Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse explains his views on domestic and foreign policy

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09 Aug 2024
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For those who are just now tuning in, I realize people bounce around from hour to hour. Guy says, I'll paraphrase a couple things. Jesse, I'm a 25-year-old man, Christian conservative. My father and my views align with yours, so on and so forth. Older Americans like you feel very strongly about Israel, and I don't, is essentially what he says. When we see the rotten pestilence in our country, it becomes hard for me to care about anything outside of America. Well, I think I need to clarify where I stand because I didn't, you didn't say anything I necessarily think is wrong at all. I, I don't talk very much foreign policy, do I? Unless I feel like it's something big that's going to affect us. I don't talk very much foreign policy because I am extremely, extremely America first. My foreign policy has changed a lot over the years. If you had asked, you know, 19, 20-year-old Jesse when I was young Marine, it was much more of a invade everywhere, kill them all and let God sort them out kind of a thing. And over the years, having watched the failure and mismanagement of American foreign policy, and the more I learn about really almost all wars and how they're conducted and lives are thrown away and learning about how things oftentimes don't get better. They get worse on the back end of one. I've become much more non interventionist. No, I'm not one of these hippie pacifists who believe there's never any reason to go the war. That's ridiculous. Sometimes you do need to go to war, but war is not something, especially someone else's war, war of another nation. I fall with the founding fathers of the country who wanted America to mind its own business and stay out of all that stuff. And that's why you've never heard and I don't want to say we'll never. I don't like to use that word, but you have never heard me. Come on here and say, we need boots on the ground and Yemen. We need boots on the ground in Israel. We need a certain boots on the ground to Ukraine. You've never heard me say that because I've watched the dirtball politicians and generals and admirals in this country throw away young people's lives when they never risk theirs. And it steams me to knowing I've never said that. In fact, you've heard me say that when it comes to our treasure as well. You heard me loudly criticize the foreign aid bill that did nothing for our border security. Remember my Johnson right away. He of course made a promise that there wouldn't be any of these foreign aid bills that didn't include border security for our own country. And then the deep state FBI CIA types pulled him into a classified briefing and he tucked his tail between his legs came at a briefing and said, well, I've changed my mind. We got to pass that Ukraine and Israel money or it's the end of the world. And you heard me what I blasted him for that. So when it comes to American policy, American tax dollars, I am not passionate about any other country. As long as worry, we can't as long as Americans can afford eggs and the borders on secure as long as we are. But look, I mean, listen to this. As long as there are stories like this, count me out on all foreign average sale price for a new car these days, about $48,000. Now it's been somewhat stable, but it's about $10,000 more than it was pre pandemic. And that's not the cars are now $10,000 more than they were a few years ago. Pre pandemic is a few it's 2020. They're $10,000 more Americans are watching their way of life disappear. We are in an emergency email. I cannot stress our financial system and our financial situation enough. It is a baton down the hatches emergency situation to the point we should be having an emergency session of Congress to discuss which parts of our government we're going to keep because of the financial disaster I believe is coming. So I'm with you on so much of what you just said. Now, that's me when it comes to America's foreign policy, America's tax dollars, America's other things. But I have an affinity for the holy land. I always have and I always will. I don't believe, like I said, that your money should be used there. I don't believe that unless you choose to do it, like charities like IFCJ. That's wonderful. But tax money and I don't, I'm not about that. I'm not about our blood going over there. I'm not about that either. I like the very direct way Israel handles its foreign affairs. And a lot of that has to do with the disgust on how we do. We allow American citizens to be killed now. We allow them to be taken prisoner held hostage, pushed around. I'm still I look, I'm such an ugly American. I'm still angry about Otto Wambir. And I think I'm screwing up his last name. But remember that teenage kid who visited North Korea in the North Koreans, they grabbed him. And the word I have it's not widely reported is he was tortured horribly. As in, they think they tore his teeth out of his head because they were put back the wrong way. And we got that kid when he was almost dead. We they gave him back to us they almost killed him, tortured him pretty much to death. We got him back and he died. Me, I understand North Korea's nuclear power and whatnot. I can't believe North Korean government officials weren't killed over that. That's a disgrace to me. You don't get to grab one of our guys and torture him. We should have been planting cruise missiles in the living room of North Korean government officials. And I really mean that you don't get to do that to American citizens ever. And if I sound like I have an affinity for how Israel does business, they would do that. Go ahead and take an Israeli citizen and pull his, pull his fingernails out and watch what happens. Watch what happens to you. Look, they just did it. You shot a rocket. You killed, I think it was 11 or 12 kids on a playground, freaking kids. They weren't even Jewish kids. They were Arabs. They were Muslim kids. You killed 12 Israelis, 11, 12 is created Israelis on a playground. Israel's blown up people's beds immediately in response to that. Why do I like that? It's not because I'm violent. I don't want people blown up and assassinated and tortured. It's not that. I want my country to defend American citizens with such viciousness, such a direct, overwhelming response to American citizens being harmed. I want that because American citizens should be safe, relatively safe when they go abroad, because bad guys should be too afraid to touch the hair on the head of an American citizen. The citizenship is an awesome thing to be an American citizen is an awesome thing. And I want our government to value it the way I value it. I want our government to act on our behalf at all times. And they don't. And it frustrates me. And I'll be honest with you. I admire the fact that if you're some terrorist or you're some piece of trash in Iran's government, we know this now from the leaks. They've added we've had come out. We know this from public statements. They've made when they're thinking about launching a missile terrorist attacks, something else. They have to sit and they have to take into account what's coming back the other way. Oh, yeah, we could kill those filthy Jew dogs. But what? What are they? What do you think they'll do back back to us if we do that? But do you want? Do you know one of the main reasons? Iran hasn't launched this major attack on Israel yet. They keep threatening you know one of the main reasons I gave you this one. You want to know one of the main reasons? They know Israel has a plan in place. Israel can implement to decimate Iran's oil industry, which would shatter the economy of the country. It's not that Iran doesn't want to blow up every single Jew in Israel. They're worried about the response if they do. That is how you handle foreign policy. You don't invade everywhere. You don't put boots on the ground everywhere, but you let it be known. You start messing with Americans. You're going to regret it. It has to be taken into account. And now with these losers we have who run the country, it's not. And that's that's really what I come from. Did I clarify Chris? Was that crystal clear on where I stayed on everything? That's where I stand on everything. Let's talk about Taylor Swift. I'm just kidding. I'd rather die. But let's talk about why Taylor Swift's concert was canceled because that does matter for you and me. First I'm going to do some emails though. Hey Jay Steele. Oh, this is cool. Subject says preborn saved me too. I have struggled with alcohol for a very long time and tried to quit more times than I can count. You always reminded me that we are free or if we are struggling, we're winning. That's correct. Remember, you're only losing if you're not struggling anymore. 63 days ago I decided to take my booze money and donate it to preborn. I now give a monthly donation. And if I am tempted to drink, I donate that money as well. Thanks to your encouragement and preborn. I am now sober. I am saving my own life and the lives of those precious unborn babies to say I am blessed is an understatement. Thank you, Jesse. She said I can say her name. Her name is Amber. Amber do not thank me. You are the hero in that story. You struggled. You fought. You struggled. You fought. You found a way out of that. Remember, people struggle with addictions and vices. If you're struggling, you're winning. If you lost today, get up and fight again tomorrow. And if you lose tomorrow, get up and fight again the next day. And Amber did something awesome. I love that. When she wants to drink, she goes and donates to preborn instead. And she gets a tax deduction for it. How about that? Go help preborn save babies lives slash Jesse sponsored by preborn. We'll be back. This is the Jesse is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Do not forget tomorrow's and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. You need to get your questions emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly So Taylor Swift had to cancel a concert in Vienna because of an ISIS plot. And I wanted to bring up. I had a chance to speak with Tommy Robinson today. You know, Tommy Robinson is he's a British journalist. He's a documentary filmmaker. And he's been chronicling what's been happening in the UK for a long time. And it's happening at a different level here. But it's happening here too. And essentially, this is it. They decided to throw up the open the doors of the UK to a massive Islamic refugee program from places like Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, these places. And since then, the rapes and murders in the UK have begun to overwhelm the country. And what's happening is these refugees are gathering in these certain areas. And wherever they gather, they gather as one voting block. And they cut a deal with it's called the labor party. Whenever you hear the labor party, just know that's their democrat party. That's their communist party. The Muslim leaders, the leaders in the Islamic community over there, they will strike deals with the labor party leaders. And the deal essentially goes, Hey, you want some handouts, welfare, legal protection? We the labor party will give that give that to you. You in turn, you need to vote us into office. And because there's more centralized control there, whereas a cleric will have a lot of control. That will guarantee them 40,000 50,000 votes. Labor party stays in power. Border stays open. The Islamic community there is let off Scott free many, many, many times for committing horrible crimes. They make up less than 3% of the British population. And I believe it's, I believe it's 90% of the rapes are committed by them. They are, and this is not every Muslim, of course, at all. I'm not, you know, my thoughts on that. But the, the Muslim voting blocks, the Muslim refugee voting blocks that have been imported into the UK are raping and pillaging the country. They are completely taking over even small communities there. And what's happened, and it's very similar to what's happening here. The people are getting really, really, really angry about it. And the more little girls who are being killed and raped, like I said, we just had three little girls over there who had their throats cut. It's really horrible. And it's happening more in the British people are beginning to raise up. Well, what have I told you is the biggest story happening on the planet right now, the overarching story, the biggest, most dangerous thing happening. Western governments taking their guns and turning their guns inward against their own citizens. Governments deciding their own citizens, their most patriotic people are the enemy and they're attacking them. So as the British people are rising up and saying, no, stop this, close the border. We have to stop what's happening here. This is what's happening in the UK. A woman has been arrested by Cheshire police in relation to an inaccurate information on social media about the attacker in the Southport murders. It says a 55 year old woman from near Chester was arrested earlier today, Thursday, the 8th of course, on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communication. The United States, the UK government in conjunction with the UK media, stop me if any of this sounds familiar. They have been over backwards to not only open the border to cover up what has happened since they opened the border and to cover up the crimes of the people they've brought in since they opened the border. And now they've taken this to such an extent, they are arresting British citizens who are accurately labeling these people who they are. Remember in America, when we had that guy that ISIS dude shoot up a gay nightclub, killed something like 4849 people in Orlando and the FBI edited out all references to Allah or Islam or ISIS, they edited it out from the transcripts. So the public couldn't see it. Did you know that? In the UK, if some dude shoots up a schoolhouse, kills a bunch of kids and he's yelling about Allah or something while he does it, the media won't report it. The government won't report it. And if you go to Facebook and talk about it, the cops will show up and throw you in a dark cage for a couple years. Did you know that? And I wanted you to be aware of that because as I was speaking to Tommy Robinson today, he could not be more emphatic by it. And this is a man who's not only going to prison, he's been to prison. They've thrown him in prison for his documentaries. He just put out a new one. I think it's called silence. Yeah, it's called silence. And he said, he admitted to be said, Jesse, I know I'm going to prison. They've already told me I'm going to prison for this documentary, exposing all this. He's somebody who's going to go back to a cage for exposing this. I brought this up not because I'm asking you to care about the UK. This is what's happening to Western civilization, Western civilization governments, gutting their own country, importing barbarians from all over the world and cracking down on any of their citizens who make too much of a fuss over it. That's the story of the world right now. All right, do some more emails. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Remember, if you mentioned the part of the show, you can download the whole thing. I heart Spotify, iTunes, Chris dug up something really quickly. I want to play for you. One last word on this UK thing. I'm going to play something for you. What this is, it's a press conference with the police. I know you can't see it. It's radio, but this is a cop. He's standing there giving a press conference. He's surrounded by Islamic men. And well, here's how it begins. Hello, Salaam Alakum. My name is Phil Hutchinson and I am the superintendent for Grish Manchester police based in Oldham. Western civilization is being torn from the hands of the Western citizen and handed over to immigrants who have just gotten here because they can be bought for welfare checks here in America. You see it all the time while you want your special papuses in your luxury hotel in New York. Here's a five hundred dollar geese visa card in itself. Phone you pesky citizen. You're so annoying. You want rights. You demand you demand your politicians do things or not do things. These new arrivals, they don't have any of those demands. Cut them a welfare check. Get them a dishwashing job. They're gravy, baby. You are being replaced by very, very, very evil people, evil people in this country who are doing it on purpose. And I need to remind you, it's not just Democrats, the James Langford's of the world, the Mitch McConnell's of the world. Those types have been doing this for a long time and they want more of it. Remember, Republican leadership, not all Republicans. There are some Republicans who are very good, but Republican leadership, they hate you more than Democrat leadership does because they have to pretend to care about you. Chuck Schumer never has to pretend to want to close the border. Chuck Schumer is a dirty commie from New York. He can stand up at every press conference and say, we're going to give, I don't know, citizenship to everyone and keep the border open. And whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, it's just a big marriage. Mitch McConnell, whenever he campaigns in Kentucky, he has to pretend like he gives a crap. He has to pretend like he intends to close the border. James Lo T. Langford, whenever he's suckering all those Oklahoma GOP voters who for some reason vote for that weeny every single time, he has to stand up and pretend to give a crap about their Oklahoma citizen. Look at me. I fizz and hunt. What a baptist I am. I love Jesus. I mean, granted, I import barbarians who are raping and murdering young American girls, but isn't that what Jesus would want? I think I read it somewhere in the Bible. That's what we get on our side. Jesse, I've never heard you mention in all your talk about food, the best sandwich in American history, the French chip was a jus sauce. A jus, a jus, Chris, how do you say that? Do you people? What? That's a good point. It's French. Who cares? I'll have you know, there's a restaurant here in Houston. I'm actually going to call them out. I'm allowed to do that right, Chris. It's a good call that I don't do bad call outs. It's called Lorenzo's If you go into Lorenzo's, I'm going to warn you, the sandwich is going to cost you approximately $8,000. Now it wasn't $8,000, but I was a little blown away at the price. But Lorenzo's is famous for their prime rib. There's a look you get what you pay for. When you walk into Lorenzo's, they're shaving prime rib right in front of you. And they will serve up a French dip with the freshly shaved prime rib. And for a small fee, they will melt smoked provolone on top of the French dip and you dip it in the jus or whatever it's called. Oh my gosh, it might be the best sandwich I have ever eaten in my entire life. Back to the rest of the email. Jesse says, anyway, if Trump wins, do we need to ask Clarence Thomas to leave in the first two years? I love him. He's a legend, but he's 76. Well, this is not exactly the first time anyone's ever had this debate, is it? When you have justices who are older, do you want even the good ones? Do you want them to leave right when your party takes over so you guaranteed get to replace them and not the commies? Now, Clarence Thomas is the greatest living American patriot. I just adore the man I always have. He's just a wonderful guy who is never wavered no matter what. There are two different arguments here. Chris brought up one of them. Chris said Trump's last two picks were garbage. This happens all the time. You pick someone who looks good, sounds good, and then they get in there and they suck. It happened to Trump. It happened to Reagan. It happened to Bush. They get in there. They lose their minds and they suck. It happens, right? Brett Kavanaugh's useless. He sucks. Okay. So there's that, you know, that way of thinking is why would Clarence Thomas retire when the replacement might suck? That's an understandable way of thinking. The other side of it is look what Ruth Bader Ginsburg hanging on too long did to the Democrat party. Do you remember? You might not remember how creepy that was at the end. I remember it was openly creepy and I thought it was hilarious. In fact, we talked about it. Remember what they did? It was towards the end of Barack Obama's presidency and Ruth Bader Ginsburg was not only ancient. It was obvious things were failing her. She was falling asleep during the state of the union. Look, our bodies in our minds don't last forever. That day's coming for me. I won't make it as long as she did, right? So I'm really not making fun of her for that, but she was obviously on the back nine. And I mean, she could see the clubhouse and everyone knew it. And in the most creepy possible way, the American media, they started campaigning on, look how healthy she is. I'm just blown away that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is so healthy. Look at how healthy she is, begging her to hang on for as long as humanly possible. Election happens, Trump beats Hillary. And one of the good things he did, I want to make sure I give him credit, even though I can't stand him. Mitch McConnell said, oh, sorry, we're not going to, we're not going to let you have a replacement. It's kind of the last year your presidency. We're going to wait and see let the American people decide. Ruth Bader Ginsburg hung on so long that now we have a majority on the Supreme Court. Are you happy? They just, are you really happy? They just gave Trump immunity at least a lot of immunity. You happy about that? I'm happy about that. You happy about that? You understand one of the only reasons we have that is because Ruth Bader Ginsburg waited so long that she died in office and Donald Trump got to replace her. The last thing in the world I would ever do. The last thing in the world I'm even qualified to do. I'm not even qualified to call for Clarence Thomas to step down. That dude, I wish I wish we had the fountain of youth. I wouldn't even take it for me. I just give it to Clarence. But trees don't grow to the sky. You don't live forever. In my personal opinion, I hope Trump throws Clarence Thomas the largest, most extravagant rally retirement party. I hope the GOP finally wakes up and starts building statues and monuments. I think it's a disgrace that Rush Limbaugh doesn't have a monument, a memorial. There should be a Rush Limbaugh library. That stuff matters. Give people symbols, learn about historical figures. Anyway, Clarence Thomas should get one of those courtesy of Trump and the new Trump administration. Trump can get his donors to pay for it at Clarence Thomas library, a statue, shoot, make sure he gets some cherry deal. So he and his lovely wife can retire on a lake in Tennessee or Italy or whatever they happen to love. But I think the conversation should be had of hey Clarence, it's time brother. It's time. All right. Let's talk about Harrison butker headlines I didn't get to and then we'll check out of here before we do that speaking of aging. So there's something that comes with aging. Pain comes with aging. It hurts. Look, when the cartilage in your in your joints starts to go away, it hurts. When your muscles aren't quite what they used to be, they start to break down little injuries and hurts. And soon it manifests itself with daily pain. Do you have daily pain in your muscles? Maybe you wake up every day in your back hurts. Is your neck hurt? What about your feet? Hands. Gosh, I hate hand pain. You have that? Stop masking it. Stop ignoring it. Fix it. Naturally, relief factor was developed by doctors. It's drug free though. Drug free. You take it every day and it helps support your body's natural response to pain to inflammation. Stop avoiding activities. Stop snapping at your spouse. Try three weeks. All I'm asking is three weeks. But stops working or if it doesn't work, then stop it. Don't order anymore. Three weeks. Call one 800 the number four relief. We'll go to relief It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show reminding you tomorrow is an ask Dr. Jesse Friday and you need to get your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly Well, courage is in short supply right now. That happens in evil corrupt countries. Sometimes it can be hard to find brave men who are willing to say uncomfortable things and then say and then take all the the arrows that come with saying those things. You know, I don't watch the NFL anymore. I went from being the biggest New York Giants fan in the world that absolute giants freak. My oldest son, my wife let us do a Giants room when he was born. I'm talking Giants, Rugs, Giants, like that's how big it is. I've watched them when it's super bowl in person. I've seen a game in three or four years. Black lives matter. Crap, kneeling for the flag, flack, crap. All you ungrateful pieces of trash can screw off. This Harrison Butler guy might get me back to the NFL and I might have to start rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs. Harrison Butler came out. He was giving a speech at a Catholic school. He gave a wonder remember that wonderful little talk about his mother. And he was talking about his faith and being pro life. And he started talking about his wife and he got so overwhelmed with emotion. Very clearly, the guy is a wonderful husband. So overwhelmed with emotion. Remember, he started getting choked up when he was talking about her, talking about her and her role in the home and as a wife and a mother and things like that. What do you have it or something, Chris? I didn't mean for you to pull it up. You don't need. Oh, no, you don't need to pull it up. You don't need to pull it up. Anyway, um, you remember that whole thing. And then he caught all that crap for it. And I told you, I thought they were going to dump him while I way underestimated the Kansas City Chiefs, the owner from the owner on down, the players, the owner, they all said, no, no, that's our guy. Don't anybody, that's our guy. They stood by him shoulder to shoulder, stood right there with him. Honestly, that about may be into a Chiefs fan. And now, of course, because sports reporters are somehow some of the most despicable leftists in the country. They're still coming at him about it. And this is what he said. I prayed about it. I thought about it. And I was very intentional about what I said. I stand by what I said. That's awesome. And it's sad how rare that is now people will make bold statements. And then they get blasted and they will every time. Well, I'm sorry. I remember that Anthony Bass clip we played for you earlier. He made a very correct statement about all this LGBTQ demonic filth around kids. And it took it took a day. It took a day for him to put out a video. Well, I've been better educated. I'm really, really grateful I was educated anyway. Let's just bring in the rainbow flag. Harrison Booker said, yeah, I prayed about it. I thought about it. Yeah, that's what I think. I love this guy. We better have to get this guy on the show. Chris, I wonder if he does sports or I wonder if he does regular normal person media, not just sports media. He probably find it a lot nicer over here. Jesse, I'm 100% convinced that even if Trump won all 50 states, our corrupt government through the DOJ will not let him take the presidency. Okay, goes on says a couple other things. He says, Semper five. So Semper five to you. I'm getting a lot of these. There's a lot of these Jesse. They're going to cheat. Jesse, they're going to cheat. Jesse, what about the voter fraud? Here's the look. The next email, voter fraud is Team Trump doing anything about voter fraud. Jesse, let me just again say, and you may find this comforting. You may find it to be the most discomforting thing in the world. Dome is a disastrous candidate. Tim Walls is so bad. I think there's a chance they dump him. Although I don't believe they will. There's a chance they dump him. And this is the most hard left insane ticket we have ever seen before. We have ever seen before. If we lose to Harris Walls, whether it's a legitimate loss, whether it's because of a bunch of shady crap they pull. If we lose to this team, it's going to hurt, but it's going to be a clarifying moment, a revealing moment. Look, we've had, we've had many of these, we've had many of these sorting. Remember, I called COVID. Remember, I called it the great sorting. Do you remember that? Meaning you found out the people in your life, family, friends, employers, employees, just coworkers, you found out the people in your life who were dirty communists who would turn you into the government in a heartbeat. Your mom who wouldn't let you visit unless you're vaccinated, your mom's a dirty comedy piece of trash. You will turn you into the FBI next year. She will. I'm sorry, but you found out it revealed who people were. Well, this is going to be a revealing election. If we lose to these people, if we lose to this person. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You know what? Here. Here's the thing. The courts are going to handle that. We're going to beat them in November. It will be revealing about where we are painful. Yes. But revealing. That's why you should be taking your chalk now to prepare for those days. Remember, three months, three months, 20% increase in your testosterone in 90 days. We're 90 days from the election. It's actually less than that. But whatever, we're 90 days from the election. You got three months to get your T levels where they need to be, gentlemen, get a male vitality stack from chalk in your body every day. I take mine with breakfast every day. Today, two breakfast tacos, little green salsa, little orchata on the side and what Chris and then a male vitality stack from chalk. Because I need my body and my mind to be in top form come November, whether it's in top form to celebrate or top form to sit here and cry with you on the air. No matter what, you'll be better off. Ladies, there's a female vitality stack for you. Chuck, lit powder for the morning, whatever you're doing. C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse get you a big discount on subscriptions. So go get one. All right. 90 days. See what it can do for you. And now he's a headline. Go. You know this. You know the thing headlines we didn't get to you. AP reporter, the Kamala honeymoon is coming to an end. Yes, remember that little pole bounce she got. There's always a honeymoon period when you dump an albatross like Joe Biden and get somebody new and the media fluffers are all out there. I love them. I love them. She's the best. I mean, look, we had a whole lot of this watching the vice president yesterday. It was mesmerizing in the sense that it's been a while since I've said so stupid. Anyway, but the bloom falls off that rose. Now we'll see if she can stand the test of time. Virginia removes more than 60, 300 foreigners from its voter rules. Wow, foreigners on the voter rules. I was told that kind of thing didn't happen. World Federation of advertisers shuts down G A R M project after Elon Musk and rumble Sue over ad boycott. Just a reminder, you need to be litigious. I only said that so I could use that word again in annoyed Chris. This has been a podcast from W O R. Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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