lost at Texas by three and, and their other loss is a home loss to Iowa State by seven. Now, you can say, well, what about they, they're other, they're wins. Their nine wins were by 45, 29, 13, 17, 38, 41, 34 and four. Their four point win was at Kansas. And then they won their bowl game by nine. So like they, they were a lot closer to being a 10 11 win team than they were to being, you know, like they sometimes people say like, man, we were just like Brian Kelly's to drive me nuts. Or what was it? 2015 season. You remember that? We were, you know, we were a play here and a play there away from, you know, being undefeated. And I'm like, this is why you'll never win because you were also a play away from losing to Virginia. Right. You were one more onside kick away from losing the Georgia tech. You know what I mean? Like you almost lost a temple. You had to throw a late last minute touchdown against temple to win that game. You almost lost a flip and BC that year, like bro, you were a lot closer to being seven and six than you were 13 and Oh, but Kansas, not the case. Like they won big or lost close. That was for Kansas state. That's who they were. Yeah. And, you know, I love Avery Johnson is, I mean, you remember, Vince, I, I wanted no name to go get him in 20 and then 2023 class once you thought you weren't going to get Dante more. He didn't want to flip. They tried. Trust me, dude. They tried hard to flip Avery Johnson couldn't get in the flip and it worked. It worked out well for K state. And so I really liked that football team and they're going to be fast and they don't need Dylan Edwards to be a running back every down. They can do it because they've got Jr. Giddens. They've got, they can put him in the running back at times. They can put him in a slot and have him return kicks and their defense is going to be pretty good as well. So I just think K states in a much better situation their team I have on the rise. Cool. Iowa state, you could say is going to be on the rise for the season, but Iowa state's always going to be like this. So they're not a team that I can look at. But I'll tell you this, this is a big year for Texas tech. Because if they're, if, if they're a team, I think they're going to be, then they are going to be a team that's going to be one you want to look out for in a big 12 is not a team that's going to win it, but a team that's always going to be, man, I do not want to play down. I love it. Because they're, they got a good rush. They got athletes. They're coach. Well, they play hard. They're never going to win the league, but they're always going to impact the league. You know, they're always going to have those couple wins that, that this is why you finished third. Why'd you finish third? And when I'm flipping, you know, got beat by Texas tech, you know, week five and, you know, and at home, you know, so they're going to, they're going to be that. That's kind of what I think they're going to be. So they're another team that I have on the rise. What about the overrated teams or the teams that are descending in your opinion? Well, I kind of, it can be either or does. Yeah. Yeah. I went, I went the overrated route a little bit, but it's tough because they're not really overrated when it comes to where people are projecting them within the conference. It's just, I just think they're overrated because they get so much stinking attention. And they do have a lot of athletes and I kind of went down the Colorado road already. And it's, I don't want to rehash everything that I just said, but they're the team that I picked in it from the overrated category because they just get so much attention. But I think people that actually know football are putting them middle to the lower half of the big 12 as far as where they're going to finish. And so that doesn't really make them overrated. You know what I mean from a football standpoint, looking at the magazines, I think they all had them in the, in the bottom half. They did. Yeah. 100% they did. And I would have done that anyway, but that's where they had them as well, whereas I think it was probably different in the Pac 12 last year going into it. I think they, there was a lot of excitement about Colorado and I think that has been tempered. But I still think that they're overrated. I just, they're, they're going to implode at some point this season and it won't. Well, that's, that's the problem, Vince, is that the way that coach, coach Sanders has built that team. I don't think they're in it for the struggle, right? Exactly. Exactly. And look at how they're like, they're, you're already hearing it of the dissension and he's making them go to his kids' parties and if they don't, they're, you know, I don't know how true that stuff is, but it's being spread. So like there's some level of has to be at least guys versus, you know, there's, there's clearly not a unified situation there and, and the way that their schedule is they could start off. Oh, and two, they played North Dakota state and at Nebraska in the first two games. Like, dude, that, if they, if they, if they go through a period of losing, they're going to just fall apart. A whole hundred percent. That's my fear. That's my fear. To your point, the two magazines, Lindy's and Athlon, both have Colorado 11th. You and I both have them 12th. So it's all within the same thing. The team that I think is kind of descending, I don't know that I'd call them overrated. I think I'll say it. I think they're overrated is Arizona. Yeah. I mean, like first of all, they weren't even a top 10 team last year, right? They shouldn't have been. One and three team, good team, but not a, not a top 10 team should not have been ranked ahead of Notre Dame, for example. I still don't get that one, how they were ranked ahead of Notre Dame. Uh, I, I'm just like, I like, why? Because they, they didn't lose as bad to Washington as everybody else lost to Washington. Like they got beat by USC who Notre Dame destroyed. Right. So I, I never understood that they beat Stanford by a point, Notre Dame destroyed Stanford. So like literally you have two common opponents, I'm sorry, three common opponents with Arizona last year, Stanford, they beat by one point at Stanford, USC, they lost two by two points at USC, and then they beat Oregon State by three, Notre Dame beat those teams by, what was it? 33, 28 and 32, and yet Arizona with the same exact record as Notre Dame finished ranked higher than Notre Dame. Based on what wins, I don't know, right? Their wins were over Northern Arizona, UTEP, Stanford, Washington State, Oregon State, UCLA, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona State. And what Oklahoma in a bowl game, like what wins make you think they were better, but they ranked ahead of Notre Dame last year, shouldn't have, uh, they were overrated last year. They're overrated this year, especially now they've lost their head coach. They lost their top running back. They lost half their starting offensive line left. I think most of their defensive line left to go to Washington, uh, their one offensive lineman they had, Jordan Morgan got drafted, I think in the first round, maybe early second round last this past, this past draft, they were a one hit wonder, in my opinion. They were a one hit wonder. So I, I just, I look at it and I just, I'm, I'm not on the Arizona bandwagon. I think they're very, a very overrated program. I was like your point about Colorado, I don't think you can, no one's overrated Colorado. Right. And as far as the storylines, they're, they're there because people care. They people pay attention to that crap. It's a soap opera. Yeah. Exactly. You know, and that's what's, that's what ESPN is. It's, it's a soap opera for men, essentially. It's what it is. It's great. So, you know, it's, it's, it's, and, and that's kind of what Colorado gives you. Yes. So I just, you know, I don't, I don't, I'm not an Arizona guy. And, and again, it's all because I don't think no Fafiti is what people make them out to be. Now, we'll find, I could be wrong. And if I'm wrong, then I'm going to, if I'm wrong about him, I'm going to be wrong about this. Sure. So makes sense. Those two things go hand in hand. If I'm, if he's better than I think he is, then they're going to, they're going to be a good football team and a top four to five team in the, in the, in the, in the league. Top, let me rephrase that. Top two to three team in the league. If I'm wrong on him, if I'm right on him, then they're going to be six through nine. Because I have him six, but I could see them going down even further. If I'm, if I'm right about Arizona, I'm even having too high at six, but that's kind of where I'm at. So that's the team that I think is, is the most overrated team in that league right now. Kansas, I don't think is overrated because again, my prediction is based on them, their quarterback getting hurt. Right. And that does nothing to do with being overrated. Yeah. I mean, most people, it's not, it's unfair to make a prediction based off thinking someone's going to get hurt. So it is one of this. So I, coaches on the hot seat, this is an interesting one because a lot of the teams that are picked to be kind of lower half of the, of the, of the conference are fairly new coaches, you know, either first or second year or new brand new, you know, that kind of a thing. And so you can't really put a coach on a hot seat after being there for a year. I mean, that's not, I mean, maybe schools do that, but that, that's not really fair. I will. I will have a guy on the hot seat after one year. Okay. Yeah. Who's, who's going into his second year? We'll get to that. Fair enough. Usually you don't. It has to be an extenuating circumstance. Okay. Fair enough. I'll, I'll lead off my coach on the hot. I have two, but really it's one. My second one was more, he's still a great fit at the school. And so I don't know that the wins and losses are as important. If that makes sense, I'll say that one first. So I had, was it Kalami Sataki, I said, how you say his name? Yeah, at BYU, I think he's a really good fit from a culture standpoint and all of those different things at BYU. And so I'm guessing the leash is probably a little bit longer for him than it would be maybe for some other coaches at other schools under the same wins and losses circumstances. So I put him on here. I just don't know how accurate it is from a BYU standpoint. Does that make sense? Yes. And like my thing is, he's not on mine unless they are bad. Okay. And there's a couple reasons why. Number one is he had some really good years going into last year. Right. They weren't terrible. I mean, they were five and seven last year. They weren't good, but they weren't awful, you know, and they had some competitive losses. Some of their losses, let's be honest, were bad losses, but they had a couple that were competitive. They lost and doubled over time to Oklahoma State, lost by Touchdown against Oklahoma. You know, the rest of them are lost by Levin at Kansas, rest of them were blowouts. But you know, it's the fact that A, he's an alum, yeah, it's part of it for me. They are making the transition to a power five school for the first time. And they've never been a power five team. Yep. Big before, but that was the Mountain West and the whack. They were never in a power five and he's three years removed from a 10 to three season and four years removed from an 11 and one season where they finished 11 of them polls. Now if they're worse than five and seven, then he may be on the hot seat next year. Got you, but he's not on it now unless they're like two and 10 in just a horrible football team. And it's so obviously he's in over his head at the power five level, you got to move on from him. Right. That would be my thing is, is there because he's, he's now going into his, this is going to be his, let's see, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. This is a 10th year, no, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. This is his ninth year. Last year's losing record is only the second losing records he's had in this previous one was all the way back in 2017, you know, since they won seven, seven, 11, 10, eight games prior to last year. So I think he'll get a little bit of a grace period because he's an alum. Yep. And honestly, kind of because he should, because they are making that transition to the power five, I get that my, the one I had on there with really no hesitation whatsoever was David Rand at Baylor. Yeah. He's definitely on there. That was a fairly easy one for me. I mean, they were three and nine last year. I mean, that's just not good. He's under 500 at Baylor. I think he's like 23 and 25 that that's just not getting it, which is not good when you consider he had a 12 and two season where they went to the sugar bowl and won the sugar bowl. There you go. Second year, they went 12 and two and beat Ole Miss in a sugar bowl and won the big 12 title. And he still has a losing record right as a coach, right. That's just not good. Not good. And they're, you know, the magazine I'm looking at right now, they're picked 12th in the league. Uh, what did I have them? I have them 11th. I think you're probably in the same neighborhood. Yeah. Uh, with yours as well. I have them 14th. You have them 14th. They're even worse than I do. So this may be the swan song here for David Rand at Baylor. And so that's why he was my pick. Well, and they didn't do him any favors. They've got to play at Utah, at Colorado, at Iowa State, at Texas Tech, at West Virginia, at Houston. So they get Kansas and Oklahoma State at home and TCU at home, meaning it's that thing I talk about, right? Like so you want to get the teams, you know, you can beat at home, you know, or at home and then the teams you can't beat on the road. So this year, they got both, you know, because they got to play at Utah and at Houston. I would stay at West Virginia, but then they also get the best teams in the schedule. They get at home. Other best teams to get at home. That's a brutal schedule. That's a really tough schedule. And it's going to be tough for him to survive that, my opinion, because of they're just bad. And like last year, Vince, I mean, they were three and nine last year. They lost by 11 points to Texas State. Yikes. They had a close loss against Utah at home, but then they lost by 32 to Texas, 25 at home to Texas Tech, 12 points at home to Iowa State. They lost an overtime at home to Houston who fired their coach at the end of the year. They lost by 34 at Kansas State. They lost by 25 at TCU and then they lost at home by three points to West Virginia. Like they literally did not win a single league game at home last year. They only won one game at home. Their two power four conference wins were by a total of four points. Yes. A point at UCF and a three points at Cincinnati. And then their other win was over Long Island. Right. Right. I wasn't even sure who L.I.U. was. Yeah. That's Long Island. Okay. Long Island University. Nobody knows who they are. Thanks. You're fine. Nobody else knows who they are. So, yeah, it's not good. And they've got to play Air Force at home this year. Like, is it even a given? They're going to be Air Force? No. You know, like that. Is that Air Force? You know, I mean, you know, as well as I do, it's a service academy, obviously. But they're going to run a gimmicky offense. I say gimmicky, but you know what I mean? It's true. It's not something you see on a regular basis. So that means you actually have to be coached up and you have to be ready to go and you have to be, you know, planned out for it, I don't know if that's a given. I really don't. I don't think that's a given win. They're only given win on their schedule is the way I see it is Tarleton, wherever the heck that is. They're actually a really good FCS team. They're a top 25 FCS team. Okay. Yeah. Tarleton. Yeah. Yeah. It's tough, man. It's a tough schedule. They did not help Dave around out at all. Like, there's a couple coaches this year that are on the hot seat that it's like almost like their schools were like, okay, we want to get rid of them. We don't have enough cause yet. So let's give them like a brutal schedule and make sure that he can't make sure that he's out. Yeah. And that's Billy Napier's that way. Oh my gosh. So Billy Napier, you want to feel sorry for a guy when it comes to a schedule. I don't feel sorry for Billy Napier. Well, I don't want to come to do a schedule. I do. But yeah. I give it to you. He brought that on himself. But it so so and then what is I mean, they're going to have to go to bowl game for him to save his job. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Against that schedule. Yeah. They're going to have five school and have one winning record. Right. You know, even as successful as it was. Yeah. It's a run. Charlie got fired after Charlie Weiss got fired after five years and he only had two losing seasons. Matter of fact, no, I'm sorry. Charlie only had one losing season and he got fired after five years, right? Cause they went six and sixes last year and then seven and six the year before, right? Cause they beat Hawaii in the bowl. Yeah. Cause in '08 they beat Hawaii in a bowl game at the end of the year. They couldn't have gotten a bowl game if they had a losing record. They were at least seven and six and he got fired after five years and he had two really good seasons. Yeah. It's for Notre Dame. Dave and Randis had one and they've been bad every other year. So two and seven and three and nine in his other years there. So yes, it's not good. It's not good. And look, 20 years ago, maybe Baylor, Hey, you're a good guy. We like you. He's a well liked guy. Well respected with their issues that they've had in the past, like that, that goes a long way. But man, dude, this is a team that Matt rule came in here and turned this thing around pretty quick. I mean, your last two had coaches one. Yeah. And you're not winning. And the only winning you did was with a roster that the previous guy recruited. Now that's part of the issue with Dave and two is he had about a good, a good two years to win at Baylor with Matt rules guys and then after that was going to be a problem. Cause Matt rule didn't really recruit his last year there very well because I think he knew he was an NFL exactly, but you've, this is going to be now your third year to rebuild the roster. And let's see if you can do it or not. So they're going to have to turn it around for him to have a shot. But the other guy that I have on the hot seat two Vince is a guy that's only in the year two of the school and that Scott Satterfield is Cincinnati. Okay. Yeah. Look, that's a train wreck. It's Cincinnati. It is a train wreck. He's part of the train wreck, to be honest with you, coming from what they were when he took over. Now I realized they had a transition to the big 12. I get that. That's not the easiest thing in the world to do. Like, okay, fine. But even with that said, this was a team that was in the college football playoff when he took over two years before, two years before. Okay. Yeah. And they went nine and four the year before he took over. Yeah. A quality team, quality program, nine and four season and they lost to his Louisville team that nine and four Cincinnati team lost by a touchdown at Arkansas, lost by four points at UCF, three points against Tulane and and then lost to Satterfield's Louisville team. And actually, no, I'm sorry, I don't think Satterfield coached in that bowl game. He probably already had the job at Cincinnati, right? Yeah. Let me let me go look at that actually real quick and see if he if he did take that or not, because it'll show up in here. Yeah, he did not coach in the bowl game. So he takes over. They go now they go three and I said, oh, yeah, look, they're transitioning to a power five. Cool. How does that justify losing to Miami, Ohio at home? How does that justify losing by 20 at home to Iowa State? How does that justify losing to a three and nine Baylor team at home? You know, like they were bad, like they were bad and he's just not likable. Like I just don't like Scott Satter and that said, but like he just and he soured me because I love we did it at state, but he just became just incessantly whining at Louisville, how well is me like, bro, you took this job. You left a great situation to go take this job, stop whining about it. And he goes to Cincinnati and in his defense, a lot of the talent that Luke Fickle won with was brought in by Marcus Freeman and Chad Bowden. And now you get there in 23 and you're now a couple of years removed from a lot of the Freeman had brought in because Freeman left in 2020. You know, so it's like, okay, I get it, but man, they were just not good. And when you're not likable and then you look at their schedule this year events and it's like, I don't know, like their schedule is not not the best for them either, you know, they've got to play pit. They're going to play at Miami, Ohio at Texas Tech at UCF at Colorado at Iowa State at Kansas State, then their home games, they get Houston at home, who they beat last year, pit at home where they beat last year, Arizona State at home, West Virginia at home, TCU at home. So there's some home games they got a shot of losing as well. So if he has another three and nine, four and eight season, I could see if there's the right guy out there for that, and that's going to be like, hey, we can't afford to just, we can't afford to fall to the bottom of this league. Right. And so we'll never climb our way out. Exactly. We'll never be able to climb our way out. We've got to make a move now before it's too late. I could certainly see something like that, certainly could see something like that. So I do also have Scott Satterfield in my hot seat, and it's not unprecedented. It doesn't happen often, but we've seen guys get fired after a couple of years. If it's bad enough, fair enough, it was bad enough. So that's, uh, that's where I'm at for the, for the league events. Cool. Now our last part is the player of the year. I already kind of gave mine away in Jay Daniels. I kind of gave your say, well, I apologize, but it was, it was, it was appropriate to the conversation. 100%. I'm cool with it. I will, I will forgive you for your transgression in this regard. I, I will say that the reason I chose Jayden Daniels is because he, when I think of MVP, you know, most valuable player, he is the most valuable player for Kansas. And if he's healthy all season long, I think Kansas can be really good, you know, in the league. And so that's why he's the MVP. He's the most valuable to his situation. And therefore that's why I have him as my, but I think he's also the most out. I'll say this. It's if he's healthy for 13 games, meaning regular season plus the conference title game. Yep. I don't disagree with your pick. I mean, he is an outstanding football player when he's healthy. Yeah. Yeah. But like I said, the problem is he just has been a healthy and I get that. Yeah. And the problem with Jayden Daniels is he just doesn't say healthy now. Right. You know, he's a fun guy to watch though, when he says, he is a fun guy to watch. Right. You know, look, I'm, I'm, because I still think Oklahoma State's going to be good again. It's hard for me not to go with Ollie Gordon, who, who was the nation's leading rusher. They're running back. Yeah. They're going to have some talent around them. I could see Avery Johnson maybe jumping into this conversation as a dynamic. I mean, look, here's thing about the big 12 events. There's a lot of dynamic quarterbacks and really talented quarterbacks in this league, right? Like Cameron Rising is not dynamic, but he's a veteran guy that's won a lot of games. You've got Jaylin Daniels got Avery Johnson. You've got Noah Fafidi if people are right about it. Again, I don't think he sucks. I just don't think he's as elite top 10 quarterback people. Yeah. He's a good college quarterback. That's kind of it. Right. He's still that. You've got Garrett Green at West Virginia. You've got KJ Henderson at UCF. You've got Shador Sanders at Colorado and so I'm like, man, dude, there's actually some good quarterbacks in this league. So I think you could see a quarterback maybe jump into that conversation, but I like the two Kansas quarterbacks, the two quarters in the state of Kansas. If Jaylin Daniels is healthy, I could see that. If Avery Johnson is what I think he's going to be, I think he could be in that conversation as far as those two guys challenging Ollie Gordon for the player of the year, but I'm going to go with the reigning player. I think Ollie Gordon is the player of the year in the league last year. Well, he won the dope walker award, right? So I mean, let me just check. I could be wrong on that. Let me see it. 2023 big 12 player of the year, I thought was Ollie Gordon, but maybe they gave it to a Texas guy. Yeah, as Ollie Gordon was the, the, the offensive player of the year last year. So I'm going to, you know, I'm going to keep him there until somebody gives me a reason to, to have somebody else there. Oh, I've also thought about Rocco Beckd also, who was a freshman of the year last year at, at Iowa State. So it's, there's some good quarterback playing, like, not great, like future first round picks, but there's good quarterbacks in this league man, which is also going to make it to where in the day events, here's the thing about the, about the big 12. Number one, we did not say we do we both only have one team from this league going to the college football playoff. I think so. I think so. Yeah. So only one team from the big 12. Only one team from that league's going to be in the playoff in my opinion. Yeah. Yeah. I just see a second team being a one to two loss team and getting in, right? Completely agree. I think they're going to beat up on each other. Yes. And I think whoever wins that league is going to get beat in the quarterfinals by whoever they play in the five seat. Having said this, not a great league from the standpoint of boy, there's these great teams at the top. This might be the most fun conference to watch this year. Bingo. It's literally, I'm looking at the top 13 teams in the league. So Arizona State Houston and Cincinnati, Timmy are all going to struggle. I think Baylor might struggle, but I even, but they don't saw some players though, man. It's some spots. They have some players, but the top 13 teams on any given Saturday can beat anybody else in the league, in my opinion, for the most part, if they play to their potential and are coached well, there's going to be some crazy upsets. I think this league is going to, is going to eat itself more than any other league. Yeah. It's going to be a fun, it's going to be entertaining. Yeah, it's going to be entertaining because I think any team can, well, not any team. Most teams could beat most teams any Saturday, right? Depending on where it's being held and what the situation is, the injury situation as you have pointed out. But no, I think I'm hoping also that we get an opportunity to see more big 12 games too. You know what I mean? Because there's a lot of opportunity where we don't get to see a lot of big 12 games. And so I'm hoping now that the conference is a little bit more widespread, we get to see a few more of these games because a lot of these teams, we don't get a chance to see because they're pack, they're former pack 12 and, you know, pack 12 after dark and, you know, all of those different things. But that's why DVR or whatever version you have of is such a beautiful thing. Because you got my Fubo membership right this and I'll be, I'll be saving a lot of those games this year. So I don't know if you know this, but Fubo got rid of their thousand hour limit. Oh, did they really now that you can only keep something in there for like 30 days or something like that after 30 days, it goes away, but they got rid of the thousand hour limit. So you can take as many games as they went. Okay. Interesting. Yeah. You just can't keep stuff as long. So that makes sense. That's fine. If you're not going to watch it in 30 days, you don't really want to watch it in the first place. Bingo. So end of the day, except if you're talking about Angela and her Christmas movies. No comment. So she, especially like that, when they do that Christmas in July on Hallmark and stuff, she will then record every flip and move, including a bunch. She's already watched already. It's hilarious. And it takes her the whole fall to watch all of them. And then the new ones start coming out. So then you're good. It's one way of putting it. Oh, it's fantastic. Yeah. That's going to do it for our big 12 preview, everybody. And that's also going to put a bow on our power for conference preview. If you missed any of them and you want to check them out, they are on the podcast. And I believe that, well, of course, they're also on the YouTube channel as well. You just got to go back and hunt for them a little bit, but they're all there. They've all been done in the last about month, month and a half. So go check them out, you know, and we'll put this up also on the CFB Nation podcast channel. So you can check it out there as well. And this is going to be a fun conference to watch, Brian. It is. It is. We will have our playoff predictions soon. Fence you and I will do that. It'll either be early next week before you go back to work or we may do it on a weekend. We haven't decided yet when that's going to be cool, but we're going to have our cod full playoff predictions as well. We'll pick our 12 playoff teams and then we will predict how the playoff will pick seating. We'll pick how the who's going to win and we'll pick our champ our final four teams, our championship team. That's complicated, but the 12 team are man. All right. All right. Give me some notice. I'm giving you. I'm giving you a heads up. This is the notice, right? Okay. Okay. Tomorrow. So you got time. Yeah. Good. Fair enough. And you don't have to stick to predictions that you've made it from the league if you change your mind on stuff. It's got you. Got you. Now that's going to be fun either way. All right, everybody. Thanks for hanging out with us on yet another day of Irish breakdown podcast. Really appreciate it. Make sure you like, subscribe, hit that notification bell, share with your family and friends, jump on the boards. Boards that Irish will be back tomorrow, tomorrow is what's the day again tomorrow? What day of the week is it? August, Friday, August night, baby. So Friday. Friday. It's the Friday free for all mail bag folks. So make sure you tune in. We're going to have a lot of fun and the show's driven by you. It's only as good as the questions that you put in. So make sure you hang out with us tomorrow at one o'clock. It's, it's my last Friday free for all mail bag for a little while. So let's make it a good one, folks. It's going to be a lot of fun. Come on, you man. Get up your job, supporting your kids is overrated, man. Yeah. They'll be gone at some point. Don't worry. They'll all be gone. Leave me alone. I'll be doing mail bags all the time. So thanks for hanging out with us, everybody. Really appreciate it for Brian. I'm Vincent. We will talk to you next time on the Irish breakdown podcast. 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