All Elite Talk - an AEW podcast

AEW Dynamite Review | Kamille and Kangaroo Kicks

Join the AEW Fan Hub podcast team as we review the August 7, 2024 episode of AEW Dynamite. We now only have two Dynamite's left before All In at Wembley Stadium in London. Is AEW doing enough to hype their biggest show of the year!

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1h 27m
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08 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] It's Wednesday, you know what that means? It's time for all the talk with the AW Fanta podcast team. This is Kelson. >> This is Alex, and we just had a match. A long awaited match, I guess, a dream match for somebody out there. >> Between Brian Danielson and Jeff Jarrett, hardcore match, or no DQ. >> Anything goes, I think, was the term that they used for it. >> Okay. >> Who knows? >> Yeah, it's a way that Jeff Jarrett can do more than maybe he could in just a regular old match. >> Yeah, this is about what I expected. I think no one in the world could have possibly thought that Brian Danielson would lose this match. It's a way to make Brian Danielson look good for his match against Swerve Strickland. And I did like the ending of the match when Swerve came out. And they were building through it the whole show. They had that sit down segment with Swerve and JR, which I thought was really good. Even though JR is long in the tooth, I guess, is maybe the best way to put it. >> You can say that. Well, he's like Sutton almost. >> Now listen, almost, not quite, but hey, I'll take that comparison, cute. >> Yeah, I think JR did a good job in the interview. Yeah, and I thought we got to really see a good side of Swerve Strickland. They made me kind of understand the story going into the match a little bit more, the lengths that Swerve is willing to go. >> Yeah. >> What did you guys think of this match? And what do you guys think? How do you guys feel about how they built towards the main event of all in tonight? >> I'm going to be honest with you, and I don't know if anybody else feels this way. And I'm not saying that this was a bad match by any mean shape or form. But if you were to sit there and say, hey, Kelsey, we need for you to book this match, it would, if everything that happened from Brian Danielson coming out first and getting hit by a chair throughout the entire match, pretty much everything that happened toward till the end of the match was 100% completely predictable. And I'm not saying that in a bad way, but there was nothing to this match that surprised me. It just was. It was a great match. Don't get me wrong in seeing these two 50 whatever year olds going out there. And just a cardiovascular, I pull a muscle when I reach over to take some toilet paper off the roll. These guys are out there wrestling. So I can't complain about anything that they did in the ring. It's just that I thought it was predictable. And again, I'm not saying that in a bad way. Yeah, I think it was what you expected. I mean, you know, Jeff's been around so long and he hasn't, he hasn't gotten. You can definitely tell he's passed his prime and he does what he can in the ring now. And I'm glad they made it what they did. But it was pretty much what you expected. And it's a good tune up, I guess. It almost feels like Danielson's, I don't know, I can't put my finger on it, but it just seems like he's almost like he's holding back right now. You know what I mean? I think he kind of has to. I guess he does, but it just kind of seems like he's holding back from what he really can do. And I don't know, it just seems weird to me. What about you, Ed Kay and Red? I mean, what are you thinking about business match beat, exceed or just basically was it there for you? I think we have to start accepting the fact that Brian Danielson is also an old man wrestler. He moves like an old man wrestler, which I have a few things that he's done a million times at his body is just as in muscle memory. He definitely looked his age more than he has in a long time in this match. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. During the Mid-South, I mean the Mid-Atlantic circuit right now, this is kind of how matches were back then. This is what the fan base in Winston Salem is accustomed to. It was fun for what it was. I don't know if it should have been a main event, but you know, Jeff Jarrett, he's in his, the Twilight of his career, the last few minutes of the Twilight of his career. So it's nice to see him get this opportunity. Yeah, let me ask you this, Red, real quick. When you're talking about Brian Danielson holding back, or, you know, I think Sutton said that, and you're saying that he wrestled his age, basically. Do you think that he is being careful so that he can perform to the standard of people expect that all in? Do you really expect for him to go into all in and have a held back and wrestle his age match? Or do you really think that he's going to go out there, balls to the wall, and put on a main event show? I think in a pay-per-view setting, like all in, especially all in, which is A.W.'s biggest grandest stage, I think he can plot all the stops and precaution of the win to an extent. But, you know, a lot of guys, I think the saving grace of working at WWE is that you learn how to work a reserved way. And I'm not saying Brian Danielson didn't do that before he was there, but the television's a lot different than a pay-per-view. And especially, I don't know his age off the top of my head, but he's got to be 44, 43, at least. He's been wrestling over 20 years. If you're talking about, you know, miles, this guy has city miles. I mean, he's done it all, and he's been doing it for a long time. I mean, we could talk, yeah, maybe it's conserving himself a little bit, but also, you know, there's a, at a point, his body can only do so much, and only so frequently. And he wrestles pretty often, so. Yeah, so MK, I just want to get to MK real quick, because I have a question for MK. When you look at Brian Danielson and Swear Strickland, I mean, you're looking at two totally different styles. Swear Strickland is a, I consider him a brutalizer. His matches are very physical, very physical, where Danielson tends toward his physical as well, but he tends more toward a technical side. What are your expectations for this match? Not as far as who's going to win, but do you see this going like a physical or technical or a more hybrid kind of match? I think that honestly, it could be both. Swear was very good at what he does. He can, Swear from Go Physical, Swear can go technical a little bit, not as well as Danielson can, but this mask worries me because of the stipulation that Brian Danielson put on it. I don't really want to, I'm in the minority. I really don't want to see him win. When I, I don't think he needs a reign and maybe this is the way to put him out to pasture, and he's not doing as good as people think he's, think he's doing, but as for the Jared match, I think it was ho-hum. I don't see what it was really needed except for once in a lifetime in advance. Other than that, I just don't really see the need to have a good match, but I just didn't really, I wasn't into it. I can, I can understand that. I mean, you do going into this match, obviously that Danielson wasn't going to lose the match going into all in, since he's in the main event of all in, it would make no sense whatsoever for him to lose to Jeff Jarrett. Alex, what do you, I, I really don't, I mean, Danielson can do physical, he could do technical and said swerve can too, but what would you like to see? Would you like to see it more physical or would you like to see it more technical for entertainment value? Well, what would you like to see in order for you to be entertained by this main event match at all in? Yeah, I think I would like to see something leaning towards the technical side of things. You know, in the last year, Danielson has had some amazing matches with Zach Saber Jr. and his match against Will Osprey. I guess they're getting fewer and further between, but I really love to see him performing that technical, but kicking a guy's head in style. And I love the reversals that he's able to do when he's in the ring with a guy like that and swerve. I'm sure he has some of that in his back pocket. So yeah, that's what I'm hoping to see. Yeah, so I want to move on to the next match that I want to talk about. And that's the Kyle Fletcher versus MJF match that opened the show. The match, again, went pretty much as expected. Really, everything on this show went pretty much as expected. The thing that I found entertaining or more revealing was after the match. I don't know if you saw it, but they had a segment on, I saw it on X. I'm sure it's going to be on YouTube with Kyle Fletcher and Will Osprey backstage where Kyle Fletcher is basically fleeting for Will Osprey to use the Tiger Driver on on MJF because MJF is going to pull out all the stops. I mean, this is basically what Kyle Fletcher is telling him and Kyle, while Osprey in reaction was, did you see, were you in the ring when I did that to Bryan Danielson? Will Osprey is still arguing the fact that I think it's brilliant that they're doing this because Will Osprey could have not, as I said, yeah, maybe you're right, but he's still fighting it. He's still fighting for not using the Tiger Driver. What do you think? I mean, did this match between Kyle Fletcher and MJF do anything for you as far as anything new? And what do you think about Will Osprey and MJF's match at All In? Do you think that they've built the intrigue up enough? For me, it's an old-school Hogan versus the bush evicts and that kind of stuff. You know, you've got the guy who says he's representing America, but he's the evil America, and you've got Will Osprey, who's the good guy who's trying to extinguish that. It's kind of that old-fashioned feel to me. I don't know if you could really build it up much more than it is now. I think in the long run that we're going to find out that the person that trapped him in the room tonight was not MJF, but was, in fact, Don Callis because Callis is trying to drive that wedge further between him and Fletcher, which I don't see that happening, and I think that's what's going to end up getting the United Empire completely out of the Callis family. But I look forward to be a hell of a match. I don't know, I think Osprey's going to win it at All In. MJF doesn't need that title. No, he doesn't. I agree with you that I think Osprey's going to win simply because MJF is putting Osprey over. Yeah, and am I even saying that Osprey's going to win because he needs the title? I just think that's the natural conclusion to the story. Yeah, and I don't know how everybody else feels about this, but I personally feel that when it comes to AEW, and AEW has a lot of team players, but I got to put MJF dear or at the top of the list. Yeah, he acts like a scumbag, but he's going to do my impression of MJF is that he's going to do everything that he can to make AEW better. Oh, I think that 100% in what he did and what he said in his very first when he first returned and revealed the tattoo, I think that was 100% how he actually feels because that was genuine. Yeah, that was as genuine as you're going to get from MJF, and it took him a week or so after that to finally start turning back into the Mr. Evil. So he kind of tried to separate the two, but I would put him in the same level as like Brian Danielson and Osprey and all the guys that are like, you know, there that are AEW true and true, no matter what. Mm hmm. Yeah, and I feel like, you know, since MJ has been back, he had that few, the little mini feud with Ruch, he's had his feud with Will Osprey, he had a match with Kyle Fletcher. I feel like he has good taste. He's like, you know, Kyle Fletcher, Ruch, these are guys that deserve a spotlight, and I'm going to put on a good match on Dynamite with these guys for the good of the company, for the good of those guys getting featured more. Really good point. Yeah, because if it was Kyle Fletcher versus Ruch, nobody's going to care about it. But if it's Kyle Fletcher versus MJF and Ruch versus MJF, people are going to take notice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like the match. I like this feud a lot. It's going to put the two top stars, and I figure, honestly, like Sutton said, I really do think that MJF is going to lose and go back to feud with somebody else. Hopefully Daniel Garcia, when he gets back. But, you know, MJF is a team player, and that's what they need. They need more team players and not like some other person we talked about last night, but that's what they need, and they need momentum. Well, yeah. So I'm going to go to red here. We talked about this. You weren't on the podcast last night, but we've got now, we've got two more Dynamites before all in. Got one next week, obviously, and then the one in Cardiff. And one of the points that I made last night is AWS got to really get the ball rolling because they've got to promote the hell out of all in and bring excitement and intrigue and whatnot. Do you think that this match in particular between Kyle Fletcher and MJF, and then, of course, with Don Callis and Will Osprey also getting involved? Do you think that this added to the intrigue and the excitement for the all-in match? I don't know how much intrigue it adds to the all-in match. Other than maybe next week, I think the talking point will be, well, like you said, Will Osprey used the Tiger Driver 91 against MJF? But I think really more to go back to what you said, Kelson, just how giving a performer MJF is to give Kyle Fletcher this spotlight and to sell his ass off for Kyle Fletcher. Just made Kyle Fletcher look like a stud. Yeah, I think it was great for Kyle Fletcher. I don't know how much it does for their feud, but then it just continues to tell the story that these two are telling. And that's, MJF is going to try to pick Will Osprey apart in every which way he can. But I think really the winner here was Kyle Fletcher. He looked great tonight and kicked off the show against A.W.'s biggest homegrown star and looked great. I can't disagree with you there. Honestly, Kyle Fletcher, he came through against the biggest star, not just homegrown. I believe MJF is the biggest star in A.W. and with that, MJF has the most expectations. MJF is sort of the, I mean, he's the sting of A.W. He's a guy who has risen to the top without any kind of machine. It's all in his own. And he's uniquely an A.W. star. And that comes with a lot of expectation. But obviously, I mean, if you can go into a show against Kyle Fletcher and make that guy look like a superstar, I mean, it just goes to show how great MJF is. Yeah, the thing about MJF Red is that MJF proclaimed itself as being the superstar when he wasn't yet. He's always been the superstar in his own promos. And then he worked his way into that. And that is a real big risk to take. I don't know if anybody else feels that way, but yeah, MJF really set himself up for failure but didn't. I was gonna say he's always been around the right people. That's what I had to say. Yeah, and I think to even further and further for what Red said, I don't think he's just the sting of A.W. I think he's kind of a combination of sting and a very young Ric Flair because he talks to talk, he walks to walk, and he ain't afraid to put anybody over anytime, anywhere. Yeah, exactly. I think it's funny, though, that he can get simple, stupid, silly moves over like the kangaroo kick that just, I don't know why I like it, but it's got to be one of these things. It's a drop kick, you know? It's a devastating drop kick. Yeah, then the new with the drop kick, it's the setup, the whole walking around with it just it's just so silly looking. It's great. I call them the T-Rex arms. I'm sorry, but I did. It looks so sweet. And then he gets it over so well, though. That's the thing. There ain't nobody else that could do that and have that move, that simple, silly, little ass move over like MJF could or does. I know like he definitely brought it back because Kyle Fletcher's Australian, and that's the whole reason he debuted the move last year in the first place. But it seems like he's going to keep it around. I didn't catch that. I forgot about that. Yeah. Well, Alex, what do you want to talk about next? Yeah, let's talk about Camille. She had her just two-on-one destruction match, the brick house Camille. Yeah, I thought she looked really good. She did a dominator, which I really, I love that move. Farouk's old move. And her and Mercedes were in the ring, Mercedes did what I thought was a really good promo. They kind of made, I don't know where the storyline ends and the real life begins with the Brit Baker being suspended thing. I don't know where, where it was established on TV that she was suspended by the EVPs, but I like that they're playing that into the story. Rit also had a zinger on Mercedes about her taking her ball and going home. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm just really happy with Mercedes Monet, and I really like the pairing with Camille, and Camille is going to be a star in AEW, like guaranteed. Yeah. Oh, she's definitely, she's got, I got to say something. I started laughing when Mercedes Monet was talking after the match, and she put the mic to Camille to speak. And I don't know why this image went through my mind. But when Camille was about to, I've watched Camille wrestle numerous times, but I've never heard her speak before. So I didn't know what to expect. And in the back of my mind, I expected Saturday Night Live, Chris Farley and Camille just got the mic and go, I'm starving. And I don't know why. I just, I was laughing at myself and my own stupidity, and I just love Camille. That match, for me tonight, that was the best segment, match and segment of, of the night for me, because that got me excited a little bit more for, not only for all in with Mercedes Monet and Dr. Britt Baker DMD, but it also got me more excited for, hey, now what in the world are they going to do to try to like cool Camille off, because she just killed two women in the ring? I'm not much into this Monet Britt Baker feud, but we'll see where it goes. I don't, I really don't want Britt Baker to win the TVS title either. So I'm really, I'm walking a hard place with that too. And I really hope, honestly, that the fantasy booking is wrong, and Jamie Hader does not turn up in that match. I just, I would have rather her be on her own. Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised tonight. I thought Britt Baker's promo was pretty good. Definitely better than Mercedes, because Mercedes to me just felt like it was, it was almost like she had to force herself to actually say the things she was saying. I don't know why I came over that way, but I was pleasantly, pleasantly surprised that Britt Baker actually did a promo that was above what she's ever done before. In my eyes, I thought she was actually good tonight. It'll be interesting. I don't think, I can't, I can't for the life of me see them bringing Jamie Hader back into that, because to me that, like I said before, that's a step backwards for her. If she's going to come out and get involved in something, I would think it would be the title match between Tony and Mariah other than coming out and teaming with Britt Baker, because they were only teammate for like a week or two before Britt left, or before Jamie left actually. So I just don't think they were together for a long time. They were together for a couple of years. Like I, where were you at? Yeah, from Jamie, Jamie Hader debuted as like Britt. She came out for a little bit with her, but once she, once she moved over to the world title, that was the end of that. And I hope they don't bring that back. No, they were still together even when, when Jamie Hader, like I agree, Jamie Hader to me is a bigger star than Britt Baker. She's a better wrestler. And I think people like her more. So it kind of doesn't make sense to just bring her back as Britt's backup, but yeah, it makes sense just because two against one, she needs a second. So it kind of seems obvious, but hopefully not. Jamie Hader comes back. When Jamie Hader comes back, do you think that her purpose initially to get her feet wet? You know, hey, she's been out for over a year. She's, do you think that her first feud is going to culminate with her against Camille? That could be an interesting idea. Just Camille's going to be working as foil to stop Britt Baker. So naturally, Britt Baker's friend, Jamie Hader, would likely, it just makes sense to me. I mentioned on the face, on the, on the Reddit page that I think she should appear at Cardiff, that way it'll, because they're going to need something, they're going to need something to draw people and get excitement buzzing around. Oh, and I think that's the way to go. Yeah, I kind of hoping she shows up next week. The reason why, and I agree with you, boy problem with Cardiff is that Cardiff is literally four days before all in. And that may not be enough time for Jamie Hader to be worthwhile. If she comes out on not wrestling, but if she comes out next week on Dynamite saying that she's got something to say in Cardiff, in other words, you can't just spring her up, spring her on the crowd as a surprise. You've got to let the crowd in Cardiff know ahead of time that Jamie Hader is going to be there, and Jamie Hader has something to say. Red, do you agree with that? I mean, do you think having Jamie Hader coming out card of four days before all in, do you think that that is too late to have any effect on all in? If I were, well, answer your question. If you're talking about moving tickets. Yeah, well, moving tickets and, you know, selling the pay per view, having excitement around it. Yeah, I think it could absolutely Jamie Hader was, I think, by far, the most popular women's wrestler in AW when she was champion. People love Jamie Hader for a variety of reasons. So absolutely, I think that. The thing we really have to talk about here is that two weeks after all in is all out. What are the chances that Britt loses the title all in, and then they have a tag match two weeks later? Now, I know, you know, what I would guess is going to happen is I know Saraya has been talking about how she wants to match it all in. What I would expect is it's going to be like a Seth Rollins Cody Rhodes deal. Saraya comes out and then her opponent is Jamie Hader, but you know, we'll see. I agree with Sutton. I don't know if you throw Jamie Hader right back in into Britt Baker's feud. I think that's a disservice to Jamie, but I'm not booking the show, so what do I know? Yeah, I wanted to bring up something that it's kind of relevant, but it really isn't, but I wanted to bring it up because one of our moderators for the AW fan up subreddit, MRDJ204, every week he does really a fantastic Emma Marrankings. And those Emma Marrankings are based on a formula that he basically created. And it's amazing. He does it for the Ben's division, the women's division, etc, etc. Now, when he came out with the top 10 MMR rankings today for AW, six of the 10 women that are in the top 10 currently in MMR rankings were either injured this time last year or not even with the company this time last year. So when Red says that Jamie Hader, you know, arguably, I agree with him, Jamie Hader was the most popular women's wrestler in AW at the time. When she left, I believe in May of last year was Ruby when she, you know, left. So she's been gone for a while, but the landscape of the women's division completely has changed. I mean, when you look at the women's division, just look, we're talking about Camille in this segment. There are women, Camille's not even in the top 10, and there are women in the top 10 right now in the MMR rankings currently that you look at Camille and they're like, there's no way. You don't like, for example, Rio is number 10. Can you imagine Rio having a match with Camille? That's not going to go over real well, because it's like David and Goliath. Goliath's little sister. Yeah, but you put Rio in matches like that anyway, because she does so well in those type of matches. Sure, she delivers. You know, she would make that match. If that match was to be added to the all-in card, it would be one of the best matches on the card just because it's Rio. I absolutely agree with you. You know what I mean? And the other thing that kind of goes along with that for last year, a lot of the girls were hurt last year. That was part of the big problem the women's division had last year. You had so many women in her and look at some of the ones that could be on that list now that are hurt. You know, Jamie is still out. Nobody has any clue about what's going on with her. You've got Scott Blue who just got hurt. You've got the darkness princess. She's been out for a while now and hopefully she's coming back soon. So, you know, you've got those three right there could be your top three if they weren't hurt. So, yeah, I mean, well, probably I have something to say about the darkness princess, maybe a little bit later. But Alex, what do you want to talk about next? I guess let's keep talking about women's wrestling in AEW. We can talk about Mariah Mae had not quite a squash match versus Viva Van who's kind of been appearing. I feel like she may have been on collision once. She was in the CMLL match with Willow where Willow won the belt. She's definitely been on dark before. I know I've seen her on New Japan as well, but yeah. So, she kind of had a little bit of offense. It wasn't quite a squash match, but Mariah Mae looked really good in this match and we had, you know, a Tony Storm coming out. Well, no, Mariah Mae was gifted a painting or a print. I guess it was that had die Mariah die on the back of it, which I thought was neat. And Tony Storm came out and attacked her from behind. And before Mariah Mae could stab her with the shoe, Aubrey Edwards broke it up. Yeah, I thought this was a good match. It made Mariah look good and I felt like it was a good build-up to make me want to see them actually have a match together where we can actually see them fight without people breaking it up. Yeah, I mean, let's face it though. What they did on collision between Mariah Mae and Tony Storm was probably a little bit better. I did like that Mariah Mae meant full heel basically because my problem has always been that I was up until very recently like tonight. I've always felt that Mariah Mae was more of a baby-faced than Tony Storm was. Tony Storm, to me, is still a heel, but she's not as much of a heel as Mariah Mae. As Mariah Mae brutalized Viva Van at the end of that match, gave her the May Day, followed up by the Storm Zero, which was not an homage to Tony Storm, but more like rubbing in at her face, kind of thing. So, yeah, I mean, I'm looking forward to this match. My only worry about this match is that they're just going to have Tony Storm win it, and then where do you go from here kind of thing? Because they've invested so much time into the Tony Storm or Mariah Mae, Mina Shirakawa Triangle, which I was kind of disappointed and Mina didn't show up tonight. But anyway, if Tony Storm wins this match at all in, then I just don't think that's a good ending. I'm sorry, I don't. Yeah. It would be an epic fail. It would be, I would aching it to Star K-97, a show of her not taking the belt, because Tony Storm had her time. She's gotten her peak, and you have a star who I think is the most talented person woman on the roster, and she deserves that type. She's done everything she can, and she deserves it, and it's time for Tony Storm to go away for a little bit. So, if they have her lose, I think it'd be an epic fail and a mark on AEW if she doesn't win. Yeah. Well, what do you feel about it, Sutton? Go ahead. It would not be a total surprise to anybody if they did that, because they have been known to blow things like that. I was really disappointed that Mina Sheer Cowden didn't come out. Hopefully, she's going to. I mean, if Summer's running out, man, we almost over, so we're going to get out there so she can get some of that Summer in. But I don't know. I'm really praying that they do not screw this up, because by having Mariah Mae win that title, there's so many different things that can go from that alone. They can get them through the next few paper views, just with the three women that are involved or could be involved in that in the first place, because Tony can keep going off the deep end and go even further than she can go than she is now. You could have Mina come in and, you know, like I said, if they have her come out and she sides with Tony and turns on her at the pay-per-view, that leads to a whole new thing. It just seems the way if I was doing it and I had a pair that have been friends as long as Mina and Mariah have been and have been partners in the other company that you're now working with, I want to exploit that somehow or use that somehow to further the storyline. That's how I see that would be the best way to do it. But like M.K. said, if they don't do this and have Tony just keep that title, that's really going to be a problem. I kind of disagree that Mariah has to win at Wembley. Just because Tony is clearly the good guy in this, she's been betrayed by Mariah and it just seems like story-wise it makes sense for Tony to win. And I don't see that as being the end of the story. I'm sure eventually, I'm sure there would continue their feud and Mariah would probably eventually take the title. But I don't know if it has to happen at Wembley and it feels like a feel-good moment for Tony to win there. Yeah, I disagree, but I just feel it's their big show and that's her big moment and she deserves a big moment. If she loses, then she'll take her momentum away. And let's say do it differently and figure out a way to do it. But that's her moment. That's her time of shine. I have to agree with you, Red. I mean, what did you think about Mariah Mann Viva Van in the whole Tony Storm Mariah May interaction at Dynamite? And do you feel that if Mariah May goes into all in and loses the match to Tony Storm, would that be a fail? In terms of the match versus Viva Van, Viva Van, I mean, you call it an enhancement talent to be a disservice to her. This was a good match and it was not quite a squash match, but it was entertaining and she was a good foil for Ryan May. The segment afterwards was kind of, you know, run-of-the-mill-A-W, run-in, the security comes out of the refs in this case and break it up and they don't do it. I mean, how many times did that happen on the night show three times? Right. It was the referee. It was the referee core. I almost busted a gut when he said that. Was it Chibati said it or or Excalibur the referee core? So what do you mean referee core? Whatever. No, no, I mean, yeah, the ending was kind of bla. I mean, it was a little bit more of the same, but in terms of, I mean, listen, there's a lot of equity in this. You spent months building this story. I don't know if it would be a complete failure if she doesn't win, but I think it would be a missed opportunity. The reality, though, is how many baby faces are there in the women's division that can really compete for a title? Little Nightingale, under Roosevelt, although she's been, you know, she's had 25 matches against Deanna Parazzo. Yes. And they seem like they're stuck in an infinite loop. I mean, there's not many, you see, you know, sky blues hurt right now. There aren't many baby faces. I mean, like you guys said, she could work with Ministry of College. She could work with Will Nightingale. She could, you know, I mean, I just don't know. I mean, after she wins the title, how much can you do with her as the champion? Yes, as much as you can do with anybody else as a champion, though, you know, it's just, you know, I think the point is that as I believe Alex said, or whoever said it, is Tony Storm has had her run. It's, and I really do believe that she's had a great run, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing as I believe. Orange Cassidy proved when he had his first international championship run, which I thought was a joke. Well, I'm not saying that Tony Storm would be better with the title. I don't don't get me wrong. I completely agree with you. I think Tony Storm's had this is her third reign now, and this has been great. What I'm saying is I just hope Tony Khan has a plan afterwards, because like I said, there aren't many top baby faces in women's division. So, you have to know what comes next. And I just fear that often times he does not know what's going to come afterwards. Yeah, right. Yeah, no, running it off the seat of his pants, I guess, by the seat of his pants, not off the seat of his pants, that'd be kind of weird. I want to move on to not really a match, but but a segment that I found kind of interesting, and that was Christian Cage coming out and saying that on collision, it's going to be the bang bang gang against the House of Black for the right to face the patriarchy, of course, patriarchy, meaning, you know, Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Mama Wayne, at all in for the Trio's championship, and I've made it clear the past that I am not a fan of the Trio's championship. But Christian Cage making this announcement at least made it a little bit more less random, I guess. The Trio's championship has always been random to me. Every match is random. This is something of a build, and we're going to have Christian Cage as the guest referee in this match, which is kind of mind boggling. Why would he get in as a guest referee with six men that want to murder him? You know, I mean, that just doesn't make sense. But the other thing is that we had mentioned the dark princess of the House of Black Julia Hart earlier. I think that this would be an interesting way for her to come back and have a have a little bit of a moment with Christian Cage, maybe Mama Wayne. I don't know, you know, so I'm predicting that this match is going to see the return of Julia Hart in some she's probably not going to be able to wrestle yet, but she's I she's posted pictures of her in the gym working out and stuff like that. So she's back to it. So yeah, I mean, I don't know. Are you surprised that they're doing this match and more to the point is Christian Cage is a guest referee with six men that want to kill him. It makes no sense, but nothing Christian Cage does makes any sense anymore. You know, he's going to try to use it some way to have his boys come out and do something, but it's still six on three. I mean, and it just doesn't make any sense. And that's kind of like you've been making a point about how unimportant the trio's titles are. And this kind of puts that in that situation because it doesn't really make any sense. Oh, does it make any sense to anybody else? For Christian Cage to be the special guest referee. Yeah, with in a match for for, you know, the right to face the patriarchy at all in, he's in the ring with six guys that want his titles. Then he's had major problems with at least house of black in the past. I mean, Buddy Matthews in particular is going to murder lies, Christian Cage. You know, he's I always usually I'm going to kill you till you die from it. I mean, that's what Buddy Matthews is going to do to Christian Cage in his match. I mean, he's the referee. Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry, Alex, please. Yeah, I was just going to say, you know, it makes about as much sense as anything does in wrestling. But these teams are watching this suck up to Christian Cage in order to win the match. He's the referee. I assume both these teams want to win the titles more than they want to kill Christian Cage, or at least maybe they can think that, you know, they'll get their opportunity at him if they win the match later on. I don't know. I don't know what the logic is. The thing I'm most excited about this is I'm assuming House of Blacks going to win. They kind of have the most heat with with the patriarchy because they took out Buddy Matthews back then. And I really like that the babyface get the crowd pumped. You know, Brody King doing the dog bark all the crowd getting into it. I like that version of House of Black. I think it'll be really fun to see them at all in versus the patriarchy. So yeah, I'm excited about it. I can kind of see Christian Cage get into the ring with hacksaws, hammers, staple guns, nail guns, and just handing them out to both teams and tell them that basically he's like, okay, now that you're all dead, we'll defend against the least dead of you for that all in. You know, that's the only thing that makes sense to me is for Christian Cage to work his magic to get these two other teams to destroy each other. That's what he's going to do is he's going to make it known that, you know, if you touch me, I'll disqualify you. You're going to lose. That's how he's going to save his skin. But as soon as the match is over, he's no longer a referee. So it's not going to really matter what happens in the match. It's going to be the aftermath that's going to matter. That's when they'll get to taking part. Let me ask you this because I refuse to call him kill switch. But do you think when it comes to all in, no matter who wins this match on Saturday night to earn the title shot at all in, do you think Lucha source is going to turn on the patriarchy and pause them to lose? I hope so. I doubt it. It's been like two years. It's never going to happen. It's crazy. Yeah, you know, maybe Lucha source will grow up here, between now and all in. All right. Well, Alex, what do you want to talk about next? I want to talk. I feel like this is maybe a match that you skipped. It seems like Kelsin take the dogs out for a walk. Kelsin P break match. It was orange Cassidy. I missed. I feel like I missed why he was with FTR. Was Kyle O'Reilly and Tomahiro Ishii not available because of travel? The whole trouble there. They were supposed to be in this match. Okay. But they had FTR there instead. And that was awesome. I was super excited to see like Dax in there with the Beast Mortos have Dax and Cash in there chopping Roosh. Like I love FTR. I love to see them in this spot rather than some of the like it would have been just the exact same match we had last week, right? So it's nice that they switched it up. And I really liked FTR here. I love seeing them with orange Cassidy doing their stupid little copying orange Cassidy. Yeah, I thought this match was a lot of fun. I don't know what it's setting up for all in or what this is going to end up being. But I enjoyed this segment. I think the set up for all in because this match wasn't supposed to happen. This was the match that was not announced. Tony Khan earlier today said that because of travel, some plans may be that he had basically alluded to the fact that he was going to announce some other stuff. But because of travel, he wasn't able to announce it. So I think this match was kind of thrown together. But it did serve a purpose in that at the end of it. It did get the FTR and the acclaimed out there and by we have to have AW security do their thing every every week. I don't know what their thing is, but they do it. And so I think the purpose of this match, first, it wasn't supposed to happen this way, but it wasn't a vehicle to get FTR and the acclaimed to do something together. And if they announced when that match is happening, FTR versus the acclaimed. I don't know, but is it is it Saturday? But you know, I think the more effective thing to do was to have, look, and I'm going to say this, I alluded to this. We talked to for a couple of seconds last night. Okay. Look, FTR is a tag team, acclaimed is a tag team. They want the tag team championships. The Young Bucks have the tag team championships and they have never defended it once. It's the tag team division is an absolute disaster right now. I mean, it's a disaster because it just doesn't exist. There's just no tag team matches. I think you just put FTR out there with anybody and they're going to put on good tag team matches. You just have to put them on and they'll be good. It'd be one thing to have the Bucks come out and say, hey, we're the tag team champions and we don't have to defend them because we're the EVPs. They're not doing that. It's basically just being ignored. The tag team belts are being ignored. And so it's just a waste of time and effort to even have tag team matches to meet. I mean, that's the way I look at it. So this whole thing between the acclaimed and FTR, while they're probably when they do get together, we'll have a nice match, but it belongs on Rampage, not at all in. Yeah, it's not going to be an all in match, is it? I assume we're getting the Bucks first via claim. I mean, I would like that match at all in because I think that match is something that I just know it's going to be good because FTR really belongs on all in. They need something to do. I just, the Young Bucks have to give it up at some point. I know it's a gimmick thing, but it's killing a division. I think not in a tag, but I don't want to see a claim versus Young Bucks. At all in, but it's just not good. I don't think they match very well. I've seen it before, well, but I've seen FTR too before, but it's time to do something with those. All three of them, but I guess one of them will be, has been at least been announced. You think that there's a chance that it would be a three-way match with FTR acclaimed and the Young Bucks? I would definitely rather it be that than I'm the opposite of what MK said. I don't want to see FTR in the Young Bucks again because that match has been done a million times in the last year alone. I mean, it seems like every paper view or every other paper view, those two were going against each other for the tag title. They need to both step away from that for a while, have some tag team matches to build up other tag teams, but I don't know. I'm wondering if they've put the tag team titles on the back burner for the time being to run the course of the trios titles, and then once this title, the trios thing is over and they have this match, they can then start concentrating on tag team titles maybe? Yeah. Well, what do you think, Red? Do you think that a three-way is possible at all in? Or where do you see this going? I think that's a likely outcome. I don't know if it's going to be like a TLC match or something of that nature, but I think it's going to be a triple threat tag match. I just think the acclaimed won the title shot in the Eliminator match. Like, I think Alex said, or maybe it was you, Kelson. FTR belongs on all in because it is the grandest stage and they are the arguably the top tag team of the promotion. It's unfortunate that Young Bucks are actual executive vice presidents, and they don't care about shepherding this tag team division that clearly is in need of under love and care. I mean, it needs TLC. It needs focus, and they have the ability to do that. I don't know. I don't mean to. It's kind of a cliché to hate on the Young Bucks, but they have the titles and they are executive vice presidents, and this division still sucks. It's worse now that it's ever bad, in my opinion. To me, it kind of seems like this whole idea of them being the EVPs and doing the whole thing they started to do just kind of died. Yeah, like I said earlier, the sudden is if they got out there and they said, we're the EVPs, and we don't have to defend it unless we don't want to, and the only people defend it is that all in, or at all out, or at all here, or whatever, but they're not doing that. Right, but even that, not only just them, but like all of it, because, you know, they started this whole thing with them taking over everything, but they just kind of let even with the last anarchy in the arena and all that stuff, it just kind of is gone now. They sometimes will say, well, thank you for the EVPs got her banned from the thing or suspended her or Jericho will say, well, they got Taz out of here because of the EVPs, but other than that, they're absolutely doing nothing at all. They're just there, and they're not even there. You know what I mean? They're just, they've completely called off of AAWTV. Yeah, Jax got been doing a little bit because of his match coming up with, with, yeah, he sold, he sold the hell out, Jack Perry sold the hell out of Taco Bell tonight. Right, but, but you know what I mean? There's absolutely, the, the, the elite has kind of, after the last match two weeks ago, they kind of just went away. Do you know what I'm talking about? I say Jack Perry sold the hell out of Taco Bell. Did everybody see that? I have a lot of you what you're talking about. Basically, what happened was when they did the Jack Perry promo, it lasted for like about 10 seconds and then it cut to a Taco Bell commercial. Then it came back for the end of the promo. And so it's been like fightfully reported. Did Jack Perry just do a promo for Taco Bell? You know, it's just like, it was, it was, it was just, and nobody cared, you know, it was just like, whatever. No, I, I get the Canadian feed. So I just saw his whole thing and it was, I thought it was cool. Well, me and now, well, in America, we got a Taco Bell commercial right in the middle of it. I just think it's kind of odd that they, I mean, well, it's not odd because this is, this is typical for AEW. They have something going that could prove to be very good. And then they just kind of let it go. And you don't hear anything else except for little bits and pieces from outside of that. So like, I don't see they, they need to have the bucks lose the title. If a car is not going to defend the other title, he needs to lose that title too. And just get things to a different way somewhere in there because it is kind of killing they, well, they done, they ain't going to kind of, they done kill the, the, the tag division. You only really have two tag teams or three tag teams now that are, that are left. Yeah. Well, Alex, what, we only have one more match to talk about, right? Um, yeah, the, yeah, the learning tree, the bad. But before we get to that, I want to talk about something else that I found interesting. I'm excited about it and I'm kind of dreading it at the same time. And that's the announcement that we're going to have a casino battle royal at the all in paper, which I love. I love the casino battle royal thing. It's kind of like a rumble. The gauntlet, right? The gauntlet. Yeah. Yeah. The gauntlet would, I, I'm sorry. But yeah, the casino gauntlet, it's, you know, I just love that. The only thing that I don't love is that it's the winner of it gets a A. W world championship title shot, which makes no sense to me because we don't, we already have two guaranteed A. W world championship title shots already in the in the can. Darby, Darby gets one. And I guess Daniel sin got one. He's, he's from, oh, and from the, from winning the O and now we're doing another one. So I guess we're going to have two championship, I mean, title shots in the, in the can, you know, at all end, even after the Danielson batch. But I'm looking forward to this. Is anybody else? I mean, I love those matches. I'm hyped. I'm hyped for this match. I love those type of matches. It's, it, it's slowly going to become their signature match. And I just can't get enough of the way it's set up. It's good. It's better, in my opinion, than the royal rumble. And I know some people are going to hate on hate, hate that opinion. But, but I like the way it is. It's, it's just more fun. I mean, look, the way I look at it is this is the kind of match that gets wrestlers like, for example, kept saving a chance to get out there and wrestle at a big event that he probably would not have had a chance to wrestle at. You know, there's so many different wrestlers that probably wouldn't have been participating at all in. But now they can, because of this match, I just think it's a brilliant match. I mean, what normally you'll have maybe 10, 12 wrestlers. I think the last one had 12 scheduled, but it didn't get to that point yet. And of course, one of those wrestlers may be Roderick Strong coming out 11th, but the 10th guy wins. And so Roderick Strong gets a world championship shot because he was supposed to be next. That still just pisses me off. I agree. That's, that's part of the reason why this doesn't excite me that much, because I love the idea of it. I don't think it for me will ever be bigger than something like the Royal Rumble, because of the fact that that whole screwed up storyline of Roderick Strong getting his, that was crap. I don't care why. That was different. You could say shit because it was shit. He was no different than anybody else that was supposed to be in a match that didn't get to get in the match and win. So if he's getting one of those matches, why didn't the rest of them, if there were more people? I just, because he asked for it, he went to Tony Khan and said, can I have this match? Sometimes that's the way you got to do in life. You have to ask for the things you want. So if I go to Tony Khan and ask for him to send the United Kingdom to ROH permanently and never have him on AWTV again, think he'll give it to me? You might, if you ask them. I will. I'll go to the next show they're in and I'll look for him thanks. They say Tony. After the podcast, I'm going to the show in September. I'm working on a press pass. There you go. Hey, Tony. Look, Tony, my man, dude, you know. I want to go to the, I want to go to the ground. What the hell are you doing with the United Kingdom? Why? Oh, wow. Give me one shot at the scrum. Just one question. That's all I got. No, that's what you're going to ask. When any Kingston comes back, I want to be his first opponent. To prove, watch it for all that I can beat the shit out of any Kingston. So anyway, there's some kinds of things that I would love to talk. Tell Tony Con when, you know, when did I actually get to be at a private airport with him? Getting back to the match. It'll be a good match. Yeah, I kind of think that giving out a world title shot to every special event you have, and that seems to be what they've done. This will be the third one of these. You had the Owen and then Darby got the match for asking for it, I guess. And there's just like this world title is just being put on the line. It's almost becoming a common thing, kind of like what people used, like what Warren's used to do with the international title. They're having a different week. Let me throw something out at everybody. Yeah, the Casino Gauntlet match at all in is an international match because A.W. is an American company. So when do you think it's better to have it where the winner of this match gets an international title? Not the world title shot. Seeing as though obviously the world title shot, it's like, okay, your turn's, you know, second in line, you know, you'll probably have to, you'll get your shot, you know, like at a forbidden door next year or something, because you've got a long line ahead of you. Hmm. Well, yeah, go ahead. Hack is already the number one contender. So you'd imagine that he'll wrestle whoever wins at all in at all out. Right. You'd imagine who wins the gauntlet match will wrestle the world champion at all out. So I don't. Yeah, but Darby's got a shot at Arthur S. Do you think Darby has to wait? Then would you, would you do that? Make the all in match, supersede Darby's title shot. Yeah, sure. I mean, Darby's was for a specific event. Well, the gauntlet match, that can be cashed in, right? I mean, that's a casino. It's a championship win. It doesn't have a cash in. It'll just be a further time. That's not the golden lifesaver. I think they mentioned it at any given time. Yeah, it can be can be used at any given time. So it might be later on. I mean, yeah, I agree. It needs to be used, right? You know, I don't. Darby get was kind of weird to me. Him winning it because I don't see him ever being a world champion. So it's kind of a weird win for him. But he, you know, he's, he's done a lot. But I think, I think all out might be the right place. I agree with that. I don't, I don't see Darby doing being a world champion anytime soon. But I do see him one day, getting a world champion title run. One of the holidays crippled before that happens. That'd be very high. I'm a stupid question for you. This is a dumb question because I honestly am drawing a blank. Who the hell was the TNT championship champion right now? Jack Jack. Oh, that's right. Yeah. So he faces. I miss they must have brought it up there to Taco Bell commercial because I'm honest. That tells you do you leader dropping the ball here? Because yes, I mean, the young bucks are not doing anything. Jack Perry isn't doing anything. Maybe maybe Darby Allen becomes a TNT champion at all in and then maybe they start to crumble. Yeah, what's weird. Like, you know, what's what I think they had Kenny Omega versus Ocada penciled in for all all in. And that's obviously not gonna happen. But you have Ocada there. You need to have a huge matchup for him at all in. And we haven't really got any builds for that. No, that's what's weird to me. Yeah, they, yeah. But then it goes back to the same thing that we've all known has been true all wrong. Tony Khan is a great booker except when he's got to go on the fly. Then he doesn't have a clue. And he's proven that so many times over and over that, if something comes up that doesn't because I honestly think he plans this stuff out a year at a time. I really do. I think he plans everything out that he's gonna have for the year. And then he pushes it that way. And then when it doesn't happen and something comes up, he has no idea how to change that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we will definitely be doing an all in podcast preview podcast, you know, before all in. And that's gonna be interesting. Because once we know all the matches, it's gonna be quite interesting to figure out we'll do our predictions and whatnot. So Alex, let's move on and talk about the final match. The final match, the highlight of the night. Brian Keith versus Shabbatah. Yeah, I can't, I can't remember too much of this match. I might have been up and down doing some dishes. You know, I like this version of Brian Keith more than any other version that we've had. He kind of has an identity now. And I love Shabbatah. But this move, yeah, this match was just, you know, it was. Did you see the report, Alex? I posted it on a W fan hub subreddit today where they talked about Brian Keith before he was going to go to the learning tree. They had talked about him either joining Shane Taylor productions or House of Black, which I think both of those would have been absolute disasters. How's the black or do you get interesting? House of Black could work. Like, Shane Taylor promotions just wouldn't do anything for them because I think they're, they've just been largely just jobbers on, you know, not losing role on collision. Yeah. Had, had House of Black lost buddy Matthews, having Brian Keith come into replace, buddy Matthews, let me put it this way. Brian Keith, the House of Black would have been dog shit and it would have made me hate the House of Black. I think he's already been shown as a guy that's losing matches and then just to throw him in the House of Black. Yeah. And he, and it doesn't. Yeah, that would have been very strange. I think this is three is the best case scenario for Brian Keith, I would say. Have you seen the House of Black like standing in pictures? These guys are huge, right? And then of course, you have Julia Hart, who's not a small woman by any meanshaper form. She's one of the taller women in. She, well, I mean, I'm not one of the, but she's above average and height of what compared to the other day of the wrestlers. Yeah. Yeah. He's right. He's not much bigger than Julia Hart. He's probably not taller than her. He's like, Julia Hart's like five, seven. I Julia Hart's like five, seven. I think Brian Keith is five nine. Yeah. And everybody else is the House of Black or monsters. Yeah. He's the shortest in the biggest guy in E.W. at the same time. Yeah. And he's like, I mean, I just, I would not have bought Brian Keith at the House of Black. And it would have been a shame. The learning tree, even though it's awful, is a better fit for Brian Keith. But yeah, this match, you were doing dishes? Well, I did see the ending. I saw Hook come out. Yeah. It's going to be Hook versus Jericho. And oh my God. I don't know. Now, normally when the learning tree comes out, I change the channel. I took one for the team and I kept it on TV. You know, I kept it on with the sound on radio and built up that, you know, viewership, you know, because I have a Nielsen family. So I did build up the viewership. As far as what happened to match, I have absolutely no idea because I didn't because I mean, it was there. I saw Hook come out. I was like, oh, yay. It's Hook. That was my level of enthusiasm. And Hook versus Chris Jericho. It could happen on Rampage this week. And then we put under the rug because if that is on this way, I look at it this way. Maybe if they have Hook and Jericho one more time, Hook beats him. And that's the end of the learning tree. That was one good thing that could happen. That needs to be the end of the FTW belt too. But that very well could happen too. Boy, that making is, though, is does anybody here want to see Hook and Jericho? Fuck up all in. That's what I'm going to use the F word again. Like I did last night because that's exactly what it deserves. It's not good. That's not going to be the match to do it. I've already said that one. I'm not repeating it again. I know my thoughts on what magic is going to be the worst match at all in because I just don't see it going to be the TBS title matches. It's going to be the the P break match of the night. But I don't know. I just, Jericho, I like the learning tree thing. I don't. I don't know. It's went. When you dropped on your head, is it filed or something? No, he's kind of taking it to the it's gone way past. It needed to be curled back a little bit. It needed to be pruned back a little bit. If he would kind of work his way back out of the whole being an asshole kind of thing that he's trying to impersonate what he's been doing and kind of came back to being regular Jericho and kept the learning tree and kind of did some stuff with other people it might be okay. But it is starting to get old now. How long has this feud been? How many months has it been going on? It's been a while. 15 years, I think something like that. It's four and seven years ago. I mean, it wasn't a good idea when it first started. I love the whole thing of what he was doing. But it's like you somebody said earlier, having too much of a good thing is a bad thing and it's gone way past the too much of a good thing. Yes, it has. I don't I don't like that if he like I said, if he just came back and just started doing Jericho Jericho stuff instead of trying to act like Sam Palm and went with just being normal Jericho kept the learning tree idea but took it in a different route so that he's actually feuding with other people and and and having many feuds with everybody and we go over so much better. Yeah, well, we've had many discussions. Go ahead. Yeah, I think the worst part about this feud is hook in my opinion. It's just not interesting to me to see hook involved and and competing again for the FTW title which he fought for last year at all in and and seems to just be his forever. That hook doesn't arrest me at all anymore. Is it a point where we need to say enough is enough with him? Does anybody care about him anymore? Maybe he could win the title and take it to ROH for a while. I think hook could be good but he's not good if he's not putting it. He has no chance if he's kept in this situation. Same thing with like Shabbat. I don't know how he said that about hook. Samoa Joe with the learning tree makes Samoa Joe bad. Shabbat with the learning tree makes Shabbat bad. We've had we've had we've had many conversations about the learning tree but Red has not chimed in yet. I want to know Red, do you like learning tree? What are your opinions on hook and Jericho? Is it an all-in match? Is it a match that should never happen ever again? What are your opinions? I concurs on this program, right? Yeah. I'll think you can edit it. I thought the learning tree. Yeah. Red, will you marry me? I and she and Katsuori Shabbata are two phenomenal wrestlers and they've been shoehorned into this terrible, terrible, terrible feud. He's forced to have this terrible match tonight and the confines of what little time they give Jericho now because he's so bad. He drops the ridges every week. He's disappointing and then you have Hook run in and attack them and Hook probably needs to be an attack team because he's not gotten any better as a wrestler in the two years that he's been wrestling for AW. Three years now, however long it's been since he debuted. He hasn't improved at all. It's the same five moves. He looks the same. He dresses the same. He acts the same. He said no development and Jericho has not helped him at all. He's not giving him a bigger spotlight, not a bigger star than he was before. Has more than anything. In fact, he looks worse because he's working with a 50-something-year-old guy. It looks like he's 65. Oh, God. I'm trying to bite my tongue here. Oh, it's fair, sorry. I love Jericho when I was 10 years old, but I'm 27 now. I started watching him. I'm almost 60 and I loved him too when I was 10 years old. Jericho is fine. He's had some good matches though. This stupid view is dragging me down because he's had some great things and he's put off some people. But there are some people who Jericho is not to blame 100% on this because Hook is Hook and he's not as good as he's hyped up to be and AW needs to realize this. Just because he's has his son does not mean he's going to be has. He's just going to be Hook and Hook is not that good. This is the last time Jericho put over anyone. He's actually done quite a bit, you know, and I will give that same thing to see him. Come on, Cassidy and Jeff. Sorry, go ahead. Actually, Dreddy. Yes. And Dreddy. The last time he left a program, Jericho looking better than they were when they went into it, but that's not Jericho's fault. Yeah, that's not good. Jericho put over action and Dreddy. Tony Khan chose not to do anything with that. Exactly. He put over Ricky Stark to you and Ricky Stark flailed. Ricky Stark is already a big star. He already was in a world title for you with MJF. Ricky Stark has to have a program to exit a program and look bigger than you entered. It would require you to have some kind of sustained interaction with someone. Actually, Dreddy had one match with him. One was a big star when he feuded with Jericho. Ricky Stark is already big when he feuded with Jericho. Let's see how Daniel Garcia kind of came out of the Jericho Appreciation Society better than he was going in. Because of Daniel. No. Yeah. I agree. Again, though, one of the things that I will say about wrestlers putting other wrestlers over, that's well and fine. I mean, like I said before, Chris Jericho did put over action and Dreddy. Tony Khan then chose not to go wrong with it. Yes. You can. I mean, Chris Jericho does a book to show Tony Khan does. I got the one guy that he's put over that he helped put over from the beginning and that was once Cassidy because when once Cassidy came in, nobody knew who was Cassidy was. He had the feud with Jericho and it in the hot water. Taught to the man. And that's where Orange Cassidy's career started to take off. Jericho is not necessarily the problem. It comes down to me that AEW has this problem in general because people seem to forget, there are so many people that they need to get TV time or to get put over. They don't have the time to do it. They don't have that much TV time. They have, what, six hours a week, five, seven, five hours a week. Okay. So they've got five hours a week to get over every did to try to get spots for everybody on the roster. It's not going to happen. But what do you take? But you're wrong there, son. And I'm going to tell you why you're wrong. Five hours a week, right? But don't forget three hours of that is taken up by the undisputed kick to Orange Cassidy and Carl Riley. No, they haven't been taken up. They didn't take up hardly any time this night. But the point is, Jericho problems. We need to hire Debbie to come around long for more times. But, you know, it comes down to the fact that Jericho has been doing what he's been doing for a long time. And he's very good at what he does. Not everything like everybody like normal humans, not everything he does works out the way it should. I like cook. I think cook could be a star sometime down the road. I don't think that he is being used in a way that makes him look good. He should be they need to get him in with somebody else. Jericho, Jericho's kind of had that issues with a couple guys like, you know, Sammy Guevara. They tried to force him to work with Jericho all the time and didn't work out for Sammy. But if the mobile Joe can't do it, and if Chris Jericho can't do it, who can? Well, Jericho, I mean, Samoa Joe really isn't had a whole lot of time to do it. I think if you hooked up, I think if you kept him, hook Shabbatah and Joe together, and you move them off into other things, get them away from Jericho. You'd see a difference. And here's the thing, though, you have a group called the learning tree and the person that is most identified as being the foil or the foe of the learning tree is Hook. Hook isn't getting any better. So the learning tree is failing. So, you know, well, you know, look, you know, as Red eloquently put it. Screw the learning tree. So, screw hook. I'm sorry. It's time. And by the way, Alex, I did not take a piss break tonight. I did have to take my dogs out. But unfortunately, they went out and their break was very short. So I didn't miss anything. I just didn't pay attention to anything. And by the way, by the way, when you're talking about people that that Chris Jericho put over, he took Brian Keith, who was absolutely just wow. They put him in the learning tree and now he's getting TV time. He's still nobody, but he's getting a TV time. Well, it's a big bill. He made big bill goofy and fun and relatable. That's something WWE couldn't do. Yeah. Well, you know, it is what it is. I'm just, you know, 10 years from now, you know, as Chris Jericho is coming up a ring and lacking people with a cane. We'll probably still be having this discussion. If you're talking about God, I don't know. It is what it is. You know, this show, like this, let's on a scale of A to F, A, B and the best school grade kind of thing, F, B and the worst. I want to go right down the line starting with Alex. Let's give our grades for AW Dynamite tonight and then we'll wrap it up. Yeah, I really didn't love this show. So I'm going to have to give it a C, which I think is probably my lowest rating ever for one of these. But probably B minus B minus MK C plus C plus red. Strong six. Six. You've been a long day. Wrong grading system. I'm going to have to give it a week C or a week five or a high five. I don't know. I don't know. I don't feel like this show did a lot to promote all in. And as we discussed last night on Ignition, I think that we have to do something. Now that could be because changes, maybe because of the travel problems. But I just, I don't know about you guys. I found this show to be a little disjointed. That's a strong spots. They really did add some strong spots, but that's some really bad shots. Yeah, spots, you know, really bad. I mean, just flat out. Boring. You know, yeah, my mind wandered. Yeah, you know, when you're doing a wrestling show or any type of show, you have to keep people's eyes off their cell phones. Mine was not. I was watching through osmosis. I was just listening. I didn't even pay attention. So, you know, and that's just the fact. I mean, if you're looking at your phone while the TV is on, yeah, they're getting the ratings, but they're not getting the attention. Yeah, you know, word of mouth superseeds ratings in my book. They got to do stuff to get word of mouth going in. You've got to get word of mouth going to sell all in tickets and pay per view buys. That's, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong because, hey, I'm an idiot on a podcast. Amen. Amen. There you go. Everybody, don't rush to say, Oh, no, no, you're, no, you're not an idiot. Thank you so much for feeding my ego there. Really appreciate it. But anyway, that's going to wrap it up for tonight. We'll see you again on Tuesday night for ignition. And of course, next Wednesday night for another edition of all the talk. 48 w fat up podcast team. This is Kelson, Alex. Good night, everybody. Mate, guys. Bye guys. Thanks. - Thanks, yes.