Jesse Kelly Show

Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

Broadcast on:
10 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - Laundry, ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. (upbeat music) That's right, has over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. (upbeat music) - Nobody's necessary. We're going to leave it by law. (upbeat music) - It is the Jessie Kelly show on a Friday final hour of the Jessie Kelly show on a Friday. I hope you are gearing up to enjoy your freaking weekend. Let's dig into this fat stack of questions I still have to get to here. First, I do think I should play this one at a dome. You catch what she said here. - When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. - What, what was that that she said? Reduce, what now? - When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. - Remember, remember who that guy is who calls him anti-humans? - It's what they are. They're anti-humans. I didn't come up with that term. I should know. A lot of people have used that before me, but that's what they are. Soats and it's in called communist, the enemies of humanity. It's probably a very much better way to put it. They're anti-human being at their core anti-human being. Yeah, Chris, grab it, grab the plate. Remember the, how many clips like this have we played for you on the show? Here's Bill Gates. It's an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet. And somehow we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero. It's been constantly going up. It's only various economic changes that have even flattened it at all. So we have to go from rapidly rising to falling and falling all the way to zero. This equation has four factors, a little bit of multiplication. So you've got a thing on the left, CO2 that you want to get to zero. And that's going to be based on the number of people, the services, each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let's look at each one of these and see. Just stop right there, just stop right there. I know we've played that before. Let's talk about this really quickly. So first of all, their goal in saying, CO2 is natural. The atmosphere is made up of it. Plants breathe it in and then breathe out oxygen. You know, if you want the best oxygen, the most oxygen, you'll be around a bunch of trees and plants because they will take that CO2 and produce wonderful oxygen. CO2 is not a poison, it's something the earth needs. So first of all, it's insane to even want to drop it at all, let alone drop it to zero, but let's get past that part. Did you hear the things that need addressed people, services and energy? What do they mean when they say addressed? You know what, Chris, play it again. Play it again, play it from the beginning. - It's an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet. And somehow we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero. It's been constantly going up. It's only various economic changes that have even flattened it at all. So we have to go from rapidly rising to falling and falling all the way to zero. This equation has four factors, a little bit of multiplication. So you've got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero and that's going to be based on the number of people, the services, each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero. - One of these numbers needs to get near to zero. Which number is that, Bill? Is it the people? You're going to kill enough people to get that down to zero? Oh no, no, no, maybe you're not a mass murderer, of course he is, but maybe you're not a mass murderer. So, oh no, the people can live. What was the next thing? Services. Oh no, you can live. You just don't, I mean, you can't have enough. You can't have all that healthcare. You can't have all that food. You can't have vehicles. You can't have this. No, they're not going to kill all the people. They're just going to return us back to the caveman era where we're all in mud huts building fires in the mountains. So, if it's not that, if it's not the people, if it's not the services, it's the energy. We've had this discussion before. What really rose the world out of darkness? What really has given you and me, a standard of living that is absurd compared to the rest of human history? This happened very quickly when you look at the recorded history of man, how quickly man rose up and just boom, technology everywhere. Healthcare advancements, you name it. It was cheap energy that allowed man to do that. Cheap, abundant energy. Affordable energy is what did that. And that is what these people are trying to destroy. Either they're just trying to kill the people themselves, they're trying to ruin your life by taking away all your services, or they're going to try to destroy your energy. The most genocidal people in the history of the world are climate change people because at their core, they believe human beings are the problem, human beings are poison and human beings have to go in order to save the planet. And they just speak like this now, all the time. What a despicable thing to say. - When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. - Reduce population. I'm pro-human, you dirty communist. You're an anti-human. All right, Jesse, the only way Harris walls win is shenanigans, algorithms, double ballots, folks submitting, so on and so forth. Okay, pause, pause, pause for a moment there. That's not the only way Harris and walls win, not at all. In fact, a lot of polling averages out today have Harris favored to win. As of right now, I'm not saying she's going to win. I am not at all trying to bring you down or predict that. But I am telling you right now, don't get cocky because they're insane and just gross. This election is anybody's ballgame. If it was still Joe Biden in there, I would say, yeah, we're looking pretty good. I'd be real extra cocky right now. It is not Joe Biden in there. And it's not that dome isn't just as bad or worse than Joe Biden is, but Joe Biden was the one. Remember for three and a half years, Joe Biden was president and people have watched their life go downhill. They've watched food get more expensive. They watch crime rise. They've watched the border open. They've all these things, the norms and normas have watched happen over the last three and a half years. They had someone to blame it on. It's Joe, it's Joe, who's the president? It's Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, they're not like you. They're not like me. You know that's standard Democrat policy. You know Joe wasn't even setting policy. You understand that these are all the lefts plans, not Joe Biden's wins. You get that. That's not how Norman, Norma, think. Joe Biden spent three and a half years taking all that bad will on to himself. And the system brilliantly, I might add, said, well, why don't we just get rid of Joe? You get rid of Joe. You get rid of the public's disapproval. They did and they did. They got rid of Joe and the public has forgiven them immediately. You cannot imagine how uninformed and uninterested most Americans are in power. Politics, Republican, Democrat, bills, things like this, the reasons behind things. Americans have been privileged enough that they can ignore these things and be naive and ignorant about what's going on and so many Americans are, which brings me back to what I was talking about. Many, many, many times our goal has to be to wake them up, to wake up who we can wake up, 'cause most we can, right? But we still try. You talk to your normy neighbor. You talk to your normy coworker. You talk to your normy brother, your normy mom, your normy kid, and you try to wake the freaking people up. All right, anyway, back to the email. He says more states need to do what Virginia is doing to limit fraud. If somehow the communists succeed, how can those who don't wanna live in a communist satellite live separately from them with our own government, courts, police, et cetera? Okay, we'll talk about that very briefly. Kinda touched on that early. We'll talk about that and then us sending money to the Taliban, that's not very good. I don't like that. It is the Jesse Kelly show on crappy music Friday, but apparently remember you can email the show, If any of that is confusing for you. It is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's attempt to make TikTok better. TikTok toe, a winner. A winner. If somehow the communists succeed, how can those of us who don't wanna live in a communist satellite, live separately from them with our own government, court, police, so on and so forth? It's called national divorce, baby. I've been preaching it forever. Telling you, it's coming at some point in time. Jesse, the US gave millions to the Taliban and gave billions to the UN and then sent more money to the Taliban. How can this happen? No investigation? Well, I don't need to make the point again. We've made it a lot recently that it's all corrupt and they all work together now because they all know they're all corrupt. The system's only job, it's only role is to protect itself. It's not to protect the country or protect you or deal with inflation or crime or anything like that. The system, they're all part of it. The system understands they all must work together at all times, that is their true protection and that's what makes it a system and that's precisely what makes it so evil. Ideally, realize this. Ideally, you live, you and I would live in a country where, you know what, let's talk about the campaign, for instance, dome. Dome hasn't done any interviews still. She won't answer questions. She hasn't done any interviews. If we lived in a normal country instead of underneath an evil system, the backlash over that would be so severe she would have to give an emergency press conference tonight. I'm talking New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, you name it, they would be blasting her, crucifying her. Ideally, movie stars would get in on it. Entertainers, other different parts of the system. College professors, they would be telling their classes, can you believe this woman wants to be president and won't answer any questions? But you're laughing at the very thought of it, why? 'Cause all those people, the professors, the movie stars, the media people, they're actually cheering for her and carrying her water. Listen, listen to how they're talking about the woman who won't answer a single question. This is why you live in a system and not a country. Midwestern dad, like super clean, cut five. Everybody likes it, right? So plain spoken and relatable. Moderate and independent and they come. Pretty moderate Democrat. I always knew him as a moderate. One of the most moderate, very moderate. A new moderate, I think this is the new moderate. Far from progressive. He's right down the middle. These are all different media shows I should point out, talking about Tim Walsh. Not just an old white man. Tim Walsh fits America, you know. He talks like a regular person. Tim Walsh is. And it works this way in the federal government as well. You want to talk about money lost? Do you remember what just happened at the Pentagon? There's billions and billions and billions. In fact, the number goes to a T, trillions of dollars they can't account for. The federal government, if they come out at you and you happen to take your wife out to Red Lobster and you put it on the company credit card and that $67 didn't get declared. The federal government will rain wholly held down on you about that whole thing. And the same federal government can quote, lose a trillion dollars of your money crickets. Remember John Kirby? Remember what he said after we drone strike, we drone strike 10 innocent people in Afghanistan, six of them children. Remember the response? - How does it strike you that no one is held accountable? Because I know how it strikes a lot of people around the world that you can get away with murder and nobody's punished for it. - I do understand that. We appreciate that not everybody's going to support this decision. What I can tell you is we looked at this thing very, very comprehensively. And again, we acknowledge that there were procedural breakdowns. Processes were not executed the way they should have been but it doesn't necessarily indicate that an individual or individuals have to be held to account for that. But look, this is one discipline inside the Pentagon at all. I mean, maybe there are no charges brought up. Is anyone demoted or disciplined for what happened? - What we are going to do, there's not going to be individual discipline as a result of this, Willie. But what we are going to do is learn from this and we're going to enact and improve our procedures and our processes to try to make sure this doesn't happen again. - The United States military center reaper drone and executed 10 completely innocent people, innocent people, six of them, adorable children. Nobody went to prison, nobody got fired, nobody even had the honor to resign, nobody even got disciplined at all. Nobody got a bad paper in their military file. The system just said, "Wow, we looked into it." And anyway, we're just going to move on. The system exists to protect itself at all times. Why do you think I told you years ago that Biden wasn't going to be allowed to run again? You know, I told you that years ago, I'm not even being a jerk about the whole thing. Why did I know that? Well, because Joe Biden, because of his ineptitude, Joe Biden threatened the system. They want to hold on to the White House. Joe Biden risked that and therefore Joe Biden had to go. Couple weeks, little media campaign, couple threats from Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and it's bye-bye, Joe, found us a new candidate. Just understand that the system will protect itself at all times. That's what happens when your government becomes rotted and corrupt and it'll take a long time to fix it. Anyway, guys, wife isn't voting for Trump. She hates his guts. She's voting for dome. Yes, we have to talk about that. Next. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday. We're going to get to the man, the FBI having a banner few years here. Did you know they allowed a potential assassin of Trump into the country on purpose? I'll get to that story in a moment. I want to address this question really quickly. Oracle, he said, balding Oracle. It's not very nice. My wife was all in for dome because she hates Trump. Intellectually, she knows that the communist policies the Democrats have are terrible for our family, but she can't compartmentalize her feelings about Trump. Should I try to continue to persuade her to make her vote on issues or just accept she's a lost cause for this round? His name is Scott. Well, this is why they shouldn't vote, but I'm quit. I was kidding. Look, don't wreck your home over it. Trump is one of these people who this frustrates me. He inspires either undying love or unbridled hatred. And I just don't understand it 'cause I don't get that way for anybody running for office ever. I've never watched somebody give a speech or do something that I got the vapors over the whole thing. Oh my gosh, he's the best. I've never seen somebody and just sat in it and hated them so much that it just sat and ate me up inside. But Trump is such a charismatic, bombastic personality. He does that in people. The people who worship him, they worship him. It's insane to me. The people who hate him, they think he is the source of all of our problems at the anti-Christ and you're better off just not fighting that battle and letting it go. That's an insane thing to me. Voting, you're gonna vote for this because you don't like Trump? We invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population. More of our children can-- Gonna vote for a reduced population 'cause Trump offended you? You gonna vote for this 'cause you don't like Trump? So you're no longer are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house? It's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud that exists above us, right? It's no longer in a physical place. I mean, I get like in Trump. I get not like in Trump. I do not understand how you can pull the lever for dome instead of Trump. That's your battle to fight, brother. I don't know what to tell you. So I just wanna touch on this quickly before we get back to as many questions as I can. Azif Razah Merchant, name probably doesn't ring a bell, but the story will. You remember how we busted a Pakistani dude. He was in the country. He's been plotting with the Iranians, with the Iranians, to assassinate Donald Trump. Iran once Trump assassinated. And this dude, he's a Pakistani dude. He was working with them trying to figure out how he can kill Trump. Yeah, the FBI allowed him into the country. And when I say allowed him into the country, I don't mean, oh, whoops, he got me when I was looking the other way. This is from not the B, this is a direct quote. The FBI allowed Azif Razah Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others to enter the US in April with special permission known as significant public benefit parole, even though he was flagged on a terrorism watch list and recently traveled to Iran according to government documents reviewed by just the news. He was on the terrorist watch list. They knew he was on the terrorist watch list and you want the double whammy of double whammies. He was not only on the terrorist watch list, he just got back from Iran and the FBI looked at it and said, huh, you know what, let him in. I think we're going to get this guy a shot. Getting awfully suspicious around here, awfully, awfully suspicious around here. 20 year old with secure comms and cryptic comms, gets 148 yard headshot on Donald Trump. Secret service lost all the radio logs for that day. Local cops, we now have the body camera footage, the language is too bad and the audio's not great so I'm not going to play it for you but you can go look it up yourself if you'd like. Local cops are on camera saying, we told the secret service, we've been telling them to put someone on the roof. Why won't they put someone on the roof? Secret service director, of course, gets asked a few questions by Congress and then promptly resigns so she won't be asking any more questions. We know the shooter had overseas accounts. We know this 20 year old lifelong goober somehow new to recon the area a week ahead of time, drones, he's getting ugly out there. Jesse, I'm a 12 year old anti-communist and I want to go into the welding world. Advice, his name is Henry, that's a great name, Henry. Henry, when you're old enough and when your parents allow you to construction sites, guys who do that kind of stuff, welding stuff like that, they love gophers, meaning go for this, go for that, go for this, go for that. It would not be difficult to find a welder, a welding shop, find one that'll give you permission to go in and watch and fetch things for them and they will mentor you. These guys are wonderful for the most part, you'll find the right place. They'll have you, hey, go grab me that screwdriver, go do this, go do that, look, they'll have you fetching coffee, right? And I know you're young man who wants to be a welder, I'm sure you have the work ethic for that. Go put in your time, I'm almost positive, there are internships like that out there available for you and guess what, you might just find yourself making a really, really, really nice living. Welding is a really cool skill, I should let you know I can do it and I suck at it. It was something I had to do, not a ton of, but I did have to do it, you kind of had to know how to do it when you did the kind of construction I did. My welds are the ugliest, most hideous looking things in the world, what Chris, can you weld, can you weld? You can weld terribly too, oh, I'm just terrible. And I worked with all these salty old construction guys and they could paint Picasso paintings with the welds and mine looked like someone just vomited weld on there, it was just the worst thing you've ever seen, so I can do it, it's actually quite fun and because it's a skill set that is disappearing, another one of those skills, another one of those trades, you're probably gonna have a real nice life one day. Probably put a nice ring on a nice young lady's finger and have a home, board willing, family, good for you kid, Henry, that's a great name. Dear incredibly smart one, I like this guy, Chris. If you had a choice of bringing home a $20 container of supermarket sushi or taking your wife to a $13 Chinese lunch buffet, what would you do? Do you think anyone would notice your smallish hands as you used it, you know what, that's not very nice. Yeah, I should've known, I thought it was a serious question and now it's not very nice. And the guy didn't say I could use his name and I'm tempted just to use his name anyway because everyone's being mean. I do not have small hands, Chris and Michael are lying, the wife is lying, everyone can see, I'm on television set, these are big hands. Dear Jesse, is it even possible for Dems to get rid of tampon Tim at this point? They just dumped the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, when he got dumped, who's president, Nancy Pelosi isn't even the speaker of the house anymore, she's not even the minority leader, she's not even any of that. And she just straight up walked in the President's office and said, Joe, you're out. There have been reports that it was Nancy Pelosi who orchestrated a coordinated effort to squeeze President Biden to drop out. Please tell us what you told President Biden to persuade him to step aside. Well, I've never shared any conversations with the President of the United States publicly, no. - I've said that, he's furious at you, is he? - Well, he knows that I love him very much. - I understand that you don't want to own this, but it is so well... - She's not even denying it. She never once said, no, it wasn't me, I didn't do it, you got the wrong girl, he made the call on his own, she didn't even bother denying it. Hey, they're saying you got rid of Joe. Well, that's nothing I would share with you publicly here. These people, they can do whatever they want to do. And if dumping tampon Tim gives them a better chance to win, then they're gonna dump tampon Tim. What's the fact? ♪ It is the Jessie Kelly show ♪ ♪ Final segment of the Jessie Kelly show ♪ ♪ On a Friday and ask Dr. Jessie Friday ♪ ♪ The weekend's so close to being here ♪ ♪ I can smell it ♪ I'm gonna have to go on a rock tomorrow because I've been lazy for a couple of days, I'm not looking forward to that. You know how heavy that pack's gonna be? - It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. - Don't roll your eyes, Chris, it's a 10 box pack. What it is, 10 box pack, anyway. Let's do as many of these as we can. - And now... - Here's a headline. - Go, you know the thing, you know the thing. - Emails! - We didn't get to. (upbeat music) Jessie, is it possible Shapiro declined domes' request to be her VP candidate in favor of running against her in 2028 if she wins and then proceeds to screw it up? He has long-term ambitions. From what I understand about Shapiro, he is an insanely ambitious human being. Now, that's not exactly abnormal for a politician like that, someone who's risen to that position. They're generally ambitious human beings, Republican and Democrat. From what I understand about Shapiro, he's a little more ambitious than the next one. And I don't know, look, I have heard he didn't want it that badly. I don't wanna use my logic on someone else, but that doesn't make any sense to me for an ambitious human being. It's not that I think he would wanna work underneath Kamala Harris as so many others have, but VP is a fast-track to being P. Historically, one of the easiest ways, one of the best ways to become president is to be vice president first. If you're a popular Democrat governor and dome is the Democrat nominee and she wants to tap you as being her VP, why wouldn't you do that? I don't understand it. What, Michael? See, Michael said maybe he doesn't think she can win. Well, again, I'm using my logic on his. One, she can win. All elections are close now. And he would know that. He would know that that's one, two. This is another reason I don't get, I don't really truly believe that he turned it down thing even if she loses. That wouldn't fall on him. That wouldn't land on him. If dome ends up getting blown out or beaten by Trump this November, people wouldn't, they're not gonna look at her VP and blame him. There's not even if it's walls and walls is a disaster. They're not gonna blame him. They're gonna blame her. In fact, it doesn't even look that bad on the person who lost. A lot of people lose presidential elections and then turn around and run again and end up winning presidential elections. I don't, I don't buy the he turned it down story because there's no legitimate reason to turn it down. And remember this, remember, if he has national ambitions, it's all about branding. Well, he could be out there with how many millions and millions and millions of dollars of free advertising, introducing himself to the rest of the country. Look, I know you know who Josh Shapiro is and I know who Josh Shapiro is, but Norm in Wisconsin doesn't have any freaking idea who Josh Shapiro is. Montana, California, anywhere outside of Pennsylvania, you don't pay attention to the governors of other states. I do this for a living. I bet you I couldn't even name every governor. In fact, I guarantee you I couldn't name every governor. I bet you I could name 20 or 30. I could name a bunch of them, but I do, I love this and I do it for a living. If you're trying, if he has presidential ambitions, what better way to nationalize your brand as a politician than by being domes running mate? Especially 'cause she's such a moron too, they'd have you out at rallies, you'd be giving speeches, that way the public wouldn't be subjected to too much of this. - No longer are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house. It's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud that exists above us, right? - The cloud, the clouds above us. Look, I'm looking up right now. Oh, I think I see my data. Dr. Jesse, I finally caught the COVID a few weeks ago. It was a typical two day flu, not that big of a deal being unvaccinated. I decided to use the event to finally quit my 40 year tobacco addiction. It's been three weeks now and I'm still going through detox hell. Every little thing irritates me. I'm rude and angry, a total jerk. It's like I'm turning into Jesse Kelly. (laughs) That's not very nice. It's said there's no looking back now. I had the Jesse Kelly show to provide daily inspiration. Thank you for encouraging everyone to get healthy, prepare for hard times who are coming. Even if I remain a jerk, it's worth it. I can breathe again. It's not gonna last forever, brother. It's not gonna last forever. If you smoked for 40 years, which it sounds like you did, look, it's gonna be a transition period, but you're going to see your energy levels really, really, really, really, really go up because of the oxygen, because the added oxygen that's in your body and your lungs are healing themselves right now. You're going to feel better at some point. I know you're snapping at everyone. I've gone through this before in the fast or more specifically, my family has gone through this in the past, not much of a smoker, but a dipper. And you stop that disgusting smell. It's just a terrible habit. And you kick that after a while. No one really wants to be around dad for a little while and the dad let's just give dad a wide berth there. You'll be fine. It won't last forever, I promise. Jesse, I'm a former Air Force pilot, current civilian international pilot. That's cool. I can confirm it is awesome. I'm currently in a luxury hotel in East Asia listening to the Jesse Kelly show. Gosh, that's so cool. I was flown first classed here from another East Asian country where I spent all day as a tourist. I never miss an episode of the Jesse Kelly show when I'm on the road. Can't believe they call this work. My eyes feel as heavy as 10 boxes. That's really cool. Gosh, all right. You go enjoy your family. It's the weekend time. Problems will be here on Monday, I promise. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary. VGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply.